The Z-1 Ranch

By cgf2662

Published on Jul 8, 2024


The Z-1 Ranch P-144 CGW©

Ted walked up to the table at the court, I'm so sorry for being late. Teddy was being a brat having a total meltdown so he's in a timeout.

So exactly where is he at Ted inquired Ben?

He's with his dad and Mason, and that is one place I would not wish to be at this point in time because he messed up big time.

It can't be that bad, the boy is only nine months old.

And has the mouth of a 50-year-old space Capt. Mason asked him to pick up some toys that he dumped on the floor and he turned around and looked at him and replied "I don't have to do anything that you tell me to do because you ain't no fucking nothing to me you're just somebody my daddy sleeps with"

Mason snatched that boy up before he had a chance to do anything and set his little ass on fire. When he got finished with him, he sat him down the couch told him not to move an inch or even a muscle if he did, he would get twice as worse the next time.

Well did it work asked Zach?

Of course not, he jumped right back up there and said fuck you, I'll do what that hell I want to do. That prompted Tim to get involved, and he turned Teddy's bare ass cherry red. I didn't say a word I didn't get involved, I just told them I would see them later to have fun.

Sounds like Luther when he was growing up, boy would challenge Ben every second he got a chance. You need to quit talking to the boy and put more action. I spoke to Luther, I calmed Luther I placated to him and he played me every chance he got, remarked Zach.

I was afraid that I would hurt the child because I might get carried away, but what I can see he is tough and it will take more than a simple spanking to get him straightened up.

Connor started to chuckle, sounds like me at that age my mother said that I had a mouth on me and I challenge authority every chance I got. My dad talked; mom was the disciplinary enforcer. Don't worry you are just preparing him for the future, I think I turned out fairly well and I'll let you know Chris was just as bad as I was. Beth always took the hardline I took the soft-line until one day I had enough and I turned his world inside out. After we had a serious come to heart meeting and he wasn't able to sit straight for about three days he changed his attitude. I'm not saying it's perfect but he does have an older sister and Brooke will lay his butt flat out if he gets out of line with her.

I'm sorry have we met Sir?

My bad, I'm Connor Stevens this is my wife Beth and the little one we haven't named yet, but our older two children Brooke and Chris are at the Museum with Hunter and Stephen under the watchful eye of Ty.

There will be no problems there, Ty runs a very tight ship. He and Sonja have volunteered to watch Teddy whenever I need them to, but I really don't want to put him through his attitude.

You think Ty is tough, let Teddy get sideways was Sonja and he will have a new respect and outlook on life, replied Ben.

That's what Tim told me, with them becoming parents for the first time he said it would give them some hands-on training.

Stevens, Stevens Limited do you know that company inquired Tim?

It belonged to my parents, I run it at this time what's left of it, times have not been easy since my parents passed away.

Let me introduce myself Theodore Wallace of TW industries. I know this is supposed to be a holiday weekend but we may need to speak a little business if you've got the time. But right now, I need me a malted and some crispy fries. So, I am out of place here and there are quite a few people around this table that I haven't been introduced to as of yet.

Everybody spoke up and started introducing each other, Ted was very interested in the Blasingame's. He felt with everybody that was at the table a lot of business could come their way if everything worked out.

Broadway, I need to ask of you a gigantic favor, Remarked Ted.

What is it Sir, how can I try to assist you.

I know that your exclusive at the main house, but the office building is now finished and it's too sterile. I need your advice on what shrubs and flowers to plant. I don't want the workers coming in and seeing nothing but concrete. I wanted to be something welcoming to workers and future customers alike.

That should not be a problem, but I will need some helpers because of my timing.

What you mean your timing Broadway?

I'm with, and I don't want to chance it, this is my first time and I'm 30. I know a pureblood and we are supposed to be perfect at everything that we do but I do not wish to take a chance. In the old days you would been bred and sent right back to the mines but this isn't the old days and I have too much respect for myself to do something stupid.

Hot damn congratulations, so is this the lucky person sitting next to you dressed just like you?

My name is Brooklyn, and yes, I am very lucky to have met Broadway. Like him I was afraid that I would never find someone for me. We are doing a double carry so that we can build our family.

Are you moving here to the Z1, I know that's personal but hey inquiring minds want to know.

I will be living in the city during the week and on the weekends, I will be here at the Z1 with Broadway living in our home. I have commitments to my parents and I would never turn my back on them because they were there for me when no one else was.

Loyalty and honor to one's parents is a very good attribute to have remarked Ted. What do your parents think about your choice?

Bill spoke up, his mother and I couldn't be happier, we are thoroughly delighted that he has found someone such as he has. I always told him that it would happen when he least expected, his one would come along.

You are his parents Ted said with a surprised look on his face?

Agnes smiled yes, we adopted Brooklyn when he needed us the most, we actually needed him more than he ever needed us. For us it was a win-win situation.

Mom, without your wisdom and guidance you know for a fact I would've never made it between you and father you have brought so much into my life. You make sure that I was educated, that I knew the worth of a good day's work. You've treated me with respect ever since we met and y'all took me in, helped me through the most difficult time in my life and with one of the most difficult decisions I ever had to make.

Connor spoke up, and for that I myself am very grateful. I have been doubly blessed by your parent's dad.

Brooklyn cringed a little when he heard Connor refer to him and his dad. He smiled at his son.

There's nothing to be embarrassed about dad, you did something for me that was so unselfish. You knew that you were not capable of caring for the child that you gave birth to so your parents helped you and me by finding me a loving home with two of the best people in the world my mother and my father, rest their souls.

Bill cleared his throat; I think we've had enough touchy-feely today and we need to celebrate, Mr. Ben you had something in mind?

Yes, I did Bill, this is a little impromptu luncheon as a meet and greet. But we would be honored if you would be our guest here at the Z1 for the Celebrations on Remembrance Day. Connor you and Beth are also invited to stay here in one of the cottages. I can let you know right now that we have a very special honored guest and resident of the Z1 who will be performing in the music Hall. Zach made a phone call and one of our wayward ones is on his way home, Zion will perform here at the Z1 on Monday.

Agnes lit up like a fireball, Zion is going to be here? You're kidding me, do you know how hard it is to even get a ticket to one of his concerts. I had Brooklyn carry me and we made a date of it that night, Bill wasn't feeling well so I asked Brooklyn to stand in for his father. It was the best time that I had ever had, and if I'm not mistaken, he enjoyed himself.

