The Wedding


Published on Sep 16, 2023


The Wedding Part Six

I came into the house to find Sophie and my mother waiting for me. Sophie looked furious and my mother had a numb, vacant look on her face. What's happened I asked. Sophie handed me a piece of paper and told me to read it. I recognised Caroline's spidery handwriting straight away. After the first few words, I had to sit down because I thought I might faint. I looked at Sophie and she had her head in her hands. My mother looked completely out of it and I knew why.

I can't believe the fucking selfish bitch has done this, Sophie said. She very rarely swore, unlike me. Sophie, mind your language, admonished our mother. Sophie glared at her and said, I will say whatever I want about that fucking stupid cow of a sister of mine. I reread the note, and a cold, empty feeling seeped into my stomach. Caroline had written that she had reached the end of her tether, that life here had reduced her to an empty shell. There was no chance for her to build a life here and that she was going away to find a place where she could start again without anything holding her back. She wasn't going to tell us where she had gone, and that we wouldn't be able to find out. It's better that she make a clean break of it all, we must forget all about her. She told Naomi she's going away for a while, and she's sure that Naomi will forget her soon enough. The kicker was that she wanted me to look after Naomi as I had been more of a mother to her than she had ever been.

Where was Naomi, I shouted at the two of them. Mother told me not to shout at her, it wasn't her fault. I was prepared to argue about that with her, but not right now. She went on that Naomi was in my room because I seemed to be quite the mother figure. Shut up Mother, said Sophie, we put her there because she was asking for you. Where had I been anyway. None of your business I said, far too harshly, but I was already on the way out of the door to my room.

I pushed open the door slowly to find Naomi lying on my bed, staring at the wall. I sat on the side of the bed and rubbed her shoulder. She turned to look up at me and asked where had her mummy gone. It almost broke my heart to hear her say those words, and I cursed Caroline in my head with every swear word I knew and a few I made up. I hugged Naomi, told her that Mummy had gone away for a little while. She needed to sort a few things out. Naomi hugged me tight and said in a frightened voice that she didn't think she was coming back.

I told her I was sure she would. That she loved Naomi, and would come back for her when she had sorted herself out. In the meantime, she could stay with me and nana. Aunt Sophie will help out too. I hoped that last bit was true. I tried to sound cheerful, she could sleep with me tonight and we would sort her own room out tomorrow, in the meantime she should get some sleep. She nodded her head and was still hugging me as she finally fell asleep. She must have been exhausted. I walked back to the others. She's asleep now, I said. Sophie rolled her eyes, what a fucking mess. Mother was about to object again, but thought better of it and shut her mouth. Sophie shrugged her shoulders and asked me if I had any suggestions about what we should do. I have no idea I replied. The last time I saw her she said she had met a new man, she was crazy about him. I sad I thought she was shacked up with him and would come home soon enough.

Mother looked up and asked did either of us want to know what she thought? Sophie looked at Mother as if to say, not really, but she ploughed on anyway. She looked from Sophie to me before saying firstly we should report Caroline as missing to the police, that she may be unwell and need help. if they find her we could get her what she needs. Secondly, she said she may have not been the best mother in the world up to now, but it's time she started. Thirdly, Naomi could stay here as long as she needed. She said she and I could look after Naomi with some help from Sophie. We would clean out Sophie's old room and Naomi could have that. Social services would have to be involved, but she was sure if we show a united front we could convince them that this would be the best place for Naomi until Caroline came back.

Sophie and I looked at each other with our mouths open. We hadn't heard our mother say anything so sensible for years. Sophie shook her head in amazement, but picked up her phone and dialled the police. I made the tea and we waited for something to happen. A young policewoman called round about an hour later to get some details. We showed her the note, and she asked when we had last seen Caroline. It seemed I was the last to see her when she came round to pick up Naomi. When Caroline didn't pick up Naomi from school, they had called Sophie who picked her up and took her to Caroline's where she found the note.

