The Unicorn Fraternity

Published on Aug 27, 2022


The Unicorn Fraternity Part 1 (Revised) by Chaim

This is a series about the Bothers and their boys at the Unicorn Fraternity. The Brothers run a special school in which they commit themself in training the boys with gay sex. The chapters will include hardcore sex, group sex, S&M. The series is set in an open society where the boys can develop themself without restraint.

This is fiction.

Your feedback is very welcome. You can write to me in English or Dutch at Thank you for reading, and thank you for supporting Nifty to keep this site open and free.

The Unicorn Fraternity

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your interest in our special Boarding School Program at our unlimited development School for boys. Unicorn is a unique school. It is independent, owned by the spiritual Fraternity of the Unicorn and run by our Abbot. We offer programs that opens doors for our boys to possibilities all around the world. We are a small Fraternity for special selected boarding students. Unicorn a great place to be a teenager.

We make sure their doubts disappear, and they will find the life that suits them.

Consider our school if you have a teenage son, who has somewhat submissive tendencies and needs to get educated. At our school he will at first get a thorough a theoretical introduction. The boys then become postulate, followed by novice and, if he passes everything successfully, your son can become a Brother at the fraternity himself. Brother you are not for life, many step up to take their place in the world.

We hope to receive your application form, best regards,

Brother Adam.

Brother Adam smiled as he reread his own words, he knew the boy's Daddy, he had been a Brother himself. We were sure Jonah would come and the Abbot would enjoy his work with him. Every Summer the selection was repeated, and the Fraternity welcomed the boys who were selected. Brother Adam was always the mentor of the most submissive ones, that's was his specialty. The boys were confused about their sexuality, but they were all submissive in their hearts. Most of them had only a hard time accepting their true position in life. That first day the proud Daddies and their sixteen year old sons went to the Fraternity to embark on a journey to their future. Brother Adam knew some boys would make it to the end and become man, accepting their destiny, others would fall away. Each boy would be met by a senior Brother ready to show him the ropes. In some cases the senior Brothers seek those who were undergoing their first separation from family and home, the real innocent boys. Brother Adam did and he selected Jonah. Once he had separated the boy from his Daddy, Brother Adam explained Jonah the fraternity and told him about the benefits living here, free from all the expectations his Daddy had imposed on him. Brother Adam explained the role of the Brothers keeping traditions of the past intact. As they walked around and he took Jonah for a more private, individual conversation in his study. The Daddies departed and left their teenagers in the hands of the Brothers of Unicorn and were convinced their sons would become men.

Boy in training

Jonah was sixteen and would become a man in two years. For this reason, his Daddy, had sent him to the Fraternity for preparatory training. Jonah had not been told what to expect, other than the fact that he would have no rights of any kind during the following two years and that strict obedience would be demanded of him.

On arrival Brother Adam had met the boy for the first time and told him the essentials. "All new boys here are young and in training. They stay naked at all times."

Jonah found this strange and puzzling, but saw that all the postulants got naked too.

"During the first six months, postulants like you are not allowed to wear anything," Brother Adam explained him. "it is to teach you humility and to make it clear that you have no rights, there is here no privacy."

Jonah was proud of his young toned body, but he was not used to walking around fully naked all day long, indoors and out. He couldn't even hide his erection when he was obviously aroused, so he felt often embarrassed. For as Brother Adam observed, nature had endowed Jonah with a very sizable member; when fully erect, the head reached his belly button. Jonah had balls to match, hanging very low in their sack, his balls swung back and forth as the boy walked around, making him constantly aware of them. Jonah's balls promised a healthy production of boy cum, something what was essential for his duties. So Brother Adam just told him that,

"Embarrassed? You got nothing to be embarrassed about. You got a nice body, you should be proud of that, not embarrassed."

Jonah felt suddenly like he always did in the showers after gym class. He nervous and embarrassed, but oddly excited too. Jonah's nudity did not attract attention. After all, the other new postulants were going around naked as well. It was a common sight. Most were youths about to enter manhood.