Mother who would not enjoy listening to music played by such an accomplished individual, he has broken down barriers between humans and Genmen alike. He is helping to heal the rift in between our two races.

Beth grabbed her husband's arm and squeezed it tightly; we are staying Connor Stevens. I don't care what you think but I am not going to miss a chance to see someone that I have wanted to see ever since I heard his music on the radio. Can you imagine in person live; Brooke is going to have a complete meltdown. She is so in love with him, she knows that she's only 16 and he is involved with his mate but she said if she ever could meet him, it would make her life.

Zach chuckled; I think we can make that happen. In fact, if he has time, he might even do a private performance at the main house in the study.

Oh, she wouldn't need anything like that just seeing him here would be plenty.

Conner laughed and told Beth not to get too excited, he was just a person playing a piano. That started it.

Connor Stevens don't you even go there, you wouldn't know good music if it had five horns polka dotted skin and purple hair. As far as you're concerned a couple of Racknars getting it on out the yard his music to you. You might be a lot of things in life and know lot of things but you are so tone deaf that when you try to sing the shower it sounds like a poor Racknar in the middle-of-the-road is been run over five times by transit buses dying a slow and agonizing death.

Everyone busted out laughing at Beth's description of her husband's singing abilities.

Connor knew his overstepped himself, I'm sorry Beth you have every right to enjoy yourself and I know Brooke loves to hear him but I'm not impressed. That's just not something that I enjoy.

Zach chuckled, great way to save your ass Connor. I had a feeling that you might not be sleeping in a nice comfy bed tonight, heck you would be lucky if you got the sofa but great save.

It won't be the first time and I'm sure that it will not be the last time that we disagree on something. But the main thing is to apologize when you realize that you've overstepped yourself and heard someone else's feelings especially your spouse.

Brooklyn replied; that's something you did not learn on your own, you got that from your parents who taught you well. Sounds like they were incredible people, I wish that I would've gotten to meet them and thanked them for giving you such a wonderful life.

Agnes was so proud of Brooklyn; he was really handling this situation a lot different than she thought he would when Everything first broke.

I love about everyone else but I'm getting a little hungry, I know all the children are gone at this time on their little excursion but I think I'm going to order something remarked Bill.

Sounds good to me I don't know about anybody else but I'm with you Bill responded Ben. The chef's breakfast was fantastic this morning but I'm hungry now and ready to order.

About that time Ty came back around the corner with all four children leaving the way. The lines are crazy, we decided take a little break after Chris and Stephen announced that they were so hungry they could eat a dozen Racknars raw.

Sounds like my boy remarked Elvin. The kids can go back to the Museum in little while after they've recharged themselves. Bill, I need to talk to you when you have a chance this weekend, I've got several items that will possibly help fill some bellies of people in drought areas. I've been working on some stuff in the hothouses and several of them show potential they are hybrid vegetables and fruits.

I'm just a moneyman, the real talent in the family is Brooklyn. He has a degree in microbiology and genetics when it comes to plant life. Not all my money was wasted on frat parties.

Father so I went to a couple of parties and had fun but for the most part I applied myself at school and I learned everything I could learn. It's the least that I could do since you and mom were footing the bill.

And you are our greatest accomplishment Brooklyn, your father and I are so very proud of you. Now you know why I pushed you so hard to excel in everything that you endeavored.

And for that I am forever grateful mom, I just hope that you're not let them this time. I know you told me to be careful since we were here on the Z1 but I think I made the best choice in Broadway. I just hope you're ready for a bunch of grandchildren.

Why would I not love my grandchildren, I can spoil them and send them home to their parents to deal with just like every other grandmother.

Broadway chuckled; I think it might have backfired on us. Were you not planning on using your parents is a relief babysitting service?

Nothing backfired on me, I'm just happy that I found you and will be in your life forever.

Chris had been listening to the conversation and walked up to Brooklyn. So, you were a party hound in school I take it?

Brooklyn turned to Chris; I had my days that were strictly party but also knew that I had to study. So, what are you going to be going into when you go to university?

Well for the first year I will just get the basics out of the way then maybe some business management courses and I'm not sure for the rest of it. I know I need to help father with the business but yet I want to explore and find out things. I thought about taking a little time off and working at the space docks maybe.

Elton knew that this was his opportunity to chime in on the situation. Have you ever thought about an internship in between semesters. You gain a lot of valuable experience in any particular field you need. At Mitchell Long we have such a program that lets you be Mr. Long's right hand when he's out and about at the space docks or even the first quadrant of space. He personally oversees some of the most important shipments coming in to the planet. He helps out with personnel for the docks at the spaceport. And don't shoot me is just an opportunity that I know about.

Connor's ears perked up; you mean that Chris could actually be there at the spaceport under someone as important as Mitchell Long himself?

Hunter didn't miss a beat; uncle Mitch takes people in all the time and lets them get their feet wet as he calls it. I got inside track there, Chris stick with me and you are a shoe in.

Brooke couldn't miss the opportunity, and what if a young lady would like to get to know the business. Does Mr. long have any problems with females working at a male dominated position?

Before he went out on his latest mission, he spoke about that. He said that he wished that some of the young ladies would show more initiative and become proactive in the entire space exploration and work operations jobs, so I think my uncle Mitch would be just fine with it. You can talk to him directly when he comes back from the latest mission, he's going to be a little busy though him becoming a father about the same time.

I follow Mitchell Long fairly closely didn't know he was married or even was expecting a child remarked Bill.

Ted piped in, yeah need to get one of my best workers. He's having a little rough time since it's twins and we want to be very careful but Hamlisch will be all right.

Agnes and Beth's ears perked up at same time, you mean his mate is here on this ranch Beth?

See the big over there waddling this way, big tall blonde brute, that's Hamlisch Long and he is one hell of a guy. Ted waved his hand to get Hamlisch's attention to have them come over.

Hamlisch walked up, yes Mr. Ted how can I help you today he responded.

Just wanted you to meet some of these fine people here Hamlisch, they're very interested in your husband. Seems that everything has been very quiet here at the Z1 about your condition and Mitchell becoming a father for the first time.

Hamlisch blushed, I'm just a Genman having a child well two children. Going to get big and fat according to the doctors. Not much to see and not much to say, but I wish you would let me work.

Hamlisch we've had this discussion, you will work at the office area and not in the field. That is my only rule when it comes to you. So, if you want work around the office come in on Tuesday and I'll will put you to work going over areas that you're familiar with within the business.

