The Two Queens

By Eric Hayes

Published on Dec 11, 2019


The Two Queens Chapter 1 Search for the Traitor

Sir Gray Whitestone raised the wooden sword in front of his handsome face in salute at the man ready across the room. Both were tall, strong men, and stripped to the waist as they sparred in the cold stone chamber deep in the heart of King Andrew's Castle. While Sir Gray had hair as thick and dark as a raven's wing, his opponent, Troy Mayhew wore his fine gold hair close about his handsome face.

"Are you ready this time, Sir Troy?" Sir Gray smirked the muscular man, flourishing his waster with the flick of his wrist. "I'd hate to beat you five times in a row. What would the other knights say?"

"If only you could win battles with your mouth, Sir Sir Gray," Troy grumbled. His deep eyes narrowed, and he lunged like a viper.

"Better! That's the spirit!" Sir Gray gasped as barely parried the thrust. He danced back quickly. He was lighter on his feet than the taller man, though not as strong. He slid gracefully to the left, his tall riding boots scuffing on the paving stones and he turned his defensive motion into attack.

"You move like the devil!" Troy growled as he twisted aside just in time to avoid Sir Gray's riposte.

"And you move like a drunken ox!" Sir Gray rejoined, his rakishly handsome face split into a wide grin. His taunts seemed to infuriate the fair knight, and Sir Gray backpedaled under a furious onslaught of blows. Sweat poured over his brow, stinging his bright blue eyes. Perhaps drunken ox was a bit too much, after all. More like an enraged bull!

"Now I have you!" Troy shouted. He swept aside the darker man's wooden blade and raised his own, preparing to smash down into his body.

"Not so fast, Sir Troy," Sir Gray panted. The tip of his waster tapped the taller man just at the bulge of his leather trousers.

"Oh, a knavish blow indeed!" boomed a rich, hearty voice.

"Ever a knave and an honest knight both, Your Majesty," Sir Gray moved away from his stunned opponent and gave a deep florid bow to the man leaning against the far wall.

"In battle I'd have worn a steel codpiece!" Troy spluttered.

"True true, my friend," Sir Gray patted Troy's powerful shoulder. "And that surely would have saved your life. Perhaps not your manhood, however!"

"The two of you are reputed to be the finest swordsmen among all my knights, but it is clear who is the better," the king intoned. He stepped deeper into room, a huge bear of a man with a thick dark beard more Sir Gray now than black. Rich purple robes strained over his massive body. Once a mighty warrior himself, his brawn had turned to fat over the long years of his reign.

"Our blades our at your service, Majesty," Sir Gray grinned and scurbbed a hand through his mop of black hair. "Sir Troy would handle any man-at-arms in your retinue as easily as I defeated him. It simply isn't his fault that I'm the greatest warrior in all of Calundria!" The young knight smirked, and his blue eyes flitted to the woman at the aging king's side.

"He isn't modest, is he, Alex?" the slender woman sniffed. Far younger than her husband, Queen Sonia was the most beautiful woman Sir Gray had ever seen. Long, rich brown hair fell in waves around her shoulders. Her cool eyes regarded him, the blue orbs as icy as a mountain stream in winter. Her azure gown hugged her lean, yet womanly curves, and it's plunging neckline did little to hide the perfection of her firm breasts. Say what you will about Good King Alex, he had good taste in women!

"Modesty, My Queen?" Sir Gray bowed again. "My martial skills are dross. Compared to your radiance, I am but a humble worm."

"Cheeky too," the king grunted. "No matter, boy!" He clapped Sir Gray on the shoulder and drew him close. His breath smelled of stale cheese and cheap wine. You'd think a man in his position could afford the finest vintages, but Alex seemed to have a taste for peasant swill.

"By your leave, Majesty," Troy bowed before gathering his shirt and coat. Neither of the royals paid him any mind, but the two guards at the door raised their halberds in salute.

"Good sparring, Troy," Sir Gray said in passing. For all his taunting, he relied on the knight for more than practice. They drank together. They chased wenches together. And there was no one with whom he'd rather ride into battle. "As soon as the king is done chatting my ears off, we'll head into town and see if we can't find us a pair of lively lasses to keep us company tonight!"

"Of course, my friend," Troy's lips twitched as he passed. That was as close as the man ever got to a smile. Women seemed to love him, though, and Sir Gray was more than a little envious of the attention Troy invariably got from ladies and commoners alike. There must be something to the strong and silent routine, though Sir Gray was hopeless at it. He had to rely on his boyish smile and charm.

"Talk your ears off?" the king grunted. "I ought to have your ears pulled off by warhorses and that insolent grin sewn up tight by my physician!"

"Ah, but your Majesty, who would amuse you with tales of my mighty deeds?" Sir Gray wondered. "And how would I hear your astonished gasps and thunderous applause?"

"As entertaining as you may be, we have a fool for that, boy," the king chuckled. With his arm around Sir Gray's shoulders, he lead the party out of the sparring room and into the hall.

"It might amuse me to see this one fitted into a fool's harlequin," Queen Sonia pursed her lips, but none of the mirth reached her eyes.

"Ah, so it is not for my buffoonery that you have requested this little duel and pulled me aside like a long lost nephew?"

"No, Sir Sir Gray, it is not," the king said, suddenly grave.

"A quest then?" Sir Gray with a smile. He was no coward - he'd charged the field a dozen times in battle. A knight's armor was good protection, but it could fail. He'd seen that for himself all too many times. He would not shy away from combat again, but he would never be eager for it.

"Just so," the king nodded, but he would say no more until the small party had made there way to the top of the tallest tower. Sir Gray felt his stomach flip and twist as if a troupe of carnival acrobats had taken up residence in his stomach. Vincent, the king's wizard, dwelt up there, and like all good, sensible men, Sir Gray was terrified of him. A sword or an axe or an arrow, Sir Gray could understand. He knew how to fight attacks such as those. Magic on the other hand? Against the dark arts he was as defenseless as a babe. He pulled on his shirt and buttoned his fine wool coat over it, as if the simple cloth would offer any protection against sorcery.

"Is it wise to bring Her Majesty along with us?" Sir Gray gulped, surprised that the queen followed them up the last, twisting staircase to the wizard's door. Even the pair of guards stayed below, crossing their halberds to bar the path behind them. The king apparently didn't want to be interrupted, though Sir Gray couldn't imagine anyone actually coming to see Vincent on purpose.

"This matter concerns her, as well," the king replied gruffly. He pushed open the narrow door at the top of the stairs and turned to force himself through it sideways. Even then, his enormous stomach nearly got stuck in the portal. Sir Gray dashed in behind him, wishing he had more protection, or even a real sword instead of a strip of wood. The room was a wide circle, furnished with skulls, towering book cases, numerous jars and beakers half-filled with noxious liquids, and at least a century's worth of cobwebs. Sir Gray's nostrils twitched. The stale air smelled faintly of sulphur and moldy parchment, and under those an undercurrent of rot.