All boys were kept hairless, the Brothers shaved them every day. There was no formal hierarchy among the postulants. It was all about character and reputation. Jonah was a nice and attractive boy. He had a huge smile, was always helpful, and was very friendly. Jonah was soon popular with everyone. Jonah had a nicely developed body, which Brother Adam now admired up close,

"First, I'm going to explain the most important rules to you. You came here to learn more about becoming one of us. You are under no obligation to join. You can ask me any questions you want. If you stay, you can have a lot of sex. All you have to do is focus on your training and the new sensations of your body. You may find that after a while you won't be able to resist my doing. For now, you should just enjoy being here. Don't worry about what other people might think of you, submission is your destiny. Your submission will take over your mind. Soon you won't think of anything else, surrender to it. Accept it. Welcome it. Enjoy it. Let it fill your mind and force out all other thoughts."

Over a couple of days Jonah had seen most of the postulants with erections from time to time. It was just a matter of getting used to it. In the dormitory where everyone slept naked. Soon Jonah got used to that too. He was aware that his cock looked more mature than most boy cocks around him. Jonah was proud of it, but not to the point of being vain. Jonah had his introduction and we talked a lot of sex, of course we discussed his dreams an desires.

"You are a boy here, a young postulate. That means two things. You are subordinate and you are submissive. You serve the Fraternity without restraint. You do what the Brothers say to you, always and that applies in all areas, but in particular it applies to sex. Absolute obedience of all rules and orders is required and all boys are responsible for each other's obedience. Your main duty will be to gratify all of the needs and desires of us. That includes, but is not limited to sex. We don't care if you are gay, straight, or bisexual, but frankly, being a young postulate it is easier if you are gay and like to be fucked."

The expression on Jonah's face was priceless, he was stunned, but it was something to live for, it also scared him. "But, but, but..." he stammered, as the reality was sinking in.

"You can ask questions at any time, so feel free to do so." Brother Adam waited, but the boy couldn't find the right words. The Brother thought he was afraid of the pain. It was always a struggle to accept the pain. The pain that would eventually make him happy and free. "Don't worry about being gay or being fucked. That will be alright, just give me time. but you remember how I began the last lesson? I told you that my gift to you would be the embrace of pain. You're going accept of pain, accept of my right to cause you pain. Your acceptance of pain as a very important training tool. You understand that pain is a tool to train you?"

Jonah nodded, "Yes Brother, I do, but I'm new to this."

Brother Adam smiled, "Your acceptance that pain is necessary for you to become a true brother, but you're trying to avoid the pain. As I explained last time, that's natural. The body shies away from pain. The first thing you must learn is to overcome that tendency. You must learn to shed your unwillingness to endure pain. You must abandon your fear of pain. You must learn to welcome pain as a necessary step on your path to become a Brother."

Brother Adam got no reaction, but Jonah remembered his words, telling him what was going to happen. Brother Adam's voice walking him slowly through the initial steps. Suddenly the Brother Adam stopped talking, Jonah needed his time, he had to feel it. Soon enough without realizing it, the boy would feel a great gratitude. The Brothers used pain as a tool, the pain itself wasn't important. What was important was what pain could do to a boy. How strong he could be, how he could become stronger by enduring the pain, by wanting it, by needing it. By becoming pain, by surrendering and becoming nothing other than a submissive boy.

Jonah was on his way to find what he had always hoped to find, his true self.

Brother Adam would help Jonah find it.

Nipple play

None of the new boys were stupid and they were encouraged to exchange their dreams and experiences. As all boys did, and they exaggerated things, but that wasn't a big deal. Jonah made an excellent start, sometimes he asked a lot of questions, most of the time just took it as it came. This all was so arousing to him that his boy cock went rock hard just talking about submission and the acceptance of the pain. He slowly learned the way pain turned to pleasure. He wanted that so much now. Jonah knew that he wanted to serve. He didn't want to go back to his former life. He wanted to be submissive. The Fraternity was safe place he had to be here.

Jonah wanted to become Brother Adam's boy, Jonah needed his persuasive deep voice in his mind, molding it, erasing the irrelevant and replacing it with the essential. Without being aware of what he was doing, Jonah accepted the Brother's role as his mentor and accepted his teaching by taking it in.

The lesson excited him. Jonah didn't know why. Its simplicity, no difficult explanations? Many times during the previous lessons, his hands strayed to his nipples and to his boy cock. It was like he had passed a test and been accepted his own feelings. Jonah didn't know for sure, but this was the kind of sex he dreamt about, but he wasn't sure why he felt so excited hearing the Brother's voice.

