The Z-1 Ranch

By cgf2662

Published on Jun 7, 2023


The Z-1 Ranch P-131 CGW ©

As Zach headed back to the Ranch with the young men in tow as Madison drove the speeder. He learned that neither one of the two of them truly understood anything but the basics, so he told Madison to swing by the clinic so that they could witness the end results of what they were about to embark on.

Madison understood exactly what the two were going to be up against, much like he and Benjamin went through. It was a lot for one to take in, more like a learning process or a crash course in Sex-Ed.

JJ and Ceeb were at a loss to what was going to be in-store for them at the center.

Zach spoke to the boys as they sat in the backseat. I know that you don't have any experience other than the basic knowledge granted to you by nature so that is the reason that we are going to swing by the clinic for a live birth that is about to take place. You will see the result of what you two are about to embark on. All I ask is that neither when you pass out, it's harder on the birthing parent than you.

JJ was the first one to speak up. You mean we're going to see someone's birth live?

See Heck, you might even have the privilege of cutting the cord and placing the clamp up on the young ones naval. The young man that you are going to witness birthing today was a special conception and has no contact with the biological father of the child. Let's just say it's better that way for everyone involved.

Ceeb was inquisitive; what do you mean by its better for everyone Sir?

Sometimes Genmen go out when they should really stay in and there are ramifications to their actions. Such as the one that you're going to see today.

You mean he doesn't know who fathered the child Sir?

Precisely he was in town when he was in full cycle and someone took him in an alleyway. The DNA structure did not show up on any of our records so all we know at this time is it is a pureblood and it's quite large for a first timer. The dad is very well-built and should handle the birthing process very easily but it's still going to be hard trying to push out a pureblood the first time around.

Excuse me Mr. Zach, I'm not acquainted by what you mean by pureblood?

Excuse me JJ I'm sorry that your education in the world of Genmen wasn't 100% proper but it never is when it's taught by pure humans. You see when a human and a Genman conceive a child it's called a hybrid now there are several different types of hybrids they can be male or female commonly known as a hybrid Genman and they have all the attributes of the biological dad on the male spectrum females are just females and we have to do a simple blood test to see if they are a human hybrid or a hybrid Genman but a male who is a human hybrid will have all the attributes and physiology of the father but he will always produce hybrid Genman offspring.

Color me stupid but I don't know what you mean Sir by hybrid Genman?

You're just lacking you are not stupid at all JJ. To let me explain to you a hybrid Genman will have a vent just like a regular Genmen but they will carry half human genetics and DNA they can produce offspring that can be either the human hybrid or the hybrid Genman In physiology. And just like a pureblood 100% Genman the C-Sexual Hybrid Genman male can be either a breeder of others, a carrier-breeder or a simple carrier such as Ceeb here is. It's so very simple when You get past the scientific Mumbo-jumbo.

Madison pulled up in front of the clinic and parked. Okay were all here and according to the doctors he is in full Bloom and just waiting for the child to proceed so we need to go to the delivery area B-1. They asked that we suit up before entering just because of the sterile environment. In olden days Genmen children were just pushed out wherever the dad was at the time he went into labor but we have progressed since then.

The delivery area was top-notch, not even the elite human clinics were anything close to the Facilities that were offered here at the Z1 medical area.

Now, boys pay close attention when it is time for the child that you will conceive to be born, he or she will be born here on the ranch. We have doctors that are second to none just like our program here. There are a few times that we must use the neonatal intensive care units in the Hawthorne Memorial Medical Center but were working on our own here at the ranch. I try to attend as many births as I can and so does Ben, but we can't be here 24/7 but babies are coming all hours of the day and night. So, without further a due let's walk on inside.

The boys were very impressed and met the young man who was being walked around the delivery area as the baby progressed through the birthing process. Suddenly he was hit by a massive pain and his embryonic fluid sack ruptured and spilled all over the floor.

Okay Clarence that's enough to the chair that baby is on his way Remarked Matt.

It's about time I am so ready to get this child out of me. It feels like I'm trying to push out a giant bongo melon, I can feel my whole insides expanding.

Now I told you he was going to be big, and he is but once we get you into the chair your back pains and other pains will subside. Now you will still feel pressure and stretching but in the birthing chair the pain will be alleviated.

It's about time it feels like my whole insides are getting ready to come out.

Excuse me, the two of you the new parents to be I understand, would the dad please stand by the head of the birthing chair and be with Clarence as he delivers and the new father to be, you get to come down here with me and see what's going on.

Ceeb stood by the head of the chair and held onto Clarence's hand, JJ went down to the foot of the chair and took his place beside Dr. Matt. JJ wasn't prepared for what he saw.

Holy shit what is that thing leaking?

Matt chuckled; that young man is his vent. It's just distorted due to the baby pushing from it on the inside. Soon you will see the baby's head started to crown and the vent will stretch even more. A Genman's vent is very pliable and will shrink back to its normal size within an hour or so after birthing but until then you get to see how wide it can get.

Okay Clarence on the next pressure moment I want you to bear down and push, not very hard just a light push I don't want this baby shooting across the room.

Doc what, will they do that, I mean will a baby pop out and go across the room inquired JJ.

Matt started to laugh at the naivety of the young man. No, they will not. I'm just making a joke to kind of lighten the mood it's getting too serious. Now Clarence push and let his partner know how it feels by squeezing his hand I'm sure that Ceeb is a good strong carrier to be.

Clarence pushed slightly as he felt the baby move and he squeezed Ceeb's Hand a little harder than he intended causing the young man to groan out.

JJ's eyes were wide as he saw the crown of the head start to emerge. This was really going to happen; he was going to see a baby born to a Genman.

