The Young Cowboy

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Jan 20, 2002


This is the second chapter of a story that could have taken place in the long past western world of Cowboys. If you do not want to read about sex between grown men, then read no further. This is completely fictional.

If you are not 18 years old and your are reading this then shame on you and go somewhere else.

Any comments good or bad please send to

Young Cowboy - 2

I could not take my eyes off of Mike's cock as Pops dressed and left the room. It had to be at least twelve inches long and was almost as thick as my wrist. The thought of this man making some mare whinny as he fucked it entered my mind. I was a little scared about the fact that I knew in a few minutes if not sooner this enormous cock would be forced inside me.

When Mike got close enough to me I reached up and grabbed his cock with both hands and started moving them up and down, making sure what I had a hold of was real.

"Go ahead kid play with it as much as you want everybody who sees it has the same reaction." Mike said as he pushed his hips toward me.

"'Take your time we have all night and until noon tomorrow before we have to leave this room." Mike continued as he reached down and fondled my limp dick.

It was if I was hypnotized by the large cock. I kept pulling the foreskin up and down and watching it cover the head of Mike's dick. I was not doing it very fast so Mike was able to control himself as I inspected ever inch of it. At some point I noticed the extremely large balls hanging between Mike's legs. If you have ever noticed an old bull standing in a pasture, then you have an idea of what Mike's looked like. They were about the size of a man's fist and hanging at least eight inches below his shaft. It appeared that the weight of the balls were almost too much for the sacks holding them. The skin was stretched almost to its limit.

I leaned over to take a better look at his balls and released his cock. His cock rested on my shoulder, as I had to have a taste of his balls. I started sucking and pulling them toward my face. The soft skin of the ball sacks was such a contrast to the hardness of his cock. Mike placed his hands on my shoulders to steady him as I proceeded to cover every inch of his balls with my mouth and tongue.

Mike moaned and jerked just before I felt some pre-cum drip out of his cock and run down my back. He reached down and rubbed it into my back and wrapped a hand around his cock. He started stroking it as I continued my actions on his balls. We stayed in this position for a good five minutes.

"Ok, kid I have got to have some release here." Mike said as he presented the head of his cock to my mouth. I had no fear as I tried to take the head and as much of the shaft in my mouth. I instantly tasted the pre-cum that was beginning to almost roll out of his cock. Mike started a slow thrusting at my mouth but I could tell he was holding himself back. He grabbed my head and I knew he was about to cum. I was ready for him as I watched his balls pull up to his shaft and then what felt like a cup full of cum erupted into my mouth. I swallowed and swallowed but was not able to get all of his cum as several more blast entered my mouth. There was so much cum that it was running down the sides of my mouth and dripping on the bed between us.

Mike let out a loud sigh of relief, as he became a little weak in the legs and almost fell on top of me. Although he was through cumming, I didn't take his cock out of my mouth. It had started to go soft but I like the idea of getting more of it in my mouth even if it wasn't hard. As I pushed a couple of more inches in my mouth I started to moan as if I were enjoying some good food. When the head touched the back of my throat I just pushed forward and took a big gulp. It surprised me and Mike too as the head was drawn down my throat along with even more of his cock. As his dick was pulled down my throat the rest of his shaft was pulled into my mouth and my face was not pushed against his pubic hair.

"Damn, kid never had that happen before." Mike said as he moaned and grabbed the back of my head. "Your throat is ever bit as good as a pussy or a tight asshole."

I could feel Mike's dick start to grow from the attention of my throat. I was surprised to find that I could control the swallowing in my throat and there was no choking or gagging on my part. As I felt his dick start to grow I decided to move my throat up and down it. Didn't want to be choked to death if it became lodged in my throat. It finally got to its full size and I was still able to move it around and swallow, even though my mouth was stretched almost to its limit.

"Enough, enough." Mike yelled as he pulled his dick out. "I want to fuck you up the ass and if you don't stop what you are doing I will cum down your throat again."