I told the officer that Caroline had seemed happy when she picked up Naomi and I didn't get any sense that she was going to do anything like this. When I mentioned the call I had from Caroline the previous evening, the policewoman pricked up her ears up and asked if I knew who she had been with. I shook my head, and she said they would try to trace the call and find out where she had been at the time. She asked to see Naomi to check on her, but they would wait until tomorrow to question her. She seemed satisfied and said that a social worker would be in touch. Mother said that she and her daughter lived here and Naomi would be well looked after. I turned slowly to look at mother as a tear formed in the corner of my eye; that was the first time she had ever called me her daughter.

The officer left saying that a detective would be in touch in the morning. Sophie hugged me and said she would call in on us in the morning. I had a few days holiday left, and I was sure the store would understand me taking a day or so off. I found mother in the kitchen and I opened my mouth to speak, but she held her hand up. Apparently, the Minister at the church had just been arrested on child abuse charges stretching back years, and with a shaky voice she asked if he had done anything to me. I told her he tried, but I had stopped him.

She cried and asked why I hadn't said anything. I thought about telling her that she wouldn't have believed me, but I didn't. Instead, I said that I was pretty mixed up at the time, and it was all very confusing back then. She didn't need anything more to worry about on top of Caroline. She hugged me and said she was sorry for how she had been towards me. The Minister's arrest had opened her eyes, she said, to a whole host of things that she now realised she had got wrong. She asked me if I could ever forgive her and I said she was my mother and I loved her no matter what. We both cried and hugged a lot that night.

I rang Marcus to tell him what had happened, and he wanted to come round straight away. I told him to wait until things had cooled down a little, but promised to see him the next evening. He said he would find out as much as he could through his police contacts. I knew I would have to come clean about Marcus sooner or later, only I thought later was better right now.

The next few days were surreal. For Naomi we tried to keep everything as normal as possible, but it wasn't of course. She was dreadfully upset, but we cleared out Sophie's old room for her, and we tried our best to keep things on an even keel for her. She seemed to be coping, but with kids who knows for sure. Social Services came round and were within a whisker of taking Naomi into care. My mother finally convinced them that the best place for her would be with her grandmother and her two daughters. I shed a tear when I heard her say that. Actually, I think mother would have climbed the town hall clock tower and chained herself there if they had tried to take Naomi into care.

The following night when Naomi had gone to sleep I met Marcus at his friend's flat. If anything I was more nervous this time because there was more at stake now. We kissed as I arrived, on the lips not a mwaah one. Every time I saw him, I had very dirty thoughts. It mostly involved variations on me tearing off his clothes, tieing him up with rope and tickling him until he begged to be allowed to fuck me. I always gave in, strangely enough. We sat and talked about Caroline for a while. The police were treating it as missing persons case, so there wasn't much resource dedicated to finding her. Adults, even those with young children, have a right to disappear, so unless any more evidence of foul play came up, we would have to wait and see.

I cried at that because Naomi missed her so much, and I was a poor substitute for her mother. Marcus hugged me and told me that so far as he could see, I was Naomi's mother now, whatever else would happen. I was the one she needed because she loved me and trusted me, and love and trust were the things she needed now. I knew he was right, but the thought of taking care of Naomi terrified me. He said that if my mother had changed as much as I said, then she would be helping as well as Sophie. As usual, Marcus had let me talk, and was on my side.

We kissed some more and somehow, I can't remember quite how, we ended up naked in bed. This time though, we both took our time, exploring each other bodies with fingers, hands, tongues, lips and even our toes. For a big man he was so gentle, never forcing me to do something, but guiding me towards what he thought I would like. His hands were soft. And I loved the feeling of them stroking my body, my breasts, my neck my tummy, and above all my cock. I had never seen much use for it in the years that I wasn't seeing anyone. It had a simple biological function, and that was it. It never dawned on me that there might be something nice about having it. With his tongue and lips and fingers, he taught me that my cock could give me so much pleasure. My hormones may have reduced it in size, but with Marcus I could still get hard.

