The Washingtonian

Published on Jun 23, 2015


Part 6

I faintly heard David Bowie's Under Pressure playing, and it began to get louder and louder until I realized it was my phone ringing-I'm never going to be able to enjoy that song in the same way ever again. Reaching for it in the dark I picked it up without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I answered groggily.

"Hey cutie, how are you?" a chipper Hunter asked.


"What? I thought you were spending the night with me tonight," he stated and even in my groggy state, I could picture the grin I knew was on his face.

"You're delusional," I replied with a mumble looking over at my alarm clock, which read 2:10 AM. I'd been asleep for over three hours. I was going to kill Hunter.

"Come on, it'll be fun."

"No, hanging up and letting me get back to sleep will be fun."

"Fine, hang up if you want, but I'm just going to call back."

"It won't matter if I turn off my phone."

"That could work for a little bit, but I'm in my car outside your building right now, and I'm pretty sure that the person at the front desk will let me up to your apartment after I accidentally drop one of the hundred dollar bills in my wallet right now in their hand," he said very smug with himself.

"You've got to be kidding me."

"I kid you not," he said smugly, "I had a feeling this might happen. Now get your cute ass out of bed, and come down. I've got Chinese already on the way and I don't want to make the guy wait."

"Hunter, though this is all very?sweet?"-I was questioning whether this really was sweet, or if it was borderline stalking-"but I'm truly exhausted and I look like crap."

"Oh come on, I know you look cute. I prefer you with messed up hair and a scruffy face anyways. Besides, I don't expect you to do anything. Pass out once we get to my place if you want. I just want to be with you."

I had a feeling that he wasn't going to leave me alone until I was actually in his bed. I was still a little annoyed with him for blowing me off earlier in the week and hadn't heard from him since, but lying there, still half asleep, I pictured the smile I knew was on Hunters lips eight stories below waiting for me.

"I'll come on one condition," he stated.

"You're wish is my command," he replied.

"I want a backrub," I said coolly.

"Done and done, now hurry down. I don't want to miss the food."

"See you in a second."

I jumped out of bed and threw on a ratty pair of green lacrosse shorts from high school, a long-sleeve t-shirt, then slipped on a pair of flip-flops, and lastly grabbed my phone and keys. Walking out of the building to the waiting SUV in front of me, I knew I looked like a ridiculous mess, but that's what Hunter signed on for. When I opened the door he began to laugh.

"Is something funny?" I asked.

"No, you look adorable, but you have the imprint of something on your check."

Checking myself in the mirror, I did in fact have an imprint of the Economist article I'd been reading in bed before I passed out.

"You're an asshole," I replied.

"But you can't resist me," he said with a stupid grin.

"How much have you had to drink?"

"I've only had one scotch the entire night"

"Wow, that's got to be a first for a Friday night."

"Har har," he replied giving me a light punch to my left shoulder.

"No, I had a rough night last night so I decided I should keep it to one drink tonight."

"You're getting old," I responded looking straight ahead as we started home.

"Says the guy who I woke up."

"Yeah, thanks for that by the way."

"You're very welcome," he said with a sweet tone as he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

We arrived at his house and luckily found parking two spots down from his front door and as we were getting out of the car the delivery man showed up on his scooter. Hunter paid the man, and it wasn't until I saw him juggling the bag of food and his briefcase, all while reaching for his wallet and then paying the delivery man did I notice that he was still in his suit. Again, I wondered how absurd I must look to anyone watching us. I took the food, while he unlocked the door and soon we were inside.

"You can take that upstairs to the bedroom," he said referring to the food I had in hand. "I'll be up in second. I'm just going to grab some plates for us."

Following orders I made my way up the stairs and to his bedroom. I set the food down and my belongings on the bedside table and then sprawled out on my back. Hunter joined me a couple minutes later, plates, forks and two glasses in hand. He put the items down next to the food, and then leaned in kissing me on the lips before he began to get undressed. He hung his jacket on a hanger in the closet and slipped off his shoes. He wasn't wearing a tie, but untucked his shirt and began unbuttoning it in front of me. I watched from the bed enjoying the view as more and more of his chest became exposed. Soon his belt was off and his pants were making their way down his legs. He looked a little silly standing in front of me in a hot pair of black boxer-briefs and his black dress socks, which were still pulled up around his calves. He disappeared into his closet for a minute but reappeared minus the socks but with the addition of a t-shirt.