Zach walked up beside the young man and put his arm around his shoulder. This is amazing and I never get tired of seeing a new life come into the world. Now when the Doc want you to take over him you need to have a seat on that will chair and help this young man into the world, but first let's get a pair of gloves.

JJ was very nervous as he attempted to put the gloves on his hands. He turned around and noticed that the top of the head was almost completely out of the vent.

Okay young man now have a seat, I'm going to coach you through this event.

You're the Dr. I'm not, shouldn't you be in that chair waiting for the baby?

Been there done that too many times now it's your turn, and believe me when your child is ready to be born you will be a seasoned pro.

Matt stood up and helped JJ set on the small doctor's chair and directly in front of him was a baby's head coming out of the Genman's vent.

Okay Clarence you're doing great the baby's head is almost clear of the vent I need you to take a deep breath and relax and when I tell you to push hard you need to push as hard as you can to get this young man out.

Doc are you sure everything's all right it feels like I'm ripping?

You did tear a small corner but you're just fine and after we rotate the child he will slip right out when you push. JJ was here will catch your child for you and we will clean is mouth and nose that way he can breathe. Now boy him what to you right now this is one big young man that you're pushing out you're very lucky you didn't rip wide open, but it looks like you're just a birthing machine.

Now JJ take the baby's head and hold it up a little bit supporting it as it slides out when he gets to the shoulders, I need you to rotate the entire child gently to the right so that he can slide out. When he is in your arms, I will clamp off the umbilical cord and you can cut it.

JJ was used to things on the farm but this is the first time he had ever done anything like this for a human much less a Genman, this was his first baby to deliver.

Two good grunts and a push and the baby slid out of Clarence's vent right into JJ's waiting arms, Matt was all business and put the clamp on the umbilical cord and handed the scissors to JJ to snip the cord. Which he did with no problem.

At JJ wiped the young man's face paying attention to the nose in the mouth and hold him down face toward the floor and pop the little booger on the ass until he cries. Then you need to rotate them up and then we will wrap him up and have them ready for his dad to take hold of and attach him to the gland of his choice you will make sure that the young man starts to nurse.

Now Ceeb I want you to watch this and pay close attention, the next time this goes on it'll be you in this chair birthing the child that you two will soon create. I want you to be ready for what comes with parenthood.

Ceeb was taking everything in, he couldn't believe that JJ had done so well. Maybe humans were more resilient than they were given credit for, but he had a winner on his side for sure.

JJ stood up from the chair and brought the young lad around to his dad so that he could be placed upon the gland and partake his first meal and bonding.

Clarence smiled, thank you very much kind Sir. I am so glad that someone else was here with me besides the doctors and Mr. Zach. I mean this is their job you didn't have to be here but I'm so glad that he has people in his corners.

So, Clarence what you gonna name the young man. Every young Genman needs a good strong name.

I'm sorry Mr. Zach I hadn't thought of a name. I just kept on putting it off it's like if I didn't name him then it was like it really wasn't a real. But holding this child and letting him nurse he is so real. Excuse me what is your name he asked JJ?

My name is Jimmy John White but I go by either Jim or JJ.

Mr. Zach I would like to name the young boy John Matthew after the two who helped bring him in this world if it's okay with them?

Matt and JJ both said that they did not have a problem.

Well since he doesn't have a last name and there is no biological father for him you can use the Spinelli name and from this day forward his name will be John Matthew Spinelli of the Z1 Ranch. Now the two of you need to get some rest so you go back to your quarters and get ready to live life. In two days, time you will come back into cycle, I do not want to see you outside, you better lock yourself in the house so that you do not attract another's attention like you did this time.

You do not have to worry about that, I will not let myself be touched for at least six years until it's mandatory that I conceive another one by my biology. This was good enough for me to learn my lesson.

Now when a human male comes near you and tries to get with you, tell him no, you are not a whore and you are not a plaything for his necessities.

Yes; Sir I understand, the one that caught me this time was a pureblood. I saw his vent when he bent over to pull up his pants, after he had mounted me and left his seed.

And we're still looking for his bloodlines, he should know that the Z1 residents are strictly off-limits unless he is part of the breeding program or has prior approval for conception. Catch him doing this again and I'll remove his seedpods. That's something we don't put up with, you are young in fact you're too young to have gone through what you went through. Not that you didn't throw a beautiful offspring, he should have known better than to do this, we are responsible for our actions.

You two boys remember that conception has responsibilities by both parties, this is not just a Wham Bam oh forget you Sam. Bonding like this has a lifetime of responsibility.

Both JJ and Ceeb understood fully what Mr. Zach was speaking of an agreed with him. They told Clarence goodbye and that they would see him soon along with the babe. They followed Mr. Zach out of the delivery area and headed towards the conception center where Madison was waiting.

Randy jumped up off the bed and ran to the bathroom, from the sounds of it he was losing his lunch, breakfast and the first meal of every day he had had his entire life.

Babes you all right called Wallace?

What the hell did you do to me, oh it's so nasty. My insides feel like I'm about to puke everything out.

Randy there's nothing wrong it just means you took the first time. So, from now on we just get the party all of the hard work is already done. Well, it'll still be hard but it won't be work.

You are not getting nowhere near me or my vent ever again, I can't believe you did this to me I'm so sick.

Randy, we have talked about this and sometimes when hybrids are conceived the very first time the Genman suffers greatly with day sickness. But you were so sure that your genetics were superior and you would not suffer. But my seed is that strong, it caught you the first time and it might mean that you're carrying multiples.

Go to hell Wallace Chetman, you bite your damn tongue there is no way that I am pregnant with twins. No fucking way.

