The Village Bar

By Jorge Jog

Published on Mar 11, 2022


Guys, be warned: this chapter contains considerable violence and cruelty. If you're not into that, better skip to the last paragraph. I look forward for your feedback in my email and don't forget to donate to Just two more chapters to go. I hope you continue to enjoy the story

As the days went by, my relationship with my masters grew closer and closer. They were molding me as they pleased, and although they did not hesitate to humiliate or torture me, I could see that they were really happy with me, and I often received unmistakable signs of affection from them, especially from Tony, although he always strove to maintain his status as superior to me. Many nights they let me sleep in their room, and I often had some access to their desired bodies which, although very restricted, was greater than I could have dreamed. I, for my part, was absolutely in heaven, and my happiness surpassed anything I had ever known before. I remember one day, walking through town, Abigail stopped me. I hadn't even seen her, I was floating in my cloud of bliss. She asked me how I was doing.

-Fine, Abigail, perfectly fine, and you? -I answered warmly.

-I'm fine, thank God, even with my aches and pains -and looking me intensely in the eyes she asked me: -But Douglas, are you happy?

-Of course I am, Abigail, really, very very happy -I told her, taking his wrinkled hands in mine-. Don't worry about me at all, please.

She smiled, though not very convinced, and walked away. I wondered if she was suspicious of my new situation. Both my masters and I had been very discreet, but Abigail was a tremendously clever person and she was aware of everything. Anyway, I didn't give it the slightest importance. At that moment I did not care at all about anything but the happiness of serving my masters.

Carnival was approaching and one day Tony announced to me that a couple of his friends were coming to spend the weekend for the celebration. I was a little apprehensive, what would my masters' intentions towards them be in relation to me?

On Carnival Saturday, my masters' friends arrived in town. Before they were home, James told me:

-Slave, I expect from you the best of behavior with my friends. I want you to make us really proud to have a servant as good as you. But if you don't -again he adopted the terrible tone he used for his threats, which produced an infinite terror in me-, I assure you that the consequences for you will be terrible...

My mouth went dry when I heard that and I started to tremble. Tony put one of his hands on my shoulder and said very quietly with warmth:

-I trust you, doggy, I know you'll do great!

I smiled at him, infinitely grateful for his words. At that moment the doorbell rang and, naked as always, I hurried to open it. On the other side of the door stood two big men, almost as big and strapping as my masters, though not as handsome. They were dressed in full biker regalia. I didn't have much time to admire them, however, because I immediately prostrated myself and kissed their feet, welcoming them. They burst out laughing.

-Well, well -said the older one-, what a gem of a boy you have here, and how well-behaved! -And, without the slightest modesty, as soon as I sat up, he put his hand on my ass, pulled me to him and gave me a lick on my face. Then, grabbing me, he entered the house and greeted my masters.

-Slave -James informed me-, this is Albert (the oldest, about 45 years old), and Malcolm (a little younger, about 40). Although, obviously, you don't care about their names. For you they will be "Sir" at all times, and I want you to obey them absolutely in everything, just as you do with us, understood?

-Yes, Master -I said decisively. And Tony added: -Take care of their things, come on!

I was picking up their motorcycle helmets, leather jackets and all the paraphernalia they were wearing while the four of them sat down in the living room and started chatting animatedly. Next, I brought out some snacks and drinks and stood to the side, on my knees, ready to serve them anything they might need. However, the one called Albert motioned me to kneel down next to him, next to the sofa, and began to shamelessly grope my whole body. For a while they were asking my masters all sorts of questions about me and informing themselves about how obliging and obedient I was, all the while ignoring me as if I were not present. I noticed, on the other hand, that the two bikers were undoubtedly closer friends with James than with Tony. Their friendship probably predated their relationship as a couple.

From there we moved on to lunch, and both Albert and Malcolm found my masters' habit of giving me spittle-filled leftovers very funny. Naturally they joined in the game with enthusiasm, and Malcolm even gave me food directly chewed out of his mouth and Albert had no qualms about pissing on my food, all accompanied by great laughter from the four bears.

After lunch, my masters went out to show their friends the village and its surroundings. They were not going to open the bar that day until the evening, as they had promised the mayor that they would have a costume contest for the little ones of the place. So I was left alone to clean up, pick up and prepare dinner. I was grateful for that, as the newcomers made me a little uneasy, I didn't know why. I guess it was my intuition, as I was soon to find out that I was not at all wrong.

