The week that changed my life H/S T/T

By Dan Dev Drew

Published on Jan 17, 2000



This is the second story that I've written for the Nifty archive. It is a total work of fiction and any events, situations or characters within this are just figments of my warped mind and thong encased loins. Please bear in mind that although I've set this story in the USA, I'm from England. Any inconsistencies are purely down to my not watching enough television. I hope that you all enjoy it. Any comments would be appreciated; you can e-mail me at

The week that changed my life H/S T/T (underwear)

Every Halloween for the past eight years we all got together. Since juniors we'd all go out trick or treating, the go round someone's house divide up the spoils and party. It had been great fun up until a couple of years ago. Our promise to always get together on this night was wearing pretty thin with me. Since leaving juniors we'd started to go our own ways, the gang broke up. Jocks joined with the other school jocks and geeks found themselves herded into social isolation. Most the rest of us in between just seemed to just get on with it; I didn't really belong to any clique. I'm as skinny as a rake and useless at sports, I look at myself in the mirror just wishing that my five foot eight frame would grow. I guess that the only point of interest on my body was my dick. I'm not really sure how big, big is supposed to be but I measured up once not long ago and I was hitting the eleven inches on the ruler. To be honest I just thought it looked big because the rest of me was so small.

Oh yeah, sorry I'm being rude. I haven't introduced myself yet. My name's Jake Travis, I'm seventeen. If anyone is interested I've got brown eyes and hair, I look kind of average. Just an everyday guy really.

Anyway where was I? Yeah, Halloween. I wasn't going to go to this year's party. I didn't see the point. I wasn't friends with these people anymore and since last year when most of them brought their girlfriends along, it just wasn't the same. Not much fun.

It was a couple of days before when I bumped into Darren in the hallway between class.

"Hey Jake, long time no see. You coming over to Tony's for Halloween?"

"Nah, I don't think so" I replied

"Why not? Come on, you've got to come. It's the one night that the old gang gets together, it wont be the same without you."

"Like you said, it's the old gang. None of you guys hang around with me any more; you've not even spoken to me this semester. I just don't think I'll fit in with the old crowd. Besides, I'll be the only one who there without a girlfriend. I think I'm gonna be feeling pretty left out."

"Hey, look sorry. I didn't realise that we'd not spoken for ages, I guess I've just not seen you around for ages. I don't mean to ignore you, if that's what you're thinking. Anyway, you wont be the only one there without a girlfriend. I've just broke up with Stephanie, so I won't be bringing anyone. You won't feel left out, I promise."

"Okay, I'll think about it"

"Good, I'll see you there."

I went to class, thinking about nothing else. Darren and I used to be best friends in juniors, we were inseparable. But that was then, now he's the school star on the athletics field and all round jock. He's so popular I'm surprised that he even remembers who I am. I was also surprised that he wasn't going to be bringing a date along. He had to be one of the most beautiful boys in school. The perfect body, well defined but not too muscular. A totally unblemished face held one of the most infectious smiles that anyone had ever seen. And to cap it all, his blond hair and blue eyes had girls swooning whenever he looked their way.

I guess that's why we don't really hang out anymore. For as well as the girls swooning, he had me weak at the knees. Around that time when most boys start to notice girls in that way, I noticed Darren. We used to do sleepovers, but that all stopped a few years ago. Nothing ever happened between us, although I used to lie there all night wishing that it would. He started dating and I guess that was the end of our friendship. There was no place for his old friend in his life now and I was surprised that he even bothered to ask me over to Tony's.

The night of the party I was just hanging around at home, my parents were off to a bash and my older sister was out so I had the place to my self. I was looking forward to a night of scary films courtesy of the Home Box Office channel. I was sitting on the sofa just in my sweats and a tee, bowl of popcorn in my lap, when the doorbell rang.

"Hi Jake, thought I'd stop bye to give you a lift to Tony's." "Darren, I really don't fancy going" "So you're just going to sit at home, while we're all having fun. No I don't think so." He barged his way through me, grabbed my arm and led me up to my bedroom. He opened my closet took out a pair of pants and a shirt, threw them at me saying 'Put these on and hurry up, we're already late'.

I didn't bother arguing, I just got dressed and five minutes later we were in his car on the way to Tony's. We stopped off at the liquor store. I didn't think that he'd get served. The store guy didn't even ask for his ID. Darren just paid for the cans and as he left the guy called after him. I thought we were busted for a moment but he only wished Darren good luck with next Saturday's race.

That's the thing with our town. Athletics. Most places are big on football or whatever, ours was athletics. In the summer every week they'd be some event or another. It didn't stop in the winter; the just went into the indoor arena to compete. I guess I should be proud that our school is one of the top schools in the country for athletics, but I couldn't care less. I guess I should also be proud of Darren, everyone else was. But to me it was that which took him away from me. Sport, Sport and girls.

We got to Tony's and the party was in full swing. Everyone rushed to the door to greet Darren; I kind of just got pushed to the background. Not wanting to get involved I just headed to the kitchen and got myself a beer. When I got to the living room everyone was back in there. A couple of the guys came over to me to say hi. It was the usual stuff.

"Where you been?" "Haven't seen you in ages". Etc. I was right though; everyone had their girlfriends there. Was this the same group of guys who not seven years ago all thought that girls were creepy aliens, who were out to destroy the world as we knew it. Now they were fawning over them. I guess that's just how it should be. For them at any rate. For me, I'd have been happy for the guys to have stuck together. But that's just the way I was made, I guess.

Of the dozen girls there I knew all of them by sight, but not one to talk to. They'd not lower themselves to speak to the likes of me. As far as they were concerned I was down with the geeks. If you're not a jock you may as well be. Have I mentioned that before? Not that I cared anyway. If the girls saw me as a geek, I'd not loose any sleep. What I was worried about was that some of the guys, guys who I used to call friends, would call me fag. That's when they even bothered to acknowledge my presence at all. To be honest, I couldn't wait to graduate and get the hell out of this town, go to the city. I used to dream about how great that would be. Living in the city. Millions of people around. I'd heard that most cities had gay bars and places where you could meet other guys. I'd been here on this planet for seventeen years and knew what I wanted. And knew that I wouldn't find it in Smallsville USA.

Lost alone in my thoughts I barely heard Amanda, Tony's girlfriend and tonight's hostess, turn the music down and say that it was time to play games.

We moved the furniture back and all sat down in a circle. Amanda dredged the last drops from a bottle of wine and placed the bottle in the middle. Now we've all played spin the bottle before, so I wont bother going into the details. After about half and hour and much more drinking later, someone suggested playing truth or dare. This was greeted with enthusiasm by all. Well I kind of smiled but the rest of them were up to it. I have to admit I was kind of getting into it. On the first round I thought that the bottle was going to point at me, but luckily it moved slightly on to the girl next to me. She took a truth question and answered it. It carried on and before it pointed at me most people had done a stunt or two. Sean had to run around the outside of the house naked, while Gary and Amanda had to swap clothes. Mike had to drink a five-pint pitcher of beer and Paul had to fondle some girl's breasts. Taking the dare in truth or dare in always much more fun. That is until it comes to your turn. The bottle pointed at me. I chose dare. A card was taken from the pile and read out aloud.

"You have to go down on the next person who the bottle points to." Read Amanda "Who wrote this one?" she asked in mock disgust.

"Boy or girl" Someone shouted.

"It says on the card the next person the bottle points to" Someone else replied. It didn't matter to me because I was shaking my heard refusing flatly to do it. Every one was drunk by now and were egging me on. Darren started a chant of 'Take the dare, take the dare'. Everyone else joined in. I finally nodded that I would go for it. And Amanda being the hostess that she was said that she would spin the bottle. It spun round several times before coming to a rest. When it finally did there was no doubt who it was pointing to. Square in the centre of Darren.

