The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on May 27, 2013


Hey guys and gals- after a long break (including my graduation and finals) I am glad to say that I am back. I hope to have the chapters flowing out a whole lot faster now that it is summer. I have missed writing so let's see where this goes.


Waking up in Kyle's room on November 1st, I was a bit disillusioned that he didn't wake me before heading to class but after all the nights we had been spending together, I wasn't too surprised. In all actuality, I was enjoying it. It meant that, deep down, we were getting comfortable staying at each other's places and that we didn't need to worry about leaving the other in the room when we left.

Unraveling my body from the fetal position, I felt a slight drag on my arm under the covers and pulled it out to reveal the handcuffs still attached. Kyle must have released me sometime in the night, or morning, and allowed for me to relax into a comfy position. Smiling weakly to myself, I roll onto my back and look at the ceiling, my nude body slightly covered by the sheets. Laying there, a student at a foreign school, I didn't feel any qualms about it, instead I enjoyed it. It was nice to be different from everyone else who had relationships with students from the same school.

Given our romp last night, I was lacking morning wood as I rose out of the bed to gather my things. Looking to the door, I saw that Kyle had left me a note. Stretching my legs (as well as my ass), I took gentle steps over to the entry way. "Hey C, went to class. Don't know when I'll be back. There's money on the desk for breakfast I owe you." Shaking my head I look over to his desk where he had laid out ten dollars. He really does attempt to spoil me at times.

Moving to his bed, I sat down and gathered my thoughts, leaving the money untouched. What all did I need to do today? Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I drop the pants back to the ground and crossed my legs as I opened up my calendar. My teacher had for some reason held their midterms later than the rest of campus so studying was the main thing I needed to take care of. Eying a study abroad session for Long Beach it got me thinking about checking into Fullerton's. I do want to see if they have USAC as well.

Settling the topic in my head, I gather my stuff together and look through Kyle's closet for a shirt to borrow. I couldn't exactly walk into their office wearing a blood smeared shirt now could I? Anyways this wasn't the first time that we had borrowed each other's clothes, in actuality we tended to do it often, mostly because we were lucky enough to fit the opposites sizes. Having said that, we still didn't do it too often because he had a slightly different style than me- he went for the t-shirts with designs on them and I went more for the urban look, more up-to-date and fashionable. It was something that Tay had instilled in me while we were growing up.

Grabbing a shirt out of his closet at random, I chuckle slightly as I had gotten one of my shirts back, the tight fitting long sleeve grey shirt not really his style but more mine. Tossing it on, I made sure that it matched my look and headed out. Leaving my clothes in his room, I shot him a quick text saying I need him to drive me back to Long Beach after he got out of his class. Knowing he wouldn't respond for a few minutes, I went down to the campus and started to search around for the study abroad office.

Kyle shot me back a quick "OK" text before cutting off, a sure sign that he was preoccupied with his class. After asking around a few of the students, which many actually didn't know, I learned that it was in the University Hall. Even still the one's that I did ask were slightly sure that it was there, not 100% sure which was what I was hoping for. Walking through the campus, I enjoyed the fact that I was able to fit in here, the change in scenery nice. The quad was different from Long Beach, though it was hard to explain how. Both campuses were urban and up to date which was nice but both had a feel to them that let you know you were where you belong.

Entering into the University Hall, I walked upstairs to their office, a bit more set up than Long Beach. It didn't take me as long to find this office, though in a way, I was searching for this office where in Long Beach I stumbled upon it. Entering in, I was impressed with how organized it was, every book and pamphlet sorted out into its specific area.

After looking around for a few seconds, I turned to the student behind the counter and asked, "Do you guys happen to have the USAC program?" I didn't see the normal purple book like I was used to but that didn't mean that it didn't exist.

