The Watch


Published on Mar 23, 2023


Well folks just as things seemed to have been settled with Josh and Robert, a new tangle forms. Robert still has to deal with his sleeping around while Josh has to still deal with his past. Just adding to the chaos, an old flame of Josh's returns to the scene and Josh has to face his first love. I hope you enjoy.

Again, this is a story about gay relationshipsso 1. if you are breaking the law, underage, or just hate gay stuff don't read any further. The world wide web is a big place so you can find something else. 2. As this story came from my imagination, everything is a big lie. The story is not based on any real person place thing,or another person's idea. So any similarities are pure chance. 3. Since this story is of my own creation,I have the copyright to it. No other postings, except at nifty, are allowed. Nor is the selling of the story to others permitted. Enjoy!

JMH (just might happen)

Some time late at night Josh awoke to find the bed empty. He wandered around the apartment looking for Robert but it appeared that both Robert and Josh's car keys were gone. Not knowing where Robert had gone and not wanting to suspect the worse, he went to the kitchen to clean things up. The food by this time was cold and needed to be put away before it spoiled. After that was done, he went to the couch so he could think. He knew that his difficulty with having sex was a problem. He had less then a dozen sexual experiences in his life, which was a shocker considering he was a married man with a kid. It just had been so difficult for him.

He began to rub the scar that was on his wrist and remembered the pain it had caused his family and his once friend. The reason he had left the firm was not just because the new one had more opportunities but it was so he would never have to face Andrew again. They had graduated from law school the same year and had joined the same firm. Both had been married and each had a kid with Andrew's son named Greg, the same Greg that his son Nate played with. They had gotten along great and had become best friends.

It was during a trip to Washington for a seminar that thing started to fall apart. After the morning and afternoon meetings, Andrew had come back to the hotel room plastered. Josh was already asleep. Instead of going to his own bed, Andrew stripped down and had gone into Josh's. It was when Andrew had wrapped his arms around him and had his hard dick press against his leg that Josh had awakened.

Josh had tried to deny it but he had a crush on Andrew, had one since they had met. Andrew had a confident personality and was a romantic at heart. What Josh didn't know was that Andrew shared his feelings and was not as drunk as he had made himself appear. Oh he was drunk but only as much as was needed to give him the courage he needed to try to seduce Josh that night.

Also wanting to be loved, Josh accepted Andrews's advancements and soon the two of them were making out. Josh could still remember the feel of Andrews's blond chest hairs rubbing against him. But after they had gotten off and Andrew, no longer acting drunk, started talking about what kind of life he wanted with him, Josh began to panic. It didn't get any better after they returned home. Andrew constantly pressured him for them to sleep together again.

It reached the breaking point when Andrew handed Josh a copy of the divorce papers he was going to give Sara, his wife, that evening as proof of his commitment to Josh. The same night, Josh locked himself up in the bathroom and tried to kill himself. He couldn^Òt handle the fact of what he had done nor what it had done to Andrew and his marriage. He wrongly blamed himself for Andrew turning gay. He saw being gay the same as being an orphan, without a family. Josh saw himself as evil, just as his adoptive parents had done.

Terry had found him in the tub just barely conscious. She had used a hanger to pop the lock on the door when Josh had not answered it. He was in the hospital for two weeks, two days of recovery, the rest of the time in the mental ward. When he finally returned to work, Andrew was the first to come to him. Andrew guessed at what had happened and was angry about it. He demanded that Josh divorce his wife, move in with him, and face the fact that he liked dick. It was then that Josh started looking for a new job. He stayed long enough to prove that he could still work and then went looking for other offers. During the whole time he avoided Andrew like the plague. Andrew gave Josh his space but still went through the divorce. He could no longer live the lie he had been living. Andrew knew that his chances with Josh were gone but he still wanted to be his friend. It was during a preschool play that both their sons had been in that Josh had last seen Andrew. Josh and his family were just leaving when Andrew rushed to them.

"Josh can I have a minute?"

