The Virgin Club

Published on Sep 29, 2009


The Virgin Club 5

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

Willy liked older men as a general rule. This was partly personal preference and partly a fear of getting under aged men. He wasn't into the daddy and son fantasy. "I have real sons," he said. "They are enough."

He did make an exception once and a while. He brought over a young man named Rudolph one night. Rudolph was just out of college and getting ready to enter a seminary to become a Baptist Minister. Rudolph was a bland looking blond with pale blue eyes and pale, pink complexion. It was clear he didn't spend much time outside. He was also scared to death.

Rudolph's problem was his parents. They were apparently believers in the scare your kids shitless school of child rearing. Sex was evil; would kill you if you did it the wrong way or with the wrong person and would send you to everlasting damnation after you died. Rudy was home schooled and got out of the house for church events only.

In some ways Rudy was the prefect example of a man who was gay from birth. He knew no one who his folks hadn't approved. It would be more correct to say his parents incarcerated him rather than raised him. No one recruited him, he was born gay.

Rudolph was tall and thin; he had a flat top and was clean shaved. He wore a dress white shirt and black pants. I would have picked him out as a Jehovah's Witness. When h arrived with Willy, I had the impression it took Willy lot of talking to get him to come through the door.

"Rudy here is really shy," Willy said, "He's new to this. I told him we'd take it nice and slow." We had a beer and I gave Rudy a coke. He seemed to be uneasy about the coke. It contained caffeine and that was a no no. He got his nerve up and drank it.

"It's time to get naked and have some fun," Willy said. Rudy looked afraid. "Don't worry, we can stop anytime you'd like to."

We talked a little more and then we went to the bedroom. Willy and I stripped and once we were naked, Rudolph undressed.

"Come closer and take a good look," Willy said. He stroked his cock. Rudolph may have been new to sex, but he was well equipped. His cock was soft, but still impressive. We were standing and Rudy leaned over to look, then he got on his knees.

"You're hairy," Rudy said, "You don't shave it off. My father said it makes you look like a gorilla. He didn't like anything that could back up Darwin." As he talked, his cock began to rise. He may have been talking Darwin, but he was thinking about cock. "You're uncut too," Rudy added.

"Is your Dad worried about uncircumcised Philistines too?" Willy asked.

Rudy smiled. "He thought better safe than sorry."

"You can touch it if you want," Willy said. "Bobby and I aren't shy." Willy pulled back his foreskin.

"It's wet!" Rudy exclaimed. I think he was shocked. "Those are man juices, Rudy," Willy said.

"I thought it was urine."

"The cock is a multiple function organ," Willy said. "It serves both as a drain for waste products and a supply for man seed. When you get sexually excited you body turns off the piss and turns on the man juices. The more excited you get the more juices you ooze."

"You're oozing quite a bit now," Rudy said.

"So are you," I said. A bead of precum oozed from Rudy's slit. Rudy stood. I dropped to my knees and licked Rudy's cock. Rudy didn't know anything about sex, but he knew what he liked. His cock got so hard it could have been made of iron. I wrapped my lips around his cock head and toyed with it for a while before I began to swallow the entire organ.

I had swallowed half when it began to spurt. A few seconds later, he shot 23 years of stored up man seed into my mouth.

As soon as he shot off, our friend wanted to leave. Willy would have none of that. He encouraged him to stay. We chatted and Willy and I took turns sucking his cock again. He went completely soft after his orgasm, but soon recovered. He told us he had never shot off without manual assistance before.

When you jerk off, you are in control of most of the process until the orgasm begins. Then you lose control for a minute or two. Rudy thought his hand was an essential part of the process. He didn't understand the cock could function on its own and respond entirely to outside stimulation.

About twenty minutes after his explosive first climax, he exploded again. This time Willy took the sperm and Rudy moaned in pleasure. He again wanted to leave, but Willy would have none of that. I sucked him while Willy talked. Willy was a perceptive man who seemed to have an instinctive understanding of his playmates. I guessed Rudy was uneasy about losing control.

Due to his parents upbringing, Rudy was much better at feeling anxiety than pleasure. His life was filled with dire warnings and fearful anticipations of the decent into hell. Enjoyment was an hour of Bible study. There is nothing wrong with Bible study, but there is a limit.

"God may have made man in his image, and he didn't exclude the cock," Willy said. "It's our creative organ. Without it there is no future for mankind."

I'm not sure Rudy got the message, but his third orgasm was a wonder. It was a whole body orgasm. He was twitching, moaning and shivering. He must have had a hollow leg for sperm storage. This time Willy let him go.

I expected him to return shortly. But that didn't happen. Apparently he was unable to think of sex in anything but a negative way. His anxieties got the better of him.

It was eight months later when Willy called. Rudy had contacted him again. He was back from the seminary for the summer and wanted to see us again,

"I thought out last experience with him was too much," I said.

