The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on Sep 14, 2012


Hey I know this is a little late but college has been hectic the past week. I might be off on my postings but I will attempt to keep it as close to a four day period as possible. Now to the story:

So things are looking back on track. Chris is starting new; let's see how things work out for him on that front.

Rooming with Peter was a massive change from Bryan and Zach. Granted I now had half the room instead of only a third, Peter was always in and out; his basketball practice and upperclassmen priorities taking a constant hold over his life. To be honest, at first I kind missed being able to talk with Bryan and Zach but after a while I got into the swing of things, enjoying the silence when I actually got it.

Peter's room was similar to Michael's setup, the beds against the wall with the desks at the end. Even though I had more room to set up, I couldn't spread myself out enough to make it look like I actually lived there. I was only able to donate my flag to the wall and the picture frames to my desk.

That entire week seemed to go well. Things were looking back on track and life was falling back into place. Frisbee was going well; practice wasn't as crappy as it normally had been. Even Pike seemed to notice, calling me to side on Thursday.

With his arms crossed, his glowing smile radiating off him, Pike stood in front of me, his slight sweaty shirt releasing a pungent musky smell. "Glad to see you are back on your game Chris. It's good to have the old Chris back." Pike released a little chuckle before continuing, "I wanted to ask, what are you doing this weekend?"

Standing there with sweat dripping slightly from my brow, I shrugged, nothing big coming to my mind. "Umm... really nothing much. I was probably going to study and go on a run with Peter. Why what's up?"

Shifting his stance to make the conversation as closed as possible, Pike extends the invite, "Well it is my 22nd birthday tomorrow but we are celebrating it on the 18th because Ally is taking me out for dinner tomorrow night. I was wondering if you wanted to come and join me for the party at my place. A few of the other guys will be there so you don't have to worry about being all alone."

Suddenly excited to be celebrating his birthday, I beamed a smile, "Yea I would love to come. When and where is it?" Grabbing my bag, I dig in it to find my phone so I can enter in the details.

Pike doesn't pull out his phone, instead just informing me the details. "It'll be at 7 on Saturday and I will text you my address." Pike patted me on the shoulder, a glint in his eyes happy that I could make it to his party.

Walking back to the dorms, it actually hit me; this was going to be my first college party that I was going to attend. I mean it was not that I have been looking to party but still, the thought of drinking kinda came on daunting to me.

That Friday I knew what I wanted to get Pike for his gift. A few weeks ago I was at the local mall and had gone into a Spencer's just to browse. It was during the whole break up issue and I needed something to cheer me up and I knew I could find something in there to amuse myself with. I had stumbled upon a 1001 drink recipes book and thinking back to what it had in it; that would make a great gift for Pike. Getting it gift wrapped there, I walked out looking forward to the weekend.

The day beyond that was slow, me just trying to figure out what all to do with my free time. I did a little studying but every time I tried to actually focus, the thought of partying came up, the eagerness of a college party sounding more and more appealing.

Come Saturday I was itching to go. To alleviate some of the impatience I went for a small run, the breath of fresh air calming me down a little. As I began to think it over though, the idea of drinking alcohol unnerved me. What if I don't like it? What if I make a fool of myself?

The only other time I had ever drunk was when I was with my family, a small glass of wine whenever the General would allow it. That was only type of alcohol I knew and while I enjoyed wine, I couldn't say for certain whether or not I could drink large quantities of it.

When I showed up that night my nerves were again on end. I couldn't put my finger exactly on what was causing it but my hand was almost shaking when I pressed the doorbell. I could hear some commotion inside the house so I knew people were there. The outside of the house looked very general, the driveway a pull in, all spots being occupied with cars. The windows had their blinds drawn over them, either to keep the light in or the nosy neighbors out.

When Pike answered the door though, I could clearly tell the party had started a little earlier than he had informed. "Hey Chris, Glad you could make it." He looked a little out of it and the smell from his breath told me that he was already slightly tipsy. "Come on in man."

Raising my eyebrow, I looked at him with a smirk. "Wow Pike, looks like the party has already started." I laugh a little bit as Pike pulls me inside. His house looks really clean, almost too clean for a college students' house. As I take in the environment more though I realize why it's so tidy; near the kitchen ping pong balls are bouncing off red plastic cups and in the middle of the living room cards are surrounding another red cup; it's the starting of what appears to be a very social drinking night.