"No way" someone called out.

"Spin again" someone else added.

"No, rules are rules" Said Amanda "the bottles pointing at Darren, it's Darren who gets the BJ"

"No way" I said. Although I thought about the irony of fate. Giving me what I've always wanted, just not exactly the way I wanted.

Darren took a long swig of his beer bottle and got up. He walked up to where I was sitting. He put his hands to the back of my head and pulled me towards his crotch. He rubbed my face into it a few times and then pulled away. The laughter turned to jeers when he seemed to chicken it. Egged on by the crowd he pulled down his zipper and exposed his soft cock.

"Come on then, suck it, get it over with or they'll never leave it" He said to me. What the fuck I though, everyone was drunk. If anyone remembers it in the morning they'll only put it down to high spirits. I leant forward; Darren had his soft penis in his hand and guided it towards my mouth. I'd longed for this so much that I thought if this were the only opportunity of sucking him off that I'll get I'd make it a good one. I didn't care if his dick got hard or not. As I placed my lips over it, it bucked slightly. I totally ignored the cheers and chants from the circle. My mouth got to the opening in his pants. I felt his dick start to swell. I pulled back and then went down again. Again I felt his dick get even harder. I wondered to myself if he was getting into this.

The spell was broke when someone got up and poured their beer over us. We pulled apart. Just as Darren went to cram his dick back into his pants I saw a drop of his pre-cum fly off and hit me on the lip. I put my finger to it and scooped it up, then put the finger in my mouth. This all happened in a mater of seconds, more guys took the firsts lead and we were now getting drenched in beer. Darren took a playful swing at someone and poured his bottle over them. A play fight started with Darren in the centre. Shouts of "you fag" were fired off into his direction. Replied by "fuck you", an eloquent response from him. The fight died down and more beer was drunk. I slipped out of the living room and found my way to the bathroom. I was covered in beer and I felt a need to relieve myself. I had a quick jerk off, all the time thinking about Darren's dick. It tasted so good, granted, it was the first cock that I'd tasted, but it was exactly as I'd imagined it to be. I finished jerking off and was washing in the sink. I had beer all over me. I heard the door handle being turned, even though I locked the door I shouted out that the bathroom was occupied.

"Jake, its Darren, let me in, I need to wash this beer off me" I opened the door and he entered. I grabbed one of the towels and started to dry myself off. Not a word was spoken for what seemed like ages. Darren came over to me and grabbed a towel off the rail.

"There was a rumour going around school that you were a fag" He suddenly announced.

I didn't reply.

"Have you ever sucked a guy off before?" He asked

I still didn't reply

"I bet you have, I could tell. I've had plenty blow jobs in the past, all by girls. I'd never got a good one before. I'm betting that if you carried on that would have been a great blow job." He continued.

"No" I finally broke my silence "I've never blown a guy before"

"I'm surprised, I figured you for an expert"

I started to make my way to the door. I didn't really want to get into this. I figured that he'd get me to admit that I'm a fag and then go round telling the whole town. Darren beat me to the door and locked it.

"Look no ones going to come in, how about you finish what you started?"

I was amazed, what the hell was he saying? Could Darren be gay? No, I didn't think it was possible.

I said as much to him.

He replied that he wasn't no fag, but he really needed to get his rocks off.

"Then why don't you get one of your girls to do it?" I replied.

"I told you, I'm not seeing anyone right now. Sure I know that if I went out there I'd get some pussy, but right now I want you to finish me off. Jake, if you ain't gay you should think about it. Like I said I really need to get my rocks off and I'm betting that you've wanted to suck me off for years. Am I right?"

I looked down at the floor and nodded.

"I knew it, I knew that you were a fag"

I looked back up to his face, my eyes must have betrayed the hurt that I was suddenly feeling.

"Hey, look. It's okay" He said "I don't give a shit if you're gay or not and I'm not about to blurt it out to the world. God, I feel so horny right now and it's your fault. I think that you've got a duty to finish off what you started." He started to unbutton his jeans, the fell to the floor. He pulled his briefs down and his cock sprung out at full mast.

"Come on Jake, you can't tell me that you don't want your mouth round that. I'm offering you what nearly every girl and quite a few guys in school can only dream about."

This might sound like conceit but I knew that it was true. Every girl in school, probably in the State would want to be where I was right now. And I'm guessing that he had plenty of guys willing to service their sports idol as well.

"Why me"

"We're old friends Jake, I know we don't see much of each other now but I still remember what our friendship was like. I trust you, I know that you're not going to go blabbing round telling everyone about it. Look if it will put you at ease I'll tell you that I'm not gay. But sure I've wondered what it would be like to have a guy suck me off. Until tonight I've never done anything about it, although I've had a chance or two. I never went for it. Please Jake I just want to see what it's like. Back in the living room was a start but now we're on our own, we can finish this. No ones going to know".

How could I refuse? I looked at him and then at his dick, both seemed to be pleading. I also felt my dick stiffen. There was no way that I was not going to do this, I knew now that he wasn't winding me up. He genuinely wanted me to go down on him.

I knelt down in front of him and took his six stiff inches in my hand; he let out a sigh. I licked the head and then slowly down the shaft. I could feel him tremble. I carried on licking, heading down to his nut sack. He started to moan sounds of pure ecstasy. I had never sucked anyone off before but I somehow didn't worry if I was doing it right. I just felt that what I was doing was cool.

I stopped licking and moved back to his head, I opened wide and swallowed him. Moving back and forward on and off his pulsating shaft. He started to move as well, he put his hand behind my head and pulled me further down on him, at the same time his hips started to thrust. He took over and fucked my face.

I felt his dick pulsate and I knew what was coming. A stream of hot liquid shot down my throat, for the first time I felt the sensation of someone coming down my throat. I gagged on it; there was so much juice I could have sworn that he hadn't got off for a week. He pulled himself out of me and slumped onto the bathroom wall. I was still savouring the taste of his release when he spoke.

"That was better than I ever thought it would be"

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Jake, you really should go in to business with a technique like that. I've had more blow jobs that I can remember and I have to say that you were the best." I felt a wave of pride sweep over me. My first blow job was indeed getting high praise.

As we cleaned ourselves up I picked up Darren's jeans and briefs. I held out the jeans to him and thought I'd take a chance.

I held his white bikini briefs up and said, "I wonder how many people would want to get inside of these?"

He just looked at me and smiled.

"Can I keep them?" I asked

"Why do you want my briefs?" he asked

"Just as a momento. Like you said I'd been wanting to get inside your pants for years. I know this is a one off and that it wont happen again. But I just wanted a keep sake to remind me of a night that I wont really ever forget."

"Another adoring fan? Yeah sure you can keep them. Do you want me to autograph them as well?"

I looked inside the pouch and saw the slight yellowing of the material and replied that he already did. I stuffed the briefs into my pocket and he put on his jeans.

Just before he unlocked the bathroom door he turned round to me and said

"Thanks Jake. That really was the best."

"You're welcome" I replied

"I don't have to remind you that this was between us. You aren't going to tell anyone are you?"

"Of course not" I replied

"Only I want you to know that what you said is true it was a one off, as much as I enjoyed it, I don't dig guys, so please don't be thinking that this is going to happen again"

My heart sunk a bit but I knew that what he was saying was the truth. I knew that I would just have to see this as it was. After all I'd heard it said before that it don't matter who's giving the blow job, a mouths a mouth. That's probably why a lot of straight guys get off on having their dicks sucked by other guys. They get the thrill of doing something that they know they shouldn't and they can just close their eyes and think of some woman.

