The Washingtonian

Published on Jun 28, 2015


Part 7

I took the lead and made my way back into his bedroom, pulling back the duvet and crawling into his soft and inviting bed. He remained in the bathroom for another minute, letting the water out of the tub and blowing out the candles. I was sprawled out, my arms resting above my head enjoying the sight of him walking back into the bedroom, his devilish grin still plastered all over his face.

"I've been waiting almost a month for this," he said crawling under the covers and scooting over next to me. "You passed out on me that first night, but that's not going to happen again," he continued as he was now on all fours, his knees on either side of my hips and his hands wedged up next to my armpits, pushing the duvet up off of us.

"But now my advantage is that I know where all your sensitive spots are," he finished and leaned down kissing me very gently, then rubbing his nose against mine as I stared into his eyes. I smiled up but definitely felt a little anxious.

I opened my mouth to make a smart comment, but instead he silenced me as his left hand grabbed the back of my head and pulled me up into a kiss. Actually, kiss isn't really the word, as he began to devour me, shifting down to press his chest on mine and began to grind into my left thigh. Pulling back my head he moved his mouth down my jaw line until he had my right ear and began to nibble, suck and ever so gently blow on my earlobe. For all my bravado before, between his administrations in the tub and now this, it was at this moment that I officially became putty in his hands. A shudder raced down my spine, and a guttural moan escaped my lips.

Moving away from my ear, he pulled my arms up higher above my head, all while still smiling devilishly down at me and noting that I was keenly watching his every move.

"Be a good boy now and keep these up here, even if you're going to try to squirm, " he instructed. As I nodded my understanding I was rewarded with a quick kiss back on the lips.

From there he began a very sensuous assault on my torso, starting at the base of my neck and then moving down to take each nipple in his mouth; first sucking and then gently biting each of them. As he did this my arms started to come down to protect myself, and he looked up at me, a slight shake of his head telling me I wasn't supposed to do that. Immediately I moved them back and I squirmed under his tongue which was still teasing my now erect nipple while his eyes stared up at me. He then did the unthinkable and began kissing laterally across from my nipple over to just below my armpit. I had to focus all of my energy on keeping my arms from pulling down to protect one of the most ticklish and sensitive parts of my body. He produced a throaty sound, almost a purr, acknowledging my achievement. As he continued his very gentle kissed down my side, my eyes clenched shut and my head fell back with a whimper, but he was soon in safe territory and I relaxed as he then cut back across, kissing my navel until he was now on the left side of my body beginning to kiss his way back up. Again, I had to fight not to clamp my arms down against my sides, eliciting more whimpers from me.

"Good boy," he said once he was done moving back up to engulf my my mouth. His tongue greedily swiping around, dueling my own while his right hand gently caressing my now exposed side making me moan yet again into his mouth. After a a minute of this hungry kiss he stopped and gently stared down at me, a smile on his lips.

Very quickly he moved down my body and before I knew what to expect next, he had engulfed my cock in his mouth, eliciting a further moan from me. Maybe it was all the soft kisses he'd made on my torso but I was hyper-aware of his hands just above my hips, his thumbs drawing soft circles while his mouth went up and down, and up and down. He then stopped, taking my cock in his hand and began to softly jerk me off while his tongue focused on the head. Again, I scrunched my eyes closed and pushed my head back into the pillow and causing me to moan mutual times.

"Oh fuck!" I yelled as he moved father south, taking first one, and then the other of my balls in his mouth sucking and licking them. I could feel the smile on his lips against me as he finally moved to one of my most erogenous points-the small indent where my right thigh connects with my torso just to side of my balls. I grunted and my legs jerked back as he began to hungrily kiss and lick that spot. He kept attacking, keeping my thrashing to a minimum with his hands holding my upper thighs to the bed as my hips jerked forward. In the end, my legs began to move apart, until I was fairly spread eagle.

"Oh little man, you are so fun to play with and you played right into my hand," Hunter finally spoke releasing his lips from the sensual torture he was inflicting on my body.

"What do you mean?" I half-panted, completely unaware of what he was talking about.

In response, he sat up a little moving his right hand up to my mouth, pushing it into my open mouth. Instinctively, my mouth closed around it and I began to gently suck and swirl my tongue around his thumb. He smiled back at me as he starting pulling it back from my mouth. His mouth clamped down on that spot on my thigh again, causing my relaxed body to again become rigid and squirm. Stopping this assault and letting me relax, he then used the opportunity to trace his now wet thumb down my penis, over my balls and finally to my perineum. His wet finger caused a shiver to run down my whole body and again I gasped at his contact. He was right: My legs were now spread open and his position between them now had wide access to the area. He put his thumb back in his mouth and then again traced it over my perineum, this time all the way down to my sphincter which he gently massaged. It was the most intimate thing anyone has ever done to me and again I shuddered and moaned at the same time. Soon his thumb was replaced by his tongue as he traced the same journey. My body was out of responses at this point other than to just pant at the pleasure coursing through me. He continued this for a minute until I thought I was going to explode.

"Do you like that, little man?" he asked stopping and allowing me a minute to come back from the edge of orgasm.

"Fuck, Hunter!" I said catching my breathe my hand covering my face, not bearing to looking down at him. "How did you know how much I love that?"

"What, getting rimmed?"

"Yes! Fuck! I almost came."

"You mentioned it that night at the Inn at Little Washington. Here, flip over," he said taking my hips in his hands and guiding me as I turned onto my stomach.

"You have the cutest ass i've ever seen," he said with a quick slap and then kiss on my ass. He then pulled my hips up so that my ass was now planted in the air, fully exposed. Lastly, he pushed my legs apart a little further, and then before I could fully regain my breath he dove back down.

