The Truth

By Jason

Published on Dec 28, 1999


Ok everyone, this is part 7. I hope everyone is enjoying it so far. And again thank you to Myka, Tonny, and Scott, for your support. If you are under age please don't read, if not, please enjoy yourself.

The Truth Part:7

The event in the past night was increidable. Jus and Bri finally met up.

Brian and Justin slept on the couch holding each other all through the night. In the morning the sun was out and shining bright.

" Muhp.... babe? Get up babe time for breakfast," Brian was the first one to get up.

" Let me sleep a little longer, please," Justin begged. Justin was not a morning person. Brian knew he couldn't get Justin out of the couch. Brian moved his lip to Justin's lip and lick it all over and stayed like that for 5 min. " Mum.. I wish I can wake up to that all the time"

" You can babe, stay with me forever," Brian said.

" I will, I love you soooo much," Justin is very happy with Brian even though they have been with each other for a couple of hours.

" I love ya too, when are we going to tell the rest of the guys?" Brian was real serious now.

" Tomorrow, after the concert, that way we can have a little time to our self, today we are off remember?" Justin loved his days off, he usually goes to the mall or the movies.

" Ok whatever, I am with you 100%," Brian asured Justin.

" Thanks, that means a lot to me," Justin told Brian.

" I am meeting my mom for lunch and I want you to come and I won't take no for an answer, and yes you must come or I am never going to speak to you again," Justin said all this shit in a breath.

"Wow, how can I decline an invitation like that?" Brian said sarcastically.

" Well come on lets go to Kevin's room and have breakfast,"Justin told Brian.

" Do we have to? I really don't want to see any of them," Brian hung his head low.

" Ok we can have a little breakfast of our own if you want?" Justin tried his best to cheer up Brian.

" Ok," Brian and Justin had their own breakfast. Time past by really fast. It is lunch time and time for Jus and Bri to see Lynn at Cafe' Deu Para'e. Lynn waited for Justin at the restuarant and when they arrived, Lynn also saw Brian. She is furious.

" What the hell are you doing with my son?" Lynn asked.

" Mom, sit down," Justin tried to reason but she wouldn't listen. "MOM, look at this," Justin said loud and got Lynn's attention. Justin grabbed Brian head and force his lip on to Brian's. Brian was shocked, Lynn was speech less. " Well mom?"


" But Mom.." Justin is still trying to reason.

" Don't call me that, you are not my son anymore, I don't know you and I have nothing to do with you," Lynn said. With hearing this Justin's knees got weak and almost fell to the ground if it wasn't for Brian.

" Lynn, how could you do that to your own son?" Brian questioned crying little tears.

" Son? I don't have a son you... you.. shut the fuck up," Lynn scolded at Brian. Justin just stood there feeling small with his head hanging low. Lynn ran out of the restuarant. Brian sat both of them down and puts his arm around Justin. Justin quickly rejected Brian and stood up and ran back to the hotel. Brian was about to run after him but decided Justin needs his space.

Brian was about to go back to the hotel and decided not to, he went the mall and got Jusitn a bracelet, it reads ' B+J=<3 forever', then he remembered what happened to Justin the two weeks ago. Brian quickly took off back to the hotel.

Justin locked himself in the bathroom crying and shedding tears and blood on his arm. Brian got into their room and couldn't find him. Brian heard a whimpering sound coming from the bathroom and knocked on the door.

" Justin open the door, let me in please," Brian said from the other side.

" Brian please leave me alone," Justin managed to say with a couple of hiccups.

" Please Justin open the door," Brian kept on repeating. Finally Justin opened the door. Brian was correct, Justin was cutting himself.

" Shit Justin," Brian couldn't stand to see Justin getting hurt and he cried. When he saw Justin's right arm, it had slits and blood. " Justin why did you do this? What if you die? I will have no one to love or to hold." Brian said while cleaning Justin off. There was a small puddle of blood.

" There is no purpose for me to live, my mom hates me, my boy friend will soon hate me and so will everyone else when they find out," Justin said not making any eye contact to Brian.

" Who said that? I will love you forever, why are you doing this? Come on Justin," Brian tried to pull Justin up from the floor. Justin pulled away.

" Please just leave me the hell alone," Justin shouted.