"I'm starving, how about you?" he stated coming back over to the bed. I hadn't been hungry earlier, but now that he mentioned it, I was a little hungry. I also wasn't as tired as I had been when I got home, I guess that three hour nap had restored me somewhat. The hours I was working were beginning to become unbearable.

Hunter began plating the buffet he had ordered, and we got into a playful conversation while we ate and watched television. I had sat up and was leaning back against the headboard of the bed while Hunter sat Indian style next to me. I only slightly picked at my food while Hunter appeared to demolish through the enormous mound on his plate and finished much sooner than he did.

"So, any reason for all of this?" I asked, curious why I received a call in the middle of the night.

"What do you mean, I wanted to see you," Hunter responded, his head cocked to the side with an inquisitive expression, obviously wondering what I was getting at.

"I don't want to sound clingy, but when we had lunch on Monday you said we'd get together that night, and then you never called," I responded, gaging his expression, not seeing any annoyance and without any, I proceeded "I was a little annoyed with you that night, and now fast forward a whole week and here you are calling me in the middle of the night."

With that out of my mouth, Hunter sighed, putting down his plate and taking my hand. "I apologize for standing you up Monday, it was never my intention. Monday took a turn after lunch and then the rest of the week got away from me." As he said it he looked a little pained for a reason I wasn't sure, but overall seemed very genuine with his response.

"And is there a particular reason you persisted to get me out of bed and come down and meet you?"

"Would it sound too cheesy to say you lift my spirits and it's exactly what I needed right now?" he responded with a hopeless smile that made me want to giggle.

"I never said you weren't charming, Hunter, but sometimes a boy can feel like he's just a pretty smile."

"Trust me, your ass is better than your smile," he responded with a wickedly joking smile to which I fawned shock.

"It's late, are you going to fuck me now or what?"

"This is why I like you, Mr. Beauchamp, you're not intimidated by me and always so forward."

"That's not an answer."

"To be honest, there's nothing i'd rather do than get what's left of clothing off of you and have my way with you, but after all of the heavy, greasy food I just ate I think it would be better if we just relaxed and went to sleep."

"I should have just gone back to sleep in my own bed," I responded dryly showing my annoyance with his decision.

"Doesn't mean we can't have a go in the morning though?"

"Promises, promises."

With our tit-a-tat out of the way and his disclosure that he wasn't uninterested in having sex with me, we focused back on the TV which was playing a bad movie from the 90s - and by bad I mean amazing flash back to my childhood.

"How was the rest of your week?" he finally chirped in some minutes later as my eyelids were starting to get heavy again.

"Busy. After our lunch on Monday I busted my ass to working on that presentation for Tom Harris Tuesday afternoon. Otherwise, the rest of the week was rather relaxing."

"And how did that presentation go?"

"I never know on shit like that. That said, he only had a few questions and didn't destroy my pitch, so I was told that was pretty good."

"That is really good, Phillip," Hunter said with a mega-Watt smile.

"It is?" I squeaked.

"Yes, think of Tom Harris like Miranda Preasley. If he doesn't say anything, you knocked it out of the park. Otherwise he'll let you know his opinion, and it's rarely good."

"Oh," was all I could manage to respond.

"Screw being my concubine - your words not mine - it sounds like I should just poach you now to hire at my firm."

"Speaking of which, I looked at your website, is it obtuse on purpose?"

"What do you mean?"

"Take Harris Groups and PSG's websites for instance, they're overly flowery about all the shit they do. Your website on the other hand is the bare bones. There isn't even a photo of your pretty face in the principle section!"

"Well, we don't feel we need the web to get us clients, we're word of mouth. You've either heard of us or haven't, and if you've heard of us it's either from a friend of because you were on the other end of what we were working on."

"Finally I get to see your Type A work personality come through."

"You think I have a pretty face?"

I could only respond with a blush, and looking down at the plates of food.

"You're so forward one moment and then bashful the next. I've never sure what I'm going to get, Phillip" Hunter states, taking my my right hand in his two as he began to rub it. "Let's get this mess cleaned up and then get more comfortable so we can call it a night."