"Oh fuck," I moaned into the pillow as he dove his tongue into me and then licked up and down. In concert with the what he was doing with my ass he started jerking me. After a couple minutes of his licking and jerking, my hips started to involuntarily move back and forth with this actions and I could feel the orgasm building. My moaning became louder as it started to build and then out of nowhere he stopped. Taking a minute, he let me cool down.Then he started to gently blow on my now wet ass. This new sensation sent a chill straight down my spine and my hips shuddered a little. He then dove back in, his tongue licking up and down and hand jerking me until I reached the edge of orgasm, then stopped everything. I don't know how long he did this to me, but after the fourth or fifth time I couldn't take it anymore.

"Please, please, Hunter. Let me come," I panted as I turned my head from the pillow from which it has been smashed into for the god knows how many minutes. Making eye contact with him I pleaded with my eyes. "I can't do that again."

"Are you sure, I could do this all night?" he grinned like a kid in a candy store.

"Yes, please I need to come."

"Can I fuck you now?" he asked with gentle yet fiery, lust-filled eyes.

"Yes, please, do anything, just don't torture me anymore."

With a swiftness I wasn't expected, he bounded up the bed flipping me back over so that I was on my back again, and planted another hungry kiss as he began to grind into me. I was so sensitive at that point that the sensation of my stomach pressing against my dick moving up and down was getting my close to orgasm again. My moaning tipped Hunter off to what was going on and breaking the kiss, he reached over into his bedside table and pulled out a bottle of lube as well as some condoms. Grabbing the lube first he applied some to his hand and then before I could protest, started pushing one of his fingers into me. I moaned into his neck, biting him a little as his quick movement surprised me but felt oh so good. Engulfing my mouth again, he began to kiss me as his finger moved in and out, and then was replaced with two. He worked up inside of me until he hit my prostate and I almost came right then and there, pulling back from the kiss with another guttural moan. I opened my eyes to see him grinning down at me. Who was this guy? For the past two hours he's done nothing but pleasure me to the point that i'm about to break and I haven't even been able to touch him once. Finally, he extracted his fingers from me and I relaxed back against the pillow, trying to catch my breath.

"Hunter, I'm not going to last long."

"Don't worry, neither am I. You have no idea how turned on I am that you allowed me to do this," he said smiling down at me as he sat back on his haunches, rolling the condom onto his erect cock.

"Please just let me come," I whimpered trying to convey in my eyes how much I needed release.

"Don't worry, little man. I told you I wasn't going to let you come until you were on cloud nine. You've earned it."

He leaned forward and gently kissed me one last time before he put his hands in the crooks of my knees and pushed my legs back until they were against my chest. He then guided himself until I felt the head of his cock right at the entrance to my ass. Looking down at me to gage my reaction, I gave him a brief nod letting know I was OK. He then slowly pushed forward and the fullness I hadn't felt in a while was there. He then gently kissed me as he eased into me all the way.

"Oh fuck, Phillip. Not only does your ass look great and taste great, but it feels great too," he joked with a grin once he bottomed out inside me. If I wasn't so pent up with sexual energy on the verge of breaking I would have laughed, likely hysterically. Instead, all I could do was make an awkward croaking sound.

Not wanting to ruin the mood, he then began to pull himself out of me slowly. Just when I thought he was going to pull all the way out he thrust back into me very quickly, and much rougher than I expected. My head flew back on the pillow as I moaned at the unexpected sensation. For the next couple minutes I was definitely on cloud nine as he thrust in and out, varying the speed and force at which he entered me. Shortly thereafter he began to add a slight movement in his hips so that his cock was hitting different places within me when he thrust in, and finally connected with my prostate which he then began to assault. I moaned his name and many profanities as he worked that spot over a couple of times, and before I could warn him I exploded, the most intense orgasm I'd ever experienced working up from my balls all the way through my body, my limbs going rigid.

My orgasm was so intense I don't really remember him coming as well, and wasn't brought back to our current plane of existence until I felt him pull out of me and roll onto his back, the fullness of him inside me and the weight of him on top of me now gone.

I had no energy to move, my eyelids so heavy I could barely keep them open. I felt him rustle against me and soon his fingers were gently tracing up my stomach, mixing around the come I'd deposited there. I was still tingling all over and the sensation caused my final whimper of the night.

"I can't believe you came without either one of us touching you," he chuckled, as he turned my head towards him, a gentle smile on his lips.

"Go to sleep, little man, you earned it," he said kissing my forehead and that's exactly what I did.

I shouldn't have been surprised that after I left Hunter's house Sunday morning that I wouldn't hear from him for a little while, but after his comment in the car, and the mind blowing sex, I really did think he'd try to little harder to reach out to me. Having not heard from him by Thursday I sent a text at lunch asking what his plans were for the weekend. Then I waited. Friday rolled around and I met Daria, the girl I met the night I also met Hunter, for dinner after work. At dinner I gave her a rundown on everything that had happened thus far with Hunter. Being a completely neutral third party, I asked her her thought on the matter. Like everyone I talked about it with, she advised caution and to perhaps ask him about his father. This was the main piece of the puzzle I was on the fence about. From Elizabeth's comments about privacy, I was afraid that if I asked he might be angered or annoyed, but at the same time this was no small matter and was likely impacting a lot of his mental processing at the moment. Then again, perhaps it was not a big deal afterall and I was overthinking the whole issue. After dinner we were on the fence whether to go see a movie or go out for drinks. Not surprisingly the martinis we had at dinner fueled us to skip the movie and before long it was midnight and we were at bar number three. That was when the my phone started ringing. Holding it up to check the caller ID, I quickly showed it to Daria rolling my eyes. 'Hunter Blume' flashed across the screen as it vibrated in my hand. I was torn whether to pick up or not - not because I was torn whether I wanted to see him or not. In my current drunken state I was rather annoyed. No, my apprehension was whether to pick up and cuss him out or just let it go to voicemail. I decided in the end to pass on the call, I was having fun and didn't want to deal with him right now. A minute later my phone again vibrated, this time showing a text.