"Alex, you're late," the tiny weasel of a man whined as they entered. The wizard huddled over his crooked desk, his long nose pointed down into the massive tome spread open before him.

"Address him properly," Sir Gray found himself scowling. He wasn't exactly a stickler for propriety, but no commoner, not even a wizard, should call the king by his given name!

"Easy, boy. I am used to his ways," the king made a soothing gesture with his plump hand.

"This is your man?" the wizard demanded as he rose to his feet. A moth-eaten, dusty robe of deep green hung from his bony shoulders. His limp, mouse-brown hair hung over his wan face.

"Sadly, he is the best among my husband's arms men," Sonia sighed. She didn't seem put off by the macabre surroundings, and lounged on a chair, crossing her legs and kicking her slippered foot idly back and forth. "That he is, Vincent," Alex nodded. "I don't think I could have bested him even in my prime. His sword is as quick-"

"Yes, yes," the wizard interrupted the king with the wave of a hand. "It matters not. Is he clever?"

"That's debateable," the queen said archly. "But he has a glib tongue. I suspect lies and deceptions would come easily to him."

"Excellent!" Vincent rubbed his hands together and licked his thin lips. His tongue looked as dry as leather.

"Pardon me, Your Majesty," Sir Gray started, his voice wavering. "I really would like to know what in the Devil's Den I'm supposed to be doing for you!"

"Right, right," the king coughed into his hand before turning to face the young knight. "With the help of Vincent's magic, you, Sir Sir Gray Whitestone, are to be my queen."

"I beg your Pardon, Sire?" Sir Gray yelped. Surely he hadn't heard that right.

"Vincent knows an enchantment, one that will transform your body, whole and complete, into an exact copy of your Queen Sonia," the king explained.

"The Hell he can! I don't want to be a woman!" Sir Gray whispered urgently. He loved women, so fine to touch and to look upon. But to be one?

"I would not make such a request from my greatest Knight if it wasn't a great need for the Kingdom. There is a plot afoot," the king said in hushed tones. "A rival among my dukes is scheming to steal away my lovely young bride and hold the kingdom itself for ransom!"

"Then summon your forces, Your Majesty! I will crush the blackguard myself! I'll have his liver for dinner and make rubble of his castle!" He would too. Even the chaos and danger of battle had to better than petticoats!

"Sir Troy and I will lead the assault, the king shook his head.

"He has the bearing of a leader, not a scoundrel," the queen added with a twist of her lip. If she weren't such a fine woman, Sir Gray would be tempted to turn her over his knee.

"But we are unsure of this viper's identity," the king added. "We need to flush him out. That is where you come in, and good Vincent here."

"How can I do that?" Sir Gray wondered.

"Every trap needs bait. I will not risk my bride, for she is more precious to me than the Kingdom itself." His dark eyes bore into Sir Gray's.

"You want me to take her place," Sir Gray whispered.

Then Vincent the wizard says, "With my help of course. I have just the right spell to transform you into the very likeness of the Queen. You will take her place until the king's enemies strike. Once in their possession, you will relay his location to us."

"And how in the world am I to do that? I doubt whichever duke captures me will let me pen a letter and send it off with the nearest pigeon!"

Vincent hissed. "Are you certain he is not too thick for this mission, Alex?"Vincent hissed.

"The magic spell that I will cast upon you will also allow me to track when you're captured. In this case it will allow me, through my crystal ball, to see where you are at."

"We can catch the traitor off guard. By the time he realizes he has failed to capture the real Queen Sonia, I'll have his castle under seige and the other dukes on my side," The king smiled then, looking grim but satisfied.

"My majesty the part that concerns me is when your enemy realizes I'm not really the Queen..." Sir Gray gulped.

"That is why I chose you," Alex said. "Once you've been captured, you are to use all your considerable skills to escape. I have to send a knight, for your sacred oath ensures your loyalty. I chose you, my mightiest warrior. You will have the greatest chance to escape."

"I see," Sir Gray gulped.

"But most likely you will die," the queen added. She actually smiled as she said it, her plump lips splitting over her straight white teeth. She may be beautiful, but Sir Gray couldn't imagine bedding a woman with a heart as cold as hers. The king must be a fool.

"The fate of my Kingdom hangs on your words, Sir Sir Gray," the king said. "What say you? Will you become be my queen for this mission?"

"And you're really going to turn me into a woman?" Sir Sir Gray ask. For the plan hinged on it, but Sir Gray had been too worried about the suicidal nature of the mission to give it much thought. He looked over at the queen, and Vincent the wizard assured him He'd look just like her.

"For a few days until we find the traitor," Vincent shrugged. "I've been told it is an enlightening experience. When you return to the Kingdom I'll remove the spell and you will return to your natural self."

"All right my majesty I'll do it," Sir Gray said after a time. For a Knight it must be obedience to the crown at all costs. No matter if he is a man or a woman he'd serve the king faithfully. "When do we start?" King Alex the says "Now, Lets hurry I fear they'll be here soon". Vincent gestured to the knight and queen and says, "I need the two of you to disrobe,"

Sir Gray thought to himself at least something good is coming from this!" He then pulled off his coat and shirt, and turned his blue eyes toward the queen. Her face turned as sickly white as a fish's belly as she slowly rose to her feet.

"Avert your gaze Sir Sir Gray!" the king barked.

"No, he must see her. They must see each other," Vincent shook his head.

"I will not forget this, wizard," the queen hissed. Sir Gray watched her closely as she pulled her blue silk gown over her head and dropped it at her feet. Next she removed her silk undergarments until she was naked. The knight then locked in stare as her alabaster skin was bared before his eyes. He'd tumbled many a wench in his day, but never one so supple or unblemished, so perfect in every detail.

"Do you wish to live the night quit looking at my Queen Sonia and disrobe?" the king growled when he noticed Sir Gray's leer.

"Apologies, Majesty," Sir Gray said hastily. He kicked off his boots and pulled off his tight leather breeches off with a minimum of grunting and only a little hopping on one foot. Nude, he stepped up to the queen. She was only a few inches shorter than he, tall and graceful, with full firm breasts, the tiniest of waists, and womanly hips that seemed to cry out for his hands.

"You call yourself a Knight?" Sonia snorted. She arched an eyebrow and focused her blue eyes at the knight's dangling manhood. "More of a match, really. Or perhaps a toothpick."

"Be still," the wizard snapped. Apparently unimpressed by either of them, he began his spell. Sir Gray grunted as he felt a sudden pressure against his eyes and ears. For a moment everything seemed to double before his eyes, two queens, two wizards. He then shook his head and his vision returned to normal.

"The woman spell is in progress," Vincent intoned. "Now for the transfiguration." The candles placed about the room flicked, and a chill wind seemed to arise from the walls themselves. Sir Gray stared at the woman before him. So pale, so beautiful, it seemed to him as if he hung above her by an invisible cord.

