The Truth

By Jason

Published on Feb 15, 2000


Hey what's up? Sorry for the delay. i am have school and a lot of other crap I have to deal with. I am sooooo sorry this took so long. So.. I have written another story with Scott. It is called Angel In the Morning. It is really good. I hope you guys will go and read it. It is in the boy band section as well. Well, here is chapter 4 of the Truth 2000. If you are under age or whatever please leave or else please enjoy yourself.

Brian went to his room feeling very guilty on what he said. 'I didn't mean it, I was only kidding' was all Brian was thinking of. 'I know tomorrow I will get him baby blue flowers and say I am sorry' . Everyone was at some where else in the US. Lance was in Nashville, Kevin was in Kentucky,Howie and Nick was in Orlando at Nick's house. JC, Chris, and Joey was at Lance's house. Lance wsan't home. He said he had some personal business so he gave the key to Chris. JC didn't feel too comfortable staying in Lynn's house anymore since she disowned Justin. AJ was at God knows where. Brian had no one to run to so he went up to his room and went to sleep.

" OK here is his keys I got from the front desk. Brian is not in the same room. I heard from the nurse in the hotel that Justin has the flu. So go in, place this ensense next to the night stand and Justin should be out. He will probably wake up in six to seven hours so good luck. Oh yeah... here is the camera, have fun," a voice told Chrstina.

" Ok thanks Nick I will make sure he is mine," Christina sounded real determined to have what she wants. " What is his room again?"

" It is room 652, becareful okie?" Nick was real careful on this mission. This could cause his job and christina's. Christina walked to the elevator while Nick turned around and walked out of the hotel lobby. Christina pressed the button to the sixth floor. She slowy walked around the floor until reaching Justin's room. She looked at her watch and it reads 3:16 PM.

" Perfect," Christina whispered. she slowy took the card and ran it through the slots. ' CLICK' the door opens. She quickly went inside and placed is ensense on the nightstand. She left it there for about 20 minutes. She covered her nose with a towel. She shook Justin litely and he didn't stir. Christina closed the door shut and double locked it. She turned on the light and starting to undress Justin. " ohhh this going to be fun, I have waited so long to take your cloths off and see your package," Chrstina was very excited. " I can't wait to tell Britney I got to have sex with Justin from Nsync, she is going to be so jealous," she kept her voice low and continue on her journey exploring the young handsome body. ' Wow, Justin is so sexy, her smooth chest hairless chest, I wonder how is his package, what is this 'X'?' she was getting horny thoughts in her mind. After she totally undressed Justin she undress herself. She messed up Justin's hair and her hair. The blankets were are out of places clothes were thrown everywhere. Christina then fell asleep in justin's arms.

In the middle of the night Brian came down to see Justin. It is like dawn. Brian couldn't sleep knowing what had happen between him and his lover.

He went down to the front desk and got a dozen baby blue flowers and went to Justin's room. 'KNOCK KNOCK! KNOCK' The door was pounding. Christina tip tod to the door and looked through the peep hole and saw it was Brian. " Yes!' Christina hissed. The knocking continued. Brian was getting worried that Justin might do something drastic.

" Justin!" Brian shouted from outside. He took out his key, and slid it through the slot. The door wouldn't open. " Oh shit, if something happened to Justin, I would never forgive myself," Brian said on over and over. From the inside, Justin woke up finally hearing the door knock. Without noticing, he got up and opened the door feeling dizzy. Justin also forgot to put on his clothes.

" Hey Bri, why didn't you use the key?" Justin asked groggily.

" What the hell happened in here?" Brian asked Justin.

" What do you mean..." Justin stop and looked around the room and found himself naked. " Oh my God"

" Justin what in hell happened..." Brian didn't finish and Chrstina came out.

" Ohh Justin baby that was the best sex I ever...had.." she trailed off when she saw Brian and Justin out in the room. She walked out of the bathroom with only a tank top and a underwear.

" JUSTIN!!! SEX!!! YOU HAD SEX WITH CHRISTINA?!" Brian is now yelling at Justin's face. " You fuckin bastard, what I had said last night wasa joke and I thought I knew you and loved you and you loved me but boy was I wrong or what?" Brian took Justin's hand and tried to take off the ring.

" Please... Brian let me explain. I don't know what happened. Please Bri I love you please don't do this... not now please..." Justin cried his heart out while Christina just watched. Justin balled his hand into a fist so Brian couldn't get the ring off his finger.

" Justin don't say all that shit. You love me my fuckin ass, you wanted me out of this room because you wanted to have sex with her? "

" Bri..{cough cough}.. Bri...{sniff sniff}.. please no... I do love you."

" Look at you Justin... you naked. You are telling me you are saving yourself for me and you are still a virgin. I brought you flowers, Baby blue flowers. I was going to say I am sorry and I love you for saying what I said last night and to prove that I was wrong about you but lookie here I was right. Now I finally see through you, you are nothin but a piece of worthless shit," the words coming out of Brian's mouth was not the Brian Justin fell in love with." Let go of the ring!" Brian was now shouting his mean words out. Brian had tear free flowing down his furious eyes. Brian let go of Justin and Justin grab on to his baby blue boxers shorts and put them on.