Apologies for again disappearing. Not that it's much of an excuse but I've had a lot going on. My friend whom you met at Be Bar is having a house party tomorrow night. Want to go with me?

Being a responsible adult I decided to ignore it and proceed to drink very heavily until last call. You know, good life choices.

The next afternoon when I woke up I groaned at the throbbing that was currently happening all over my head. Sitting up I reaching for my phone and saw that I had missed two calls from the grandmother and a text message from my mother asking why I wasn't picking up my grandmother's calls. Yes, mom, because that's really going to help matters. Then I saw Hunter's text message from the night before. Laying back into my bed with a large thump, I covered my hands with my face and sighed deeply. How was I going to respond to this? I still wasn't sure what I wanted. Well that's not true, I obviously wanted him, I just didn't know how much I was willing to let this stretch out to see if it was ever going to happen. I knew he had shit going on in his life, but I was a little wounded that when questioning his flakiness, that was not his intention. Again, because I'm a responsible adult I decided to respond with a complete non-sequitur.

Who uses whom in a text?

I'm going to guess that if you're just responding to me now you had a wild night out last night. How are ya feeling, little man?

Why do I do this to myself?

Because you're young and stupid? ...and by stupid I mean unbelievably cute. ;)

Should I start penciling in post midnight phone dates on Fri and Sat as the only hours you appear able to communicate?

Yes, please have your people contact my people.

My people are French. Do you know how inflexible the French are? 9-5 M-F only. And it's ALWAYS a holiday!

From my memory, you're flexible enough...

[insert witty banter -- I'm too hungover for this shit]

How about I call you at 7 and see how your hangover is. Depending we can do dinner and my friends party? Otherwise, something this week?


I'll take that as a yes. Speak to you at 7.

With that I went back to sleep.

"Are you alive?" I heard Ari ask, poking his head into my bedroom.

"What time is it?" "Almost five, I've never seen you this hungover before," he said coming to sit on my bed. "I had drinks with that girl Daria. We were having fun until Hunter texted and then I drank myself stupid." "What did he say?" I handed Ari my phone and he began scrolling through the responses. "Very mature, Phillip." "I think at this point i'm just carpet bombing with napalm to see what kind of reaction I can get from him - good or bad." "Are you going to go out with him tonight?" "Is it sad that I want to?" "No, I think you should have fun." "Yeah, I guess it doesn't hurt."

Hunter called promptly at seven and we made arrangements to meet in Dupont for dinner in 45 minutes. I quickly jumped in the shower, shaved and threw on a blue gingham short sleeve button down shirt and white jeans and had time to have a glass of wine to calm my nerves before heading down to get in a cab. Hunter picked a run of the mill Asian restaurant that did everything from Pad Thai to sushi which was perfect as I only wanted a miso soup and some other light fare, fearful of how much still hungover stomach would react. Hunter arrived looking delicious as ever in blue searsucker shorts and a coral polo shirt. I hadn't asked about the dress code for the party and thought I'd do better to overdress. We had an awkward moment where I wasn't sure how to greet him and we ended up making zero physical contact when we greeted each other. However, on the way to the table he very clearly patted me on the ass and gave me his usual devilish green when I turned quickly in response to his contact.

"Want a sip?" Hunter asked with a sly smile once his beer arrived. He was no doubt commenting on the fact that I had not ordered any alcohol with dinner.

"No, I'm good for the time being, thank you. I'm pacing myself - I don't want to get too drunk before I meet your friends. That would be very poor decorum."

"Uh huh, likely story."

"What did you do today?" I asked wanted to change the conversation.

"I went to my brother's house out in McLean for brunch to see his kids and play some tennis."

"That sounds like a pleasant day. Do you play tennis often?"

"Yeah, we try to get in a game once a week while the weather is nice."

"Cool. How many siblings do you have in the area again?"

"See, I'm not the only one that forgot all details of conversations we've previously had," he said with a grin chastising me for previously chastising him for the same comment.

"To be fair, I know you have siblings here I just forgot to the number."

"One brothers, Peter, is here, the other, John, is still in Richmond and my sister Clara lives in New York City."

"And they're all older than you right?"

"Yeah, I'm the baby."

"What's the age range?"

"They're all about four years apart, but then there's a six year gap between me and my sister. So my sister is 34 and my oldest brother is 43."

"Oh wow, that's a big difference."

"Yeah, John and I aren't really that close. He was pretty much out the house already off at college by the time I was old enough to remember anything. Peter and I have become much closer over the past couple years, but only because we live in the same city, as he too was out of the house by the time I was in middle school. Clara is the only one I really had a childhood relationship with. Mind you, I used to drive her crazy, but we've become good friends in our adult lives."

"As a parent I can't imagine having that big of an age difference. Just when they thought they were getting rid of one - bam! - you appear."

"No, my mom loved being a mother. It was heartbreaking for her when I went to college. I'm sure she wished she had another still at home."

"Eh, you just think they did. My mother called me every day the first month of college sad her baby was gone. That said, by the time I got home for the summer, she was so used to me being gone that she missed the quiet. God, we got into so many fights that summer."

"Let me guess, you were either drunk or hungover the whole summer?" he again joked, mocking my hungover state.

"No, my father being French, I was allowed to drink wine as a teenager. It was mainly the fact I'd been living by my own rules and thought I could do the same under their roof. I'm sure I was the biggest punk."

"I'm pretty sure you're still a punk." I wasn't sure what to make of that comment.

"I'm sure she was thrilled when I told them I got an internship and was staying in DC for the summer."

"And here you are, single handedly keeping Washington's bar and nightlife industry functioning."

