The Z-1 Ranch

By cgf2662

Published on Feb 10, 2021


The Z1 Ranch P -- 66 CGW©

Stephen entered the private reading area, and took a seat beside his brother Earl. There were a lot of things that they had to go through in a short length of time before baby Sebastian arrived.

Zack and Ben along with Madison, Benjamin, Earl, Stephen and Clark set in the reading room. Zach started out; we are here right now because this affects us all every one of us in this room is affected by something that will happen today. Madison; I need you to look at a book, it is a classmate's book of the school where our son was going when he conceived Sebastian. Somewhere in the upper classmen section one of them is the father of Sebastian.

I can't tell you how important it is that we find him he may be in danger also.

Madison and Benjamin took the book for Mr. Zach and went to a different table so that they could look through it together. Benjamin did know what he was looking for but maybe Madison did.

That brings us back to the three of you. Clark, I need you to look over some DNA reports and you will know exactly what we're talking about the truth. Now you two brothers will get to know each other shortly but at this moment I need to look at an even better photograph on the tablet of young Sebastian. And listen to what I have to say.

Ben and myself are the grandparents on the dad side of Sebastian's parentage. Through legal document and the wishes of the dad we were given full custody of the young man. And I might say a very large and special young man. His dad is doing fine, he will have to spend a few days in the medical facility to recover from damage that was done to his vent because of ripping. The baby was quite large and it was his first.

I do have some knowledge of his new identity that he has chosen for himself but I will never reveal that to anyone because I don't want to lose Sebastian if I violate the court decree.

This brings us to the DNA lineage of the father of young Sebastian. And that's for you two come in, and especially you Stephen knowing your background. Earl you know that the Dr. and him have two little boys there upstairs right now with Ezra playing. But what you don't know is before he came here Stephen was in a difficult situation that he escaped from.

He wasn't raised on the Z1 he came to us when he was about 18, through exams it had been determined that he'd already birthed twice before he went into transition. You've heard us talk about the corporate programs where they were breeding young genman, Steven's case in point. They didn't realize what they had when they had him or they would have torn apart every corner of the planet trying to find him.

Stephen wasn't following Zack real closely. So how does this affect me Mr. Zach what are you trying to say?

Ben cut into the conversation; what my husband is doing beating about the Bush is one of your missing boys is the biological father to a grandson Sebastian. We had to pay extra to get his dad into that private school as long as he never ever revealed himself to anyone that he was a hybrid. They were in a little tight for money we had some extra so we bought his way in. This can only mean one thing; the father doesn't show any outward appearances of Goran biology but it's contained in his veins.

Mr. Ben, I don't see how that could happen you have to have at least 85 to 95% human DNA for this to happen when Genmen are involved.

That's one Earl realized what was going on. But Stephen he's not Genmen the boy is Goran and human hybrid not just any human he is old earth human. I don't know who his father was but you are his dad and your DNA will take precedent of his biological features. There are cases on second-generation were some Goran traits come out and make themselves known or it can wait to the third-generation is case in point with baby Sebastian. That's the reason he looks like his great-granddad, our dad. That's the reason Mason won't have children with Tim and will commit to Tim is because he's afraid of having a throwback child. Speaking of Mason where the hell is, he at?

Stephen snickered; I kind of said something to him, I told him to quit being afraid of the unknowns and the what ifs. To go tell that young man in that office he was in love with, he was ready to commit.

Zach picked up his communicator and dialed Luther's phone.

Yes, Dad how can I help you Luther responded when he answered the phone.

Can you tell me where your brother is right about now?

Well dad it's like this I can't promise you anything when it comes to Tim and his safety, but I have a feeling by in the morning they're going to need a new bed maybe even a new bedroom suit, Mason came in with an ultimatum. And your son did not turn him down if you know what I mean. And by the way just let you know Ty is not to be here for the rest of the day he is also giving someone an ultimatum after I chewed his ass out. There's too much bullshit going on around here nowadays it's about time people started committing. And talk about committing you need to ask that question yourself of dad. I'm tired of being the first illegitimate child of Zachary and Ben Spinelli.

Okay son I hear you loud and clear I'm working on that two but first things first, your newest little brother/nephew will be here soon and you hear the Hawthorns arrive please come out of the office the ranch will not cease to exist.

Yes, Sir I will but I'm doing double duty since my little brother is getting some vent. Who knows by morning time I might have a new nephew on the way and you're going to be a grandfather again?

Zack turned back to the crowd in the room, it seems that young Mason and Tim are busy making future plans for a family.

Suddenly Madison let out a yelp, I got him right here.

You got who Madison responded Zack?

Let's put it this way Mr. Zack I didn't know I had blonde hair and went to a private school; we've both got granddad's killer blue eyes without a doubt. Grandfather said that's what drew him to granddad with his beautiful blue eyes.

Madison and Benjamin brought the book back to the others and pointed out to a young man two years ahead of the boy. Put dark hair on this one or even this color that I have you know it's different and we could be twins. This is Sebastian's biological father I do not have to even question it, it's like looking into a mirror with different color hair.

Earl took the book away from his son so that he can get a closer look at the young man, Madison's correct there's no doubt this is the father of the child. He handed the book to Stephen so he could also examine the photograph of the young man.