Okay, Mr. Ted I will see you on Tuesday. I'm going stir crazy at the house, Mr. Ben sends people over to check on me all the time but is still not like being at work. It might not be what I want but I understand that everyone is just being overprotective. And you might want to tell Don out there on the high steel that he can hide it forever.

Big Don, you're telling me that big Don is pregnant? How far along is he?

He will hit eight months soon; he didn't want to be bothered and he did not wish to work down on the ground so he's kept it quiet. I saw the baby kicked the other day or I wouldn't have known. There's another one that knows it but he threatened him with his dear life, can you imagine someone trying to watch out for you, and you threaten to throw him off of the highest place on the construction site and watch him bounce when he hits the ground if he opens up his trap.

Ted looked down and shook his head, sounds like Don that's for sure. Does anyone know who the father might be?

Hello; I don't know but might be a certain human that was taping him about eight months ago, isn't that right Jeremy Willis. You and him were knocking boots and all of a sudden, he ghosted you and you couldn't figure out why?

Jeremy turned white as a ghost, that big basterd. When I cornered him and try to talk to him, he said that he had had his fun but it was over. He had become bored of humans no matter how good they were in bed.

Jeremy jumped up from the table and went over to where Don was enjoying a malted in the corner. Nobody could hear what he was saying but with all the finger-pointing and handwaving, everybody could imagine how rough it was on the big man.

Don couldn't do nothing but sit on the chair, he lowered his face and covered it with his hands.

Elvin knew how abrasive his son could be and that's the last thing that a pregnant Genmen needed, an enraged human hollering at him. Excuse me I need to go take care of a family matter; Elvin walked over to where the two were together.

That's enough Jeremy announced Elvin. Young man, are you indeed eight months gone and it belongs to my son? Elvin handed the Genman a couple of napkins so he could clean himself up a little bit.

Through the sobbing and all the snot and tears not only was he pregnant but he was eight months and one week along and indeed belonged to Jeremy. He began to apologize profusely for not telling anyone but he was under the impression that Jeremy would be in trouble and the child would never be accepted into the Willis family.

Elvin looked at Don, my dear boy that would be my fault. I know I've harbored resentment and blame against the Z1 and every Genmen. But all it takes is the love of a child for one to stand up against an oppressive parent for his child. I've been wrong and for that I will always apologize but exactly what in the hell did you think you are doing out on the high steel. You do realize that when you're pregnant, your center of gravity is not the same, you could have very easily fallen.

But I was careful as I could be, I always use my safety lanyard and took extra precaution. I'm going to lose my job; I need the money to support the baby and I can't afford it without my job.

Ted walked up; Don shrunk even further into the chair as he was ready for the hammer to hit him.

Tuesday morning report to the office, your condition warrants that you need to be on the ground. I will put you driving around checking all the jobsites with a checklist, but Don I do not want to see you on that steel until two months after that baby is born. I'm not going be responsible for a child being without its parent, do I make that clear to you?

Yes Sir Mr. Wallace, I will do whatever job you tell me to do, can you forgive me for keeping this?

It's not about me, this is between you and Jeremy. All the shouting and hollering and screaming and handwaving and name-calling is not going to work either Jeremy. He screwed up in fact he fucked up big time but you need to be understanding of his fears. A parent thinks about their child before they think about themselves, sometimes we don't make the best decisions when we're trying to figure out something on our own but with family behind you, I'm sure that it will be okay.

Don stood up, he was as tall as Jeremy but a lot beefier, they kinda looked like a mutt and Jeff couple. The beauty and the beast.

We're having a little get together over there with the Spinelli's said Elvin, Don you need to come over and meet everyone and introduce yourself. No son in law of mine will be sent to the corner. Though my son might get his ass whipped for not being more proactive when it came to you.

Thank you, Mr. Willis; I've got so much that I need to talk over with Jeremy. I only hope that he can forgive me. I was going to do something stupid, and I need to apologize.

Is it like you have always said; you would find a good home away from you, so that you wouldn't screw up the child's chances of life, is that what you had planned Don?

That's the reason I was here at the Promenade, I was going to take my last few weeks off and go to the city for delivery and have the baby placed. It's not that I didn't love you Jeremy because it ripped my heart out to send you away. I purposely avoided you at all cost because I didn't want you to lose your family by a simple mistake. Just knowing that the baby would be taken care of was enough for me. I'm not saying it wouldn't hurt but he would be somewhere else with a loving family of his own.

Connor couldn't help but hold his wife tight, he looked at his dad and realized how hard it would've been on Broadway if he decided to keep the baby. For that he was truly grateful. Things worked out in the end exactly the way they're supposed to.

Don walked over with Jeremy; Elvin was holding their hands for support.

Everybody I would like to do as you to Don, we're going to have a baby there's gonna be another Willis in the household.

Everyone clapped and stood up and congratulated Don & Jeremy on the baby. Don was overcome by emotions and began to cry again.

Chris, Brooke and Stephen were standing away from the group talking when a young teenage genman came running by and plowed over Stephen knocking to the ground.

Out of my way human the bully yelled as he stepped on Stephen's hand. His escape was stopped dead in it's tracks by Brooke who clotheslined him flipping him in mid- stride. She was on top of him in seconds and had his arm locked behind him.

He yelled out from the pain, but this only caused Brooke to apply more pressure.

I don't know who you are nor do I care but Stephen is my friend and you will apologize to him. If I ever hear you coming near him again in aggressive manner, I will rip your arm off and shove it right up your vent, do I make myself clear little boy remarked Brooke.

Tony couldn't do anything but wither in pain and agree to what Brooke had told him.

Brooke looked towards her father and he nodded his head for her to let go, which she did.

A very embarrassed Tony stood up and looked at her and sneered, next time bitch it's just me and you. This was the wrong move and the wrong words to say because when he turned around, he collided with the stomach of a very pregnant and pissed-off Genman. Tony looked up and realized he was toast.

Archie grabbed his son by his ear and twisted causing the young man to scream out in pain and hit his knees. Tony what I told you about your mouth and your manners when you're out in public. You will apologize to this young lady and you will apologize to the young Genman that you collided with when you were running somewhere you were not supposed to.

But dad they were in the way. This remark brought a sudden shriek of pain from Tony's mouth as his dad applied even more pressure to his ear.

Boy if you don't want your ear ripped off permanently you will apologize, and you better be sincere because I know the difference. As standup and apologize.