Jonah was different, he liked as the Brothers were touching him gratuitously, like it was the most natural thing in the world. Brother Adam's touching was always without shame or restraint, self-assured and he longed for it. Brother Adam squeezed and caressed his thigh, only inches from his boy cock and stroked his smooth chest and played with his nipples and he always wanted him to continue. In the beginning Jonah was petrified, but he was aching with lust and wanted him to do so much more to him. Jonah started to pinch his boy nipples when he was alone. Brother Adam asked him about it the next meeting,

"You like that, don't you?" Jonah smiled and answered enthusiastic. "Yes Brother, I do!"

Brother Adam told him to close his eyes, "Your body and your mind do most of the work. The pain in your nipples was exquisite, wasn't it? Your nipples a small points of pain and pleasure. So focus on them. Your boy nipples are such efficient tools. You may never have thought of them in those terms, but you'll some come to appreciate them more and more. Feel the tips of my thumbs rubbing over the tips of your nipples. Just picture it your mind, feel it. A boy with nipples as sensitive as yours, can do this to himself, but it feels even better when I am touching your nipples, doesn't it?"

Jonah shivered.

"Today it's all about your nipples. Those wonderful little boy nipples on your smooth boy chest. You have hungry nipples, Jonah. They greedy-for-pleasure, your nipples are starving for stimulation. You see, isn't just about pain, it's about pleasure too. Pleasure, your desire for pleasure, your need for pleasure."

Brother Adam played with Jonah's nipples and the boy groaned softly. The Brother asked, "Was that a groan of pleasure? Are you trying to tell me how much you're enjoying this? You want to me doing this, don't you?"

Jonah panted, "Oh yes, Brother, please!"

"Don't bother. As you will learn over and over, you want the pain. You will need the pain as it is your ultimate pleasure. But soon enough the pain will be not important anymore. They're just tools, pain an pleasure, my tools for remaking you into a submissive boy."

Brother Adam kept on playing with Jonah's boy nipples. Stroking them until the areoles contracted and the nipples became perky and stood up. The Brother squeezed each of his nipples between his thumbs and index fingers. It hurt, but it felt so good. Each time the Brother squeezed, Jonah's eyes closed tight as his head tilted back in ecstasy. A deep moan rose from his chest. Jonah's body rose up as he arched his feet. With the pain took him deeper and deeper into a sea of pleasure. Suddenly Jonah cried out, his body jerked from the pain the Brother delivered, pinching his nipples a bit harder.

"Did that hurt? That was just a pinch with my fingers, boy. Your nipples aren't only hungry for pleasure, are they? Those little boy mountains are greedy for pain, aren't they? Don't worry. I'll take care of that."

Brother Adam continued to rub his nipples, they were getting harder and harder. Jonah moaned slightly. Then, without warning, Brother Adam's mouth locked onto his left nipple and Jonah moaned as the electricity ran down through and out the end of his hard boy cock. Jonah's eyes shot open and he screamed, "Oh my god, no!"

"Shhh" the Brother said, clamping his other hand over the boy's mouth. The Brother's teeth bite down hard on the pink flesh of his boy nipple. Brother Adam gnawed on it, biting it and sucking on it, and started biting harder on the pink knob.

"Just focus on the sensation, that's all you have to do. Just accept what's happening. Just let it happen. Just focus on my teeth, anticipate it. Want it. Welcome it and feel the pleasure it brings to you."

Brother Adam focused on those slight perky nipples and leaned in and bite the left nipple, sucking it, chewing it, bringing the nub forth. Jonah's nipples were tiny and perfect. Jonah gasped as the Brother got the nub to full erection. The Brother watched as the tears form in the corner of his eyes. When a tear started to run down his cheek, the Brother wiped it with his finger and rubbed it on the boy's lower lip. Now he worked both nipples with his fingers, he could play for hours with them, but he stopped, "Good boy."

Jonah moaned loudly again as both nipples were pulled down. Brother Adam put his hand on his head and rustled his blonde hair. "Good boy. Don't worry."