"Ha ha. I get the point, you can quit it with the booze jokes now," I said rather emphatically hoping he would get the point that I was starting to get annoyed with that.

"Sorry, I like you riled up so I poke your buttons."

"I'm pretty sure there are other things you'd rather poke than my buttons," I said with a silly smile, batting my eyelashes at him. Hunter responded with a hearty laugh.

Almost too perfectly timed, our food came putting and end to our banter. Once I started eating, I started to feel much better to the point that I ordered a beer. You know, because if i'm not hungover I must be drinking.

"So who's going to be at this party?"

"Well, it's at my friend Eric's house in Logan. You met him at Be Bar the other night. The other guy Tim will be there as well. Knowing Eric, half the homos in DC will stumble through tonight."

"So I should expect a rager?"

"It's a strong possibility."

"Glad I didn't wear my nice shoes."

"Oh please, you'd just call up your grandmother and ask her to get you a new pair anyways." I opened my mouth to respond with something smart but decided instead to roll my eyes and changed the subject.

Thirty minutes and more playful banter later we paid the check and went out to hail a cab.

"Do you think there will be any cute guys coming tonight?" I whispered to him once we got in the cab.

"I think I know of one," he whispered back with his devilish grin.

"Oh good, you'll have to introduce me," I dead panned.

"I'm going to punish you for that comment later," he responded with a serious but mischievous look on his face.

Soon we arrived in the Logan Circle area to a rowhouse lined street. From the look of the houses i'd say the block was half gentrified, but it was cute none the less with the brick sidewalk and street lamps. Hunter lead the way up the stairs to the brick house and let himself in. Immediately we entered and expansive entry way with a living room to our right and a split hallway leading back towards what looked like the kitchen and a stairway leading up the second floor. There were a few people in the living room chatting and drinking. I followed Hunter down the hallway to the kitchen where there was another group of guys gathered talking loudly amongst themselves. Immediately I recognized Eric. Hunter approached him and gave him a hug. "Eric, you remember Phillip, right?" Hunter said introducing me "Yes, of course, thanks for coming," he said extending a hand to shake.

"Thanks for having me," I responded with a big smile.

"Make yourselves at home. There is beer and wine here in the fridge and liquor on the table in the bay window in the living room."

"Pick your poison," Hunter asked pointing at me his hands like finger guns. It made me grin.

"I think i'll stick to beer for the time being." Hunter gave me with a knowing look, then grabbed a Sam Adams from the fridge for me.

"Come, I'm going to make myself something a little stronger," he said putting his hand on my lower back.

Following him back towards the front of the house, he greeted the guys that were in the livingroom and fixed himself a gin and tonic.

"Gin? I was expecting you to be a big bourbon guy."

"I like bourbon, but in the summer I prefer gin."

"I couldn't agree more, monsieur."

"Here let me introduce you to these guys," he said as he lead me over to the four guys sitting on the couch and side chairs. I would guess they were all in their late twenties/early thirties. Suddenly I was starting to dread that I might be the token twink at the party. He introduced me and we all said our greetings.

"Good to see you, Hunter. It's been a couple months, what have you been up to?" "Mainly just working. I was talking with my brother today and realized that it's been too long since I've gone on vacation. How about you guys?"

"Same, this omnibus bill really needs to pass before recess because we rented a house in Rehoboth for two weeks in August and I will kill someone if I have to work," one of the guys responded.

"Oh that's fun, who's going?" They went through a list of the ten or so guys they were renting the house with. "That sounds like fun, shoot me an email with the dates and I'll try to come out one of the weekends you're there."

"Sorry to be direct, but I feel like we've met before," one of the guys, Steve I believe his name was, stated to me a few minutes later. "Do you work on the Hill?"

"No, maybe we met out at a bar somewhere?" I responded as I had zero recollection of him.

"No, I don't think so, I feel like it was at some type of function on the Hill," he again said staring towards me pensively.

I responded with a shrug, looking over at Hunter who had on a grin that said 'you drunk.' I was about to say something to him, but then Steve started laughing to himself.

"Did you by any chance go to the US Chamber of Commerce Christmas party in December?"

As the words came out of his mouth I immediately remembered him and also began to laugh. At this point the rest of the group was looking at the two of us as if we had a third eye.

"God, don't remind me about that night." I said after my laughter had calmed down. I could tell from Hunter's expression he was now extremely intrigued.

"How's your friend, the girl you were with?"

"Christina - she's good. Actually we're supposed to be getting dinner tomorrow night. She's going to have such a good laugh when I tell her I ran into you tonight."

"Ok, someone please tell us how you know each other," one of the other guys, Zack, finally said.

"Being on the committee, my friend Garrett from the office and I got invited to the Chamber's Christmas party. It's usually really good; good food, good booze -- they do it well. We'd been there for maybe an hour and we were ready to call it quits and as we were walking out of the building, this one," he said point to me," and his friend were standing outside and asked if they could have our credentials."

"What do you mean credentials?" one of the guys asked.

"So, to provide some background," I began, ensuring that I could add as much of my side of the story as possible knowing where this was going. "My friend and I have made it a tradition to crash the big corporate and association Christmas parties. It started as a way to drink when we were underage but has since evolved into a bit of a game. We have our friends who work on the Hill keep their eyes open for invitations. We've been doing it long enough that there are some that are just impossible to get into, but the Chamber party is one of the best and though you need to be on the list, they give out these lanyards, so you can just make it seem like you were out smoking a cigarette and they let you back in. So you just have to wait outside for a few minutes and eventually someone is going to give you theirs."

"So we're walking out and there are these two. At first we were going to take pity on them, but then after chatting for a minute thought they'd be fun to talk with longer. So we gave them ours, and then a couple minutes went back inside and pretended we went around the corner to get a drink and threw away out lanyards. After we showed them our business cards they let us back in again no problem. The tricky part then became finding these two again. Thirty minutes later we were about to leave and we see them in the corner schmoozing with this older guy."