The next morning I woke to warmth against my back. As I regained consciousness, I noted that Hunters arm was strongly wrapped around my stomach pulling me back against him. I also felt his erection pressing into my butt. It was at this moment that I noticed how well we fit together as we comfortable spooned. Mind you, if we turned around and we'd be so disproportionate that it would be comical, but currently i'm enjoying being the little spoon. The amount of heat coming from his stomach on the other hand caused me to pull the duvet back off my legs and stomach to breath. I half almost started fanning to allow some cool air onto all of us, but knew that would likely waking him and at the moment I was just enjoying my peaceful existence I had lying next to him. I lay there thinking about how much I enjoyed Hunter's company, although there was a significant mystery factor about him. Where does he disappear to?

"Hey cutie, time to get up," I heard as I felt lips pressed to mine.

Cautiously I opened my eyes, it was very bright in the bedroom. Hunter was up, sitting at the side of the bed in only his black boxer briefs, smiling down at me with his brown hair a mess on his head.

"What time is it?" I croaked.

"Almost 11AM, time to get up and do something with this day."

"Mmm? I was awake earlier, I must have fallen back asleep."

"Same, I was too comfortable lying next to you to want get up. If I hadn't had to pee so badly, we'd likely both still be asleep." Hunter said in a way that made me feel like he actually meant it and in no way a line.

"Nature calls?"

"What do you want to do today?" he asked, ignoring my banter.

"Oh crap, I'm supposed to meet my sister in an hour - that is unless she's cancelled on me. Where's my phone?" I asked sitting up onto my elbow crooning my neck to the bedside table to get my phone. Hunter handed me my phone, and after looking at messaged was not surprised that Elle had in fact texted to cancel on our brunch citing hangover.

"You're off the hook, my sister cancelled."

"Your sister is in town?"

"She lives here, I think we discussed this on the way to the Inn at Little Washington."

"Oh right, sorry. See i'm not that stalker you mockingly portrayed me to be that night."

"Either that, or you're faking on purpose to get me off your scent."

"Always the cynic."

"Don't blow me off this week and i'll eat my words."

"Touch?, Phillip. I'll keep that in mind."

"So what do you want to do today?"

"Well, if we leave in the next 10 minutes we still have time to get to Annapolis by 12:30 and go out of my friend's boat for a sail. Would that interest you?"

"Are you kidding me? I'd kill to go sailing right now! ?But I don't have a bathing suit or the proper shoes."

"What do you mean 'proper shoes'?"

"Well, what kind of a boat is it, motorboat? Sailboat? Large? Small?"

"I think it's a J boat."

"Perfect! That's what I grew up on."

"And how does this relate to the shoes?"

"We're going to have to stop by my apartment, I'm not wearing flip flops, I don't want crush a toe."

"I've aways warn flip flops and been fine."

"And have you ever been one of the ones dealing with sails and lines etc?"


"There you go, Grayback"

"You did not just make a Civil War reference."

"Call me a Yankee any day and i'll be proud. Also, you're nickname of Sailor from a few days ago is obviously now null and void."

"Apparently it's become yours."

"Well, are we going?" I sat up rather excitedly.

10 minutes later we were on our way to my apartment. I ran upstairs in record time, changed my t-shirt into something nautical themed (gotta make myself look legit) grabbed some appropriate sneakers, my bathing suit and some clean cloths to change into for dinner after the sail. As a joke I was going to put on my America's Cup Prada sneakers, but decided that would likely be too much ammunition for Hunter to mock me in the future. Soon we were on route 50 out of the city on our way to Annapolis.

"Who are we meeting by the way?"

"Friends from college, why?"

"Gay friends or straight friends?"

"Straight, why?"

"Doesn't matter to me, just a different mind set I need to psych myself up for. Is it going to be a sausage fest, or mixed crowd?"

"Mixed crowed. Most of my guys friends are now married, but not to worry though, there will be no kids, only wives and girlfriends."

"And I'm going to be the token twink?" I asked.

Hunter gave me a thoughtful moment before responding "Yes, definitely."

"Did you really have to think about that, or was that all a show to make me feel a little better?"

"No, I did not need to think about it, but it made me feel better about it."

"Make you feel better?"

"Yeah, you're the first guy my friends have met."

"Uh, define guy?"

"Well obviously they've met other males before," he said laughing. "I meant guy I've been seeing since I came out."

"So we're seeing each other, are we?"

"I guess so? At least that's how I think about it. Why, what are your feelings on the situation?" Hunter asked looking over at me, and I was unable to read his expression.