The room grew quiet as a crypt and Sir Gray's breath caught in his throat. His eyes met the queen's and everything but those bright blue irises faded from his sight. He heard a dull, rhythmic thudding, then another. The sound of their heartbeats grew louder in his ears, out of sync, but getting nearer and nearer. A cold shiver washed over his naked skin, and he threw his head back, gasping at its chill. Their hearts beat as one.

"This is incredible!" the king muttered.

"It is done," Vincent muttered.

"This is, unsettling and unnatural ," the queen muttered before stepping back and falling onto her chair exhausted from the transformation of Sir Sir Gray. She then slips her clothing back on.

"I feel different," Sir Gray said as he righted himself. To his ears, his voice sounded just as the queen's. He shook his head, and his long, brown hair brushed over his smooth shoulders. He looked down at himself. His eyes bulged as they took in his own body. He was now soft, and he gazed at his heavy, rounded breasts with a mixture of wonder and dismay. He'd always loved a good pair, to be sure, but he never expected to see them from his own perspective!

"It's as if I have two Queens!" the king gaped at him.

"Don't get any ideas!" Sir Gray shrieked, wincing at the shrill note in his voice that sounds just like the queen. Then a horrible thought occured to him, and he felt between his silky thighs. It was gone all right! Instead of his once proud member and its two dangling companions delicate lips nestled in a downy mound. "Not that!" he whimpered in the Queen's voice.

"It wasn't much to miss," Queen Sonia sneered from her chair.

"Perhaps for modesty," King Alex pulls off his cloak. "Here put this on my dear!" he said as he wrapped Sir Gray's trembling form in his bear skin cloak.

"I'm not your dear I'm Sir Sir Gray Whitestone!" Sir Gray squeaked. He huddled into the heavy furs and looked up at his king.

"Right, of course, Sir Whitestone. We'd better get you to the Queen's chambers," Alex pulled him along, his bluster faded and a look of confusion in his eyes.

"And you, Sonia, we shall hide you here for the night," Vincent said to the queen.

"I hope you have clean bed for me," she said in disgust.

"I get turned into a woman and go off to get kidnapped and she's worried about the linens!" Sir Gray complained as the king led him back down the stairs. The stone was rough and cold against his suddenly small, soft feet. His limbs seemed so weak, yet he swayed with an odd grace as he walked, as if gliding on the icy surface of a winter pond.

"Gather your wits man. Your ordeal is just beginning," the king said ominously.

"It's only temporary," Sir Gray reminded himself as he entered her chambers. Immediately he removes the King's cloak and grabs the white dressing gown on the Queen's bed and clothes herself with it. All of sudden he notices a tall mirror in Queen's bedchamber and he stands before it. He begins to stare at his reflection with eyes wide open. Gone were his brawny shoulders, his lean, wiry arms. He fingers the flimsy white dressing gown covering his curves and wiggled his tiny toes. His body was pretty to look at, but if he had to fight like this, he didn't know if he'd have the strength to properly wield a sword.

He swiveled his head to look further into the queen's lushly appointed chamber. Thick carpets, gilded paintings, vases and statuettes from across the realm, all created by master hands. It was far from the life he led in the small Knights Chambers. If he was going to be stuck as a woman for a few days, he could do worse. The dozens of candles and blazing lamps cast the room into flickering golden light, and he twisted and turned before the silver mirror. He felt a stirring in his loins and he groped himself through the linen. Still no cock, of course, and he was about to blow out the candles in disgust when a thought occurred to him.

"I have the queen's body," he mumbled. Not precisely true, but his body was exactly the same as hers. Touching himself would be like touching her. He grinned in the mirror, aroused by his own wickedly beautiful image. He reached up and caressed his firm bosom through his sheer nightgown. If the queen ever found out what he was doing, she'd have him thrashed for certain.

"You're a saucy little tart, my Queen," he chuckled, but to his dismay it sounded more like a naughty giggle. He pushed that thought from his mind and explored further, touching his soft belly and over his curvy hips. No sooner had he spread his feet a little wider and his hands slipped around the insides of his thighs when a shadow fell over the mirror.

"Who's there?" he demanded. He spun around, as light on his toes as a dancer. A black form lunged at him, and he let out a high little scream as he found himself wrestling his attacker. The man wore dark leathers and smelled of wood smoke and sweat. His powerful arms wrapped tight around Sir Gray's waspish waist, lifting him from his feet. "Come along, girl, before I wring your neck!" the man growled.

"Fool!" Sir Gray gasped and raised his fist high above his head. He brought them down with all his might right into the brute's leering face. The attacker staggered back, but didn't let go. Sir Gray winced as pain shot up from his delicate hand. He flailed uselessly as the thug heaved him against the stone wall, driving the breath from his body.

"That will teach you," the attacker hissed. Stunned, Sir Gray could only gasp as the man threw him down and neatly tied his wrists behind his back. He'd never been bested so quickly or so completely. He grit his teeth as a strip of cloth was ripped from his nightgown and shoved down his throat. He kicked and he thrashed, but the man sat firmly down on his backside as he tied Sir Gray's slim ankles with a short length of rope.

His body was light and agile, but not nearly as powerful. Dread filled his belly, and he fought tears as the man heaved him up and threw him over his shoulder. He had a woman's body now, and he needed to remember that, find a way to compensate.

"She's a wild one, another voice grumbled.

"I'll take care of that," the man patted Sir Gray's plump bottom before taking a fistful of his long, dark hair. He pulled Sir Gray's head, straining his neck. "Can't have you causing a fuss!" With a swift motion, he brought his fist down, slamming into the transformed knight's head. The room seemed to spin, and then went black.

"Well, well, if it isn't King Alex's little tart," the slender man sneered down at Sir Gray. He had a sharp face and sharper eyes. Those dark eyes seem to cut the filthy, torn nightgown barely clinging to the knight's slender, feminine body. Three days tied up like a pig and stuffed into a large wooden chest had taken its toll. Still, he was a sworn knight of the realm and best act like it.

"Duke Keel, I should have known a swine such as you was behind this treachery!" he spat. He rubbed his wrists and ankles, wishing they had more strength in them so he could strangle the nobleman right there.

"No please, Your Majesty, do try to be agreeable? You'll find my charms easy enough to get used to, once your dear husband's crown rests upon my head!" he stroked Sir Gray's soft cheek with a gloved hand. The knight recoiled, slapping the duke across the jaw hard enough to send him reeling.

"Touch me again and I'll slice off your man parts and feed them to the carp in the moat!" Sir Gray snarled.

"You stupid little bitch!" the rat-faced duke recovered quickly. He wiped his chin before raising it high, prepared to bank hand his queen.

"Go ahead, strike me," Sir Gray said. His hand throbbed, but he raised his chin in defiance. If he could just get a hold of a sword!

"You'd like that, wouldn't you my Queen?" Keel snorted and lowered his hand. "But no. I will have you intact, at least until Alex sends your bounty. He will empty his coffers and I'll fill my own at the same time. The king will be defenseless when the throne is seized out from under him!"

