The Unexpected Holiday

By Patrick

Published on Aug 2, 2022


The Unexpected Holiday 2

This story is fiction about consensual sex, bondage, and BDSM between age (18+) boys and adult males. If it is illegal to read such material in your jurisdiction, or if you are under the legal age to do so, please exit this site immediately.

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NOTE TO READERS: I am interested in feedback, so please send comments, questions, story ideas, and information about what worked/didn't work to me directly. I'd love that feedback and am interested in improving my writing. I'm also interested in meeting others who share my interests, so don't hesitate to reach out, please.

By Patrick -


The Unexpected Holiday - Chapter 2 - The Contract

"Right, come on slave!" was yelled up the stairs at me. I was still half dressed from having a shower but I headed down the stairs still putting on my top as I didn't want to disappoint Sir. "This tardiness is not acceptable!" he bellowed at me as I went past Sir and headed for my shoes. "for taking so long leave them behind"

"What Sir?"

"Are you questioning me?"

"No Sir but erm Sir... I don't understand Sir"

With a very firm voice that meant business "Leave your shoes behind. You need to be taught a lesson and today youre not allowed to wear shoes"

"I'm sorry Sir. Yes Sir. Whatever you wish" I said with my head bowed looking down at his shoes.

"Carry my bag slave"

"Yes Sir" It was a black holdall bag. It was all zipped up so I had no clue what was inside it. I picked up my mobile phone and headed for the door behind Sir.

"Did I tell you to bring you phone?" Sir asked

"Erm... no Sir"

"Give it here!"

I handed it to Sir. He pressed the power button firmly and the phone played it's shut down song. He then thrust it into his pocket and marched towards the car.

I had to quicken my pace to get ahead of Sir so that I could open the door for him. The dirt paths had sharp stones and hurt a bit to walk on but I wanted to show how serious I was about my new position in life as his property and slave. He climbed into the driver's seat and I closed the door behind him. I quickly ran around to the other side to get into the passenger seat. I got into the car putting the black holdall bag between my legs on the floor of the car.

Sir reversed the car out and head down the long dirt track road to the main road. I loved how my villa was so far away from civilization. We did have neighbouring villas but all of them were closed for the winter. The nearest person at this time of year was probably 1 or 2 miles away. The car bump it's way down the drive as we made it to the main road. I then asked Sir "where are we going?" just realizing that he never told me.

"You'll find out soon enough" he said as he slide his hand away from the gear stick and onto my knee. Patting it and sliding it up the inside of my leg. I could feel my cock giving away my excitement again. I hadn't wanked since we left England and my balls were ache to explode.

We drove along the main for a bit, we didn't see one other car the whole time. Sir then pulled off onto a side road. I knew the road. It only headed to some more beaches villas that more than likely will be locked up and at the end was a beach bar with a car park that was set behind the beach in the sand dunes. We drove all the way to the end of the road to the car park. Sir pulled the car to a stop.

The car park was completely empty. In the summer you would struggle to get a space here. The beach bar that would be normally buzzing with people was desolate. There were no tables and chair out like normally and all the windows and doors were boarded up like it was ready for a nuclear bomb. "Do you know this place slave?"

He knew I knew it. I had been coming to this island for years. I knew the whole island like the back of my hand. "Yes Sir" I said.

"Before we start" as Sir spoke to me "We need to get things clear and formal". He then ordered me to hand him his bag. I pulled it up through my legs knocking my hard erect cock as I lifted it up and onto of the middle bit between us. He unzipped the flap and opened it towards me so that I couldn't see what mysteries it had inside. Sir rummaged around and pulled out a file. "You need to read and sign this" he hand me the file. I open it up... the title says "The Slave Contract".

"Do you know what this is Nick?" Sir asks me using my name.

"Yes, it's a slave contract"

"Do you understand what it means if you sign this contract?"

"Will it mean that you own me Sir"

"Yes it does and that I will completely control you from now on. I am not forcing you to sign this, I am Tony at the moment. Not your Master. You are free to do what you want. But once you sign this contract, everything will change. I will be your Master. Do you understand?"

"I understand Sir... Tony"

"Read it thoroughly. If you have any questions ask them. You can take as long as you want to Nick."

I started reading my way through the contract.


"the slaves’ oath:

Of my own free will, as of 20th March 2017, i Nick Jones hereafter “the slave”, hereby grant You, Tony Reed hereafter “the Master”, full ownership and use of my body and mind from now until midnight of the 26th March 2017. After such time the decision whether or not to prolong your ownership will be made.

Contract overview:

This Contract is provided as a secure and binding agreement which defines in specific terms the relationship and interaction between the two individuals named above. This agreement is legal and binding. This agreement must be entered voluntarily, but cannot be broken except under the conditions stated herein, after which certain precautions shall be taken to protect those involved.

