The Witch

By Tyler Anderin

Published on Oct 30, 2007



--------------- What's this story about? --------------- This isn't just a Transsexual story; this is also a story of magic and love, Good and evil, conflict of emotions and potholes on the way to victory. This story is about two people mainly. Andy who is a boy who hates being a boy who is also magical! Woo, great for him eh? He is still in the process of learning his powers and with school AND his self hatred which is taken to suicidal measures, can he be happy and find true love on the way? Brad is a boy's boy. Everything he does swoons someone or something, and even though he doesn't like to think it, he is the type of boy you look twice at just to confirm their real. He is a mortal and is always open minded but will his new love interest push his limits to the test and will he be able to prove to the most part of arrogant witches and wizards alike, mortals aren't as weak as they think.

--------------- Andy / Amy ---------------

"CHANGE!" he said, pointing at the apple in front of him, trying so desperately this time, but it never worked! "CHANGE now!" he said, his finger flung so quickly forward he thought it would fly off and impale the apple before him, although he was getting rapidly annoyed by the fact nothing was happening. He didn't understand, he had the blood in him, blood enchanted with power of magic, wonder and ruin lied in his right index finger yet he couldn't even tap into these powers long enough to slice the damn apple in front of him!

"Don't get angry" said Samantha, "it'll only cloud your mind, remember a mind needs to be fully focussed, and don't doubt you can do it too, how can a mind be fully focussed if doubt is also taking room?" she sat down and crossed her legs.

"I can't do this! Its way too hard, maybe im just not all that good Sam, I mean come on, I cant even slice a damn apple!" said Andy, slumping down to the floor

"That's pure bullshit! You can do this I have faith in you, come on don't give up!" even something as simple as that allowed Andy to get up and give it another try, Samantha always had that effect on him, she could always make him have faith in everything he did. They had been best friends for so long it wasn't hard to see why they had an unbreakable connection, an unbreakable friendship. Through the 15 years of life they had lived, and the 14 they had been friends, they could never rely on anyone more.

"Okay, One last try but If this doesn't work, im giving it a rest, 4 hours pointing is weird enough as it is" he said, Samantha walked behind him and took hold of his wrist, guiding his finger with the action one last time and whispering in his ear "imagine it happening, Imagine it happening exactly as you want it to and point to release the images to reality"

Andy concentrated, he imagined the apple floating ever so slightly off the table and being sliced by an invisible force, then, once more, he lifted his finger and flicked his hand forward and pointed almost subconsciously, he felt his finger tingle and with no time to spare, the apple lifted slightly and was sliced in half with some force unable to be seen by the eye. Andy grinned from ear to ear and leapt at Samantha "I DID IT I DID IT!! YES! This is so cool! Oh my god!"

Samantha grinned and hugged him back "You did, oh im so happy! Wow, well now we can take a break, I'm going to go get some orange juice, you want some?" Andy nodded and Samantha walked to the kitchen for her drink. Andy looked at the mirror across the room. He grinned at himself being so proud of his accomplishment; he wished he could tell everyone he knew! But, then again, it was a secret. That was the rule, practice magic, keep it tight lipped to everyone who had mortal blood running in them. Once again, he looked in the mirror. Andy wasn't all that bad looking, in fact he was actually quite good looking! Blonde hair down past his eyes, slim hips and an ass that could kill! Long legs and blue eyes that sparkled like the ocean, yep Andy was a good looking guy! But he wasn't happy with himself^Å

Samantha knew it and Andy knew it before she did (most obviously) Andy, dear sweet Andy was always unhappy with his body for the one thing and one thing only and that was what presided between his legs. Andy hated being a boy, he hated it so much he even attempted suicide to free him from it, there was nothing wrong with boys, to be honest Andy loved them, but he didn't want to be one! Not being one to keep secrets from Samantha ever, Andy told her and almost immediately Samantha told Andy her secret, he would never forget that day. "Andy, do you remember when he watched the lion the witch and the wardrobe?" Andy nodded, "Well, the witch there was mean and malicious but^Åim not like that, but I am a witch. I'm a witch and^Åmy parents are too^Åthey felt something in you, and immediately knew you were a witch too! But^Åyou don't have to be if you don't want to be^Å" I was shocked for days, how could this happen? I mean my parents aren't witches, I asked already and even Samantha confirmed they weren't, but apparently, it was my grandmother with the gift, she lives in France now. Apparently it had to skip my mothers generation and go to me, that's what my grandmother told me when I finally told her I knew of my powers.