"It will never work, Duke," Sir Gray spat. "I'll kill you myself before then!"

"I would change your tone, if I were you, Sonia. You are quite beautiful, for many of my men would jump at the chance of spreading their seed in your pussy my Queen! So if you behave and for the sake of continuity, I might wed you myself once Alex rots in the grave." He leered at Sir Gray, his narrow lips twisting in his trim little beard. Sir Gray wanted to vomit.


"Perhaps. "Guards, take her to the baths" commands Duke Keel. Make sure she is clean and well fed. After that, send her to the dungeon I've prepared. Perhaps a night in a cell will make her more compliant?"

"Don't count on it, traitor!" Sir Gray spat. The guards, two beefy men clad head to toe in mail but otherwise unarmed, grabbed Sir Gray by his arms and hauled him off. Sir Gray saved his words, and his strength. Perhaps he'd been too forceful with the duke. It would be better they think of him as some pampered noble woman too frightened and weak to even try to escape.

"Please, good men, where are you taking me?" he asked in the smallest, softest voice he could manage. It sound like honey on his own ears.

"Just be quiet now," one said gruffly as they carried him along. His slippered toes barely touched the stone floors.

"We don't mean to harm you, my lady. But you shouldn't make a fuss. The duke gets mean when he's angry," the other added, not unkindly. Sir Gray suppressed a growl. How dare the guard try to soothe him, as if he wasn't a powerful warrior himself. He sighed deeply. At this moment, he is no such thing.

The guards brought him to a steamy bath, and thankfully, guarded the door while a trio of maids rushed to him and quickly striped him of his soiled nightgown. They guided him into a big copper bath, filled nearly to overflowing with hot, soapy water. He sighed as the aches of his rough journey began to melt from his long, slender limbs.

"I could get used to this," he sighed as one maid scrubbed his feet where he'd propped them at the edge of the bath, and another lathered his luxurious brown hair.

"Her Majesty is too kind," the serving girl at his feet blushed. Sir Gray smiled at her. She was a cute little thing, blonde, and if a little plump, it was in all the right places. If he were in his own body, he'd be ready to take her then and there. He frowned, his cock was gone, as were his balls. The frustration of it was almost too much to bear.

He was surprised at how quickly and efficiently they moved. They had him washed and dried in moments and even brushed out his long brown hair, making it seem to shine. Once dry they presented him with new slippers and a simple gown, both red trimmed in black, Duke Keel's colors. He felt like a traitor wearing them. It was worse even than wearing a dress to begin with!

The garment was longer than a nightgown, and Sir Gray found himself tripping over it as he was led to his cell. How did women ever walk in these damned things? He thought about making his move then and there, but thought better of it. The cell was small and clean. Beside the little bed sat a stool and small a latrine on the other side of the cell. He needed rest and food if he was going to have any chance of overpowering grown men. He cursed his new body as he walked into the cell.

The clank of the metal bars locking shut behind him made him cringe. He was trapped, certain enough. In more ways than one. Later in the night Sir Gray awakes because he starts to feel pressure in his lower stomach area. Then if occurred to him that he had not relieved himself since being transformed into the Queen. The guards are gone so he makes his way to the latrine and raises his gown and sits. Suddenly like his body knew liquid starts leaking from his pussy into latrine and the pressure that he was feeling started subsiding. Sir Gray found that peeing as a woman was very different and enlightening than a man!

Five days passed, and Sir Gray was growing increasingly bored. He'd hoped the guards would come and lead him to the baths again, but instead he stayed locked in his cozy little cage. They brought him plenty of food and wine, and every day a big steaming basin of soapy water and a sponge to cleanse himself, but they never let him out. The duke seemed to have an endless supply of shifts and gowns in his own colors, and every day found Sir Gray pulling yet another frilly, silky dress over her his curvaceous feminine body. If it weren't so humiliating, he would have admitted that the soft fabric felt a good deal nicer than his usual wool and leather.

Duke Keel visited him, at first. He leered and postured, and offered to let Sonia keep the crown, but after the second day, he'd stopped even that. Perhaps he'd grown weary of wiping Sir Gray's spit from his beard. The knight, meanwhile, ate every scrap of food they brought him, and requested even more. He had no intention in growing fat, but he needed the energy. With no books or company, he filled his days with his Knightly exercises he'd been taught to build strength and speed.

"Amazing," he grinned as he hopped to his feet on the evening of his fifth night in Duke Keel's castle. He had only managed to build a little strength, but Sonia's body was incredibly flexable and agile. Never a brute fighter, he began to see how he could use his increased grace and quickness to his advantage. He pulled his sweat-soaked shift over his head and dutifully bathed himself with the warm, soapy sponge that the guards had left for him.

"I bet I could out-maneuver any swordsman I faced," he said softly as he washed his full breasts. He was getting used to them now. At first the generous swells of soft flesh had seemed a hindrance to his motions. He supposed it was possible to get used to anything, given enough time. He shivered as the rough sponge rubbed against his nipple. The little pink nub hardened at the sensation.

"This isn't right," he whispered as he continued to touch and explore. He dropped the sponge into the bowl and quickly dried himself off. It wasn't like before, in the queen's bedchamber, when it was his reflection that had him aroused. He wasn't lusting after the queen's body. He was enjoying the feeling of being in her skin. He threw himself onto his soft, down-filled cot and squeezed his eyes shut. One good sleep and he'd have to find a way to escape on the morrow.

He spread his long limbs under the soft blankets and a soft moan escaped his plump lips. His voice was throaty, like the purring of a kitten. He was sexy, and he knew it. He touched his breasts again, teasing the rosy points with his soft fingers. The pleasure of the touch thrilled him, and his hands moved even lower. He gasped as he explored his new female sex. He had what every man lusted for, down there. He'd seen the way the guards looked at him, when they brought him his food and clothes and his bath. They wanted him. They wanted to touch him. To taste him.

"Oh my!" he shuddered as his fingers found his sensitive little clit. His eyes flew open as pleasure unlike anything he'd ever felt jolted his slinky body. He thrashed under the blankets, his slender toes curling in the sheets. His nimble fingers found those most sensitive spots between his shapely thighs, and as one orgasm flowed into the next, he knew just how he was going to escape come morning!

"Guard, can you please come here," Sir Gray did his best to coo seductively. He leaned against the iron bars of his cell as he smiled out into the hallway. His voice was as smooth as finest satin, and in moments, not one, but two burly guards stepped around the corner. He'd put on his white, silken shift. The low-cut garment clung to his every curve and revealed most of his shapely legs. He licked his lips at the men. They weren't armored, wearing only studded leather waistcoats over their tunics and breeches. Each had a simple sword and a short club hanging from his belt.

"What do you want, my lady?" one of them gulped nervously. The other smirked, his dark eyes feasting on Sir Gray's luscious body.

