The Young Cowboy

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Mar 3, 2002


This is the fourth chapter in my story of the wild west cowboys and what could have happened. The story is all fictional so if any characters sound familiar it is just pure luck.

Any comments good or bad please send to

Young Cowboy - 4

When I got back to the cabin I was sure that Pops was wanting to have a little sex but he never acted like he was going to do anything. We got ready for bed and climbed in and he still didn't attempt to do anything. I rolled over and looked at him and asked. "Have I done something wrong?"

"No, why do you ask?" Pops asked a little puzzled by the question.

"You haven't tried to do anything with me." I continued.

"Oh, no, you haven't done anything wrong, I am just tired." Pops said. "If I get horny you will know it."

"It's all right with me, after today I need the rest." I said as I informed Pops of all the sex that had taken place during the day.

He listened to all the action and was starting to get excited when he told me to keep the rest of the stories until later. He said they were very exciting but he wanted to get some sleep and if I didn't shut up he would be doing more than sleep. I rolled over and decided to let him get his rest.

The next day Pops woke me up with a cup of coffee as he started getting dressed for the day's work. I quickly gathered my clothes and was ready almost at the same time Pops was. We saddle up our horses and started off to the ranch. We said our good byes as I headed to the main house and he went to the bunkhouse.

I proceeded to the owner's bedroom where I knew I would find him asleep. I wasn't surprised when I found him with a hard-on. I moved onto the bed and started sucking on his cock as he moaned but didn't wake up. I was able to suck and play with his cock for a good ten minutes before I knew he was about to cum. When his cock started shooting I buried his cock all the way down my throat. I felt the owner's hands as he grabbed both sides of my head and forced his cock as deep down my throat as he could.

"Good morning to you." The owner said as he released my head and let his dick slide out of my mouth.

"Is there anything else you want to do this morning?" I asked as I looked up at him.

"Why don't you move up here beside me and in a few minutes I might be up to something else." He said as he half way pulled me beside him.

He started rubbing my chest and then moved his hands down where he could cup my ass with his hands. I reached out and started rubbing his stomach and then down to his balls. His cock was starting to grow as his fingers had found the crack of my ass and were playing with my asshole. He told me to roll over on my stomach and place a pillow beneath my waist. He rolled on top of me and started slowly pushing his cock into my asshole. He was very gentle and slow as he moved his cock deeper and deeper inside me.

When he finally had his cock all the way in he started pumping long and slow. He was doing everything right as his cock was rubbing the right spot in my ass. I was quickly working up to an orgasm and I could tell that the owner had decided to make this a long slow fuck. I started cumming and he just moaned as he felt my asshole tighten up around his cock. He leaned forward and kissed me on the neck. He continued to fuck me for a long while and every time I would cum he would kiss the back of my neck. After a while he was ready to cum and I was ready for him to. He grunted as his cock emptied into my asshole and he lay down on my back with his cock deep inside me. I was almost asleep when the cook walked in and asked how long he should wait before he cooked breakfast. He didn't act as though the sight of me and the owner together on the bed was a surprise.

He walked over to the side of the bed to get a better look and when the owner rolled off of me he slipped a couple of fingers in my asshole. He was slowing pushing them in and out as he looked over at the owner and me and asked if he could have a little. The owner told him it was up to me. I said since his fingers were all ready doing a good job that it was all right with me.

The cook unzipped his pants and pulled me around to the edge of the bed. I kept my legs spread as he entered my asshole. He was not being slow or gentle as he was pounding into me. He was really moaning with each thrust and I noticed that the owner had stopped dressing and was watching the action. It was apparent that he was enjoying the show as I noticed the bulge in his underwear. The cook grunted one good time as I felt the warmth spread as his cum entered my asshole. He pulled his cock out and cleaned it with a rag that he had, put his now soft cock back in his pants and left the room.

I looked over at the owner and asked him if it was all right with him that I had let the cook fuck me. He said he didn't want me to let everybody fuck my ass, but since it was the cook it was ok. He then patted my juicy ass and told me to clean myself up and get dressed. He said he had something he wanted to try today with the blacksmith.

We got through breakfast and when all the hands had left we headed to the barn. When we got there he told the blacksmith to follow us into the back. When we got there I noticed that there was a horse in the stall. The owner looked at the blacksmith and told him that since he had such a big cock that he was going to let him relieve himself with one of his mares. The blacksmith looked at the owner and started to say something but I could tell he chose not to say anything.

The owner told him to remove his clothes and I was to be sure he was good and hard. I reached down and started pulling the foreskin back on his cock and as I placed the head in my mouth his cock started getting hard. The owner moved over behind the mare and had placed a bench behind her. He was rubbing the horse's pussy, as the lips seemed to swell a little. When the blacksmith was really hard he had him stand on the stool as the owner and I guided his cock into the mare. The horse whinnied a couple of times but then held its tail off to one side.