"Well, I'd like that to be the case."


"How did you know there was but to that?"

He didn't respond but instead gave a knowing look. "But... to be honest, I feel like you over promise and then disappear - it's very mysterious. I don't think we've actually gone on a real date."

"Was the Inn at Little Washington not a date?"

"I guess, but it could also be classified as a booty call that included a really expensive dinner before."

"Fair enough. What about today? Would this qualify as a date?"

"Yeah, I guess I'll give you the benefit of the doubt," I responded, his smiling turning into a big grin as I said it, "though it's also happening so last minute."

"I don't have a schedule in front of me right now, but unless you drown today, can I take you out for a real date later this week?"

"I'd be open to it."

We rode the rest of the way with a slight banter. One thing I will say about Hunter is that I conversation is never dull. At the same time, we were happy sitting in silence not speaking at times, and we didn't feel that lulls in conversation were awkward and needed to be filled. He rode with his hand on my knee most of the way. I was beginning to realize this was a really good way to read his reaction. If he said something that he was worried I'd judge him about, he'd squeeze my knee as he said it. Otherwise he'd just sit it contently there, I'm assuming happy to have some physical contact with me.

As we got off the highway I psyched myself up to meet his friends. I'd be lying to say that I felt a little out of my element. Normally the only time I hang around with straight guys is in study groups or when they're boyfriends of girlfriends of mine. Don't get me wrong, i'm butch enough when I need to be - after all I was captain of the soccer team in high school - but that was a few years ago and this was a different group. On top of that, it was Hunter's friends. I wanted to them to like me as well, and something tells me it was more the guys that I needed to impress than the girls to get word back to Hunter.

We pulled into the parking lot of the yacht club. Hunter rolled down his window giving the name of the member whose boat we were going on and pulled up to park. As we excited to car, Hunter used the opportunity to give me a deep kiss as we grabbed our stuff out of the trunk. From that I inferred it was likely the last bit of PDA we'd have for the remainder of the day. Aside from that, I was thrilled that he had a well used red and white canvas LL Bean Boat & Tote back with his initial HAB embroidered on the side. Between that and the J Boat all we needed was a yellow lab and i'd be at home.

As I walked down the dock the smell of the sea breeze reminded me of home and for the first time I actually did feel home sick. Normally in the summer my father would work make excuses to go out on our boat, and i'd be lying if I didn't miss that. I was going to have to call him tomorrow and let him know that I did in fact get some sailing in - he'd be happy about that. We approached the J Boat with a red sail cover and immediately the cat calling began.

"Blume! I'd don't believe it? You actually made it!"

"Well if I live and breath, the prodigal son finally returns!"

"Fuck me running, you actually showed up!"

"Wait, you actually came? Crap, we need more beer."

We boarded the boat easily from the dock into the slip and Hunter was greeted was hellos and hugs form four different guys and three women. They were all the usual DC type - white clean cut, WASPy in t-shirts and either khaki shorts or bathing suits and Wayfarer sunglasses with croakies to keep them from falling into the water. Of the three women, two were blonds in pony tails and the the third was a brunette. All that was missing apparently was a a dog of some sort.

"Charlie, this is my friend Phillip who I invited for the day," Hunter said introducing me to who I was assuming was the "skipper" of the vessel.

"Nice to meet you Phillip, glad to have you. This is my wife Elizabeth," he greeted with a big smile introducing the brunette.

"Sorry if I'm a last minute addition, Hunter just invited me this morning, but thank you so much for having me. I've had a big itch to be out on the water all summer."

"Oh yeah, are you a sailor?"

"I grew up on the water, so yes. Being in DC this summer has been a major buzzkill."

"Awesome, where'd you grow up?" Elizabeth asked.

"Marblehead, Massachusetts. Just north of Boston."

"No way! We love Marblehead. Charlie grew up in Rhode Island down by Newport."

"Oh nice. I love it down there. My mother used to take use to Newport at least once a summer."

"It is pretty."

After our conversation I was introduced to the other guests. Turns out the guys all went to Yale together. The two blond women were girlfriends of the two of the other guys. Charles was happy I had experience on a a boat as he and Elizabeth were the only sailors of the bunch, so he put me to work prepping to cast off for the day. Twenty minutes later, after someone ran to get more beer, we were pushing back form the slip on our way out into the Chesapeake Bay. Elizabeth and I found ourselves alone together towards the bow of the boat in charge of hoisting the sails once we got out of the harbor, while Charlie was in the stern skippering the boat and managing the rest of the crew.