My grandmother also told me my parents could never know, but said it was all in good reason they didn't, otherwise the protectors would immediately wipe it from their memory and put me in the most vile of places, a place so horrible my grandmother told me never to speak of it when I asked what it was, and that was all. My grandmother wasn't even all too old, she was only 58. My mom had me when she was 18 and my grandmother had her when she was 25.

Samantha came back into the room and saw Andy looking at himself in the mirror, staring at his crotch, and sobbing a little. She put the OJ on the coffee table, and sat next to him, hugging him tightly. "Its okay Andy^ÅIt must be hard, but its okay! I know what you want to be and it's okay to feel upset because you can't be it^Å" Andy cried into her arms "I feel so misplaced^Ålike I don't belong as myself and like I'm forbidden to be myself too^Å" he said, sniffling. "I just want it all to be better^ÅI hate being a boy^Å"

--------------- Brad ---------------

"I love being a boy!" thought brad to himself walking down the steps of the mall. He hated to admit it but he was a good looking guy! Short blonde hair to his eyebrows, max. Blue eyes you just wish you could dive into without causing him severe retinal injury and an ass like on a god. He got 10 numbers today, but being himself, he just wasn't gonna look at them twice. On his way out to walk home, he threw them in the dumpster and was done with it.

It wasn't that he wanted to be mean, Far from it! Its just he wasn't comfortable talking to all those girls, not one did anything for him, not one made his heart beat faster or made him breath heavier or made him wish he knew them better simply for the sake of being able to know them! None of them pushed that button in brad, the button labelled `Love' which he was sure was probably padlocked closed or something.

Walking down to his house he got even more looks and knowing he couldn't handle another loveless conversation with a girl who had more makeup on her face than they stored in Bloomindales, he walked quickly, almost power walking, almost running away scared. Getting to his house he closed the door behind him and stood in front of it and walked to the kitchen, looking at the refrigerator he saw a little note on it.

Brad, I'm going out for the day, be back at 7:00, Betties fiancé left her at the bridal shower, 3 times in a row, I know^Å Well dinners in here and I'll see you later sweetie, P.S No parties, if I come back and the house is wrecked or freakishly clean, you're in big trouble. -Mom

Brad sighed and got the meal out and began warming it. What is it with Bettie's fiancées? Ah well, she's hot, she'll bounce back. `Still waiting for mom to bounce back^Å' thought brad to himself, their dad had died 4 years earlier and his mother never got with anyone after it, it was a horrible time^Åbut things get better, His mother even got to be pretty high up in the company she works at, a great company car and a lovely Californian house, what more could a 15 year old boy ask for? Oh yeah, of course, love^Å The microwave binged and brad took his dinner out and walked to the T.V and began watching the same boring re-runs and T.V talk shows that were always on at the time.

--------------- Andy/Amy --------------- Andy got his strength back up and now he was slicing any apple Samantha could haul at him, he was even able to slice them in mid air! Checking his watch, the time was 4:00pm; He still had another 4 hours with Samantha before his parents would arrive to pick him up. He got up the courage to ask Samantha something, as she was picking up all the pieces of apple from the floor.

"Sammy," Started Andy, he only ever called her Sammy when he needed something, he also got down and helped picking the apples up "Would there be any spell, any spell at all able to^Å" he continued but he couldn't get the words out. Samantha looked at him and knew immediately what he wanted. She got up and so did Andy and she hugged him, grinning from ear to ear. "WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT?!" she said, excitedly. "Okay," she said, grabbing a pen and paper, "I know you're really good at drawing so draw yourself exactly as you want to look like, I'll be back soon, okay?"