"Sure Andrew." Josh said as Andrew led him to an empty classroom, his eyes glued to his watch.

"I'm trying to date now.' Andrew said when he got him alone.

"I'm glad.' Josh said but didn't really mean it. He wished that Andrew had never gotten divorce.

"It's not as fun as I thought it would be." Andrew confessed. "I like things simple and my friends earnest like you and I once were."

"I'm sorry Andrew."

"If you mean being sorry for what we did that night or my divorce I don't want your apologies. If you mean trying to kill yourself then I accept it."

"I'm sorry for everything Andrew."

"Josh... you didn't make me gay nor did I make you gay also."

"Why do you think I'm gay?"

"Because a straight guy doesn't try to off himself over having sex with a guy. They tend to beat the gay guy up instead."


"Josh, I know that I tried to push you into something you weren't ready for and for that I'm sorry. After what we did that night I felt a new world open to me. I just tried to drag you along with me."

"It's not your fault."

"That maybe but Josh, one day you're going to have to come to terms with who you are and I hope when that time comes you'll see me as a friend you can talk to. I love you buddy. You were my first and I'll never forget you." Andrew said as he reached over and kissed Josh on the forehead before leaving.

Andrew had been right about everything. Josh needed to come to terms with how he felt. He was just lucky in that he had a friend in Robert who was willing to be patient with him. If he could only see that he still had a friend in Andrew as well.

Tonight was date number 37. In the past six months since his divorce and great awakening with Josh, Andrew had dated 36 different guys and was meeting number 37 tonight. About 80% of them had been looking only for one-night stands. The remaining 20% reeked of the same desperation that Andrew felt he must have been giving off. It was not desperation for sex but for a relationship. Why did all the quality guys have to be married? Andrew moaned. Why did the one guy that gave him the courage to jump out of the closet be in denial?

Today's date was to be carrying a white rose a request that Andrew made from his romantic side but when he saw a 250 lb bear dressed to the hilt in leather carrying the flower, Andrew quickly crushed the red rose he had on the table and hid it in his pocket. No more blind dates off the Internet Andrew promised as he made his way out of the bar, only to be intercepted by a gray haired man that was strangely familiar to him.

"Andrew Windship!" The man called out

"Uhm yes? Do I know you?"

"Hi, I'm Glenn Brewster. You might remember me. I work at the firm across the street."

"Oh that's right. I thought you were familiar." Andrew sighed. He still didn't want the rest of the world to know about him.

"Why don't you join me and my partner for a drink or two?"

"Why not?" Andrew said, not knowing how he could leave without appearing rude.

He went to a booth where another familiar lawyer sat, Kyle Hope.

"Look who I caught." Glenn beamed.

"Oh my god! So the rumors were true. You did switch teams." Kyle said before he could stop himself.

"Kyle!" Glenn elbowed him.

"Sorry. So is it true?"

"Yes. I'm sorry to say that it is." Andrew said with a depressed tone.

"So who was it?" Kyle continued to question.


"Who was the man that got you to come out of the closet?"

"I would rather not talk about it." Andrew excused himself.

"Don't leave." Glenn stopped him. "I promise that Kyle will behave."

"All right. Its just a sore topic for me."

"So he was able to get you out of the closet but he wasn't willing to come out also." Kyle said with sympathy.

"Yeah." Andrew agreed.

"Life can be like that. You just need to move on."

"Well I'm finding that harder then I expected. Back when I dated women, most of them were looking for a long-term relationship. Most of the men I've met, a long term relationship is a long weekend in bed." Andrew complained.

Both Kyle and Glenn laughed at that.

"Don't worry I'm sure the right guy is out here for ya." Glenn said

"I know. It's just that I only wanted one guy and I screwed things up with him."

"Tell us about him." Glenn asked.

"Well he had worked at the same law firm as I did. In fact we joined up at the same time. My dad is a senior partner at Smith, Wesley, Kamp, and Windship."

"I guessed that from you last name, continue." Glenn said with a reassuring grin.