"I've been in here so long," Sir Gray did his best to whine. His blue eyes locked on the lustier of the two guards and he licked his lips. "So long without a man to keep me company."

"Hear that, Rek?" the dark one nudged his younger companion. "I told you those noble women were all sluts!"

"But, but, she's a queen!" the young one gasped.

"A queen is just a woman and I'm that woman," Sir Gray purred. He should have been disgusted. But it actually was quite fun seducing these men.

"That she is," the dark one growled, unbuckling his belt. It fell to the stone floor with a clank. "A mighty saucy one too!"

"We could be hanged for this, Nome!" the younger one blushed deep red. Sir Gray turned his eyes to his youthful face and smiled.

"I think he's afraid I'll ruin his innocence," he giggled, then looked at the darker one. "Not yours though, Nome, is it?"

"Nope. Not a scrap of that!" the rough guard laughed.

"Good! What do you two boys say? I'd hate to choose between you. Is it greedy if I..." Sir Gray paused and bit the tip of his finger coquettishly. "If I ask for both of you?"

"What a slut!" Nome snorted. He pulled down his breeches with a rough hand and pawed at his manhood. Sir Gray had never been a big man, down below, though most women had seemed pleased well enough. The guard's cock was long and thick, the dark skin pulsing with veins as he twisted it to life in his heavy, callused hand.

"Oh someone is ready for me!" Sir Gray gasped. He'd seen other men nude before, of course. Never in this state, however, or in this context. He studied the man's cock through the bars, expecting a wave a revulsion to hit him any moment. It never came.

"Come on, Rek, draw your weapon!" Nome laughed and clapped the younger man on the back. "You'll only get to shag a queen once in your life, I reckon!"

"Please, Rek? I want both of you so badly!" Sir Gray said, and blushing to his toes as the words left his mouth. He took a deep breath. He was acting. Just acting.

Then Rek stripped below the waist. His cock was even larger than Nome's. Pale and topped with a bright pink head, he grew stiff immediately, his cock bobbing and waving like a leveled lance.

"Now get on your knees like a good little harlot," Nome growled as he moved toward the cell. He leaned against the iron bars, thrusting his manhood between them. Rek followed right behind, pushing his big cock out on Sir Gray's other side.

"What, you don't want to fuck the Queen's Pussy?" Sir Gray pouted seductively. This wouldn't do. The guards needed to open the cell, not stay outside of it!

"Later," Nome snorted. "We'll put your beautiful little mouth to work first!"

"Oh," Sir Gray said as he hesitated. He began to think this went any further with the two men, he would no longer be acting. He'd be sucking a cock no matter what body he may be hiding in. What kind of knight would let another man use his mouth? His knees grew weak as he sank down onto the floor. With trembling hands he reached up and grasped them both. Then he fantasied about the Queen and how she would suck his cock.

"That's right your Majesty, get your fill of our cocks!" Nome muttered as Sir Gray's small hand wrapped tight around it. Whether it was because they were larger than himself as a man, or that his hands were no so small, Sir Gray gasped at how huge both men felt to him. They were so hard, leaking clear substance, and hot.

"Just for that," Sir Gray said and he leaned to his right close to Rek's young cock. His cock loomed over Sir Gray's face, huge and hard. Was he really going to do this? Suck another man's cock? He barely had time to finish the thought before he opened his lips and kissed the young guard's manhood just below the tip. He felt his queen's womanly pussy heat up as he kissed the guard's stiff prick all over, dragging his plump lips and wet tongue all over the hot pole.

"Oh my your Majesty that feels good!" Rek yelped. His words sent a shiver down Sir Gray's spine. The boy wanted him in the worst way, and it made Sir Gray feel wonderful. He was, sexy, desirable, and feminine in the Queen's body. He opened even wider and sucked that cock into his mouth, humming and slurping at him.

"Hey, give me some of that mouth too!" Nome growled. Sir Gray glanced over at him as he waggled his cock through the bars. He pulled away with a smack of his wet lips and sucked that other cock down too. They were so hot, so thick, so big! Back and forth he sucked one then the other. The Queen's pussy began to drip as it throbbed between his legs.

"Oh please don't stop!" Rek gasped as Sir Gray's lips slid up and down his shaft. Sir Gray looked up at his youthful face and saw he was about to cum in his mouth! His belly fluttered. He'd given this boy all that pleasure. Suddenly filled with the urge to taste another man's seed then the thought of his mission brought him back to what he really needed to do.

"No, no!" Sir Gray leaned back and wagged his finger at the men. "Not before you fill the Queen's pussy up with your cocks!" He stripped off his gown and undergarments and laid back on the cell's bare stone floor, naked and beautiful. He spread his long legs and slipped a hand over his flat belly to run a pair of long, slender fingers up and down between the wet, pink folds of the Queen's Pussy.

"You don't have to ask me twice, my lady!" Nome grunted. He nearly stumbled with his breeches about his ankles as he fished out the keys. Sir Gray tensed, ready to spring into action. The men jostled with each other to be first as they opened the cage. The transformed knight sprang to his feet and into action.

"Don't be in such a rush-" Nome started. Sir Gray cut him off with a sharp punch right to his throat. He may not have the power he once had, but the quick strike staggered the half-naked guard. A man's strength flowed from his loins, Sir Gray knew, but so did his weakness. With a feminine growl, he brought his tiny, foot up into the man's heavy balls as hard as he could. He grinned in satisfaction as Nome fell like a sack of turnips.

"What?" Rek gasped, stumbling backwards with his eyes as wide as bucklers. Sir Gray took advantage, scooping up the heavy key ring and dashing around the stunned guard, as light and quick as a fawn. He slammed the cell door and it locked into place.

"Sorry, Rek," Sir Gray grinned and tossed the keys down the hall. "Looks like you're the prisoner now!"

"You tricked us!" the boy looked more hurt than angry.

"Aw, get used to it!" Sir Gray laughed and pulled one of the guard's swords from the floor where they'd left their belts and breeches. A robe was hanging on one of the unused cells and he put it on to cover his nakedness. He was armed and somewhat clothe now, but he realized barefooted and left his slippers in the cell. He'd have to escape the castle without any shoes! There was nothing for it, though. He looked about himself before dashing down the hall. He needed to find a way out of this cursed castle before his escape was discovered!

Down in the dungeons, even the clean comfortable cell Sir Gray had been kept in, the castle was as quiet as a graveyard. As he climbed staircase after staircase, the sounds of the castle grew louder and louder. He ducked between alcoves and doorways whenever he heard footsteps or voices. Finally he reached a darkened doorway the opened up onto the main courtyard.

"Troy must be here!" he exclaimed. It was the only explanation for all the men scurrying about, donning armor on the run and and drawing weapons. The wizard's crystal ball must of found my location. A soldier ran past the doorway, and Sir Gray lashed out, with his well-honed battle instincts taking over. His stolen sword sliced into the running soldier's neck. Had he his former strength, he'd have taken the man's head clean off. As it was, a long gash through the throat was more than enough.

