The Z-1 Ranch

By cgf2662

Published on Sep 10, 2022


The Z-1 Ranch P-113 CGW©

Zach contacted Tony Corday and informed him of certain events that had taken place, and what was suspected. He also told Tony that the gathering hall could be used as a planning center to help locate the boys.

Zach my people are on the ground already and running Hanz and Martin along with Angela will be to your area in just a few minutes. Brief them on what's been happening and everything that you know so far and we will work together and locate these young Genmen that are missing.

Tony there's also one of the boys from the Township missing; his name is Dominic Anderson. We have his parents being brought here right now so that they can be a part of this. We have them bringing any kind of photographs or any other kind of information they might have on their son to help.

Zach don't worry we'll find these young men.

The head of the carnival is also here, two of the vendors pulled out a little early. They were just rental style vendors, so they have no connection to the carnival. There's no telling which way they went you know during teardown; people leave it different schedule times.

Okay will get a good description of their vans or trailers and vehicles that are pulling them and go from there. Don't worry Zack.

Tony I'm worried plenty, we don't have these kinds of problems.

Zach we will talk more when I arrive. Martin and Angela will get the basics set up Hanz can start laying out cables that way we can set up all of our monitoring systems when we arrive.

Madison arrived to the gathering hall with the Andersons. Mr. Anderson brought a box of photos and a few of his son's personal items.

Good evening Mr. and Ms. Anderson, I wish we could've met on better terms I'm Zach Spinelli my partner then and I own the Z1. We have no idea where our boys are at, we have as many people as we can put together at this point in time and we will get a game plan going with the GBI when they arrive. Just bear with us and will get our boy's home.

Lois handed Zach a picture, this is our boy's name is Dominic he is our oldest. He's different Mr. Spinelli and he doesn't always fit in.

Zach stood there looking at the photo of a very nice-looking blonde haired young man dressed in brightly colored clothing. He understood everything that his mom was saying.

Marlowe Anderson was a different caliber; I tried to tell my wife that he just probably hooked up with someone and ran away the Township wasn't for him he needed to be in the big city with his kind. We've got five others at the house to worry about, one less fruit loop is nothing to deal with.

Ben not to be outdone was not going to have anyone talk bad about even if it was his own son that he was talking about. Mr. Anderson they are our flesh, they are our blood, we may not like what they end up to be but they are extension of us for without us they would not be around, they don't ask for approval but they do ask for unconditional love from their parents.

I'm sorry; you just don't understand the boy has been problematic ever since he came into his own and professed his desires.

What I don't I get joy fresh cup of coffee, one of the young men that is friends with one of the other missing, makes a wonderful coffee the grinds and roast fresh. I think Sammy would enjoy being a part of this and not just sitting at the house waiting to find out the fate of someone that he has a lot of admiration for.

Ben picked up his communicator and called Timothy.

Yes, granddad how can I help?

You can have Sammy put together some of his famous and delicious coffee, there's some parents down here from the Township I believe they could use a good cup of love.

Not a problem I'll get with him and he'll get it all started will be there in a little bit to help out. The boys are on their way to see what they can help in any way.

Okay baby anything you or Sammy need, just let us know we will see you when you get here.

Lois looked it been a little strange. Was there a family member of yours also gone?

My dear lady here on the Z1 we're all family no one is left out, no one is left behind, nobody is made to feel inferior because of their likes or dislikes we accept all. But to answer your question no, I was talking to my grandson, his roommate they share a cottage together makes some wonderful coffee, he will roast then grind the beans, he'll brew up the coffee and bring it to us.

That would be nice, thank you. We haven't been here that long, and it's been very tough my husband was hoping to get on at the new construction in the area or at least maybe a job after the plant opened.

Let's get this behind us first Lois, then we can talk about the future of your family here. We need to make sure these young men come back to us safely.

The minutes drug on like hours, Sammy and Timothy walked up to Ben with a big urn of coffee. Mr. Ben I'm sorry that it took me so long but I start out from scratch, I hope this helps let me serve you and the kind lady.

Lois was very surprised at the simple elegance that was shown as Sammy set the coffee up refreshment. He made 2 cups and placed them upon a tray and brought them to Ben and herself.

I hope this pleases you I did my best; I hope they find your son madam. I pray that all of the young men are found unharmed. Sammy placed the cup on the saucer with a spoon to the side and gently handed to Lois Anderson.

Lois gently took the cup from Sammy and was pleasantly surprised of the beautiful aroma of the coffee. She sipped a small amount and was very pleased with what she tasted.

Sammy handed Mr. Ben his cup of coffee and stepped back, if there's anything else anyone needs, I'll be near the urn serving others. I believe this is going to be a long night.