Oh shit, this my son, this is one of my boys. He's not missing any more I may not know where he's at right now, but at least he's not missing. I know what it looks like, he looks just like his cousin Madison. Stephen broke down sobbing in tears. Earl placed his arm around his brother to comfort him.

Ben looked at Zack, call Martin and Angela send them this photograph and find this young man for his dad. I don't give a damn what he's been told by his parents that have him right now, he needs to know the truth about himself.

Zack agreed that the young man should know exactly who and what he was. But it had to be done legally so that court restrictions were not violated.

The front doorbell rang, Ed and Carter had arrived the baby Sebastian. The young man was quite a chunk, Ed was carrying him when he entered the reading room where everyone was waiting. Ben and Stephen both got up to approach Carter, Stephen stopped but Ben told him come on he is our little boy now.

When Stephen saw Sebastian for the first time in person he broke down and started to sob. Ben helped him back to the couch so that all could sit down. This was one little boy that would never lack for attention or love.

Carter was thrown off and asked what was going on here?

Zack explained everything to Ed and Carter both and exactly who the child's biological father was.

Martin listened to Zach's plea and told him that he would look into the situation. Martin called Angela into his office and had her close the door.

Agent Torres I have a very special assignment for you, we have a missing Goran/Old Earth Human/Genman child, it's a cold case. The child was either adopted or placed with a family who either knows about his past or does not know about his past, the variables are unknown. This child or should I say young man has fathered a child of his own with another hybrid Genmen. Do you feel that you can handle this case agent Torres?

Assistant director I have no doubt that I can handle the case if I have enough information.

Would a current photo from a prep school at the young man was recently at along with his given name help you at all?

Sounds is like this is a slam dunk unless his parents hide him out off the grid.

What your first move agent Torres?

I'm going to hit the missing and are exploited Genmen hybrid children's network. Bring in a post this young man's picture and his first name on the information web. And he's going be asked to contact the GBI concerning the matter me in particular. Then were going to see how many hits we get. Is there a reward that we can attach to it?

Our standard 10,000 credits will be afforded to this one, it is very important that we do locate him as soon as possible. We might get some kickback from the new parents if possible. If they are people of means, but when we threaten them with kidnapping charges and just not any kidnapping, it would be kidnapping of an infant, that should really shake their underwear up.

Agent Torres went to her desk and started to working on the spot that would play round-the-clock once an hour on the hour for the next two weeks less if he came forward. She was not to let this one get away from her.

Assistant director Martin buzzed agent Torres. Yes; Sir how can I help you Sir responded Angela.

Let me run something by you and see what you think. The young man has no knowledge of his parentage and genetics. The parents just might know who and what he is so we need to approach this very carefully. What if we say that he is a person of interest with possible unknown information about the infant child?

That would put him in question mode put the parents on the hot seat if he knows he is somehow connected to the disappearance of a child. And any of his associates would more than likely rat him out if he tried to hide with them. For 10,000 credits people will do almost anything.

Yes, Sir that would be better, I can structure the PSA around the person of interest having unknown information.

Within the hour Angela had the PSA up and running and it hit the airwaves, within 30 minutes there was a judicial order of immediate withdrawal of the PSA. Citing high level intelligence and national security. And it was signed by the exact same judge that did the adoption and blockage of information from Sebastian's case.

Director Corday looked at the cease-and-desist order. And responded to the judge in the case with a charge of official obstruction and tampering with an ongoing investigation of the GBI and moved to have him disbarred. He wanted this son of a bitch in front of him to answer questions.

The arrogance of the judge and the parents played a right into director Corday's web.

Director Tony Corday had no problems sending his agents out to the listed address of the parents of the young man that fathered the child.

Upon arrival the agents discovered that the judge that signed the orders was the adoptive father of the boy, his wife had been unable to have children so they adopted a child that she discovered needed a home. Corday didn't care he ordered them brought in unless they give up the whereabouts of the young man. Which they both refused.

Going up against director Corday and the GBI wasn't a smart move at all, they were placed in separate interrogation chambers and then the games began. When the good judge was hit with kidnapping charges added on to the charges of failure to cooperate in a GBI investigation concerning exploited children he gladly started to cooperate.

His wife on the other hand, refused to say anything without a lawyer present. Corday had no problem letting her calling her lawyer because she wasn't going anywhere, she was considered a detriment to the safety of Society and a kidnapper of an infant child with intention of depriving the parent of access to their child is considered a very severe criminal offense.

This was a case that wasn't going to slow down, it was going fast and would eventually end in the location of the young man in question.

As a requirement by law both parents were blood typed in case of emergency of the medical nature. This also gave the GBI access to DNA. The judge had no problem giving his blood freely, he didn't know there was a problem he just wanted to know how his wife was doing?

The wife on the other hand had to be restrained so that her blood could be drawn she was citing health constraints that could endanger her life was the reason she was refusing but that didn't hold up at all.

The judge's results came back in they were all normal human. The wife on the other hand came back as Royal Genmen.

Now was the time to spring the trap on the judge. Tony, Martin and Angela went into the interrogation room and had a seat across the judge in his attorney. Judge Maris can I ask you your age?

