The Voyage

By moc.liamtoh@12321vap

Published on Jan 20, 2002


The Voyage, part 1 January 2002

If you like this let me know. Dan at ---------------------------

When I was 18, I made my way back from Africa, where my parents had emigrated, and where I had lived for some 12 years, to England. The cheapest way to do this was by boat at the time, so I booked a passage on a large mail ship bound for Barcelona from Cape Town, a journey of some 12 days.

I was travelling by myself and there weren't many people of my age on the boat, so I ended up wandering around the boat, exploring its many passageways and holds, chatting to the crew when I encountered them. They didn't seem to mind and were happy for the diversion. I was smooth faced and looked younger than my years, and many took me for one of the kids who, bored by the limited range of on-board activities, were doing what kids did in those situations...explore.

I was intrigued by their stories, and I'm sure many of them were just that, about places they had been, the things they'd seen and their exploits with women of every description in all possible positions. It seemed the boat was an endless source of conquests, and every port had its favourite haunts where you could get any service you wanted. To say the boat was charged with a sensual atmosphere was putting it nicely - you could feel it. I was pretty green at that time and I drank it all in. I had a hard time getting to sleep thinking about the possibilities, but not really being sure what I would do with a woman which, my upbringing told me, was the only true outlet for the forces which resulted in the boners I sprang every morning and night. I loved the idea of screwing a woman, I could imagine how good it would be but at the end of the fantasy, I would come only because I was working my dick, not because of any overwhelming erotic force. I was about to find out a little more about myself.

One day I decided to check out the engine room. It was very hot and noisy, but the thrumming of the turbines was somehow reassuring. I was just about to go through one of the doors in a fairly confined part of the engine deck when it opened quickly, taking me by surprise. I managed to avoid being whacked by the door, but in turning round and trying to retain my balance I cracked my head on a low metal beam. I saw stars but felt no pain at the time, and then everything went black.

I don't know how long I was unconscious, but I had a dream that I was being supported and cared for, embraced from behind by a strong body, in a foetal position my back snugly cradled, a strong pair of arms wrapped around me and holding me, a slow mantra of comforting words that I couldn't quite understand. I surfaced slowly in a dark room, aware of thumping in my head, but this passed quickly. When my eyes adjusted I could make out a figure of a tall man. That's how I met Joe. He was a good-looking black man, a Nuban, tall and broad shouldered with a shiny shaved head. I had seen him before but not spoken to him - he seemed a little aloof from the other crew.

He asked me how I felt and put one of his large hands on my shoulder lightly. I said I was feeling OK and he squeezed my shoulder gently and left his hand there. I thanked him for taking care of me and he smiled, saying it was the least he could do seeing he had knocked me flying. I asked how long I had been unconscious, and he said a few hours. He said he had some medical training and that he should watch me for a day or so to make sure there were no complications from the bang on my head. The skin wasn't broken, and my hair covered the point of impact so there was no visible bruising.

I tried to stand up but my head started pounding and I staggered. Joe helped me to sit down. Just rest he said. So I closed my eyes in the hot room, and drifted back into a slumber, the same dream of being cocooned by a healing force. When I woke, I felt better. Joe asked me to come back later so he could check that I was OK. I said I would, and left, somewhat reluctantly, to get some fresh air.

I went back to Joe's cabin as soon as I had eaten dinner and had a shower. He was evidently a more senior crew member to have is own quarters. When I arrived, there was no reply when I knocked, so I opened the door and went in to wait for him. I looked around the sparse dimly lit cabin. There were a few books on a shelf - no room for a table - a bed and a chair. The books were an interesting selection - medical plants of Africa, a book on Eskimo string figures like Cat's Cradle but more complex, and a big red-spined notebook. I picked it up, not realising it was filled with his writings, and I put it down as soon as I did, not wanting to invade his privacy, but not before I had noticed that it was written in an African language I couldn't understand.

As I was putting it down the door opened and there stood Joe, his long white shorts and short-sleeved shirt contrasting with his ebony skin. "I see you have found my library" he laughed, "how are you?" I told him that I felt much better, but that there was a bit of an ache. He told me he could take care of that, but first he was going to shower and change out of his uniform.

When he returned to the warm cabin he was wearing only a sarong - it reached from his waist almost to his ankles. He put his uniform onto a hanger behind the door and flicking the catch on the lock. I couldn't help looking at his muscular torso; his skin was velvet smooth and hairless, his chest was massive and muscled and his nipples were like small cherries - I don't think I have ever noticed those before on any man, but somehow they seemed right on him. His stomach was tight and defined, but not over-muscular. He had the look of a natural athlete. The sarong was tied at the front and as I glanced down his body, I got a fleeting glimpse of his thighs and his thick calf muscles.

I told him that he looked in good shape. He smiled and asked me how I kept fit. I've never had to work hard to keep my body looking toned - I'm not big, but years of unavoidable school games at boarding school and the right genetic heritage had given me an athletic body. To be honest, I didn't think about it and told him so. He said he was going to give me a massage to get rid of the remaining aches from our earlier encounter. He suggested I take my shirt off to start. I did so, but as I was unbuttoning it, I became aware that I was beginning to get aroused. I fumbled with the last buttons, but thought I would be OK if I just had to remove my shirt.