Well, we did fuck and we did conceive but did we conceive one, two or three little ones. That we have to wait a month to find out.

Triplets cannot even happen, nope no way that will not happen.

Randy; I love you, and I don't care if it's one baby or you have a litter of children as long as they are our children. Now I need to talk to my father and explain to him everything. I don't know if he's going to be happy but it is my life and I choose you to be in my life.

Forget the litter but I intend to be beside you when we speak to your father face-to-face, we cannot do a video chat that would be insulting to him.

Randy exited the bathroom area with a wet cloth gently wiping his face. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go off but I'm so sick.

Wallace walked up to Randy and wrapped his arms around him. Don't worry about it, babes I'll be with you every moment of the day as you carry our children. You will never ever need nor want for anything; we just have to decide where we are going to live.

That's very easy, a special housing allotment and if your father will approve it a pod home, it will be delivered to your family farm and we will raise our children there along with their cousins.

I kinda figured you want to stay at the Z1.

It's nice and the Spinelli's are fantastic they took us and when we had nothing after they rescued us from the consortium's grip but I want to be my own person and raise our family our way. The children will go to schooling at the Z1 yes and they will learn everything there is to learn in the human and Genmen ways of life, but this is our time and our family.

Anne White showed up at the main gate of the Z, she was very insistent that she speak with the Spinelli's.

Ben was going through a crisis of his own. Clarence had left the newborn at the house and disappeared. He asked the neighbor to listen for the baby and to feed the baby a bottle if he got hungry before he returned. It had been almost 5 hours and still no Clarence so something was very wrong. Ben called Zach and filled him in on all of the information, now he had to deal with JJ's mother for some reason.

Good afternoon Ms. White I hope everything is okay we are going through a little bit here so you will have to bear with me.

I don't mean to take up any of your time but I lied to Jimmy John, I told him that his father whatever he wanted to do with his life was his business when it's just the opposite. My husband is on his way here and he is pissed off at me. Our only child to survive is in his words lying in sin with an abomination of nature. I screwed up so bad.

Walk with me, your first name again is what?

My first name is Anne, what is the urgency may I ask?

Earlier today one of our first timers gave birth and it seems that he is disappeared for the moment. Now the baby is fine and were going to go the house and check on him.

How can a parent walk off and leave a newborn? Not meaning to question anything but he doesn't sound like he's wrapped too tight mentally.

Some Genman just like humans make wonderful parents and there are the other ones that just are so, so as parents. Clarence should not have had the child this early in his life span he was on his first full cycle when he was impregnated by a Rogue breeder in township. It was not the ideal pregnancy and even though the birthing process went okay he was traumatized. JJ did great in the delivery room and so did Ceeb. It was Zach's idea to throw the two boys into the situation before they ever decided to go to the conception station. He figured it they couldn't handle that part of it they had no business and becoming parents together.

Let's go get this baby it sounds like it needs some attention from a parent of some sort.

May I ask you what did you mean by your only surviving child?

My husband and I have had plenty of heartache when it comes to carrying a child full-term before Jimmy was born, I lost two at six months and at 5 ½ months gestation. Then I have lost four more since he was born. The doctors everywhere said that there's nothing wrong with me but it's just not the right time for me to be pregnant. I blamed myself, my husband blamed himself but they say that this just happens with some couples. That's the reason I wanted to make sure that Jimmy John had someone that was strong and could bear children for him. And that's how I met up with Ceeb's dad on the forum for mixed couples. We were both looking for the same thing for our children, the perfect mate.

You could hear John Matthew screaming his head off before they arrived, that kid had a set of lungs on him. The neighbor was at odds because the baby wanted nothing to do with him or anyone else.

Anne like an old seasoned pro walked up and took John Matthew from the neighbor kissed him on the forehead and gently placed the bottle in his mouth and began to talk to him in a hushed voice. John Matthew settled down and began to nurse the bottle intently as Anne gently rocked him to and fro.

Ben chuckled; crisis averted now to find that daddy.

Zach dialed Ben's number making a call that he hoped he would never have to make.

Ben answered the phone; well have you found him yet and what the hell is he up to?

It's not good Ben, replied Zach. I at the Township and there was an incident, Clarence got into an altercation with a much larger Genman, he was struck upside the jaw, the force was so great that it snapped his neck.

Excuse me; what the hell did you just say. Ben's voice began to waver and started to break.

We will bring him back to the ranch as soon as the investigation is over. We have no idea who the other party was or where he went.

Ben; Clarence is dead.

Zach, we have the baby here, he's not a mere five hours old and you're telling me that he has no parent now to raise him?

Yes, my love regretfully so, we will need a surrogate family until we can locate someone to take him permanently.

Ben had to take a seat, he looked over to Anne who was holding John Matthew in her arms gently consoling and loving on him.

Anne realized from the expression and the tears starting to come from Ben's eyes that something terrible had happened.

We'll see each other when you return home my love, take care of him and show him respect please.

Madison and I will be there when everything here is completed.

Is everything okay Ben; asked Anne and what can I do to help?

You're doing all you can right now, and no everything is not all right. I've got start making arrangements for the baby. He's now an orphan.

Anne was shocked at the news. Don't worry I'll watch him, he's in a safe place.

Thank you, Anne; I have no doubt that he is great hands.

Ben went outside to clear his mind. When he saw a very nice-looking Human wandering up the sidewalk.

Excuse me sir; I'm trying to locate my wife? Her name is Anne White, I understand she's supposed to be here somewhere on this Ranch with one of the owners.

Ben smiled; you must be the incredible Jim Bo White I suppose?