Thank you very much Sammy I'm sure that everything will end the way it should hopefully everyone is returned safely.

The agents of the GBI got to work, and every possible lead was followed up on. Six hours later there was report of a body on the side of the main roadway near the Badlands. Everyone held their breath is word was slow in reaching the Z1.

The agent working the case scanned the photo of the young man they found along the roadway. The young man was not one of their five but another that had been missing for almost 6 weeks. He had been beaten and tortured before succumbing to his injuries.

The whole Ranch was worried but yet relieved that it was not one of theirs. This only meant that they were dealing with a very complex group of kidnappers.

Lois was very worried; Mr. Ben if they ask for a ransom for our boy, we don't have anything were too poor.

Zach walked up after hearing Mrs. Anderson's comment; don't worry about it if they asked for a ransom, it will be taken care of.

Ben Patted Zack's hands and thanked him for his kind words before he returned to the main staging area.

My husband is very sympathetic to the situation. We will do everything that we possibly can do.

Simon made a public plea to anyone having any information on the young gentlemen that were missing from the Township and the Z1. He read statement just like it was written; To the kidnappers of our young men and the others taken, contact the number on the screen and we will make arrangements to take care of any obligations that we need to do to get our young men back. But make no mistake if one is killed during this fiasco there will never be a place that you can hide from Zachariah Spinelli. This was put in a loop and played on all stations all media across the planet.

Ben was very aware that the first 48 hours of the most critical, beings that there were multiple victims it made it even more important to have some kind of contact with the kidnappers.

Two more hours went by and nothing was heard from anyone. Then another body was found inside the Badlands area. GBI forces arrived at the scene and once again it was not a member of the Z1 nor was it Dominic Anderson's body that was found.

Carter turned to Ed, put your money where your mouth is, get those speeders in the air and start monitoring the Badlands roadway, hunt down the son of a bitch's is that are doing this. Within minutes four air speeders took off from the Hawthorne ranch. It was set up in a grid pattern so they could search along the roadways.

The air speeders were in constant contact with the GBI home base relaying back information and video footage as they searched for the perpetrators of the crime.

They could go heat signatures if the bodies were still warm enough to send off any kind of heat that can be picked up by the infrared radar scope's ability. But temperatures in the Badlands dropped quickly at night and the lead pilot suggested that they break off for the evening and return first thing in the morning. Just as they were about to turn around a slight heat signal popped up on the scope.

With night vision video something can be seen lying on the edge of the road. Was it human Genmen are just an animal it was unknown? But the pilot went to go check it out. Everyone waited for any information with baited breath.

The pilot came back on the radio and said they had one male survivor but he needed medical attention immediately. They would scoop him up on a stretcher and transport him directly to Hawthorne Memorial Medical Center. Identity unknown not one of ours is all the pilot would report.

Carter got only communicator and dialed directly to the hotline at the hospital; he reached one of the emergency room attendants.

Yes Mr. Carter how can we assist this is Hawthorne Memorial.

Condition red all medical staff on alert incoming victim spare nothing, do you understand?

Yes Mr. Carter we have been monitoring the events we're all waiting. I will call personally to let you know when he arrives what condition and give you any and all updates Sir.

See if he can be identified in the next of kin needs to be notified.

Yes, I fully understand Sir, goodbye Sir.

Marlowe and Lois Anderson set there waiting for any information. Dominic's safety and survival had finally hit home with Marlowe. Mr. Ben, I need to apologize for my comments earlier about my son, what I said was unforgivable.

Sir in these times in these situations, emotions run high and sometimes things are said that we really don't mean even though we think we do all we can do is pray for all the boys.

The air speeders were grounded for the night due to night dust storms. They would once again return to the air in the morning light with a fresh crew.

Ben cleared his throat; Mr. and Mrs. Anderson there's nothing else can happen tonight, would you please be a guest here at the Z1 in one of our guest cabins? It's yours as long as you need it.

I'm sorry we have five children at the house, I can see the rest of my babies and make sure they're safe.

That's what I figured so I had one of our young men; Madison went to your home and picked your children up, and is bring them here. They should be pulling in at any minute, this is not a time for the family to be divided.

You did something like that for us?

Yes; Lois that's just what we do, we take care of ours and others.

Within minutes Madison walked through the front door carrying the youngest of the Anderson's children who was wrapped up and sleeping in his arms, when the older children saw their parents, they broke and ran to them.

Madison handed the baby to Lois and remarked that he was a beautiful little one.

Lois thanked him for what he did.

Just part of what we do here on the ranch ma'am, we look out for others. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a mate and three little one's at home, the youngest are twins that I need to look in on, but I will be back later if needed. Madison left.