When we got back into the living room we weren't even missed. The party games had finished and the music was back. One of the guys came over to Darren and handed him a beer. He asked him if I really blew him during the game. Darren replied that he held his hand over his knob so it just looked like he was getting a blowjob. Armed with that news Paul went round saying to anyone who would listen that he knew it wasn't for real. The moment passed and I knew it would be forgotten soon. After all how could the School sports star and idol of so many really have his dick sucked by some guy?

When the party broke up, we got a lift home from one of the girls who designated herself as driver. I said my good nights as I got out of the car, went into my house and straight up to my bedroom.

I threw my clothes to the floor and took out Darren's briefs from my pocket. My cock was instantly hard as I slipped them over my bare behind. I guess that Darren was a waist size or two bigger than my skinny frame and even though his bikinis fitted well on me, the pouch was struggling to contain my eleven inches. I must admit that I felt a slight feeling of satisfaction. He may be Mr Perfect, sports star and fantasy to millions and I may be a skinny average student who doesn't make heads turn in school, but at least I have a bigger dick than him. It wasn't until then did I really realise how gifted I was. I just figured that most guys were about the same size. It was then that I figured out that my dick was nearly double the size of Darren's.

I laid in bed rubbing my cock through the cotton material of Darren's bikini. Just thinking about his body not long ago being in them was sending me wild. I jerked myself off with that thought and fell into a blissful sleep as soon as I'd expelled my load into Darren's white bikini.

School the next day was the usual for me. A couple of classes then break then another and then on to lunch. I share none of my classes with Darren so didn't expect to see him at all. At the cafeteria I saw him sitting down with his crowd on the other side of the room, I didn't bother looking over there too much as I knew it wouldn't have been cool to go over to join them. I finished off my lunch and went off to the school library. I needed to grab a book for an essay that was due later that week.

As I left I bumped into Darren.

"Hey Jake, I thought I might find you here. Why didn't you join us at lunch? You know you would have been welcome."

"I thought it would be best to stay out of the way, after all nothing's really changed"

"You're wrong, you know I was saying to a couple of the guys that it was a shame that you don't hang out with us anymore and they agreed."

"I'm not sure what to do with that" I replied We carried on walking until Darren stopped by one of the classrooms and tried the door. It was open and no one was in there. He motioned me to follow him inside, which I did.

"Look, I'd love nothing better for you to end your self imposed exile. Sure we perhaps don't have as much in common as we all once did, but that's no reason to make yourself a social leper".

"Okay, maybe"

"But look, you know we have to speak about last night. You're not going to mention it to anyone are you?"

"Of course not. What happened did, I can't say that I'm sorry nor have any regrets but I know what's what. You don't have to tell me to be discreet."

"I'm glad you feel that way, You know I did mean it when I said that I'd never had as good a blow job as last night. But."

"I know" I replied.

I've begun to find that in life if you don't take a chance once in a while, you wake up and find it's passed you by. In a split second I decided to take once of those chances. I looked around to make sure that no one could see into the class where we were, I reached out and put my hand over the top of Darren's sweat pants. I gently massaged his dick and said to him that if he ever felt the need for some more help that he'd know where to find me. I felt his dick get hard and he let out a soft moan. Taking this as my cue I took my hand of his bulge and slipped it down his sweats. At first I caressed the silky material of the shorts that he had on underneath. Then I put my hand down the shorts and felt the material of his jock strap. All the while I could feel Darren getting harder. I played with his bulge for a while longer, then finally slipped my hand down and took hold of his flesh. I started to jack him harder and faster, as if there were some major hurry to our business, which I guess there was, we could have been discovered at any moment. Not that it really crossed my mind at the time; I was totally caught up in the moment. As was Darren. For a straight guy he was sure getting off on another guy pumping him off. The moment seemed over all too soon, when I felt him pulsate and then spew a load over my hand and into his jock.

Darren slumped against the wall, trying to get his breath back. I just looked at him. I don't know why but I felt a slight feeling of pride going through my system. Here I was, just plain me licking the juice off my hand of probably the most desired boy in our schools history. Come on you've got to admit, that's something to be proud about.

The bell rang for end of lunch, that seemed to bring Darren's senses back on line. He grabbed his sports bag and said that we should get out of here. We left the classroom, he asked what class I had next. I told him.

"Why don't you cut it? I've got track practice, you could come down and watch me" I was tempted but I knew I would feel uncomfortable hanging around a place where I truly felt that I did not belong. I told him that I had to get to class and I couldn't miss it. He shrugged his shoulders and said that he'd still be at the track for a while after school and that I was more than welcome to come down. No one would hassle me if I did. I said that I might and then went off to class.

Of course you can imagine that I didn't really have my mind on school work. The scene from lunch time kept on playing around in my mind. I couldn't believe that I had the guts to do what I did. I must have found some kind of new confidence or something. More to the point somehow I knew that it wouldn't end there. Darren must be more inquisitive than even he thought.

After class I decided to take him up and head down to the sports complex. As I arrived at the track I saw the beginning of a race. I scanned the runners and easily found Darren. He was the one out in front. He got off to a head start and increased his lead until there was a good thirty yards between him and the next guy. I have to admit he was good, better than that. He ran with speed and grace, to look at him you'd be sure that he was destined for the next Olympics. The race came to an end, I made my way down the bleachers to the track side in time to hear the coach say to him that if he runs like that on Saturday he was sure to get to the State finals. The coach slapped him on the backside and told him to shower off. Then went off to the other guys to give them the benefit of his wisdom. Just before Darren reached the tunnel to the locker rooms he saw me. He smiled and jogged over to me.

"Hey Jake, did you see the race?"

I replied that I did.

"I don't remember the last time I ran as good as that, I sure hope I can do the same on Saturday. Hey come through I've just got to shower up and then maybe we can make a move. If you want to that is?"

His mind seemed to be racing as fast as his legs. I followed him into the locker room, where he stripped down his shorts and took off his top. He went over to his locker and grabbed a towel

"Wait here?" he asked

"Sure" I replied.

Just before he entered he remembered that he was still in his jock. He pulled it down revealing his soft dick to me. He looked up and gave me a slight smile. Then bunched up his jock and threw it at me.

"There, in payment for lunchtime, that's the deal isn't it? You do something for me and I give you something I'm wearing"

It was my turn to smile. I felt the sweat soaked jock, damp and slightly sticky from this afternoon. The aroma from it was amazing, that manly smell. I could feel my dick getting hard just at the thought of it. "Thanks, but you don't really have to" I replied.

"Don't worry, I've got plenty more, besides I want you to have it." He walked back in my direction until we were face to face. In an almost whisper he said "Look Jake, I want you to have it. You don't know how much I needed to get off this afternoon. When I went looking for you I did have it in the back of my mind that we would do something again soon, but as I said last night about it being a one off I really didn't expect you to want to do anything. I said to you last night that I wasn't gay and I meant it. I don't know what's going on in this mind of mine but this morning all I could think about was that blow job last night. Maybe it's a phase, I've heard about guys that get off with other guys and still dig girls, maybe I'm one of those? I don't even want to think about it right now. All I know is that I want you to carry on, I can't promise you anything and I don't think I could bring myself to do anything to you like sucking you off or anything. I feel bad about that but I hope you understand. When I saw your face last night when I gave you my underwear I saw that it made you really happy. So it makes me happy to give you something in return for making me feel good. It maybe the only way I can pay you back. Does any of that make any sense?"

"I guess it does" I replied "But I don't think you should feel that you have to give me anything in return, you don't know how much I've wanted to do what we've done. If you think that you can't do anything for me, you're mistaken."

"Still never the less I want you to have my jock, take it as a gift of affection."

We heard some voices in the distance and both knew that everyone else would be in the locker room soon. Darren turned back towards the showers, just before entering he asked me if I'd wait for him. I said that I would.

