The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on Feb 24, 2013


Hey everyone, I hope that you have been well. I am going to be getting these chapters out as fast as I can but there might be times when it takes a week to get it up.


After not seeing my boyfriend for over three months, going on a date with him was a great way to start the semester. Hanging outside his dorm, I texted him to let him know I was waiting outside. Being that it was technically still summer, there was a warm heat hanging in the air. It didn't take him long to come out, his long wavy hair almost bouncing under the evening sun.

He almost seemed to skip a little as he approached me, an adorable girly movement that made me blush as he moved up close to me. Pressing his chest up against mine, he leaned me back into the frame of the car, leaving me with wonder on what all he was going to do. With a twinkle in his eye, he leaned in for the kiss, but didn't connect, leaving me to return the other ten percent of the way, forcing me to do my part on this erotic moment.

Leaning in close, I whisper softly right before I kiss him, "I've missed you you sexy stud." Then our lips connected and the fire raced through our bodies. It was a wonderful sensation as he pressed his arms around me onto the car frame, almost as if to keep me from sucking him in completely. He was breathtaking in his kissing, the way he moved his lips, the pressure of his kisses; it was something that I had been missing for the longest time.

Releasing himself from his own pleasure, not that I was complaining about it, Kyle licked his lips and gazed at me deep into my eyes, "I've missed you too babe." God he was insatiable as he grabbed my ribs and proceeded to tickle me. With me having nowhere to run, I could only crumple to the ground but that wasn't even given as an option as he pulled me back up from exhausting my laughter out of me.

Rising from the ground, I gripped his firm biceps as I stood to my feet, looking at him deeply in the eyes. Shaking my head at him, I only uttered in discontent, "Are you done? Ready to go to dinner?" Kyle went in for my sides again, making me squeal for a second before moving around the car to his door.

The drive to Olive Garden was short; a simple drive up State College Boulevard. It had been a while since I had ate there but since they were still doing their endless breadsticks deal, it seemed like a deal too good for starving college students to pass up. Making it even more worthwhile were the coupons I had that could help us afford the slightly pricer food than we were normally accustomed too.

After being sat down, it didn't take us long before we had found something great to eat. Placing down my menu ad waiting for our food to arrive, there was a slight lul in time before I asked Kyle a potentially problematic question. Swallowing hard, I formatted my question very carefully, "Kyle, I want to ask you a question, but before I do, I want you to know I'm not going to hold it against you."

Kyle's eyebrows went high for a brief second then dropped down as he started to fiddle around with his silverware. "This is about me cheating on you isn't it?" Kyle's shame reemerged from the depths of his body, the mistake seemingly haunting him forever.

Even though I had hoped to have moved on from it, with Michael and Skyler in a very similar situation, I wanted to know what it was like on the other side of the table. Being quick to extinguish any doubts on who we were focusing on, I went straight to the point, "Babe, this is not to do with you. I love you. We all make mistakes and learn from them. This is actually about Michael and Skyler..." I let my voice trail off as he starts to come back from the pit.

Noting his interest, I continue, "Michael made the same mistake and I don't want to see their relationship go through what we went through, or worse... My question is, what caused you to do it? I know that's selfish of me to ask but I need to know so I can learn." It was my turn to fiddle with the silverware as this might lead to a conversation that I don't want to hear- but I need to hear it.

Kyle sorts, eliciting a surprised look from me, "Sorry, it's just for all the shit that Michael gave me about hurting you and what does he do? He goes and fucks up his own relationship. Bit ironic if you ask me." Giving him the 'You're missing the point' look, Kyle sucks up his pride and continues with a heavy sigh, "Fine, but he's still an idiot."

Taking a sip from his water, Kyle places his hands open on the table. "I felt disconnected from you. Even though you thought it was going great, I felt as if we were just fuck buddies." That stung a little bit. "I didn't have the balls to confront my own feelings about how I felt but when you found out, it was a hard slap in the face to come to face the facts. I had realized what I had lost; not only a hot guy who cared for me but a companion whom I could trust and confide in- it was hard. I hope he learns from his mistake and reconciles with Skyler. Unlike you and I, he and Skyler will be seeing each other at the same university probably every day."