In the evening the four bears returned and Tony and James announced that they had to leave to open the bar. James then said to his friends:

-Since it is a party mainly for children and their parents I don't think you will feel like coming at all. You can stay here. We don't need the slave either, since the teacher from the neighboring village is coming to help us, so he will attend you in everything you want -he gave them a wink that didn't go unnoticed by me-. Just remember the rules...

He left for the bar with his husband. I wondered, with a bad feeling, if those "rules" were what I imagined: limits on what they could do with me. I would soon find out...

Despite my fears, the evening began quietly enough. Albert and Malcolm sat down to watch a game, while I served them drinks and snacks. For a long time they ignored me, until at one point Albert ordered me:

-Slave, take my boots off and give me a good foot massage.

I had been expecting that for a while, so I immediately got down on my knees and removed his huge boots and thick socks. The smell of his feet hurt my nostrils. I've always loved that smell, but the feet of that huge biker, no doubt for so long in those boots, were like another dimension. I had never smelled anything so stinky in my life. Even his friend made a gesture of disgust and turned away. The smell was so strong it brought tears to my eyes. Nevertheless, I meticulously complied with his orders and applied myself to massaging those huge feet, first with my fingers and, soon after - at his command - with my tongue. The taste of his sweat was so terrible that I still have it in my head today. Naturally I had to do the same with Malcolm's also gigantic and stinking feet. During the game, other than that, they only used my mouth as a spittoon on occasion, as well as to swallow their piss when they needed to unload and didn't feel like getting up to go to the toilet.

However, when the game was over, Albert got up and told me:

-Well doggy, it's about time we had some fun with you, isn't it?

I shuddered, because they had already had enough to drink, although fortunately they were still far from drunk. Then Albert went to the guest room, where they were going to sleep, and came back with some thick ropes, which I didn't know where they had taken them from, and some other things that I couldn't see well at that moment, since Malcolm then ordered me to lie down on a small side table that was by a wall, with some decorations that they hurried to remove from above. I did so and lay on the small table, on which only my torso rested, leaving my arms and legs outside. Then, with a dexterity and meticulousness that surprised me, Albert proceeded to tie my limbs to the legs of the table. I was completely immobilized, while, filled with apprehension, my heart was pounding. My masters had never tied me up before. Then I felt how one of them, I couldn't see which one, literally ripped the plug out of my ass and rammed his cock violently into me, feeling it tear my insides apart. I was lucky that the vibrator kept me constantly dilated, I think otherwise that brute would have literally torn me apart inside. I howled in pain, but I couldn't do it for long, because, after giving me a terrible slap and telling me to shut up, the other one, who I could now see was Malcolm, shoved his huge cock all the way down my throat with equal violence.

They fucked my mouth and ass wildly for a long time, changing positions from time to time, as my masters used to do, but they had never used my holes in such a violent way. As accustomed as I was to cocks of that size, the brutality of those bikers was tearing me apart.

At one point they stopped and Malcolm came up to my face and showed me an object. I didn't recognize what it was. It was a kind of shovel, like a big spatula (I later learned that it was something common in BDSM). Then he said to me:

-Let's warm up that little ass of yours a little bit...

He stood behind me and I felt the first blow. It was like a dreadful fire prick in my buttocks. I had never felt anything like it. It was not remotely like the pain I felt when my masters whipped me with their bare hand. I howled in pain, unable to help it. Albert, who was in front of me, ordered me to shut up with a new slap, which almost turned my face upside down. However, when the painful blows of that device on my poor ass began to follow one after the other, I could not help but continue to exclaim in pain.

-You damn dog! Do you want to make all the neighbors mad? -said Albert furiously, and then he cut a piece of adhesive tape (I didn't know where it had come from either) and slapped it roughly into my mouth.

Malcolm continued to whip my ass, until, at one point, Albert got behind me as well and I noticed that he opened my chastity cage. I assumed that my masters had given him the key. I thought, stupid me, if they were thinking of giving me any pleasure. Instead, Albert took the shovel and started to hit me in the balls with it. There, I felt like I was going to die of pain. Fortunately he was not too savage and restrained his enormous strength for that. Otherwise he would have hurt me irreversibly. As if that wasn't enough, Malcolm, now situated in front of me, took my nose between two of his huge fingers and closed it, preventing me from breathing as my mouth was covered. He began to play the same game James had played with me weeks before in the bathtub, keeping me breathless to the limit, then letting me anxiously take a small breath of air, and again preventing me from breathing.