Sure I'm 49 what is that can't do this case.

According to your paperwork and all of our investigations you and your wife have been married for 25 years.

Yes, that's true we met right after law school, she's a little bit older than me. We fell in love then we got married.

Exactly how old is your wife judge?

She's 10 years older than me, due to her age when we were trying to conceive a child, she wasn't able so we adopted. We went through all the proper channels and after tried everywhere we went to a private agency that she located. Three weeks after we received a phone call and they had a baby that need to be placed immediately. The mother was unable to keep him, her parents didn't want anything to do with the illegitimate child so we adopted him. That's how we got Chasten.

Tell me was there anything unusual about him? Allergic to certain types of foods or unexplained growth pattern.

You can't take him from me, he is all I have in this world he's my little boy.

Judge we know what he is, more importantly we know who he is. But we can't figure out how you got your hands on him.

Director Corday; I can assure you we went through a private agency we got a phone call we were told he was a special case. I didn't ask questions my wife handled most of the paperwork because I was handling cases in court. One evening the agency brought him in to our house and put him in wife's arms and he's been there for the last 6 ½ years. I have watched my son grow for 6 ½ years, I know he's different but he's not one of them, I don't know what he is but he is not a genman that much I do know.

That's not totally correct judge, according to his DNA his father had to be Genmen, his dad on the other hand was half royal Goran and old earth human.

Director that cannot be right there is no way my son can be anything but human, he doesn't have any extra parts like they do if you know what I mean.

I know exactly what you mean judge but I'm telling you your son it's not 100% human and because the that the child that he produced with the other young man who was a hybrid genman retained something very special in his blood and it puts them in danger. So, we need your help to find the child that you and your wife adopted.

There's something else that you need to understand judge, your wife is Royal Genmen she is a member of a vicious society that enslaved Genmen and slaughtered anyone that got in their way, she was born on the slave transport carrier and raised to almost maturity when the ship crashed here. She's not who you think she is, given a chance she would slice your throat to get what she wanted. If she finds out what Chasten is, she will stop at nothing to blend his DNA in with other Royals.

The child that he produced together with the other young man is in danger. We need to find your son. We need you to talk to her, but you cannot be stupid and give up any information. Do you understand me judge?

Yes, director Corday unfortunately I understand you, but I can tell you if she knows were Chasten is located, she will never tell anyone.

Chasten hated the place where his mother sent him, she wasn't answering her phone and this stupid cheap junkie crap that she had left him would not contact his father his number was blocked. The evil old hag that was in charge of this so-called farm was a bitch. At the least he didn't have to sleep in the house with them, he was reprimanded to the barn with the rest of the farm animals. Several of the old cows had referred to him, nothing better than a farm animal is how they talked about him.

There were a few younger young ladies on the farm, but he wasn't allowed to speak to them not that it would do them any good, he only had feelings for one person in his life. He didn't know what they had planned, but he was sure it wasn't any good. He decided after a week of being there, first chance he got he was history and he wasn't going to look back.

Baby Sebastian was getting spoiled rotten thanks to all of his grandparents at the Z1. Franklin had a very busy time organizing gifts by size. Carter and Ed decided to bid everyone goodbye it's their job was done, but Carter couldn't resist hugging that little boy one more time.

As they were leaving the reading room Carter took Ed's hand within his, you know if you play your cards right and do your job, we could have another one of those.

I tell you what, I'll race you to the buggy and if you win will try tonight remarked Ed. Needless to say Ed lost.

Kinsey was still sore but he was getting better, Isaiah was doing his job and taking care of him. Getting used to here and a newborn cry was gonna take a little bit for them both.

The roommate who was new dad wasn't doing very good, he tried his best to satisfy the child with his nectar but the baby just wasn't having it. The disgusted young man let out a groan and a growl, that is it I give up he doesn't want to nurse.

Kinsey told the roommate to let him try, the baby took his nipple and tested the nectar, suddenly the young man began to suck like he had never been fed. After he drained both of Kinsey's glands the baby burped and then started snuggling down like he was ready for bed.

That's it Kinsey; I give up he likes you, he don't want what I have. I'm a failure at being a dad that's all there is to it just like my whole life.

Don't be so hard on yourself sometimes when you just give birth, if you haven't nursed a lot or had somebody sampling your goods your nectar isn't first quality. Check your diet eat stuff high in protein and vitamins to enrich your nectar, pump yourself dry a couple of times so that your good nectar starts coming in and then try again don't be so hard on yourself. There's no right way or wrong way to be a parent, it doesn't come with instructions we stumble our way through until we find out what works best for us.

Damn you're going to be one hell of a dad.

I would've been if I hadn't screwed up my contract, as soon as I birth the father gets him. I just hope they let him bond with me by letting him nurse once. Hopefully after he grows up, he will come look me up, if not I'll read the contract better before I sign one next time.

Isaiah felt sorry for Kinsey, maybe if he went and talked to Mr. Ben. Kinsey might be able to renegotiate the contract little bit. He has to be allowed to bond with the child that's all there is to it.