"I don't want to make this sound like the inquisition, but how did you meet Hunter?"

"Oh no worries. This is going to sound so cliche, but we met at a bar a couple weeks back it's been mainly boot calls since," I said and then it hit me that maybe Hunter wasn't out. "Oh crap, I didn't just out him did I?" I asked Elizabeth nervously.

"No, we've all known for a few years now, don't worry," she said with a laugh, "but we've just never met anyone he's dated before."

"Oh," I responded a little dumbfounded. "I don't know if I'd say were dating."

"Well, I meant more broadly. Dates, gay friends, you name it. He's kept that part of his life all very separate from us. I mean, with Facebook we know he has this other life, he's just never made us privy to it in person," she said and I'm sure my face was a little worried.

"Don't worry, we love it. He's such a different happier guys since he told us, we're just floored he brought you today. When he texted Charlie this morning I don't think i'd ever seen him so excited about seeing Hunter before," she smiled over at me.

"Do you guys come out here often? From the cat calls we got on the walk up to the boat it sounds like Hunter never shows."

"Yeah, we're out here almost every weekend, but Hunter comes maybe once a summer. The invitation is always outstanding, but he rarely shows and with his father dying this past week, we definitely didn't expect to see him."

"Wait? his father died this week?" I asked rather shocked, almost allowing the jib line to fly out of my hand as I hoisted it.

"Oh, he didn't tell you?" she responded looking over rather flushed.

"No, but don't blame yourself for telling me. That's a bit of a thing to keep to yourself, but explains why he disappeared all week."

"Oh yeah, uh? I guess now that the cat's out of the bag there's no harm in tell more. He died Monday evening. The funeral was Thursday. We all expected it to be a much bigger affair than it was, but it ended up being a very quiet funeral."

"What do you mean?"

"Wait, you don't know who Hunter's father was?"


"Fuck. I really should have kept my mouth shut."

"OK, you can't just say all of this and leave it. I do have Google in my phone, i'm going to figure it out in the next 10 minutes after hoisting this sail."

"His father is? was? John Blume the Speaker of the House under the Bush and Clinton administration."

"Wait, THAT Speaker Blume is his father?" Again, I had to catch myself before I almost let go of the halyard while hoisting it. "I read about that in the Post this week and never thought to put two and two together. That explains so much though."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, but for some reason it make some pieces about him in my mind fit, such as how he's a principle at his firm at 28."

"This sounds silly, but can we stop talking about this so I don't say more than he wants to know?"

"I completely understand. It's funny - I've been so busy at work and with shit with my roommate that when I get home I haven't even had the time to think about Googling him. The most I've done is look at the profile on his company's website and that said nothing."

"One piece of advise I will gladly give about Hunter is that above all else he respects privacy."

"Thanks, duly noted."

After we got the sails up to Charlie's satisfaction Elizabeth kind of bolted back to stern and down the hatch inside. I don't blame her, had I been on the other side of our conversation I would have likely done the same. I instead stayed up toward the bow and made myself busy ensuring all the cleats were properly secured. Afterwards I sat towards up towards the bow on the windward side, my legs hanging over the edge giving the boat my ballast, but also enjoying the sun on my face and the wind in my hair.

"Hey, are you enjoying yourself?" Hunter yelled a few feet away as he scampered forward.

"Yes, so much! You have no idea how much I missed this. Thank you for bringing me."

"It's my pleasure, I just wanted to make sure you weren't feeling excluded," he responded sitting down next to me.

"Oh no, I'm enjoying myself. We're going to have to tack soon as we're getting close to the shore here so I thought I'd just stay up here in case Charlie needed to make a quick tack."

"See, this is why I keep you around. French wine history, sailor skills. What else am I missing out on?"

"Great in bed?"

"Yes, you definitely get high marks for your achievements there so far."

"So far? So you want to do more?"

"Depending on how much energy you have tonight, I'd definitely like to see what other skills you have."

"That sounds like a plan to me."

"I think Charlie is rather relieved you're here today. He's so much more easy going than he normally is, I think it's because he and Lizzy don't have to do everything."

