The Two Queens

By Eric Hayes

Published on Dec 11, 2019


The Two Queens Chapter 6 Miss Greta's Return

On the way back with Sir Troy in the Queen's royal wagon, Sir Gray notices that the sun is beginning to set. As a man, it's taking all of his strength to keep the horses going at full gallop. Sir Gray knows when the sun sets and he and when transforms into Miss Greta there is no way to keep this pace.

As the sun begins to set he pulls the reins and makes the horses stop so he can transform. Sir Gray quickly grabs some of Miss Greta's clothes that are in his pouch and goes into the woods to transform. When the sun sets he comes out of the woods in Miss Greta's form.

Sir Gray gets back on the wagon and makes the horses pull the wagon at a slower pace. During the night Sir Gray hears Sir Troy moaning and asking for water. He stops the wagon momentary and goes inside of it to check on Sir Troy.

Sir Troy hears something and opens his eyes and sees Sir Gray with a cup of water next to his mouth.

Sir Gray says in Miss Greta's sweet voice, "Sir Troy do you want some water?"

"Yes, my love I'm very thirsty." Sir Troy says.

Sir Gray gives him some water and Sir Troy falls back to sleep. Sir Gray knowing that Sir Troy is getting worse goes back to the front of the wagon and get the horses moving again.

As the night goes on and the wagon bounces up and down the road, Sir Gray feels Miss Greta's little ass starting to become sore. Sir Gray knows he cannot stop until right before sunrise to transform again.

Just like traveling from the castle the last time as the Queen Sir Gray also feels Miss Greta's plumbing causing some issues. However Sir Gray does not stop and just has to let it go. Sir Gray knows if he stops Sir Troy will likely die.

As the sun begins to rise Sir Gray knows he's made the night as Miss Greta on the road alone traveling and keeping Sir Troy alive. Sir Gray feels a sense of pride within him that in a Miss Greta's womanly form he has survived the night and traveled a great distance.

Knowing that he'll transform in moments Sir Gray stops the wagon and grabs his male clothes quickly and runs into the woods. While removing Miss Greta's clothes he notices that the undergarments he was wearing are wet. He remembers not stopping because of her plumbing issues. Sir Gray is glad he is becoming a man again so he can make faster time and not have anything leaking out of him while traveling. The sun rises and he transforms back into a man.

Sir Gray immediately checks on Sir Troy in the wagon. Sir Troy is still the same so he begins traveling again.

As the day is starting to end he dreads transforming again into Miss Greta. After he transforms that night Sir Gray tries to stay awake as much as possible in Miss Greta's form. All that matters to him is to get Sir Troy back to the kingdom for care. After a long tiring night, Sir Gray sees the sun rising and just like the days before he keeps going.

After the day passes and then finally on the third night Sir Gray realizes that in Miss Greta's form he can't stay awake any longer. He stops the horses. By this time he has gone 3 days as a man and 3 nights as a woman without any sleep and knows he must sleep. Sir Gray pulls to the side of the road and goes into the wagon. He removes Miss Greta's clothes and lays naked next to Sir Troy to keep him warm.

The next thing Sir Gray is aware of is that the sun has risen and he is a man again. He notices Sir Troy is still sleeping so he gets up slowly and gets dressed in his male clothes. Sir Gray knowing that Sir Troy probably only has a couple days left to live gets the horses and wagon going as fast as they can. All that day Sir Gray pushes the horses. Now with the sun almost set Sir Gray notices he is going to arrive at the Kingdom around midnight. Sir Gray knows he'll be in Miss Greta's form when he does.

Sir Gray stops the wagon and horses right before sunset. Since he'll be in Miss Greta's form Sir Gray has to find a dress that does not smell of piss to wear. He doesn't want to dishonor Miss Greta wearing something that smells like piss. Sir Gray also knows the only way to get the guard's attention to let him pass is to wear a revealing dress. This way the Guards will be at full attention so Sir Troy can get help the fastest.

After the sun sets Sir Gray finds Miss Greta's beautiful red silk dress and slips it on. He gets on the wagon and makes the horses galloping again. In this dress, he knows Miss Greta's ass will be even sorer than it already is by the time he arrives.