"Apparently absence makes the heart grow fonder," Willy remarked. "There's more to the story. He has a friend who wants to meet us. Rudy confessed his sexual failing to his pal. Rather than condemning Rudy, the pal was turned on."

"When are they coming by?"

"Tonight, if you can do it," Willy said. "I got the impression they were hot to trot."

I was free, so at 7:30 that evening, Willy appeared with his seminarians. There was one more surprise. Rudy arrived with two friends, Calvin and Luther. Luther had cold feet earlier, but lust triumphed over his scruples. Calvin looked like body builder but had the face of a teenager. He was a tall redhead. Luther was beefy and more mature looking. He was one of those guys who get five o'clock shadow at noon.

They were all uneasy, I offered them a beer. They looked at each other and then said yes. I guessed this was their first beer. We talked; they drank the beer and took a second. The beer was a hit. They relaxed some. Willy steered the conversation to sex.

"I assume Rudy told you about his adventures here," he said. "Bobby and I are here for sex. We're hoping you are here for the same reason."

"Well, we're all new to this, but we want to give it a try," Luther replied.

"You know this involves cock play" I asked. They nodded and we went to the bedroom.

"Rudy said you sucked his cock," Calvin said. "Would you do that for me?"

"We sure as hell will," I said with enthusiasm. "Did he tell you we drained his balls?"

Calvin nodded. "What do we have to do?" he asked uncertainly.

"Just relax and let nature take its course," Willy said. "Although the more you get into it, the more you will get out of it." We began to strip.

Rudy was still uneasy and his nervousness affected Calvin and Luther. Once the two new men saw our cocks, their interest grew. Willy and I were half hard and that inspired them. From their tented pants I knew they were excited. Once they knew we were in the same state they relaxed.

"You guys have some beautiful meat," I said. Complimenting a man on his cock always goes over well. I had noticed that several of our happy band of virgins were unaware they were well endowed. Calvin had a slim, muscular body, but a thick and meaty, uncut cock. He was smooth, but I think he may have shaved his body hair. Luther was beefy and already hairy. By the age of 40, he'd be a gorilla. He was in good shape. His cock was thin, with a lolly pop cut knob, but well over seven inches.

Calvin's thick foreskin was already stretched to accommodate his growing cock. The second my lips touched his cock, his head popped clear of the shroud. All trace of unease vanished as I swallowed his organ. He was in heaven. Willy was working with Rudy and Luther. He was in his knees between them and had both knobs in his mouth.

I guessed Luther and Calvin were relieved they finally got someone to suck them off. They were less tense and more demonstrative than Rudy so we knew just how much they liked it. Calvin later told me he had dreamed about it for years and the reality was better than his dreams. Both men were more sexually daring than Rudy.

Of course it didn't take much to be more daring than Rudy, but Calvin and Luther were ready to get it on. Calvin wanted to suck, and when he took my cock, the other decided to give it a try. Rudy sucked Willy as Willy sucked Luther. They traded places several times. I got Luther to sixty-nine. That was an unmitigated success. Luther was the first to pop, but his orgasm set of a chain reaction of orgasms.

Rudy took Willy's load and had no problem with it. He was with the program. This time Rudy had no desire to go home. The five of us were on my king sized bed, naked and dripping the remains of our climaxes. I was fondling Luther's cock.

"I didn't know it would be this good," Calvin said. "Quite frankly, I didn't realize why sin was so attractive."

"Hold your horsed right there!" Willy interjected. "Lying, cheating and stealing are sins. Deceiving and tricking people are sins. Siting around with some friends and having a good time isn't a sin at all. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you is the rule. Let me assure you, there is nothing that I would do to you that I would not love to have you do to me."

"That is one way to look at it," Calvin admitted.

"Well what is the other way?" I asked. "Did we trick you into coming here? You are here of your own free will. Do we want to use you for our own nefarious purposes? Have we made you do things you don't want to do?"

"To be completely frank, you have done some things I have dreamed about, but never had the nerve to do," Luther answered. "My head is swimming. All of this was supposed to be dirty and degrading. That's not what I am feeling at all. It not even close. I didn't know you could feel so much. I've never felt as . . . human as I do now."

"Let me ask you boys a question," Willy said, "Did you have more enjoyment being sucked, or did I get more enjoyment sucking you?"

Calvin smiled. "It's hard to answer that one. Maybe we should do some more experimenting and try it a few more times?"

I laughed and told them, "That sounds good to me, but let me warn you about one thing. The more you do it, the better it gets."

"I don't know about Calvin and Luther, but I'm willing to take the risk," Rufus said. By the time they went home, the three seminarians were relaxed and comfortable with man sex. I spent most of the time with Calvin. Willy took care of Rufus and Luther. They agreed to come back after noon a Saturday to "pursue further studies."