"At your service, sir!" I said saluting him and keeping mum on the conversation I had with Elizabeth. As we sat enjoying ocean air I thought now might be a time to bring up his father, but I figured if he didn't mention it he likely didn't want to talk now. Whereas I'd first a little banged that he didn't mention anything, I actually can't believe the composure he has right now. I decided that when I do get him home tonight I was going to do my best to pleasure him in every way I knew possible.

"Hey lover boy, get back here. We need to tack in a minute and I don't want you falling over board," Charlie yelled forward. I put my hands up as if to say 'he's not talking about me,' and Hunter gave me a big smile and then headed back towards the stern of the boat to sit with the rest of the gang.

We spent the next four hours darting around the bay chasing the wind, mostly with me up at the bow doing Charlie's bidding. His friends were a nice group, and I was glad that talk was neither too focused on the 'good old days' of college nor too politically oriented as conversation with DC people often can be. Thank god there was no Presidential race going on. However, I was also maybe a little too perceptive about how conversation was very high level and jovial. After Elizabeth's comments about Hunter's father I inferred that maybe they were all keeping conversation light to give him a distraction and fun time. That said, I think I especially hit it off with his friend Sam who just quit his job to start a non-profit. Were we in another situation I would have tried to angle for an internship, but then I became rather self conscious that they were all in the their late twenties and here I was not even a college graduate. Unfortunately that realization was what dampened my mood most - could I really relate to Hunter and his friends right now? Yes, he and I had our fun banter, but at the end of the day maybe that's all I was, a fun distraction. Especially now. For the time being I put it out of my mind as I was enjoying being on the water, but it was definitely something to file away for another time to discuss with Hunter.

We made it back to the slip at the yacht club shortly before sunset. It was perfect timing actually as we got a full seven hours of sailing in without the fuss of dealing with navigating the harbor at night on the engine of the boat. Towards the end of the trip after Hunter had had a few beers, he became much more touchy-feely than I was expecting. It was fine with me and if anything made his friends laugh even more, which only then gave Hunter even more courage. I stopped him at trying to make out with me up towards to mast, but otherwise very much enjoyed the attention have gave me during the day. It sounds silly but it made me feel wanted, and helped to assuage my fears a little. Here he was with his friends who he was having a good time with, and he wanted to sneak away with me to try to do naughty things.

I would say over all the day was a major success: I enjoyed myself sailing; Hunter enjoyed himself with his friends; I got along with his friends. Hunter was a little too drunk to drive home, but that was fine as I'd only had two beers all day and was perfectly happy to provide my services. I was also really praying he wasn't going to pass out in the car and would be awake enough when we got home to provide further services. The drive back was quiet, mainly just the radio playing music with minor conversation between us. I will also note that Hunter kept his hand on my knee again the entire drive. It's something I could definitely get used to. The drive allowed me time to think about what I felt for Hunter (I know emotions, what the fuck?) and how I wanted to proceed. Before today I was a little crabby about how in and out of the picture he was, and after the information gleaned today about his father I wasn't sure that he would necessarily be jumping to want to be in a relationship with someone - I definitely wouldn't. That said, I wasn't going to press the issue and let things take their course but at the same time dial down my expectations. Death is fucked up and I didn't want to walk into a hornets nest.

We finally arrived at Hunter's house at a reasonable hour, late enough that there was nothing else we wanted to do but early enough that we didn't want to pass out straight away. Walking inside, I immediately plopped on the couch in his living room while he went to the kitchen returning with two glasses of water, one which he'd already guzzled and the other for me. I gladly accepted it as he sat down next to me with a wicked grin.

"Thanks for coming out today, that was fun and I enjoyed being with you."

"Right back at you, big guy. Can you email me Charlie and Elizabeth's address? I'd like to send them a thank you note."

"Look at you and your manners."

"My mother tried not to raise a barbarian, not sure how well she did."

"What would you like to do for there rest of the evening?"

"Go home?" I said flatly, shrugging my shoulders. Hunter's expression immediately turned one of rejection, which made me smile as I got the response I wanted. With Hunter being so distant at times it was nice that when he was with me he clearly showed he wanted me there. "I'm just kidding, Something quiet? You never did give that massage that you promised me last night to get me out of bed."

"Hmm, that gives me an idea. I'll be right back, don't move," he said getting up, but not before giving me a tender kiss.