Guilty as charged Sir, so do you know where my wife might be and who do I have the privilege of speaking to.

Looks and good manners all in one, I think that she must have you trained and very well and Ben chuckled. By the way my name is Ben Spinelli together with my husband Zach we own the Z1 ranch.

So, I suppose my wife is near then?

She's inside the house taking care of a little glitch that we have. Normally we are a lot more formal than this but a tragedy has befallen the Z1 today and she is helping out.

I'm very sorry to hear that there's a problem, do I need to do anything or am I interfering?

Not at all Jim, I think that you're just what the situation needs let's sit down and speak.

Earlier today one of our young dad's delivered his first, everything was as well as could be expected. For some reason he left the child here and went back to the Township I guess only he knows what really took place. They are still gathering information but there seemed to be a dispute between him and another Genmen that pursued into an assault in which the young man lost his life leaving a newborn behind with no other parent.

Your wife is inside taking care of the infant at this time until we can arrange a foster or adoptive family for him. Due to the nature of his dad's demise, I fear for his safety as well.

Mr. Spinelli if my wife is caring for the infant, I wouldn't worry about the little boy's well-being if someone intended harm to him, I would worry about their own safety. My wife hasn't been herself since we lost our last six months ago.

Yes, and it's Ben by the way, we don't stand on formalities. Anne and I have spoken about the difficulties that she's faced and believe me I feel for the both of you having lost one myself in my earlier years. It's not something you ever forget or even get over it just something that you deal with when the memories come back.

Yes, I understand I guess that's why she was so insistent that Jimmy John find a good mate even if it was with a Genman to bear his young. Do you know where he's at and what's going on?

Well, I can tell you this much, I was not privy to any of the arrangements between Ceeb's dad and your Wife. But they are at this point in time at the conception center, getting to know one another before they start their life as parents.

So, you're telling me that he has already met the young Genman and they are in a situation where a child will result?

Yes, I'm telling you that you will soon be a grandfather whether you will it or not, it's just what happens when two young viable individuals get together. Don't worry about them I know that he will always be your little boy, but he's grown-up and ready to start a life of his own. Normally this would not have been allowed until both parties went through training and schooling on parenthood but it seems that Singer and Anne had other ideas about who their children would end up with. And from what I can understand the boys hit it off right away, in fact your son delivered John Matthew into this world.

The baby's name is John Matthew?

That's the name the dad gave him, he was named after your son and the Dr. who was attending the delivery.

Is the baby, okay?

He is perfect, a very good weight at birth a strong set of lungs and a voracious appetite. So, I would say he's doing okay because he has someone wonderful looking after him. You can go inside the house and meet up with your wife. I'm going to stay outside and gather my thoughts.

Jim Bo walked up to the door turned the door knob and walked inside. Setting in a rocking chair gently rocking the tyke was his wife as she sang to John Matthew, he gently walked up and kneeled down beside the chair as she smiled.

Jim; he's beautiful and he's all alone now. No one to love him, no one to hold him and tell him that everything will be all right.

Jim smiled; looks like he's stolen your heart already.

I'm just helping out; I know I have no right to feel this way but he is beautiful.

John Matthew reached out and grasped Jim's finger and squeezed it tight.

Jim's heart melted, it felt like an electrical shock going through his entire being. This child was something new to him, the feeling was nothing like he had ever experienced before other than holding his own son Jimmy John when he was firstborn. Jim wiped away a tear and cleared his throat, we don't need to get too attached can you imagine bringing this one home to the neighborhood. Talk about tongues wagging from all the busybodies.

Let them say one vile word Jim and I'll whip some asses. Nobody will ever speak bad about him; he's done nothing wrong and already suffered a major loss.

There is my wildcat, it's so good to see you again. Just take care this little boy, he's too precious.

Ben had entered the house without either of them noticing. He cleared his throat; you know that we're looking if you're serious.

Jim stood up and turned around, you mean you would consider a human couple to raise a pure Genman child?

What better choice is there to help integrate Genmen Orphans into both worlds. There's no doubt that he will get all the love and protection that he will ever need. He was delivered by your own son, so John Matthew could be a little brother to him. I know that he will never take the place of any of the children that you have lost, but he could fill the void in your heart.

Zach listened in on the conversation from the porch, he walked inside. I think it's a wonderful idea, if you're game.

Jim Bo smiled; where do we signup at?

Anne looked at her husband; are you serious Jim Bo?

Anyone that can put a smile on your face, is perfect for our family.

Now I don't know how this really works for Genmen, what about his family or the biological father can they come back in and take him away from us?

Zach smiled; absolutely not and the reason I say this is Clarence was a ward of the Z1 and has no known biological parentage contact. He was born in the consortium and raised in a rookery style housing until he was liberated by the GBI in a raid on the facility that he was being held at. Likewise, the biological father has no legal claim to the child because he went against policy and Genmen rule of law. So, the two of you really have nothing to worry about.

Zach remember the rules of raising a Genman child. He must be educated in all things human and Genmen. And because his biological dad was a ward of the Z1 he is entitled to a complete education of his choice fully funded.

You're right Ben, Z1 will absorb any and all educational costs incurred by the child no matter where he is raised and by what parents raise him. So, Jim Bo and Anne you just have to decide for yourselves if you wish to raise a pure blood Genman child in your human home. You will find that a pureblood is docile and noncombative but pushed to the extreme by another they will defend themselves up until a certain point.

And I suppose that point is when they transition into adulthood and they go into cycle?

Well, it seems that Jim Bo isn't so unenlightened when area of Genmen comes around.