Pike leads the way in his sleeveless black and white t-shirt, his long pants dragging across the ground to cover his bare feet. Following Pike, I place the gift with a small collection of other gifts near the carded table. It is clear to see that some are simply gift cards as simple envelopes lie there; their box design not really concealing much. Pike takes up a cup of beer and drinks a sip, then looks over to me, "Before I offer you a drink, I need your keys. One of my rules about drinking with minors is that they leave their keys with me until they are completely sober."

Even though he was a bit tipsy, I do have to admire Pike in his ability to think straight when it comes to important situations. Digging through my pockets, I find my keys and hand them over to him, which he in turn places in a drawer with a bunch of other keys. "Not locking them?" I ask inquisitively.

Pike thinks the question over before slyly answering, "When you are drunk, I am pretty sure that you would have a problem finding which car is yours. But yea I don't lock it in the case that someone does need to go home and I am not around to unlock it." Moving towards the small group that is present, Pike makes his introduction. "Everyone this is Chris. Chris this is Molly, Ashley, Darren, Harry, Eric, Lionel, and Tom." He points around the room to each of his friends. "And you know Andrew, Sarah, Rachel and Derek." The Frisbee group is hanging out in their little cluster while Pike's friends hang out on the side of the cupped table.

Stepping off to the Frisbee side, I shake hands with Andrew and Derek and wave to the girls. "What game is this?" I ask as Rachel shoots a ping pong pall into the air, landing it squarely into a cup on the opposite side. The game looks familiar but the name is escaping me.

Derek looks at me incredulously, complete surprise that I don't know what college sport this game should be. His enthusiasm when he explains it is amusing, "It's Beer Pong, almost as well known as Kings Cup. Basically you have ten cups on each side and you want to shoot your balls into the opposing teams' cups."

I take note as Ashley drinks from the cup that Rachel made the ball into. There isn't much beer in the cup, but enough to make the drink worth her while. "So it's girls on girls?"

Andrew smiles with enjoyment, "Yea and so far our girls are winning." I smile at the thought of playing drinking games; the wonder of what all games there is that could be played.

Moving around the kitchen I notice that there are munchies placed on the counter; chips of various flavors and veggies of various styles. Loading my plate up with some carrots and ruffles, I move over towards the game to watch. Pike comes up beside me and makes the offer that I had kind of been waiting for the entire time, though I wouldn't outright say it. "For beers we have, Bud Light, Corona, Keystone Light, Budweiser, and Dos Equis. For harder liquor we have Jack Daniels, Smirnoff, and Malibu Rum. Since you haven't drank before, I am suggesting Corona... it's a great beer to start off on."

Before I could respond on what I wanted, Pike had popped off a bottle cap from a Corona bottle and set it next to me. Reaching for it I smile and said thanks, then almost place the glass to my lips.

Right as I was about to drink Pike blurted out, "That one wasn't for you. That was for me." I stop less than an inch from drinking. Then Pike cracks a smile and jokes, "I'm just playing with you. Mine is over by fridge." Pike walks away to get his beer then walks back, raising his to a cheers drink. "Here's to your first drink"

Raising the Corona up, I state for him "Here's to your birthday." We both say cheers at the same time and clink our glasses together. As I started to sip down the beer, I felt the cool fizz of the carbonation burn against my throat, the citrusy taste of the lime in the bottle mixing with beer to give a great refreshing taste.

"So how does it feel to be another year older?" I ask Pike as I slowly down the drink. It tastes way better than I had expected.

"Another year older but not much of a change..." Pike shrugs his shoulders as he sips his drink. "To be honest, I enjoy birthdays and all but it's really just another day." Our conversation is interrupted by the cheering of Rachel and Sarah; their apparent win ending the game. "Hey you wanna play?"

I didn't really have a chance to protest before I was dragged behind the table, my cups being poured out before me. Noting an empty cup near the top I go to pour the Corona in but am cut off as almost everyone in the party holler. Surprised at the out roar, I step back completely confused.