He bounded up the stairs as I laid prone and I made myself more comfortable on the couch. Ten minutes later he bounded back down the stairs and I expected him to come into the living room, but from my position I couldn't see what he was doing. A minute or so later and some rustling in the kitchen he bounded back up the stairs. A few minutes thereafter he came back down, this time at a much calmer pace. Again, I expected him to come back into the living room but I heard his feet pad back into the kitchen and again heard rustling around followed by the sound of a cork popping - that sound I know well. Finally I heard his feet pad back into the living room with the slight clink of glasses and when he finally turned around the couch to be within sight from my position on the couch the breath immediately shot from my lungs and I almost groaned. He'd change out of his shorts and t-shirt and was instead only wearing his black boxer briefs, his glasses and a smile. The light from the hallway cast an amazing shadow across his torso showing the slight definition on his stomach and chest, and the way his arms were bent holding the wine bottle in one hand and the two wine glasses in the other made his biceps pop.

This was easily the sexiest thing i'd ever seen before and he was having a reaction under in my shorts. At that moment, I would have done anything he asked if that's what was needed to get in his bed. Now I understood how Hellen of Troy started a war. His easy smile was on his lips, in a "yes, I know how hot I look" way but it wasn't off-putting in the least.

"I drew us a bath. Come on upstairs with me, just wait until I take these off," he said with a wink which did elicit and actual groan from me. I immediately stood from my position on the couch and followed his amazing ass up the stairs. I followed him into his bedroom and then bathroom and was immediately engulfed in an amazing smell. I'm note sure what it quite was, perhaps jasmine? It had an immediate calming and relaxing effect. The lights were dimmed and there were candles lit around the room. In my past visits I hadn't put as much notice in has bathroom as I did now. Whereas before the bright lights on the white tile and marble had an airy, but perhaps sterile look, now with the dimmed lights and candles it exuded a much more sensual and homey feel.

Hunter placed the wine glasses and bottle on the double bowled sink and began to pour out the two glasses. He then approached me, still in the doorway taking it all in. Without saying a word, he handed me the glass and leaned to kiss my softly. In a normal situation, this kiss would not have elicited any arousal, but my hormones were already raging, and the sensation went straight to my crotch. He clinked his glass to mine and smiled that sexy smile that said he knew he was the shit and took a sip. I followed suit and was rewarded with taste of an amazing dry white wine. I had a slight hint of sweetness and fruit, but was rounded out with citrus.

He kissed me again, this time much more passionately, taking my glass of wine and placing them both on the window sill to my right. Hands now free, they immediately went to his back, rubbing his strong muscles and working my way down to his amazing ass. His hands went first into my hair, pulling my face closer to his, clearly demonstrating that he was in control of the kiss. It was a clear signal that he wanted to run the show, and I was more than willing to oblige. Moaning into his mouth every so lightly, he moved his hands down my back to my butt as well, pulling me closer against him so that his crotch was against my stomach and my chest against his. I've never really cared about the height of guys I've dated in the past, in fact now that I think of it, most were usually my height or smaller, but at this moment I was really enjoying having the lean up to kiss him.

"I think you're a little over dressed," he said seductively breaking the kiss and grabbing the hem of my t-shirt and pulling it over my head. His hands immediately went to my sides eliciting a squirm and giggle from me as thumbs gently caressed my ticklish zones. Soon that were working to undue my belt and the button of my shorts, which once finally loose, slide down my legs with a clank as the mettle belt buckle hit the tile floor. My eyes stayed focused up on him as he looked my over, now only in my underwear and his wicked smile crept up the right side of his mouth. When we made eye contact again, there was burning there that briefly caught my breath in my throat. I'd never felt so desired before.

"That's better," he commented with this sexy grin before grabbing my head and bringing my lips back up to his for a kiss. I expected to get wrapped back up in a passionate kiss again but this one was gentle, and he quickly released me, taking my hand and leading me over to oversized, egg-shaped, marble tub.

"Time to lose these too," he said from behind me, putting his fingers under the waistband of my underwear, pulling them back and snapping them gently back against my skin. Not turning, I followed suit, and slide them down my legs. His hand immediately was on my bare ass cheek, running his fingers up and down ever so gently. It immediately cause my blood to flush to my groin and I was afraid I was getting too aroused.