Jonah groaned, he didn't know what to call the feeling. Yes, it was painful, but it was also very pleasurable. Brother Adan began stroking his nipples with the edges of his thumbnails. Jonah felt it and again he didn't know how to describe it, but it didn't need a name. Jonah was giving it all, his willingness, his desire, his need to have this awesome sensation. It was a way of giving himself over, a way of becoming Brother Adam's boy. Jonah wanted that so much, he wanted to be his boy. He wanted to become the Brother's servant, his sub boy, whatever. Brother Adam pinched his nipples between his fingernails, "Oh please."

Serve, Jonah wanted to serve. He didn't want to go back to his former life. He wanted to be here. He surrendered and gave Brother Adam complete control. He could do anything he wanted or desired. Jonah had wanted and dreamed of this for so long, he was lost.

Brother Adam continued to pinch his nipples harder and harder. They grew even more swollen. The bursts of sensations were lightning bolts in Jonah's young mind. A thunderstorm with huge flashes got him. Jonah felt the pain and it was so intense he couldn't even scream, he howled in terror and pain. It lasted for almost a minute. Then I felt slowly the pain turned into pleasure, an extreme pleasure. Jonah groaned, accepted, embraced and suddenly enjoyed the pain.

"Focus on your nipples and the sensations rocketing through your body. Feel fresh wave of pleasure through you. For now, you should just enjoy what other people might think of as pain. It will take over your mind. Soon you won't think of anything else but the pain. Surrender to it, accept it, welcome it, enjoy it. Let it burn through your mind and accept it. Let it fill your mind and force out all other thoughts."

And Jonah did.

"Excellent, Jonah, just do it. Your response was everything I hoped for."

"Open your legs." Brother Adam said. "Well I see your cock enjoyed the pain." He said and Jonah felt his hand on his cock. He knew if he kept it up he would cum real soon. "You are doing so well. Your cock is hard and starts oozing pre-cum."

Brother Adam could see the boy's orgasm was building up. Jonah's body shuddered as a fit of contractions surged through him, his entire being was focused now on having an orgasm. The muscles in his abdomen spasmed as they fought to release his climax. Jonah's buttocks tightened and clenched, his thigh muscles bunched with the force of his desire. Jonah screamed, he couldn't stop it no longer. Jonah's whole body shook as strings of his boy cum shot from his engorged boy cock. Jonah screamed again at the release as more boy cum spattered over his body and probably everywhere. Jonah thought he would faint it felt so good.

"Oh yes. that's it. That's what I like to see. Cum for me!"

With a final shudder he became still, his head spinning and the come-down of his orgasm still filtering through him. Jonah's body spasmed involuntarily. Brother Adan looked at him, he just a naked boy, cum on his chest and stomach, but he knew Jonah was very special, for some reason he just wanted more and more. Brother Adam praised him, "Good boy. There are not lot of boys like you, Jonah. Never once did you utter even under your breath

a negative response. You accepted without question anything that I did to you. You are indeed special boy."

Jonah's reward

The first weeks had been filled with lessons on self-denial and the willing acceptance of the pain and his submission. Jonah had to learn he was in the Fraternity just a submissive bottom boy. Jonah resisted at first and so Brother Adam told him repeatedly that discipline was how the Brother's established and maintain the roles of dominance and submission. Jonah was confused about that and the Brother told him,

"The Brothers will treat you as sub boy. Postulates do not have the same privileges as Brothers. You are a submissive boy. Humiliation helps you to feel and enjoy your place. When I am humiliating you, you will feel it. You will submitting to me, and will know that I am a real man and you have to obey me."

The Brother's words were making Jonah's head whirl. He couldn't understand what the Brother was saying, but it was fascinating and tantalizing for him. Brother Adam was using words in a way that he had never heard before. Jonah stood right in front of him, and was looking directly into his eyes. Brother Adam reached around and placed a hand on his hip.

"This is a nice ass," Brother Adam said, without breaking his gaze. "If I reddened it up, your ass would be absolutely irresistible."

Brother Adam slapped his butt. Not too hard, but hard enough Jonah knew it wasn't an accident.

"How about it?" he asked. "Yes, Brother, please," Jonah said without hesitation. "Good boy, you asked for it."

Brother Adam stepped back, and pulled off his white satin robe and stood naked in front of him. The Brother knew he got a nice body. Well-toned and athletic from all the swimming he did on a regular basis, and from the other sports he played. Jonah was impressed.