"Well it's not a great situation to be in. All of the associates treated me like I was a spoiled neophyte who only got this job because I was the boss's son. Not Josh though..." Andrew tried to explain before he realized what he had just said and to whom he was talking to."

"Josh!" Both Glenn and Kyle said at the same time.

"Please forget I said that...' Andrew said as he tried to leave the embarrassing situation but was caught by Glenn who grabbed his arm.

"Please sit down Andrew. We can tell that Josh means a lot to you and to be honest we care about him as well. We wont be spreading rumors about this to anyone."

"All right. I guess I need to talk about it to someone and get it off my chest. I can't talk to Josh about it any more."

"Tell us what happened."

"Well Josh is this real swell guy. He was always available to help you out. He always seemed to listen and have an encouraging word. He was always there for me I felt, more then I felt my wife was. At first I thought it was just the stress of being a first year associate and having the need for support but as we got into our second and later third year, it became more. I found that I was happiest when I was around Josh. I would make excuses so that I could hang around him and his family avoiding the troubles that were at my own and then the dreams began. They started simple enough. It would be a dream of Josh and me living together like roommates and then latter like a couple. In the dream I wanted to kiss Josh but I was too scared to do it until one night after going a few days without stoking myself off I had the first wet dream I had in years. We were on a beach, holding hands when I couldn't hold back any longer and kissed him. I dreamed that we made love on the beach not gay sex mind you but it involved a lot of groping and grinding. When I awoke my briefs were soaked.

"After several night of this I went out and bought a book on lucid dreaming and rented a gay porn video across the river in Missouri. Together they taught me what making love to a man was supposed to be."

"Don't trust the videos." Kyle laughed. "No one has sex by numbers like the videos show."

"I guessed that by the third video I rented but it gave me new dreams to fantasize about." Andrew agreed.

"So I guess that one day you tried to live out your fantasy for real." Glenn said somberly.

"Yes, it was during a seminar. The first night had been a struggle for me. Josh was so close but I was still afraid to touch. The next night I was feeling so bad I went out and got drunk. I don't know if I did it on purpose but I felt that if I tried to seduce him while smashed that I could excuse my behavior on my inebriated state."

"How did Josh take it?" Glenn asked.

"Hahaha, he took all seven inches, orally that is." Andrew laughed. "It wasn't the sex that was bad but it was what happened afterwards that hurt."

"Guilt." Glenn replied.

"Yes guilt. Josh felt he had betrayed his wife that night. He wanted to forget that it ever happened but I wouldn't let him."

"You were infatuated." Kyle said more as a statement then a question.

"Yes I was. I told him I was filing a divorce from Sara and I wanted him to do the same so that we could be together. I came out to my dad who then became furious with me. He wanted to know who had turned his son and I almost told him. My father liked Josh almost as a son. He saw him as a moderating influence on me. I didn't tell him that the person I was in love with was Josh but my father went to him and asked him to talk some sense into me. All of this, the divorce, my pressing him to sneak off to a hotel, my father wanting him to get me to see sense, and Josh's own confusion over his sexuality became too much for him... He...he...he tried to kill himself." Andrew finally was able to say before breaking down.

Kyle went up to hug Andrew while Glenn patted him on the back. They knew how this could of happened. Both Kyle and Glenn spent time consoling on teen crisis hot lines and had gotten some calls from sexually confused teens. While it was more rare for it to happen to adults, it could still be a problem for those who never came to terms with it in their younger years. They were now not just worried about Andrew but also Robert. Robert had made no secret with them that he wanted to pursue a sexual relationship with Josh. They just hoped that Robert could show the patience needed for a confused man.

By the time Robert left the baths it was 3:00 in the morning. He was just coming off the rush of having a three-man orgy when he turned on the ignition of the car and looked at his watch. It was then that it hit him.