As he approaches the Kingdom Sir Gray is immediately stopped by the guards at the gates. Right away the guards notice Miss Greta's breast bouncing in her dress. At they stare and do not stop him from entering. Once Sir Gray enters the gates he begins shouting in Miss Greta's panic tone, "Help, Help Sir Troy is hurt. I need someone to help him."

The guards at the main gate hear him and rush quickly to the wagon. Sir Gray stops the horses and allow the guards along with others coming out of their chambers to see why a young woman is shouting.

Sir Gray keenly aware knows that a beautiful young woman in distress will get lots of attention. So he starts crying and shouting, "Help Sir Troy is injured very badly. Please, I need you to find a healer for him."

The guards summon a healer right away to come. Sir Gray then asks, "Please can someone get the King for me? I have an urgent message from Sir Gray to be delivered to the King only."

While waiting for the King to come to the guards ask Sir Gray if he needs anything. They gaze upon him admiring Miss Greta's ample cleavage bulging out of the red silk dress.

"No, I'm fine right now. Thank you for helping me to get Sir Troy help." Sir Gray says knowing what they're thinking.

A short time later King Alex arrives on his horse.

Right away Sir Gray runs up to the King and says, "My King I have an urgent message from Sir Gray only to be given to you in private. Sir Troy is badly injured."

The King with one arm sweeps up Sir Gray and places him in front of his horse and they ride to the King's chambers. Once they arrive the King gets off his horse first and then helps Sir Gray off next. The King and Sir Gray enter his chambers.

While closing the door behind them the King begins staring at Miss Greta's cleavage ask him, "What news of Sir Gray do you have Miss Greta?"

"King Alex it is I, Sir Gray. Please my King look at me and not Miss Greta's breast." Sir Gray says to the King while pointing from Miss Greta's cleavage up to his eyes.

"Sir Gray I'm sorry I thought you were the real Miss Greta. Your lovely form distracted me. I hear that Sir Troy is badly hurt. Did you find out who the traitors are?" King Alex asks.

"My King, the leader of the traitors was a surprise to me as well. It's Sir Randall and he did get away. Fortunately, by my hand he is badly wounded and may die. In Miss Greta's form I sliced off his cock but his henchmen were able to rescue him. Sir Ben who I left in charge is hunting him down along with his other henchmen. They will not come back until every traitor is dead", Sir Gray says to the King.

The King knowing that Sir Gray is in love with Sir Troy asks, "Are you fine, Sir Gray? I'm amazed that you traveled from the Castle to the Kingdom in less than 4 days and you did it as a woman at night as well! Even more amazing is that you did it as a small delicate woman one at that! I promise Sir Troy will get the best care so don't worry. Do you know what are you going to do if he lives or dies?"

"No matter what happens to Sir Troy I will be a half man and half woman for the rest of my life. Once I get some rest I'll use Vincent's potion on the real Miss Greta to wake her up. She'll then have the memories of what I did like her but no awareness that it was really me that did those things. This way she can be the hero and you can grant my request for her Ladyship title. Is Queen Sonia still alright with me taking her form again after this?" Sir Gray asks the King.

King Alex says to him, "Right now it's hard for me to see you as Sir Gray because all I see is a beautiful young woman named Miss Greta in front of me. Sir Gray, please go and get some rest for you have given so much for my kingdom. The Queen told me it would be an honor for you to become her sister."

"Thank you, my King. That is all I have to report to you." Sir Gray says.

"You can summon Vincent in the morning about this. Since you're in Miss Greta's form I'll send a guard to escort you to her chambers." the King says.

The King summons the guards and one of them that were present at the gate comes and escorts Sir Gray to Miss Greta's chambers. While being escorted a particular guard named Greg ask Sir Gray, "Miss Greta was the journey back very dangerous. Did you get hurt?"

Sir Gray immediately notices this guard's concern for him and it felt genuine. Sir Gray smiles and says in Miss Greta's sweet voice, "I did not want Sir Troy to die so I risked my life to save his. So yes it was very dangerous. Thank you for asking about me and escorting me on the way to my chambers. If you don't mind me asking Mr. Guard what is your name?"

The guard says to Sir Gray, "Miss Greta my name is Greg Biscayne of the twenty third guard unit. If it doesn't offend you and I hope too forward may I call on you sometime Miss Greta?"