Isaiah sat next to Kinsey as he helped the sleeping child. You know Kin I could get used to this, if we can't get your contract renegotiated and Mr. Ben will let you stay here in the house after you birth. I'm going to need some help learning how to be a father, I'm human so I can't nurse, that's one thing you could do a hell of a job raising my child with me. Just think about it, don't answer up right now, don't obligate yourself to anything.

Isaiah's communicator rang, it was the breeding center again. Isaiah spoke to the individual on the communicator and wrote down some information. Yes, Sir give me 10 minutes and I'll be there, have the paperwork ready for me to pick up that way I keep it for my records to go along with one from night before last. Isaiah put down his communicator. I hate to cut this short but I've got a job tonight at the breeding center and I might not be back till morning.

Kinsey was understanding, and a little jealous. Some lucky Genmen was getting his vent stretched by his roommate again. That's two and three days, Isaiah might be in high demand after all.

Isaiah went to room 31 and made himself ready and waited in the breeding booth. The carrier was put on to the breeding platform and made ready for his first breeding.

Isaiah saw the green light go home that meant it was time for him to enter the room and take care of business. Isaiah did his job and halfway through the night the Genmen started his conception burn. When it was through Isaiah cleaned himself and the carrier up redressed and went home.

He eased into the bed once he got home and snuggled up behind Kinsey.

That didn't take you long.

I'm sorry Kinsey I didn't mean to wake you up I was trying to be quiet and just slip in the bed. He took really easy; I'm not saying it wasn't rough on him because he was a first timer, but the impregnation took really quick.

Does the contract say if he's keeping the baby or going to give it away?

I don't know Kinsey I didn't look, I just did my job and come home. I'll stop by and talk to Mr. Ben tomorrow and find out for sure.

Isaiah kissed Kinsey on his cheek and told him good night.

The next morning Kinsey was up early cooking breakfast for everyone in the house, Isaiah was exhausted and come dragging in the kitchen. Good morning it smells great Kinsey, I didn't know you even got up.

Well since I couldn't sleep anymore past 5 AM due to the fact you sounding like a buzz saw going off next to me Isaiah, I decided to get up and cook breakfast for everyone.

I'm so sorry Isaiah is just happens when I'm extremely tired. I promise next time when I'm tired, I'll go sleep on the couch just push me, poke me or prod me and tell me I'm snoring.

Isaiah you will not go sleep on any couch, this is something we have to work through and I need to get used to it. Besides what you like it about seven months along I'll end up with terrible gas just like all Genmen do with their pregnant. That statement brought a round of chuckles from the other roommates.

Hey Kinsey I want to thank you for what you did last night the baby slept all night long.

Sure, any time you need me to help have a gland that's available.

Everyone in the house left except the new parents and they all went their own way going to work except for Isaiah who went to the center so he could drop off paperwork. He wanted to ask Mr. Ben about last night's job, what was the status of the baby to be.

Ben was a little tired but he got plenty arrest because Sebastian slept very nicely for a newborn, Mickey was at the house first thing this morning to help out while Ben caught up on some paperwork.

Isaiah noticed that Mr. Ben was in his office so he knocked on the door and Ben motioned for him to come in.

Yes sir Mr. Clark how can I help you this morning.

Mr. Ben, I have the paperwork from the breeding's for you.

Son what do you mean by breeding's you've only had one?

No Sir Mr. Ben I got a phone call last night and they wanted me to report to the center to room 31 for a custom independent breeding. Here's the paperwork on it and the one form a couple of nights ago I'm sorry I forgot to turn it in, it was in room 13.

No three nights ago it was room 31 that you were scheduled to be at.

Sir look at my paperwork it's all right there, room 13 independent interspecies breeding times one. But I need to tell you about that one, I think he took twice.

No, no, no you did not have a breeding in room 13 a few nights ago, tell me that you did not do a breeding that night.

Sir I took my paperwork I picked it up after I got my phone call, I carried it to the attending Tech he showed me to room 13, I went and showered made ready myself. When the green light illuminated, I went in calmed the carrier as he was a little bit nervous. I mounted him I bred him I deposited 13 loads and left in the morning. He had to separate burns about 10 minutes apart so I'm almost sure he is carrying twins.

Ben played the part perfect, he put his head down and propped it on his hand. Are you sure that you did not go to room 31 three nights ago are used actually positive that it was room 13 that you went to Isaiah?

Yes, that's reason I was here so early, I was waiting on you when you introduced me to my roommate. You had me carry him home and that was it. Last night we were getting ready for bed and my communicator went off and I was told report to room 31 because I had another breeding, just like the other night I made myself ready waiting for the green light when in, did a blind mount he took really easily I left him after I cleaned them up and I went home to take care of Kinsey. And that's something else I will talk to you about in a few minutes Sir.

Oh, shit we have a problem three nights ago room 13 was scheduled for a breeding and there was a young man waiting in their but he was to carry a pure blood that scheduled to be taken off of the ranch. They picked Kinsey especially because of his physical attributes.

Mr. Ben did you say that they picked Kinsey my Kinsey at the house for his physical attributes and he was a room 13? Are you telling me that Kinsey is pregnant with my babies?

Ben laid his head on his desk and just shook it from side to side. We need to get Kinsey in to see the doctor and make sure that he is pregnant with twins. Then I have to explain to him what went wrong.