Ben leaned over and spoke softly to Lois, that there is an exceptional young man I am proud to have him as a member of my family is joined with one of my sons. He walked in took responsibility for someone else's actions and has never looked back.

That is rare nowadays, no wonder you were proud.

It's starting to get light why don't you take your children and I'll have my grandson show you where you're staying tonight as far as I'm concerned as long as you need place. Until get all of our boy's home we won't give up.

Timothy be a darling, will you take Mrs. Anderson and her sons over to Guess cottage 14 a and get them settled in for the night and come back.

Yes, granddad I be honored to show the Anderson's where they can call home for as long as they need.

Marlowe stayed with Zach at the command center as his family made their way to the cottage for the evening.

Mrs. Anderson thanked Timothy for showing her to the guest quarters and the children were quite tired so they began to settle in. Excuse me the other young man the one that made the wonderful coffee does he make it all the time?

Yes, ma'am every morning he makes at least one pot sometimes two if Tobias and the boys come over but now that Tobias is missing, I don't know what he's going to do. I really think he's got a thing for Tobias but he will not let on. I'll make sure that you get a fresh pot of coffee in the morning not to worry Sammy will make sure that you are taking care of Mrs. Anderson.

Timothy left and went back to the command center.

Lois and the boys in the cottage Timothy?

Yes, granddad and I'm going to have Sammy take a fresh pot of coffee to the cottage in the morning for anyone who is there.

I think Donnie needs to make some fresh pastries and take by there also. I'll get cook to whip up some pancakes for the children and a decent breakfast for Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. I don't have a good feeling about this, not at all.

Grandfather would like you talking this way granddad, we must keep faith no matter what and to the last one of the boys is back home.

Sorry Timothy; I just got that sour pit in my stomach and it's not a good feeling.

By 1am there was just a skeleton crew left in the command center. Zach had made most people go home to get some rest even Marlowe. We will pick this up in the morning about 8 o'clock and look at it with fresh eyes, maybe we're overlooking something that we can't see right in front of us. We will take sign-up sheets and everyone will work shifts when you're not working your regular jobs.

Tim looked at his father and could tell that this one was really eating at him. There was nothing he could do but just stand and watch.

Father but I tell you just this one time take your own advice. Go home be with dad and relax for the rest of the night in the morning you will look at it with fresh eyes and a rested body. That the GBI and a few of the volunteers take the night shift.

Son I need to be here in case anything happens.

Don't make me pull the trump card and call dad. When I tell him that you're refusing to come home because something may happen. Now do I have to follow you home to make sure you get there okay I do I need to call dad and make sure you have arrived?

Tim, I hear you loud and clear, I'm going home for the night but I'll be back bright and early.

Not too early no sooner than 7:30 AM, and that's a direct order.

You know you are so much like your dad in certain ways and others you're more like me.

I got the best of both worlds from the both of you.

Tim watched his father walk from the gathering hall and head up to the main house. He decided it was time that he went home and got some rest also.

It was a restless night, all too soon it was morning again. Ben had already ordered the kitchen staff not to cook breakfast for anyone at the house but instead to make sure that all preparations were sent to the gathering hall for the individuals that had been on duty all night long volunteering their services. He also contacted Constantine and Donnie and asked them to provide services at the command center.

Zach had a call from the main gate.

Sir we have a line of people from the Township and surrounding area wishing to volunteer offering services of their time and effort to help locate the missing what shall we do?

Zach took a breath; have them report outside the main hall and I will meet with everyone there will go over what we need and will be needed tell them thank you very much.

Zach and Ben headed to the main hall to check up on everyone. They were shocked at the amount of people that were standing in lines very orderly very fashionably to help.

Tim arrived along with Mason and they were very impressed what they saw. Neighbors helping neighbors at a time of need.

Zach briefed everyone with what was going on and what had been found since the disappearance of the young men not only from the Z1 from the Township.

Everyone went to work, setting up grid searches that the transit runners could use to drop off no less than four at each site to hunt agreed they were equipped with drinks and communicators.

No one take any unnecessary chances. I don't need more people missing and I do not want anyone hurt. Only a dead person is a hero we don't need any heroes here we just need the young men back where they belong.

Marlowe and Lois were very thankful for what everyone was doing for their son and the other young men.

Simon and Felix were keeping the media coverage going at the ranch, updates and live feed was going out to all networks and all media outlets.

Zion gave an impromptu performance to help raise awareness about the perils that young people, humans and Genmen alike faced every day.

Time was ticking away, there were very few leads because whoever the abductors were, they were in the Badlands. The carnival owner had no way to get a hold of the missing vendors because all the information was bogus.

The GBI had everyone other agents looking turning over every lead there was no matter how small it might've been.