The torment of my balls, plus the torture of breathing, drove my head over the edge and I passed out. However, it didn't take long for me to wake up, again in a howl. Those monsters had lit a candle and were dropping scalding wax down my back. The searing torment of each falling drop of wax agitated the few nerves in my body that were still sensitive. As if that were not enough, on several occasions they brought the candle flame close to my glans and testicles. You can't imagine what that was like. I thought I would lose them forever. But the worst was yet to come. Albert, who was undoubtedly the more sadistic of the two, took out a knife and began to run it over my body, first over my genitals, then over my face, while saying to me:

-You're lucky James doesn't let us really hurt his slaves. If he let us, I would cut off right now this ridiculous useless cock you have -and then: -It's a pity I can't cut off your nose, or one of these nice ears, or... what if I cut out one of your eyes? Bfff, that would be great...

It won't be hard for you to imagine what I was going through in the process. I started crying convulsively, as I felt the chill of steel run through my body. I think I even peed my pants from sheer terror. That did not pity those two brutes in the least, who continued to hit me with the shovel for the next while, now all over my body. I hardly felt anything anymore, I was totally destroyed.

Finally, after fucking my ass and mouth again, this time cumming abundantly in my sore holes, Albert taped my mouth again and, without another word, they both went to sleep in the guest room.

There they left me, bound and gagged, my body full of wax and bruises, a real shivering wreck. I could only be thankful that they were not too drunk. If they had been, I am sure they would have lost all inhibition and would have seriously injured, maimed or even killed me. I had never known that kind of cruelty. It was in that situation that my masters found me, many hours later, at the break of day. When they saw me, James came to me and said:

-You seem to have had a restless night, don't you, slave? -and shaking his head, he added: -They can be pretty wild. I hope you have not been seriously injured.

I was surprised at the lack of concern with which he said it. And without further ado, he headed for his room. Tony, on the other hand, looked at me with genuine concern and made a clearly accusatory gesture to his husband, a gesture that he completely ignored. Tony untied me, without saying anything, had me walk around a bit to restore circulation, and then, still silently, had me lie down and began to give me oil and ointment all over the bruises on my poor beaten body. Although I couldn't see his face, it was obvious that he was really upset about what those two brutes had put me through. When he finished healing me, he said to me in a very low voice:

-Get dressed, doggie, and go home. Try to get some sleep and take tomorrow off. Don't come back here until I tell you, understood?

-Yes, Master -I said, barely out of voice. I got dressed and went home. There was hardly an inch of my body that didn't ache terribly, though the worst was my testicles, which had taken the brunt of it. I wondered if I had become sterile, although it wasn't something I was particularly worried about. I never thought about having children.

Despite the pain, I was so exhausted that I slept until noon. I spent the afternoon resting and trying to recover, while a thousand feelings overwhelmed my mind. At about 8 p.m., I received a message from Tony, requesting my presence at his house. There I went, still in pain and, above all, trembling with fear, but fortunately, when I arrived, the two cruel bikers had already left.

I was about to take my position, but Tony made me stand up and said to me:

-Doggy, you did very good yesterday, and we are really proud of you. Today we want to reward you. So tell us, what would you like to do? Feel free.

I didn't hesitate:

-I would like to... I would like to worship your bodies, Master.

They both smiled and, without another word, undressed. I spent the next hour touching and licking those two hunks as if my life depended on it. I ran my tongue over their armpits, their gigantic biceps, their incredible big legs, their fingers, their toes, their soles, their nipples, their groins, their balls, even their asses... I didn't leave a single inch of those magnificent bodies without worship. I felt like I was in heaven, and I thought that the previous night's terrible time had been worth it. They watched me with hilarity, enjoying seeing me so absolutely intoxicated in their adoration.

After that experience, our lives returned to normal. Fortunately, my body recovered completely and I had no scars or marks. Those two brutes, in spite of everything, knew what they were doing. After a few days with our usual routines, wonderful routines for me, one morning I got a surprise. I had received a message on my cell phone. It was from my friend Ryan, announcing that he and another of my friends, Logan, were coming to visit me the next weekend. My heart skipped a beat! How was I going to handle that?

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 6

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