They Came From Outer Space

By Stroppy

Published on Jan 27, 2019



The Cast:

The Jock

I'm 'Jager', as my friends call me. I'm built like a brick shithouse! Standing two meters tall and 158KG, my hair's a freakin mess draping like a shaggy red mop. My foot long beard matches the top and rests on my gorilla gut I'd developed playing Rugby, running and lifting so it's not fat: "he's just built this way". The fact that I deliver beer for a living while going to school helps. Everyone is so cool to me. I have a great rapport with all my accounts. I've been invited to more parties and tailgaters than I could attend even if I weren't working. You'd think throwing Kegs and cases around 8 hours a day 3 days a week would quash my desire to imbibe but I think I drink everything I'd delivered through the weekend. "The circle of life" thinks Jager.

One of my favourite things to do is sneak up on the distributors marketing rep, Mario. Looking like a dwarfed and youthful Sylvester Stallone. At only 5'5 he was a gymnast who works at the Beer distributor to pay for his business degree. "My little Buddy is so bright and so positive to be around. Really, I think he's my best mate"! We spend hours at the bars on the weekends watching sports. Hell, we even run and work out together.

I don't know why he likes me. Sometimes I do awful things to him. Once I snuck up behind him during a presentation and literally covered him with my beard, reached around and paw his face saying "DAMN, MY BALLS ITCH" . The room would crack up and when he turns red and purple I'd shout out "Uh Oh.. it's gonna cum" and cover my face scrunching up on one leg. Even Mario would finally crack up at that one. One meeting he saw someone look briefly at me then back at him smiling and as I approached he turned, dropped to one knee and punched me in the balls yelling "...AND THE CRABS FIGHT BACK". Were I not wheezing in pain I would have laughed too"!

Today, we were at the UCLA science lab. Some scientists were testing something to do with neurotransmitters and pituitary functions at rest and exertion. Right.. Scientific talk for "We'll pay you $50 for some post workout blood". Mario came along with the promise of free beer and babes after. I nervously considered if this was the perfect opportunity to come out to him. Science wanted a top form Jock: We're having a great time joking and laughing.. maybe now I can tell him I have the hot's for him. I like chicks and all but only for fucking. I hate their Baby talk when they get romantic or their clinginess. Why can't they be like Mario? I've invited him to co-bang a chick with me but he refuses. I guess he's shy. Truth be known, I could see giving up women altogether if I could have one man like Mario in my life. For all my mass and all my muscles, I become a shy stuttering child when I try to talk to him. I don't know how to tell him I want him SO FUKIN BAD but I don't want to lose him as a friend.


So here I am, watching my best mate run in place on a treadmill. Fuck, he's a beast. Throw a chestnut wig on one of his arse cheeks and it could be my heavier twin. I could watch him run all day. I love the way his chest bounces. I wanna play patty cake with each alternating bounce. And that Round Belly of his! God I envy him and every woman he crushes with that body of his! We're supposed to go to the pub when he's done. Our goal is to blow his hard earned $50 in the first ten minutes on beer. We talk sports and stuff but I just go because when he gets a few drinks in him he becomes touchy-feely. His hands are all over me. He bear hugs me and when he drapes his beard over me until I could cum. I love his innocence and spirit. I don't know how we became friends but I'm sure as hell glad we did. I know we'll never be lovers but there isn't anything I wouldn't do for him. He's also my best friend and if that's all I can have then I'm good with it.

The Professor:

I am Professor Meisner, lead researcher at a minor military research station on campus at UCLA in Los Angeles or as I like to slang the name: "The city of lost angels". All of my life I've felt myself an alien. Academically, socially and professionally I've isolated myself. I bathe in the anonymity of this city: an observer of life vicariously and envyingly but never a participant. I suppose I deceive myself that being in the middle of life makes me alive.

Today was another day like any other day in my life since my 15th birthday: Sunny skies, Gorgeous weather, scantily clad men and women bathing in the sun or running after an "ultimate frisbee". That damned frisbee is the perfect analogy of my academic life: Someone throws an object, a task or a purpose and I expend great energy to pursue it, once having caught it, spend another bit of energy to rid myself of it and try again with eagerness and anticipation but when I get home I ultimately have only a frisbee. Like Oscar Wilde said: "The game is in the hunt".