I figured that it wouldn't be a good idea for me to hang around the locker room fully clothed and no evidence of having done any sport so as the other guys entered I left. I hung around in the corridor for a while until I thought that everyone would have showered and would probably be dressed. As I walked in I was greeted by a couple of guys I knew from the old crowd. Their surprise that I was in a locker room didn't go unchecked with me. I looked around to see Darren, he was just getting into his briefs so I walked up to him. I'd bought a couple of Cokes from the machine in the hall way and gave him one. He thanked me, I sat down and waited for him to finish dressing. I looked around to see guys in various states of dress, one thing that I noticed was the amount of guys in bikini briefs. I know from various sources, mainly the internet that most guys of our age are more into boxers. I could never see the attraction myself. I wondered if it was because Darren wore bikinis that everyone followed suit. After all there was not one guy in this room who didn't idolise him or even want to be him. Top athlete, babe magnet, I guess anyone would want to be a part of that. I suppose that accounted for my presence in the locker room. No one challenged my being there just because I was talking to Darren. I'm sure under other circumstances I'd have got a lot of grief. They probably thought that I was meeting him there to help him with some homework or something.

As we left the locker room he was greeted by a couple of girls that I vaguely recognised. Both intent on getting his attention, after all it had got round to everyone that he had split up from Stephanie, there must be plenty of girls who were out to take her place. One asked if he was doing anything after the meet on Saturday, while the other asked if it was true about him and Steph. He was polite and charming to both of them, but didn't seem to want to commit himself to anything. I think that both the girls were ecstatic that he deemed to speak to them. Happy in they're conversation they went off in a giggling delight.

I just looked at him and we both let out a quite laugh. He asked if I wanted a lift home, I agreed and we went off to his car. Driven in the general direction of home we sat mostly silent. I could see that he was in deep thought and didn't really want to disturb him. Just before he pulled up at my house he asked if I was up to anything tonight. I replied that all I was planning was a bit of school work then tv. He said that he was going to hang out at Annie's diner with some of the lads then go home. He added that his mom was off on a business trip and that he'd have the place to himself. He hesitated for a moment, took a breath and asked if I wanted to meet up at the diner, hang out then stay over at his place for the night. I thought about it and said that I'd have to run it by my folks as it was a school night. I then asked if he was going to invite anyone else back. He looked at me and then said "What do you think?" I let out a slightly nervous laugh.

"Come on" He prompted "Even if you can't stay over you can come to the diner, no one there will have a problem and I'm sure there's a few who would love to see you hang out with us again."

I told him that I'd think about it and got out of his car and into my place. Mom greeted me as soon as I got in. I asked her if I could stay out tonight, she asked where and I said at Darren's.

"Now there's a name I haven't heard for some time." She said.

"Please Mom, I promised that I'd help him out with an essay"

"Sure you can, such a respectable boy, I really must give his mother a call sometime. I've not seen her at church for sometime now"

"Yeah I think she spends a lot of time away on business"

"Well if she's there say that I said hello and if she's not I don't want you guys up too late, it is a school night after all.

To set my mind at ease I did an hour of school work then made my way to the diner. Darren was right everyone seemed really happy to see me, I guess absence makes the heart grow fonder. Most of the guys were joined by their girlfriends and those who weren't flirted with any piece of skirt to pass them by. We sat there for sometime before someone had the idea to go to a movie. Everyone thought that this was a great Idea. Suggestions threw round of what to see and rested on the latest Bruce Willis action flick. It seemed that as we left the whole diner emptied. Such a huge crowd, Darren told me to get into his car and gave a lift to some of the others. There must have been at least thirty people descending on the multiplex. Tickets and popcorn bought, we went in and sat down. Luckily enough I was sitting next to Darren on a isle seat. Next to him was Amy, a girl that hung around with the crowd. I knew what she had on her mind as she almost fought to sit next to Darren and it was not before long that they were kissing. I felt a bit hurt, I don't know why; after all I should have expected it. Darren didn't promise me anything and I had no right to expect anything.

As the film started Darren pulled away from Amy and stared at the screen. Suddenly he took his jacket off and placed it on his knees, at the same time as putting his arm round Amy. Cute I thought. I decided to concentrate on the film and not about whether it would be me or Amy accompanying him back to his empty house tonight. About half an hour into the film I felt his hand grab mine, he moved it off my lap and placed it in his underneath his jacket. All the while he was looking at the screen, not even a side wards glance to me. His hand left mine and moved to the buttons on his 501's, then back to my hand he placed it over his bulge. I felt a bolt of electricity go through me as I came into contact with his mound. I started rubbing slowly so as not to attract any attention. I thought that he must have a pair of his running shorts on underneath as I could definitely feel nylon. As I reached down to get a better grip I realised that they were too tight to be shorts, they must have been briefs. I'd never seen nylon briefs before and wondered what they might look like. Thinking to my self that it looks like a better chance of seeing them tonight than I'd thought earlier. Almost as I thought that I saw from the corner of my eye Darren move towards Amy and go for the kiss. They were getting quite passionate and I didn't know whether to pull my hand back or not. I thought to myself not, if this is the game he wants to play then I'd have to play it the best way I can. I reached my fingers up for the tight band of his briefs and edged my fingers down to his flesh. The all to familiar gasp as I came into contact with him was mistaken by the other party as a sign that she was turning him on. I guess that between the both of us we were. Then the thought struck me, I hope he doesn't want a threesome back at his place. I quickly dismissed the idea as stupid, after all I'm sure that he's want to keep any of our actions a closely guarded secret.

I had my hand down his briefs for the rest of the movie, although I was getting dowsed in pre- come I never brought him off to a climax. Just gently rubbing keeping his dick hard throughout. Teasing him to the point only just to bring him back in time. I wanted him to have something left for tonight. At one point I thought it was going to come to an abrupt end. He still had his arm round Amy, about half way through the movie she decided to go exploring. Her hand started to creep under his jacket. I could almost feel the tips of her nails before he pulled it away. Close one I thought, I looked round slightly although not obviously and saw that she didn't like that. As if to make up for it he reached over and they kissed. Looked like tongues.

The film over, my hand reluctantly leaving the warm surroundings that it had been in, we made a move out of the theatre. I couldn't help notice that Darren kept his jacket in his arms at waist height. At the parking lot it was agreed to call it a night, what with school tomorrow. Darren offered myself and a couple of the guys a lift home, which we all accepted. Amy, living on the other side of town had to be content in getting a lift from someone who lived nearer. Just before they parted she asked Darren if he wanted to meet up, just the two of them. He was polite but said that he couldn't think of anything along those lines until the county finals. She looked upset but understood. After all no one would want to be seen in coming in the way of Darren and racing glory. She said that they could take a rain check and not to forget about her. He replied that he wouldn't. Maybe Amy's time will come I thought to myself, but not tonight. I was pretty sure that tonight was the night for Darren and Jake. I snuggled to the back of the seat in his car, warm with that feeling.

On the way home he got badgered by the guys about Amy, they were all pretty envious and couldn't really get it that he wasn't interested. Sure they understood the importance of the county championships, but it was Amy, one of the hottest babes in school. One thing I couldn't help notice was that not one guy made a fag joke at him. I'm sure that after having turned down such a babe, most envious guys would have accused Darren of being a fag. Even in jest. Nothing. They really must respect the guy I thought.

After dropping the other guys off at their homes, Darren turned round and spoke to me for the first time since the cinema.

"Do you still want to come back to my place?" He asked.

"Sure." I replied. Climbing over to the front seat.

"Only I was a bit worried that you might not want to after all that with Amy."

