There Is No Love

By Ryan Westmen

Published on Sep 12, 2011


There Is No Love

Chapter 6

Usual disclaimers apply, all copyright goes to me `the author', and may not be used without my consent, you know the drill.

Email me at:

ALSO!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH to my amazing editor Lisa :) You're great and this story would be unreadable without you :)

P.S. this ---oOo--- means a flashback, and when you see it again it means the end of the flashback, and back to the present, got it? Good!

Here we go:

Mike's P.O.V.:

I'm going over it in my head, why am I such a dick? I'm trying to figure out how the love Kai and I had once had is gone. I mean, yeah I did the whole Aaron thing, but can't he see why I did it? I did it for him to show him just how much I love him and why he should be with me. Me and only me, no other asshole like Aaron or Tyler. I'm holding onto my memories, the way it was before this whole fucking Aaron thing happened; the way it was meant to be. Kai and I; full stop nothing else about it. I know he felt something for me too; the way he would look at me with his gorgeous emerald eyes, his angelic smile would just warm my heart. Kai was my sunlight, my warmth, when he is gone I have nothing. I'm cold and tired. I just can't not be with him. He is my everything. But now Tyler is gonna do everything he can to stop me from getting my baby back.

Who does Tyler think he is, threatening me? He doesn't know who he is dealing with; I'm going to fuck his life up so bad he isn't going to know what happened. Let's see him try and keep me from Kai then. After this he won't be keeping me from anyone. Kai is mine and no one is going to stop me, not now that I know I can get him back.

Oh, I'm not going to just go and fight him again, no, this situation needs to be handled with care. I sat for two hours thinking how I would get rid of Tyler and get my baby back. Fuck, this is impossible, if only it worked out like it does on TV, the evil, serial bitch just pops these things out of her head. After two brain-crushing hours of scheming, I finally worked it out. Oh Tyler, get ready for a world of hurt buddy.

Before I begin this plan I need to set up the pieces of our chess game, let's see him win this one. Step one to this plan: I need someone who can take the fall for me and still always have my back. Who would do that? It can't be anyone in the group; well they all love Kai just as much as I do. It needs to be someone on the outside, someone who can play on the sidelines and only come when he's called up to play. Logan. Logan, now I just need to get him back on my side.

"Hello?" Logan answered his phone. I thought it would take a few more tries, considering how we left things last time.

"Hey Loges, it's Mike. What's up?" I asked in a normal voice; best to act like nothing happened

"Not much, you apologizing or you still in love with Kai?" Damn it. Straight to the point as usual

"I'm actually calling to apologize to you; what I did was wrong. I shouldn't have used you like that, especially since I started having feelings for you." My voice was even, if he buys this, he is a fucking idiot, makes my life easier though.

"You really have feelings for me? That's hard to believe, considering how you used me, and then screamed someone else's name when you came in my mouth," he snapped back at me.

"Yeah, I started to feel for you, that's why I was such an ass to you and screamed Kai's name. I was scared, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have acted like that, can you forgive me?" I fake pleaded; if he makes me play this out more he can forget it.

"Okay, I forgive you. I like you too, I'm so happy." His giddy voice sounded like music to my ears. Bingo, gotcha.

"Oh thank God; I thought you wouldn't forgive me." Okay, he's forgiven me, time to start my plan.

"What are you doing now? I'm horny as fuck." Logan's voice came through the phone as a sexy growl. Oh man, I don't think I can sleep with him again, not with Kai still everywhere in my mind. But maybe a little fun wouldn't hurt, could it? Kai will still be there for me to sweep off his feet, and if I don't play this whole fake love thing through with Logan, he will catch on. Logan is dumb, but not that fucking stupid.

"Ahhh... Can you be here in ten?" I asked with a sexy voice that he wouldn't be able to resist. Fuck this plan is going to be hard; I can't keep sleeping with him, but if I get Kai after all this then it would be worth it. I need Kai.

Kai's P.O.V.:

Love is a complicated thing, sometimes it can fly under the radar for many years, without showing its painful face. Unnoticed by any who follow blindly behind the rest of the pack, love is a foreign language that no one ever truly understands.

Tyler stood at the entry way to my room, his sun kissed cheeks flushed a light red, his black hair was swooped over his forehead; still dishevelled from the fight. His grey eyes were piercing mine, asking for permission to enter my room. No, why should I? He was the one fighting Mike; it could have been his elbow that screwed up my face. But look at him, standing their all bashful and adorable, his clothes hugging his tight muscles which formed his gorgeous figure. There's no way I can ever say no to Tyler, no matter how angry I am, he is always Tyler. His eyes always capture my heart and make me a pushover. This boy could tell me to jump off a cliff and I would do it.

"As long as you don't plan on fighting me and screwing up another part of my face." I snapped at him. I quickly found some grey sweat pants and a really baggy red t-shirt, like five sizes too big baggy. I sat back on my bed and crossed my legs under me, inviting him to sit next to me.