Mr. Ben nothing went wrong, as I for as I'm concerned it's a perfect fuck-up. I talked to Kinsey about after he delivers if he would consider helped me raise the baby that I conceived with the independent breeding that I did. He has expressed his opinion that it would be nice because he's going to lose his son that he is expecting. We are going to be parents together with our own child, it couldn't be more perfect I just have to convince him of that.

Isaiah there's one thing you're not thinking about, last night's breeding number 31 is the one you're supposed to keep because he is a pure blood, he cannot carry for his pureblood mate until he is stretched by birthing a smaller hybrid child. What about that one, it will come in three days or four days maybe after Kinsey's child or children if it's twins?

Mr. Ben we will handle that when it comes up. But first we need to talk to him about our children he is carrying for me and him.

Isaiah what if he doesn't want to have hybrid children, what if he only wants purebloods have you thought about that?

Mr. Ben if he realizes that he gets to keep and raise his child even if it is a hybrid child. I think he'll be okay with it. If not, we will have to cross that bridge when we get to it.

Okay today after you both get off from work come back here to the office, correction come to the manor house. I want for him to see how hybrid children fit into our world. Maybe that'll help make up his mind when he finds out that he is expecting your child not a stranger's child, somebody that he has already bonded with.

Isaiah was on cloud nine when he walked out of Ben's office, whistling all the way to the front door.

Zack poked his head into Ben's office, just why was I say is so happy what's got into him.

Well, it's not every day you find out that the young man you been assigned to who was freshly bred in an independent breeding, was accidentally impregnated by you due to the paperwork foul up.

And may I inquire exactly what young man was impregnated accidentally?

Oh, that's easy, young Kinsey. You know the smart ass that couldn't keep his dick to himself and had signed his paperwork as a breeding carrier, that's the one.

Ben, you didn't do that now did you?

Zack, I have been under a lot of stress and I might've accidentally reversed two numbers on some paperwork and put 13 instead of 31. But it's okay because 31 was bred last night by the big boy. And Kinsey according to Isaiah had two burns 10 minutes apart so that means he is carrying twins for him and Isaiah. So, all's well that ends well.

Oh, by the way after work they are stopping by the house to see how hybrid Genmen children fit into a mixed relationship. And we get to break the news about Kinsey's pregnancy.

Chasten was cleaning out the stalls and putting out fresh straw when he saw a young female come into the Barn. Usually, the females stayed away because of the smells of the animals and most of the prized males did also. But he since there was something different about this young lady so he decided to stay in the background shadows and watch her.

Luna looked around trying to find some fresh droppings but whoever was keeping the Barnes these days was a little bit tidier than normal. Then she looked in the corner and spied exactly what she wanted racknar feces.

Chasten was shocked at what she did next, she reached down and ran her fingers through the racknar crap then hoisted her front of her clothing reaching down into her personal area and it looked like she was rubbing it on herself. She pulled her hand out of her garments and wiped her fingers clean on a rag that was lying in the stall. He then took a chance and spoke; you know there's easier ways to take care yourself it's called soap and water it cleans you.

Luna was scared out of her wits when she turned around and saw the very nice looking Chasten standing there holding the shovel in his hands. You didn't see anything you don't know that I was in here please you cannot tell anybody about me being here.

Hey your secret is safe with me, I don't know why you did what you just did to yourself, I'm not telling anybody that's too strange for me.

You're just a male Genmen, you wouldn't understand why females have to do this to themselves.

I beg your pardon I'm not a genman I am human, now if you want to go around smelling like a rackknar crap that your fault or your business I mean. But it's nasty.

Linda looked at Chasten, if your human what the hell are you doing out on one of these places, do you know where you're at and what goes on here?

I'm on some kind of weird ranch or farm whatever it is run by some crazy old bitch and a bunch of equally crazier women. You've got five or six huge males here and all the girls here are knocked up was is some home for pregnant girls that are not married?

Luna looked around, follow me lets go out back we can talk so that no one can walk in and hear us you need to know a few things.

Okay we're so far from the front that I could scream at the top of my lungs and they would never hear me what's up with the secrecy and by the way my name is Chasten.

Luna stuck out her clean hand and introduced yourself; my name is Luna I know it sounds screwy and I was made fun of in school before I was sent here Luna the loony girl.

Chasten, you are on a breeding farm all the young girls here are female Genmen, we are sent here when were close to our first cycle so that we can be bred with strong virile Genmen males and hopefully birth another generation of female babies. It's almost my time so I keep on trying to disguise my sent so that one I called the Manimal won't get up on me and put a child inside.

Is that all Luna, simply tell them that you don't want a kid, maybe later but not right now.

Chasten your human you don't understand, least I think you human you don't smell one to me. When a young female Genmen turns 16 her body matures in her eggs are fertile. When they go into cycle there put with a male who delivers his seed into her so that she may conceive a child. They hope that the child will be of royal bloodlines so that she can become a leader of the female Genmen as the older females are not able to fight in war anymore.

There's no doubt that I might one day consider myself a mate, but I want to be my choosing I don't want to be mounted by some overgrown meathead Manimal and almost die nine months later trying to push it out.

But let's get back to the situation what the hell are you doing here on this place?

I did something very wrong according to my mother, I fell in love with the wrong person.