While he and Josh hand never discussed the terms of their relationship Robert could guess that it didn't include sneaking off at night to go to the baths. He began to doubt that he could ever maintain a monogamous relationship with any one no matter how much he cared for them and care he did when it came to Josh. He had never before felt regret for having sex with a multitude of men but he did now. He had left Josh alone in bed and had left without a word just so he could fuck a couple of asses, real asses by the way they talked after Robert had done them. They had gone on and on about how they were the best things Robert must of ever had by the way he had fucked them. In reality he had barely noticed them. All he could think about while plugging their holes was to wonder how it would feel to do this to Josh. He almost wanted to cry but crying and regret was for the weak. So he fucked a couple of guys when he should have been with Josh. He would make it up to him...

It was late when Robert awoke. It was late and for the first time since he had moved here there was another warm body in his bed. Most of the men he slept with left after sex. The few that spent the night were usually gone before dawn. Only Dan had ever stayed for breakfast. That was one of the reason's had had become a regular in Robert's bed. Ever since Lance, he had never been comfortable being in bed by himself. He moved closer to Josh, letting his hand slip under his t-shirt so he could rub Josh's back as he slept.

Robert was still a little frustrated. He needed sex but knew that Josh wasn't ready for it yet. This left him in a bind. Robert was use to having sex at least once if not twice a day but he wanted to remain faithful to Josh. He wanted a monogamous relationship like Glenn and Kyle had. He also knew he needed to for his own health sake. He had been lucky in not getting an STD but how long could his luck hold out. That reminded him that he needed to get tested again. He hated getting tested but at least the nurse was cute. After getting his negative test results they would usually celebrate with a quick fuck in the exam room. He guessed that was what he was going to do, get tested to be sure he was clean for Josh and get rid of the blue balls he will be dealing with at the same time.

When Josh awoke, Robert was still rubbing his back. Josh smiled at him and gave Robert a soft peck on the cheek. Robert then moved in closer and gave Josh a proper kiss. They then got out of bed and took turns showering before they had breakfast of last nights dinner. Both were hungry and ate everything. They then rested, reading the paper before heading back to the gym. Just as they were leaving, Robert called head and told them to have a trainer waiting for them.

When they arrived a man in black workout shorts and a white tank top that had a black stripe across the middle greeted them. The shirt made his pecs show out more as the rested just above the line and was not distracted by his name tag which read "Doug". He had black hair, brown eyes and a gleaming white smile that you could tell was not natural as was his dark tan. He greeted Robert with a handshake and a pat on the butt while he stared at Josh, licking his lips.

"So you have brought us some fresh meat!" Doug joked.

Robert blushed in embarrassment. Except for Kyle and Glenn, nearly all the people he was friends with were past fucks. How was he going to convince Josh that he was serious about starting a committed relationship if everyone he introduced Josh to knew how loose he was. "No, Josh is a new member of the firm and a good friend. I wanted to show him around." He said with a tone that hinted to Doug not to mess things up with him by flirting.

"Oh ok. Good to meet you Josh." Doug got the hint and only shook his hand.

"Good to meet you too.' Josh said, trying to hold back a laugh. Josh had no illusions that Robert had a reputation for fucking anything with a dick and an ass. He found it charming that Robert wanted to hide such a life from him.

"So Robert why don't you get changed while I take Josh to get a physical."

"No problem, just don't have TOO MUCH FUN." Robert emphasized to Doug.

"Don't worry. I'll handle him with virgin hands." Doug laughed as he took the stunned Josh down the stairs.

Robert sighed. He worried about what stories of his exploits Doug was telling Josh. Robert had been a slut, a well to do sophisticated slut but a slut nonetheless. It made him worry for Josh. Could he be faithful to him but more to the point would Josh want to be faithful to Robert. Robert knew how he had acted when he finally came out. It had been years of orgies and fuck fests in his education in male sexuality. How could he demand that he be the only person Josh will ever sleep with when he had done over a hundred guys himself? He had never understood the level of commitment Kyle and Glenn showed each other until now. Knowing that the person you love will always be with you had to take a lot of worry off one's mind. Robert didn't want to be alone any more but he didn't know if he could give up the game.