I groaned and put my hand over my face as he got to this part of the story, which had Hunter and the other guys looking in my direction.

"Oh this sounds like it's going to be good!" said one of the other guys.

"We approach them, and they greet us and introduce us to none other than the CEO of the Chamber. The best part is that having looked at our badges that had our names and "House Energy & Commerce Committee" on them, they basically stole our identities and had the guy convinced they worked on the committee. Anyways, they introduced us as their colleagues and we chatted a couple more minutes with him before he got whisked away to speak to someone else who was about to leave."

As he took a sip of his drink, they were all laughing, particularly Hunter.

"God, how late were we there until?" Steve then asked turning back to me.

"I think it was like 11-1130. We closed the place down. They basically had to escort us out of the building."

"Either way, the night didn't end there. We then walked across Lafayette Park to get dollar oysters and more drinks at Old Ebbitt."

"It was what? 1AM when Christina and Garrett started making out?"

"Yeah, that sounds about right."

"They were in mid-conversation and then just lunged at each other. Steve and I looked at each other, got the bartender to bring the check and then scrammed."

"They went on a couple dates after that, right?"

"Yeah, I think so, but nothing ever came of it."

"Shame. I had blast that night. I wish we'd swapped cards or something," Steve said with a disappointed look. It was at this point that I realized he might have meant in a 'I wanted to take you on a date too' kind of way.

"Well we're here now!" I said maybe a little too loudly with what I hoped was not too fake of a grin and then quickly put my hand on Hunter's forearm.

"What else have you crashed?" one of the guys asked me.

"Yes, Phillip, what other parties have you crashed?" Hunter asked both amused but perhaps also a little concerned.

"Unfortunately nothing with legit security, like the White House. We got our start early on in college as interns crashing," I said the latter word making air quotes with my fingers, "the different Hill functions, which in all reality they don't really care who shows up. Once we realized that, we graduated to the association functions. Unless the party is at the actual organization, they often happen at the same venues so once we got lucky getting into them a few times, we then figured out easier ways to get into the building. For example, we know the entrance at the Air and Space Museum where the employees exit from as it's closing, which is usually the time the functions are starting. They'll say go to another entrance and we'll respond that the other entrance told us to come there. After that they usually then don't want to seem rude, so nine times out of ten will let us in, and once you're already in the building you can enter the function area from a different direction from where registration is."

"So you've basically cased the Air & Space Museum?" Hunter asked.

"I guess you could say that."

"This is some National Treasure shit," one of the guys interjected with sort of a snort.

"Sadly, we've never been able to crash anything at an embassy - they're practically impossible. Mainly just because they're secure buildings and you can never just walk into them anyway."

"Who knew you had this side to you?" Hunter whispered into my ear as the conversation moved onto something else and the guys weren't focused on me. "I feel like i'm going to have to punish you for this later too."

He had his devilish grin plastered on his face again when I looked up at him and I immediately felt it in my groin.

The story helped to break the ice and after that I had a very easy time talking with the guys. Soon the living room was filling up as more and more people arrived. To my pleasure, there were gays of all types at the party, though I was towards the young end of the scale. In fact, some guys I went to college with showed up and I talked with them for a little bit seeing how their summer was going and what they were doing in the city. Though Ari and I are friendly with other GW gays, it can get a bit cliquey and we try to stay out of that. Ari's boyfriend Brian is much better connected and gets us invited to things when we want to, but otherwise we tend to keep to ourselves.

During my conversation with the guys from GW I realized I'd lost Hunter and excused myself to go find him. First I started in the kitchen, and while there grabbed another beer. I also realized I had to pee, and asked around where the bathroom was. There was one of the first floor, but I was instructed to go upstairs as there was no line. Making me way up stairs, I saw a guy standing waiting by a door and asked if that was the bathroom. He nodded yes just as the door was opening and the occupant exited. I took his place by the door to wait my turn. As the other guy made his way downstairs I realized that there were people in another room next to me with a slightly ajar door. I pulled out my phone and was about to text Hunter to ask where he was, when I heard one of the guys and couldn't help but eavesdrop. "Oh, I know what I meant to ask you earlier - who is that guy that Hunter showed up with? He looked a little? young wouldn't you say? Are they dating?" "Oh, that's this guy he met out at a bar a month or so ago. I have no idea what's going on with them. Phillip is like 21 years old. Still in college." I realized then that it was Eric who was talking, but didn't know who else was in the room with him. "I have no idea what Hunter is doing with him." "I mean, he's cute and all, but a 21 year old? Does he really want to get involved with that?" "Those were my sentiments. Right now I don't think it's anything serious, if anything at all. You know Hunter, when was the last time he actually dated someone anyways? I'm sure he's just having fun fucking the kid. I would too. Mind you, I'd have had fun that first night and left it at that, but whatever. But give him some slack, he's going through some shit right now. If he's having fun, that's cool."

With those words my stomach dropped. Fuck. I heard the toilet flush which made it harder to hear if there was anything further said, and a second later the bathroom was free. Part of me wanted to stay and eavesdrop further, but more of me didn't want to hear another word. I quickly ducked into the bathroom, and turned on the faucet. After splashing cold water on my face I looked at myself in the mirror. What was I thinking? Of course all that this was was just sex.

I peed and then quickly left the bathroom and headed back downstairs. Once out of reach of the conversation I quickly downed my beer and made my way to the liquor. I made myself a strong vodka soda and was in the midst of taking a big gulp when I felt a hand on my back. Turning to see who was touching me, I was relieved for a brief moment that I was Hunter, smiling, then the conversation I just overheard shot back into my consciousness and i'm sure it was reflected on my face.

"Everything OK?" he asked with a concerned look.