If you don't mind me asking how old are you?

I just turned 18 eight months ago. I met the love of my life at school, we slipped around so this we wouldn't because and one day they noticed some movement downstairs. They discovered the baby even though we tried to hide it as best we could. If they had only not discovered for about another week, we were leaving that place.

Let me get this right you're in a school, I guess it's a private school, you knock some old gal up that was beneath your mother's criteria. What you think the girl was looking for a paycheck? What about the girl and the baby, where they at?

Luna this is where it gets a little strange, it wasn't a girl. He was a Genman cross, we didn't know that he matured out early and could conceive a child before he transitioned.

So, let me get this straight dear old mom hit the ceiling, her darling son had laid with the un-pure and they had conceived a child that would never be her grandchild. And she split you two up and since you here after she figured out what to do. Is that about, right?

Yes, it is but he wouldn't go back to his parents because he was too embarrassed, and my parents didn't make it any better. I took early exams to get out of school my father is a judge and with my mother's influence they come up with something to block him from seeing me ever again. I tried to find him there is not even any record of him ever attending the school his name doesn't come up on any searches it's like he never existed.

If your old man is a judge you can believe the records public and private have been scrubbed. He probably took a new name and left, what did he do with the baby that's what you need to be asking yourself?

I'm fairly certain that he sent it to his parents, they have the financial means to take care of the boy and they are not bigots like my parents. They adopted him when he was young, they raise him and sent him to the best schools for the best education. I'm sure that they've got the baby on the ranch where they live.

Did you say ranch where they live Chasten?

Well, they don't exactly live there his adoptive father owns the ranch along with his dad. He has two older siblings, the oldest one has four kids and some step kids with his mate and the middle brother has been dating this one Genman for a while they're going to get joined one of these days.

Where's the ranch at, and what is its name do you at least know that?

Let me think, we talked about all the time and he was talking about how good they were and how they took in every misfit, unloved and unwanted Genmen there was plus they run some kind of operation there to that provided services to other ranches and farms. It was called the Z1 ranch.

Fuck me running, you mean you knocked up the son of the owners of the Z1?

If you want to put that vulgar yeah, I guess I did. Why what's so special about this place?

That's where I'm going to when I escape from this fucking hellhole, I just hope was before I get knocked up by the Manimal. Oh, shit there's people out here looking let me go first and pretend I was looking for flowers and just lost track of time, we will talk about this later.

Luna walked around from behind the stack of debris with flowers in her hands when she was met by the huge breeder who stopped her and ask her some questions then slapped her so hard, she fell down. Chasten did not wish to give up his location or he would have tried to kick the big Bastards ass for hitting Luna.

Chasten watched Luna walked back toward the house as the big Bastard walked up behind her and sniffed her rear area. Chasten want to laugh when he shook his head after he got a good with of the racknar droppings she had smeared on herself. One thing about her she was smart, but like she said she could not avoid him forever sooner or later he was going to call her bluff, so this needed to go quickly.

Rico was getting along good at Chuck's diner, him and Rusty had set boundaries and believe me Rusty did not cross them. Not that he was really scared but he respected Rico and what the young man was showing him. Chuck left the diner in Rico's care while he returned to the Z1 for the fast-approaching birth of his and Tom's triplets.

Rico was following the class via satellite and Rusty even set in on the classes so he could learn everything he could. Rusty was very amazed at the complexity of the program for the reproduction of Genmen.

Rusty spent less and less time with his surf bum friends and more and more time with his nose stuck in a book learning. Rico taught him so much about the art of cooking, and what it took to be around genman when it was their time.

Rico had the main screen up at the diner so that everyone can watch the special report with Jordan. Jordan was doing the interview at the space lock for INC, he was meeting and envoy for a new shuttle during first contact with the new race of inhabitants from a little local area planet.

Jordan was waiting in the docking area when the portal to the space lock opened and the ship began its entrance into the holding area. Suddenly there was a flash of light and an explosion as someone or something blasted the whole side of the incoming shuttle apart. The whole world was watching this unfold during this life national interview with INC.

Jordan didn't budge after the camera operator fell dead due to a blaster shot, he turned the camera toward the encroachment when out of the bright area emerged two huge massive humanoids in full battle gear. They were shooting everything in their site, suddenly they stopped and stepped aside as a female appeared through the lock, Jordan couldn't believe what he was seeing here was a female wearing full tactical battle gear shiny plates of some kind of molded metal wrapped around her body. She touched a place on her temple and the face shield lifted.

Jordan was looking at this female face-to-face when she raised her weapon in his direction, in a defensive mode that he knew would be his last breath he tilted his head and held his hand out to block the blast as it was to come his way with his fingers extended and spread.

Suddenly for no reason the female took her knee laid her blaster and her scepter down, and she said the following phrase Drakna codo repa sudu a lokdo. Then she stood up bowed her head placed her hands in an almost praying stance and backed through the portal that she came through along with her huge companions. The portal disappeared and they were gone.

Jordan looked around him and picked up the camera at the carnage that had taken place in mere seconds, he was the only one left of a delegation 45 people to welcome this new race of inhabitants that were also dead within the confines of the ship or at least what was left of the ship.