"I think that you had the best of both worlds with that one. I didn't know if you were going to invite her back or not, but I figured that all three of us were enjoying ourselves you'd decide what you want to do, I'm glad that you asked me back. I wasn't sure that you would."

"Well again you started something tonight that I want you to finish, I didn't even think about asking Amy back. Maybe I'm turning into a fag, but I know that it was you that I wanted to be with." He laughed at his observation of himself and said again about turning gay. "Maybe tonight I am" He let out. "Maybe tonight I want nothing more than to fuck you, How do you feel about that?" He asked.

I think that we were both a bit stunned by that admission. I can honestly say that I never expected that we would do anything more than me going down on him. I thought back to the conversation that we had only a few hours ago in the locker room. About how he wanted to do stuff with me as long as I didn't expect anything in return other than a pair of his underpants. I wonder what changed his mind? There was a silence for a time only interrupted by Darren stumbling to find the right words.

"Sorry, I've gone too far." He stammered "We don't have to do anything like that if you don't want to. I don't know what I was thinking. Stupid, stupid"

"Shush" I replied, I looked at him, his eyes clearly misting up and not paying attention to the road. "I'd love nothing more that for you to fuck me, I just never thought I'd hear you say that. It's me who's sorry. I didn't mean to go quiet on you, you just shocked me."

Once in his house we wasted no time and went straight to his bed room. It had been so long since I'd been up here. It had changed from what I remember, all the kids stuff replaced by more adult surroundings. His bed upgraded from a double to a king size and all the pop star posters replaced with sports stars. He walked round to his bed and pulled the cover off.

"Hey?" He asked "Sorry, rude of me, do you want something to drink? I do, I'm gonna get a beer, want one?"

"Sure" I replied.

I sat down on his bed while he went off for the drinks. He came back quickly and handed me a can. He also took out a tube from his back pocket.

"It's K.Y from Mom's cabinet. I figured that we could use this, that is if you still want to." I was surprised, I didn't think that he'd have thought about lubrication. Sure to say that I'd never been fucked before, but I'd read enough to know the ins and outs as it were.

"Sounds like you've done this before" I remarked.

"Well, not as such. Not with a guy. I did once take a girl up the back. Do you remember Connie?" I looked blank. "Mrs. Shelton? Home ec teacher? I nodded with a slight look of surprise. Mrs. Shelton, must have been in her thirties. I knew that she left school over some controversy, I guess that must have been it.

"Well she used to like me to fuck her ass, actually she liked a lot of kinky stuff. She taught me lots of stuff. We did things that I'd never even thought about. I guess that was the best thing about dating an older woman, they've been around and know what to do.

"Wasn't she married?"

"Yeah, but I don't think she was getting enough from her man, if you know what I mean. She used to buy me all kinds of kinky stuff, clothes and toys, I've got a draw full of her gifts. She bought me the underpants that I'm wearing for one"

"Okay so I'm curious" He drained the last from his can and took his top off. He really did have a fine body. As I said before, not too muscular. I guess aerodynamic would be the best way to describe it. If any one was built for running then it was Darren. He sat down on his bed and removed his sneakers and then socks. He then turned his back to me and started to loosen his jeans. Nothing could prepare me for the sight. Wow, there he was in an almost see through nylon thong. The band around the waist tapering in the center, with the elastic disappearing between his buns. He gave his butt a shake and turned round, his bulge straining the front of the nylon pouch.

"You like?" he asked.

"You bet" I replied.

He jumped on to the bed and landed right next to me.

"Right, time for you to get naked." He announced.

He took hold of my top from the bottom and pulled it over my head. As he pulled it up he stood up on the bed. His pouch now right in front of my eyes. He bent down to take off my tee shirt, his semi hardness now poking me in the face. I took a deep breath, nostrils full of his aroma. A thought went through my mind that I must have died and gone to heaven. I gave his pouch a small kiss and said something like humm lovely. He sat back down beside me and I got up to remove my jeans. I hesitated for a moment, wondering if he'd be put off by seeing my puny body naked for the first time. Next to his I felt insecure.

"You know," He broke the silence "I've been with so many girls I've lost count, I'm not boasting. What I'm saying is that I feel like it's my first time, I've never felt so nervous"

"We don't have to do this, if you don't want to." I replied, just before totally removing my jeans.

"No I want to, I was just pointing out the irony that there you are a virgin and about to get your first fuck and you don't seem at all phased and there's me, been around a bit and as scared as hell."

"Sure I'm nervous, but I know it will be alright. I guess you're the lucky one, you get to loose your virginity twice. That's more than most people."

I finished pulling off my jeans revealing my favourite Calvin boxers. I caught sight of us in the mirror, that just confirmed to me my earlier observation. I looked so puny next to this god.

"Last chance to back out." He said.

"No way" I replied.

I lay down next to where Darren was sitting and moved my head into his lap. Again smelling his manly aroma. I started to lick his nylon covered bulge. His cock growing harder, straining to get out of the tight fabric. I got up and pushed down to the bed. Laying there I climbed over him and reached down to the sides of his thong. I carefully pulled it down, making sure I got a good feel of his ass as I did. Laying there, naked, his boner now free from its confines stuck straight out. Yearning for attention, I took hold of it and moved my head closer to him until the tip entered my mouth. I must have gone down on him only a few times before he took hold of my head and asked me to stop.

"I don't want to blow right now and if you carry on I know I'm going to."

"It's time isn't it?" I asked

"Yep, now or never as they say"

I got up from the bed and took down my boxers, revealing to him for the first time my hard dick.

"My god, when did you get so big?" He looked truly amazed. As if to acknowledge his remark my prick bounced up on release from my boxers and hit me on the stomach.

"You are huge boy, put me to shame"

He reached over tentatively and lightly touched it. It bucked back with his sudden touch. He just kept on staring at it. He took hold of it, his hand barely able to close around it. I broke him from his almost trance like state and asked him if he was ready to fuck me. I wanted him now more than ever.

"Sure, sorry. Never seen anything that big before. Right, let's go for it.

I got up on all fours on the bed, spread my legs and waited for him to start. I felt a cold sensation when he rubbed the lube on to my waiting hole. He inserted a finger then a second and said that this was to loosen me up a bit. I'd heard that it hurts the first time you get fucked and I'd have to say that it did, but not as much as I thought. Darren inched his self in me till I gradually felt his nut sack tickling my ass. He rested there for a few moments, asking all the time if I was all right. I replied that I was. He withdrew half way and then plunged back in. I can't really explain the sensations that I was feeling. Not pain, more like sheer ecstasy. I knew then that if I ever had any doubts about my sexuality the were totally dispelled. This is what I wanted, now and forever.

Darren quickened up the pace, in and out faster and faster. Then stopped. He froze for a moment then filled my hole with his juice. The boiling liquid that felt so comforting in me. He slumped on to me trying to catch his breath. I moved to lay down on my front on the bed and he came down with me. I could feel his dick soften up inside of me. This was a moment that I'd have wanted to last forever. We just lay there in silence. A few minutes later he rolled off me. I turned to face him still laying on my front. There was a look of sheer contentment on his face.

"Wow, I mean wow. That was great." He exclaimed. "Was it okay for you? I mean, it didn't hurt too much, did it?"

"No it was great" I replied.

"Now it's time we sorted you out"

"You don't have to, I'm fine"

He ignored what I said and rolled me over. Kneeling beside me on the bed he took my still hard eleven inches in his hand and started to jack me off. Although he was a bit rough I didn't care. I couldn't believe that this was the same curious straight boy from last night. I knew right then that he genuinely wanted to please me. Not that him fucking me didn't already. It was not long before I came, shooting wads all over the place. Both of us now spent, he laid back down beside me. I leant up on my elbow just looking at him laying there, eyes closed. He never looked so good as he did at that moment.