Sir Gray knowing that Greg is now smitten with Miss Greta smiles and says, "Greg, you're sweet and I have enjoyed your company so the answer is yes you may call on me sometime."

Right outside of Miss Greta's chambers, Sir Gray wanting to reward this handsome young guard rises up and kisses him on his cheek.

"Thank you, Miss Greta, you have made me very happy tonight. Goodnight." Greg says to him.

Sir Gray enters Miss Greta's chambers and closes the door. He walks up to her mirror and stares at her reflection in it. Sir Gray then removes her red silk dress. Now naked in her form he stands in front of the mirror and notices that Miss Greta's ass is very red!

Sir Gray with says out loud while watching himself in the mirror, "Sorry Miss Greta that your beautiful tight little ass took a pounding! Not by a man but traveling on a wagon instead. However, I did find a nice young man you can begin to court since your name will have a ladyship beside it real soon. Miss Greta, I did learn how to use your body to help me get revenge on Sir Randall."

Sir Gray now being very tired lays down on Miss Greta's bed and falls asleep in no time. The next thing Sir Gray is aware of is the daylight coming through the windows in her chambers. Sir Gray then sits up and notices the sun has risen and he is a man again. Immediately he remembers his clothes left behind in her chambers before they left. Sir Gray dresses in his Knight's clothing.

Realizing this was probably the last time he was going to be in Miss Greta's chambers Sir Gray picks up her red silk dress and holds it against his face. Oh how loved wearing it when he had her form. With a slight hint of regret he places the dress back into her wardrobe."

Sir Gray did really enjoy being Miss Greta these past days. Perhaps one more night in her form wouldn't hurt. The only part he didn't like was traveling in her form. Miss Greta's body was not made for it that is for sure.

Sir Gray then has a thought and says to himself, "You know I could help her with Greg since I know what a man wants. I could spend one night with him as Miss Greta and he would fall in love with her!" Right then Sir Gray decided to stay as Miss Greta one more night and leave her chambers.

As he is checking on the status of Sir Troy he sees Greg the guard that he kissed last night at his post. Sir Gray not wanting to reveal he met Greg last night asks, "Guard do you know what healer they brought Sir Troy to?"

"Sir Gray, he is two doors down to the left. The healer's name is Robert O'Shank and he is the best in the kingdom." he says to Sir Gray.

"Young man what I your name?" ask Sir Gray.

"My name is Greg Biscayne." Greg says to Sir Gray.

Sir Gray wanting to see what Greg thought of Miss Greta says, "Ah yes you're the guard that escorted Miss Greta back to her chambers last night."

"Yes, Sir Gray it was I that escorted Miss Greta to her chambers last night after her journey back. Miss Greta risked her own life for his. She is the most amazing woman I have ever met! Sir Gray you trusted her very much to get Sir Troy back to the kingdom before he dies. She is the bravest person I have ever known!" Greg says to Sir Gray.

"Greg, I'm glad you think the same way about Miss Greta. I feel the same way as you do about her. In fact, I met up with her this morning to tell her how thankful I was in getting Sir Troy back. While talking to me she asks me to try and find this young handsome guard who escorted her last night. Miss Greta would like you to come to her chambers tonight for a meal. It appears Miss Greta might fancy you so don't play with her heart or I'll come after you!" Sir Gray says to him.

Greg smiling says to Sir Gray, "I cannot accept her invitation because it would cause me to dishonor Miss Greta by going inside her chambers without an escort. Would you mind my escort so no improper rumors could be spread around to ruin her reputation?"

Knowing that he couldn't be Sir Gray and Miss Greta at the same time Sir Gray says to him, "I'm sorry Greg but I can't do that. Besides Miss Greta is a woman of age and the King is going to grant her a ladyship title very soon. Trust me she is a lady and can handle herself! Go and enjoy her company for she needs a man that will treat her as an equal that will cherish her. From what know of you I believe you're man that has the qualities she desires."

"Sir Gray, thank you for the advice. Perhaps one day you would consider me in the future as a knight in waiting." Greg says to Sir Gray.

Sir Gray then says to Greg, "Maybe one-day young man. Just remember to put the Kingdom first and you'll be considered because of this. Also, remember to treat women with respect and honor and you'll be on your way to Knighthood before you know it."