I arrived at my flat and opened the door I had again forgotten to lock. It's not as if anyone would be interested in anything I have here. I can almost imagine someone entering, looking around, yawning once and closing the door silently behind them. I surveyed my place with great disinterest. The books, papers, even the furniture lacked colour. Tans, blacks and whites defined me for anyone who hadn't caught on by meeting me, let alone had enough interest in coming home with me. At 40, I was already 60. Christopher Isherwood said "I am a Camera". I, then suppose I am the screen.

My cell phone dinged with a text.... well, really it quacked like a duck notifying me. The quack was the single smatter of colour in my life. The text was from a co-worker who said the lab techs and he were going to a pub down the way for "Bangers and Mash' to celebrate St Paddy's day and that I should join them. I declined politely, maybe fearing all that green would make me seem even duller or maybe that watching all the people celebrating and living would make me feel emptier. Besides, I thought of Woody Allens quip: "I wouldn't want to be a member of a country club that would have me as a member". when the text quacked again. This time it was to notify me that another meteor had fallen intact near Yucaipa and would be waiting in my lab tomorrow morning. Ahh.. a frisbee is thrown.

The Lab Assistant

Emma drove with the arrogance and unimpeachable conviction of someone who has embraced objectivism. Traveling a well established and rehearsed route she will neither exceed nor dip below the speed limit. "That is not the scientific way". These drivers around her; trying to make her speed up or deviate are a perfect example of Koch's Postulate. They are a pathogen and I am the immune system incarnate.

Emma wasn't unattractive per se. She just lacked colour both in spectrum and dimension. She dressed as she thought all Academicians should: Nothing to distract or arouse men so they would take her work seriously. Her hair was neat but pulled into a tight thick horses mane pony tail. It's chestnut colour was out of place; it should have been an ashen colour more befitting her role model: One of the Dr's in a Black and White film admonishing the troops on the dangers of Syphilis during World War II.

While most people pass the commute time singing along with the radio or day dreaming about how they would update that house on the corner or what they would do if they won the lottery, Emma reminisced about her academic achievements. "Were I the lead researcher rather than Dr. Meisner..." or "I, who in the 10th grade, successfully located the Locus Cereleus on a cat while the other Neanderthals were still trying to find the liver... I should have been the class valedictorian ". Oblivious to the cars she cut off or the red light that she ran.. even to the traumatised blind paedestrian in the cross walk whom she narrowly missed, poor Emma wondered why she was never recognised for her superior abilities.

The following day we find our Greek Chorus in their places at the University Science Centre.

Meteors fall all the time, but this one was larger than normal; about the size of a Kiwi fruit and made quite the impact disrupting electric signals for a five mile radius and left a crater about three meters deep at the center and the last slope 100 meters wide. Some kids had found the fragment and said it felt "Weird" to them. They were happy to be rid of it.

It was brought it to the lab as we do all samples. Of course we donned rubber gloves and simple face masks but really going from flash frozen in space to the friction of re-entry would kill Ebola and it's sisters 1000 times over. We used a hypersonic drill, like in a dental office, to get a core sample. It was so dense it took three drill pits to even make a mark. Reflecting now, we hadn't cracked the fragment at all. We had awoken something and it opened its craft for us.

I was holding the hyfracator and the now known ship opened like a spring loaded hatch. A black issue shot out onto my arm and soaked through the lab coat and into my skin. I know my eyes blackened immediately and I was frozen in place. My lab assistant, Emma knocked the mayo table over as she grabbed my arm and gave a half scream before she too froze and her eyes blackened.

One room over, an athlete from the University was volunteering for a stress and impact test when he heard the scream and crash. He and his short friend ran through the doorways spying us standing frozen. Each grabbed an arm to move us and thus were also frozen in place. That is how "we" were born.

We awoke. One minute we were individuals and the next moment, we were "I". Our eyes opened. More precisely "Her" eyes opened and his arms, legs and back began moving. With uncoordinated and gross movements we... "I" was finally able to rise. I was the brain and nervous system. None had questions. We were one now. "We" are perfect.

We rose from the table, coordination improving by the millisecond We noticed piles of ashes on the floor where we had stood before we were one. Closing my eyes, we reflected on what had changed. "We" now had 24 pair of chromosomes. The base 2 were re-arranged in a completely different way. We are the next step in human evolution. Humans will be perfected.