"Any regrets?" I asked

"I'm not even going to think about that tonight, maybe not ever. Jake, you're the best" I leant over and placed a kiss on his lips. Not really thinking that he'd respond, I was slightly surprised when he opened his mouth enough to let my tongue in. Locked into a passionate embrace till I don't know when. We must have both fallen asleep because I don't remember anything more till dawn.

I was awoken by the sunlight streaming in through the curtains, bleary eyed I looked around at my unfamiliar surroundings. Focusing on a shape that gradually became Darren. Standing by his dresser in his underpants.

"Hey." I said

"Hey yourself, did you sleep well?"

"I had an excellent dream" I replied

"Me too. Except I think the reality was far better than the dream"

"You can say that again"

"I'm going for my morning run in a minute, you can join me if you want, but if you don't feel like it you can stay here till I get back then we can go off to school."

"Yeah, I'll come with you, as long as you promise to take it easy, I'm not as fit as you."

"Sure I will, but I bet you're fitter than you give yourself credit for. You know if you went out for a run every day you'd soon put some meat on those bones"

I think I looked a little hurt by his remark about my body. He noticed and came over to the bed and pulled the covers back, exposing my naked body and morning hard on.

"There's nothing wrong with your body, you know that. You'll fill out soon I tell ya. Just like that appendage of yours. How the fuck did you get such a big one?"

I laughed. He pulled me out of bed and stood me up. We faced each other, I saw his briefs starting to strain. My boner stiff to attention just bouncing above my navel. He put his arms around me and drew me in till our bodies touched. His hands working themselves down till they reached my butt, rested there. Our lips met. We kissed; I let his tongue in so he could explore around. He broke our embrace.

"Come on, time for a run."

"Sure, can you lend me something, I've only got the clothes from last night and a change for school"

"Course you can, we can start with these" He pulled his briefs down and handed them to me.

"I'd let you borrow my thong from last night, only I doubt you'd be able to get that monstrosity of yours in there"

I put on his warm bikini briefs and he handed me a pair of joggers and a tee shirt.

"It's not too cold out there this morning, even though it's November. Anyway we'll soon work up a sweat"

We both got dressed and left his house. I'd never really gone for a jog before apart from when they make you run at school. I knew that I'd be no match for Darren and did find myself falling behind a bit from time to time. This didn't bother me too much as it gave me a good chance to see his butt in action. Covered in red satin shorts his globes moving up and down in perfect tempo. What a sight.

Two miles and a few blocks later we returned to his house, still plenty of time before school, he asked if I wanted to shower before breakfast. I replied that I did. He showed me up to the bathroom, put the shower on and I got undressed. It all felt like a dream as I was standing there warm water cascading off my body. My eyes closed, I suddenly felt a presence in the cubicle.

"I've just put some coffee on to boil and thought I'd join you, that okay?"

I didn't answer, I just turned around to face him. We kissed. I grabbed some shower gel and started to rub it on him. Creamy lather all over his body, paying particular attention to his tool. All the while kissing. Oh this was how I'd love to start every morning. I could feel his hands wonder all over my ass. After a while he slipped a digit up my hole and finger fucked me. Could it really get any better than this? I kept on asking myself.

Our shower over with we went back to his room to get dressed. He went to a draw under his bed and pulled out another thong and put it on.

"Do you like these he asked?"

"Yeah, you look so hot in what ever you wear. But I have to admit that I think you look even better now than I've ever seen you"

"I'm glad you like it. Since Connie bought me these I've really got into wearing thongs. I'd never had done so before. Thing is a lot of girls don't dig them. I can't think why, they have no problem wearing them their selves. Somehow I knew you'd like them."

"You got that right, any chance if I could try a pair?"

"Sure but they're all fairly tight nylon, might find yourself a bit confined."

He rummaged around in his draw and pulled out a pair of shinny blue thongs and handed them to me. I stepped into them and pulled them up. The feel of the fabric on my body was amazing, I pulled up till they were in place, the back strap gently cutting in between my buns, didn't feel too uncomfortable and surprisingly I felt the constraints of the pouch to be okay.

"Looks like Mrs. Shelton had the right idea, wow these feel great." I said.

"You look pretty great too" Added Darren.

"So what else is in that draw of yours?" I asked.

"Maybe in time you'll find out" He cheekily replied.

We continued to get dressed and made our way down to have breakfast.

"Mom's away tonight as well, do you think your folks will mind you staying out another night?" He asked.

"I don't know, I can ask. But don't you have a meet tomorrow? Surly you'd want to save your energy for that? I'd heard that athletes weren't allowed to have sex before big races, isn't it supposed to sap their strength or something?"

"That's ball. Besides if I feel as good tomorrow morning as I do right now I know that I'll have no problem on the track."

"Sure, I'll check with my folks. I guess they'd be alright since tomorrow's Saturday."

"Great, I've got a bit of training after class, so you go home and check with your rents and I'll swing by after. I'm not meeting up with anyone tonight so no one will come round to bother us"

We finished breakfast and made our way to his car.

"You know I've got that place to myself a lot of the time, Mom goes on a lot of business trips. I sure wish that you could stay over all the time. That would be great. I'd forgotten how good it was waking up next to you"

"Yeah but we never used to do anything when we had sleepovers back then" I replied

"I know, but I'll let you into a secret. If I was ever going to do anything with a guy it always would have been with you. Back when we were younger I used to think about messing about when we did sleepovers but never took it beyond thought. Guess that was stupid?"

I looked amazed. Gradually I was realising that maybe our school hero was somebody that nobody knew. I wish I'd known this back then, maybe then we'd never have drifted apart.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't regret going with girls, just the opposite. Only I'm dealing with feelings over the past couple of days that I've not thought about in a long while. You know all I was saying at the party the other night was bull. I was just scared that I might not be able to handle it and freak. I wouldn't want to do that to you. Now I know that wont happen, I've never felt better than I have over the past couple of days and never more so than I do right now. You don't have any regrets, do you?"

"Regrets? No, how could I?"

"Only I want you to know that right now even if the hottest chick in school came on to me, I'd only want to be with you. You've opened Pandora's box you know"

"Darren, right now I couldn't be happier. You've made me feel so good on the past couple of days and hearing you say that makes me even happier."

As we reached the school parking lot he did a quick look round to check that no one was looking and reached over and we kissed. Just for a couple of seconds, then we broke apart. I mentally pinched myself just to make sure that I wasn't still dreaming.

"How's your underwear feeling?" He asked

"A little bit tighter now then a few minutes ago"

"Meet me at the locker room by the track at lunch, no one will be around. We can swap. I'm so glad that I've found someone who's into thongs as well as me"

"You know I'm sure if other guys in the locker room saw you wearing them by next week most would be copying you." He looked blankly at me. "I noticed yesterday how many guys were wearing bikini briefs, I'm betting that's because you do. Don't you realise what power you have over people?"

"Sure I've noticed people copying me, but I've never really thought that it was a conscious thing. I'm just me after all, I know that a lot of guys are envious of me or maybe even want to be me but I know how fickle people can be. Sure I may be Mr. Perfect in some peoples eyes but if they really knew me I wonder how many of them would stick around?"

"I'm willing to bet that you'd be surprised. Everyone talks about you in school. You're a star and everyone loves you, I doubt that would change easily."

"Maybe you're right, but I wonder if they'd still love me if they realised that the person I love is you?"

Gobsmacked, I didn't know how to respond to that. I never even thought that I'd hear those words from Darren. As far as I thought, we were just messing about. He was just experimenting with his sexuality. This was becoming much deeper than I thought. Maybe he was just caught up in the moment. Could he really love me? After all I was nothing special. If he wanted to go off with other guys he'd soon find a queue forming at his door. Who in their right mind wouldn't want to get fucked by Darren? He must realise that. What the hell makes me so special? I'm nothing compared to all the rest of his athlete friends or most of the guys in school. Why me?