After saying this Sir Gray begins walking to the healer's chambers and says to himself, "Miss Greta cannot let this young man get away. I'm afraid when she awakes from her sleep that there will be not enough memories of Greg in her mind. If I stay as her for one more night I make some for her with him. When she comes out of her sleep she will think about the night she and Greg shared together."

Now at the Healer's chambers, Sir Gray knocks on his door.

Robert the Healer then opens his door and says, "Sir Gray, welcome please come in. Sir Troy is still unconscious and might be for a few more days. Good thing Miss Greta got him back to the kingdom last night because if he would have gone another day without treatment he would be dead. All we can do now is pray that his body heals. I'm afraid the wound is very deep and he may have long-term problems with it. Unfortunately, his days as a knight are most likely over."

"Robert, I don't care about him being a knight anymore. Please make sure he doesn't die. If you get him to that state I know he can make a good recovery. Sir Troy is my friend and has been with me ever since we became Knights many years ago. I know you'll do everything you can. Right now I must go. Please come and fetch me when he awakes." Sir Gray says to Robert the healer.

Sir Gray then leaves Robert the healer's chambers and goes to his own. There in his chambers, Sir Gray notices the real Miss Greta is still sleeping soundly. Suddenly he turns from his bed and sees a man sitting in a chair in the dark. Sir Gray quickly draws his sword and then notices its Vincent the wizard.

Vincent now startled by Sir Gray's sword says to him, "Sir Gray I have been looking for you since last night. I heard you were back from the quest. I'm sorry for startling you."

"Vincent, what are you doing in my chambers?" Sir Gray asks.

"Sir Gray I have exciting news for you. I have found a spell that was cast upon a man that will allow him to transform into a woman at will. This spell was in some very ancient books in my library. I'm sorry for not finding it earlier then maybe Sir Troy would not have gotten hurt on the quest." Vincent says.

"Vincent it's not your fault that Sir Troy is hurt. To be honest it was his own fault because he loves me when I'm a woman. Of course not being a man at night is very frustrating as a knight but I also found it very rewarding as well. What kind of sacrifice comes with this spell now? Will I be able to transform into other women like I do now?" Sir Gray asks.

"Sir Gray, I'm sure when I cast the half man and half woman spell on you the first time you didn't really think of the consequences. Maybe your love for Sir Troy clouded your judgment during that time. However, there are some drawbacks to this spell. One issue with this spell is that it can be passed down to your descendants. Starting with you and the fifth generation of your family will now have the ability to transform into the opposite gender after their 16th birthday. The other issue is that every seventh day you will become a man again. Midnight to midnight on the seventh day you will not be able to transform into a woman. However Sir Gray you can be a woman for six days or a man for all seven. It will be your choice to never transform into a woman again for the rest of your life. I figure since you have experienced the pleasures of being a woman and your love for Sir Troy you will want me to cast this new spell upon you. Sir Gray, this spell is the closest to a normal relationship being able to transform into a woman. At least for six days and nights, you can be a woman and able to transform back into a man at any time. Any questions Sir Gray?"

Sir Gray overwhelmed by Vincent's revelation of this new spell he asks Vincent, "If I choose to live 6 days as a woman can I get pregnant during those days?"

"Sir Gray the answer is no. You will not be able to conceive because you will transform back into a man on the seventh day. However, when you're a man your seed can make a woman carry a child. If you want an heir you can find a maiden that would carry a child but want it. Most maidens do this for income to help barren women. If you choose to do this the child will come from you and for six days a woman you can be a mother to it. If Sir Troy wants a child as well he could release his seed in the same maiden as you did and then the children would be siblings. I know this spell is not perfect but consider what happens to you now. If you choose this spell you would be able to Sir Troy's woman during the day and night for six days! I believe this spell is in the interest of the Kingdom's and you as well. Sir Gray, the Kingdom needs you as a woman and as a man. This spell can give you your old life back as a Knight for the Kingdom and never be a woman again. , Vincent says to Sir Gray."

Sir Gray thinks for a moment and then says to Vincent, "I would like you to perform this spell on me now."

Vincent smiles and opens a book he brought with him. He says to Sir Gray, "Sir Gray, come close to me and leave your clothes on." Sir Gray stands next to the wizard. Vincent starts to chant the spell and suddenly Sir Gray's chamber door opens and a gust of wind rushes in. Sir Gray closes his eyes and moments later he opens then when everything goes quiet.

