The Wedding


Published on Sep 5, 2023


The Wedding Part Four

Nikkie Silk

I melted into his embrace as his tongue fought with mine. His hands found my backside, pulling me tighter into him, and I moaned as his hard cock pushed into my groin. My heart raced and my stomach fluttered wildly as we stayed locked together. Breaking the kiss, he tilted my head back and touched my neck with his lips once, and then again, making my knees buckle. His lips, oh so gently brushed mine, and it was if every nerve ending in my body flicked on at once. His scent seemed to be filling my nostrils, fueling the desire which was flooding through my body, and I felt my cock begin to tingle and respond as I become more and more excited. He whispered my name as he stroked my neck with his fingers, each delicate touch scalding my skin.

From somewhere, I heard a girl giggle and a man say, they should get a room. I froze, I had completely forgotten where we were. I covered my face in Marcus's chest in complete embarrassment as he stroked my hair and said we should probably stop now before we got arrested for a public order offence. I looked up at him, his eyes were shining and my heart lurched as I realised I was falling in love with him. God, what a mess, I thought. I needed time to think, to decide what I wanted.

I have to go, I said, I'll call you tomorrow, and without another word, I walked away. I looked back, and he was leaning against the wall, his hands covering his face. I spent the journey home in the cab telling myself how stupid I had just been. He's married for fuck's sake, you can't do this. As I approached home, I had a text from him - let me know u got home OK. I texted back - home OK speak tomorrow.

I arrived home confused and frustrated by what had happened. Tonight my feelings for Marcus had exploded into the open and left me bewildered and frightened about what we had done. Nobody had ever made me feel like this. When he kissed me I fell apart, my emotions shredded by the touch of his lips and fingers. I lay on my bed, thinking about the way it took only the lightest brush of his lips across mine for me lose my senses. The experience had left me feeling as horny as hell, and I closed my eyes, imaging his fingers stroking my neck and his tongue slipping its way through my lips. I felt his hands outside my shirt rubbing my breasts and setting my nipples on fire.

My fingers unbutton my shirt as I imagined Marcus doing the same. I feel his hands slide under my bra and roll his fingers around my aching nipples. I unhook my bra and he blows across my breasts, making me moan as the tension builds and builds. His tongue laps around my nipples and he sucks each one in turn into his hot, wet mouth. I arch my back as he nips a nipple with his teeth and licks his way down my tummy. I feel butterflies in my stomach as his tongue traces its way lower and lower, licking and kissing me until I whimper out loud. I imagine his hands coming up and stroking my breasts as he kisses my belly, my defences overwhelmed by the attacks from his tongue and fingers. He fumbles with his finger as he tries to undo my jeans, and I shove his hands aside, unzipping them and push them down. He pulls them off completely leaving me with just my panties, and I lay back waiting for his next move.

I could see in my mind's eye his tongue lick the outside of my panties, tracing the outline of my cock as it begins to grow under the touch of his lapping tongue. He grips the waist of my panties in his teeth and pulls them down slowly, so that my cock peeks out, the tip glistening in the dim light. He pauses, savouring the moment I raise my hips, desperate for his touch on my cock, and he finally dips to kiss the head, causing me to growl with passion and desire. Hooking his thumbs into the sides of my panties, slowly sliding them down over my thighs and knees and feet, before throwing them into a corner of the room.

In my imagination I watch him kneel on the bed before pulling his shirt over his head and his dark chest ripples with reflected light. He smiles down at me, then lies down again, and his soft breath plays across the tip of my cock, making it twitch in anticipation of what is to come. I see him look up at me, and with his eyes still fixed on mine, he flicks his tongue against the tip, before swirling his tongue around it. He pays with me, teasing the tip of my cock before swirling his tongue around the head and flicking that little area of delicate skin where the head joins the shaft. Only when he knows he has me on the ceiling with desire does he slide his warm mouth over my cock and draw me deep into him. Even then, he teases me by letting me slide out and I look down at him again to see him smile wickedly at me before slipping me back into his mouth.