Joe asked me to lie on my stomach on the bed. I did this, my heart beating faster than normal for some reason, though I didn't feel at all nervous. I watched as he lifted the sarong from the hem and tucked it into the waist, making it shorter. As he did this I was shocked to see a glimpse of his penis, long and uncircumcised. He said that it would be easier to work on me this way. I remarked that it would also be cooler as the cabin was hot.

As he climbed on the bed, straddling my back, he started to rub my neck and shoulder muscles, his thumbs digging purposefully into my knotted muscles. The feeling was electric and seemed to spark a tingle of excitement down my spine and into my stomach. I wriggled my body slowly, trying to accommodate the relaxation and excitement, and found that my body seemed to be sensitised somehow, especially my nipples, my stomach and surprisingly, the area at the bottom of my spine, just above my butt.

Joe worked his way down my spine with the same firm but gentle movements. When he reached my sacrum, he started to put pressure on it, as if he realised it was sensitised. He asked me how I was feeling and I sighed and said it felt great, and how did he know which areas to were most in need of attention. He laughed and said the gift was in his family. I told him the cabin was warm and hoped he wasn't too hot. He said he normally didn't wear anything when he was alone for this reason. I was sweating slightly at this point and told him not to change his habits on my account, and that I was feeling the heat too. He said undo your pants, and he pulled my trousers down and off, leaving me in my white briefs, face down on the bed. As I lifted my hips to let him pull the trousers off, I realised I was getting hard, but I didn't think he had noticed.

He moved to my feet and started working on my legs, making sweeping movements with both hands up my calves and thighs and then back again. Each time he did this sweeping movement his hands came closer and closer to my crotch, and I found I was anticipating his hands getting closer and closer to my balls with increasing excitement. I was aware that I was grinding my hips gently in time with his sensuous stroking, and when his hands brushed against ass crack I couldn't suppress a huge sigh - I wasn't sure whether this was good or bad, just that the feeling tingling in my ass crack was wonderful and that my body was permeated with a crazy magic tension that was at once relaxing and energising. I tried to say how good it was, but could only sigh, my whole body making small involuntary movements of pleasure. Just when I thought I might explode, Joe stopped and said, "Do you want me to do your front, or should I carry on on this side?" I was completely erect at this point, and was embarrassed to turn over and said that I'd love him to carry on, and that this was one of the best experiences I had ever had. I'm sure he knew I was hard. He said if he carried on, then we would need to get rid of my briefs, and that he do some deep relaxation techniques that were very special. I said that I would let him do anything he wanted.

As he pulled my briefs off, his hands passed over the front of my thighs and brushed against my hard cock. I thought he would think it was only a natural boner under the circumstances, though my thoughts were a little confused on this point. He said that it was only fair that he stripped too, given the heat, and I turned to see him remove his sarong. His penis seemed to be a little thicker and was slightly curving away from his thighs, revealing a ball sac the size of a tennis ball. He saw me watching him and smiled.

He got back on the bed again, astride my thighs. "I'm going to use some oil," he said, and reached over to the shelf for a brown medicine bottle. As he did, I felt his pendulous cock brush against my ass, sending an electric sensation into my stomach. He poured a little of the oil onto my sacrum, and let a little of it trickle slowly down the crack of my ass. As the cool oil flowed slowly down to my balls, I was aware that I had never felt anything so good in my life. I had no idea that I was so sensitive in this area. Joe's hands followed the oil down my crack, passing over my rose bud as he did so. At this point I involuntarily raised my ass against his hands, and as he moved them up again I raised my ass again, overtaken by some uncontrollable feeling to do so. The next time, Joe's thumbs led the way, lingering over my sphincter. I was out of control with pleasure, as he pressed around my perineum and up to my sensitive hole. It seemed only natural when one of his thumbs lingered in my hole, rubbing deeper and deeper until it was penetrating my ass. I lifted my ass to meet it, and push it in deeper, aware that I had crossed some threshold of rational control, motivated solely by the sensual power of his hands. Sensing that I was at a peak of arousal, my nipples tingling with sensation, my cock absolutely throbbing with pleasure, and keeping his probing thumb in my writhing ass, Joe lifted me, and found my cock with his other hand. His touch on my engorged tool started a wave of orgasm that started so deep I was afraid I would pass out. The sensations in my ass, the tingling through my legs, my balls, my stomach and the electric tingling of my nipples against the sheets made me blast out jet after jet of come, in the most incredible orgasm of my life. My pole twitched and twitched as I cried out with pleasure.

As the waves of involuntary pleasure subsided, I felt my face redden and a wave of guilt swept me. What had I done? I had gone too far, I had lost control. But Joe put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me round to face him, and then this superb, muscular and infinitely gentle man, who had read me completely and knew exactly the right thing to do, kissed me full on the lips.

----------------------------------- That wasn't the end of the journey. Let me know if you would like to read more. Dan at

Next: Chapter 2

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