I had sucked many cocks in my time, but Marcus was in a different league from anyone else. It wasn't just the size; it was the texture, the hardness, the way the veins stood out, the way the head flared out from the shaft and, yes the colour. I couldn't get enough of his cock. My fingers, hands, lips and tongue all played their part in my worship of that beautiful muscle. We sucked each other in a 69, enjoying the mutual arousal of our mouths and fingers on cocks, balls and holes. I couldn't take all of his cock but I made up for that with my tongue and lips, sliding up and down his shaft, even nipping him with my teeth, drawing a hiss from him at the other end of the bed. He wasn't complaining, I think.

We shifted positions, and he laid me down on my back and tongued my hole, sending me into orbit when his tongue slipped into me. I wanted him now so badly that I was begging him to do me, or I would cut off his balls. He laughed, pulled me across the bed so that my legs fell over the edge. He stood in front of me, stroking his cock until it stood out in front of like a steel rod sticking out from his groin. I groaned, imploring him to get on with it and stoking my own cock at the same time. He knelt on the floor, spread my legs with his hands, then tapped the head of his cock on my hole. He picked up some lube from the floor where he put it and smeared it on his cock and inside me. By now, I was desperate to feel him inside me, and I yelled at him to fucking well get on with it.

He smiled and said it would be worth waiting for. He put my legs over his arms and pushed the head against my hole. It wasn't as bad as last time and it only took a couple of thrusts before he slid into me. I didn't scream this time, and it didn't hurt as much. He was gentle, slowly moving in and out until I adjusted to him and began to move back as he thrust forward. He began to drive harder, and I wrapped my legs around him, squeezing him tight as he pushed into me. He stopped and pulled out, pushed me further onto the bed and then anchored my legs apart with his legs. He drove back into me and started to fuck me hard. I was being pounded and I loved it. I looked up into his eyes as he plunged into me time after time. He leant forward and our lips met and I was taken to another planet as we kissed and fucked at the same time.

I could feel him getting harder inside me and then he came, giant spasms announcing the arrival of his sperm, slick and sticky inside me. He roared as he came and then collapsed on me, his cock still rigid inside me. I wrapped my arms around him and told him that I loved him, and he looked at me as if he found it hard to believe. I kissed him again and said it once more, stroking his face with my fingers. He said that he loved me and he would do anything, whatever the cost, to be with me. I Knew that part of that cost for him would be leaving Terence, and there would be many other costs yet to be counted.

We lay there, the effects of the sex still humming through our bodies. I wrapped a leg over his body and hugged him tight. I asked if I could ask him something, and he said, of course, ask away. Something had bothered me all along and I had to ask the question. He had told me that when he left Sophie, it was because he had decided he was gay and then getting married to Terence was understandable if he was gay. But where did that leave me?

He rolled over and faced me, his eyes searching my face. He bit his lip and said that when he left Sophie, he really did think he was gay, that he preferred boys over being bi-sexual. But after that brief affair had finished he had found it difficult to understand what his real sexuality was. He was attracted to men and had several partners before Terence, but had never forgotten his attraction to me. When he saw me at his wedding it had hit him like a thunderbolt. He couldn't get me out of his mind, so when I rang him and asked to meet, he couldn't turn down the chance.

He hadn't set out to make anything happen, but when we kissed, albeit accidentally. He had been overwhelmed and ran away, which was why he had texted sorry to me. I confessed I had the same reaction the second time outside the bar when I got scared and ran away. We kissed some more and one thing led to another which eventually led to him taking me from behind, standing up in the shower. His body excited me just look at it; his muscles rippled beneath his black skin and he moved like a dancer, each move seemingly choreographed to be unhurried and graceful. It was like listening to a beautiful piece of music, each element of his body linked to the next to create a perfect form. Except, of course, when I tickled him. Then, he was like a chicken running around trying to escape the man with the axe.

We eventually looked at the clock and it was past one in the morning. He begged me to stay the night, but I had to be back in time for when Naomi woke up. I dragged myself away from him, promising that I would call and we would meet again soon. I arrived back home at two, looked in on Naomi, who was sleeping hugging her teddy bear. I pulled the duvet over her where she had kicked it off. She looked so peaceful, and I swore to her that I would do whatever I could for her.