"One down," Sir Gray said in grim satisfaction as he stepped into the daylight. The dead soldier had a crossbow at his side, and Sir Gray snatched it up. He leveled it at another of the Duke's men and loosed a fat quarrel into his back.

"Enemy in the castle!" Sir Gray heard the call as a third soldier, who'd been running to the gate, saw his comrade fall to a crossbow bolt in the back. He spun toward Sir Gray, brandishing his sword. His jaw dropped as he saw the Queen in a oversize robe next to him.

"Too slow!" Sir Gray smirked as he grabbed his sword and spun into action. Stunned by facing the beautiful Queen, the soldier didn't have a chance. Sir Gray plunged the tip of his sword into the weak spots of his armor again and again, and in moments, the soldier dropped, bleeding out of a dozen wounds.

With his long brown trail trailing behind him and his bloody sword leading the way, Sir Gray dashed up the stairs leading up to the main gatehouse. His breasts jiggled painfully as he dashed up the stairs, but even so, it was better than how his balls would have felt in the same situation.

He slammed into a guard at the top of the gatehouse, pushing the man over the battlements. Below the castle, men and horses covered the green fields. His heart leaped as he saw the king's banner flying at the head of the army. He scanned the field, spotting a knight on a tall red stallion, shouting orders and waving a long sword. There was no mistaking it was Sir Troy! He jumped up between the barricades, waving his bloody sword high over his head screaming with the Queen's voice as loud as he could..

"Troy!" his shrill scream echoed over the field. The knight below lifted his visor. Sir Gray couldn't see his face, but he could imagine the look of surprise. He laughed as Troy sprung into action, rallying the troops around him, readying for an immediate assault.

Sir Troy only was told by the King that Queen they're rescuing was really Sir Sir Gray with a spell cast upon him, and that he needed to rescue him at all cost!

"The queen is loose!" a voice called from his side. A trio of the Duke's men stared at him in awe of his beauty. Laughing, Sir Gray hopped down and launched into a frenzied attack. He loved the way his new body moved! So light and graceful, so fluid and precise! The guards didn't seem to know how to react as he drove them from the top of the gatehouse with his flashing blade.

Triumphant, he looked back to the field. The king's men were rushing to the wall, pushing tall ladders up to the battlements. More than once the duke's men rallied to take back Sir Gray's position, and each time he drove them back down the stairs. He would deny Keel archers on this position if he could! His bosom heaved as he panted, sweaty, and blood splattered. He'd never felt more exhilarated.

"Queen Sonia!" the duke himself shouted as he bounded the stairs. He hadn't had time to don his armor, but instead wore embroidered finery along with a pair of steel gauntlets. He flourished his long, narrow blade.

"The serpent emerges from his hole!" Sir Gray sneered and saluted, bringing the cross guard of his sword to his beautiful face. "Prepare to die this day!"

"You fight like dervish of the East! No wonder King Alex is so smitten! But you've killed my men and compromised my defense. I've never slain a woman, but I swear you've earned it!" The duke's pointed little beard quivered with rage. He lunged at Sir Gray, and the fight was on.

Blades met in clash of sparks and steel. Sir Gray shuddered as the force of Keel's blows rattled him to his bones. He danced and whirled and parried and thrust, but as fast as he was, the cunning nobleman very nearly matched him, but was a good deal stronger. Sir Gray swore silently as he dodged a blow that nearly took his pretty head from his slender neck. He'd learned to use his female body to his advantage, but it wasn't enough. It would have been a difficult fight even in his male body!

"And now you die, your majesty!" Keel shouted as his sword sent Sir Gray's spinning over the side of the wall. The knight's small hands just couldn't grip it tight enough under the power of those blows. Covered in sweat with his robe exposed, Sir Gray huddled against the stone ramparts, panting. Damn it all, he wouldn't even get to die as a man! He stared up at the duke defiantly, ready to face his doom.

"Coward!" a deep voice boomed in the warm morning air. "You dare strike at a woman? Your queen?"

"After I kill you, anyway!" Keel turned to face the newcomer. Hope blossomed in Sir Gray's heart. It was Troy! His armor shone in bright sunlight, and with a wordless cry the armored knight sprang toward the duke. There battle was furious, savage, and lasted only moments. The dark nobleman was forced back into the wall, his blade swing to and fro in desperation.

"Traitor!" Troy shouted as he beat the duke's weapon aside and brought his blade down in a powerful, two-handed stroke that split Keel from his collar bone to the center of his chest. Keel fell to the stones, blood oozing from his mouth and his mutilated body.

"Troy!" Sir Gray cried. He pushed himself up and ran into the handsome knight's arms. "Oh you saved my life!"

"Ah, you're welcome, Your Majesty," the big knight said awkwardly with transformed man pushing his very feminine and alluring body close to his.

"I'm not the bloody queen, you big lug!" Sir Gray smirked and pushed himself away from the armored man. He wasn't sure why he'd embraced Troy like that. Or why, when he looked up into the young man's face, he couldn't help but notice how devastatingly gorgeous he was.

"That's right," Troy laughed and shook his head violently. "We left the real Sonia back in Kingdom! Wow Vincent's magic is powerful indeed! What the devil happened to the Queen's clothes?"

"A tale too long to relate in the midst of a battle, my friend," Sir Gray said with a grin. "But if let me by I'll find some of the Queens clothes. This way at least the king's men won't stare at their Queen wearing a loose robe and has holes in it!"

"Pardon my lady... I mean Sir Gray!" Troy blushed and hastily stepped aside for Sir Gray to head back to the Castle.

"Thank you! Now hurry up slay all the duke's men. I grow weary of this battle already!" Sir Gray said grudgingly.

"Your wish is my command, My Queen!" Troy chuckled.

Sir Gray stepped lightly into the duke's great hall, feeling more at peace than he'd been in days. His best friend had arrived and eliminated the treacherous Duke Keel and soon they would return to the Kingdom and Vincent's spell would be lifted from him. He'd had the castle searched for smaller men's clothes that would fit him. He felt distinctly odd to wear leather breeches, boots, and a simple linen shirt again. The clothes certainly felt strange against his supple skin and womanly curves.

In the Castle's main hall Sir Gray walks in asks cheerfully "Are you ready to ride, Troy?" while pulling his thick brown hair back into a ponytail and donning a huge grin.

"Ride?" Troy looked up from the massive wooden table in the hall. His brow was lined with worry as he examined stacks of parchments laid out before him. He smiled when his dark brown eyes met Sir Gray's blue. "Not for a fortnight, at least, Sir Gray. The king is making me clean up the mess that Duke Keel made while trying to over throw the Kingdom. I can have Sir Randall and the other Knights escort you, if you wish."

"Oh," Sir Gray said, disappointed. He'd hoped to catch up with Troy, and share with him what he'd gone through in service of the king. Not all of it, of course. He blushed as he remembered the lusty way he'd sucked the guards' cocks.