Tony sat down with the Andersons and Zach, Ben, Ed, Carter and Tim. I'm not going to lie to any of you, we just don't have enough leads. It's like the perpetrators went underground in the Badlands. That is their playground and we are the interlopers, we tried to triangulate where the victims were located and nothing makes sense. After 48 hours were going to be looking at a situation that could drag on for a long time. I don't want to discourage anyone but from what we found so far it might not be a rescue mission, but a recovery mission.

Tony, I don't want to hear that, I will call all the sister ranches and if we have to walk every inch of the Badlands we will.

And I do not blame you one bit Zach, these young men are your family. But I have to be realistic, the government is only going to put out so much money in trying to locate for Genmen and one human that went missing.

Carter was agitated; fuck those damn bureaucrats. These young men deserve to be found no matter what and those that have done this will pay the price mark my word, Tony Corday. After the government through wasting their precious funds, we will take over and handle the finances ourselves. I do not blame you you're only doing what you're allowed to do but any of your staff that wishes to share their information we will take everything we can get but we're not going to let this go.

Over the next few weeks, the command center was very active but soon the calls started to slow down. Zach had to face reality; the young men might not ever be heard from again.

He called Tim to the side; son hear me out I'm not giving up but the resources are what they are. We still have to finish the construction of the Valley of New Hope and the new factory plus maintain the current operations of the Z1. I'm going to appoint just a couple of people to maintain the center and will move to smaller location and volunteers will be asked to fill out any kind of information from the hotlines. Simon will still be giving updates to everyone daily on the media.

I understand dad and I agree; all we can do is keep basic operations running. Any credible sightings or information that comes in will be followed up on and that will be shared with the GBI who will have two operatives here.

No one was giving up hope that some kind of information would turn up about the guys who were missing.

Weeks turned into months and the time for the transport ship was nearing when there was a small glimmer of hope that someone had found something. An abandoned cargo transport vehicle had been found at the edge of the Badlands, but it was empty and no one was around. The unit was tagged with the beacon and the GBI had been informed.

Angela and Hanz arrived to check out the empty vehicle. They took photographs and checked everything the vin numbers came back to vehicles that were scrapped. They were about to get back into their vehicle when Angela noticed a series of footprints walking away from the vehicle that had broken down, she alerted Hanz to what she located.

She called the command center and requested an aerial search grid at their location headed southeastward. I need infrared scopes on this one, there's more than two or three people in this group it doesn't matter if there hours or not they are in trouble.

In 40 minutes to air speeders landed at their location, Ed was on one and Zach was on the other. The pilot took the coordinated search grid and did overlay in the generalized direction that Angela pointed out to them.

Hanz and Angela wished everyone the best, it might take a while but somebody would turn up.

Speeders were giving live feedback to the command center when a thermal image came back. It is a cluster of heat signals in the edge of a sandstorm that was headed their way.

Mr. Hawthorne I'm sorry but I want to have to set the bird down if we don't reach them before we get tangled up in this sandstorm because it will rip right through the engines of the speeders.

Do the best you can get is as close as you can, I don't know who they are but they are in trouble and they need help.

Zach was equally worried about what they might find. It was too big of a cluster to be the boys but whoever it was wouldn't survive this kind of sandstorm in the Badlands.

The pilots put the speeders at full throttle trying to hopefully beat the encroaching sandstorms.

Air 1 was the first one to make a pass above the individuals on the ground. They estimated the group to be 15 or so and they were trying to flag the speeder down.

The pilot came over the intercoms, if we set both of these birds down, we have to load them immediately we don't know what we're getting we need sidearms. If not, we are going to be at the mercy of the storms with no telling what onboard. Ed and Zach both agreed and weapons were removed from the storage lockers and strapped down.

The individuals on the ground Huddled down as the birds slowly made their dissent on either side of them. The sand that these two units kicked up was rough on the individuals on the ground.

The pilot put on the loudspeaker; attention on the ground do not rush the air speeders remain where you are we will come out and converse with you before anything else happens; repeat do not rush the speeders.

No one in the group dared move, they didn't know if the speeders were friend or foe. After what they had been through and the condition of some of them, they were tired of running and ready to give up.

The pilots had plasma rifles ready to utilize if needed. Zach and Ed had their hands on their weapons which were on their hips.

One young man stood up with his hands behind his head, please don't shoot us we will give you any more problems.

Zach recognize the voice; Tobias is that you son?

Yes sir; I'm sorry I can't see you good because of the sand but is that you Mr. Zach?

Tobias turned around and told the rest of them to stand up. We thought you were the ones that had us or at least the ones that we were supposed to go to. Can we go home?