I nodded and Samantha jolted out of the room. I may have been an amateur to magic but apparently Samantha was by all means a pro. Even her parents were impressed that by 15 she was able to concentrate hard enough to pull off the most complex of spells, that's all there was to it, a degree of concentration. The deeper the concentration, the better the spells you could pull off, but it was easier said than done, Samantha was able to concentrate so hard a H-Bomb wouldn't only not disturb her, but would leave her completely unharmed due to density in magic surrounding her, protecting her. With no time to spare, Andy jotted down everything he could in the picture, hair down to his breasts, rather big ones! Not huge, just a little eccentric and long legs. As for clothes, A miniskirt, High heels and a rockers t-shirt, hey, he wanted to milk this! It was like a dream come true.

Almost in sync with his finishing, Samantha ran into the room excitedly and looked at the paper "cool, okay now, just look at me and stand in a neutral position" she said, moving his body to perfection. "Okay, now I'll try this^Å" and with a fling of her hand a glittered trail flew off her finger and circled Andy from head to toe taking no more than 2 seconds, and when Andy looked down, he was amazed.

They were his boobs! Andy laughed so hard but was quick to be drawn to tears in happiness. He hugged Samantha so hard she found it a little hard to breath. "We've got 4 hours of fun like this so let us make the most of it!" and they did, they partied, danced and so forth, but after a while, Andy needed to pee.

"Uh, Sammy, I'll be right back, I'm just off to the little bo- girls room" he said with a huge smile as Samantha laughed and went back to dancing. Andy ran into the bathroom and closed the door, taking off his skirt; he noticed pink panties that he hadn't drawn in "Samantha's treat" he giggled to himself. Sitting on the toilet, he began to let himself go. The feeling was different to say the least, and when he was done he felt rather wet, so he got some toilet paper and wiped himself, but just then, he had a thought. Getting up, and leaving his skirt down, he looked at himself in the mirror, and quickly stripped all of his clothes.

Admiring his breast and vagina, he rubbed himself a little, over his nipple and it felt so good, he couldn't help but to moan in pleasure, hoping Samantha couldn't hear but the music was up high so he assumed she couldn't. Rubbing himself downward, he met his wet vagina; the feeling was so good, not just physically but personally to know he had no more dick. Gently, he began to finger himself, keeping to a rhythm and moaning loud, as waves of intense pleasure passed through her, she screamed and bucked as the pleasure was more than she had ever felt before and just then, she reached climax of her orgasm. Cleaning off and getting re-dressed she went outside.

To her relief, Samantha was still dancing around, and was oblivious to what had just happened. They danced together for a while longer but before they wanted it to be the time clicked to 7:30 and Andy started to get very upset. Samantha lowered the music and sat next to Andy "What's wrong?" she said, holding his hand.

"I want to stay like this^ÅI feel so right like this and in my old body I felt so^Åwrong^Å" Samantha hugged Andy and gently whispered to him "you can be like that! Just give it time, if we arrange a meeting with the elders, they can change it forever!"

Andy looked up "but, my parents^Å"

"They'll never know, they'll think you've been a girl all along" Samantha smiled

"My friends^Å"

"They won't know either! They'll know you as the girl you, same for all your legal documentations, you will be a girl, you would have been a girl and the only people who will ever know you used to be a boy would be me, my parents and your grandmother because we're of the magic community, other than that^Å"

Andy smiled so wide his face would have split! He hugged Samantha tightly, and thanked her, but alas, the time came to go home and relentlessly, Andy changed back and went home. But he slept soundly for the first time in years^Å

--------------- Brad ---------------

Brad was bored watching T.V and decided to do something^Åfun.

Lying down on his bed, he began to unzip his jeans and rub himself. Moaning with pleasure, he began to masturbate himself. In his fantasies he thought of having sex with the hottest girl in class, Annie Lumbien. He thought of her sucking him off, fucking him and then just lying in bed with him, while ferociously jacking his member off, he reached an explosive climax of which could have ripped the room apart, shooting load after load of cum onto his chest, screaming "ANNIE, FUCK YES!" and quieting down, before cleaning himself up and catching an early night.

Hehe, hey guys! I hope you liked this story! Its my first so id love comments to come to and please, dont hesitate :D hehe and as for the odd short brad scene, I just needed a mastabatory scene with him, seemed cool :P talk to you soon and be sure to try and catch the next chapter of The Witch

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