"Yeah, fine. I turned around and you disappeared, so I decided to make myself a drink before coming to look for you."

"Sorry about that, a friend I haven't seen in a while came over to me as he was on his way outside to smoke a cigarette so I went out with him."

"No worries," I said taking a big sip of my drink. It was really strong and at first I almost gagged, but I pulled through it.

"Those guys we were talking to earlier were fun, I liked them," I continued after adding more club soda to my drink to water it down a little more.

"Yeah, they're fun. I see then maybe once every four to six months usually. They always want to talk about work and typically on the weekends that's not my thing."

"Understandably. I gave Steve my number, I hope that OK? We're going to have a reunion of sorts - well at least he, Christina and I are. I'm not sure Christina has any interest in seeing Garrett again."

"Why would I mind?"

"I don't know. Did you get the feeling from the way he was talking at the end of the story that he wished he'd gotten my number to take me on a date as well?"

"Yeah, but I don't blame him. After all, I had to work pretty hard to get you into my bed that first night I saw you," he said putting his hands on my hips and leaning in to kiss me.

"Uh, I hate to break to you, but I was a drunk mess. There was very little effort required. You just smiled that pretty smile a couple times in my direction and I took my pants off."

"Took your pants off and then passed out on me."

"Well that's what you get for trying to bed a drunkard."

"I haven't been able to get the image of you naked, sprawled out on my bed covered in your cum from my mind all week. I hope you don't pass out so we can do that again tonight," he seductively whispered into my ear sending chills down my spin and blood rushing straight to my dick.

"Hunter, you sure know how to make a girl wet."

"Hand check!" we heard yelled from a couple feet away. Looking over it was Eric laughing at the two of us. My heart went from being in my throat having a hard time breathing from Hunters comment to in my shoes due to the comments I overheard him making earlier.

"Hunter make me a bourbon and coke?" he asked.

Hunter happily obliged and then we moved out of the way of the queue of people waiting to make drinks and headed further into the living room to connect with Eric.

"Nice place you have here," I had to practically yell over the din of the crowd that was now much louder than it had been earlier.

"Thanks, I moved in about two years ago when people were still afraid to cross 16th Street. Now every homo is clammering to gut and flip a house here."

"I give it another two years before the white couples with babies start buying," I replied.

"I hope so! Where in the city do you live?" Eric asked as Hunter got distracted by someone else he knew.

"I live in a really weird part of town down on McPherson Square. There is this one apartment building tucked into all of the office buildings there. It's convenient for me to get to work in Metro Center and then class in Foggy Bottom, and surprisingly much more affordable than Foggy Bottom and the West End."

"Yeah, there is nothing there," he responded and there was a brief awkward silence between us.

"How's your internship progressing?"

"Good! I'm so busy though. I don't know if it's that i'm still getting used to how they do everything, if i'm an idiot, or perhaps a combination of both, but the past two weeks have been really jarring."

"If they are anything like us, they're trying to get sixth months worth of work out of you in three months, so don't feel like that's what the rest of your life is going to be like. That is unless you're Hunter," he said loudly while practically slapping him on the back multiple times, so that he turned quickly to rejoin our conversation "in which case expect to double your hours."

"Hey, it pays the bills," Hunter responded shrugging his shoulders.

They struck up a conversation of their own while I ran to refill my drink. It didn't take me long to finish my second vodka soda, which was likely even stronger than the first, and thus began a cycle of the night. Get introduced to a new friend of Hunter's talk to them for 15 or so minutes, then excuse myself to refill my drink. Soon I was pretty drunk, and couldn't find Hunter. I ran upstairs to use the bathroom which was occupied. I quickly checked to see if there was anyone else upstairs, but thankfully it was just me. I splashed some water on my face again and was in the midst of relieving myself when my phone started to ring. Grabbing it out of my pocket awkwardly, the caller ID showed it was Hunter.

"Hey," I answered.

"Hey! Where are you? I can't find you anywhere?"

"Upstairs peeing. Why?"

"Oh OK, we're about to head out to Nellie's. Come down when you're done and we'll get in a cab."

"OK, see you in a sec."

We excited the house just as Steve, Zack and Jeremy - I think that was his name - were getting in a cab.

"Hey wait up, can we share with you," Hunter called.

"Too many people, too many people!" the cab driver yelled as we approached.

"He's little, no one will notice," Hunter said pointing to me, "and we'll give you a really big tip," he continued as he pulled out his wallet.

"What? Who are you calling little?" I protested.

"He lies down," the cab driver stated rather emphatically, pointing at me and acquiescing to the deal. "The cops look for multiple heads."

"Sure," Hunter said, opening the door. I figured he'd let me get in, but he started to get in himself. "Trust me, he's pliable," he said as he got in, filling up the back seat.

"Do you want me to sit on your lap?" I asked to Hunter, realizing the booze was really hitting my head.

"You heard the man, crawl in and lie across us."


"Get in and lie across us, he wants to make sure the cops don't see you."

"What?" I asked again, and then he just pulled me towards him quickly. As I tumbled forward he caught me, and then started to push me across his lap. I felt multiple hands on me pulling me forward until I was lying half on my side, half on my stomach with my head against the other cab door.

"Bend your knees, Phillip, I need to get the cab door closed," Hunter said trying to move my legs. I followed instructions and shortly thereafter heard the cab door close.

"This is the most awkward position i've ever been in my life," I said aloud to the group.

"I'm sure I can find a few more later tonight," Hunter loudly responded, getting a good laugh from the group.

"Whose crotch is this?" I asked patting the leg near my face.

"Steve's" I heard Steve say, which made me start laughing.

"Is this what you wanted when you said you were sad we didn't swap contact info?" I teased, the alcohol making me bold.

"He's very feisty, Hunter. I approve," Steve responded laughing at my question.