My imagination is in overdrive now, feeling his tongue wrapping itself around my cock like a snake, as he slides up and down the shaft. I am dangerously close by this time to my climax and he slows, letting me calm down before using his hand to bring me back to the edge once more.

My hands are on his head, urging him to finish the job, when he knocks my hands away and gets to his knees, he unbuckles his trousers and slides them down to reveal his cock standing straight out from his groin. I stare because I have never seen a cock as beautiful as his. He reaches for the lube I keep on my bedside chest and squeezes it over his cock and into my hole. I squirm as I feel it, but I know I will be grateful for it when the moment comes. I cannot help myself and I spread my legs for him, opening myself up to receive him.

He puts his hands on my legs to keep the spread, making me feel deliciously vulnerable. I feel his cock tap at the entrance to my hole and he gently squeezes his cock in a fraction before withdrawing and then pushing again. I'm tense, because he is big, and it's been sometime since I had a cock in me. In my imagination I tell myself to relax and push back onto him. Once, twice I feel his cockhead stretching me until it stings so hard, and I push back one more time and he finally penetrates me. I scream and wrap my legs around his back, locking my ankles together to keep him inside me. I feel his weight on my chest as he begins to slide his cock in and out of me. He leans forward to kiss me and I hear him say I love you Sammy.

Reality snaps my eyes open and I find myself naked on the bed, my cock standing up and desperate for some relief. I roll over and open my bedside drawer and my fingers find what I need, a tube of lube and my favourite toy, my dildo. With trembling fingers I smear the dildo and my hole and press the button to start it vibrating. I lie on my back, raise my bum and slide it into me. The vibration kicks in and I close my eyes, imagining it is Marcus and not a cold, hard piece of plastic. With one hand I move it in and out, and with the other I stroke my cock, feeling the climax beginning to build deep within me. I shove the dildo harder and harder into me and my fist is pumping my cock until the small volcano of my climax start to grow and grow and grow and hot sticky cum erupts from my cock.

I woke the next morning, still naked, with the dildo lying beside me and a pounding headache. I moaned as I moved, and for some reason every muscle in my body seemed to ache. I must have fallen asleep after my climax last night, and I shuddered as I remembered what I had done last night. Wrapping myself in a robe, I made some coffee, took a couple of aspirins and went back to bed. I called in sick to work and disappeared back under the duvet to try to go back to sleep. It was no use; all I could think of was last night with Marcus. The cold light of dawn revealed the full extent of the disaster; I had kissed a man whose wedding I had attended a couple of weeks before, had fantasised about him making love to me, and pleasured myself thinking about him. I told myself that he had started it, but even I knew that was no excuse for what I had done.

I knew now what my real feelings were for Marcus, and it made me shiver to think about facing him again. If I wanted to follow up about the money for the business, then I would have to meet him, I hid my face with the duvet as I burned scarlet with embarrassment. Why was everything so difficult in my life? There was something nagging at me in the back of my mind, something Marcus had said last night. I shook my head, that was a bad move, it was still pounding even after the aspirins. I shrugged and thought I would need to sign and return the contract for the new job when It flashed into my mind. Just before he kissed me had had said he had waited so long to do it. I lay back on the bed staring at the ceiling. That could only mean that he had wanted to do it five years ago when he was with Sophie. I had never suspected a thing. Did this make it better or worse? I beat the pillow with my fist.

My phone buzzed, and I looked at it as if it might be a hand grenade about to go off. What if it was Marcus, what the hell should I do? Caller ID showed it was Sophie, so I answered it, blushing as I thought of what I'd just learnt about Marcus. I told her I was sick and hadn't gone to work, and she asked if I had thought any more about the trans girl business. I told her I had and there was the chance I might be able to raise some money. She asked from where, but I said it wasn't certain so I would keep it to myself until things were more certain. She was delighted but understood. She had done some work and had found a possible site, a hairdresser was closing down and the lease was available soon. Did I want to go with her to see it? Can we make this afternoon?