Essential minerals were taken from the other three bodies to re-construct this one. Water was removed as a carrier source. Mg and Mn, Phosphorus and calcium gave this form greater impact resistance and faster neuro conduction, not that we requires normal saltatory action anymore but it did serve to make us less "different" by appearance. Whatever was redundant or unnecessary was discarded in the form of ash on the ground. Through our own re-mapping of the human genetic sequence we will perfect the rest of this emotionally conflicted and disorganised planet.

The Emma memories were delighted. Freed of emotion and finally a part of something substantial, the commonality we had become understood her excitement but as thoughts aligned and our memories shared, this new form understood self-isolation from arrogance as opposed to the isolation the professor had endured from lack of self confidence. "Oh how this planet needs us", the black goo intelligence reverberated.

We, now referring to the collective, maintained the perfected form of the athlete, Jacob. Improved, we had an added mass that brought us up to 185 KG. with the bone porosity of a bird and a density of concrete. Now capable of moving twice as fast as he had, Float in water and resist damage. These two's memories puzzled the goo. They loved, lived with and cherished each other but they wouldn't share, They were as incomplete as Emma and the Professor. Together, however, their comprehension of life and newfound perspective conflicted and betrayed the Rand-ian philosophy Emma cultivated yet elevated all. Their understanding of humans expanded exponentially. For someone who didn't believe in adaptive thinking, Emma now stood corrected as Jager & Co.

It does a disservice to describe the individuals that were as opposed to the individual who exists now. The memories are being associated, applied constantly. Then layer on the telepathic link of the remaining 200 ships and we are many experiencing through one. Our thoughts were as if each had lived a different life but remembered them in the first person which brings one to an existentialist question: "What am I and who am I now" The memories of the Professor contributed one thought: "Welcome to the Planet Maimonides"

The new I ventured out into the rest of the laboratory knowing fully well what each section did. When I came to a top-level clearance section though, I was stopped by electronic security. A simple matter: I placed our palm on the palm scanner and an eye to the retina scanner and issued a pulse that overrode the simple security measures and entered. There we found other ships that had fallen but stored, rather than re-opened. We gathered five of the ships into our lab coat and made our way to our superiors offices where they would each find a new intelligence waiting on their desks. The ships hummed their understanding of the plan and the images of the superiors so they didn't open on the wrong host and we waited.

If all went according to plan all 200 would be hosted within a week. By mid day, several top ranking Military officials and several politicians and CIA members will have been absorbed. Next would be the President's, Premiers and Kings of the Major countries. Within a year, all humans will be perfected or merged. For a millennia we have existed without physical form: energy in a matrix of ectoplasm to facilitate travel through space and physical transfer. This is, in a sense, a "Devolution" to resume physical form but it has allowed us to survive and spread our perfection to countless other worlds.

It was mid day so I went exploring in our new form. We left the UCLA campus where our offices were situated and walked across campus. ". Interesting that Emma was heterosexual and contributed an appreciation of the male form. In all of her life she never considered the essentials of being human, Touch, desire, belonging; they were as alien to her as they were to the intelligence that had since perfected her. The Jock host and his short friend were gay themselves. The Professor was straight but now felt an understanding of the male form. Evenly matched and with a new sense of curiosity we looked at the male form scantily dressed walking across the commons. Someone recognised this form and yelled across to him.

We turned and calling on his memories he smiled warmly and gave a Bro-hug to the man he recognised as his roommate affectionately known as "Rockstar, for his dramatics of playing Air Guitar on the pitch between innings. "Bro.. Look at you! In a lab coat! Playing Dr. to get the ladies" he chided throwing an elbow into our ribs.. "HA HA .. yeah dude. like, gotta check em out for their own good" (we responded). His roommate snorted a dumb laugh and said "Word, bro... You been doing something different today? You look bigger and feel harder". We paused for .04 milliseconds and returned. "Nawww Bro.. you been hittin the books too hard. I always look this good" and struck a pose. I placed a hand on the roommate and made a subtle change. He would want to feel us; be with us. Very subtle, playing on his already existing. slightly more than platonic affection for Jacob.

Rockstar shuddered for a moment, then with a flush and wave of arousal said "Lets run back to the room and check out those new muscles. I wanna see your workout routine". We detected the appropriate increase in pulse rate, pheromone production increased and definite arousal. We headed back to the room as I pawed one of the ships in our pocket. We could always use another host.