No Sir I have read every article that I can get my hands on to that has been published by humans and Genmen especially the Z1 ranch. I wasn't pleased when I found out that my only son had decided thanks to his mother to bond with a Genman, but after reading numerous articles I understand how the combination of the two species strengthens the children and will help carry us forward as a unified species.

Well, my gosh, my husband has finally decided to see the light.

Yes, in that I owe you a very big thank you an apology my wife. And I also owe our son and his new mate my total support. It's going to take getting used to the rapid growth patterns of a Genman child that we will raise as our own plus the grandchildren that will be coming along thanks to Jimmy John and Ceeb.

You two will do just fine, we will start packing up things here at the house belonged to Clarence so that John Matthew can have them later in life. So that he remembers what sacrifice that was made so he could survive. We are going to have one of our guest cottages prepared so that the two of you can spend a couple of days here with the child getting used to everything. You will be the guest of the Z1 and you will find everything that you need available to you. We will assign you a young Genman so that he can escort you and keep you informed of everything in the proper way that it should be done so that tradition in the Genmen style can be observed.

Ben, I'm thinking you know how dangerous it is when I think, what do you think about one of the younglings that is just starting his second year. One of the rescues that has a very positive outlook where it comes to humans and what he wishes for his future?

Are you considering who I think you're considering Zach? A certain young consortium rescue that came to us a little older than one celebration but was very strong willed?

Precisely, I'll have Madison go pick up Stefan and bring him here to this location so he can meet the Whites.

What my husband is proposing and I think would be a wonderful gesture is to assign you a live in an assistant to help bridge the gap between the two cultures. Certain Genmen traits are in ingrained in genetics and must be handled very carefully so that there is no rejection.

I don't understand Mr. Spinelli, the baby is a baby they don't come pre-programmed?

Unfortunately, Genmen do Anne especially purebloods because it was part of their genetic coding when they were developed. But with Stefan something went wrong in the coding and he is strong-willed to be inquisitive and in his learning. Do you mind if he's brought by so that the three of you can speak and Ben and myself will stay here so that there's an adjustment. If you do not feel comfortable around him because he is so profoundly outspoken even at two celebrations old, we can dismiss him.

Sounds good to me replied Jim Bo, this is going be a learning curve for everyone. Tell me a little bit about this Stefan?

He's a pureblood replied Ben, big for his age but he has already made his orientation known. He will grow up to be a carrier, but he has also stipulated that he will only carry for a human that will accept him as a mate.

So how big will Stefan get in size if you don't mind me asking?

Jim, I hate to say for sure because sometimes Genmen don't progress past pre-transition size but at his current growth pattern were looking 6 foot 8 to 7 foot 2 so he would need a human that could accommodate him.

That's going to be one big boy. What will his daily nutritional intake require?

No different from any other teenager, so that means he will eat you out a house and home. He has an affinity for chocolate cakes, he would eat those 24/7 but we require a well-balanced diet even at the dormitories where he stays.

Dormitories why isn't the child in someone's home?

We have more rescues from the consortium shutdowns and raids than our homes can provide. We have tried to go to the human community and get sponsors but hasn't always worked. You see prepubescent purebloods are very inquisitive and sometimes they do things that in the human world that are considered to be unwarranted or even unwanted.

They need a certain amount of privacy as their body develops, and sometimes they get into situations with human boys that are not always the best.

You mean as the young man starts to mature, he starts acting out and becomes horny and will play around a little bit with others? Hell, that's any red-blooded human young man. We may not be spring chickens when it comes to raising children but were not prudes, Jimmy John had his moments, especially when his mother walked into his bedroom unannounced and he was flogging the log. I don't know who was more embarrassed my wife or her son.

Anne chuckled; I didn't know how to approach it; my young boy had matured to a full-fledged young man that had nothing to be embarrassed about. The only thing I could say was next time please like your door or put a sign out.

Well, you will find Genmen youth the same way replied Zach in fact when Tim experienced his physical change in his body, he couldn't keep his damn hand off of it. It got so bad that I set up a cottage and moved him to the cottage at the equivalent of 16 human years because he was a hybrid it was even worse, he had two desires and that confused him. Ben helped out as much as he could but at that time, we were taking a break. But Tim grew up to be a well-adjusted young man and other than an incident that was none of his fault, he is become a son that both of us are proud of.

The doorbell rang; that will be Madison delivering Stefan to the front door are you ready to meet him remarked Zach?

Bring him on, my wife and I will gladly discuss with the young man the possibilities.

Zach opened the door and standing there was a young man about 6-foot 2 wavy blonde hair and blue eyes, you could tell by the build of the young man that he was going to be massive when he transitioned.

Please come on in Stefan I would like for you to meet Jim Bo and Anne White and their new ward John Matthew. This is an impromptu interview so that if everything works out you will be staying with them at their home in the city.

You will be there to help them with John Matthew so that they know Genman culture and difficulties with Genmen pure blood children. If successful this will give you a chance to soak up and embrace human culture that you have made very abundantly clear that you wish to learn.

Stefan was beside himself, he never thought that he would get the chance to meet humans from off of the ranch.

Thank you so very much for considering me for this position, I will do everything that I possibly can to ease your compatibility with the pureblood child. I will assist with housework, cleaning, any kind of physical labor outside of the home that is desired. I will do all of these things on top of furthering my education in the human culture and society.

Jim Bo took a seat on the sofa and indicated that Stefan should have a seat which he did. Okay young man I understand that you've had an interesting and turbulent life so far. My wife and I will assist you in any way that we can, but we have to know what you expect to gain from living in our household as a family member.

Sir; I am a servant in your home, I am there to learn from you and your wife if I do something that displeases you, you'll have every right to send me back here to the ranch.