Pike grins to me as he explains what was wrong. "Chris, for beer pong never use high quality beers." He takes away my beer and hands me a Bud Light, "Pour with this." We finish pouring the beer and set up for the game.

We are squaring off against Eric and Tom, two big guys whose shoulders seem to block the entire end of the table. While Pike has a height advantage over them, the pure muscle of their bodies seems to make Pike and me look like twigs. "It's a simple game, just shoot for the cups."

Being that I had never played before, they informed me that to start the game we hold eye contact with the opposing team and shoot shots in, me not surprisingly missing the shot completely. Eric managed to make his in though, leading to a shootout between Pike and Tom. Tom as well made it in, giving them the right to shoot first.

The game was amazing, Pike teaching me when to swat bouncing balls and to bounce balls myself. While I managed to only make 2 cups, I was impressed that I could make that many, the effects of the beer already being felt on me. I had to drink 4 of the cups; Pike being a great guy and taking one of mine for me.

It came down to the last cup, each team either shooting short or flinging further than necessary. Moving me to the side, I originally thought the liquor taking an effect on Pike's balance without him even noticing but in the end, he managed to fling the ball in the cup, a direct shot ending the game.

After the game had ended we all took a break from drinking to munch on the cake, the actual celebration of his birthday, in a way, officially taking place. As I had predicted, some of his cards were gift cards; the variety ranging from Amazon to iTunes to Best Buy. When he got to my gift, he chuckled, everyone raising a glass to the thought of what uses the book will entail later down the night.

The cake was white with raspberry filling, a simple cream cheese frosting on the top. Having drunk three beers by now, the cake was great filler for my stomach, the stuffing trying to absorb the beer inside my belly. Taking a break till 10 from drinking we all chatted about how school was going, how each of our respective sports were going (Tom and Eric were apparently on the wrestling club, the girls on the softball intramural team). It was a nice reprieve from drinking though at around 10:30 the games came calling; Kings Cup motioning us over to the table.

The game was pretty simplistic, each card representing a different rule. 6's were dicks so all men drank, 4's were whores so all women drank, 9's were categories so we had to think of a category and something that fit under it. It was a blast to play and when I compared it to Beer Pong; I actually enjoyed this more because it made me think, especially whenever there were rules installed.

As the night started to wind down at midnight, I was severely inebriated. I felt great. I knew I was drunk but I didn't care at all. Some of the others had already left and all that was left was just Eric, Tom, Pike, Molly and me. Eric and Tom were prepping to go to bed and Molly was prepping to leave. I was in the kitchen attempting to clean up while Pike was escorting Molly out. I couldn't help but laugh as I washed the cups, the water splashing all over the place and making more of a mess than I was wanting. I didn't have the brain capacity to think to turn down the water at this point, the alcohol fueled system almost running on autopilot.

Moving to the living room I shuffle together the cards, a feeble effort that caused the pieces of paper to fly out of my hands and all over the floor. Groaning out of my clumsiness, I dropped to the floor to play 52 card pick up, trying to locate all the cards that had flown out of my hands. Hearing the door slam behind me but not pausing to look up, I continue on my scavenger hunt, scrawling along the floor like a baby.

Pike came over to help, stumbling around the couch in his efforts to assist me. Falling to the floor, his back resting against the couch, he just looked at me, his eyes glazing over, "You have fun tonight?"

Laughing at him stupidly, I nod in agreement, moving over to his side, looking out over the mess in the living room. "Yea it was a blast. I had soo much fun. Thank you, Pike." I was too drunk to think about my actions, and his red lips looked really flush, so I went in to kiss him. God how I wanted to kiss him; this guy who has been amazing to me for the longest time, his body toned as a model.

It felt great when our lips touched, the electricity of the connection felt so strong and pure that I didn't want it to end. Pike however pulled back, a sudden shock in his eyes. I didn't have a boyfriend at the moment so I really didn't care, and to have him pull away from me kind hurt, my facial expression displaying that loud and clear. I should have stopped though, my concern for his wellbeing not even entering my mind at the moment.