"Good. I've been waiting for a reason to take this robe off. Let's go for it." and Brother Adam took him by the hand and led him toward the Chapel. In the Chapel Brother Adam told him the basics,

"Jonah you will learn that all negative experiences have to be turned into positive ones. The pain in your nipples will brought you after all a lot of pleasure. The humiliation you will endure will turn into joy."

Jonah couldn't understand but was willing to learn. Jonah had to learn there were many ways of achieving these goals, and the Brother learned him never to seek personal gratification, but only to give it. Only in this way he would become man worthy of serving other man. To underline this and to praise his willingness to accept his teachings, Brother Adam took Jonah to the Chapel and tied him up.

Soon Jonah's hands were restraint above his head and his ankles were spread eagle and restraint to the crosse. A gag kept him from making any noise as Brother Adam stood in front of him, examining his young body.

The rules for this were simple, as soon as at boy passed the introduction and accepted our way of teaching he was rewarded. It was time for Jonah's reward. Brother Adam was happy he took everything so well and standing there, restrained spread eagle, while Jonah's flaccid boy cock dangled between his smooth legs. Brother Adam wasn't interested in his boy cock, he wanted Jonah to concentrate on other things other than that.

"You did an excellent job, so enjoy this."

Jonah knew that he was being rewarded but he also knew he had to go at lengths to show the Brother his submission.

Brother Adam slapped his butt cheeks, and continued to beat his ass for a while and got harder and harder with his strokes. He was really warming Jonah's ass up and making it hot. Jonah flexed, moaned, but was gagged and accepted his reward gratefully without words.

"Are you a good boy?" Jonah looked puzzled. "You're not a man yet, but I'll make you one." Brother Adam slide his cock up and down against his smooth body, causing him to moan again. The Brother took the gag from his mouth and repeated, "So, are you a good boy?" He mulled the answer in his head this time, "Yes, Brother I'm your boy and will be good."

Brother Adam liked that answer, "Good boys get rewarded."

He took his boy cock, sliding his hand slowly up and down, teasing him. He rubbed his finger over the exposed cock-head of the boy. Jonah groaned and he grabbed his smooth balls and held them tight at the base. He acted fast, he placed a silver cock ring and pushed and pulled the first ball through. Brother Adam worked on, getting the second ball through but was having a little of a problem.

"Brace yourself boy!" There was no other way and Brother Adam got a little rough and Jonah jumped from the pain searing though his ball as the Brother popped it through the silver ring. He pushed and pulled the flaccid boy cock through the ring as well. Brother Adam worked his boy cock through. Once he succeeded he pushed the cock ring back against Jonah's young body.

Brother Adam liked how his boy cock and balls hung there through the silver cock ring. Jonah looked awesome this way!

After that, the Brother worked his boy nipples with his fingers, and reached for the silver nipple rings and held them in front of Jonah's face. He smiled as he went to work, the Brother proceeded to clean his right nipple and the surrounding area with alcohol and tied a piece of dental floss to his nipple, which by now was by now extremely hard. He took two ice cubes, showed them to Jonah and applied them to the sides of his right nipple for a little while. He then put the ice cubes away and picked up a very serious looking needle. Wrapping the dental floss around his hand and grasping Jonah's swollen right nipple with his thumb and forefinger the Brother drew his boy nipple away from his body and positioned the needle alongside the back of the nipple.

At this point Jonah closed his eyes, held his breath and waited for what was coming. Jonah was helpless to stop him and accepted his fate.

Jonah didn't have long to wait but even though he was ready for it he was caught off guard when the Brother suddenly forced pushed the needle through his nipple. The pain was severe and unlike anything. Jonah yelled as the pain spread from his nipple through his chest and out into the rest of his body.

Jonah screamed and struggled in vain against his bonds. The pain felt as though it spread over every inch of his body but the worst of it subsided very quickly and soon he found himself backing away from the brink of an earthshaking orgasm which gave him another reason to moan. During his fight to stop his orgasm. Jonah was aware of the needle being replaced with the silver nipple. Brother Adan gave him a few moments to calm down and adjust to the sight of a silver ring through his right nipple then hw proceeded to do his left nipple the same way.