I didn't know what to say. He had spoke the truth, or at least I hope he had. Was that why Michael did what he did, because he didn't have the bond with Skyler I thought he had? "Thanks." That's all I could think of to say.

Kyle knew words couldn't fit what had been done so instead he offered me some good words of advice, "As much as I dislike him, don't give up on him. If it weren't for Ellie, it would have been a whole lot harder, and longer, for me to come to terms with what I did. She did way more than you realize to reconnect us back together." Kyle drifted off into his own world as he looked back on what all Ellie had done for him. A slight smirk slid across his face, making me wonder what all she actually had done.

It didn't take much longer for our food to arrive, making it perfect then that we were able to finish that conversation when we did. Kyle and I ended up sharing a chicken fettuccini alfredo pasta, the tasty noodles doing more than enough to fill us with the endless breadsticks that were flowing out. Taking a bag to go, mostly because we wanted to save some for later, we headed back to Kyle's campus to call it a night. Parking outside his hall, I debated in my head if I wanted to go up with him or not, but it was Kyle shutting off the car for me the sealed the deal. "Come stay the night with me Chris." As he had leaned over to grab the keys, he also turned my head to kiss me. He could tell I was contemplating it in my head and after the kiss he knew he had me coming with him.

Walking up to his room it was strange how empty the halls were. Kyle quickly dissipated my concerns, turning around as we talked out on his floor. Moving up to me, he started to undress me, making me start to freak out a little. "It's ok." He cooed playfully as he slipped off my shirt. "Very few students took the chance to move in early. I don't even think anyone is here on this floor. Heck we could do it out here and probably no one would know." The twinkle in his eyes told me that the thought was growing, leaving me little time to get him into his room.

Playing around with him, I push him back softly, taking off his shirt in the process and turning him around to walk towards his door. Kissing his neck romantically, my bare chest pressed against his back as we moved up to his door. The warm flesh was a nice reminder of what was to come tonight. Opening his door, I could see that he had already overtaken the room, leaving little space for whomever had the unlucky occurrence of becoming his roommate.

Pulling off my belt, I trailed it over his neck as I walked him in. He turned around and kissed me passionately as I kicked the door shut with my foot. Kyle trailed down my chest, unbuttoning my pants with his teeth, sliding them down to my feet. Slipping off my shoes, I pulled Kyle back up and pushed him over to his bed, allowing me to undo his pants in the process. Kissing his navel, I knew tonight was going to be a great start to the semester.

It was a soft pounding that woke me from my slumber. Looking over to see Kyle still asleep, his white chest moving up and down, I mentally calculate that it isn't him. Groaning I try to rub the cobwebs from my mind as I try to orient where it was coming from. Looking to the door as the most logical area, I noticed a shadow hanging over the slit to the hallway.

Slamming my head against the bed, I grumble to myself on how my sleep had to waken up by the RA. But wait, Ally wasn't back yet. My mind shot awake then, wondering who it could have been. Was it the new roommate for Kyle? Oh man that would make for a very awkward situation. Reaching over my boyfriend to look at my phone, I saw that we had slept in till 8am. Crawling over Kyle, I tried not to wake him but it was a futile attempt as he shifted from his slumber to look at me. "What's up hun?"

Grabbing my boxers, I whisper out to him. "Someone's at your door. I'm going to see who it is. Try and shoo them away so we can go back to sleep." Scratching my ass, I take note how sore it was, the well worn muscles from last night making their enjoyment known with every step I take. Kyle closes his eyes and drops his head back to the pillow, opening them again slowly.

Looking through the peephole, I note that there are three guys out there. Definitely not the RA. Rubbing my hair around to make it not so messy, I open the door to see the guys more clearly, their attire workout clothes. They were good looking guys but no one I had seen before, definitely not from the Frisbee team. The tallest one was in the middle, a beefy dude with a good amount of muscle on him. The other two were just as built, almost as if they could all be brothers. All had the same hair color, though their eyes were each a different color. Swallowing hard, I piped up at their surprised expressions. "Hi, you guys need something?"