He came back in though, his blond hair waving me close, and our lips reconnected. I wanted to explore his mouth, unite our tongues but I couldn't do it, the French kisser in me too drunk to know how to work the tongue. Instead I got eager with him, moving my hands to his shirt, pressing down onto his finely toned body, the outline of his abs clearly felt through the thin fabric. Pulling the shirt off, I got to look at Pike for how sexy he actually was, his nipples becoming hard, his breasts tensing up to be played with.

Wanting to be a bit more private, I pulled him to his feet and dragged him to his room. Pike protested a little but he was too drunk to stop me and my urge for him was too strong to care. Locking the door behind us, I went to work on him, pushing him onto the bed.

I knew this was going to be a one sided sex session but I didn't care. I wanted his cock so bad that I was willing to do whatever it took to get that whisky dick to lose its flaccidity. Unbuckling his pants, I slid them down to reveal black boxer briefs, the bulge of his cock hiding underneath it.

Pike just laid there, his alcohol fueled body enjoying the pleasure too much for his rational brain to kick in. Groaning out in ecstasy, he scooted back onto the bed, opening his legs up further for me to get the full picture of his beautiful body.

That piece of clothing was all that was between Pike and I. Undressing myself, I stripped down to the nude, working my cock ridged. Removing the black cloth, I finally got to see Pike nude, his cock a good 6 inches long. Taking my right hand to hold it for the first time, I ran my tongue from the base to the tip, savoring every moment of it.

"Ally, this doesn't feel right." I heard Pike moan out as he rested there.

Ignoring him, I finally sucked my mouth over his cock, taking it in and applying full pressure to it. `Let's see my sister work him this hard', I drunkenly thought to myself as Pike moaned out in pleasure. He moved his hands down to my head but instead of stopping me, he moved them off, grabbing the sheets of his bed instead.

Masturbating myself in the process this was almost a dream come true. I was actually having sex with Pike! I was able to finally suck him off and see him for the beauty that I had always wanted. It felt great!

Working him cock for a few minutes, I moved my hand up to his nipples to play with them, the tender nubs being rubbed around in my fingers. I wanted to go further I really did but I could feel the alcohol taking over, a sudden onset of exhaustion draining me out. Looking up from my post, I noticed Pike was already asleep, the tender breathing of his chest rising up and down.

Giving up from the sex-pedition, I moved up to lie beside him, falling asleep in a blissful slumber.

Oh god my head hurt. How much did I drink last night? Why is there a breeze on me? Looking raising my head up I notice I am naked, and further more there is a body next to me. Looking it over in horror, I start to realize whose it is, as it starts to move as well. His nude body is lying next to me; Pike's waking from his slumber.

Freaking out, I push myself away from him as fast as I can; the bits and pieces of last night starting to come back to me. I remember sucking his dick. I remember undressing him. Oh fuck... I remember kissing him. That last part shakes me to the core, the shudder making me fall off the bed to create a nice thud on the floor.

"Ally? Was that you?" Pike lifts his head to look over at me, his eyes going wide when he sees me nude. "What the.." He starts to say, then it all hits him, last night flooding back to him as well. "Oh fucking SHIT! Chris what the fuck did you do? What the fuck did WE do?"

I kneel there, stone solid, scared out of my wits. What had I done? "Pike, I'm so sorry. I swear. Please don't tell Ally." I cough up those few sentences as I crawl around to grab my clothes. Putting them on in a rush, I turn my back to Pike, not bearing to look at him, such shame overcoming me.

Finally dressed, I look at him, tears starting to flow. He is too in shock to realize what happened but I know it will hit him soon. "Pike, I'm sorry. Please don't get mad at me. I'm so sorry." I didn't know what to say. There was nothing I could say. Moving out of his room, I went straight for the drawer that held my keys. Grabbing them, I started to move towards the door, a massive hangover coming on. Pike opened up his door to look at me, words wanting to come out, an explanation needed to be given to him. He was still processing everything that had happened.

"Pike, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do this to you." Opening the door, I exit, moving quickly towards my car. Disgust and anguish hit me like a stone wall with every step I take. I had fucked up majorly.

Well now... Umm Chris just royally fucked up... like I would almost say worse than the whole Kyle/Michael incident... I know you all have wanted some Chris and Pike action but that is about the most that you will be getting... Now to watch the aftermath unfold.

Next: Chapter 38: Redemption 5

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