At first I don't think the blacksmith wanted to fuck the horse, but when his cock was completely buried inside it he started pumping back and forth. At first it was slow and long but then he started picking up speed as the feeling got stronger and stronger. I noticed that the owner had moved his hand in the crack of the blacksmith's ass and was working a couple of fingers in his asshole. The blacksmith either didn't mind or didn't notice. I reached between his legs and was pulling down on his balls trying to extend the blacksmith's pleasure as long as possible.

Finally his balls pulled up against his cock and I watched as the muscles in his legs and back contracted as his cock erupted deep in the horse's pussy. It seemed like he came for minutes as he had one of the strongest orgasms I had every witnessed. When he pulled his cock out his cum started running out of the horse's pussy. The owner pulled his fingers out of the blacksmith's asshole and patted his ass.

"How was that John?" The owner asked the blacksmith.

"Never felt anything better sir." John replied.

"Well I guess you can have your way with any of my mares as long as you do it in private and let me know, I might want to watch." The owner said.

The rest of the day went similar to the previous day in that at least once an hour the owner was having me suck him or letting him fuck me. We talked about what I would be doing in town on the weekends and he told me to be on the lookout for a man that I thought could take the blacksmith's cock up his ass. If I found someone to tell them to come see the owner about a job as the blacksmith's assistant.

When Pops and I got back to the cabin I was so excited remembering the blacksmith and the horse that I didn't give Pops a chance to do or say anything. As soon as he had removed his pants I pulled his underwear down and started sucking on his cock. He was so surprised that he came within seconds, but I didn't release his cock as I sucked on it until it was hard again. I rolled over on my back and pulled my legs up toward my head and presented my asshole to Pops. He didn't have to be encouraged any as he rammed his cock deep into my still slick and slimy asshole. It was still nice and juicy from all the cum that the owner had deposited during the day.

Pops was really working my asshole over as he pumped with all his might into me. He and I were covered with sweat before he finally came. The climax was so strong that both of us were breathing so hard that it took a good five minutes before we caught our breath. Pops looked down at me and asked if I needed some relief. That is when I noticed that I had not cum. Pops rolled over on his stomach and told me that if I wanted it I could have his ass. I reached between my legs and gathered up some of his cum and spread it on my cock as I moved on top of his ass and pushed my dick all the way in with one stroke.

Pops grunted but then just relaxed as I started pumping into his asshole. The sweat that we had all ready worked up between us was allowing my body to slide up and down on his. My cock started making loud squishing noises the faster I got. With the noise and the soft moaning that Pops was doing the excitement was too much for me as I grabbed his hips and thrust as deep as I could while my hot cum spread through his asshole. I told Pops thanks as I rolled off of him and we both went to sleep.

The rest of the week went along almost as the first few days had and I was kind of getting excited about the weekend. Pops had asked me if I was planning on going into town and using the room in the back of the saloon. I told him that I had told the owner that I was and that I was actually looking for someone for the blacksmith. He didn't ask any questions and said that it was fine with him that he and Joe would screen the men that visited me.

The owner let his men off early on Fridays as long as there wasn't any work to be done. They all were taking bathes in the watering troughs as Pops; Joe and I left for Pops' cabin. When we got there the three of us went to the creek together and took our bathes. Joe was playing around with me but said he would have his way with me later.

When we got to town we went strait to the saloon and Mike gave us a drink for free and said he had cleaned the bedroom up and had provided a few extra towels in case they were needed. After a good supper and a couple more drinks I told them that I was ready. Joe looked around the saloon and noticed a couple of men that he figured would like my services and were willing to pay for them. I got up and went to the room in the back and took my clothes off. I then made sure I had plenty of grease up my asshole because I wasn't sure how the first guy would be.

A few minutes later Pops and an older man came into the room. Pops asked if I wanted him to stay in the room with us or if he wanted me to wait outside the door. He said the last part loud enough for the old man to hear so that he would know Pops was near. I told him it was all right for him to leave the room as I noticed the old man unfastening his pants. When he had removed them I noticed that his cock was still soft and was beginning to wonder if he was going to be able to do anything.

When he moved to the side of the bed he just looked at me and didn't say a word as I reached out and started playing with his cock. It wasn't responding to my hands so I slipped it into my mouth as he moaned. I ran my tongue inside the foreskin and ran it around the head. This seemed to do the trick as his cock started getting longer and fatter. He had started pumping his hips a little and had placed his hands on my head. I pulled my mouth off of his cock and he grabbed my head and tried to push it back in. I opened my mouth and let back in.

He pulled my head into him as he face fucked me for about a minute and then was shooting his load down my throat. His cock instantly went soft and he pulled his cock out of my mouth. He started redressing and I asked him if that was all he wanted to do. He replied that it was not all he wanted to do but unfortunately all he could do at the present. As he left the room he said that he might be back later tonight or at least tomorrow and hoped he would be able to do more.