Vincent still standing next to Sir Gray closes his book and says, "Sir Gray the spell is now complete. Now I would like you to think about how you felt like a woman last night. The enjoyment you experienced being a woman. This will cause you to transform into the last woman you transformed into last night. I believe it was Miss Greta. So please begin to think on these things so I can make sure the spell works."

Sir Gray then closed his eyes and instantly he feels his clothes feel different on him. He opens his eyes and sees Vincent smiling at him.

"Vincent did the spell work?" Sir Gray says to him in Miss Greta's voice!

"Sir Gray, look into the mirror and you tell me if it worked," Vincent says to him.

Sir Gray walks up to the large mirror in his chambers and immediately sees Miss Greta's image in his clothes staring at him.

Sir Gray looks at Vincent and says in Miss Greta's sweet voice, "Vincent, since I know how to transform into a woman how do I transform back into a man again?"

Vincent then says to Sir Gray, "Sir Gray, just like you thought about the enjoyment of being a woman, now think of what you enjoy about being a man. This will cause you to transform back into your male self."

Sir Gray in Miss Greta's womanly form closes his eyes again and instantly he feels more comfortable in his clothes. Not saying a word he turns to the mirror and sees he has returned back to his male self!

"Vincent, this is amazing! I wished you had found this spell earlier. Just think how I could use this as a weapon in defense of the Kingdom. Thank you for finding this for me. , Sir Gray says to Vincent.

Vincent bows to Sir Gray and says, "My Knight you are the protector of the Kingdom and King Alex honors you every time he says your name. Now that the spell has been cast and tested are you ready give Miss Greta her wake up potion?"

"Yes, you can leave the potion with me and I'll give it to her tomorrow. I have one more task to do in Miss Greta's form before I wake her." Sir Gray says to him.

Vincent gives him the potion for Miss Greta and says, "Sir Gray I hope you and Sir Troy do pass down your seeds because the future of this Kingdom will need men and women like you too!"

Vincent leaves his chambers and Sir Gray is left with Miss Greta still sleeping in his bed. Sir Gray ponders what Vincent said to him. He then asks himself out loud, "Could I be a woman for six days and nights for Sir Troy? Will Sir Troy treat me different? Also, will I be more of a woman than a man?"

Sir Gray then realizes he must get some food to prepare a meal for him and Greg tonight. He knows he won't have enough time to prepare one. Sir Gray leaves his chambers and finds Greg at his post.

"Greg, Miss Greta just told me she can't make a proper meal tonight due to her being so tired. So at the end of your shift, she would like you to meet her at the tavern afterward." Sir Gray says to Greg.

Greg with a smile on his face says to Sir Gray, "Sir Gray thank you for giving me this message from her. I really like Miss Greta and anywhere with her would be fine with me."

Sir Gray leaves Greg and goes to Miss Greta's chambers. He enters in and removes his male clothes. With the sun still up he transforms into Miss Greta for the last time. After he transforms he looks through her wardrobe to find a beautiful dress to wear to meet Greg at the tavern.

After trying on several dresses he decides on the red silk dress he wore the other night.

As he slips the dress over Miss Greta's womanly form he admires the way it looks on him in the mirror.

Sir Gray then says to himself, "Oh Miss Greta how I'm going to miss having your form. It does feel good to be 18 again and very beautiful. Greg is going to have the night of his life tonight!"

Meanwhile, at the tavern, Greg is sitting by himself sipping on a drink. Suddenly a sweet beautiful voice behind him says, "Greg, I'm sorry about being late. I just wanted to look good for you."

Greg around and standing before him is Sir Gray in Miss Greta's red silk dress. Of course, all the men's eyes in the tavern were upon Sir Gray.

"Greg, are you going to ask me to sit down or just stand here so you can stare at my breast all night?" Sir Gray asks him.

Greg jumps up immediately and pulls out the chair for Sir Gray and says, "I'm sorry my lady for being so rude. I hope you're not offended by my staring at you? You are so beautiful and I became transfixed by your beauty."

"Don't worry Greg I would think something was wrong if you did not stare at me in this dress. Relax let's have a good time. What are you drinking?" Sir Gray asks him.