He had stripped down to his Jock strap and begun his routine warm up stretches when Doug joined him.

"So how's it going buddy?" Doug asked when he walked in, pulling down his own short to show his dark blue jock.

"All right.' Robert said evasively.

"No you're not. You forget that I'm also you're massage therapist. I know when you're stress out."

"I'm not."

"Yes you are. It's about Josh, isn't it? He's a cute one and if my gaydar is working he's shows up big on the virgin scope"

"You're right."

"So why haven't you fucked him yet. You're not known for hesitating."

"I want it to be special. I want it to mean something more to both of us then my usual fucks."

"Like me."

"No I don't mean that." Robert tried to apologize.

"Yes you do. Both of us know that when we do it its just for fun. I guess correctly that soon you'll be joining Kyle and Glenn in a boring committed relationship."

"Shut up!" Robert shouted. Doug had hit a nerve with that statement.

"Sorry that I said that." Doug apologized.

"No, It's my problem. I want Josh but I'm not ready to retire from the field yet."

Doug walked up to Robert and grabbed his dick through the jock. "What me to give you a good work out one last time."

"What about Josh?" Robert hissed as he became erect.

"Don't worry. The Doc will be busy with him for another hour or so doing tests.

"...All right." Robert agreed. His need for sex was still too strong for him to turn away from.

Robert climbed onto the massage table, pulling off his jock in the process. Doug went into the bathroom and came out with a bottle of lube and a condom. He set these things aside as he stripped and climbed on top of Robert in a 69 position. Robert loved the smooth dark skin around Doug's prick. He kept himself completely hairless there as with the rest of his body. Robert took his six-inch dick into his mouth and lost himself in the sucking. Having his mouth filled with man meat was not only sexually exciting for him but it also had a calming effect as well. It made him feel wanted and desired. It also gave him the feeling that he was being trusted with another person's happiness. To that end he prided himself with his skill as a lover of men.

Doug didn't last long. He never could with Robert. After shooting his load and exchanging a few kisses so he could taste himself he hoped off the table and handed Robert the lube and condom. He then bent himself over and waited for Robert to take him.

Robert slid off the table leaving the lube and the empty wrapper on it. He put inserted his slick fingers one at a time into Doug, streaking out his hole. After Doug was able to take three fingers, Robert removed them, leaving an empty feeling inside Doug. A burning pain soon replaced it as the head of Robert's dick began to push pass the ring muscle. Once past Robert stopped and bent over to kiss Doug's back which was now wet with sweat. He waited until Doug nodded his head that he was ready. Robert then slowing pushed all the way in until his bush rubbed against Doug's ass. He waited again for the now panting Doug to nod his head, which was quick in coming. Robert began to pound his ass a little harder then he had usually done in the past. He was sexually frustrated and wanted to burn away his need for Josh in one big fuck. His stoked were long but quick as he moved at a frantic pace his need to be loved driving him forward. It was good that the room was sound proofed as the shouts from both men would of caused concern to anyone who heard them. When he made his final thrust, Robert lifted Doug up from the table and turned his face so he could kiss him. Afterwards the two collapsed again, Doug on the table and Robert on top of Doug.

They remained like that for several minutes until Doug slipped from under him and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Robert hoped back on to the table deep in thought. He was stuck between the post orgasmic calm of sex and the guilt he was feeling for pursuing his urges so easily. He now knew that he was not ready for the type of relationship he wanted with Josh. He was too weak. Just as Josh was struggling just to have sex with a man. Robert was struggling with having sex with just one man. When Doug left the shower, Robert slid past him. He saw that Doug and a spray cleaner. He was always considerate in cleaning up after they had sex. Robert took his shower and came out physically refreshed but not spiritually cleaned.

"Was I that bad of a fuck?" Doug asked when he saw Robert down face.

"No, you were great as always."

"If you're worried about Josh I think he knows how you are. It would be hard for him not to know."

"Just because he does know does not mean I like him knowing or how it makes me feel."