This document is written expressly for the guidance, betterment and benefit of our Master-slave relationship. These agreements benefit Master, as they should, but by accepting the firm hand, wisdom and guidance of these laws, they shall benefit the slave's interests, as fully and faithfully considered and decided by Master. This evolving document shall be a guidepost for the slave's behaviour and Master's expectations of the slave and what the slave may expect from his Master.

The Master's Role:

The Master accepts the responsibility of the slave's body, to do with as he sees fit, under the provisions determined in this contract. The Master agrees to care for the slave and to arrange for the safety and wellbeing of the slave as long as he owns the slave. The Master also accepts the commitment to treat the slave properly, to train the slave, punish the slave, love the slave, and use the slave as he sees fit.

The slave's Role:

The slave agrees to submit completely to the Master in all ways. There are no boundaries of place, time, or situation in which the slave may wilfully refuse to obey the directive of the Master without risking punishment, except in the use of a safe word to be agreed upon and covered in this contract under the ‘safe word’ section. The slave also agrees that, once entered into the slave contract, his body belongs to the Master, to be used as seen fit, within the guidelines and duration defined herein. The slave agrees to please the Master to the best of his ability, in that he now exists solely for the pleasure of said Master. The slave belongs to the Master.

Termination of Contract:

This contract may only be terminated after both parties agree that irreconcilable differences in the relationship have been reached. All avenues of recourse to repair the relationship must be investigated fully to the Master's satisfaction before termination. Upon reaching such agreement, the Master must have final approval of termination of contract.

Code of Conduct:

  • Obedience is required. When an instruction is given, it is not the time to negotiate. Discussion will be allowed later if needed. Hesitation to follow instruction will be met with punishment.

  • The slave agrees to obey his Master in all respects. his mind, body, heart and time belong to Him. The slave accepts the responsibility of using his safe word only when necessary, and trusts implicitly in his Master to respect the use of that safe word. If a condition arises in which the slave needs to use the safe word or gesture, his Master will assess the situation, and determine an appropriate course of action.

  • The slave shall keep his body available for the use of his Master at all times. In addition, the slave agrees that his Master possesses the right to determine whether others can use his body and what use they may put it to. The Master will discuss all such instances in advance with the slave, to be certain that such play with others will not violate any established limits. The slave shall demonstrate his acceptance of his role of service and availability at all times while at home and at other times and places specified by his Master. The slave acknowledges that his Master may use his body or mind in any manner He wishes within the parameters of safety. He may hurt him without reason to please Himself. The slave enjoys the right to cry, scream or beg, but accepts the fact that these heartfelt expressions will not affect his treatment. Further, he accepts that if his Master tires of his noise, he may gag him or take other actions to silence him.

  • The slave will answer any questions put to him promptly, honestly and directly, and will volunteer any information his Master should know about his physical or emotional condition. While his Master expects His slave to speak honestly and forthrightly about anything that bothers him, he is not to interpret that as permission to whine or complain. he will phrase his concerns politely and respectfully, and then gracefully accept his Master's judgment in these matters without further complaint.

  • The slave is permitted to engage in any and all activities not actively forbidden by this contract or by later edict of the Master. All rights and privileges not otherwise noted in this contract belong to the Master, and He may exercise them as He chooses.

  • The collar is to be worn at all times.

  • A period of reflection is required when the slave each day. This is to be done on his knees in the slave’s room and last for a period of at least 5 minutes. This is to remind the slave of his position.

  • Modification of the body including hair will be approved by the Master.

  • The wearing of underwear by the slave will be determined by the Master, according to circumstances.

  • The slave will be clean shaven on face, chest, underarms, anal and pubic area      at all times.

  • Respect of the Master’s friends and associates is required.

  • There is to be a discussion time regarding the relationship any time the slave or Master feels it is necessary, except during a session, or while being given an order. A request for discussion will assure one, within one day at both the Master and slave's convenience.

  • A safe word will always be honoured in this relationship and no circumstances negative or otherwise will occur upon the use of this safe word.

  • When in the same room as his Master, the slave will ask permission before leaving the room, explaining where he is going, and why.

Failure to obey these rules can and will lead to corrective measures. There will be no discussion from the slave regarding these corrective measures, unless it is at a later discussion time.

Agreements between Master and Slave:

We agree to always be honest with each other in all things including feelings, thoughts and actions.

The slave agrees to accept any punishment the Master decides to inflict, whether earned or not.