Zach and Ed walked up to the young men in the crowd, some didn't even bother getting up they were too exhausted. Zach recognized who he thought was Dominic, severely beaten but alive. He had another young man behind him that he was shielding.

Are you Dominic Anderson asked Zach?

Yes, sir how do you know my name sir?

Could be because your parents are very concerned about you and so are your brothers, they are waiting back home for you.

I'm sorry Sir I don't have a home we've never had homes in my family.

Trust me son you do now. And who have you got behind you?

A young genman who was barely passed transition maybe six months stepped out from behind Dominic. To say the young man was pregnant was an overstatement, he was very portly.

Wow your big for your size, is this what they did to you.

They did it to all of us sir, sometimes we would deliver at the holding area but most the time everyone was shipped away. But after Dominic got through with them, I don't think they're going to be doing much anymore.

Mr. Zach, we need to talk somewhere else, I don't think it's safe here.

Ed, I believe that's our clue to get these young men aboard the speeders and get them back to the Z1 we need to go directly to medical have all of them checked out then some folks back home just might want to see them.

As the group split up between the two speeders all of the young men were in various stages of gestation. Tobias was showing a quite prominent bulge in his middle, Dominic escorted the other young man on to the speeder. Thomas was a little apprehensive about getting on the unit but Dominic assured him that it would be okay and that nothing would harm him ever again he would make sure that.

Tobias, Thomas and Dominic set together.

Everyone was strapped into the takeoff; Zach turned his chair and spoke to Tobias.

How many got away?

16 of us escaped but there's only 15 now, 1 was wounded during the escape and was recaptured. We've been plotting this for a while but due to plans by our captors we had to speeded up.

What went on May I ask I know you're going to answer all these questions later for the GBI but what took place if you're willing to speak?

One minute were at the fair the next minute we were gagged and bound and in the back of a box transport. Most of the young man were taken by multiple partners the big one would only let himself touch me. Mr. Zach, I don't know what I'm carrying other than a monster's child. There were more of us but when they reached certain point, they ship you out.

Tobias not understanding are you telling me that this was intentional or were you just a commodity?

We were the last ones that were captured and we join the others that were there, within hours we were set up on by our captors. The big mean one with tattoos all over his arms all the way to his wrist claimed me as his own. It hurt so bad every time even after I conceived, he still would not leave me alone. Dominic sacrificed himself for others so they would not be made to do certain things, is Thomas got bigger and bigger and was unable to perform Dominic put himself forth.

It had not been for Dominic, we never would've made it out, he had to do something that none of us were capable of doing because we're Genmen we don't think that way.

Dominic what did you have to do you can tell me. Just let you know your mother's name is Lois and your father's name is Marlowe. They had been worried sick for your safety and your safe return home. Your father has come to grips with who you are, all he wanted to and this life is see you safe and happy.

Doesn't sound like my father at all but I guess people can change.

Losing a child can do that to you it can make you reassess life and your purpose in it. Now tell me your side.

We have been planning an escape if we could get everything aligned it was going to happen in the very near future but not as soon as it did but the tattoo guy decided to go after Thomas. I couldn't let him so I took my knife that I had hid and I stabbed him underneath the rehab on the left side in an upward movement. Being from the country originally, I know were to hit someone or something if you want a quick death. Before anyone could react, I took out four more of the men.

In the confusion Dominic grabbed the keys to the cells from one of the guys that I took care of and opened as many as we could. Some of the victims would not run they cuddled in the corner and stayed what you see is all we can get out.

16 that's a lot, how many more do you estimate or being held and where?

Sir, I don't know. We escaped we took a vehicle and we drove it until we blew it up. Then we ran on foot until you caught up with us. I know their hunting us right now.

Zach picked up his communicator; did you get the story Tony?

Loud and clear Zach we have agents combing the area right now and more on the way out there, while in that area we will triangulate and approximate where they were located at and see if we can rescue them.

When did you leave Dominic?

Last night just after nightfall, they weren't expecting it. We we're waiting on a pick-up from the location, so we made our escape early.

Did you understand that, Tony?

That means that they are on the move, scurrying around like rats running from the exterminator. This is what I've been waiting on, now to spring the traps. Talk to you later my friend, just take care of those young men. Corday out.

Dominic looked at Mr. Zach; Sir do we have to tell my parents everything?

Young man you can tell them only what you wish for them to know, but don't sell them short having someone to lean on during a time like this means a lot.

Do you think they will welcome Thomas into their home if he comes with me? He's going to have a rough road ahead of him, he says he has two inside. He was put with two brothers that kept him busy if you know what I mean?

Yes, I understand but first when we arrive everyone needs to go by medical to be checked out, I believe if you are with Thomas, he will go through his exam a whole lot easier. Plus, your parents will accept the fact that you and Thomas will be together when the children arrive.