"Then just stop fucking around?'

"I want to... I just see a cute ass or a hot dick and I want to take it. I want to be loved."

"Robert, I think you have your own problems to deal with. Just don't let it hurt you're chances with Josh if he means that much to you. Not all of us can be Glenn's and Kyle's." Doug said knowing it would get a laugh out of Robert.

"Hahaha, you're right we all can't be like them. But it still doesn't mean I never feel envious of them."

"Who wouldn't?" Doug agreed. "So tell me, how do you want me to shape the love of you're life's body? He said to change the subject.


"What do you want me to work on with him? His arms, legs, chest...his ability to take cock?"

"Well the last one I want to leave for myself but thanks." Robert laughed. Doug had always been good in lifting his mood. "I think he's perfect as he is."


"All right. I guess I wouldn't mind him having more defined arms and a more V shaped body. I like having built arms wrap around me and I love wrapping my own arms around tight narrow waists."

"Well that won't be too much of a problem his already has a pretty good build already."

"As I said he's perfect."

"Well I promise he will be more so when I'm done with him... Are you sure you don't want me to teach him the finer art of sucking?" Doug begged again.

"If I didn't know better I would think you want to date him as well."

"As I've said in the past, you have great taste in men and in other things."

"Its called being refined." Robert joked.

"Well then you have refined tastes especially when it comes to ass. I've never seen a cuter bubble butt before. My exercises tend to flatten my ass." Doug laughed.

"Well just be sure you don't flatten his out. I have big plans for that ass and I don't want you to ruin them."

"Sure thing Robert." Doug said just as there was a knock on the door. "Speak of the devil."

Robert quickly grabbed his jock and ran into the bathroom to get dressed while Doug, who already had his cloths on answered the door.

Josh was hit by a blast of humid air when the door was opened to show a wet haired Doug greeting him with a smile.

"All done with the Doc?" Doug said as he moved out of the way to let Josh enter.

"Yep, he said everything was fine."

"Good. Can I see the test results?"

^ÓSure." Josh said as he handed Doug the folder.

It had the results from body fat, stress, flexibility, and blood pressure tests. Doug smiled when he saw the results. All of them but the flexibility tests were well above average. The flexibility issue could be handled easily with warm up exercises and starting things slowly.

"They all look good, why don't you bend down so I can see your flexibility."

"Sure." Josh agreed as he bent down to touch his toes.

Doug moved behind him and licked his lips. Josh's perfect ass was sticking up in the air. Doug moved his hand under Josh's tank top and ran it along the groove of his back. This caused Josh to jump but Doug grabbed him by the side to hold him in place.

"Sorry about that. I should have warned you. I'm just feeling the tendons for stress along your back looking for the tight spots we need to work on."

"No problem. Josh staggered out. He didn't question Doug intent but he was nervous on how it was affecting him.

After running his hand along his back a few times giving a few tight spots a gentle rub he removed his hand. Josh started to bend back up but Doug pushed him back down.

"I need to check you're legs now."

Josh responded by going back to his bent position. This time Doug concentrated on the muscles on the back of Josh's calf and thigh, sometimes reaching so high that Doug's finger brushed his balls. It was his legs that seem to need more work then his back. That was good. It meant he could start working on his arms while Doug could slowly work on losing up his legs. It just meant he needed to be careful doing heavy squatting. He did one more search of his upper thigh and was surprised when it came back wet with a spot of precum.

"He loves you, you know." Doug smiled at the bent over Josh as he licked the spot clean.

"I know he does."

"It won't be easy you know."

"Yes I do."

^ÓDo you?"

"Well there are my sexual hang ups to deal with which makes things hard for Robert because he measures love in the amount of sexual passion."

"So you do understand."

"Yes I do. I love him and I want to be the only person in his life but I know that will be hard for him."