Rules of Punishment:

Punishment of the slave is subject to certain rules designed to protect the slave from intentional abuse or permanent bodily harm. Punishment must not incur permanent bodily harm, or the following forms of abuse:

  • Blood may not be drawn at any time. Punishment must stop immediately if blood is drawn
  • Burning the body
  • Drastic loss of circulation
  • Causing internal bleeding
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Withholding of any necessary materials, such as food, water, or sunlight for extended periods of time

slave's Veto:

The slave, where appropriate, holds veto power over any command given by the Master, at which time he may rightfully refuse to obey that command. This power may only be invoked where agreed by both master and slave, or under the following circumstances:

  •  Where said command conflicts with any existing laws and may lead to fines, arrest, or prosecution of the slave.
  • Where said command may cause extreme damage to slave's life, such as losing their job, causing family stress etc.
  • Where said command may cause permanent bodily harm to the slave.
  • Where said command may cause psychological trauma to the slave, such as a rape scene for a slave that has been raped in the past.·   

Permanent Bodily Harm:

Since the body of the slave now belongs to the master, it is the master's responsibility to protect that body from permanent bodily harm. Should the slave ever come to permanent bodily harm during the course of punishment or in any other slavery related activity, whether by intention or accident, it will be grounds for immediate termination of this contract, should the slave so desire. Permanent bodily harm shall be determined as:

  • Death
  • Any damage that involves loss of mobility or function, including broken bones.
  • Any permanent marks on the skin, including scars, burns, or tattoos, unless accepted by the slave.
  • Any piercing of the flesh which leaves a permanent hole, unless accepted by the slave.
  • Any diseases that could result in any of the above results, including sexually transmitted diseases.

Safe word:

  • During any Safe Period, the Master and slave shall resolve any issues before continuing any punishment, discipline or training.
  • the slave cannot use a Safe Word for no reason, and must supply a specific reason each time.
  • No punishments, discipline or training will take place during a Safe Period and the slave shall be free to express his concerns, and speak freely without fear of harm or punishment.
  • the slave understands and willingly accepts, however, that he will continue to address his Master with respect and love at all times and that deviations from this rule are subject to punishment at a later time.
  • There is no limit to the amount of times during any given period the Safe Word may be utilized, and thusly, Safe Periods.

Hard Limits:

The following is a list of hard limits upon which both Master and slave agree. This section may be added to or subtracted from upon the agreement of both Master and slave.

  • No acts involving children or animals
  • No acts that would leave permanent damage or markings unless agreed upon by both parties


The slave may not seek any other master or lover or relate to others in any sexual or submissive way without the Master's permission. To do so will be considered a breach of contract, and will result in extreme punishment. The Master may accept other slaves or lovers, but must consider the slave's emotional response to such actions and act accordingly. Under no circumstance should the Master allow such actions to unbalance the slave emotionally, or allow such actions to result in ignoring the slave.

slave's Signature:

i have read and fully understand this contract in its entirety. i agree to give myself completely to my Master, and further accept his claim of ownership over my physical body. i understand that i will be commanded, trained and punished as a slave, and i promise to be true and to fulfil the pleasures and desires of my Master to the best of my abilities. i understand that i cannot withdraw from this contract except as stated in this contract.

Signature:     ____________________________________­_

Print Name:  _____________________________________

Date:           _____________________________________

Master's Signature:

I have read and fully understand this contract in its entirety. I agree to accept this slave as my property, body and possession, and to care for him to the best of my ability. I shall provide for his security and wellbeing and command him, train him, and punish him as a slave. I understand the responsibility implicit in this arrangement, and agree that no harm shall come to the slave as long as he is mine. I further understand that I can withdraw from this contract at any time.

Signature:     ____________________________________­_

Print Name:  _____________________________________

Date:           _____________________________________


After finishing reading I look up at Tony. He smiles back at me. "Sir... erm Tony ..." I've already got in the habit of calling him Sir. "I see you've only set this contract to last the time we are here on holiday"

"Yes. At the end of the holiday I have another contract that we could both sign"

"Oh really" sounding too excited

Tony chuckled "So I take it you want to sign?"

"HELL YES!" I smiled at Tony "Look at my cock, it's been hard the whole time I read the contract. I know in my heart and in my head that I have been wanting to be owned. You have known me for years, I couldn't think of anyone better that I would want to give myself fully to"

"Good boy" smiled Tony as he handed me a pen "You know what to do then"

I took the pen from him and signed, printed my name and dated it. "Here you are SIR! Your turn" as I handed the contract and pen back to Sir.

"Steady boy" smiled Tony seeing my eagerness "there are two copies to sign. One for me and one for you"

"Sorry Sir" I liked calling Tony Sir again. I open the file up and sure enough behind the first contract was an exact copy of the first. I signed that one too and then handed it back to Sir with my head slightly bowed and looking down this time.

Sir opened the file and signed both copies. "I will keep them both in my bag for now but when we get  home you can have your copy for your reference. Your safe word is Lagavulin"

"Why that word Sir?" I asked

"That's the name of the whisky you smashed this morning!" I looked away sheepishly

"Yes Sir. I understand" As I thought to myself I am never going to utter that word.

Next: Chapter 3

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