Days, then weeks went by without news of Caroline. The police did their best, but it wasn't a high priority for them. They hadn't been able to track down where she had been when she called me the night before she disappeared. I still thought she had shacked up with this new guy somewhere and when he got tired of her, she would come back. Marcus and I continued to meet at his friend's flat when mother sat with Naomi. We would inevitably end up in bed, or on the floor, or in the shower, or on the kitchen table, and the sex was mind blowing, but we both wanted more than just the sex.

One day I sat mother down and told her about Marcus. She was a little shocked, but kissed me on the head and said that if he made me happy, then it was fine by her. I also told Sophie, who seemed OK with it, but she stayed away from me for a while. I had started my new job as Caroline's disappearance had put our plans for the trans girl service on hold. I also told Naomi that Marcus and I were seeing each other. She asked why he wasn't with Terence which led to a difficult, at least for me, conversation about love and how sometimes people marry and regret it.

The first time Marcus came over to stay the night, I had forgotten to mention that Naomi sometimes came into my room for an early morning cuddle. He awoke to find Naomi standing by the side of the bed with her teddy bear, looking down at him. He almost jumped out of his skin, but Naomi simply asked him if this would be happening a lot, as I chewed the sheet to try to stop laughing. She climbed in next to me, and we had our cuddle. After that I made him wear shorts to bed when he was at my place.

Weeks turned into months and there was still no sign of Caroline. Sophie and I started talking again about the Trans girl business, and one night as we were cuddling after Marcus had fucked me bending over the kitchen table I wanted to ask him about his money man. I find it's generally easier to get an honest answer from a man just after sex, as the blood hasn't had a chance to get back to their brains. I think his mind was still focused somewhere south of his waist when I whispered why did he want to invest in my business. Without thinking, he said because he had wanted to help me out. He stiffened as he realised what had just happened, and I jumped on his chest tickling him and calling him a sod for trying to fool me.

I had guessed a while back that the mysterious money man who wouldn't meet me was Marcus. I just wasn't sure if he really had the money, or was just stringing me along. I finally stopped tickling him as he was heaving for breath and I asked him if he had the money, or was he just using it to get into my pants. He laughed and said that both were true. I play hit him with my fists and he grabbed my wrists, flipping me over like a rag doll and pinning me to the bed. He said he was sorry and that he thought I wouldn't take the money if I had thought it came from him. He would be right I said. He grinned and asked if there was any way he could make it up to me. He was holding my arms by my side and his cock was rubbing against mine, making me feel very horny. I pretended to think deeply and said, well a blow job might help a bit.

A smile slowly spread across his face and he let go of my arms and began to kiss my breasts. I love it when his tongue slides across my nipples and when I put my head back he licked and kissed my neck, one of my favourite things. He slowly kissed and stroked his way down giving me butterflies in my tummy. He slid further down the bed and lifted my legs onto his shoulders to give him access to my hole. He bathed it with his tongue before letting me drop down a little and took my little ball sack in his mouth. My brain lit up as he swirled them around in his mouth and sucked them until I was begging for mercy. He let my legs slip to the bed and took my cock into his mouth, his tongue poked into the slit, making me jerk my hips right off the bed. I called him a bastard, and heard him laugh. He put one hand up to my mouth and slipped a finger inside. I suckled on it as his other hand was busily stroking my cock.

He slipped the finger out of my mouth and he pushed my legs back up and he slid the finger inside me. That set me off again, and I was bucking against his finger. He slid it out and then pulled me up so I was standing on the bed. He stayed on his knees and slid my cock back into his mouth. My hands instinctively fell to the back of his head and I held him in place as I rocked my hips back and forward sliding it between his lips. He felt me tense as my climax approached and he locked his lips around me as came into his mouth. My knees nearly collapsed under me as he sucked and sucked every last drop of cum from me.