Sir Gray and Greg talked and drank together. Greg shared his life story with him and Sir Gray shared what he knew about Miss Greta's with him. As the night went on they began to laugh at their stories and Sir Gray could tell there was a bond between him as Miss Greta and Greg. The tavern began to empty out and Sir Gray knew it was time for Greg to bring him home.

"Greg, it's getting late would you mind escorting me home?" Sir Gray asks Greg.

"Why yes, Miss Greta it would be a pleasure to," Greg says to Sir Gray.

While being escorted Sir Gray places his womanly arm between Greg's and snuggles close to him on the walk to Miss Greta's chambers.

In no time they arrive at Miss Greta chambers. Sir Gray not letting go of Greg then asks him, "You would like to come in and talk with me for a while?"

Greg being an honorable man says to Sir Gray, "Miss Greta I cannot enter your chambers without an escort. I have given my word to Sir Gray to treat you like a lady. In fact, he told me you will soon have the title of Ladyship and that will make you in a higher class than me. I do not want to cause any manner of slander against you in any way. To be honest with you I do want to come in but not to talk if you know what I mean!"

Sir Gray knowing that Greg will walk away from him grabs him and starts kissing him. At first, Greg tries to resist but as a man in Miss Greta's form, Sir Gray knows when a man loses all resistance. While kissing Greg, Sir Gray places his womanly hand and feels Greg's cock starting to get hard in his pants.

Once Greg feels Sir Gray's womanly hand massaging his cock he grabs it and holds up. Immediately Sir Gray stops kissing him and says, "Greg, please come with me inside. I love you and want to please you."

"Miss Greta, the only way I will go inside with you if I get permission from Sir Gray. Please understand that one day I want to be a Knight like him. Only when he gives me permission will I lie with you." Greg says to Sir Gray.

Sir Gray hearing this says to Greg, "Greg, wait here and I will go get him so you can have permission to spend the night with me."

"Miss Greta I don't want to bother Sir Gray about this. Please go in so I can go home." Greg says to Sir Gray.

Sir Gray realizing that Greg is a good man says to him, "Sir Gray has already given me permission to lie with you already. So to honor me as a Lady please wait here so I can fetch him for you to hear it from his own mouth. I know where he is at this time of night."

"Alright, Miss Greta I stay right here. Please don't be too long." Greg says to Sir Gray.

Sir Gray turns and walks slowly to his chambers making sure Greg gets a good view of Miss Greta's tight womanly ass. As soon as he turns the corner Sir Gray starts running to his chambers. In no time he arrives there and enters in. Immediately he slips off Miss Greta's red silk dress and closes his eyes and transforms into his male self. Sir Gray puts on his male clothes and hurries back to Miss Greta's chambers. As he approaches Miss Greta's chambers he sees Greg standing and waiting by the door.

With Greg's back to him, Sir Gray behind him and says, "Greg, why are not enjoying Miss Greta's company in her chambers? Any future knight must never turn down someone like Miss Greta's companionship."

Greg turns around with a look of shock and says, "Sir Gray I'm sorry for this interruption of your plans tonight. I just wanted to be sure that it met your approval. Miss Greta is much more than a onetime night of pleasure for me. I have feelings for her but I also know that she is going up in class. Sir Gray, am I worthy to be with Miss Greta?"

"Greg your humbleness is why you're worthy. Any man can take a woman for their pleasure but a humble man seeks permission. The greatest trait that a knight can have is humility. Because you are an honorable man I have given Miss Greta my permission to lie with you. Right now she is at my chambers and I will send her back. Stay here and wait for her and enjoy the time with a beautiful woman that has feelings for you. For you never know what tomorrow brings." Sir Gray says to Greg.

Greg bows to Sir Gray and says, "I will stay and wait for Miss Greta to come back."

"Greg, please stand. Miss Greta will be here shortly." Sir Gray says as he leaves to go back to his chambers.

A while later as Greg is standing next to the chamber door Sir Gray now in Miss Greta form again walks up to him and starts kissing him. Sir Gray breaks from their kiss and they go into Miss Greta's chambers. Once inside Sir Gray grabs Greg's hand and leads him to Miss Greta's bed. He pushes Greg onto the bed and begins slipping out Miss Greta's red silk dress. Greg then starts removing his clothes as well.