The female student worker was a bit preoccupied when I asked her the question, her focus on sorting through paperwork and entering in student's data into the computer. She was barely 20, her golden locks matching her Caucasian skin. Looking up at me, she went flush with embarrassment as she realized that I had asked her a question and it completely blew over her. "Sorry what was that?" I repeated the question, to which she got up and moved around to me, showing me where the USAC section was. "Yes we do have USAC. What country are you looking at?"

"I'm actually not a student here. I go to CSU Long Beach but my boyfriend does. I was hoping that you might have the same program so that we could possibly go together." Taking in her reaction I do my best to gauge what I just said.

She smiled happily as she cooed at my statement, "You want to go abroad with your boyfriend? That's so sweet! When were you thinking of going?"

"I was thinking next spring but I don't know if we still have time. If not then fall. As for country, I am thinking England but I am not sure yet. Maybe Ireland. I lost all my Spanish when I left high school so I am a bit rusty if I were to go to Spain. But Europe looks like a great place to go."

Taking one of the books, she opens it up to the locations in England. "Thankfully you still have a few weeks left but you need to get on it quick. You not only need to get on it for Long Beach but also your boyfriend needs to get in here as well. Do you think you could have it in by Thanksgiving Break?"

Swallowing hard, I thought it over hard. I would really need to get Kyle in here and convince him. I mean this would a great experience for the both of us, it's just convincing him. "Maybe, it'll be tough but I'll try. Again, if I don't get it in by then there's always the next semester that we could go." With that, I got a text from Kyle saying that he was out of class and able to take me home. "Speak of the devil." I grin as I thank her to head out.

I didn't have to travel far to find him, which I was thankful over. He was exiting the Humanities building when I got out of the University Hall. In our race to find each other, he found me first, the waving of his hand making him visible in the sea of released classes. Making my way through the crowd, I kissed him on the lips gently as we walked towards the parking lot by the dorms. "How was class?"

With a shrug of his shoulders, he let out a cryptic "Meh" then moved to ask me a question, "What were you doing in the Hall?" With his arm wrapped over my shoulder and mine around his waist, we squeezed each other together as we passed between two large groups of students.

Taking a deep breath, I try to formulate my response, "Remember when I talked about studying abroad a few weeks ago? Well I wanted to see if your office had the same program as me so we could study abroad together." I left it hanging there as we neared the edge of the parking lot. "Plus I didn't think you would check it out."

Kyle looks at me with a mock hurt expression then sighs, "Yea I have been meaning to but I have been too busy. Sorry about that babe. But did they?" We were nearing his car as he took off his arm to pull out his keys.

With a controlled excitement, I blurt out, "Yea! I mean, yes they did. Thing is the deadline is Thanksgiving week so if we were to go we would need to get the forms in asap. Do you think you could talk with your parents about going?" With a serious tone on that, I realized that I had not ever had the chance of actually meeting his parents. But then again it was when he felt comfortable with me coming by to meet them.

Kyle swallowed hard and then shrugged, "I'll try. This is kind of last minute but who knows? They might say yes."

Right as we were about to pull out, the thought of my clothes came to my mind. "Shoot, I forgot my clothes in your room."

Kyle stopped the car for a brief second then continued on, retorting, "I'll add them to my collection. Especially since I see you've gotten some back." We both snicker as he continues driving me back to Long Beach.

With the General being in the army, I had no choice but to be involved in politics, every choice made by the president having a chance to affect my dad. The weekend had passed and it seemed like everywhere I looked were stickers for either Obama/Biden or Romney/Ryan. I knew I was going to vote on Tuesday but after getting many glimpses into how dirty the elections got, I tried my best to stay out of them. Both candidates had great platforms that they were running on but I was leaning more towards Obama because of his coming out for the LGBT community.

Come Monday, I was rolling my eyes as I moved around my hall; all I was seeing were "Rock the Vote" signs and places on campus that there were going to be booths. I was happy that I didn't need to talk with Bryan or Zach over it, especially Zach given his conservative background. I wasn't going to hold anything against him if he voted for Romney, in fact I would have been proud of him because he was going to be standing up for what he felt was right. Come Tuesday I was going to lock myself in my room and shut off all electronics, the care for who won not a concern for me. Until then I was stuck with the onslaught of party fighting, the bickering back and forth of Obama sinking Romney's battleship or Rove seemingly doing more campaigning than Romney.