This time Jonah was determined to watch the needle pass through his nipple and he kept his eyes open and didn't allow himself to be caught off guard. This time the pain was joined an incredible orgasm that

left him drained as he watched the needle being replaced by the second silver nipple ring. Brother Adam hugged him, stood back and looked at his boy,

"You look hot this way."

Brother Adam reached down and adjusted his own hard cock and balls. It excited him to see Jonah this way. The Brother knelt down between his outstretched legs, he lubed up a small glass butt plug and pushed steadily at Jonah's boy hole. He slowly inserted the butt plug and Jonah's ass was accepting it. When the Brother got to the girth of the butt plug, Jonah seemed to resist but with a little nudging it got it past the anal ring. Brother Adam was satisfied that it was securely placed. Jonah felt his ass stretch around the butt plug and he accept the anal intrusion without complain.

Brother Adam stood back and looked at the restrained beauty. He felt himself getting hard just thinking about using him for his pleasure. Brother Adam stepped closer and kissed the nipple rings before he praised the boy's courage to accept his future, "Jonah, I am proud, you did well. You are my boy and a real postulate now."

Brother Adam untied him and took Jonah's hand and brought him into the middle of the Chapel. They were holding hands like lovers and enjoyed the intimacy for a moment. Brother Adam suddenly asked him, "You're in the mood for a spanking?"

"A spanking?" Jonah reacted surprised.

"Sure, as another reward. "

Not for the first time the Brother admired Jonah's firm ass. Brother Adam let go of his hand and plopped down on the spanking chair. "Is that what you need, Jonah? A spanking?"

"Yes," Jonah said softly, "I want that. I would like you to spank me."

It felt scary to say it, but it was also turning him on. Jonah felt a tiny plop in his boy cock as it began to swell up. "Good boy." Brother Adam use of the word boy for him in a authoritative but kind way. He asked, "Do you want a soft spanking or a hard spanking?" Probably ten seconds passed. "Hard or soft, boy?" the Brother repeated.

"I want a hard spanking. I want you to spank me hard," saying this Jonah's boy cock went bone hard. "Good boy."

Brother Adam took him and brought him in position, his arms and head on the floor, facing downward. He hooked his feet over the back of the leather chair, which placed Jonah's awesome butt cheeks right in front of him, in the middle of his lap. Jonah was at the Brother's mercy. In this position, his legs were spread wide, so he felt more exposed and vulnerable. Jonah's boy cock, balls, and ass were exposed. Once he was in position the Brother said, "I'm going to warm you up, boy,"

and immediately, I started gently slapping and massaging his butt cheeks. Jonah was overwhelmed with lust and desire. he wanted the Brother to fuck his ass and whispered,

"Please fuck me, Brother."

As the Brother rigorously kneaded his butt cheeks, his sphincter was repeatedly tugged and exposed. Brother Adam tightened his grip, squeezed, stretched his ass cheeks, and thought about his exceptional request.

The Brother's cock throbbed, but he didn't want to fuck him. All these boys are the same, young postulates badly wanted him to fuck them and Jonah was no exception, but it was too early for that. Instead the Brother delivered a slap. Smack! He slapped his left ass cheek so hard it was like a flash of lightning. It stung and it burned. Jonah's head was up, but his naked chest was flat on the floor, so all he could see were the Brother's feet.

"That was one," the Brother said, they were now getting down to business. That big smack was the first one he delivered. It sure hurt Jonah, but he took it. Smack! The Brother's other hand hit his right ass cheek. Lightning flashed, stinging, burning. Jonah gasped. "That was two," he said, "From now on, I want you to count, boy." The Brother kneaded his awesome butt cheeks gently for a few seconds.

Smack! Lightning, gaspomg. Both his hands had landed on both of his ass cheeks. It doubled the pain, and after Jonah sucked in his breath, he said, "Three."

Brother Adam was proud of him but immediately livered another smack! Another double handed spank, which hurt incredibly because the pain from the previous wallop had not dissipated.

"Three, what?" The Brother firmly demanded. "Three, Brother!" Jonah's words came out like he was struggling with the pain and himself. "You're hard?" the Brother asked and he found his balls and squeezed them. Jonah gasped, "Brother!" and then the Brother kind of roughly jerked his hard boy cock, detecting a little pre-cum.