"What's wrong?" Troy asked as he rose quickly laying his big hand on Sir Gray's slim shoulder. He looked down into Sir Gray's eyes, concern for what is the problem.

"Oh. Well..." Sir Gray coughed. "I may be Sir Sir Gray Whitestone on the inside, but..." he gestured to the curves not even his plain, manly clothes could conceal. "I don't particularly fancy a three day ride alone with a bunch of rough knights. Things could... happen. Bad things if you know what I mean!"

"That never occured to me!" Troy slapped his forehead. "That was stupid of me. I should have realized! I'll escort you myself!"

"No, no!" Sir Gray protested as he laid his hands on his friend's brawny chest. The blue shirt was stretched tight over the man's powerful muscles. It wasn't a very masculine gesture, certainly not how he would ever touch the knight before, had he been in his own skin. All the same he didn't pull away. His body felt flush and hot, but it seemed natural. "I can't have you abandoning your duties as the Queen. I'll just stay here and, uh, watch your back," he floundered for a good excuse. "Yes, that bastard Keel must have one or two loyalist about, ready to hurt you when you aren't looking!"

"We can protect each other," Troy says. Sir Gray sighed as the big man's hands squeezed his shoulders gently.

"Right, well, don't let me keep you from your work, Troy," Sir Gray whispered softly in the Queen's voice. Troy thought to himself, his voice is so soft and warm I'm going miss it when Vincent changes him back.

"Of course, of course. I better get at it. The sooner I'm done, the sooner I can get you back to the Kingdom and back to your old self," Troy said.

"Yes, I need to get everything back to normal," Sir Gray gulped. He turned and nearly ran back up the stairs to the finely appointed chambers he'd commandeered the night after the battle. His maids were waiting for him, clucking disapprovingly at his attire.

"Oh, Majesty! You can't be going out dressed like that!" says the older maid Millie. Despite Sir Sir Gray's protests, they had him stripped bare, his hair brushed and a little powder applied to his high cheeks, then dressed back up again in moments. This time they found a blue silk gown of and heeled slippers that made his legs feel very long. He could have stopped them of course. He should have stopped them. But just couldn't bring himself to because he seemed to be enjoying the feminine like of the Queen secretly!

Surprisingly Sir Troy finished all of his duties and appointed another Knight Sir Randall in command of the Castle so he Sir Gray could leave. Later in the evening Sir Troy received a note from the Sir Gray asking for him to meet in the main hall of the castle to dine.

"We'll ride out in the morning. My work is done and I'm leaving Sir Randall in command over the castle," Troy said softly. He smiled at Sir Gray across the broad oak table in the main hall while sharing their last meal together in the castle. In the light of the blazing hearth, his eyes seemed as deep black pools.

"I see," Sir Gray said breathlessly. Sir Troy took noticed that Sir Sir Gray was wearing a blue silk dress, slashed with cream at the sleeves and cut low to display his generous cleavage. This was the first night that Sir Gray wore a dress for dinner. Troy felt awkward and tried to make conversation. Although neither mentioned of it, or acknowledged it, but Sir Gray was beginning to enjoy the Queen's body and all the clothes, shoes, and manners that went along with it. Sir Troy treated Sir Gray with all the courtly grace of a noble man wooing a charming lady, and the transformed knight loved it.

"A shame, really. You look particularly beautiful tonight," Troy said, and immediately blushed the color of scarlet. He tried to hid his face behind a goblet of wine.

"Do you really think so, Troy?" Sir Gray asked softly. He shivered from head to toe, and watched his friend closely. Another time, he would have laughed at his friend's sudden shyness. There was really no one in the world that Sir Gray trusted more and cared for more. They'd long been friends, but with two weeks of the knight breaking bread with him, taking his arm as they walked the castle grounds, of having Troy open doors for him and pull out his chair, Sir Gray's feelings had begun to shift.

"Forgive me for saying so, Sir Gray. I know you, and who you are. I shouldn't say such things! You look like the Queen but I must remain in truth of what is reality". The handsome knight's emotions were conflicted.

"A lady always likes to hear how beautiful she is, Sir Troy," Sir Gray replied.

"A lady?" Sir Troy licked his lips nervously, searching Sir Gray's face.

"I may have been a man, Sir Troy. But I'm a woman now," Sir Gray nearly choked on the words as he said them. "A woman in love," he added so softly, that Troy had to lean over the table to hear.

"Sir Sir Gray," Troy with a surprised look in his eyes . "I didn't know you felt that way about me. I don't know what to say. I don't fancy men. I know you look like the Queen which right now you're a beautiful woman but when you return to the Kingdom you'll be a man again!"

"Oh Troy!" Sir Gray slid from his chair and swayed across the bear skin rug to the Knight. "I didn't love you as a man. I'm no poof! But I'm not a man anymore, am I?" Sir Gray leaned over the table, with his breasts nearly spilling out of his gown.

Troy grunted softly and rose to his feet. "In the Queen's body part of you is the same, but much of you is different, as well. Sir Gray I've never met any woman like you even though I know you're man!

"And you never will," Sir Gray whispered. "I've never seen you smile like you do at me. As if I make you very happy. I want to make you happy, Troy."

"You do Sir Gray, " Troy paused. "I can't believe I just said that!" he chuckled.

"It's not very manly is it?" Sir Gray giggled.

Troy reached up and gently caressed Sir Gray's cheek.

Sir Gray was no longer that arrogant rooster of a man. She was Troy's woman, his Queen through and through.

"Then Sir Gray, I think I love you too," Troy said. He wrapped his arms around her, holding him as gently as a bird as he brought his lips down to his queen. Sir Gray's heart pounded in his chest as their mouths met. He seemed to pour his soul into the kiss, at once passionate and tender. Sir Gray slipped his tongue into Troy's mouth. Sucking the guard's cocks had filled him with a kind of perverse pleasure. Kissing Troy was entirely different. It was romantic, it was sweet, and it filled Sir Gray's heart with joy.

"Take me, Sir Troy," she whispered into his ear. "Make me yours tonight!"

"As my Queen wishes!" Troy swept him into his arms. Sir Gray laughed in delight, wrapping his arm around Troy's neck and kicking her feet playfully. Sir Gray felt small and weak in his arms. It was delicious.

Troy carried him all the way to his massive bedchamber near the top of the castle's tall keep. He kicked the door closed behind them and laid Sir Gray down gently on the huge bed. Sir Gray watched him in the soft candlelight, appraising his manly body as he quickly stripped for him. Sir Gray seen Troy naked before, but never as a woman. How could Sir Gray have failed to see how magnificent he was, with those powerful muscles and big, sensitive hands.

"My, no wonder all the lassies love you so much," Sir Gray cooed when he stepped out of his tight breeches. His heavy cock, golden Troy and topped with a broad, purple head throbbed to life between his toned thighs. It would have made Sir Gray's cock look like a little boy's, even longer and thicker than the young guardsman's.