Tony stood there getting madder and madder as the seconds ticked by, until a sudden collision caused his vision to blur in his ear to explode as his dad's hand knocked him to the ground palm.

Archie snatched the boy up by the collar his shirt, boy you are trying me and I'm not the one to be messed with, not in my condition.

I'm sorry said Tony, I should have more respect for others than what I do. Please pardon me for what I said and what I did earlier.

Brooke not letting chance to get away from her decided to rub salt into the wounds of dear Tony. See there Tony it's not hard to apologize, you just gotta be a bigger person than you are in life up to now and you will go far, but keep acting like you're acting and you will find yourself bent over and dominated by some strong Genman as he is up your vent after you transition making you, his bitch. She nodded her head to Tony's dad, I'm sorry this incident happened but maybe he's learned something.

Wait till his father gets home, this young man isn't going to be able to sit down for a week because he's going to be grounded for two months. You; young lady, show very good manners and that's all do because of your exemplary parents.

I've got the best of both worlds, a hybrid dad and a human mom. They have always taught us children to respect others because we are different ourselves into be accepted by others, we have to put our best side forward when dealing with others.

Now let me get this young man back to the house, he was already late and I find him embarrassing us in front of the Spinelli's. Collin Jeffries is going to be one pissed off Genmen when he learns of this.

Dad, we don't have to tell him, you know how he gets.

Don't worry son we are not doing anything, you will be telling him when he gets home and you better hope that he is in a good mood, with the baby coming along and him working extra hours to give us everything that we need and you go pull a stunt like this get your butt to the house.

Ben and Zach watch the whole thing unfold and they felt for Archie. Zach we can do better if they are having a hard time, we all have to pitch in. It's not charity, it is taking care of our own.

Ted knew the name Collin Jeffries; he was just a general laborer hand because he wasn't the smartest of the lot but he was certainly strong and never turned down the chance to have overtime. He whispered to Zach what he knew Collin and told him that he would help the family out.

Ted to get his communicator and send a general memo, to Collin Jeffries for your tireless work ethic and dedication to the Wallace Corp. please accept this Forty credit per hour raise. You have gone beyond and certainly above what is required of you. Please stop by the main office and speak to me at your convenience after the celebrations. And it was signed Ted Wallace.

Zach was looking at him as he typed it out, that's great but it looks like they could use a little bit more.

There will be a 5000 credit bonus to his check and an extra 1000 credits added to the monthly food allotment Remarked Ted.

Ben approached the two men; they live in the oldest section. You know those old houses they are not in great shape. We have been concentrating so much on the new Valley that some of ours here at the ranch have slipped on the radar. They only live in a two-bedroom in with the new baby come along they're gonna need the room. So, I am putting my foot down and they will get a four-bedroom unit, brand new top-of-the-line fully furnished. I've located one in F section on the corner, house F101. I know what to do for them.

Not a problem dear, you know best when it comes to this remarked Zach.

Ben had a plan; it was a little devious but it would pay out in the end. He picked up the phone and called housing department.

Hello housing how can I help you?

This is Ben I have an eviction notice I need you to serve. B- 213 notice of eviction and relocation. You will not worry about putting the relocation address on the eviction notice they have two hours to pack their bags and to be waiting on the curb for transportation to another location. This will clear the way for us to demolish the rest of the block also, those old cottages have been passed their prime for years and were going to make amends. So, get to it.

Yes Sir Mr. Ben we definitely will all start typing out right now and it will be served within the hour.

Step one is done my love, I do believe that we should be able to finish up within two and half hours.

Ted spoke; that's about the time that Collin will get off of work and be arriving home.

Archie Jeffries started to wash the dishes that were left over in the sink, supper was going to be light but it would still be nutritious. The baby wasn't expected or even planned it just happened, he didn't blame the child it's just that with Tony being in his age it took a lot of money. There came a knock at the door so Archie grabbed a towel to dry his hands and walked to the door to see who it was. He opened it and there was a man standing there with envelope for them.

Good day Sir; you have been served have a nice evening was all the man said as he handed off the envelope turned and left.

It had a seal from the Z1 on the back of it so it was official and Archie opened it and slid out the single page and it read notice of immediate eviction. Archie dropped it on the floor, why now, what happened what did we do wrong he questioned. Then he thought, the display at the Promenade and front of the Spinelli's, Tony and the two other youngsters on the Promenade had that gotten them kicked out of the house. Where would they live, did it mean that they were being kicked off the Z1, what about Collin's job, what about the baby that was coming in four months. What would they do, he broke down and started crying profusely.

Tony came to see what was wrong with his dad, he picked up and read the paper that was on the floor. I'm so sorry dad, I didn't mean for any this to happen it just games that we play here. Oh, I screwed up big time.

30 minutes later Collin came to the front door in a fabulous mood ready to share the great news of his raise with his family. He noticed immediately that something was majorly wrong with Archie and walked over and took a knee beside him. What's wrong he asked? Is everything okay with the baby and you?

We've been kicked out, I don't know what this means we are being relocated somewhere else, maybe another farm or ranch. But we've lost our house.

This can't be I just got a raise at work Mr. Wallace's text was very cordial what happened today what I was at work?

I happened father said Tony. There were several of us running through the Promenade and we were playing a game tag the human. I ran over the young teenager and knocked him to the ground and laughed as I went to run away. But a young girl stepped up and put me in my place. I'm so sorry I didn't mean for this to happen; I didn't know the Spinelli's were going to be there with a group of guests. You got to know this is all my fault.

You're young and I have warned you about this, you have to start paying attention you're not a little child anymore, you're almost 17 human years old and everything that you do now reflects back on every one of us.

Whatever it is we will accept the decision and we will take our punishment as a family. I just hope that I'm still allowed to work at Wallace industries. With the pay raise that I received I was hoping to petition the housing board and move us to a better home. But this place is better than nothing. Collins communicator went off again with an update message, he opened it to see what it said.

Collin was confused, all it said was work bonus of 5000 credits. also included is a food allotment of bonus 1000 credits to added monthly pay rate. Thank you for all of your hard work Ted Wallace.

Something's wrong here, I don't understand this I get a raise at work and now this, look at this Archie something doesn't add up.

Add up or not we only have an hour and a half to pack up everything we need to take before we are picked up for relocation Responded Archie let's get busy only take the most important things. The furniture stays here because of was in the house when we got here.

The three got busy packing their things.