Mr. Zach, I don't know where I'm going to be, my mind is so confused I want to take care of Thomas and the babies but I'm strange. I don't like what others like.

Dominic we are all individuals and to others that may seem strange but we are, who we are. Now get ready because were getting close to the Z1 and will be touching down, your parents have been notified and they will be waiting at the medical clinic.

Tobias looked at Zach; thank you sir for your words of kindness to Dominic. If it had not been for his courage we wouldn't be here. Now I have to face the guys, I can't believe that I'm with. I don't know what to do.

Tobias there's a young man that has been waiting on pins and needles ever since you were taken, don't count him out and don't count him short he's your rock.

Who would that be, I don't know anybody other than the guys?

Sammy, I'm talking about Sammy he has been worried about you since you disappeared and said if you didn't hurt and show back up, he was going to go out and look for you himself kick your ass the whole way back.

He doesn't me, look at me really think he wants this?

You might be surprised, he still probably going to kick your butt because the cotton candy incident that started this mess. But all things happen for a reason, now don't worry so much.

As the birds touched down near the medical center there was a crowd that had to be held back gathered. Due to privacy concerns Zach and Ed agreed that all the young men would cover their heads with a towel so that they could have autonomy in the press until they got ready to talk as they left the air speeders headed to the infirmary.

When they walked into the building very few people were there. Ben, Tim and Mason along with the Anderson's.

Lois looked the boys up and down as they came into the lobby area; the glass had been put in privacy mode so that no one from outside could see.

One by one the boys removed the towels covering their heads and faces, Lois gasped when she saw her Dominic. His face was bruised and swollen, but her boy was alive.

Thomas stayed behind Dominic as his parents approached. Dominic stood rigid, scared out of his wit at what his parents would think of him.

Marlowe knew something was wrong with his son he was not the carefree happy boy that once was, he had been through hell.

Lois cautiously approached her son and offered her arms out wide; Dominic did not move but stood firm.

Dominic with a new attitude of self-worth looked at his parents; I am who I am I won't be anything but accept me for who I am and what I am or you're not a part of my life I will not play second fiddle to anyone or anything ever again.

Marlowe looked down and looked into his son's eyes; young man and I say that with pride. You are exactly who want to be and not what anyone expects you to be you are your own man and for that you commanded respect. We are your parents and we love you just the way you are.

Who I choose to be with father is my choice and if you cannot accept it then you have no place in my life that goes for you to mother? I want you to meet someone, he is part of my life from now on and he must be accepted and respected.

A very bashful Thomas stepped out behind Dominic, who placed his arm around him and pulled him close.

This is my Thomas.

Lois saw the young man and what kind of condition he was in; she was overcome with joy. Not only had her son come home safe but he had brought in addition to their family.

Tears started streaming down Marlowe's face as he walked up to his son and embraced him, then he hugged Thomas and welcome him to the family.

One of the attendants came forward and asked if Thomas could come back to the exam room so he could be seen by the doctor.

Dominic turned to his parents, as soon as we are through, we will be right back but I need to be with Thomas at this point.

Marlowe smiled; go ahead son take care him and those grand babies.

Dominic looked a little lost, how did his father know that there was two. As they follow the attendant back to the exam room.

Lois saw Mr. Zach and walked up to him and gave him a hug. I want to thank you and all the others for bringing our son home and making our family whole again.

You know is going be different with Dominic now, he's been through a lot do not question him let him open up on his own.

Marlowe walked up and places arm around his wife, he will tell us what he is ready to tell us in his own time. Our job is to love him and those wonderful grandbabies he brought back to us.

About that Marlowe we are going to be moving your family out of the guest quarters into your own cottage. I believe that Dominic and Thomas will be needing their own three-bedroom next door, that way grandma and grandpa are not too far away.

Rupert sat down the young men and explained the exam step-by-step as he was doing. He took the imaging wand and passed it over Thomas's enlarged abdominal section. There were definitely two babies that he was carrying, Rupert estimated the dates of conception being approximately a week apart.

Thomas started to break down and cry, he realized that both of the brothers fathered a child within him.

Dominic calmed Thomas and told him that the babies would know nothing about the past or how they became to be. They would be theirs to raise, no one else. You know I tell the truth.

But what if they turn out like their biological fathers, you know all crazy.

Thomas now stop it right there. We are going to raise these children and we will instill good moral character and mannerism to the children as they are raised, they're half purebloods. That has to count for everything.

Thomas; listen to the young man he speaks the truth, no matter what the circumstance that the children were conceived in, how it is raised and who it bonds to is very important and if Dominic is ready to step up and be the kind of father, these children need and deserve, they'll be just fine; retorted Rupert.