After classes, I had hoped that I would be able to escape it all but how wrong I was. the topic of the recent debates were still fresh on the lips of everyone, their impact showing in everyone's actions. Pike had tried to quell the topic by having us focus on the tournament this weekend but it didn't seem to help too much.

After practice, Pike pulled me to the side to talk about the upcoming game. "Hey, given your stunt with Kyle at the last game, we need to talk with Victoria again about how we are going to have you two play. It was clear that you both are needed on each other's team when we go against each other, but there has to be a way we can work this out to be fair."

I had hoped we had moved past this all but apparently not. "Really Pike? Come on, Kyle and I aren't going to compromise our teams. Trust me. Trust US."

With a heavy sigh, Pike furred his brow and rubbed eyes, "Ok, well still keep Wednesday afternoon open ok?"

Shaking my head, I mutter, "Ok." With that, Pike moved away from me to deal with other team issues, and allowed me to leave. Bryan and Zach were waiting for me in the distance, a little tradition we had picked up.

Walking back to the dorm, Zach piped up first, "That about you and Kyle this weekend?"

Groaning, "Yea... I just wish everyone see that Kyle and I aren't the threat that we are being portrayed as." There wasn't much that I could do so I just went with it.

Tuesday came around and every TV, computer, and electronic device was showing the results of the election. I did my best to stay disconnected from it all, the whole "who's in the lead now" game getting very annoying. While I had a strong feeling Obama was going to win, there was always the chance that Romney could take it as well. After all my classes, I shut myself in my room and, like I had said before, turned off all electronics. I didn't need my phone trilling left and right saying this candidate won or this thing passed.

Waking up on Wednesday, it felt like any other day, that is until I saw the newspaper. Obama had won, big shock there. What caught my eye was the fact that three states had legalized gay marriage and that Minnesota had stopped an amendment for "traditional marriage". This was news to me, allowing something interesting to read over from the election.

This was probably the biggest win for gay rights that had ever happened in an election. Not only did we manage to reelect a president that supported gay rights but the states took matters into their own hands and moved on to approve measures that allowed for marriage equality. This was great! As was to be expected, the entire talk of the day was how close the election was and how without key states, Romney would have won. Despite its liberal area, there were always going to be pockets of conservatives, and throughout the day, they moaned and groaned about the loss of another election.

Remembering that I was to learn about this weekend's game with Kyle, my anticipation for the day grew with every passing hour I grew anxious. Around 5pm I finally got the text I was waiting for; Pike sent it as a mass message to me, Kyle and Victoria. "Hey meet at Fullerton's USU in an hour ok?" I quickly responded with an OK and went out to my car to drive over. I knew that if I didn't leave soon, the rush hour traffic would get me there late.

Even still I was dealt with the delay, several cars unable to do a simple merge in the lanes. I was glad though because it gave me time to talk with Kyle via text, "Hey any idea where we stand when it comes to playing?"

Kyle didn't take long to respond, "Nah, I wish I did though. Can't wait to see you." I was glad though this time that I was not caught off guard by the entire situation, the simple act of a heads up much more reassuring than walking in blind. I was able to formulate my rebuttal during my drive, talking certain points over with Kyle.

After parking, I make a quick bee line for the USU, the familiar building becoming almost second nature for me to go to at Fullerton. With all the restaurants there, Kyle and I would go there for breakfast when the dining hall was serving bad food. Heading in, I was happy to see Kyle near the entrance. I moved up to kiss him and then looked around for Pike and Victoria. "Where's Pike, or Vic?

Kyle sat back down and motioned for me to as well, "They went off to 'deliberate'." He made the quote signs when he said the word, adding a slight annoyance to his face. "They better let us play against each other."