The next few cowboys were a little bit hornier but didn't last much longer. They did both get to use my asshole but were in and out in just a few minutes. I was beginning to think that I was not going to get any pleasure from the men that I met. The next man that came in had all ready made up his mind that he was going to get his monies worth. He made me suck him off and then rolled me over and fucked me hard and fast. I was able to cum once before he did, and he then made me suck him off again.

The next time Pops came into the room he was followed by two men who said they wanted to go at me together. I told Pops it was ok, and he left the two men with me. As we got started I would suck one while the other rammed my asshole. When one of them would cum they would change ends and continue. They both must have cum at least three times before they were through with me.

There was about a thirty minute break before the next customers visited. This time a big cowboy entered the room along with a much younger one who was on the fat size. The bigger one told him to remove his clothes as he did and then had me get on my knees on the bed as he pushed his large cock into my asshole. He had the other man or boy, he couldn't have been more than eighteen, move around to my head and put his cock in my mouth. I sucked on him as the other man was giving my asshole a good working over.

When the man had cum he had the boy move around and lay down on the bed with his legs up in the air. He had me push my fingers into the boys asshole and eventually my whole hand was inside him. The man had me push as much of my arm up the boys ass as I could. I could hardly believe that half my arm was inside him and he wasn't screaming in pain. The man had me move my arm back and forth like a large cock as the boy started moaning. I then was told to suck the boy's cock as I fucked my arm in and out of his asshole. The man had become aroused again as he started fucking my asshole. The boy's cock would jump every once and a while and I knew I was rubbing something inside his asshole. He finally tensed up and I felt his asshole tighten up just before his cum started shooting into my mouth and down my throat. The man fucking my ass was watching and started cumming himself.

We started talking and I found out that the man had rescued the boy from a group of bad men who had grabbed him and had been having their way with him. He had been held for several months and the men had gotten tired of him and had made him take a stallion's cock up his ass several times. That is why his asshole was so large. The man said that the boy didn't mind being fucked but he was so loose that most men didn't like it. I told him I knew of a man whose cock was so large that he couldn't have sex with man or woman, and he was looking for someone to work as his assistant.

The man told me that the boy was allowed to do whatever he wanted and if he wanted to try this job and maybe this man it was all left up to him. I told the boy to think about it and to come back tomorrow and let me know what he had decided. The man and the boy dressed and left the room. Pops and Joe came back into the room and said that they had a group of six men who wanted to see if I could take on all of them at once. I was feeling a bit horny so I said to send them in.

When the six men got started on me it seemed as though it would never end. As soon as one came in my mouth another one would push his way in. My asshole was never empty, and I was lucky that none of them were very large. I know most of the men came at least three times before it started to slow down. They then would step back and watch the action while their cocks recharged. There was one in the group who apparently liked to suck cock because he sucked me off a couple of times while the others were fucking me.

The last time he sucked me a couple of the men grabbed him and started fucking him up the ass and it was apparent he had never had that done to him before from the way he was reacting. After the third or fourth man had fucked him he was able to take them with very little pain. They then had him mount me and as he was fucking me they each took turns fucking him. He had really gotten turned on by them fucking him as he came three times in my asshole while they were fucking him.

"All right, now Charlie here can be out little pussy boy when we get back to the ranch." One of the cowboys said as he shot his sperm all over Charlie's face.

They then had him move down and lick my asshole clean of all the cum he could find. While he was doing this a couple of them had a go at his ass again. When they finally let him get dressed I noticed a wet spot on his ass that was growing larger from the cum that was running out of him.

"I think we need to get a couple of bottles and take Charlie back to the bunkhouse and spend the rest of the weekend in bed with him." One of the cowboys said as most of them nodded their heads in agreement.

They were my last customers of the night and Mike came in for his pleasure. His cock was large but after seeing the blacksmith's it was not as awsume. He was able to slide in with no problem and he must have rode my ass for thirty minutes before he shot his cum and we fell to sleep.

The next day was spent mostly in bed with Mike until he had to get up and I took a bath and got something to eat. About dark I was back in the bed as some of the local merchant men were now having their way with my mouth and asshole. The boy from the night before came back by and said he wanted to go meet this man I had told him about, he also decided to stay and take on anyone that wanted him while he was there.

We got up the next morning and headed back to the ranch. The boy was with us as I explained everything I could to Pops and Joe. When we got to the cabin we decided that the boy could stay the night with Pops and I. He then offered himself to Pops and Joe. Joe was excited but when he got around to fucking the boy he looked a little perplexed as he was not feeling what he had expected to feel. I pulled my clothes off and let Joe finish what he had started in my ass.