We arrived at the room and as he closed the door I shouted "Heads Up" and tossed him a ship which opened upon skin contact and he froze. As there was only one host to absorb we waited for the process to complete; 42 seconds. Since we were beings of energy and little matter our thoughts were easily accepted without vocalisations but Rockstar made one anyway: "Woaaaaah...So! COOL!". If the four of us could have looked at each other we would have. Hardly the Xythnaxian response one would hear or think on our home world. It suddenly came to us: We were hosted by sentient beings whose independent thoughts merged with our own awareness, not overwritten by it. And since we were telepathic by nature the hosts in the other 200 ships were also receiving the information. SO COOL!!

Rockstar looked at me and said "I understand" In consensus we recognised a new concept to several of us in our new unity. "We would like to experience this fuck". From the new awareness we suddenly realised Rockstar was fully versatile bi-sexual with a penchant for kink. All 200 carrier ships and we five absorbed the individuals experiences and memories of the events and now we were all Bisexual, but because of the majority being gay and one heterosexual female with a natural attraction towards hard men we were diminishingly so and more Gay. Wanting to explore and experience directly this "Fuck" we chose a gay bar. The only one Rockstar knew of was a leather fetish bar nearby named Anvil so off we went. Palming the remaining four ships we felt the expectation and curiosity of the energy goo inside.

We decided to walk and absorb more through the stereoscopic vision of two bodies and five consciousnesses. Walking through a questionable alleyway we found ourselves blocked by a group of 4 Skinheads. They spread apart and one pulled a knife. "Looks like we got us a Doctor and his boyfriend...He's gonna need a Dr. once we fuck him up"! his mates laughed and moved closer.

"You would not make good drones... your thinking is too crude and dangerous to allow you to remain as you are. You will be absorbed" said Rockstar. "Wot the fuk you going on about" said the Leader. "Boys; Fuk 'em up" and the skinhead lunged. We easily subdued them and placing our hands on all four we used ourselves as a conduit emptying them. I absorbed one, Rockstar absorbed three. "I think we found a new form of Kink" Thought the new Rockstar. "Naww", Jager+ answered.. "Kink is anything we haven't tried yet, That was just plain old Hot". I looked at Rockstar feeling a stirring of appreciation for his male form. He was increasingly Buff! His muscles were all exaggerated and hypertrophied. His size increased and his density matched our form. Now we 9 were physically two and thinking as one.

We scanned the memories of the absorbed and found their penchant for cruelty and sadism could be useful in the event of conflict. Rockstar felt a familiar stirring in his loins at the thought of sexual domination and intensity. Yes, they may be useful when we experience this "Fuck". They would be stored for future reference. Using the electrical discharge from a nearby power source we were able to trans-mutate our clothing to match the Skinheads: Bleachers, Doc Martens, Red Braces in the Up position "Ready for a fight" and the hair on our heads fell out leaving our hyper masculine and muscular forms smooth and blemish free. Tattoos of swallows appeared on Rockstar's neck. "LOVE" and "HATE" appeared on his knuckles. "We" looked at him in curiosity and felt his response. "Always wanted them. So hot", and we understood without question.

Stepping through the four piles of dust we continued to the bar. Needless to say, we were the immediate attraction. The two of us outweighed the other patrons by 5 stone. We were without competition. One leather-Daddy walked over and with great confidence offered to buy us a beer. No conditions; just respect. On a lead was his Rubber boi. "It would be an honour if you'd use my boi here. Though born of this planet ourselves we were Gob struck. Person after person wanted us to submit to them; them to submit to us, to use their boi's, even one man who said he was a director for an Adult Movie studio offered us a paid gig. We were fascinated.

Beer after beer and grope after grope went on until someone suggested we make our way to a gay Bathhouse. Rockstars mind was familiar with them so we agreed. Handing the first man to approach us (the Leather Dom) a ship we felt him merge with his host and follow us. Through our combined minds now we understood more about Leather and domination. He was 63 years old and had witnessed the early years of life and what it was to be older. He witnessed the changes in the cities and well traveled, in the world. He survived with great guilt, the GRID and AIDS epidemic and saddened by today's generations placated attitude about it. He had a sympathy for the world as it's progressing and a deep desire to better it. His life, his loves and his Joys were all ours. Through this man we saw the great potential of the human race and in contrast what we Xythnaxians gave up to evolve. Long suppressed memories of what we lost showed us a great similarity to this planet.... sans the kink and leather of course.