" No, I will not leave you alone until you get up, here I want to show you something," Brian reached into the pocket of his pants and pulled out a velvet box. " I want to be with you forever because I love you with all of my heart and soul." Brian gave Justin the box. Justin opened it and read what it ingraved, ' B+J= <3 forever ' with reading this Justin hugged Brian and let him help Justin to the bedroom. Once in the bedroom, Brian got the first aid kit and wrapped Justin's arm up.

" I love you," Justin whisipered. " I promise I will never cut myself again," while he sob.

" I don't know how to live without you, it's just that I don't even want to try, every night I dream about you, ever since the day..." Brian sang the first couple of lines to ' Back to Your Heart ' and Justin put one finger over Brian's mouth.

" I know and I am sorry," Justin held on to Brian so tight for the rest of the day. Around evening Justin and Brian got a call from JC.

" Hey love birds, when are you going to tell the rest of the guys? How about to night? If they don't know soon they are really going to hate you guys," JC explained to Justin.

" Ok, meet us in Kevin's room in 15 minutes ok?" Justin asked.

" Ok," JC said.

" Who is that?" Brian asked.

" We are going to tell everyone about us tonight," Justin said in a very quiet voice.

" Are you sure you want to?" Brian asked Justin.

" Yeah come on," Justin said.


" No Nick I realize Brian is for me," Justin explained with his head hanging low.

" I happy for you as long as your happy I am happy," JC asured them.

" I support you guys," said Kevin.

" I do too," said Chris.

" Same here," said AJ.

" Well I don't what if it gets out to the public? What are we going to do?" asked Joey.

" Yeah I agree with Joey," said Howie.

" You guys are sick," Nick got up and left the room. Joey, Howie, and Lance left as well.

" Well I guess we support you guys, but make sure your careful while in public or anywhere, ok?" Kevin asked with a serious tone.

" OK, we will," both Justin and Brian answered. The rest of the night Brian and Justin stayed in their room and just held each other tightly. Both fell alseep.

Brian's Dream: I am sorry Bri you can't be a Backstreet Boys if you are gonna be gay." Brain heard someone say. " But it wasn't my choice. Please don't take me away from something I love to do. Please." Brian begged. " I am sorry, I have to" He heard the same voice say. " I have to. If you are going to still go out with Justin, I have to." End of dream.

" There is no way I am letting go of Justin," Brian held on to Justin even more tighter than before. That was how they slept through the night.


" Hello?" Brian asked in a groggly noise.

" Hey Cuz, come to my room quickly with out Justin ok?" Kevin sounded really serious.

" Is everything ok?" Brian is now confused.

" You'll see," Kevin hung up. Brian got up and wrote a note to Justin saying he is in Kevin's room and don't worry and I love ya. Brian got dressed and walked to Kevin's room. Bill Brock, the manager of the BSB was there.

" Hey Bill what are you doing here in Kevin's room?" Brian asked with a nice smile.

" Brian... Nick told me that you are going out with Justin Timberlake, is that right?" Bill asked. Brian is getting real angry.

" Yeah, so?" Brian shot back.

" Brian.... all your fans are girls... if they knew you were gay... they would like BSB anymore. So, either you stop seeing Justin and let the public think you and LeAnn are a couple or you will have to leave the tour." Bill told Brian without any sorrow or feeling. Justin got up and walked to Kevin's room and heard everything. He ran back to his room and wrote on a piece of paper:

Dear Brian,

I love you so much and I can't stand to see you get hurt. Letting go of your careers for me is too much of a sacrefice. I am leaving the tour to make things easier for you and the guys. Too many people disaprove of us. We are also hurting our loved one. Please, from now on, we are seperated and please don't attempt to find me. Love you always.

Love ya,

Justin Randall Timberlake

" Hi I would like to book an immediatate flight,my name is Justin Timberlake. If anyone asks don't say anything ok? Thank you," Justin said to the lady and hang up. " Sorry Brian, love you," with saying that Justin left the hotel without any of his stuff and left the letter on the bed.

Back in Kevin's room:

" No I love him, at least let us think about it," Brian said with tears.

" Ok, till tomorrow," Bill said. Brian walked back to their room and saw the door opened. There laid on the bed was a piece of paper. Brian read the letter and freaked.

" JC!!! COME HERE QUICK!!!" Brian yelled. " HURRY JUSTIN LEFT!!!"

Well, that was it, that was part 7. I really hope you guys are enjoying this.

Thank you to Myka,Tonny,and Scott for your support and idea. I am going slower now so don't freak when you still read about Christmas in 2000. Hope ya have a good new years. Send me comments and ideas thanks.

Next: Chapter 9

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