I could tell the boy was a little unhappy that Joe had not been able to cum inside him. Pops noticed as he grabbed the boy and pulled his legs together and up in the air. He then fucked the boy as hard and fast as he could until he shot his cum deep in the boys asshole. He seemed to feel better after that and we all dressed and Joe headed back to the ranch.

The next morning the boy and I both went to the ranch house and this time the owner was awake and waiting for me. He looked the boy over and knew why he was there without saying anything to me. He sent him into the kitchen to eat as he had me go back into the bedroom with him. When we got there he pulled his cock out and had me suck him off. He said he had missed my mouth and ass the last couple of days but was planning to make up for it today.

After breakfast the owner sent for the blacksmith and told him to be sure and come to the bedroom before he did anything to one of the mares. When the blacksmith arrived he had a funny look on his face because this was the first time he had ever been inside the house much less the bedroom.

The owner had him remove his clothes and watched the boy to see what kind of reaction the blacksmith's cock would have on him. The boys eyes got large when he noticed the man's cock hanging between his legs. The boy started taking his clothes off and the owner looked over at me. I started removing mine and stepped beside the owner so he could do whatever he wanted with me.

The blacksmith was watching the boy as he removed his clothes and his cock started to grow. I had the boy lay down on the bed and raise his legs as I applied some lube to his asshole and started pushing my hand up his asshole. The owner and the blacksmith moved in closer to get a better look as my hand disappeared inside the boy's ass. This caused the blacksmith's cock to stand strait out as he moved closer.

He placed the head of his cock at the entrance to the boy's asshole and I pulled my hand out. He pushed and the head of his cock slipped inside with ease and the boy only moaned as he felt it enter him. The blacksmith started pushing more and more of his cock inside the boy as the owner and I just watched. The boy was pumping his ass on the cock and it still had about four inches to go in. The boy's action was too much for the blacksmith as he started cumming before all of his cock was inside.

He started to pull out but the owner and I both grabbed his ass and pushed against it. The owner started finger fucking the blacksmith's ass as I grabbed his enormous balls and started bouncing them in my hands. We were determined to get the blacksmith hard again and have him force all of his cock inside the boy's asshole. We noticed that the blacksmith was starting to pump a little and figured he was completely hard again.

I had him stop and let the boy roll over on his hands and knees. I had the boy pull his knees up toward his chest and spread his legs. This allowed the blacksmith full access to the boy's asshole. The blacksmith only pumped a couple of times before all of his fourteen inches was buried deep in the boy's asshole. The boy was moaning with each thrust and I noticed after about five or six thrust he was cumming all over the bed beneath him. Every time the blacksmith rammed his cock in the boy's cock would shoot a load of cum on the bed. This went on for a couple of minutes until the blacksmith grabbed the boy's hips and all but picked him up off of the bed as he shot another load deep inside him.

When the blacksmith pulled his cock out of the boy's asshole, the boy spun around and grabbed the semi-hard cock and started licking the cock clean. He sucked as much of the head of the cock in his mouth but was not able to take all of it. He pushed his tongue deep inside the slit on the head of the cock and then sucked and licked the blacksmith's balls clean. I noticed that the blacksmith's cock was getting hard and he grabbed the boy and pulled him to his feet and bent him over and pushed his cock all the way up the boy's asshole without any trouble. The boy's cock started shooting cum immediately.

The owner grabbed me and pushed me forward as he forced his cock up my asshole. I leaned over to give him full access as he only lasted a few seconds until he was cumming inside me. He pulled me up into a standing position but didn't pull his dick out as it had not gone soft yet. He pushed me over to where I was facing the boy and told the blacksmith to stand the boy up. When he did this he pushed me until the boy and I were pressed against each other.

He started pumping into my asshole again as so did the blacksmith. There we were with the boy and I pressed against each other while the owner and blacksmith rammed there cocks deep inside us. This caused our cocks to rub against each other and the boy's was gushing cum just about every time the blacksmith pushed into him. My cock had gotten hard and I was about to cum also.

I heard the blacksmith grunt as he let his load go and at he same time the boy and I came soon followed by the owner. As we spread our legs to let the other two remove their cocks the cum started running down the inside of our legs. The blacksmith just stood back and watched as his cum coated the inside of the boy's legs. The more he watched the more his cock grew. The owner and I were amazed that the blacksmith was still able to get it up. The owner looked at the boy and noticed that he didn't seem to be completely used up yet either.

The owner told the boy to lay down on the bed and he had the blacksmith mount the boy's ass again. At this time the cook walked in and all but froze in his tracks as he saw the blacksmith's huge man meat burying itself in the boys ass. He couldn't believe what he was seeing and we noticed that he had a wet spot on the front of his pants that was getting larger and larger. It was apparent that the cook had cum in his pants just from the sight of the blacksmith and the boy.

Next: Chapter 5

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