Anne broke her silence; you will never ever be a servant in our home young man, you will be treated as a member of the family who is assisting us so that we can learn about Genmen culture and raising Genmen from your perspective. You will call me mom and you can call Jim Bo, father if you wish, any child that lives under our roof will be under our care and our protection. You will learn things that may not be pleasing to you about some humans and how they interact with Genmen but if anyone ever raises a hand or threatens you, we will take care of that person.

I don't understand; I am to call you mother and father yet I still need to teach you?

Ben chuckled; Stefan it looks like you hit the jackpot here, you will represent the Z1 but more so you will represent yourself. You will grow into a fine young man and you will be whatever you wish to be as long as you take the initiative to be educated and help take care of John Matthew.

Mr. Ben, they do know that after I mature and transition, I will eventually find a mate and I will make myself available and carry children for him. I have always made it known that I am a carrier, I don't know if they're ready for that?

The more grandchildren the merrier, your mom will love to spoil them. You have an older brother's name is Jimmy John, he and his new mate Ceeb are trying to conceive one of their own here at the conception center.

So, you have another child, and he will be my big brother? I get a real family?

We get a whole year with you before you transition, and our job is to protect you and your job is to protect your little brother, then learn and grow to become a wonderful young man.

Mr. Zach are you and Mr. Ben really okay with me learning the ways of the outside place?

Stefan if we were not sure that you were ready, we never would've recommended you for the responsibility.

Not only will you learn about the outside you will become part of their family. Something that you have never had the chance of having. But with the adventure comes responsibility. This is your last year before your transition and you will be changing a lot.

There are a lot of things that your new parents will have to understand about you, Ben and I have tried to educate you along with some of the new younglings about the troubles that you can get into, through our classroom education but nothing will compare to real life experiences. I'm sure there are other young boys around your age and some older ones that you will want to get to know you. You will need to watch out especially for the older boys that are looking to prey upon younger ones. But that could happen anywhere especially if you let yourself get carried away if you do not follow the personal protection rules.

You mean, keeping myself covered and not let anyone touch me there?

Precisely, it is very important that you don't get too curious and show and tell others, then acting out upon your newfound urges.

I understand Sirs; but what if they ask about me, am I allowed to tell them?

Yes, you will be sort of a goodwill ambassador for all Genmen on the Ranch's.

Stefan swelled with pride and readily accepted the offer. I need to pack up my belongings before I'm expected to leave, when should I do this and say goodbye to the others at the dorm.

Zach spoke; you will have a couple of days. Your parents need to have time to settle with John Matthew and tell Jimmy John of the new developments. So, I believe you have time, why don't you show your father around the ranch and get a malted at the center on me. I believe you need some personal bonding time. Just between the guys.

Stefan was all smiles and excitement.

Anne interjected; John Matthew and I will be just fine; you boys get acquainted when you return, we will be waiting in the guest quarters 2-D.

Jim Bo leaned down and kissed his wife and John Matthew, so Stefan I guess the two of us need to get to know one another.

Stefan smiled and the two walked away.

Both of the young men were very nervous, neither knew to make the first move. J.J. spoke first; I've never done anything before so I guess that we can learn together.

Ceeb chuckled; I've only viewed one breeding in class and read all the manuals, but they don't tell you what to do with the bugs crawling in my stomach.

They are call butterflies according to my mother not bugs.

Wow our first disagreement and we haven't even bonded yet chuckled Ceeb. This caused JJ to laugh out.

We can always take a shower together so we can get used to our bare bodies; suggested JJ.

Ceeb smiled; race you to the water and he took off to the shower stripping off his clothes as he ran.

J.J. followed suite and headed to the shower, hopping as he tried to pull off his shoes along the way.

Wallace couldn't stop smiling as he looked at Randy as he rested, conception had been rough on him especially the sickness that followed.

Randy spoke as he lay there resting with his eyes closed; You know we have to face your family sooner than later and ask for permission to place our living quarters there.

I thought you were sleeping.

Just resting my eyes. I've got a lot to consider now that we have been joined.

Like what do you have to consider?

What will we do if I have to take off work before my delivery time, can we make it with what we have saved and having to purchase new things for the baby?

That is one thing that you don't have to worry about Randy, I have this handled and if you have to take off work early that's okay. No matter where we are living you will have someone who will be beside you all the time. If we live on my family's farm someone will always be there or if we stay on the ranch, I'm sure that there's plenty around to help out.

I can't help but worry, this is my first and there's a lot to consider.

This is our first Randy; and we will do just fine. Will we be perfect parent's hell no, we will make mistakes just like every other parent does but we will do our best for the child.

But Wallace what if our best is not good enough and we leave the boy lacking in his ability to face the world. He will be hybrid and different from either of us.

But you forget something Randy, he is the best of both of us and we will help him along the way to become his very best.

If he turns out like me you know what his life's gonna be like, nature will make the decision for him no matter what he wishes to be. But if he takes after you, he doesn't have to wonder if he will be a good mate for someone.

And what you chopped liver, Randy you're perfect just the way you are that's what I love about you. You are the ideal mate for me, even though I wasn't ready to see it before you have always been the perfect one for me.

You just say that now because you knocked me up and I'm with your child.

I didn't knock you up, we conceived a child because of the way that we feel for each other. We should've done this a long time ago but I was just stupid Randy. I've felt for you a long time ago but I was too pigheaded to believe in myself that I could feel this way about someone else. Yes, there's a lot to overcome when you're attracted to someone that you've been told all of your life is less than you. My father was not the ideal parent to set a good example for others.