For the first time in more than a Millennia we experienced thrill, anticipation and excitement. We understood the impermanence of life and respect for mortality and the imperative it gives humans to live deliberately. No other planet has given us this layer of complex emotions or intimacy. On planet 026291, the life form there was more plankton like. Well, 72cm and 80KG plankton but their experience was limited to filtering water and brine from their watery world. Planet 727153 was mostly sand crabs that draw moisture from the atmosphere through ostritch plume like appendages and play music as a form of communication by flapping the plumeage rapidly and changing it's colour. But this!

Leather smells: The feel of rubber; The invasion of lingual thrusts while simultaneously applying suction (what do they call it: "French Kissing"?) Amazing but the most remarkable was the oral lingual tracing of the perianal cavity prior to expulsion of goblet secretion followed by ononation...or "Rimming, spitting and impaling ones-self on a cock" we proudly recalled as the term. We spit roasted each other with the company of other men. Each sexual contact with them gave us a deepening understanding of gay sex. Frottage, the pleasure of feet, pissing in, on and drinking from each other. The sense of helplessness through surrender to handcuffs and rails. They aren't really in danger; it's the act of submission to the other person and to experience yourself submitting. Suns had extinguished since the last time we had experienced anything truly and deeply physical. This was exciting and addictive. We briefly wondered what sexual adventures we could have or torture we could impose had we the plumage of species 727153.

We traded Bleachers for Rubber gear. We experienced "Butt plugs and fisting both as top and bottom. Involuntary vocalisations were drawn from us as our level of understanding deepened. With each thrust we reorganised the other persons tendency: Rectums were made more flexible. Tongues and cocks were made longer, thicker and more sensitive. Anyone touched by us would be able to transmit their pleasure to another who had been touched by us. Reciprocal engagement sexually meant they could experience being both a top and a bottom simultaneously.

Most fascinating was the sexual contact. The pleasure centres of the brain seemed to change the input. Feelings of affection rolled over our minds; for the person giving us the pleasure as top or bottom equally. It was one of the few physiological bonds humans could form to connect with another. Scanning the Skinheads it seems they use the "fuck" as a tool of active or passive submission and ownership

One man entered our room. We sensed him before he entered. A darkness surrounded him. Scanning, we found he was a parasite. He hung around school yards and abducted children for his sadistic pleasure. His sexual appetite was through the frank fear and the desperation of the person as he slowly raped and tortured them. He placed his hand on our thigh and we froze him. In unison we wiped his mind and absorbed the necessary chemicals from his body allowing the residue to fall to ash.

We approached our newest brother, the leather Daddy who had been our guide and transferred the materials removing 20 years of aging from his already enhanced body. Occasionally another would enter the room who was knowingly spreading disease. It was his perversion and fetish to expose people and carry disease. Far from "Bug chasing" he was imposing. He found the young and innocent and spread his infections but only on the unwilling or naive. He was similarly dispatched and his essence transferred to the people we fucked or who were fucked by us. All in all we had expended 1/4 of the mass and essences of the people we had previously absorbed to make the people in the bathouse "more than what they were" before they entered

We learned then added to their enjoyment and intensified the pleasure they derived through the intimate contact. We made changes in the conduction systems of the men we "played" with making their prostates larger, increasing the number of nerve endings in their cocks, rectums and tongues. Nipples were enlarged and wired more directly to the pleasure centres of their brains and an irreversible connection to their consciousness so we would share in their enhanced pleasure.

Already we felt the pull and exquisite pain, pleasure and perversion of almost 70 men. Absorbing their thoughts and perversions the realisation excited us that we could merge with animals and even combine animal attributes onto humans. Puppy found this to be most exciting. Each remained human but more. They were essentially who they were when this night began but now connected to each other and us. They will know an intimacy no other humans have known before.

In a single act of concurrence, we rose, dressed and made our way to the laboratory where we absorbed more security guards, gathered our passports and the remaining 195 ships. We were going on a world tour starting in Sweden, Iceland, Russia, England, Australia, Asia and last stop Africa! We were going to perfect this planet as they had perfected us. We felt the other 195 ships hum in agreement.

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