"Because" As if he'd read my mind "You're much more than you give yourself credit for. You're the one who has no idea how special you are. I know that we hadn't really hung round with each other for sometime, but that was you moving away from us. You could always been in the centre of things if you'd wanted to. You have a personality that shines if you'd only let it. You're one of the most caring genuine people I've ever had the luck to know. Our friendship meant a lot to me back then and does now. Sure you're no athlete but that doesn't make you any more or less a worthy person. Most of the people I know are so false; they only want to be with me to be seen with me. You don't know how much that sucks. You're worth ten of every one of them and I'm only sorry that I didn't make the effort to keep our friendship going through high school like I should have. Can you forgive me for ignoring you this past couple of years?"

It was my turn to look round to see if anyone was watching. I turned back and kissed him and whispered that I loved him. We got out of his car and he asked again if we could meet in the locker rooms during lunch. I replied "sure" and we went our separate ways to class.

Our lunch time rendezvous was cut short, we met up at the locker room but it wasn't empty as Darren thought it would be, so we went off to the cafeteria and joined up with everyone. I looked over to the table I used to sit. Normally I'd sit on my own or with one or two guys I kind of knew, not really people I'd call friends though. I can't say I had many friends at school, just kept my self to my self. I looked at the place where I usually sat and then back around the table full of people almost fawning over Darren. I wasn't sure which one I preferred. That said I was glad to be there with Darren.

One funny thing happened that lunchtime. A girl sat down next to me and started to chat to me. Nice girl name of Sarah, I couldn't help feeling that she wanted to get to know me to get to Darren. I'm sure that it didn't escape any ones attention about how much time we were spending together over the past few days. Darren was right though; no one had a problem about me being there, the reverse. Everyone welcomed me as if I were a long lost friend, which I guess I was. Sorry if I seem to be dwelling on this but I've spent so long being a loner, it was nice to do something different. Even though most of the people round the table weren't really my sort of people. It was just nice to be with people, especially Darren.

I got the bus back home after class and again asked my Mom if I could stay over at Darren's. She was cool about it, but reminded me to finish any homework that I had to do before the weekend started.

I thought I'd get right to it, get the mundane stuff out the way. I got so immersed with my studies I didn't even hear the doorbell ring. My bed room door opened and Darren entered. He walked up to me and put the book down that I was reading. We kissed and he told me that he'd asked my Mom if I could stay the whole weekend as I was helping him with his homework. It didn't even occur to her that we had non of the same classes, but what the hell. Apparently she'd okayed it and even invited Darren round for dinner the following week. I got my stuff together for the weekend and said my goodbyes to my Mom. We headed out to the car and off to Darren's.

Once there Darren suggested that we have something to eat. We had a couple of TV dinners and sat watching the television for awhile. I think that was a moment that I loved the best, not that the sex wasn't great. It was just us, on the couch, me laying in his lap while his hand was caressing my hair, just watching telly. Around nine Darren said "Why don't we head upstairs, I've got to be up early tomorrow." I agreed. We entered his bedroom and he told me he had a surprise for me. He pulled off his sweatpants and sweatshirt and I stood aghast. He stood there in a Lycra one piece Spiderman outfit. I let out a laugh. He pulled the hood over his face and there was Spiderman stranding before me.

"My God, where did you get that?" I asked

"Connie made it for me, I told you she loved role play. Now I'm Spiderman and I guess you must be the green goblin"

"Well I guess I'll be goblin something soon."

I walked up to him and put my hand over his Lycra covered bulge. This may sound funny but I was really turned on by this. Here Darren was covered head to toe in Lycra, the shiny material emphasising his every curve and mound. He pushed me onto the bed and stood over me. His dick tenting out the material, I'd often wondered what a superhero would look like with an erection in his tights. I grabbed hold of his stiffness and pulled him down on top of me. We wrestled for awhile, laughing all the time. I'd not had so much fun in ages. It wasn't before long that I was stripped down to the thong that I borrowed this morning. My manhood pressing hard against the material, screaming to be freed. Darren pulled his hood off then got out of his costume.

"When Spiderman's off duty he comes back to the guy he loves. Jake helpless at the sight of his hero begs to be fucked by him"

"You want me to beg?" I asked

He nodded

"So I'm begging, fuck me, Spiderman, fuck me so hard, I want it now."

I rolled over and got up on all fours. Darren pulled my thong down to my knees and started to massage my hole with his fingers. He coated me with lube and then slowly began to fuck me. His tool entering me easier than last night. Pure heaven. With every thrust of his body into me I felt loved, after the conversation we had in the car this morning I knew that this wasn't just him getting his rocks off with me. This was something special. Not long and he was spent. We lay there on his bed, just kissing and fondling.

"Before we fall off to sleep," He said, "I want you to promise me something"

"What? Anything, you know that"

"If I win my race and get my place in the State championships we'll probably all go out to celebrate, I want you to come along."

"Sure, I'd love do"

"That's not all. Now you're staying the weekend I thought that during the night we could make our excuses and leave. Then I want us to come back here and I want you to fuck me"

"You're full of surprises aren't you" I replied.

"I never thought that I'd ever want that, but I just look at your cock and I know that I want to know what that feels like inside me. I don't know if I can handle anything that big but I want to try"

"Sure, I'd love to fuck you, but I really don't want to hurt you. Maybe my dick is a bit too big for someone's first time, if you get what I mean"

"I'd agree, but in a way it wouldn't be my first time"

I looked at him; my face must have shown the shock that I felt.

"No, I told you about Connie and that she liked to play kinky sex games. Well she bought a dildo round once and we played around with it. Eventually she said that she wanted to fuck me with it. At first I wasn't sure, but we were having so much fun and I was learning so much from her I let her. I have to say that nothing prepared me for what I felt when she shoved that thing up me. But sooner or later I started to enjoy it. I really want to try it with the real thing now. I really want you to fuck me tomorrow night."

"You know I will. Now shall we get some sleep or do you have any more surprises for me?"

"Only one" he said as he kissed my lips. He paused for a moment to look into my eyes, then pulled himself up onto his knees and placed himself between my legs. He took hold of my hardness and brought his mouth down onto it.

Saturday morning and we're in the locker room, Darren getting ready for his race. This was the important one, the qualifying race for the State championships. Not that you'd know how important it was from looking at his face. I've never seen anyone so relaxed. I've always heard about sports people building themselves up for they're big moments. Darren was having none of that, chatting easily with the coach and with the few honoured people gathered around him in the locker room.

A head peered round the door to tell us that the final race was due in ten minutes. Everyone wished Darren good luck as he left the room. I only managed a brief pat on his back and a smile before he was out of there.

There was obviously tough competition Darren pulled off a very convincing win on the 400 meters race. He finished a full ten seconds in front of his nearest rival. You can imagine how the whole stadium reacted, people chanting his name, cheers so deafening, it must be amazing to be in the middle of that. Darren seemed oblivious to it, so calm and collected, he stepped up for his medal presented to him by non other than the State Governor.

All his friends and the coach followed him back to the locker room, all more seemingly elated than him. Darren took all their congratulations with polite nods or thank yous. After what seemed like ages the coach started to usher everyone out so that he could get changed. As I was leaving with the rest of them Darren called me back, just nodding to the coach that it would be all right to leave us.

He closed the door and came back to where I was, we embraced.

"You were brilliant Darren" were my first words to him as we broke our kiss.

"Thanks, I'm so glad that you're here. That lot out there can keep their congratulations, it was only you that I wanted to be with."