"Okay, thanks... I am so sorry." He sat and his voice was just above a whisper; so deep and masculine it was mesmerizing. Wait, did he just say he was sorry? Damn straight you should be sorry, fighting with Mike, as much as I hate to say it, he is still my best friend. I still care about him, even after everything he has done, I still love him as a friend, as a brother.

"You should be sorry, what were you thinking? You know how much trouble you could be in? He could have put you in hospital, or worse killed you!" I yelled at him. I hope he realizes how much of a dick he was. He put me through hell today, sending me on an emotional rollercoaster for one, no one was there to hold my hand and make sure I didn't go flying off.

"I know, it was stupid, really, REALLY stupid. Either way you look at it, I was stupid and I'm sorry. You don't know how much you mean to me and to find out he did... he did... THAT to you, I just wanted to break his neck." His eyes glistened in the moonlight coming from my open window, which cast a shadow over his chiselled face. It made him look surreal; his beauty was radiating. "I don't know how to tell you this Kai, I was thinking about it the whole way over." His eyes began darting around the room unable to focus on anything, his hands fidgeting with the bottom of his shirt, pulling it this way and that. What has him so nervous?

"What do you need to tell me?" I lowered my head to meet his steel grey eyes. His eyes were masking fear, what happened? Did something happen when I left? I began getting really nervous, what has he done?

"Tyler, hey," I cupped his strong jaw forcing him to meet my gaze "What?" His eyes shot down in fear. Oh fuck.

"I need to tell you something; something I should have said a really long time ago but couldn't. Then Aaron came and I just couldn't. What I'm trying to say is that I... ugh, I didn't think it would be this hard." His voice was soft and barely audible by the end of his speech.

"What is hard?" I asked.

"I... I... I LO..." In that exact moment that he was stumbling to find the right words, for whatever he was going to tell me, his eyes caught the moonlight, shining like a crescent beam. His face was showing pain; his strong jaw line quivering, the bruises and cuts on his face making him look vulnerable, the muscles underneath his shirt rapidly tightening, his breathing labouring. In that moment something came over me, something deep within me sent my head forward, moving towards his moonlit face. Something which had been hidden for so long came bursting to the surface like a phoenix reborn, flames of lust and passion burst from my soul. I needed him. I've needed him all along. I can't explain it but somehow my emotions for Tyler have just sat motionless; always being repressed to make room for other people. The emotions that have been dead my whole life were being reawakened.

My lips sought his out like a homing pigeon finding its way home. Ours lips connected and something inside me burst; I'm sure you could hear the noise from anywhere in the house. Pure happiness, for the first time in a long time, showed its beautiful face, Tyler's face. Ty sat frozen in place. Oh God! I've fucked up, he didn't feel the same way as me, not Tyler, he is strong and handsome. His whole body tensed, his breath hitched. FUCK! I pulled back quickly, my left hand coming up to cover my mouth, my eyes welled in fear, what will he do now? I looked into his eyes, looking intently at me were two deep pools of silver, filled with something; they looked like they were going to explode.

"I'm sorry!" I whispered.

At the same time as Tyler whispered, "I love you."

"Wait, what?" My voice rose, what did he say? I couldn't work it out, well he isn't trying to break any part of me, and so I guess that's a plus.

"I... love you," his voice just a bit louder. No. Fucking. Way.

"Oh God," my voice was shrill and high pitched, it would annoy the fuck out of anyone, but I didn't care, he wanted it just as much as me. I began bouncing on my bed from excitement. I didn't make another huge mistake; I didn't add another fuck up to the long list of fuck ups that just seem to follow me around! My face burst into a smile, a real smile, something that hasn't graced me with its presence in a very long time. There is love.

After I kissed Tyler, he laid back on my soft bed, now filled with his warmth, his love. I moved so my head was resting on his chest, which was slowly rising and falling, putting me at ease. I am loved and Tyler loves me.

His phone rang which shook me from my revelry. Tyler sat up and took me with him keeping me in his strong arms, holding me like he should have been for years. "It's my mom; I have to go, sorry." He leaned forward and kissed my forehead with his soft lips. Man, if he kissed me for the rest of my life, well I wouldn't complain. He slowly climbed out of my bed not taking his eyes of me. I was looking into his storm grey eyes; they send chills up my spine every time I see them. Tyler is the one I have always wanted, and it's taken this long for me to discover that. As he turned to leave I grabbed his strong forearm, he turned and looked at me with his piercing eyes

"Please stay," I begged hopefully, my eyes shimmering with hope. He has to stay. I finally found him and I can't let him go, not ever, now I finally have him. My Tyler.