I pulled completely off of his dick and rolled over on the bed on my stomach. I placed a pillow underneath my hips that forced my ass up in the air a little. Mike started to say something but when he noticed my asshole as I spread my legs apart he stopped. He placed the head of his cock at the entrance of my now wanting asshole. It only took a little pressure for the head to force its way inside. When Mike noticed that I was able to take the head of his dick without any real sign of pain, he pushed further in. Over half of his dick was in my ass and even though there was some pain I was not going to let Mike know. I wanted all of him inside me and I wanted it now. I raised my ass up in the air and pushed back at Mike. He reached out and grabbed my hips and pulled me up onto my knees. From this position my asshole was open to whatever Mike wanted to do, and he didn't waste any time as he drove his dick all the way in.

He stopped when his dick was in and told me to lay back down on my stomach. As I eased myself down he held onto my hips and kept his dick inside. He then started a slow in and out motion that allowed his dick to come out about four inches and then back in. He spread out on my back and started kissing my back and shoulders as he kept up the action. He was rolling his head from side to side as he continued to ride my ass.

He had me pull my knees up higher on either side of us. When I did it spread my asshole open even more and all at once I felt that great feeling of something rubbing something inside me. My body instantly contorted as my dick was spraying cum all on the pillows below me. Mike noticed the response and slowed down just a little until my orgasm had passed, he then started up again. It didn't take very long until my body was responding again. This happened a couple more times and that is all I remembered until I woke up the next morning.

As my mind cleared and I figured out where I was my nose was hit with a strong odor of cum. My dick started to grow and I felt Mike's dick still deep in my ass. Although it was only half way in and soft it still was very noticeable. I decided to stay where I was and see if I could cause Mike's dick to grow without waking him up.

I started squeezing my ass cheeks and humping ever so slightly against him. It didn't take much before I felt the pressure building up in my asshole. All at once I felt Mike's dick slide all the way in.

"And good morning to you too." Mike said as he kissed me on my shoulders and started pumping at my ass.

"How about a fast hard fuck this morning kid?" He asked as he pulled me back upon my knees.

I didn't say anything as I was just enjoying felling his large cock stuffing my insides. He grabbed my hips and really started slamming into my asshole. I would feel his thighs as they slammed into my ass and then a split second later I would feel his balls, as they would swing up against mine. He was too far-gone to object to anything he was doing so I just relaxed and waited on him to finish.

When he came I almost fainted from the warm feeling that spread through my ass and lower body. He shot several more times before he pulled out, and when he did I could feel the cum running out my ass and coating my balls before it dropped onto the bed.

Mike started to get up, and I tried to grab his dick but he slapped my hand away and said, "He is a little tired and sore right now, let him rest."

I got up along with Mike and we helped each other wash the dried cum and other juices off of our bodies before we got dressed.

"Kid, you can't stay here all the time but once a week if you want to sale your services out of this room it is fine with me with one rule." Mike said as he looked at me.

"What is that?" I asked.

"You have to spend the night with me after I close up." Mike said as he reached down and stuffed his long limp cock into his pants.

"If it is always like last night, I will be back." I said.

"Do you know where Pops lives?" I asked Mike as I pulled on my boots.

"Why you want to know where he lives?" Mike asked.

"He told me I could come see him at his place, and I figured if it was all right with him I might be able to stay at his house during the week, that is if he will let me." I continued.

"Yeah, no problem just take the road past the stables and stay to your left at each path." Mike said. "You will see his log cabin right at the bottom of the cliffs."

"He may still be over at the hotel if you check." Mike said as he rose to leave the room.

I thanked Mike for the good night's sleep and everything else as I started across the road to the hotel. The clerk at the front desk informed me that Pops was still in his room and usually didn't leave until just before dark. I thanked the clerk and headed up to Pops room.

I knocked on the door and was greeted by a sleepy looking Pops standing there nude. He wiped at his eyes as he looked to see who was bothering him at such an early hour of the day, even though it was probably past ten in the morning.

"What the ......" Pops started to say before he realized who it was. "Hello, kid." He said as I noticed his dick jumped once or twice.

"Is there something wrong?" He said as he peered around the door and down the hallway.

"No nothing wrong." I said as he opened the door wider and motioned for me to enter the room.

"You kind of offered your home to me last night, and I was here to see if you actually were offering or just talking." I said as I noticed Joe spread eagle out on the bed completely naked.