"Fuck Nellies, maybe we should see where Phillip can get us into tonight," one of the other guys said.

"I'm not aware of any political functions happening at this hour. Beside, something tells me Mr. Fancy Pants Hunter would have no problem getting in. It's not really crashing if you're already on the list," I quipped back. With that comment I felt Hunter's hand smack my butt, or at least I hoped it was Hunter's. I then also felt a hand work it's way up my stomach to my side and gently touch a ticklish spot, making me giggle and squirm.

"This is what happens when you're in this position and make jokes at my expense," Hunter said trying to sound annoyed, but I could hear the grin in his voice.

"Please don't do that, I might pee and that's not going to be pleasant for any of us in the back seat here."

"No peeing in my cab!" the cab driving interjected, which had us all in hysterics for the rest of the cab ride over to Nellie's.

It took a little more effort to get out of the cab as it it did, but soon we were inside making our way upstairs to the roofdeck. Nellie's is this gay sports bar that had just opened that Spring, and though the concept was a little comical, had this amazing open roof that was perfect in the hot DC summer, and also provided excellent people watching of U Street which was still in the midst of gentrifying.

Hunter kindly got the first round of drinks, much to everyone's protests as he also paid for the cab. Whatever, I wasn't too worried - I knew he wasn't hurting for it. I was in the midst of a conversation with Jeremy (again wasn't sure if that was really his name, but that's what I was calling him in my head) when I noticed that Hunter was standing really close to me, smiling at me. I took a step towards the railing of the roof to put my now empty drink on the ledge that ran all the way around the bar, and as I did so, Hunter seemed to ghost me almost not wanting me to get too far away. It made my heart flutter and my stomach drop at the same time as on one hand, it was these little gestures that I adored about our time together and made my hopeful that there was something here, but at the same time Eric's comments and my own conscious were telling me this was just only going to ever be about sex and was going to end soon, so not get too excited about it.

"I'm going to go get another drink, do you want something?" I asked Hunter.

"Sure, a vodka soda, please."

"Any poison in particular?"

"Normally i'd be specific, but with your taste, Mr. Beauchamp, I think I'll have what you're having."

"So rail then?" I asked with raised eyebrows, kidding.

He reached forward grabbing the back of my head and pulled me into a hungry kiss.

"I don't do rail, and neither should you," he said after letting me go, my knees a little weak.

"Duly noted, sir."

Approaching the group on my return from the bar, drinks in hand, Hunter surprised me grabbing my hips from behind and almost pulling me backwards from the direction I was walking. I turned quickly unsure what he wanted, and was practically broadsided while his mouth engulfed mine, hungrily kissing me. I was amazed that even in the booze-soaked state my brain was in, reflexively my hands moved to the side trying to stabilize the drinks so they wouldn't spill.

"Can I take you home now?" he practically purred in my ear after he released my mouth and kissed down my my jawline.

"You could have asked me that before I went to get these," I responded, noting the drinks I'd just bought. "I'm enjoying chatting with your friends. Can we stay for this last drink? Then I'd love to head home," I pleaded as best I could with sympathetic expression.

"Fine," he sighed, moving his hands from my lower back, down to my waist.

Moving back to his circle of friends, a few of them gave us the knowing smile that we were on brink of heading home to fuck. He was practically on top of me, his hips practically bumping next to mine as his arm gently hung on my shoulder. About five minutes into my conversation with into his friend Paul reminiscing about bad 90s pop, a brief shudder ran through my body and I had to stifle a moan. While standing chatting with Paul, Hunter's hand had moved from my right shoulder, slowly down my back. When it was on my my ass he gave a quick squeeze, but that is what not elicited the shudder. It was when his hand then worked it's way back up under my shirt so that his thumb was gently massaging the area of my lower back just above my jeans in the small cleft where the valley of my ass began. I don't know why I was so sensitive there, but perhaps it was the intimacy of his caress in the public setting, either way I melted back into his caress. I decided to be unexpected for once that evening and turned and reached up to kiss him. He didn't expect the kiss at first as he froze momentarily, but then quickly made up for lost time pulling me tightly against him, and taking control of the kiss, as his tongue hungrily invaded my mouth and his right hand worked its way under the waist of my jeans to start groping my ass over my underwear.

"I want you naked in my bed. Now," he growled seductively into my ear shortly thereafter. I merely grunted an affirmative trying to catch my breath.

Before I knew it we were in front of his house, opening the door allowing me to enter. As I walked through the doorway I planned to head toward the kitchen for a glass of water, but before I was too paces into the house, his hands quickly grabbed my hips and pulled me back against him as the door closed behind us. His right arm wrapped around my stomach holding me to him as he briefly turned to lock the deadbolt on the door. Then his other arms returned engulfing me, working its way up under my shirt to rub my stomach all the way up to pinch my right nipple. My head pressed back into his shoulder as he did it, making me moan slightly. The effect was perfect as my mouth was now just inches from his and tiled back for easy access. He reached down and engulfed me in a hungry kiss. How could he manipulate my body so well? It wasn't fair.

Moaning into his mouth I gave up. Surrendered. Done. I was his and relaxed back against him.

While his left hand toyed with my nipple his right hand worked its way under my waistband of my underwear and started slowly jerking me.

I moaned into him even more.

"I'm going to go get us some water. Go up stairs and get naked," he instructed.

Catching my breath, I looked up into his eyes and smiled a goofy smile. He smiled down at me, softly kissing my forehead and then swatted my butt - hard.

I made my way upstairs not bothering to turn on the lights and in record time kicked off my shoes and then peeled out of my cloths. I knew he wouldn't want me to be under the covers and plopped down on the bed on my back, my limbs lying haphazardly. I was hard. So hard.

I heard him bounding up the stairs a minute later. He burst into the room and turned on the light switch, freezing in his tracks in the doorway as the bright light turned on, making me squint quickly.