Rupert gave Thomas some prenatal vitamins and a couple of booster shots to help him out. That's all but I need you back in two weeks for follow-up and then we'll sit down a routine for you to follow. But right now, I believe when everyone gets through Mr. Zach will need to talk to the both of you about accommodations.

Caleb was the other doctor on call and he walked up to a very nervous Tobias. I need to do exam on you just like I do exam on all the other young man here. But I somebody to set in with you do you mind if Mr. Ben does it since there's no one else here yet?

That will be fine sir Tobias cautiously replied.

Caleb explained the entire process of what he was looking far as he did swabs for any socially contracted diseases.

Ben set there beside the young man as he laid upon the table.

I don't know what to do I'm worthless now. I can't go into the breeding program after this who would want to carry one of my children?

Young man; don't sell yourself short what happened to you was not your fault you were a victim just like the child that you carry is a victim but you have to get over that.

Caleb listened to the baby through his stethoscope and he had an inquisitive look on his face. I'm going to do a baseline exam and scan I need to look at something.

Is everything okay Dr.?

Everything is fine so far; I just need to confirm or deny something and to do that I have to do a scan. Caleb put the scanning tool over the abdominal section of Tobias. What he thought he heard was confirmed with an extra surprise.

Tobias, I want you look at the monitor, this here is the baby that you carry he is perfectly developed, placenta is attached well and placement of the child is standard. Now I need to move the monitor down a little bit to show you what I discovered.

Tobias looked at the images and he was confused. What's that Dr. Allen?

That there is a set of identical twins that are approximately a week to week and half younger than their older sibling. You conceived twice one of the eggs split so you are expecting triplets, that's why you are showing so prominently already.

I am expecting what? You need to go back and re-examine I don't think so.

Ben patted Tobias on his hand, the scanner does not lie young man you have three lives inside of you. You will be having triplets, but with your body shape and size can carry that no problem. Ben's communicator went off it was Timothy wanting an update on Tobias Sammy was very worried as were the boys. Ben closed his communicator up and spoke; Tobias you have some people that have been very worried about you. They want to know how you are, now when they can come see you?

They don't want to see me, I'm not worth it.

Well that just answered my question, young man get your butt ready for some company you have four people actually five people including Timothy that are been worried about you, but especially Sammy, he checked in every day to see if there was any update on you and the others but especially you.

Ben pulled out his communicator and dialed a number. Timothy; we are in exam room number 10 in the clinic. I think that Tobias needs his friends right now whether he realizes that are not. So, get your asses over here. I'll tell Security that you all have my approval.

Yes; sir we're on our way, Sammy is already down the sidewalk and running.

Dr. Caleb; leave the image up for when the boys get here, they need to know what Tobias is dealing with, what better way to let it be known. Tobias had no idea that Ben had told the Dr. to leave the scanned image on.

Ben left the room and waited for the boys to arrive; Sammy was the first one followed by Mitch, Blake, Ron and Timothy. He stopped the boys outside of the exam room to give them a small exposure to what had happened.

Okay I know that you all are very excited that Tobias is safe, but he has a long road ahead of him and a lot of responsibility that he never intended to be responsible for. There's no doubt that he will have flashbacks and nightmares but that's what therapy as for. He needs understanding and he needs to know that he can lean upon y'all when times get tough. And they're going to get very tough for him.

Don't pressure him and just take it gentle with him there's no way he could survived out some emotional and physical scars. Now go and look in on Tobias.

The boys were anxious but they still made it into the room without tearing down the door. Sammy walked up to the bed and smiled; thought you would never come back from the carnival took you long enough. All of the guys welcome him back and told him what he was ready his bed was waiting on at the house.

And I've got some food ready, you know me I can't do nothing but cook when I'm nervous.

All of the guys chuckled and said they had gained weight eating all of Sammy's cooking.

Blake looked at Tobias; looks like they fed you pretty good you might even have gained a few pounds; hell were too skinny as it was.

Guys take a chill I need to tell you something. yes, I've gained a few pounds but it's not because they fed us well at all. We were kidnapped for a reason and I tell you everything I don't know if you want to have me around.

15 of us got away but there were plenty more that were too scared and too advanced to run, I just hope they find them. We all left here carefree but we came back with care packages.

Sammy happened to see the projection on the video monitor above the exam area and realized exactly what it was. He walked up to the bedside and gently laid his hand upon Tobias his abdominal area. So, this is what you're trying to tell us, all of the young men were impregnated and awaiting some other fate?

Tobias looked down ashamed of what he had become. Yes, but it was different for everyone some young men ended up with multiple partners while others were only with one to ensure good bloodlines for the hybrids that have within us.