Stop right there Wallace Chetman, your father has the right to believe the way he wishes. He has his own beliefs you have your beliefs I have mine. We must prevail upon him to accept what we believe in each other, or he will miss out on a life with his grandchildren, this will not be our only one we will have a house full knowing you.

Wallace the chuckled, once you go vent you don't go back.

How crude, once you go vent you don't go back. Like there was any other direction for you, the first day I saw you. You smiled like I child that had just seen its first lollipop you wanted to lick it.

Yep, I've been licking it ever since then, haven't I?

You Crude man, but that's what I like about you, no that's what I love about you Wallace Chetman. Now if you will give me a chance to shower and freshen myself up, we need to go talk to your family.

That gives me an idea, what you say we have one have a little good clean fun in the shower just to make sure that you are carrying a Chetman child.

Oh, you nasty man. I'll be waiting in the shower and you can explore every nook and cranny of my body as we have some good clean fun. Randy jumped out of bed and rushed to the showers.

Ceeb braced himself against the wall as JJ slid up behind him. He gasped as he felt his vent being opened for the first time. He felt the opening stretching to accommodate his mate's cock.

JJ like any young hot-blooded human knew the basics, he grabbed his mate by his hips and thrust deep into his vent. The only hesitation occurred when his cock hit and ripped the membrane opening Ceeb's womb.

Ceeb through his head backwards as the pain hit him when his innocence was removed by his mate.

JJ wrapped his arms around Ceeb to steady him, his legs were failing to support him. JJ nibbled on his neck as the two became one. When he felt Ceeb regain his strength he began to thrust in and out. Their love making took on a whole different urgency. This was a breeding, and JJ was going to make sure that his mate was carrying his child as he began to thrust so vigorously into Ceeb's newly opened vent that he was lifting him off the shower floor.

No matter what he felt, there was no pain it was only joy and pleasure that his mate was bringing him. Ceeb began to feel his body fluctuating as it opened to accept his mate and the seed that his mate would soon deposit into his inner sanctum of fertility.

After about 30 minutes of stiff board banging like a human piledriver, JJ slammed into his mate as hard as he could and gripped him even tighter as he felt the first rush of semen traveling from his balls and projected up into his mate.

Ceeb felt the first volley of seed being released into his body and the explosions that took place within, without a doubt he knew that he had been impregnated this first time. The burning in his stomach started and excruciating pains wracked his body. The cascading waters and the closeness of his mate holding him helped.

JJ remembered everything that he had read about conception between humans and Genmen and gently began to rub in circular motions the lower abdominal region of Ceeb as he held him.

Ceeb felt the emotional outburst as his hormones changed, tears of joy began to roll down his cheeks as he was being held by his mate and impregnated with their first child. This would be the first of many to be conceived for them.

Wallace took a deep breath as Randy stood by his side. They stood at the door to his father's home. Well, we can always turn around and go to your place and avoid the drama remarked Wallace.

Randy held onto his mate's hand; I'm beside you never doubt that. It's now or never.

A voice came from behind the two. It was Warren Chetman; That door isn't going to open itself.

Wallace jumped at the sound of his father's voice. He placed himself in front of Randy. Father, I didn't realize you were not in the house, I guess that you must have some questions for me?

Not really my oldest son, but I do have an apology for you.

An apology for what sir?

For being a stubborn pigheaded ignorant ass when it comes to you boys. If your mother were still alive you would've grown up differently. But with me I raised you boys wearing blinders, I couldn't look around and see would you were facing as you grew up because I was to wrapped up in my own pity. Now would you like to introduce the person that you have with you to me? Do I get to meet my new son-in-law?

You know Sir, how?

It could be that someone took a video of the event and made sure that it found the way to my phone device. I am a little disappointed that I did not get to attend but the way I treated you and spoken about others I can't blame you for keeping such a perfect young man to yourself.

Wallace was all smiles as he wrapped his arm around Randy and pulled him to his side. Father this is Randy he is part of my life he is my mate and the future dad of our children. The first one that he carries already in his body, and I can tell you that nothing was done before we were joined. I own my little brother an apology for the way I treated him and his mate when they showed up here with the baby, Curtis straightened me out and got me thinking correctly.

Warren walked up to Randy and embraced him and patted him on the back; welcome to the family young man you will always have a home here on the farm if you and my son decide to stay here but honestly, I can't blame you if you want to stay at the ranch. The Spinelli's have been very good to my family and if it hadn't been for Ben the boys wouldn't have had much growing up. He made a promise to my late wife and he kept up his end of the bargain making sure this family was looked after he is a true friend.

Excuse me Sir but I think I'm going to be sick; can you show me the way to the bathroom please. Randy was a little embarrassed.

Show your mate to the bathroom please and grabbed him a rag of cold water. Looks like it's going be a rough pregnancy.

The three went into the house, Wallace and Randy bypassed everyone and went directly to the bathroom.

Louie inquired, is everything okay?

Young man everything is just fine it seems that Randy has a case of the day sickness but it should pass as the pregnancy progresses.

If you don't mind, I'll see if I can help. I don't think Wallace will be that attentive but I could be wrong responded Louie.

Father, can we talk inquired Curtis?

Not a problem my son, I'm open to all suggestions.

Let's take a seat this is going to be different.

So, you finally coming out and telling me that you're gay, if that's the big secret your mother and I knew for years that you were different from the other boys.

How did you know, I've never told anyone not even myself?

A father knows when his child is different, and is not a bad thing is just to you are, and you're finally coming out to everyone. There will be some that do not care to be around you but that is their loss. But they better watch their tongue while they're in my presence or I will rearrange their teeth, it's a father's prerogative.

Well, I met somebody father, I love him and he loves me but it's a little more complicated than what it seems.