"It might become hard for you as well." Doug said with sympathy. "You're still new at this and still scared but after Robert pop's your cherry so to speak it will be like your eyes have been opened. Every man now becomes a potential sexual partner. For Robert sex is proof that he is loveable. I think that you can show him that a relationship can off more proof then sex alone. The question is will you also be happy with only one man. Have you ever been in love with another guy before?"

"Yes." Josh confessed while looking down on the ground.

Doug lifted Josh's head up and kissed him on the forehead. "Never be embarrassed by love Josh. Life is too short to have regrets like that."

"Thanks. I guess that you and Robert know each other real well."

"Well I've only been his trainer for two and a half years but I guess you can say he knows me inside and out." Doug laughed as he gave Josh a wink.

"Can I ask you a question then?"

"Go for it."

"What turns Robert on. I feel like I'm walking in the dark. Robert has so much more experience then me. I don't begrudge him that, I just wish I could make him feel the same as he makes me feel."

"Trust me he feels it Josh. As for experience that comes with time and provides its own adventure."

"I'll take your word for it."

"But if you want some training in areas you're too embarrassed to ask Robert about I'm always available." Doug chuckled.

"Thanks. I don't know if I will take you up on that but it's a relief to know that I have someone to talk to."

"Well don't forget Kyle and Glenn. When it comes to forming a relationship they know more the either Robert or I."

"You know them?"

"Yep. I was their trainer before they decided they didn't need to work out as much. They decided they would rather spend the time with each other rather then impressing other men."

"That sounds romantic."

"It is but I don't know how romantic a pair of pot bellies is going to look when they reach 50."

"I'm sure their feelings won't have changed for each other." Josh said.

"They better not. It would take me a good year to get them back up to par if they ever broke up and had to join the dating scene again." Doug joked.

At that comment Robert entered the room. While the exercise room was sound proof, the door between the room and the bathroom wasn't. He had heard the entire conversation. It made him happy that Josh seemed to accept Robert's tendency to sleep around and that Josh was actively looking for was to sexually please him. What worried him thought was the fact that Josh had been in love with another man before Robert had shown up. It was absurd but the knowledge proved that Josh was capable of loving another person beside himself. It just fed on his fear that Josh might one day fall in love with another person.

"How does he look?" Robert said in false cheer.

"He looks pretty good. I'll need to work on his legs a little bit but soon he should be able to keep up with you." Doug smiled. He knew that Robert had been listening in. He only hoped that Josh's reassuring words of love would convince him that a relationship was possible.

For the rest of the time, Robert worked on the weights while Josh learned some new stretching exercises and latter ran a few miles at a sprint pace. By the time they were done, both men were tired. Robert took the first shower, letting Josh to do his cool down stretches and while Josh showered Doug gave Robert a good rub down on the massage table. When Josh came out of the bathroom fully dressed both Doug and Robert shook their head and both proceed to remove his cloths and handing him a towel to wrap around his waist.

The massage was very relaxing and almost put Josh to sleep as he listen to some traditional Japanese flute music. He was so relax that he didn't notice when the towel was lowered from his waist, exposing his ass. He also didn't notice when another set of hands began massaging it. He only awoke from his daze when Robert came forward and kissed him on the cheek.

"There's one more muscle we need to stretch before we go hun." Robert cooed.

"Which one Rob." Josh sighed, he was so calm that he couldn't even say Robert's full name.

Robert liked how that sounded, Rob, it had bugged him when others had called him that but from Josh it was like an act of trust an familiarity that Robert wanted to have with him. He hoped that Josh would continue calling him that from now on.

"I think you know the one." Robert said as he let a finger run down the crack of Josh's ass.

Josh took in a sharp breath but nodded his head yes.

Robert gave him one more kiss as Doug handed him the bottle of lube. He took the bottle and put a dab on his hand spreading it onto his fingers. While Robert was waiting for the lube to warm up, Doug began to kiss Josh's pale white ass, licking the skin around the crack. Josh's breathing began to pick up as did another part of him.

"Uhm can I move to my side." Josh asked when the strain of laying on top of his dick became too much.