We agreed she would pick me up at two o'clock which should allow me to get myself sorted out in time. I put the phone down, and it rang again straight away. I picked it up thinking it was Sophie calling back about something she'd forgotten. I said, yeah what? only to hear Marcus say, hello, is everything alright?

I nearly dropped the phone in fright. I mumbled, sorry I thought it was Sophie. We're going to look at a possible place for the new business this afternoon. He paused, then said we should talk, I think, don't you? Hell, I hadn't prepared for this. I guess so, I said, when did you have in mind? I have time tonight, he said, can we meet at your house? I think we need somewhere quiet to talk properly. I'm not sure, I replied, I don't know if my mother is in tonight. Can you check, he asked. OK, I'll call you back. I clicked the call off and sat down on my bed.

Damn, damn, damn, why did he have to suggest that? It had made me tingle when he suggested it. Why does your body always betray you?

It did mean I had to speak to my mother, these days a difficult experience. She was going to be out at the church tonight, which wasn't a big surprise. I didn't get away without a homily on the sin of going against God's will, but I now let it roll over me. I texted Marcus to meet me at eight. I didn't trust myself to speak to him.

Sophie picked me up, and we drove over to the possible location. I had in mind a space for people to meet, to dress, chat with others, cosmetic stations and a couple of private rooms for transformations. The premises would have been OK, but both Sophie and I both thought we should keep looking. In the car on the way back Sophie said she had seen a photograph in the local paper of Marcus's wedding. It was odd, but there was a little girl in the picture that looked like the spitting image of Naomi. I felt my stomach fall as I half expected her to ask me about it. She didn't ask, but said, that she thought that looking back she wondered if Marcus had something for me, back then. I spluttered and my pulse went haywire. I asked her she meant, and apparently he had always been talking about me and how cool I was. She hadn't thought anything about it at the time, but now she wasn't so sure.

I stayed quiet, not trusting my voice to give me away. Sophie turned and looked at me as she was driving and I shrugged my shoulders, didn't notice it I said. She had her sunglasses on, and I couldn't read the expression in her eyes. Did anything happen back then? She asked, still looking at me and trying to drive at the same time which was vaguely terrifying. No, I said, nothing happened, we were just friends. I heaved a sigh of relief; she was worried about happened five years ago and not last night. She dropped me at home and had to have a glass of wine just to calm myself down. Mother went out at seven and I busied myself tidying my room in between panicking about Marcus coming here. At eight precisely there was a knock on the door and I checked the spyhole and it was Marcus. I let him in and he said, at least this time I didn't have to shout through the letter box.

That made me giggle, and I followed him through to the kitchen. I poured him a glass of wine and he sat in the same chair he used five years ago. Nothing has changed much, he said, looking around. I laughed, oh I think a lot has changed. He looked at me and smiled, yes, you're right, a lot has changed. We chatted about the premises I had been to see and he agreed that I should go for what I really wanted, not the first thing that came up. I topped up his glass and mine and said, I guess you didn't come round to talk about commercial property. He shook his head, No I want to know what you feel about last night. That's direct, I thought. I said, Marcus, I don't know what to think. Something happened that shouldn't have happened and maybe the best thing is for each of us just to forget it happened. He nodded, Yes, that's probably for the best. He looked away and then back to me and said, but the crazy thing is I don't want to do that Sammy.

My heart did a loop the loop, and I felt my pulse start to race. He said, five years ago, I was crazy about you. I know it was wrong, being with Sophie and all, but it was you I wanted. Why did you think I used to come round here so much, to be with you? I knew nothing could really happen between us; you were too vulnerable back then and I would never have tried anything on. I just wanted to be with you. When Sophie and I split, she told me that she would report me to the police if I ever came into contact with you again.