"That's it, boy." Jonah could not see him. The fourth strike was to his left cheek, the fifth to his right. They were spaced so that Jonah was able to take a couple of breaths between each one. "Good job, boy. That was the first five. We are going to twenty."

Brother Adam spoke calmly and there was gently kneading his firm butt cheeks again. The tenderness of the Brother's touch was the complete opposite of the severity of the spanking. It was assuring, he was suddenly certain. He could do take it and knew the pain would turn into pleasure. With his voice still calm, the Brother declared, "The next five will come one after the other, with no break. It will hurt more, but you will love it. Take a few deep breaths and tell me when you are ready."

Jonah wasn't sure he could bear it but did as the Brother suggested, he was breathing slow and deep. The breathing steadied him and the Brother continued to massage and caress his ass cheeks.

He badly wanted to impress the Brother, to endure the "torture" of the spanking.

Finally Jonah whispered, "Ready, Brother."

The next five slaps came down on his ass. Left cheek, right cheek, left cheek, right cheek, and another two-hander on both cheeks. Jonah counted each one aloud, his voice grew louder and more breathy with each one. After yelling, "Ten, Brother!" he also yelled "Shit!"

The spanking halted and the Brother immediately turned gentle again. This time he simply ran his fingertips over his red ass cheeks. Jonah legs were spread before him and he was able to reach underneath Jonah and to stroke his dripping boy cock. Jonah's boy cock had not gone soft during the spanking, but it stood firm in his hand.

"Good job, boy," I said. "We're halfway done. And the hardest part is over." I released his boy cock and removed his hand from his warm ass. The Brother had told him that we were going to reach twenty. The remaining ten slaps were alternating from his left ass cheek to his right ass cheek and back again. There were no two-handed smacks. Each slap stung, but Jonah endured it all. It was not as overwhelming as the severe slaps earlier. Jonah finally yelled, "Twenty, Brother!" with a loud voice, and his body went limp. He cried and put his head down on the floor and closed his eyes.

Brother Adam stroked his butt cheeks. Jonah let out sigh of pleasure. The Brother's hands felt so soothing on his stinging butt. Deep down he felt like he had failed after all, he had enjoyed it, but hadn't been able to turn the pain into pleasure, he didn't have an orgasm.

The Brother gently unhooked his feet, and lowered his legs to the floor. He slid down and folded himself over Jonah's warn abused body. He bit his earlobe and whispered. "You are a good boy, don't worry too much, you have time enough to enjoy everything I have in store for you."

Jonah didn't reply. He had to learn to think in very different way, accepting the things he only dreamt about, he had to change his mindset.

Jonah's first whipping

That was all only a couple of weeks ago. Now looking down, Brother Adam saw Jonah. The sixteen year old boy lay face down on the cold marble floor of the Chapel, arms and legs outstretched. Brother Adam was sure the boy was meditating for guidance and strength to withstand the treatment which he was about to be receive. Jonah was completely naked, his white skin glistening with a sheen of fear induced sweat, his muscles tight in anticipation. The flickering candle light exalted his short blonde hair. Brother Adam liked the boy, remembered their first meeting all too well. Jonah came to the Fraternity open minded and willing to get what he needed most: an open relaxed environment in which he could discover his sexuality. The Brothers offered him just that

Brother Adam had teached him and told him, "Jonah, When I done, you may will think you want to leave the Fraternity. But you will not leave us and will ask for permission to stay. You will stay because you learned that pain is so much more pleasurable than what others call pleasure. You will stay and will ask for more, for different forms of pain, for ever more intense forms. Pain is an addiction. In the end nothing else will matter to you. You want the pain. You will need the pain as it will become your ultimate pleasure."

Jonah heard the lash just before it struck him and managed to suppress a cry of pain. Brother Adam thought he was an awesome boy taking it so well. Again and again the whip struck Jonah's back and each time Jonah managed not to scream, but tears filled his eyes and dripped onto the floor. Brother Adam kept a steady cadence as he flayed Jonah's young body. The boy tried to apply the teaching he had received: the pain must be turned to pleasure, he had to welcome it and thrive on it, let it strengthen him. It was not easy for Jonah; it required giving in to the pain rather than resisting it. The pain filled his mind, driving out all conscious thought, leading him to a new realm of being. "The pain is nothing. It's your struggle against it that's driving you mad. Accept it, welcome the pain, and it will set you free."