The doorbell rang and Archie jumped, Collin stood beside his mate then went to the front door and opened it. Yes, Sir can I help you he asked the individual at the door.

I have eviction orders for a Collin and Archie Jeffries along with said male minor Tony. Just grab your suitcases the rest of it will be removed tomorrow and brought to you.

They took one last look around before they departed the house. Their belongings were loaded into the back of the transport and they climbed in the backseat. The driver didn't take no time before he took off.

Archie was little confused they went the opposite way of the main gate. The vehicle pulled up to a house and everyone was confused.

This is it folks, section F cottage #101.

Collin looked at Archie then spoke, where are we I don't understand I thought we were being evicted?

Just a formal Mumbo-jumbo, got a call from Mr. Ben and he said make this happen. The rest of your belongings will be delivered tomorrow welcome home folks, this is your new home courtesy of the Spinelli's. I suspect they will drop by later on to check on everything.

Collin helped Archie out of the backseat and Tony crawled out of the other side still bewildered.

Here's your new keys to the front door Sir the gentleman handed them to Collin. Hope you folks enjoy then he crawled back into the transit and left.

The three walked up to the front door and Collin place the key into the door latch and opened it. It was like walking into a palace compared to where they had lived. There was a basket of fresh fruit and an envelope on the front entranceway table addressed to the Jeffries.

Archie opened the envelope as his hand shook. He took out the card and opened it. Thank you for all of your dedication and hard work without families like yours the Z1 could not function. Enjoy your new home it's long overdue with our deepest apologies the note was signed by Zach and Ben Spinelli.

Tony began to investigate a few things, dad this kitchen is fully stocked and what I mean by fully stocked it has everything and everything is new. No more old war out pots and pans for you it's amazing.

Archie walked into the kitchen and was amazed what he saw, he went to the refrigerator and it was fully stocked as was the freezer along with the pantry and every cupboard in the kitchen. He had to catch his breath, he heard voices coming out of the living room area so he went there only to find Collin sitting in a recliner with a huge viewscreen on watching a movie.

So, is how you're going to spend the rest of your night?

Colin smiled; nope just checking out this wonderful chair, the let's go check out the rest of the house.

As they walked down the hall there was a plaque on the first door on the right and it said Tony's room. Archie opened the door and it was everything that any young man could ever want. There was a brand-new computer system with a ribbon on the top of it and a note saying you will need this to father your education signed Z & B.

They walked down to the next room and it was set up as a guest room, not that they had any family but it was still nice to know that they could host someone. The next room as they opened it was a complete nursery, every kind of stuffed toy that any child would ever need. That only left one door at the end to the left the master suite. It was massive in the bed and furnishings were so luxurious. Collin opened the bathroom door; it had a steam shower and a huge garden style tub with his and his vanities. The closets were massive and all of the drawers were built in so that everything was convenient.

Collin took Archie in his arms and kissed him, they felt like the two luckiest Genman on the whole ranch.

The luncheon was going great, Ted looked up and as luck would have it there was Tim. He knew something was up with Teddy, what had that boy done now.

Ted stood up and looked at Tim, okay what happened and do I need to come pick him up?

No nothing happened, well with Teddy everything always happens but after the third seat warming, he got from Mason he settled down. Just came to pick up some malteds and fries and take them back to the house. Enjoy your time off from being our son's primary care taker, but I would suggest that you become a little more proactive on his discipline. And I can tell you that he does not like soap no shape no form, no matter where it's put on his body or in his mouth. By the way stop let them hang around the guys at the office, they think it's funny when they talk nasty around him so he can repeat it.

That stops on Tuesday, if he's in the office the language needs to be more professional in fact it needs to be more professional every day of the week.

Oh, don't blame the crew because when you mess up, you're the world's worst, you have the main potty mouth Theodore.

I will agree to that Tim, I have to watch myself and I will do better.

Tim chuckled, I'll believe it when I see it and here it. Now I gotta go get takeout see you later in fact just leave him at the house tonight, you deserve the night off. Tim walked away after waving to his parents.

The kids were getting along well with each other, Connor and Beth were very approving of the kid's interaction.

Connor had so many questions for his dad, he just hoped he didn't put too much stress upon him so he decided to ask Bill a few questions.

I need to know one thing Mr. Bill; do you know anything about my biological father?

The only thing that I can tell you Connor is that what we found your dad he was in very bad shape and that was because of your father. There wasn't a square inch of his body that wasn't covered in whelps or bruises from the beatings that he had taken. The fact that he was so far along in his pregnancy made it even worse. He was under the covered portion of the entrance to the estate trying to stay dry during a horrible rainstorm, I damned near run over the boy in fact I had to pull him out from under the front of the speeder. He was filthy covered in every kind of body fluid there was, Agnes took him in and we didn't ask a lot of questions which helped him be the best person he could be.

But why didn't he try to keep me?

He was so afraid for you and for him. There wasn't a day of his pregnancy that he wasn't beat upon for being pregnant, but that didn't mean the sob didn't use his vent every chance he got until Brooklyn ran away. He didn't want to hold any grudges toward you so it was decided that you would be put up for adoption. Broke my heart especially I saw your cute face peeking out of that blanket that you are wrapped in. But you turned out fantastic.

That's all I need to hear, please do not tell my dad that I asked this of you. He doesn't need any more stress upon him during this phase of his pregnancy.

My lips are sealed Connor. So, we need to discuss a little business matter, you have transports I have merchandise just sitting in warehouses needing to be sent to my buyers. I believe we can make a lucrative deal that will benefit both of us.

Mr. Blasingame and I don't want to seem like I'm trying to take advantage of anything.

Me taken advantage of please, Theoretically I'm your grandfather so it's just family doing business with family.

Connor smiled at Bill the two shook hands.

Beth walked up and placed her arm on her husband. What are you two up to?

Connor looked at his wife, just a little family business dear.

She kissed him on the cheek, okay play nicely boys play nicely.

Jeremy was sitting with Don talking to him about their future when Don made a grimace, what's wrong is everything okay?

Just a little indigestion again today. Been having the last couple of days.

Ben heard Don speaking and realized what he didn't. How often does this indigestion come along young man.

Well, it's been kind of off and on but here lately I've been getting indigestion about every five minutes or so. All I need to get is a soda and belch it'll be fine.

Ben patted Zach on the arm and shook his head and motioned toward Don. Young man I think you need to go to the clinic remarked Zach.