What's wrong is he ugly, married or any other strange things is his skin a green?

Curtis chuckled; no father he's not green but he is a pureblood Genmen breeder. We have become fond of each other's company and he asked me to be his mate. He has asked me to be the father of his child. I will assume the role of dad or in our case caretaker of the child. He works at construction and he is in the conception program as a breeder but he is decided that I shall impregnate him and he will carry our children and only our children however many we do have.

I want to meet this young man that has taken your heart, I want to look into his eyes and be for sure that he does not intend to hurt you.

Father, he would never hurt me, Troupe is the kindest person that I know, he is always so sweet to me and gentle.

I don't need to know anything other than he treat you good, what you do personally between the two of you is your business and no one else's. But I guess I could use a house full of grandchildren. And you coming to me pleases me, now that only leaves your brother Dale.

I don't mean to talk a bad about my brother but father Dale is a slut. If it moves, he will mail it, one is days he's going to get caught going behind someone's back and they going to be the hell out of him from some of the wrong mate. I wouldn't doubt that one of us boys will have to put in his place.

I know what you mean I have to watch the livestock around him, he has a constant hard on and always sticking it in something. Hello were lucky and try to screw a rackknar, talk about some ugly kids I mean he has game but he doesn't have the best of looks.

Curtis busted out laughing, can you imagine if Dale crossed with the rackknar it might be an improvement. I'm sorry father I didn't mean to disrespect my brother like that but were you had an off day when you and mom conceived him.

Well; I think the best part of him ran out and ended up as a brown stain on the bed sheets personally. Warren Chetman busted out laughing, if your mother heard me right now, I'd have to duck from the frying pan that would be launched at my head.

The two were still cracking up when Dale walked through. Tall lanky, curly Brown hair that no matter how much it was combed it still looked unkept.

What you two find so funny inquired Dale?

No nothing, just thinking about a rackknar remarked Curtis, which brought another round of chuckles from his father.

Those foul critters, had to chase a pair of them stuck together out of the garden today. Those things will screw in a heartbeat, that matter if they are in heat or not, they still screw.

Before Curtis could stop himself, he popped off, what are you jealous because they didn't ask you to join in so you could have a threesome?

Dale wheeled around and took a swing at his older brother but his fist was stopped dead in the air by his father when he grabbed his hand within his.

There will be none of that in this house young man. You're the one that walks around acting like a slut trying to nail everything that you can get your hands on.

Dale couldn't say anything so he stuffed his hands in his pocket and huffed off and went back outside.

Curtis; tell that young man of yours to come around for supper tomorrow. I want to meet the young man that has captivated your heart.

Yes father; I will I guess I need to lay out a few things to thaw. I can get fresh stuff at the market but we've already got last year's crops we need to consume.

Nothing to it make sure that is a fresh meal, and proved to the man that you can hold your own that you been taught well and you are a bargain no matter what.

Yes Sir; shall I tell the others to expect a meal?

I'll let you know and they better damn well be on their best behavior. I want his introduction to go correctly and not after the fact.

Thank you, father; I really didn't know how to approach you about everything. Curtis hugged his father's neck.

Warren Chetman was very proud of his son in fact all of his sons he loved them no matter what their faults might be. His late wife had made sure to bless them well.

Warren picked up his phone and dialed Ben Spinelli's number. He waited as the phone trilled.

Hello you got Ben's phone how can I help you answered Ben.

Ben this is Warren I need to talk to you about one of my boys. He's a little bit too wild and out of control. You got place in that stud service program where you need a human to make a few hybrids. Figure if he's in a try to nail everything in the Valley here we might as well get a little use out of him by putting him at stud.

Ben started to chuckle; you must be talking about your son Dale. I've been meaning to talk to you about that boy, he's a little too rambunctious, we have to keep a close eye on him when the young ones come into cycle for the first time. He's always trying to talk them into an alleyway.

Yeah, you got that right. Fred one more and I'm going to walk out that front door and find him stuck to a rackknar in heat trying to make something ugly.

Ben busted out laughing, you are so wrong for that one Warren Chetman so wrong but I'm afraid you're correct also. Tell you what send him by to see me at the conception center and were going to enroll him in the program. May not be the best in looks but he's got good size and structure on him.

Okay Ben I'll talk to you later.

Brad was privy to the conversation that his father had just had with Mr. Ben and he couldn't believe his ears. Father, I know that that's not any of my business but are you sure that you want to do that?

Anything to keep the boy out of any conflicts or any trouble. At least if he's having reproductive sex through the program that they have at the conception center possibly he won't be called by jealous lover laid up with their mate. Who knows he might even find him one that he can hook up with.

I guess you and Mr. Ben know what you're doing but I hope you don't breed with ugly ones because that's gonna be an ugly child, two wrongs do not make a right. Even mama said that, she always said he better find a pretty one because it takes after him, you would have to tie a bone around his neck to get a rackknar play with the kid.

Dale came tromping out of the kitchen with ½ eaten starbird in his hand. What you two looking at me for, I'm hungry and ain't nothing hot just these leftovers.

When you get through devouring that poor dead bird, clean yourself up dress up nicely and go over to the Z1 and get a hold of Mr. Ben. He's got a secondary job for you to do, you should like what our plans are, and you will take the job.

Dale wheeled around and went back into the kitchen. What am I packed mule or workhorse he thought to himself if it isn't one thing it's something else.

Coming soon the Z1 Ranch P -- 132 in the ongoing saga of the Z1.


I hope that everyone is still enjoying the storyline I know is running a little slow and sluggish but I'm working on everything still trying to perfect the new programs that I'm using.

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Next: Chapter 133

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