I was definitely not who they were expecting as they all took a step back. It might have also been the fact that I answered the door in just my briefs but we were in the dorms, what college guy didn't do that? The smaller guy on the right managed to find his voice first, rasping out in a deep tone, "Hey are you Kyle's new roommate?"

I didn't have to look back to see Kyle bolt out of his bed, the shuffle around the room telling me he knew these guys. A muted "shit shit shit" was flowing around the room as Kyle moved back and forth to try and find his boxers, a futile attempt for him. Chuckling to myself I corrected the guy in a confused tone, "No, I'm his boyfriend." They all were shocked at that statement, though not from the boyfriend part as I noted the raised eyebrows and blinking. They apparently all knew he was gay then.

Kyle pressed his body behind me, his bare chest giving me comfort in this awkward situation. Pulling the door open more, he stood there in some jeans, the best thing that he could find in the short time period. "Hey guys, I am sorry that I forgot about our workout this morning."

The tall guy took a step forward, making me move back into Kyle more, as if he could somehow protect me from this fit guy before me. His crew cut hair made me wonder what all he did for a job, or if he just liked his hair like that. Kyle wrapped his hands around me, interlacing his fingers on my chest. "It's all cool Kyle. You just owe us one." The guy looked over to me as I gave a weak smile to him. "You must be Chris. I'm Darren. This is Leon," he motioned to his left then to his right, "Monty. Kyle talked of you all last year. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." Darren gave a laser stare to Kyle as he extended his hand to me. His smile was hard to read but his handshake was firm, almost too firm.

Wincing from the grip, I quickly backed down to move to the other two guys. Kyle rested his head on my left shoulder as he looked at the guys. "Instead of making up the run, what about Jamba? I'll make it up by paying." Mulling it over in my mind, Jamba Juice did sound like a great breakfast, and I could tell from their reactions that they were ok with it as well. Smoothies were always a great way to start a morning, especially when it was free. After nods from each of them, Kyle commented, "Let us get dressed real fast then we'll be out ok?" There wasn't they could say as Kyle pulled me back in and shut the door.

Waiving my hand at the door, I whispered hurriedly, "Who was that??" Moving to collect my things, I get dressed as fast as I could. The smell of sex lingered in my clothes but there wasn't much I could do about that.

Kyle pulled a shirt over his body, covering up his sexy chest, shutting off any chance for morning sex. "They are friends I met last fall, we all had jogging together and it kind of evolved into a workout group. They are great guys, I am actually glad you're able to meet them." I wasn't so sure about that as I thought about Darren. Had he harbored annoyance towards me about how I treated Kyle last year? It was a toilsome year for the two of us so I didn't know how much he had confided in his friends.

Heading over to Jamba Juice, the guys peppered me with questions, asking everything from what my major was to how I met Kyle to where I was originally from. Leon and Monty seemed to be alright with me but Darren was more reserved as if he hadn't gotten the memo that Kyle and I had sorted everything out. I felt like the center of attention as they broke into my relationship with Kyle and how we played Frisbee against each other. After playing 20 questions with me, it was my turn to play the game, asking them each their individual questions. I learned that beyond jogging, it was a hard weave to put them all together in the same basket. Kyle and Darren shared the same major, apparently sports therapy which I had never known. Leon was a business major, focusing on international marketing. Monty was a criminology major, a popular one at Fullerton, or so he told me.

They all were great guys as I stepped out of the conversation from time to time. It almost reminded me of Bryan, Zach and me. The way the four of them worked together and joked with each other made me feel glad that Kyle had nice friends. Darren was going to be my biggest detractor, him looking over to me a little more than Kyle. Kyle's smile when hanging with these guys was genuine, a sign that things were going well on my introduction to them.

It didn't take long for us to finish our smoothies and head back to campus. It was approaching ten-ish and I had to get back to Long Beach to get my things together for the semester. After dropping off the guys, I leaned over to Kyle and kissed him on the lips. I knew the guys were watching and probably going to give him shit for it but I didn't care. Neither did he as he added a little tongue to the mix, catching me by surprise as well. "I'll see you in a few days ok?" I murmured to him as he moved to get out of the car. Kyle winked at me as he nodded.