No Mr. Spinelli I am fine; I'm just sitting here resting and enjoying the truth with Jeremy.

You going to be enjoying something a lot more if you don't get up and go to the clinic young man responded Ben. You are in full labor; this is your first so you don't know the signs and you haven't had any checkups, have you?

No Sir I kept it secret, but I still got three weeks left, roundabout three weeks.

About that time Don had of a pinching spasm and his water broke. His eyes popped open and Jeremy stood up.

Don what happened, are you okay?

I need to push; I can feel it, oh no it's coming. I can't go anywhere it's too late.

Ben stood up and walked around the table and grabbed the blanket to cover up Don's backside. We don't have time to go anywhere, were going to have to do this right here so if you don't want to see a baby born Genmen style you need to leave the area. We need to give the parents a little privacy.

The children were told to go to the playground area while the adults took care of the matter.

Ben had Don stand up as he gently lowered his trousers, when he looked there was no doubt this was not going to wait. The baby was in full crown, okay Don I'm going to have you gently set back down but hang your rear area off of the bench. This will get you in the proper position I need a Dr. here now somebody call for Dr.

Everybody was on their phone even bystanders.

Everett just happened to be in the area and stopped by. Okay oh boy, we're going to have a delivery here, I need to clean blanket to wrap the baby in and someone call the clinic and tell them to get a team here with a wheelchair. But first we need to get this baby out, what your name son?

Don, I didn't hurt him, did I?

Don all things in good time, on your next pain or whatever you're having, bear down like you're trying to push out something. He pointed at Jeremy; you are the father I suppose.

Yes, Sir where you need me?

Hold his hand and encourage him, next time tell him he pushed really hard and this baby will be here.

Don turned white in the face as the next pain hit him like a landslide.

Push Don push, and don't stop push until I tell you to stop remarked Everett.

Don pushed as hard as he could and he could feel the baby coming out.

Don't stop now baby you gotta do this, you can't stop Don encouraged Jeremy.

The baby came directly out into the hands of the Dr. he tied off the umbilical cord and wrapped the child up.

Jeremy looked, Doc he's not crying is everything okay with the baby?

Everything is fine, he's got good color he's damn good size and he's fine. Don, you did great but next time don't try this here again.

Ouch I've got a pain, something's coming again.

Everett checked Don and sure enough there was another one crowning. Don when I tell you to push you need to push number two is on its way.

No way that can't be right, I'm not big enough for 2 plus I was never sick.

Well, this crowning head tells me there's number two coming out, so when I say push you need to push.

A couple of grunts from Don and a hard push and baby number 2 Made Its Way into the world. Everett chuckled; well, I'll be damned a little girl.

It can't be remarked Don, how in the world did I have a girl?

Zach chuckled; well Don let's see how that happened. This was your first time and the father is human so there is a chance that it can be a girl, but you were blessed with a boy and girl. So young man you need to count your blessings, and by the way the boy isn't right, seems that he's missing some pieces.

Does he have all of his fingers and toes, tell me did I mess up and cause him harm?

Neither, there is just one thing, the little boy his vent wasn't included.

Ben slapped Zach on the shoulder, how dare you scare that boy half to death on his first time. Don, you did just fine, you and Jeremy have two beautiful babies, a little boy who is human hybrid and a beautiful little girl. Now the two of you just need to figure out some names.

You sure that they're okay, nobody would lie to me.

Jeremy lifted Don's face up so that he could see him. We have two of the most beautiful children and they are perfect. As soon as they get them cleaned up, they are going to bring around to you so that you can bond. The boy is dark headed like me with silver blue eyes just like yours. The little girl is blonde headed like you and also has your eyes. So, you did great. But next time only one baby at a time.

You think we're going to do this again Jeremy Willis?

Don Willis we are going to do this every chance we get; we're going to fill a house up with babies. Will you be joined with me as my mate?

Don shook his head, excuse me what did you just say?

Don, will you take my name and agree to be joined with me as my partner and mate in life. And if anyone tries to come between us, I pity the fool that attempts it. I love you Don I have ever since we first made love.

Don started to cry; he couldn't believe that this human standing in front of him was asking him to be part of his life forever. Jeremy Elvin Willis yes, I will be your partner and mate for life and I will have as many children as you want to have.

The attendants brought the babies around to Don so that he could let them nurse on his nectar. The moment that they attached Don felt that his life was complete.

Okay let's get him to the clinic, we need to check everything out and he'll be ready to go home in about an hour and ½.

I don't have the house ready; I wasn't planning on keeping the baby. I screwed up big time remarked Don.

Beth looked Agnes and Sonja. Young man I do believe we have this one covered. You and Jeremy go to the clinic with the babies and we will figure out something.

Ben stood up, please pardon our exit but you gentlemen can watch the children and the four of us will go make preparations for the babies.

Ben called Madison and asked for him to please come to the Promenade area and pick them up. He had something that he needed to attend to and Madison could help by supplying transportation.

Yes Sir Mr. Ben, I will be on my way in five minutes. Let me get the baby put down for his nap and dress myself.

That will be fine, ask Benjamin to help out please you'll be gone for little while.

Madison leaned over and kissed Benjamin on his lips, your father called he has requested me to help out with something he's got going. Can you watch the baby and I'll be back soon.

Benjamin smiled at his mate, not a problem that I am a little jealous that the baby likes you better than me.

He loves you; he just doesn't like you he loves you, Benjamin.

It'll be okay, we can talk when you get back.

Madison left the house headed to Ben's location.

Elvin remarked that he was going to the clinic to be there for Jeremy and Don for his family to enjoy themselves and he would return later after Don and the babies were released.

Crighton asked his father if he wanted him to tag along but Elvin replied; nope enjoy your day son and left.

Elvin arrived at the clinic and watched the new parents with the children they were a family. He felt that everything was his fault because of the hate he had in his heart caused this situation. If he had just opened his heart earlier Don and Jermery would have been together already.

He approached the two, Jeremy saw his father and stood in front of Don ready for anything. May I see the children?

Jeremy started to say something to his father when Don laid his hand upon his arm. It's okay they are his grandchildren; he has every right to see them.

Thank you very much remarked Elvin, not long ago that wouldn't have been the case. I have been working on my ways and I just hope that I will be allowed to be a part of the children's lives. I understand if you don't wish that, is because of me that you two have not been together.