Greg now naked Sir Gray notices his cock is a lot smaller than Sir Troy's. Sir Gray naked as well makes sure that Greg doesn't feel insecure about the size of his cock says to him, "Greg, lay on your back on my bed. I see that your cock is hard and looks very large! Let me try and sit on it since my pussy is very tight."

"Go ahead, my lady," Greg says to Sir Gray.

Sir Gray straddles Greg and places his cock into Miss Greta's pussy. Right away Sir Gray feels the pleasure from Miss Greta's pussy.

Greg looks at Sir Gray and says, "You're so beautiful. Your pussy feels like a silk glove on my cock. I don't know how long I'm going to last."

"Don't worry my love if you need to release your seed go ahead. We have all night." Sir Gray says to him in Miss Greta's sweet voice.

"Miss Greta I can't hold back my seed is spurting into you!" Greg says.

Sir Gray knowing how hard it is for a man not to cum especially when they're young says to Greg, "Don't hold back give it all to me. Your seed feels so warm in my pussy!"

That night Sir Gray in Miss Greta's womanly form made Greg cum four times. Every time Greg came it was in Miss Greta's pussy. Sir Gray came twice before both of them fell asleep from exhaustion.

As both of them lay naked next to each other in bed Sir Gray became the first to open his eyes and notice the sun had risen. Not realizing that a new spell had been cast upon him he immediately slides out of bed. Then while standing next to the bed he realizes that he is still in Miss Greta's form. Greg is still sleeping in the bed.

"This might take some time for me to get used of being a woman during the day like when I was the queen the first time." Sir Gray says quietly to himself.

Sir Gray then feels liquid flowing down his leg and sees Greg's seed leaking out of Miss Greta's pussy. Right away he grabs a cloth to clean himself up and dress. Now in one of Miss Greta's dresses and Greg still sleeping Sir Gray knows it is time to leave. Quietly Sir Gray leaves her chambers and goes to his. Once inside his chambers, he removes Miss Greta's dress and transforms back into his male self.

Sir Gray knows his time as Miss Greta has now come to the end. He must give Miss Greta who is in his bed the potion to wake up. Now that Sir Gray has spent a night with Greg, Miss Greta will now have the memory of last night. Sir Gray opens the vile of liquid and opens her mouth and slowly pours the potion into it.

She begins to swallow the liquid and suddenly her eyes come open.

Miss Greta sees Sir Gray next to her and asks, "Sir Gray, where is Greg? What happened to me? Last night I was with a guard named Greg and I have a bunch of memories of doing things that I normally would not do. In fact, I remember going on the quest with Sir Troy. The most upsetting thing I remember is fucking Sir Randall and then cutting off his cock with his sword. Did I really do those things?"

"Yes, Miss Greta you did those things to save Sir Troy and yourself. You were very brave and strong for the Kingdom. In fact, the King is going to grant you a ladyship title for your actions during this quest." Sir Gray says to her.

"Sir Gray I still can't believe what I did." Miss Greta says to him.

"Miss Greta before we left I warned you it was going to be dangerous. In fact, you came back without a scratch but I can't say the same about Sir Troy.", He says to her.

Miss Greta suddenly remembering Sir Troy was hurt says, "I'm sorry for being selfish for what happened to me. How is Sir Troy doing since I brought him back?"

"Miss Greta he is still not awake yet. The healers believe it could be tomorrow or the next day when he wakes. Please pray for him. I know you and him were close." Sir Gray says to her.

Miss Greta with a tear in her eye says, "He is so brave and strong. In fact, Sir Gray, Sir Troy and I share many intimate times on the quest together. Sir Troy tried to protect me from that evil Sir Randall. Even now I still don't know why did I venture out that night? Do you?"

"Miss Greta I believe you wanted some privacy from the men in the camp due to a nature call on your body. When we rescued you from the castle that is what you told me." Sir Gray says hoping the potion continues to work.

Miss Greta then hugs Sir Gray and asks, "Sir Gray, thank you for believing in me. By the way, I still can't believe you let Greg and I spend the night together."

Sir Gray right away says to her, "Miss Greta you will always be a hero to me. Since you wondered from your chambers this morning we need to get you back there. Greg is probably wondering where you went."