Pike and Victoria came from around the corner, both of them stoic expressions. They stood before us and looked at each other, then us. Pike spoke first, "You two are ok to play against each other."

I blurted out "Yes," then shut back up to let them continue. Kyle and I leaned forward as Victoria took her turn now.

Victoria sat down opposite from us, then opened up. "The squabbling between our two teams is not healthy at the moment, and to be honest, it is not where the threat is at at the moment. Northridge is the rising competition that needs to be addressed."

Pike took his seat next as Kyle added his two cents, "They're just cocky. They won't last too long."

Pike stopped Kyle right there. "While that may be true, they do have a fire in them. And it is that fire that makes them the threat that they are." Victoria shrugged her shoulders in agreement.

Kyle scoffed out, "It's Parker that their 'fire'. He just needs to be snuffed out. I mean come on, the guy is only a freshman."

I couldn't help but get a little amused at how defensive Kyle was getting. "Do I sense a bit of jealousy over Parker? He does remind me of you last year." I probably shouldn't have said that as Kyle rocketed away from me in disgust.

"What? NO. The guy is inexperienced on all levels. I was, and still am, way better than him." Kyle tries to tear down Parker but he fails as Victoria corrects him.

"Actually Kyle, he does have skills and experience. He knows what he is doing which is probably what is making Northridge so confident." She doesn't look at Kyle, instead avoiding his eyes all together.

I mouth "sorry" to him, not knowing it would have sent him off so much. Backing off, I look at Pike and wait for him to do or say something. Motioning that the meeting, abet short, was over, he got up and shook hands with Victoria. "This went a whole lot better than last time." Kyle got up and shook hands as well, him still slightly venting as well. "Thanks for coming by Kyle."

Kyle smiled back, one that showed he was happy to play against me, his main focus on Parker more than me. "Good luck this weekend Pike."

After grabbing dinner with Kyle, and avoiding the Parker topic all together, I went back to my dorm to prep for the weekend. I had a few tests that were coming up that I also needed to study for as well, so I needed to put a few hours in there. Entering into my dorm, I started to head towards the elevator but then stopped. Thinking something over, I turned and went down the hallway to Michael's door. Knocking slightly, I waited for him to answer.

He answered, and I was glad to see he was alone. "Hey what's up Chris?" It was still early in the night, though from the wear on his face, it was evident he was getting tired from studying so much.

Shifting slightly, I mumble out, "I was wondering if I could talk with you... in your room." Michael ushers me in then moves to sit on his bed as he waits for me to continue. "Have you and Skyler ever thought about having an orgy?" I was completely embarrassed asking the question but it was something that had been on my mind for a while.

Michael shifts his head and then tries to restrain a smirk, "What? Umm... we haven't really talked about it but I wouldn't be against it. Why? You and Kyle up for swinging?"

I completely shut down, stammering for the words, "No! I mean, I don't know. I wanna try it, at least the orgy thing. But I want to do it with someone I trust. And I thought of you two on that part."

Michael chuckles slightly, "Well it would be fun to top Kyle. Put your boyfriend in his spot. And don't lie, you would enjoy watching it as well. Heck I've even seen you check out Skyler."

I blush as I look away. "I'm sorry. This was a bad idea." I start to get up and leave but Michael stops me.

"Chris, don't freak out about it. Talk with Kyle. I'm sure Skyler will be ok with it. With us being open, this will be a great first step to see if it is what we actually want." Michael directs out to me before I reach the door.

Was I really up for this? I mean it sounded like a really interesting thing to do, though I don't know if Kyle would really be up for it. Especially with Michael of all guys. Though he was the best guy I could think of when it came to this kind of situation, since he was someone I could trust.


This orgy idea is becoming a little more concrete. I can't wait to hopefully see it come to bear. Then there is also the topic of studying abroad that is taking shape as well. But more pressing is the tournament this weekend.... And Parker... How will that turn out?

Next: Chapter 71: The Ultimate Challenge 15

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