Mr. Willis, that is a lifetime ago and it is in the past. We have the future to deal with and these two innocent children are your future. Come and meet your grandchildren, we have named the boy Jeremy Elvin Willis II in the girl is Charlotte Anne Willis. I hope that these names are sufficient Jeremy picked them out.

Elvin smiled; they are perfect Don. I just wanted to come here and tell you both that I'm sorry and humbly beg for your forgiveness.

Jeremy walked over to his father embraced him, as Don says today's a new day in the beginning of our future as a family and you are their grandfather. Love you, would you like to hold them?

Elvin took a seat as Jeremy placed the babies in his arms, he was overjoyed.

After they arrived at the house Ben took one look around at Don's place, it was basic bachelor Genman to the Max. There's no way this place can accommodate everyone it's just a one-bedroom unit, they call the housing and procure another unit maybe something in the new section.

Agnes looked at Ben, is there time before the young man is released?

Fortunately, there's six units that are completely ready to go correction make that five since we utilized one this morning. Ben called the housing master and requested unit 103 in F section it was next door to Collin and Archie, they have a young one on the way plus one just hitting his stride getting ready for transition soon. Don and Collin both work for Ted at Wallace Industries so it should be okay. Archie already being a dad can give Don some pointers on being a parent and Collin can help out Jeffrey, what to expect as a father. All we have to do is grab his personal items and clothing in we're set.

Sonja chuckled, from the looks of his closet is not going be a very big box. The boy doesn't have anything, three suits of clothing an extra pair of shoes and very minimal in the kitchen area.

Agnes and Beth looked around, I can't find any family albums or pictures of any sort and there's nothing on the walls remarked Agnes. Young man is all alone in the world commented Beth.

Unfortunately, that's the way it is with a lot of our younger Genmen that come to us, usually either right before or right after the transition when they have been kicked off of their farm. We had a big influx a few years ago and I think that's when Don arrived. If memory serves me correctly, he was on a breeding farm run by the consortium. He would've been scheduled to be bred by whatever stud they chose so that they could get a good offspring that was strong when it was raided. The consortium are evil people, they are human and Genmen alike out to make a buck. They take in the young Genman that are unaware of what's going on and that's the price they have to pay for their upkeep, being bred multiple times and the children taken away soon after birth. The GBI is really working hard to get this stopped and so have we that's the reason the Z1 and Hawthorne ranches are open to all newcomers.

Agnes shook her head, and stuff like this still takes place it just pisses me off to no extent. I can't believe that we are still such animals, isn't this the reason our forefathers left Earth?

Yes, Agnes but evil will still find a way to do its bidding.

Madison loaded the two boxes into the back of the speeder and asked where should he drive them to?

Let's go to section F you know the new one that we just finished with and go to unit 103 it should work out.

Yes Mr. Ben I understand, please take a seat in the speeder and we will be there momentarily Madison announced to everyone.

Agnes couldn't help but comment, such a sweet young man you have here Ben you are so lucky to have someone like him in your family.

We are very proud of our Madison; he and Benjamin are very integral part of the family. Zach and I couldn't do without our right hand.

It only took a couple of minutes to pull up in front of the new house, Collin and Tony were playing catch in the yard as Archie set on the porch watching them. Collin noticed Mr. Ben getting out of the speeder, Sir is there anything that I may help you with today?

Ben looked and saw the proud new owners of the house. Just need to talk away a couple of things into the unit next door before its new inhabitants arrive.

Will let me help you with that box, it looks too heavy for any of you besides Madison to pick up, Tony grab one of the smaller ones.

Yes, father Tony responded and was out the front gate into the back of the speeder before calling get it halfway down the pathway.

Excuse me Mr. Ben Tony started; I owe you a great apology for the way I acted earlier. We are blessed to be able to stay here on the Z1 and I should have never acted like that no matter what anyone else was doing. I hope that the young girl will ever forgive me.

I'm sure she made it fine, and I'm glad that you see the error of your ways Tony. But I expect big things from you especially when you start to the University here. It's not an option it is a requirement for you, young man.

We would have to make sure that it could be afforded with the new baby Sir, father tries his hardest but with everything we still come up short sometimes.

Speaking of that Collin, I don't want to get into your personal business but exactly where are all your wages going?

Archie waddled up, that would be because of me while at the other farm we had a lot of expenses when Tony was born and we are still paying the debt to the old farm owner. He set up a contract of payment that's the only way that he would let Tony and myself go when Don got the better job here with Wallace industries.

Ben looked at Collin and Archie, you mean to tell me that you are still paying your old farm owner for when Tony was born? I want to see that contract when we get through with his house, Mr. Zach and I will go over everything with the two of you and were going to get to the bottom of this. It is standard procedure that when one is released from independent farm that all debts are cleared by the old farm. I want to see this for myself.

Agnes couldn't believe what she was hearing, Ben please remember Bill and I are around and if this couple here need help, we have a team of contract lawyers standing by and I know that they would love something like this it sounds like pure extortion to me.

Everyone got busy and finish the house the new cribs were placed in the nursery and there was plenty of clothing and diapers for both children.

Collin looked at Archie before he spoke, if whoever is moving here need any help, we will gladly help them.

Well Collin, I do believe you know one of them for sure maybe both I think that y'all work together? Their new together, but you don't have to worry about them because they have a strong bond.

I don't know of anyone that was expecting at work.

Well let's just say you were sworn secrecy least you bounce across the ground when he pushed you off the high iron if you let it out.

Collin looked shocked; you mean big Don had his baby I thought he said he was sending it away because of the father's situation?

Let's just say life got a lot less complicated for the two of them, and with a new set of twins born just hours ago they are together. And I'll let Don explain everything else, they should be arriving here soon and this is a total surprise.

Ben picked up his communicator and called Zach.

Yes dear, do you need something?

Well let's see, the house is finished and we are waiting. I do believe that you need to arrive over here so that we can welcome the new parents.

Not a problem in fact I will just move the party over there, we need to make sure that they have everything.

Okay my love, me and the girls will see you when all of you guys arrive. Madison honey I need you to do another favor for us please?

Yes Sir Mr. Ben what is my next assignment?

Go over to the clinic and pick up Jeremy and Don Willis their new twins and Jeremy's father Elvin and bring them here to the house. I'm sure that Don will need a little assistance since he is still recovering from birthing a set of twins so the clinic might send a wheelchair because of a little unsteadiness.

I remember the day the Benjamin came home; we appreciated the wheelchair so that he didn't have to walk up the pathway. I will be back soon Sir and will call when we are leaving the clinic. Madison went to the speeder and left for the clinic.