"Just wait a minute." Doug smiled as he reached under the table letting a trap door fall down. I found this table in San Francisco." Doug explained as he helped Josh move so his dick was now sticking down thought the hole. Robert moved back so he could see the pale dick pointing straight down to the floor. He wanted to suck it right now but he had a more important task to take care of. He also knew that Doug would take care of that for him. He was already removing the towels on the shelf under it so that he could slide right under.

J osh too must have guessed what was about to happen cause his breathing picked up and when Robert put a reassuring hand on his back he could feel Josh's heart moving like a rabbit in panic.

"Is this ok Josh?"

"Yes." He returned just as Doug slid under him and grabbed his dick.

"Can you move the table loser to me?^Ô Doug asked when he found he was just a few inches sort of taking Josh.

"Sure Robert said as he put a foot on a pedal that electrically lowered the table a few inches.

"That's it." Doug called out when he had the position he wanted.

Robert let his lubed finger move along the crack of Josh's ass each time digging a little deeper into the fold of tissue until he was rubbing against the pucker.

Small drops of precum began dripping out of Josh's dick and into Doug's hungry mouth. When he couldn't hold back any longer, he raised his head and took the tip of Josh's dick into his mouth, gently sucking on it. As if on queue, it was at that moment that Robert began to push his finger past the pucker and it to Josh. It might have been due to this duel attack that Josh didn't know what he should be more alarmed about, the fact that someone was sucking his dick or that a finger had just been placed in his ass. If he tried to jump up from the table he was certain that would just cause the finger to go deeper inside him so he remained still and let the growing pleasure replace his panic. He let himself surrender to the feeling of being loved. He let his fears of being physically close disappear. He let himself cum.

"This is some table." Josh said as he finally got off it.

"Thanks. It get even better with more people." Doug beamed.

"Well I think three is as much as I'll ever be able to handle."

"You almost seem giddy." Robert noticed.

"I guess I am. I never felt like this before. I've been happier like when my son was born but I've never felt this free and comfortable."

"Well let me welcome you to the world of gay sex." Doug joked. "Just be sure you enjoy yourself and be safe."

"Thanks Doug." Robert thanked his friend. Having Josh put into situation where he had to face his fear had been a stroke of luck and genius on Doug's part. It would make things a lot easier on Josh now that he had allowed himself to cross the line. What happened the night before was more akin to dipping ones toe into the water. The table was being pushed all the way in. Josh now seemed to have less of a problem showing physical affection as he gave Doug a hug without any prompting as they said goodbye.

While they were heading for the exits they ran into the receptionist giving a tour to a potential new member. Josh had been laughing at a joke Doug had just said when he saw who was there.

"Robert, Josh, how's it going?" Glenn and Kyle said as they saw the group.

Robert was glad to see his friends he had a lot to tell them Josh on the underhand had become very quite and very interested in the floor.

"Josh?" A voice came from behind Glenn and Kyle.

"Andrew. Josh replied.

"I didn't know you were a member here."

"I'm not I came with Robert."

"Robert...Robert Townsend!" Andrew said with a hurt expression. He had only been out for six months and he already knew Robert's reputation. "Why?" He begged.

Josh got enough courage to look Andrew in the eye. He saw the accusation in his face. Andrew had offer Josh everything and he had turned him down. Now Andrew saw him with the city's most promiscuous gay male. What was he suppose to think. Until an hour ago he would have been wrong in thinking Josh had dumped him for Robert but after what they had done in the exercise room..."

"I'm sorry Andrew." Josh confessed.

"I love you." Andrew returned with everyone in the room noticing that he didn't use the past tense.

Robert signaled he would be at the car while the rest of the group left.


"I'm sorry Andrew."

"I know you are. What I want to know is why or more importantly did you ever feel anything for me."

Josh walked up and hugged his old friend. "Yes... I love you." He finished with a kiss before following after Robert leaving a stunned Andrew with Glenn and Kyle.

"He still loves me." Andrew said to himself ... that made all the difference in the world.

Next: Chapter 6

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