Waving to the group as I drove off, I noticed them playfully punch Kyle in the arms and Leon even went to grab Kyle's neck, rubbing his head to mess up his hair. The drive back was short and I was thankful that I didn't encounter too much traffic. Pulling into the parking lot closest to Bellflower Boulevard, I noticed Skyler and Austin passing a soccer ball back and forth in the nearby field. "Finally, I could talk with Skyler!" I thought to myself as I exited the car and made my way towards them.

Not interrupting their practice, I waited patiently off to the side till they took a break. Skyler was taking it a little hard on Austin, rolling the ball backwards and pushing Austin back as Skyler aggressively made his way towards the coned goal. It wasn't hard to see that Michael's mistake had taken its toll on him, his playing style losing all structure and evoking a rough spirited game play. Turning around near the goal, Skyler brought his foot back and rocketed the ball through the goal, using way more force than was necessary.

Austin looked at Skyler and shook his head as he went off to get the ball. Skyler looked and saw me sitting on the grass, then shook his head as he ran to his goal and back. Austin had brought the ball back by then but before they could start again, Austin motioned to Skyler that I was here. Skyler shook his head and muttered something inaudible before motioning me to come over. "What do you want Chris? If this had to do with Michael, I don't want to talk with you about it." The tone was very accusatory, as if I was a bad guy in the situation as well.

Shocked at the anger towards me, I cut him off quick and sharp. "Look Skyler, you think I am on Michael's side?" Truly I was but more for them to get back together. "He fucked up and he deserves your wrath. I've been in your spot before so cut that crap that you're alone in this."

Austin jumped into the fray at that point, stepping up to defend his friend. "Then what are you doing here then?" His tone wasn't too nice either, something that I didn't want to have to deal with at this moment.

Glaring at Austin, I spat out back, "I'm here to see how Skyler is doing. He's my friend too." I got a little testy, stepping up to make sure that I wasn't being portrayed as just team Michael. I didn't take sides on this shit.

Skyler stepped in between us and rubbed his temples, "Shut up! I don't need this right now." Austin and I both glared at each other, neither of us wanting to back down. We both uttered our apologies and looked at him hoping he'd continue. "Chris, I'm crap right now ok? I'm pissed, hurt, and scared. It's bullshit." He was breaking down in front of us and he knew it. A slight tear started to materialize in his right eye. Looking fiercely at Austin he concluded, "Austin, don't give me crap about emotions and gay shit. You were worse when your girlfriend dumped your ass and then hooked up the day after." That really shut up Austin fast as he cowered back down. I stood my ground as I wanted him to keep talking. Skyler though stopped before it got too bad, a sign that there was more that he might have wanted to talk about but not here.

Austin held his shoulders low and looked at the ground, "Sorry bro, I should be more supportive for you."

Looking at him in the eyes, I shifted my weight in my feet. "Well, if you want to talk, you know where to find me." I was about to walk away when Skyler piped up.

Stealing the ball from Austin, Skyler dribbles it back and forth to himself. Slowing to a crawl, he murmurs out, "Give me a few days ok?" I expressed my pain at seeing him in this condition and nodded.

Walking back to my apt, I accepted the fact that I couldn't do much more to help him. Entering into the living room, I walked right into Bryan making out with Christine. The two of them shot up and away from each other like rockets, her hurriedly buttoning up her blouse in the process. "Umm... Hi Chris." She coughed out as I quickly shuffled to my room.

"Hi Christine. Hi Bryan. Glad to see you too are getting to know each other well." In my head I couldn't help but think of Ron Burgundy saying 'Well that escalated quickly'. Chuckling to myself, I went into my room to let them get back to their business. I had a feeling though that I had just cockblocked my friend again. Poor Bryan, one of these days he'll get lucky.

Lying on my bed, I closed my eyes and started to drift off. While it was about noon, a good nap was needed. Before I fell asleep though, I could have sworn I heard a door shut and it didn't sound like the front door. A small smirk drifted across my face.


I hope that you enjoyed that chapter. Things will be getting interesting between Michael and Skyler so stay tuned to see what all is going on with them. Bryan seems to be making good ground on Christine but is he moving too fast? And then we also have Darren, Leon and Monty... These friends will definitely be showing up again. :D

Next: Chapter 59: The Ultimate Challenge 3

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