How many were you made to be with Tobias?

Just one, he was the ringleader and evil nobody stood a chance the ones that were resistant they just drugged them and they got the worst treatment. I attempted to resist and all it took was one hit by his fist and I had no choice. It started as soon as we reached the encampment, and they never let up they always were on top of someone.

Ron shrugged his shoulders, so your knocked up no big deal carry it, you birth it, your over it. It's not like you have to raise it there's always options.

Ron, you don't understand, when there's triplets is not the same. I have three lives inside of me it doesn't matter how they got there; they are my responsibility no matter what. I will need help with nectar production because let's face it I don't produce well maybe a cup a week if I'm lucky.

Sammy laughed, if that's all you need don't worry, I have to pump these bad babies at least twice a day it's like I'm an all-you-can-eat nectar bar.

Timothy started to laugh; I keep on telling him he's going to wear that pump out if he doesn't leave it off at least 20 minutes a day.

Kiss my ass Roomie, kiss my ass.

Not a problem Sammy I would but you'd have to mark on the spot because you're nothing but an ass.

Timothy's statement about Sammy brought around of laughter from everyone including Tobias.

Caleb walked in the where the guys were having a good time and cutting up. Well Tobias you feel like going home and the boys don't mind pushing you in a wheelchair because you're not allowed to walk yet I don't see a problem with you leaving.

Really; I can leave and go home?

If you follow the rules that I send home with you, if you don't and you'll be right back here and I will not be so nice. I need you to return in two days for another customary exam and then will get you set up for prenatal treatment.

All the boys assured the doctor that Tobias would not violate his orders.

Okay now I'm going to send you home and some scrubs that way you will be comfortable and nothing will be binding on you.

Dominic set down with his father. Father I did a whole lot of things that I'm not proud of and a lot of things that no one should have had to. No matter what kind of individual they were in life I still have regrets it what I had to do to them.

Son had to do what you did to survive and to ensure the safety and survival of others. They made their choice in life it was just a matter of time before their lives ended anyway. I'm proud of you, and if anyone says anything different there a damn fool. Now let's get together with Mr. Zach and find out where everybody is living, he has some plans.

What about our place outside the Township?

Son we have not lived there since you disappeared, we have been guesting at this fine and generous place. I've got a job working at the new factory, your mother has a job even Richie has a job the boys are in school learning and we're happy here. There is no such thing as empty belly anymore for my children and nor will there ever be for your and Thomas's.

Zach walked up to Marlowe and Dominic; let's go pick up your family and show them where they'll be living now. And young man you and yours will also enjoy the place that's picked out.

Sir you don't know me you have no idea what or who I am.

I know that you are someone that did what he had to do to survive and you brought the boys home that's who you are and for that you have all my respect.

Just to let you know Dominic there are several job openings here on the Z1 and you need to choose which one you wish to have not something that someone else offers you have earned that much in life. Now let's go pick up the family.

Zach's communicator went off, it was Tony Corday calling. Hello Tony do you have an update for us yet?

Yes, Zach we do and it's something else.

Is it a good something or a bad something Tony?

Well, that's hard to say if you're on the receiving end it was bad but on the giving it was very good. After your group escaped the ones that stayed behind had a change of heart, they were no longer scared of the attackers are the ones that imprisoned them. And fight back they did when they were being rounded up for shipping.

Tony, I have the young man that started the uprising here with me now along with his father. May I please put you on speaker, that way you can repeat this so that he can hear?

Not a problem Zack go ahead I'll be ready when you tell me.

Zach pushed the speaker button on his communicator, okay go ahead.

Zach; this message goes out to the courageous young man who changed the course of a lot of others' lives last night. After the first group of 16 made their escape, one was recaptured and brought back to the confines. The 37 here were given the opportunity to make their future after escape the first 16 young men, 15 of which made it, words were said and minds were changed. When the kidnappers returned to round up the rest of their spoils for transport things did not go as well for them.

They fought back, and it wasn't good for the kidnappers who were without a leader that knew how to get a hold of the other members for transport. The young men here literally fought the kidnappers until they were whipped into submission and/or death.

Zach, we have 37 young men that need to get medical and we need to house, until either relatives or responsible parties step forward to help these individuals out. I can't get a hold the Hawthorns right now but I was thinking possibly the dormitories where the young ones were at before their transition into society?

Tony; we will see you when you get the Men here, we will have the medical crew here waiting along with individuals willing to help. I know they're hungry and assure them that a meal will be waiting on them. I'll get a hold of Ed and Carter and notify them; they are somewhere out on the grounds of the Z1. Just come on in from the cold.

Coming Soon P-114. I hope that you are enjoying the Z-1 Ranch Story Line.


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