Folks this is Jordan Reeves of INC I'm at a loss of words at this moment who these people were, I have no knowledge what they wanted I don't know, but whatever she said we will decipher if it's possible to let our viewers know why they did this and why they left. The gates are security locked. I would like to give my condolences for everyone who lost their life or lost a loved one here today. This proves that we are not alone, and not everyone is here with good intentions. This is Jordan Reeves from INC signing off.

At the Z1 Earl dropped the bowl of icing that he was holding as he watched the event unfold live on his monitor. The day that his dad feared had come. But this time they would be ready for these bitches. For some reason the warrior sensed something in Jordan that stopped the attack and caused her to utter the phrase; "My Lord, I did not know this realm was under your protection we shall not return we fear that it might anger you". Mr. Zack needed know about this so he called Madison.

Madison listened to what his dad said so that he could repeat this back to Mr. Zach.

Zack and Ben were in shock as they watched the loop over again. What the fuck language was that what did she say moreover what the hell was she said Zach.

Madison walked in to the study area; not meaning to disturb you sir she was what attacked our outpost or at least she was like the ones that attacked our outpost. Dad just called me and gave me a translation of what she said that goes like this; "My Lord, I did not know this realm was under your protection, we shall not return, we fear that we might anger you".

For some reason they thought Jordan was something else maybe it's something in his genetics or bloodlines but whatever it was they took him as The Supreme Guardian Ruler of the Planet. He was standing out in space above the planet without any kind of breathing apparatus. He had his hand extended in a manner that meant he was in charge and they were below him, as far as she knew he was floating in the air because of the clear decking that he was standing on so she mistook him for a God. Whether he knows you're not he saved this whole fucking planet Sir and I don't mean to be vulgar. Everyone on this planet owes their life to Jordan Reeves. We need to lock off the portal gate and stop all outgoing transmissions until we find a way that we can make it safe.

Zach picked up his communicator and called the senators direct hotline. Zach told him everything that Madison had spoken about. We need to get Jordan back to the Z1 he doesn't need to go anywhere else he does need to talk to anyone. He needs to be protected on the Z1.

The senator agreed with Zack and called for a security detail to escort Jordan directly to the Z1 stopping nowhere for no one.

Chasten was cleaning up outside of the barn when the old grumpy bitch suddenly threw a chair through the window of the main house where she stayed on the farm. She walked out and started to beating anybody and ever body that was in her grasp, she had lost her shit. She was screaming something in a different language that he had no idea what the bitch was saying but he stayed clear of her.

Luna grabbed Chasten and pulled him into the barn, did you see it? Did you see what they just fucking did?

No, I was out here in the barn cleaning as usual I don't go to the main house, I don't go anywhere there is a viewer I'm not allowed.

Some huge monster bitch and her hinge men just came through the portal locks at the spaceport. They come through their blasting blowing everything to hail people getting blown half into, pieces flying everywhere then suddenly this balls the reporter stands up to her puts his hand out to warn her to stay away, tucks his head then looks at her and she lays her shit down, I mean her blaster her staff everything she had in her hands to attack him and kill him in his like she was scared shitless of this reporter with a microphone in his hand in one hand and his other hand held out like he was telling her to stop. It was some freaky, fucked up shit.

While the bitch is off her rocker, we need to find a way out of here because I don't want to be here if anything goes down. I got some provision stuck back, I got some extra suits a clothing hidden here in the barn if you haven't thrown them away yet, since you've been cleaning every damn thing up, Mr. neat freak. We're leaving as soon as possible.

And where would we go Luna? It's not like we have anyplace we can hide plus we have no money?

I've got some spare change stuck back, maybe we can sweettalk one of the transit drivers into taking us toward the Z1 and we can get closer to it. But when I say let's go be ready or I'm leaving without you.

Ok Luna; I'll be ready.

20 minutes later in the old hag was still tearing the place up throwing everything she could at people, when the two got their lucky break. The sentry's left their post and approached the main house to try and calm the old one down.

Unnoticed by anyone Chasten and Luna slipped out of the compound and ran like hell trying to make it to the main road. Once on the main road it wasn't hard to flag down someone, they were picked up by an older gentleman.

Luna had to make it look really good so she scooted up next to Chasten and wrapped her arm around his waist.

You're, okay young lady I'm not going to try anything, so tell me what are you two young people doing out this time of the evening you know it's not safe to be out of the roads.

It was Chastens time to lay the bull shit on thick, we couldn't stay at home anymore. Her parents didn't understand and my parents that she wasn't any good and beneath me. But I'm sorry Mr. ain't no child of mine coming in this world without two parents, so we're headed to somewhere I've heard about will employ me and help her when her time is due. She's only two months along but we had to go.

Yeah, but that place mostly just helps Genmen and hybrids and that's not either one of you, but if you stop in the Township that they have an interest in there's a lot of construction going on around there and I'm sure she can pick up job up at one of the small stores until she gets too big to stand on her feet.

The man took some paper credits out of his pocket and handed them to Chasten, I know it's not much but it'll get you on a transit headed in the right direction. Make sure and get the Z line to carry directly to the Township then they go home to the Z1 ranch.