I fell back on the bed and had barely been able to draw a breath when my phone began to ring. I recognised Sophie's ring tone, and I picked it up and answered the call. I listened to her for a minute or so without registering what it was she was saying, and she had to repeat it before I could understand. I put the phone down and told Marcus I had to go, Caroline had been found and I had to go home straight away. He asked where she was, and I said, my voice cracking, that she was dead.

I burst into tears and Marcus hugged me tight and rocked me until I stopped. I have to go for Naomi's sake, I said, He nodded and said of course and that he wanted to come with me. I grabbed his hand and said I needed him now more than ever. We dressed and took a cab across to my place. There was a police woman inside who was talking gently to my mother who was sitting on the sofa crying her eyes out. Sophie grabbed me and pulled me to one side. She took me and Marcus into the kitchen and said the police had pulled a body from the sea down on the south coast, There were some documents with the body which identified her as Caroline. I fell down onto a chair and couldn't find my breath, and Marcus held me tight until I slowly calmed down.

She said they think it was suicide, it's close to a notorious place down there. Oh my God, I thought. How desperate must she have been. I flushed as I remembered saying she had run away with a guy she had met. How could we have let her down like this. As if reading my mind, Marcus said to both of us that we were not to blame for Caroline's actions. We need to do our best to support the rest of the family now, especially Naomi and mother. Sophie looked at him and nodded. She grabbed his arm and pulled him away to one side and they talked so that I couldn't hear them. Marcus was nodding his head and looked a bit taken aback.

He told me much later that Sophie had said to him that she was glad to see he was making me happy, but if he did anything, anything at all, to hurt me, she would hunt him down and make his life a misery. She always did have my back. Naomi had gone to bed before the police woman arrived with the news and we had a discussion about what and when to tell her. We decided to wait until the morning when I would tell her. I looked in on her room and she was sleeping soundly, her teddy bear by her side. I sat on the bed and watched her sleep, I wasn't looking forward to the morning.

None of us got much if any sleep that night. Marcus stayed and made endless teas and coffees. Mother was beside herself and we spent much of the night, comforting her. Sophie's girlfriend came round, and they stayed the night on the floor with blankets. The next morning I went into Naomi's room early and as gently as I was able, I broke the news that her mother wasn't coming back. I don't know how much children blame themselves in this situation, so I tried to explain that Caroline still loved her and that she had some big problems that she couldn't deal with. It hit her hard as you could imagine and it broke my heart to hear her sobbing.

We surrounded her with love and I think she is pulling through it, but we will keep a close eye on her. The funeral was hard on us all, but Marcus was our rock, organising everything and keeping us going through the whole sad process. We wondered if Naomi should attend, but she insisted when we asked her, and in the end it was the right decision to let her say goodbye to her mother. At her graveside I had Naomi holding my hand on one side and Marcus on the other. I said sorry for thinking she had just run away and solemnly swore to her that I would carry out her wish and become a mother for Naomi.


Sophie and I opened our trans girl service. I didn't have to use Marcus's money in the end. He apparently did have it, a legacy from an aunt. I put together a business plan and took it to a few banks who turned us down flat. In the end we crowd funded it mainly from within the LGBT community. We had a fight to get it through the planning bureaucrats, but when we convinced them it wasn't a front for prostitution, we got permission. So far, it's been a great success. We're proud of what we're doing to help the trans community.

Mother has been terrific since she left her church. She is still a Christian, but has become a staunch defender of LGBT rights. She said that given the way her family turned out she didn't have much of a choice. She's even been on a march with us.

So, how did it turn out for me? Marcus and I moved in together. He's waiting for his divorce to be finalised, and then we plan to get married. Naomi is so excited because she's going to be my bridesmaid. Oh, and this time I won't be jealous of the bridesmaid because I won't be wearing a tux, blue or otherwise, it will definitely be a dress. After we get married, Marcus and I are going to apply to adopt Naomi. I know it's not going to be easy, but I have history for doing the hard stuff.

My SRS? It's still possible, but not top of my list of things to do right now. Marcus tells me he loves me for who I am, and I guess that's the best that any of us could ever want.

The End

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