We kissed again, I was dumb struck. I couldn't really believe what I was hearing. There was a whole town out there wanting a piece of Darren, girls lined up to wish him their best or get something more from him and all he wanted to do was be with me.

"You remember both your promises to me that you made last night? That after this you'll come along to the celebration that they've organised?"

"Of course I do and you know I'll be there for you."

"That's all I wanted to hear, just knowing that you're going to be there will make it all bearable. That and your second promise. I really want you to fuck me tonight."

We kissed again, it must have been a long kiss as I felt myself get swept up into another world, a world where time seemed to stand still, where nothing else mattered other than this amazing person that I was embracing. Suddenly I was brought out of that world by a slam of the locker room door. Darren and I parted as if an electric charge had gone off between us.

"So what do we have here?" the intruding voice accused

"Paul Withers, what the fuck are you doing sneaking around"

"Well I just came back to tell you that we were going to make a move to Annie's but I guess that you're a bit busy. Who'd have thought it, the great runner, a fag? You know Darren, you've really shocked me." Withers last remark seemed stained with sarcasm.

"Fuck you Withers" Darren replied

"No, I think that it you that's going to get fucked, if I overheard right." The smile on his face getting bigger. "Just imagine what people are going to think when they find this out"

"Paul, leave it" I finally got over the shock and found my voice

"Well we all knew what you were Travis, but I reckon that there's going to be some people out there who might object to our sporting hero who plays for the wrong team." He started to turn on his heel and head for the door.

Without thinking I shouted after him.

"WITHERS!" He turned back still smiling.

"I don't think that you're going to tell anyone about Darren. Fine have some fun if you want, tell them about me, I don't care. This place means nothing to me, I'm no one here. Don't ruin Darren here. He doesn't deserve any crap that he'd get from the small minded bigots out there."

He started to turn again almost ignoring my plea. I shouted after him again, almost amazed by the command that my voice carried.

"WITHERS, you ain't going to tell anyone about what you saw. Not if you want me to keep quiet."

"Quiet about what?"

"You, me and Harvey Mellstien in ninth grade. Harvey's tree house, the jerk off sessions with the girlie mag that you started. Sure I doubt that as many people will be interested in what you got up to compared with Darren, but if you're going to take us down you're coming with us. Get my meaning?"

This time he headed for the door and slammed it behind him. Darren and I looked at each other.

"So what was all that about jerk off sessions?" He finally broke the silence.

"Well I wasn't really involved, but it started by the three of us looking at a porn mag. Nearly every day of the summer vacation that year. It was Paul who first took out his tool and started playing with it in front of Harvey and me. He persuaded us to join in. A few sessions later we were jerking away when he got the idea to do each other. I got scared, stupid really but I somehow got it in mind that they were both setting me up to expose me as a fag. So I refused at first. Paul eventually persuaded me to let him jerk me off but I never did it to him. I think he got bored with me and concentrated on Harvey, he seemed much more into the idea. Before the end of the summer they were blowing each other. I just sat and watched, way too scared to join in. It's funny, until now I always kicked myself for not getting involved. I used to dream about that summer all the time."

"Shame Harvey moved away, looks like our friend needs to get his rocks off." Said Darren, the color finally returning to his face.

"So you see I don't think he's going to do anything, not if he wants to keep that girlfriend of his."

"You know what, I don't even care if he does. I've got you and that's all I care about. I don't care about this school, this town or my running. If they've got a problem with me I'll deal with it. They're the ones who care more about my running glory than I. Gives the town a good name, I don't mind them living off of my back but if they want to get in the way of us they can all go to hell. You know, last week I would never have dreamed that I'd be saying any of this. But in this one week I've found something that I've never found before. Someone who loves me for me and not what or who I am. You don't know the amount of girls that I've dated who were only there to be seen with me. Shallow empty nothing. In one week I've seen something else, something new and it's not just about the sex, although I think that's great. It's about me and who I want to be. It's about you, beautiful you. Probably the one person in the world who I really care about."

I started to blush.

"You know, that's the thing about you" Darren continued. "You have no idea how beautiful you are. I love you, that's all that matters. Screw the rest of them."

After leaving the locker room we made our way to Annie's for the celebration. Everyone was there, all crowding around Darren, hanging on his every word. A little after eight he made some excuse and we both left. No one seemed to read anything more into that so I guess that Paul hadn't told anyone about us, although I did notice a wry smile on his face as we left.

"So, part two of your promise, are you ready?

I nodded and we made the all to familiar climb up the stairs to his bedroom. As soon as he closed the door Darren was on me, pulling off my sweatshirt and pants. I stood there just wearing another of his nylon thongs, the sensation of the fabric and feel of the back cord on my ass had kept me semi hard all day. Darren started to undress himself; I was surprised when he took his sweat pants off to see him wearing a pair of boxer briefs. Having left the locker room as he showered I didn't see what he changed into. He looked at the expression on my face, I guess that I must have looked a bit horrified as I really didn't expect him to be wearing boxers. He smiled and put his finger on my lips. Next thing he whipped the shorts off to reveal the tinniest g-string that I'd ever seen. Its black shinny wet look pouch strained to keep his erection with in its triangular confines. It was a seriously loosing battle, most of the material was wrapped around his tool, the thin elastic stretched in between his balls. I got down on my knees and took the whole package into my mouth. I could feel his pre cum on the soft material. While sucking I took his balls into my hand and played with them, I knew he liked that. It wasn't long before the trickle of pre cum became an explosion of jizz, firing through the material into my mouth.

"Now." He said taking me by the hand to the bed. "If you still want to go ahead with it, I want you to fuck me".

I didn't need any further request. I reached over to the side table and grabbed the lube. I told Darren to relax as much as he could. I was surprised to feel how relaxed he was when I inserted a couple of lubed fingers up him. I played around a while until I felt that it was time. Swept up in the moment it was only later that I thought about how within a week I'd seen this guy turn from the straight person that I and everyone had perceived, into my lover, crouching on all fours awaiting the full force of my love for him.

I manoeuvred my dick into position and let it rest at the entrance of his hole. I slowly pushed and the top of my helmet penetrated. Darren let out a gasp of pain. I pulled out and asked him if he was okay. He caught his breath and told me that he was fine. He said that he expected it to hurt and not to worry about him. He added that he just wanted to be able to take the whole of me in him and wouldn't rest until he had. Must have been the competitiveness part of him speaking. I made ready for my second entry. Again I pushed into him, his hole trying to make room for me. Slowly I pushed more and more into him, with each movement I felt his ass adjust to accommodate me. Finally I felt my balls touch his ass, I could here Darren and he sounded so much in pain. Mindful of what he'd said earlier I didn't ask him if he was okay. I just rested, my pole full to the hilt in him. We must have stayed like that for awhile. I waited for some sign from him that it was okay to continue and as if reading my mind he said that he was okay and to carry on. I withdrew my shaft to half way and slammed it back in him, over and over again till I was ready to cum. This was not too long as I had a swelling inside of me that really needed to escape. After I blew my final load in him Darren almost breathless asked me not to pull out of him. He wanted to feel me soften inside of him. Much beyond that I don't remember as I fell asleep still inside of him, my arms around his chest.


Well that's how Darren and I got together. We graduated and went off to collage together, Darren managed to get a transfer to the same one as I had been accepted. Let's face it with his athletic ability they were all falling over themselves to give him a scolarship.

We went to UCLA, no one gives a damn what you are out West. Yes, most people know that we're together. Gives a great sense of peace of min, when you can be yourself all the time. We're just about to take a year out, Darren's in training for the Sydney Olympics. Once that's over with we're going to spend the rest of the year travelling.

Some days I wake up next to the most amazing person I've ever had the fortune to know and I have to pinch myself. Thank god for that Halloween party.

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