My mind was spinning, Sophie had never told me this.

I was young, black and gay, I would never have stood a chance with the police if they got involved. So, I stayed away. It hurt me but in time I thought it was for the best. I gave you those addresses because I could see what you wanted to do and I wanted to help.

I was crying now, and he came over and sat next to me and put his arm around me. Don't cry Sammy, he said, when I saw you at the wedding I could not believe how you had changed. Beautiful, poised, everything you had wanted to be seemed to have come true. You blew me away, standing there, looking at me with those beautiful eyes of yours.

I was still crying, and he said, Sammy, I want to know how you feel, because if you want me to, I will walk out the door now and never come back. I stopped snivelling, dabbed my eyes with a tissue and looked at him. Marcus, I missed you so much after you left. I loved talking to you because you never judged me, always listened and respected my opinion. Not many people have ever done that to me. When I saw the wedding announcement, I had this thought that I would go along as a way to say thank you for what you did for me. Even if you didn't see me, I would be there to celebrate your marriage, and that would pay back a little of what I owed you. He went to say something, and I put my fingers to his lips. Oh, yes, I said, I owe you everything.

Anyway, when you saw me my heart flipped, and I thought how wonderful you looked. When I rang you, yes, it was to get your opinion, but I wanted to see you, because it felt right. When you kissed me last night, it was like being hit in the stomach; I wanted you so badly.

He looked as if were about to cry this time. You walked out that door five years ago, I said, and I thought you would never come back, now I've got you back I'm not ready to let you go without a fight.

I slid onto his lap and put my arms around his neck and kissed him. I want you right now, Marcus. I stood up, grabbed his hand and dragged him into my room. Kicking the door shut I started to unbutton his shirt, kissing his chest as I went. I looked up at him and his grin was as wide as his face. I pulled his shirt out of his trousers, raked my fingernails down his chest and started to unzip his trousers. He tugged at my t-shirt and pulled it over my head. Hormones have given me small but adequate breasts and he pushed up my bra and tongued my nipples. I nearly exploded and my head flew back and he kissed my neck as he did last night with the same effect. I scrambled with his zip and my hand slid inside. My eyes widened as I felt the size of his rapidly hardening cock. Shit, I thought, it is true what they say. I pushed him back onto the bed and he tried to sit up but I pushed him back. Straddling him, I kissed and sucked his dark nipples until they hardened between my lips.

I heard him moan as I butterfly kissed my way down his chest until I reached his cock, which was laying flat against his stomach. I took it in my hands and it was big, and it was hard. I stroked it with my fingers savouring the sight of my slim white fingers against the black skin now stretched tautly around what felt like steel. I leant down and kissed the tip and felt him twitch. I rolled his balls in my hand and he moaned again, so I licked from his balls right up to the tip and back down again. His cock if anything had grown as I caressed it and when I stood it upright, I knew I was never going to get all of that that in my mouth. I used my hands to stroke it before I swirled my tongue around the head and slid the tip through my lips. I tried to get as much as possible in my mouth, but almost choked on it. Easy, easy, I heard him say from further up the bed. I concentrated on the head, sliding it in and out of my mouth, my tongue flicking and swirling around the tip.

My hands were stroking the shaft and I could feel his tension rising, and he began to move his hips driving his cock into my mouth. My jaw muscles were beginning to ache, but I wanted him to cum in my mouth, so I stroked him harder and felt him stiffen as he said, I'm cumming. He twitched twice, and I clamped my lips around the head as his cum came flooding into my mouth. There seemed to be so much and some of it slipped out of my lips and down my chin. I kept him locked into my mouth until he had finished, and I finally swallowed, licking the drops that had escaped from my lips with my tongue. I was about to climb on the bed to join him when I heard the key scraping in the front door lock.

To be continued

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Next: Chapter 5

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