Brother Adam thoroughly enjoyed watching Jonah's body jerk at the sting of each lash, the boy's got an erection as if his boy cock had a mind of its own. The Brother laid a few more lashes across the boy's very smooth tight butt, taking special care to aim the cord just right in order to create a mark just where he wanted it. Brother Adam wanted to mark this special occasion his own way. Jonah bowed his head in submission and gazed at the marble floor in front of him. Brother Adam laid lash after lash across his bare back and shoulders. He loved the way Jonah flinched and whimpered each time the whip hit him.

Brother Adam knew Jonah was in total ecstasy, pre-cum was dripping from the tip of his boner. It was not so much that each lash hurt that much, of course the strokes stung, but the anticipation was driving Jonah wild. Jonah really wanted to submit to the pain.

Jonah was unaware of his own excitement, that his boy cock was fully erect, pointing down between his wide spread out legs. But Brother Adam noticed it and after administering a few more lashes he was close to an orgasm. Brother Adam didn't care, but stood away to one side and hefted the whip in his hand. He knew the helpless but willing boy accepted his ordeal. Jonah's lovely naked body was waiting for it. Brother Adam lashed the whip hard across his buttocks and Jonah cried out, "Oh my god!"

Jonah immediately climaxed, going rigid and giving a small high pitched cry as he shot his boy load. Brother Adam understood his reaction, there was nothing quite like the feeling of an orgasm accepting the pain of the whip; it was without any doubt the most amazing experience. Jonah's body was shaking, sweating and wildly excited before going limp. Jonah looked up at the Brother and said,

"Please Brother, give me more, please, I know I need it."

Brother Adam was amazed but Jonah's boy cock was rapidly rising again, obviously at the thought of yet another whipping to come. The Brother stood back from him again.

"Brave yourself. You asked for it."

The first stroke was across his shoulders and Jonah bucked and cried out. The second hit his back and he gave an anguished cry, the third was lower and on his butt cheeks. Brother Adam watched as Jonah writhed in pain, but he struck again, with no mercy on his already sore butt. Before he ended the whipping, Brother Adam allowed Jonah a few moments to recover while he coiled the whip and tucked away. The Brother ordered, "Stand boy, you are a postulate now. Face me."

The boy obeyed, getting to his feet, his legs slightly uncertain, considerably amazed when he became aware of his erection, and very embarrassed by it. Jonah was even more surprised when he saw that the Brother was staring at his boy cock and smiling. "Very impressive!" Jonah blushed furiously but made no attempt to cover himself. "You have done well," Brother Adam continued, "You channeled the pain into pleasure as I taught you. Your will always remember this moment. It's that wonderful moment you climaxed and entered sub-space. When you surrendered to the pain and let it work for you. That moment of acceptance and acquiescence. You dreamt about that, didn't you?"

Jonah looked at his feet and answered, "Yes Brother. I'm sorry I came without your permission."

Brother Adam, ignored his words, "These urges are so hard to understand, aren't they? Do you remember last time when I explained how the body tries to flee the pain and that's why you had to be tied down? Part of you wanted to avoid more pain, but part of you wanted more, didn't it? That's why you're here."

Brother Adam smiled at him, "Your cock is hard, you are still excited, afraid, anxious, impatient and uncertain. Such a lovely mix of emotions and the pain made you rock hard. It's no use me telling you, you need the pain to get pleasure, you have to find out by yourself. You want more, always more, you are addicted. Well, you will get more, don't worry. Just relax, boy. You've got a long stay with us ahead of you. So Jonah, don't get impatient."

Jonah nodded and I saw he was still hard, so Brother told him, "Take a very cold shower, ask a fellow to give you an enema but hurry I will be waiting for you in my study."

Jonah bowed and left the chapel, his young cock stood flush and dripping against his abdomen.

He had received his first practical lessons and Jonah had been shocked to discover that everything done to him had aroused him. The flogging, the silver cock-ring and the piercing of his boy nipples. Jonah was confused, but could not deny the physical evidence, he was rock hard. So he walked, openly displaying of his excitement.

I praised him and sent him to the milking to get rid of his erection and by the time Jonah came to my study, his boner was gone and his boy cock was hanging over his smooth boy balls.

Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 2

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