"It is all for you now, my sweet," he smiled and knelt before him. Sir Gray gasped in surprise as he knelt on the floor. He gently pulled off his slippers, kissing each of Sir Gray's tiny toes before his hot lips travelled further up his queen's legs. He pushed the skirts of Sir Gray's dress up as he went, bunching them around his narrow waist as he exposed the frilly panties covering the queen's womanhood.

"I want you so badly, Troy," Sir Gray cried as he sat up and pulled the dress over his head. His big breasts bounced free. Pale and round, topped with plump, ripe nipples, he squeezed them together in offering. The knight took that offer, moving up to lick and kiss them. Sir Gray's body began to tingle as he made gentle love to her bosom.

"You're so beautiful," he mumbled as he kissed his way down Sir Gray's flat belly. With a soft growl, he snatched Sir Gray's panties between his teeth. Sir Gray giggled and lifted his hips as he pulled back, dragging his last scrap of clothing down the queen's impossibly long legs. When Sir Gray kicked them free, he spread wide for him, laying back onto the bed.

"Make love to me, Troy. Make me a woman," Sir Gray whispered urgently. Troy moved over him, and he bit his lip. He loomed over Sir Gray, big strong and ever so manly. Sir Gray's small hands caressed his muscled chest. Sir Gray arched his back, presenting him with his firm tits and pushing his downy sex up toward's Troy's body.

"Never fear, my sweet," he said gently as he rotated his hips. The incredibly fat knob of his cock prodded softly against the queen's pussy. "I know you've never had a man."

"Thank you, Troy," Sir Gray blushed as he looked deep into his dark, smoldering eyes.

"Just relax," he urged as he began to push. His blunt cock eased between the queen's delicate lips, spreading them like soft petals of a dewy pink flower. Sir Gray used a finger or two on himself, the night before his escape, but those slender digits couldn't compare to the thickness of Troy's huge prick.

"So thick!" as Sir Gray murmured as he felt the queen's lips spread and stretch around Troy's bulbous cock head. The warmth filling of his body intensified to white heat as Troy entered him. Sir Gray panted rapidly, and Troy held himself absolutely still over him. He had such self control! Sir Gray smiled up at him as the sharp pain quickly faded. He stroked Troy's cheek and nodded.

Troy pushed further, his huge cock sinking inch by inch into queen's hot, tight pussy. He writhed under him, squealing in delight as Sir Gray felt his needy, virgin pussy expand to accept Troy. His cock, as hard and hot as an iron brand, sent waves of deep, tingling pleasure coursing through Sir Gray's body. Sir Gray wrapped her legs around Troy's, his soft heels digging into the backs of Troy's thighs as he began to rock against her.

"I love you so much, my Queen," he grunted as he gave his lean hips a little twist. His cock plunged into him like a battering ram, pushing against the very depths of the queen's pussy, forcing Sir Gray to stretch deep as his heavy, furry balls slapped against his ass.

"Yes!" was all Sir Gray could manage as he convulsed under him. Sir Gray's pussy clinched as it squeezed Troy's manhood tight, his juices flooding the shaft and leaking out over Troy's heavy sac. Sir Gray silently thanked Vincent, King Alex, and the Queen for her pussy as a orgasm overwhelmed his body. Cumming as a man, with a penis, had felt wonderful, but it was nothing like this.

Troy bent to kiss him again, his tongue sliding into his mouth and wrestling his into quick submission. Pinned under him, impaled by his huge manhood, Sir Gray never felt more vulnerable, or more protected. Sir Gray held on tight to his beefy shoulders as he began to fuck him in earnest. Sir Gray came again, then again, and soon lost track of the moments of pleasure Troy gave him as he stretched and filled the queen's virgin pussy with long, powerful strokes. Then Troy threw his back and roared, as his cock jumped inside her. Sir Gray gasped as his hot seed gushed into the Queen's pussy. Sir Gray held him tight, his toes curling into Troy's flesh and his long fingernails scraping Troy's shoulders as he spurt over and over.

"You're amazing," he finally panted.

"No, you are," Sir Gray giggled and kissed his square chin. "You're ten times the man I ever was," he admitted. "I'm so glad to be your woman."

"Let me show you how glad I am to be your woman!" Sir Gray smiled and kissed his way down Troy's belly. Sir Gray pulled his long, dark hair over his shoulders before stooping over him and doing his best to swallow the beast of Troy's cock whole. He filled Sir Gray's mouth to the breaking point, his girth straining his jaw and pressing his tongue down against the bottom of the queen's mouth. Sir Gray could taste his own juices on Troy's cock, but his thick, salty cum dominated. Sir Gray loved the taste.

The two made love through the night and into the morning. Sir Gray delighted in her womanhood. Sir Gray sucked his cock, choking himself again and again as he forced Troy's cock into her hot throat. When he came, Sir Gray swallowed every drop like a woman would. Troy returned the favor, not flinching as buried his handsome face between Sir Gray's silken thighs and licked the queen's sopping pussy to a dozen toe-curling orgasms. And then they fucked again.

He took Sir Gray from behind, holding his hair like reins as he stretched the queen's pussy and slapped his plump, womanly ass. Sir Gray rode him energetically while he lay back on the bed. Troy marvelled at Sir Gray's bouncing breasts and perfect body as he showed him just how much Sir Gray loved taking Troy's cock. He took Sir Gray into his arms and held him up off the floor as he drilled the queen against the chamber's rough stone wall. Troy then pushed Sir Gray back onto the bed and shot another load of cum in the queen's pussy once more. At this point both Sir Gray and Troy were exhausted and began to couple in the afterglow of their passionate love making!

"Do you think the King will let me remain as the Queen when we return to the Kingdom so I can be with you Sir Troy and maybe even be husband and wife?" Troy then tells Sir Gray, "The King could say your Sonia's twin sister but even more beautiful inside and out!" Sir Gray looked so beautiful basking as he lounged lazily beside Troy in the golden light of the sunrise across the bed Chamber.

"We just saved his kingdom, why wouldn't he?" Sir Gray asked, kissing Troy's cheek.

"Of course you're right! You were always cleverer than, I, Sir Sir Gray my Queen," he smiled and hugged her close.

"But you're forgetting one thing, my love," Sir Gray said with an affected pout. He was only just beginning to understand his own feminine wiles, but they worked like sorcery.

"What is that, sweet Sir Gray?" he asked, his voice shaking with concern.

"You have to propose first, you silly man!"

"Oh yes!" Troy nodded and slid off the bed. Sir Gray sat up, kicking his bare feet off the side of the mattress as he watched the handsome knight fall to his knee before him.

"Sir Gray Whitestone, will you be my wife, my love, forever?" he asked quietly. He looked up at Sir Gray so sweetly, that his heart nearly burst from joy.

"Yes, my love! Yes!" Sir Gray cried as tears streaked down her cheeks.

Next: Chapter 2

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