The Truth

By Jason

Published on Nov 6, 1999


Okay, This story is written by Toby and Jinray. This is Toby's first story so bare with us k. This story doesn't imply that anyone from BSB or NSYNC is gay or anything. We are going to take things nice and slow. We don't want to rush it. If you are under age or wutever please leave, if not enjoy yourself.

"The Truth"

By: Jinray and Toby

It was November 1, the year 1999. Just a couple more months till the new millennium. Anyway, the day after tomorrow will be the first day for the combined European tour with BSB and Nsync, and other performers. It was raining pretty hard at Orlando.

"hey Brian, wussup?" Asked Nick

"Nothin much. Bout you Frack?"


"Are you excited that we get to tour with Nsync?" Nick asked Brian sarcastically.

"Yeah I guess." Brian shrugged.

[ Ring, ring]

"Hello........Ok........alrite.....later" Brian answered. Brian put the phone back on the receiver.

"Kevin wants us in his room in 15 minutes."

Brian sounded really sad and looked as though he had a lot on his mind.

"Brian you OK? You seem to be down lately."

"You are my best friend right?" Brian asked with a low voice.

"Frick and Frack 4ever." Answered Nick. " Why do you ask?"

"Just curious I guess."

"You know I am here for you always right? You can tell me anything."

"Thanks, I really needed to hear that. C ome on we better go before Kevin blows his top." Brian said with a giggle.

On the way to Kevin's room, Brian was thinking of how cool it would be if he and Justin could be friends. Justin did seem nice and friendly. Kkevin went over all the details for their European tour in his room. They were scheduled to leave Orlando tomorrow night at 2 o' clock in the morning.

"Hurry up, we are gonna miss our flight, come on AJ!" Yelled Howie.

"OK already! When you have to piss you have to piss."

AJ hurried up and hot to the gates. They, ofcourse, got first class. Brian and Nick sat together, with Kevin and Howie behind them, and AJ with some other girl in the seats behind.

"Damn. I hate flying." Brian said in a nervous tone.

"Don't worry about it, it is gonna be fine. Hey but let me tell you now there are prices to fame alright." Nick answered Brian with Brian with lyric to their new song ` Larger than Life.' Brian instantly cracked Nick the smile Nick wanted to see.

After the long plane ride they finally arrived at the airport. Nsync wasn't going to be there till tomorrow. The BSB managed to get out of the crowded airport without a lot of problems. The limo took them to the Paris Grandu'e. The lady at at the front desk almost screamed when she saw that the BSB were at their hotel, but thankfully AJ gave her a smile and handed her a note which said:

Please don't say anything and I will give you a treat.

The lady almost screamed when she read the note, but quickly stopped herself. She handed them their keys. Floor 8 was reserved for the BSB only. Everyone went to their rooms and slept all through the day. When they awoke, it was nearly dark. Howie wnted to go out for dinner, so he asked if anyone wanted to join him. Kevin and AJ decided to go and Nick and Brian decided to stay in. After the guys left, Brian decided on checking what Nick was up to. He knocked on Nick's door, and within seconds Nick answered it. After seeing the look on Brian's face, Nick quickly invited him in. Brian's heart was now beating faster.

"Wussup?" Asked Nick.

"Can we talk?" Asked Brian.

"Sure, what's on your mind."

"I have something to tell everyone in the group," Brian said in a low voice.

"What is it? Are you leaving the Backstreet Boys? Are you sick?" Nick threw all these questions at Brian.

With a giggle Brian replied, " No I am not, but this is serious. You said back in Orlando, Frick and Frack 4ever right?"


"Well, I am....well.......I am....." Brian stuttered.

"Well what? Stop beating around the bush. Say what's on youra mind." Nick shouted in a giggle.

"Nicholas Carter, this is serious. Stop it!"

Nick knew Brian was real serious when he called Nick by his full name.

"OK sorry."

"Well, promise you won't say anything. I am.......I" Brian said shamefully.

"YOUR WHAT?" Shouted Nick.

"Please try to understand......"

"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU FAG!" Nick interrupted Brian before he could finish.

"But please Nick, I thought you were my friend?" Brian said while shedduing tears of pain and neglection.

"Yeah that was before I knew my friend was a FAG!" Nick yelled.

"It doesn'y mean i'm someone else. I am still your Frick."

"Well I am definitely not your Frack. NOW GET OUT!!!!" Nick said harshly back to Brian.

"Please Nick......"


"Please Nick...please don't do this." Brian was on h9is knees begging while screaming with pain Nick had caused him by saying those words. Nick grabbed Brian and kicked him out of his room, leaving poor Brian out in the hallway crying and begging for his friendship back with Nick. After hours of crying, he went back to his room. As soon as he hit the bed, he started to cry agaiin.

"Why is Brian is gay? I thought we were friends>" Nick kept thinking and thinking. Finally he came to a conclusion. " I can't be friends with Brian."

"That was a great restaurant." Said AJ.

"yeah we have to take Nick and Bri there before we leave Paris." Said Howie.

"Yeah, speaking of Brian, I'm going to go check on him." Kevin said

"OK good nite." Everyone replied and went to their rooms.

As Kevin was getting closer to Brian's door, he heard whimpering sounds. He had a key to Brian's room, so he used it knowing Brian wouldn't open it. When he hoped opened it, he could see Brian laying on his stomach crying.

"Brian, Brian are you alrite?" Kevin asked in a caring tone.

"Can we talk tomorrow please. I just wnt to be alone right now."

"Sure. You know where to find me if you need help K>"

"Thanks Kevin." Brian said wiping away his tears

It had been about three hours since Kevin left. Brian had cried himself to sleep, and was now having a dream.


"I am sorry Bri you can't be in the BSB if you are gonna be gay." Brian heard someone say.

"But it wasn't my choice. Please don't take me away from something I love to do. Please." Brian begged.

"I am sorry, I have to." He heard the same voice say.

"OH MY GOD!!!!!" Brian yelled. ` Why me, why do I have to be gay?' Brian thought to himself. [ End Dream]

Brian awoke with a startle. His body was dripping with sweat. All he could do was rock back and forth in bed, thinking of how he had hoped Nick of all people would understand and still love him. Because of Nick's outburst, Brian feared telling the other guys his secret. But, what was he going to tell Kevin in the morning. He knew that Kevin would see right through his lies. Brian started to cry harder and harder. All he could see was his best friend- Nick- turn into a monster.

To BE Continued.....................................

Well what do ya think? I know it wasn't all that exciting but we wanted the readers to understand the situation. Jinray and I want to take things nice and slow. Exciting parts will come up in the story later on. Well e- mail us your comments. Give us ideas, Jinray and I will post the best ones and mention your names. Please read " Finding Love" this is written by Jinray. I think it is a wondrful story. He inspired me into writing a story as well. So thank you Jinray so much!!!

So e- mail us k. Till next time..........


IM: Writerscramp99


IM: Jinray86

Next: Chapter 2

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