The next day Willy called me and we talked about them. "Rufus and Luther talked to me about fucking," Willy said. "You know, it was the what's it like to fuck conversation."

"What did you tell him?"

"I said it was easier to do it that to explain it," Willy answered. "I also let slip the information that you didn't mind if your friends came visiting through the back door. I said you were a bit cool and collected, but inside you were warm and inviting."

"You are always looking after my welfare," I said.

"I said one more thing that wasn't strictly speaking true," Willy added. "I told them you liked company to be as cordial to you as you were to them. My finger strayed a few times and touched their ass holes. They jumped a little, but I got through Rudy's sphincter. He took it well."

"What about Luther?"

"Inside that fur covered exterior is a man who has real sexual needs," Willy said. "He'll do what it takes."

"Did you notice the sex was mostly between us and them?" I asked. "They didn't suck each other much."

Willy nodded. "I think I'll point out to them it's pretty convenient to have a cock sucker in your dorm room."

"That should be obvious,"

"These boys aren't exactly high rolling sophisticates," Willy observed. "They have ignored or feared their sexual needs for a long while. It may take some time."

Our meeting on Saturday was the first time we tried what Willy called a training session. All of our earlier sessions had been two or three hours in the evening. Willy thought a longer and more intense session would be good for our seminarians. We would have an afternoon of play, dinner, then a "desert" session in the evening. Willy thought a long period of being naked and hard would help free the trio from their years of repressing sexual urges. I wasn't so sure it would work.

"It may or it may not," he said. "I'm hoping that being together for a longer period will get then to see their cocks as a part of their bodies, not as an accident of nature. They need to think of sex as a basic part of life on earth, not as a stumbling block to salvation."

The trio arrived at 2:00 on the dot. Willy came a little later and brought Stavros with him. The big bear of a man was unexpected by them, but once we were naked, all was well. Stavros had double the normal amount of masculine characteristics. That included both a beefy, hairy body, big balls and even bigger cock. Stavros took Rudy while I got Luther and Willy did Calvin.

While Willy and I aren't exactly shrinking violets, but Stavros was both enthusiastic, authoritative and a leader of men. Willy was like a favorite uncle, but Stavros was the ultimate daddy. Rudy didn't suck his cock; he worshiped it.

I had Luther in his back. While I sucked him I also worked a finger into his ass. You can tell when a guy is ready to get fucked and Luther was ready. Willy and I switched playmates and he did the honors as I played with Calvin. Willy loved popping a virgin ass and had several tricks to make it easy. Luther was ripe, and moaned when Willy went deep.

Willy must have told Calvin of my sexual preference. He asked if he could fuck me. He was nice and polite. He reminded me of a kid at his first school dance. He was very careful. Since he wasn't sure how things worked. Calvin generously coated his cock with lubricant and my ass too. He tried to nose it in, but I told him he'd needed to push harder.

Calvin was one of those guys who always did what he was told. A second later I was fully impaled. It was a perfect fit for both of us. He had no idea what a tight ass would feel like as it engulfed his cock. I don't know why, but his cock sent me to the moon. Remarkably given the intensity of the sensations, we were able to go at it for ten minutes before he shot off. When he pulled out, Rudy gave me a try. That too was a success, although he shot off almost immediately.

With my ass filled with the sperm of two young men, Stavros stepped up to the plate. Stavros had let everyone know he'd like to do some fucking too. Rufus, Calvin and Luther were new to the scene and they were skeptical Stavros' monster would fit in my ass. We had enjoyed each other before. Like many well hung men, Stavros wasn't opposed to putting on a display of his genital skills or equipment. He was also comfortable showing emotion.

Stavros took his time working his cock into my ass. He used his knob to play with my sphincter and then he popped through to the dark side. It started as a class in Fucking 101. An hour later we had advanced to post graduate studies.

Stavros took his time and whenever he got too close to shooting, he turned his fucking duties over to one of the boys. Willy took the opportunity to do some prostate massage with Rudy and Calvin. They were so excited they had no problem at all. Stavros had incredible stamina. I was getting tired, but must admit having four men fucking me in rotations kept me going.

During one of the rotations I saw Calvin entering Rudy. Rudy had a glow on him. He liked having his buddy's cock in his hole. Calvin had learned Stavros' technique. He made love to Rudy; he didn't fuck him. Calvin's long slow strokes deep into his body had an effect. Rudy's natural reserved vanished as he responded to the deep strokes.

I needed a breather. Stavros pulled out and let me rest. Luther was next to me on the bed. He had been all but drooling as he watched Stavros' meat enter my ass.

"Get on your knees and I'll see what I can do. Do you want to try it doggy style?" Stavros asked. Luther obeyed. It was a tight fit, but Luther was game. It was a beautiful day for all of us.

Next: Chapter 6

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