Collin and Archie were enjoying the new house, Archie was looking at everything that they had and he was blown away. The doorbell rang and Collin went to see who it might be, he opened the door and there stood his boss. Mr. Wallace, I'm sorry did I do something wrong please come in. You have to excuse everything we're just getting used to this place in fact Archie is going nuts.

I'm very glad that you are enjoying your new home but what I need to talk to you about is Tuesday when you come back to work.

Yes, Sir did I do something wrong?

No, Collin you didn't but one of your coworkers decided to go into labor a little bit early and he will need a temporary replacement for the next two months.

And that means what for me Sir?

You are being reassigned to the high steel.

Who would that be Sir I don't know of anyone that is, oh crap did Don have his child yet?

Yes, he has given birth, in fact he and his spouse will be your neighbors. Maybe Archie can give him a little bit of help with the twins.

Twins, I didn't realize he was that big. So, are they doing, okay?

He is scheduled to be released from the clinic within the hour and will be arriving here next door. I think seeing a familiar face will be good for him, he is so unsure of himself as a parent so he will need support.

Anything we can do we will Sir. But he isn't so pleasant to be around sometimes, it was okay before he got into a family way but I think it was the stress.

He had a lot on his mind and I know exactly what he told you when you asked him about his condition and don't worry about it, Jeremy is by his side where he should be and everything will be okay. Just be ready Tuesday morning for the high steel, and don't worry your wages will go up to compensate for the difficulty of the job.

Mr. Wallace I am not the smartest Genman on the site are you sure that you want me up there?

If you can keep a secret like you did for Don that shows loyalty and that's exactly what I need in an employee is loyalty. By the way when we are away from work my name is Ted not Mr. Wallace or even boss man.

Okay Mr. I mean Ted, I will be there first thing Tuesday morning at the office so that I can get all of the particulars for the days job requirement.

By the way if you need anything in the way of equipment to finish up the yard work just ask, I know it's a new build and certain things still haven't been completed, but hey what are friends for.

Archie came blasting out of the kitchen, Collin we have new cookware you're not gonna believe it I meet pots, pans, dishes, glasses and silverware. Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realize your boss was here. Excuse my outburst Sir it's just that we've never had anything like this before. I don't know what's going on but this isn't normal for us.

You live at the Z1 now Archie, be prepared for things here to be different. The Spinelli's make sure that everyone is accommodated when Ben and Zach realized that you had a little one coming plus your older boy Tony who is almost transition age, they decided that you needed more room. And what you got a brand-new life.

I'm so glad that we are here now, you don't realize how bad it was on our old farm. We had already been served notice that Tony was to go into a breeding program and there was nothing we could do so we ran for our lives. I just hope that they don't catch up with us.

Let them try anything on the Z1 and believe me they will meet the North 40 and that's not a place to go visit.

Collin had a worried look on his face, is it true what they say on the site once you go to the North 40 you never make it back?

Let's just say Mr. Zach has his own brand of justice, sometimes it's a little rough, other times it's justified.

He's gotta understand, we lived wasn't nice people disappeared and they were never seen again but we couldn't let our Tony be fated like that so we departed in the middle of the night but only the few things that we could carry. He doesn't know any of this, and we have shielded him as much as we can that's the reason, we are so tough on him.

I understand and if somebody was to touch Teddy let's just say they would be begging to go to the back 40.

Tony come out of his room, dad I don't feel that good it's my stomach again.

Archie looked at his son he knew exactly what was coming, excuse me I need to take care of the boy he's getting close. Archie left the room and carried Tony back into his and put them to bed.

It's really rough on them admit remarked Ted.

Tony is really experiencing some major upheavals in his early transition. I feel that it will be very soon that it will happen, we just have to make sure and keep him isolated away from others when it does. He doesn't need to add insult to injury.

A lot of young Genmen are fated, they transition and conceive that first night when they are out and about to early remarked Ted. When Tony starts going through the change let the Spinelli's know so that they can help you out, call me I'll help out if I can.

Thank you very much Ted, I will tell this to Archie so he can keep his communicator close I feel that within the next week it will happen.

Okay Collin, I will see you Tuesday morning at work but first next door for when Don and Jeremy arrive with the twins. You can always lock Tony's door so that he is safe here in the house and come over.

Thank you I will tell Archie that is permissible.

Ted Wallace walked out the door and headed to the cottage next door to wait on the new parents. Ted walked up to Ben; I need to tell you something.

Yes, what's wrong Ted?

Tony; Collin and Archie's boy is starting to show signs of transition. He is having a rough time you know the stomach problems the flashes of hot and cramps. I told them that he can be secluded to his room and locked so that they can keep him safe. Did you know everything about them when they arrived?

They were just a relocation from what I understand, not well educated but a pleasant couple. You know something different?

They were on a breeding farm; Tony was their first and he was slated to be taken away as soon as he transitioned and bred in the child upon birth would been taken and the boy re-bred. They escaped with only what little they could carry because their main concern was Tony.

Does it ever stop, we will talk with them and find out the particulars then forward all the information to the GBI. I'm so glad that someone confided in you.

Collin came clean when I talked about the new job for him as long as Don is out on recovery. He was concerned that Archie and Tony would be left alone too long.

Zach and the rest of the party pulled up in a transit in front of the new house. Everyone piled out and began to make their way up the walkway. A horn sounded and Zach turned to see Madison pulling up with the new parents.

Jeremy helped Don out of the speeder, Don was looking at everything not knowing what was going on. Jeremy and Don walked up the walkway as they were followed by Madison and Elvin who were carrying the babies.

Excuse me Don remarked as he saw Zach, where are we at and whose house is this?

Zach smiled; you know Ben couldn't have those babies going into that one-bedroom bungalow. Barely enough room for a single person much less four people, so it looks like it's yours and Jeremy's. Welcome home, everybody's inside waiting.

Don broke down, Hormones were at a max after giving birth and he just had no idea.

Collin rushed up to help Jeremy stabilize Don, hold it buddy don't want you falling here on this new sidewalk.

Don looked over and recognize Collin. What are you doing here?

Looks like were neighbors, and until you get yourself well, I will be watching out for you at work.

But I threatened to throw you off of the high steel.

And I never said anything did I, that's what friends do we watch out for each other. So come on buddy wait to you see the inside of these places.

Coming Soon - The Z-1 Ranch P-145.


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