"Get in," he instructed again, his hand a little more firmly pushing my butt closer towards the tub. Again, following his instructions I put my right foot down into the warm water, and quickly followed suit my my left. As I entered the tub, he quietly walked over and retrieved our wine glasses and reproached as I sat down, a heavy sigh escaping my lips as the warm water engulfed me. Once back at the tub, he handed me the two wine glasses, and then with the same sexy grin as before, proceeded to doff his underwear. I sat and took all of him in as he was now standing completely naked in front of me. I gulped a little when I looked him up and down. I could tell that he too was aroused but not to an erect state.

"Scoot forward," he again instructed, the water sloshing too and fro from my movement. He then gracefully entered behind me, with his back against the tub and his legs on either side of me. Once seated, he wrapped his arm around me pulling me back against his chest and rubbing his hand up and down my stomach under the water. Grabbing the wine glass in my right hand, he reached forward and kissed the left side of my neck and taking my earlobe in between his teeth pulling slightly. I melted right into him.

"This is nice," I finally said the words slipping out of my mouth almost unconsciously.

We proceeded to sit there, not speaking as we sipped our wine and enjoyed the feel of each other and the warm water. With each sip, and each rub his hand on my stomach or leg or arm, I melted further and further into him, letting him engulf me. When my glass was empty, he took it and placed in on the floor, jostling me a little in the process, but with both of my hands now free, I proceed to explore him body, first his knees and then down as far as I could reach without bending. He then grabbed my wrists, bring my hands back against my body.

"No touching or you're going to get me too excited," he whispered into my ear as I felt a slight stir behind me.

"But what if that's what I want?"

"Oh don't worry, I have plans for that as well, but i'd like to enjoy being in here with you a little longer. How about that massage now?"

With that he let go of my wrists and brought his hands up to my shoulders, starting near the base of my neck he proceeded to kneads them, working his way out. I groaned in delight as he worked over the muscles which were much more tense and soar than I realized.

"You were such a good deck hand, pulling those ropes all day. This must feel good."

"Mmm, it does," I gurgled slightly.

From my shoulder he worked down my arms, being conscious not to tickle the undersides. Then moving to my chest and finally down past my stomach to grab me. I'd been aroused every since I entered the bathroom, but from all the contact from him I was now almost at full mast. I groaned very audibly and my head learned back against his should as he wrapped his hand around me, beginning to slowly jerk me off.

"Seeing you on the boat today all I wanted to do was get you naked and have my way with you," he whispered into my ear continuing to jerk me and nibble on my earlobe. I groaned again when his left hand tweaked my nipple gently. This was heaven.

He shifted me slightly and as he did so I could feel his erection become dislodged from the awkward position i'm sure it was against my back. I ground my hips forward and back, both inadvertently from the pleasure he was bringing from jerking me, but also to grind back into him. His lips moved from my ear down my beck following my jaw law as I turned my head granting him more access until finally his mouth engulfed me. Parting my lips I allowed his tongue to invade me while his left hand gently stroked my neck and jaw, telling me to relax. From his kiss before I knew he wanted to be in control of everything, and at this moment I wanted nothing else myself. I moaned into his mouth softly letting him know it was his show, and his hand then moved back down to play with my nipples.

His jerking was every so slow. Had I been doing it myself it would never have gotten anywhere near a point of coming, but between his kiss and his other administrations I could start to feel an orgasm building and I began to moan more and more into his mouth and he continued to hungrily kissed me. And then it all stopped. He hands stopped their groping and jerking and his mouth left mine.

"Not yet, babe," he said gently as the thumb of his right hand caressed my lip "You're so sexy, little man. I've never wanted someone so much before. I want you to be on cloud nine when you finally do come."

I leaned back father against him and enjoyed the blissful feeling I felt everywhere. Where I normally would have had blue balls, knowing that he was building up to more allowed to sit back and enjoy myself.

We stayed in the tub for another 20 or 30 minutes, I was so comfortable and relaxed that my breathing slowed and my eyelids started to get heavy. Noticing this, Hunter pushed me forward and then proceeded to get out of the tub. He grabbed a towel and began to dry himself, and then grabbing another towel and holding it open signaled to me to get out of the water as well. It was good timing as besides my sleepy feeling, the water was also starting to get cold. Engulfing me in the towel, he rubbed me up an down drying me, paying special attention when he got to my crotch.

"Now, I think it's time we get in bed so I can fuck you before you fall asleep on me," he stated matter of factly but with his devilish grin.

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Copyright 2015

Next: Chapter 7

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