"Don't worry about him, he has passed out and want be awake until sometime this afternoon." Pops said. "And yes I was offering you the use of my home if you want to stay there." "Of course it will cost you, but since you are here I don't think you will mind paying up." Pops said as I noticed his dick was almost hard.

I could feel my own cock begin to grow as I looked at Pops. I started removing my clothes as Pops just watched and stroked his cock. When I was naked I looked at Joe and then back at Pops.

"Can we get Joe involved too?" I asked.

"He is dead to the world right now, what do you have in mind?" Pops asked as he moved up and started pushing his dick against mine.

"Can I fuck him while you fuck me?" I asked as I grabbed Pops dick and started stroking it for him.

"Sounds great, Joe doesn't like to get fucked but what he doesn't know want hurt him." Pops said as he moved to the bed where Joe was. He grabbed Joe and pulled him onto the bed and then spread his legs on either side of the bed. He moved to the table and got some type of oil and squirted some down the crack of Joe's ass.

"Hop up here and let's get you started." Pops said as he moved beside Joe's ass.

I climbed up between Joe's legs and started letting my weight down on my arms. Pops grabbed my dick and rubbed some of the oil on my cock. He then placed the head of my cock at the entrance of Joe's asshole. As I pushed against it, Joe's asshole acted as though it was not going to let me in. I kept trying and all at once the head of my cock popped into Joe's asshole. Joe squirmed beneath me but there was no sign of him waking up. The more pressure I applied the further my dick went in. After about three good thrusts I was as far in Joe's asshole as I was going to get.

Pops moved behind me and with his well oiled cock started pushing it into my asshole. I leaned over Joe's back to give Pops as much access to me as I could. Pops was inside and began to pump kind of hard at first and then he slowed down a little as he started pulling back on my hips. He would pull me back until my dick was almost out of Joe, at the same time he was pulling his own dick out of my ass. Then together we would ram our dicks back in.

The feeling of fucking and getting fuck was unbelievable as I was getting electrical tingling on both sides of my balls. I was groaning and moaning and jerking around on Joe's back as the feelings were too much to stand. I started shooting my load deep in Joe's ass. Before my balls were through empting Pops started unloading inside my asshole.

We both collapsed on top of Joe as we tried to catch our breaths. Pops slowly pulled his dick out of my asshole as the cum started running out with it. I pulled mine out of Joe and quickly grabbed Pops and placed it in my mouth and on the back of my tongue. Pops thought I was just going to lick it clean, but I wanted to show him the new trick I had learned with Mike's dick. I moved where my face and throat were lined strait up with Pops' cock. I looked up at Pops as I swallowed and slowly slid his dick down my throat. The reaction on his face was one of disbelief. As his cock was swallowed and pulled down my throat I noticed his eyes roll back into is head as he reached for my head to help steady himself.

Pops' dick was immediately starting to get hard as I continued to swallow, which caused a rippling effect of my throat muscles on his shaft. He grabbed my head real hard as he shot his cum deep in my throat. He was surprised at how quick he had cum, but was still enjoying the flowing of emotions as they swept through his body. When he stopped cumming he all but fell to the bed.

"Holy cow, boy where did you learn that?" Pops said as he raised up to look at me.

"Discovered it last night with Mike." I informed him.

"Were you able to get Mike's entire dick down your throat?" Pops asked as he fondled his balls.

"Yep, and Mike couldn't believe it either." I told him

"Come on over here so I can hug on you and we can take a little rest or maybe a nap." Pops said.

We laid together for about an hour talking about what each of us had done and what we wanted to do. I told him about the deal that Mike had offered me about the back room. Pops told me that he thought that it might work out just right. He said I could live with him during the week and maybe pick up a little work around the ranch he worked on. On the weekends when everybody came to town to get fucked or fuck I could earn a lot of money working out of the back room at Mike's. He said that he and Joe and he was sure Mike also would look after me and make sure that the men I was with didn't hurt me.

We got up cleaned ourselves and decided to go get something to eat. Joe was still dead to the world as we left him lying on the bed with his legs spread out and my cum drying on his asshole and balls.

Next: Chapter 3

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