Miss Greta rises up from bed slowly and stands up. She then looks at herself in Sir Gray's mirror and says, "Sir Gray do you have a latrine I could use before I go?"

Knowing exactly what Miss Greta was feeling I show her to my latrine and goes inside of it.

Sir Gray says to himself, "I enjoyed being in her form except for her plumbing problems!"

After Miss Greta was finished with her business I escort to her chambers. In no time Sir Gray and Miss Greta enter her chambers and see Greg still sleeping in her bed.

Sir Gray says to Miss Greta, "Miss Greta I don't mean to be disrespectful but you must have exhausted that lad out last night!"

"Sir Gray I could say the same about him. Not to be indiscreet but I feel tired as well. Thank you Sir Gray but I'll wake him and get him going." Miss Greta says to me.

Sir Grays smiles at Miss Greta and says, "Miss Greta he is a good man and I think he'll make a good husband. Take care. I need to go and check on Sir Troy. Goodbye."

When Sir Gray turns to leave Miss Greta's chambers he sees her red silk dress on the floor next to the bed. Knowing that he'll never wear it again in her form causes him to be a little sad.

While walking away from Miss Greta's chambers Sir Gray says quietly to himself, "At least Miss Greta and Greg have a relationship together and Vincent's potion worked. All I need is Sir Troy to get better."

Sir Gray returning to Robert the Healer's chambers knocks on his door.

Robert the Healer then opens his door and says, "Sir Gray, unfortunately, I have some bad news. I don't where you have been but I was attacked and the attacker killed Sir Troy! I'm sorry but everybody has been looking for you. This morning I heard some people shouting from the knight's chambers. Sir Gray, please go I know you are needed. Don't worry I'll prepare Sir Troy's body for burial. Be careful!

In shock, Sir Gray immediately starts running to Knight's chambers. As he enters in he sees a couple of knights that are dead lying on the floor. Right away he runs to the King's chambers and looks for the King and Queen. The King's chambers are empty and Sir Gray sees a note on the King's bed.

He picks up the note and starts reading it out loud.

"Sir Gray if you're reading this note then you are alive and you know Sir Troy is now dead. I have kidnapped your precious King Alex, however, I could not find Queen Sonia to get her as well. You and the Queen must have been in hiding because I tried to look for both of you all night long but had no success. Maybe you're taking care of the Queen's needs for old King Alex. Queen Sonia does have the most womanly ass in all the kingdom. However, I did find Miss Greta the cocking cutting bitch! I found a lover named Greg in bed with her. Apparently, Greg was the last to fuck her after me. Unlike the last time, I was now the one cutting and I started with Greg's cock! Boy did he squeal like a little girl. After his cock was removed he died! Then it was her turn and let's say that beautiful tight little pussy of hers is no more. In fact, it now runs straight up to her tits! Just like Greg, she died quickly as well. Since I got my revenge on the Bitch that cut my cock off now I want to have some fun with you and the royals. So here is what I demand. To keep old King Alex alive I want you to find Queen Sonia and send her to the Castle in the royal wagon. The Queen needs to be at the Castle naked in my bed at the beginning of the 5th day. You wonder why I want her naked. The reason is so I can fuck her! Now you're wondering how I'm going to fuck her without a cock. Well, this is where your wizard Vincent gave me one with a spell. I made him perform this spell on me before I killing him! Well, Sir Gray looks like the bodies are piling up. This new cock that Vincent gave me will certainly stretch Queen Sonia's pussy to limits she has never experienced before! If the Queen does not arrive on the fifth day then I will kill King Alex and hunt both you and the Queen down. If the Queen does arrive on time then I want you Sir Gray to come and prepare to fight me at the castle grounds on the seventh day. That will give me two days and nights to fuck Queen Sonia as she has never been fucked before! If you kill me then the King and Queen can return to their throne with no more resistance from my followers. If I kill you then King Alex dies, Queen Sonia becomes my wife, and I become King! Sounds like a fair offer to me Sir Gray. So the choice is yours for happens next."

At the bottom of the note, it was signed "Sir Randall the future King."

Sir Gray shocked by what he read drops the note and falls on the King's bed weeping. Suddenly Sir Gray hears someone enter the room and immediately he draws his sword.

Next: Chapter 7

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