"God, you are beautiful," he said his eyes moving up and down taking me in. I'm sure I started to blush - all over my body.

He approached the bed, putting down both glasses of water, as his eyes continued to work me up and down. With a big grin he immediately began to undress himself, first pulling his polo shirt over his head, then began to undo his belt, pulling down his shorts and then his boxer briefs until he was full naked standing in front of me. His eyes were staring down at me lustfully. I noticed he was perfectly within arms reach and I reached out, and without breaking eye contact, I grabbed his cock and pulled him towards me. He made a surprise guttural moan and then the look of surprise on his face was immediately replaced with one of further lust.

Allowing me to keep hold of him, he moved up onto the bed, crawling until he was was directly above me before he leaned down to kiss me. At first it was a very simple, sensuous kiss. Then I started to rub my thumb around the crown of his cock and he melted, dropping to press his body against mine, trapping my hands. He took advantage and wrapped both of his hands in my hair, pulling me against him as he ravished me mouth. Though my hand was trapped, my thumb was in the same place and I continued my assault. He moaned into my mouth again.

"I really need you to fuck me right now," I said finally pulling back from his kiss.

"Gladly," he replied and he moved to the bedside table grab the the lube and condoms.

Having pulled them out and placed them on the bed next to us, he returned to me, kissing my briefly, then working his way down to the base of my neck, causing a slight moan from me. He then began to work his way down further, and I grabbed his head in my hands.

"Hunter, I really need you fuck me right now. I can't handle anymore foreplay."

"Not even any rimming? Baby, I've waited all week to eat your ass again," he said looked up with disappointment in his eyes.

I groaned. I don't think I could ever say no to that.

Taking that as an answer, he quickly moved down the rest of my body. Before I knew it, I was double in two, writhing and moaning profanities as his tongue worked wonders on my most sensitive organ.

"Unnnggggg," I moaned loudly my head pushing back into the pillow for the umptinth time in minutes as he inserted his thumb into me and nibble on the skin of my perineum. He continued his assault for another minute or two until my moaning and panting become pleading.

"Hunter, please, I need you inside me."

"Your wish is my command, little man," he responded as he quickly moved back up grabbing the lube and condom. I heard him open the condom and put it on, and then was pleasantly surprised as he gently inserted a finger into me, and then another, twisting one of them to rub briefly against my prostate sending a spark up through my body. After the work over form his tongue I don't think I needed this, but wasn't going to tell him to stop as I loved the tenderness and eroticism of him as he stared down at me while he slowly jerked himself and fingered me.

"You ready?" he asked, pulling out his fingers and grabbing my thighs to position himself in front of me.

"I'm all yours, chief," I said looking up into his eyes pleading him to fuck me.

"Fuck you're amazing," he responded once he guided the head of his cock against me, he then leaned quickly to engulf me in a gentle, sensuous kiss. Keeping up the pressure, he slowly eased into me as I exhaled with a groan into his mouth. Fuck, that feeling.

Once he was all the way in, he parted from the kiss with tender eyes. I felt full, full of him and it was amazing. Moving my hands down as far as I could to his lower back and I pulled him against me. This made him smile, and he began to withdraw slowly making me miss him, until he pushed back forward eliciting a moan. He did this again, but this time slightly altering the position of his hips so that when he came back in this cock rubbed against my prostate, immediately sending a spark up through me. I worked my hand ups into his hair pulling him down to kiss me again, as he began a steady pace altering his hips each time so I didn't know exactly what to expect. Soon I couldn't take it anymore, and started moaning his name as my hand moved from his shoulders to begin to begin to jerk myself. Seeing this he pushed my hand away.

"No, this is mine," he said seductively as he learned back so I could now see his chest and abs flexing as he thrust into me. As I couldn't touch myself, I reached up to rub his abs and chest with my right hand and grabbed his bicep with my left. This warranted a throaty growl from him and he started to slowly jerk me, picking up speed to soon match the pace of his thrusts.

"Fuck, I'm so close," I moaned staring up at him with pleading eyes as I could feel the magic beginning to building in my balls.

"Me too, come for me baby. I want to see you cum all over yourself again," and with that I went over the edge as orgasm spread from my balls up throughout my body and I came all over my stomach.

"Fuuuuuck," Hunter yelled shortly after I came and I felt him too go rigid as his orgasm spread throughout him.

His thrusts slowed and we both panted trying to catch our breath. Sooner than I wanted him to, he pulled out of me and the fullness was gone as he collapsed on top of me.

He pushed his way up me and very tenderly began to kiss me as I was still trying to catch me breath. Between the booze and the orgasm, my brain was fried.

"Did you like that?" he asked with a coy smile.

"Mmmm," was all I could respond.

"What that a yes?"

"Mmmm," again was all I could respond.

"Good," he said with a tender smile down as he kissed my forehead.

"Here sit up and drink this," he instructed as he took one of the glasses of water off the nightstand, and helping me sit up a little, I guzzled not realizing how thirsty I was. He handed me the other glass seeing how much I'd drank, which I also downed.

Once I'd finished both glasses I eased back down so I was fully prone on the bed, groaning as I moved my legs straight out in front of me - I was really going to need to start stretching more and work on my flexibility at the gym. Hunter disappeared into the bathroom, returning with two refilled glasses of water and a towel which he was rubbing down his chest, I'm assuming cleaning off my cum. He then took the same towel and rubbed me down. It took him a minute to get me under the duvet as I was being very uncooperative, but once under he pulled me against his chest, giving me a final, tender kiss for the night.

"If you make me come like that every night I never want to leave this bed," I said after, wrapping my arms around him and putting my head on his chest.

"The pleasure was all mine, little man, honestly," he responded and I felt his chuckle reverberate in his chest.

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Copyright 2015

Next: Chapter 8

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