Thank you so much Sir we cannot repay you at all, but please if anyone comes to you and ask about us don't say nothing please, they wanted it taken care of if you know what I mean.

This calls the old man to bristle up, kids don't worry your secret safe with me and anybody ever tries that sorry piece a racknar crap.

The old man dropped them out at the transit stop and told that the Z line should be there within five minutes need to go ahead just tell the driver, his name is Lester to go to sanctuary he knows what you're asking for and he'll get you there.

Sure, enough a big fancy shiny transit pulled up, and on the side of it was the words; the Z line. The door opened and they climbed up the stairs when the driver looked at him and smiled. Chasten didn't know what to think. They both walked on to the transit and took a couple of seats a few rows behind the driver.

Driver close the door and then took off, Madison did forget your manners today or something boy, and what the hell is up with that hair today when did you take all the color out of it? All hell I guess you and Mr. Z are up to something again, never know what job going to do next but who's the girl?

Chasten looked at the driver like he did know who he was talking to because he literally didn't.

Luna spoke up, Sir I was told to tell you that we need sanctuary Sir.

Lester looked in his mirror once again, and told the two okay not a problem it will be about an hour and a half before we get there.

Lester punched his communications device and turn the screen on, he encoded Mr. Zack's personal code and hit send.

Chasten and Luna had no idea what the driver was doing as long as he was leaving them alone, they were okay they were safe.

Lester put his earphones on and push the communication button.

Zack come on the screen and asked Lester was everything okay?

Yes, sir it is but I've got some weird stuff going on here, Sir I don't know what you're up to but that's none of my business, but I just picked up Madison with the young lady probably maybe the 17 she might be. Madison has his hair bleached out and he's wearing some very rough looking clothing so I don't know what you two are up to but I've got the kids with me just let you know.

Lester did you say you had Madison there with you?

Yes, Sir I have Madison here on the transit were headed home and he has an additional rider with him and she's female and she said they were going to sanctuary.

Lester don't be alarmed but Madison is sitting here in the reading room with Ben and myself I'll turn the communicator around so you can see him, I don't know who you have on board but it's not Madison.

Mr. Z I'm going to put you on the main viewer receiving screen so you can see this couple, I got a Madison double here except he has blonde hair, the young lady I don't know who she is. They could both use a bath because they don't smell fresh. I thought you had an operation go. When I push the button, I want you to look at them Sir.

It took about two seconds for Madison and Zack to realize who was on the transit, Ben just set there in shock.

Zach hit the recall button to talk to Lester. I want you to call the young couple to come to the front and sit down so that they can see me and Madison on the viewing screen and put us on the big one if no one else is on board.

No one else Sir were on a dry run I dropped everyone off and returning empty other than these two.

Okay put us on the viewer; young man can you please come to the front of the transit and sit near the driver we need to talk; this is Zachary Spinelli from the Z1 ranch where you are headed and bring your friend with you.

Chasten was scared shitless who was this man on the screen and how did he know to talk to him about the Z1.

I'm sorry driver can you let us off we need to leave please.

Chasten don't worry you are safe; your father has been worried about you but that's okay you are safe from harm from anyone and so is the young lady with you. She did the right thing by asking for sanctuary as it has been granted.

I want to talk to you in person but just so that you know we are on your side. Due to some legal jargon and our son changing his name and drop in the Spinelli name we have not been able to find him as he gave birth. Yes, you are a father. Sebastian was sent here to live with us so that we could raise him.

I know all about you being pressured into signing over your rights, unfortunately our son did not know and give us the option to raise Sebastian or by legal decree he would've been sent to an adoption center. Like Ben would let that happen, hell I wouldn't let it happen. He had a whopper, you and him created fine son together. But you'll see him soon enough. I have someone here that would like to say hello to you since you and him both wear the same face.

I would like you to meet Madison, he's my right arm I couldn't get by without him. We get the trouble sometimes together but hey that's what it takes.

Chasten looked at the young man on the screen in his mouth fell open, Luna's comment was a little bit more direct; would you look at that shit y'all fucking look just like each other you could be brothers do you have a brother maybe a twin and you didn't tell me about it?

Luna; watch your language we can't talk like that out here you have to use a little bit more tack.

Don't worry about it Chasten, Madison basically said the same thing the first time he saw your picture. He's your first cousin, there's a whole lot of things we need to go through when you arrive. I would like to call your father and notify him that you've been located in you are safe. But because the way things are, I am requesting your permission first. You don't have to worry about your mother, she is nowhere around in fact she's in a 6 x 9 jail cell sitting on the lumpy mattress with a scratchy blanket. You will never have to deal with her again and she will never ever get near your son that I will guarantee.

Yes, you can tell my father that I'm okay, please do not tell him where I'm at I'm not ready to meet up with him until I get a lot of answers for myself.

That's fully understandable young man, but there is someone here that has waited a very long time to meet you. He will control himself, and be respectful of you and what you gone through but when you hear everything you'll understand and you just might want to meet with him.

Yes, sir I understand that but first I would like to meet Sebastian's grandparents, you and Mr. Ben and thank you for doing the right thing for our son when we were unable to, me because I was forced and your son because he didn't know, he's not guilty of anything but falling in love, doing some crazy things and ending up pregnant.

Coming soon P -- 67


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