His lips curled into a lopsided grin and he turned and crawled back into bed beside me. His strong arms found their way around me. This is where I belong, with Ty. He softly kissed my forehead; his warm breath tickled my hair, my dick twitched. I looked up into the most gorgeous pair of eyes I have ever seen and he was smiling mischievously, then our lips connected in a moment of lust. I crawled on top of him, straddling his waist leaning down on his chest, tasting his delicious lips. They tasted like love and masculinity; it was such a turn on. His hands roamed my back, finally settling on my ass, massaging it; a small moan escaped my lips. I never felt this turned on before. I moved my hands under his shirt, feeling the perfect ripples of his abs, up to the solid mounds of his pecs. I rubbed and pinched his quarter sized nipples, gaining a moan from Tyler.

Tyler's P.O.V.:

Finally, finally I told Kai I love him. The world was all put right again, a massive weight had been lifted off my shoulders; I felt free. Free of everything that used to scare me. Not having Kai, not telling him how I felt sooner, will always be my biggest regret. Now I have him in my strong arms; his soft skin was radiating through his shirt, warming my soul just from finally having him. His lips were so soft and melted my heart every time he touched me, his weight resting comfortably on me while he was straddling my hips. His hands were working my nipples; fuck if he doesn't stop I'm gonna cum. I can't do that to Kai; it should be perfect, I want everything to be perfect with him.

I softly pushed him back. He looked down at me with his emerald eyes full of concern. "We need to stop, can we just cuddle?" I asked. He smiled at me and my heart melted. This is what everyday will be like from now on, I must be in heaven. He slid off my waist and I immediately missed him, missed him being close to me. He rolled on his side facing away from me and my body moulded to his perfectly. His back was pushed right up against my front, my cock resting in his ass crack; this is perfect. I hugged him tight to me, I'm never letting go again, not now that I have tasted what it's like to be with someone you love. I would lie here forever with him in my arms.

"So tell me again what you said before?" he asked with a small laugh. He leaned down and kissed my forearm, his soft lips setting the skin on fire. After his question my face instantly flushed.

"What? That there is this scrawny ass kid that wants to fuck my brains out?" I asked with a sly smile, kissing the back of his neck. He started laughing, he moved his arm to rest on mine, and he began drawing small circles on my skin. Everything this boy does turns me on, but I can't sleep with him; not yet. It's not perfect yet.

"Hey, you're the one that stopped me Mr." I could hear the smile in his voice. I leaned down and began licking and sucking on his neck, he squirmed underneath me, trying to get away. I lifted my mouth off for one second.

"Ticklish are we?" I asked in a sly voice, then went back down on his neck, licking and sucking my way up to his ear and then back down. The whole time Kai was wriggling trying to get away, I just held him tighter, his skin tasted so good; so soft and sweet with a hint of pain. It was beautiful, he was beautiful.

"Okay, okay stop," he laughed out and spun around in my arms. He stopped and we looked deep into each other's eyes, seeing everything we ever did or ever wanted. His emerald eyes were filled with passion and pain, something was fighting to break free and it finally has. His eyes shone with happiness, something that hasn't been around in a long time. I forgot how beautiful he is; when he smiles it always has a tone of mischief. His smile makes my knees go weak; lucky I'm lying in bed with him, with my Kai.

"I love you." I whispered and then leaned in and kissed him again. This kiss was filled with love, my love for Kai. This was the best kiss of my life; I will remember it forever, and it takes number one on my list. My tongue makes it way out and licks his bottom lip, he opens his mouth and my tongue shoots in. Our tongues wrestle for dominance which I take, fuck he is amazing, is there anything this boy isn't amazing at? Fuck going home; I'm staying here with my Kai. I lean back and sigh.

"We have school tomorrow, we better get some sleep." I whisper, his mouth curls into a smile and he licks his lips.

"Only if you promise not to go anywhere." He smiles and I softly nod to which he turns back over and I pull him in tight. I nuzzle my nose into the crook of his neck taking in a deep breath, registering the smell of my beautiful Kai.

??? P.O.V.:

Well, well, well. It's been a long time since I came around. But I'm back baby. I'm back to get what is mine; he escaped me once and now I can't get him out of my mind. I promise he isn't going to get away again. I'll be inescapable until I get what I came for. He's mine, always has been, and I'm going to make sure that he doesn't get away again. There's something about him, maybe it's the way I left things. I just can't forget how heartbroken he looked. He was shattered and I can't get his heartbroken face out of my head, and I'm here to set that right. My parents couldn't keep me away from him, his perfect lips, his hot bubble butt, all of it; I'm back and it's time to make my re-debut. I'm coming for you baby.

Authors Note: Okay, so I had two different chapter sixes, so I decided to change it to this one. I hope you enjoyed it. This sets up the story for more chapters. What is Mike's plan? And who is the mystery character?

Comments, thoughts, suggestions, anything, email me:

Peace out. :P

Next: Chapter 7

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