" No I will never let go of our love...please Brian.." Justin couldn't finish when Brian slapped Justin right across his face. " Brian? No one has ever slapped me,"

" Well, that was because everyone thought of you as a human being but now you are a dog," Justin's hand finally straighten out. Brian pulled off the ring and threw it across the long hallway. Justin got up and ran out to the hallway to get it, Justin was only wearing his boxers with tears just flooding the hallway. brian got out of the room and walked the the hallway to the elevator. Along his way he passed the topless crying Justin and Brian gave him a strong kick right into his guts and another one to his side. " I HATE YOU JUSTIN RANDALL TIMBERLAKE!!! I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU AND I REGRET KNOWING YOU!!!" Brian loved Justin a lot but Justin took this love and trashed it. " I HATE TRASH AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE" Brian went into the elevator crying himself. His tears were the same ones as Justin's, pain and sorrow. Justin didn't know what to do. He just laid in themiddle of the hallway crying his young heart out. Christina took this chance and left the hotel. Justin got up from the ground and stumbled his way back to his room. Justin rolled into a ball and cried himself back to sleep.

Brian walked outside on the cold streets alone thinking of what just happened. He took the flowers and trashed it; just like the way Justin trashed their love. Brian didn't know where to go. He just wandered around the cold and dark street of Orlando in the early hours.

Around 7 o'clock in the morning Justin awoke from his sleep. He searched if Brian had come back but there was no sign. He called JC's cell and after a couple of rings someone picked up.

" Hello?" came a groggily tone.

" Umm. JC...I need your help..please..." Justin sniffle and cried silent tears. " I did something so bad and wrong. I messed things up agian and as usual."

" Hey Curly what happened?" Justin now got JC's full attention.

" I don't really know what happened. I woke up naked and Brian came into my room and Christina came out and told Brian we had sex. Brian them ...I love him and I lost him. I threw away the best thing that has and ever will happen to me." Justin's silent tears turned into loud and painful tears. JC felt the pain.

" Hey Curly, listen ...listen to me, will be there right away, we can then talk ok?"

" Ok the people will be waiting," Justin hung up the phone and waited,

" Leann? Can I stay with you?"

" What happened Brian? It is early, it looks like you have been crying. Are you ok?" Leann quickly opened her door for Brian. The two sat talking while Justin talked to JC. Justin told JC what had happened. JC and Jusitn styed in Justin's room all day talking. The tour was going to start early and instead of having one month it was only two weeks. The BSB and NSync would be touring in the U.S. this time. No one ever knew about what Christina and Justin did because Justin didn't say anything and asked JC not to either.

Brian was too mad to say anything. He told Leann to keep it quiet. Everyone was confused about what happened between the two lovebirds. Brian just told everyone it wasn't working out. Justin cried one whole day when Brian made this sad announcement to the group. Justin never questioned about this.


" Ok people, Britney, Christina, Aaron, 702,Destiny Child is going to be with you guys. They will be eith your opening act, closing act or just space fillers," the manager at Jive told the group.

" NSYNC will be performing ByeByeBye on Saturday for charity," Glen the PR director for NSYNC said.

" Backstreet Boys will be doing Show Me the Meaning on Saturday after NSYNC as well for charity," Bill said. It has been three days since that little incident with Christina and Brian. Justin didn't eat as much and he was just miserable. Justin has stopped eating and his energy isn't as great. As for Brian he is just as bad except he was eating. " After this Saturday, NSYNC will be going to New York for two weeks and BSB will be going to North Dakota for two weeks. After that we will meet in California and we will start the ' Battle of the Bands' there. Please don't start fights thank you," Bill continued. Brian dind't talk to Justin and Justin was dying inside quickly. The two bands were dismissed and the two dfferent groups went their own way. The guys of Nsync went back to the hotel the guys were staying at in Orlando. Everyone went to their rooms. JC went to Justin's room and knocked on the door.

" Hey Just, it is me let me in," Justin opened the door. " Hey J, you ok? You look kind of pale. You were real quiet during the meeting," JC was naturally worried about him.

" No I am not... I love him so much I love him so much it hurts. I am dying without him. I need him with me. If I don't have him, I will do something I will regret. He love of my life, I love him, I want to take care of him but instead I drove him away," Justin cried on JC's shoulder. JC was stunned at Justin for keeping all this feelings from him.

" Hey it is ok... everything is going to be fine," JC tried his best to comfort the youth. Even JC himself knew it was over. The next couple of days was nothing but rehersals for the charity concert. everyone was busy. Justin was acting ok. He did his dance moves and everything well. Justin just didn't eat a thing. Nick was being real nice to Justin and Brian all of the sudden. Howie, Joey, and Lance became very nice as well but not that nice that Nick was being.

Hey, I am so sorry it ook so freakin long for this chapter to come out. I need your support to go on. Please send me your comments. Thanks

Next: Chapter 16: The Truth 2000 5

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