They Just Knew

By Ryan White

Published on May 7, 2018



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Enjoy the story!!! Ryan


"Hey Gazza, you down there?" Jordy Cartwright called out as he started down the basement staircase.

"I'm in back, Jordy," called out a strong masculine voice from the bottom of the stairs. "Come on down."

Quickly, the five-foot-eight teenager made his way down the stairs leading to the basement of the Jackson family home.

"I'm in here, Jordy," came the voice from the outer room. All the way in the back, near the outer door, was a weight bench and several rows of barbells. It was on that bench that he found his friend.

"I'll be with you in a few minutes." Gazza puffed as he lifted the heavy barbell as high as he could.

"I only have a few more sets and I'm done."

"No problem," Jordy replied as he looked down on the muscular youth on the bench. "I guess I'm a little early, anyway."

Gazza Jackson, at fifteen, was six months older than Jordy. He was also five inches taller and about twenty pounds heavier. Clad only in a thin pair of blue gym trunks, most of his tanned body was exposed to view. More than half the girls in their ninth grade in school class would've been willing to drop their pants in a minute if they were standing in Jordy's place.

The younger teen took a moment to add up the weights on the barbell Gazza was using, quickly deciding that it was far more than he could ever lift. It wasn't that the blonde-haired young man wasn't in good shape. In fact, he had been on the high school's baseball team. Jordy had more of a lean, athletic build, while Gazza had been working out with weights since his early teens and had played football for that long as well.

"Did yoy take those Biology notes rhat I asked you to get for next week's exam, dude?" Jordy asked his best friend.

"Yeah, its on my desk in my room. What did the doctor say, you gonna be okay?" Gazza replied, his arms flexing with the impact of his workout.

"Yeah, its just a severe case of fucking tennis elbow. Thanks bud. You finish up here, I'll go get them."

He watched his friend complete a few more sets and realized with a small shock that he was staring at the steams of sweat running down his buddy's well-developed chest and arms. He slightly shook his head and made his way to Gazza's bedroom. Posters of sportstars such as Andy Murray and Dan Carter hung proudly on the blue coloured walls.

"Now where the fuck did he say he put those notes?" he asked himself as he searched the desk filled with manuals and printed sheets.

"Gazza could get lost in here. Damn he looked so good..."

Finally he spotted the folder he was looking for on the far edge of the desk. He reached out for it, he accidentally bumped hus knuckles against the pile of DVD's stacked next to itthe next thing he knew, the folder fell out of his hand, landing behind the dresser, next to the desk.

"Shit, shit, shit," he muttered as he got up out of the chair to retrieve it.

Jordy had to pull the dresser out forwards just a little to reach down and behind it. He spotted the folder resting next to a pile of magazines that for some reason looked like they had been hidden down there It was anything but neatly stacked.

"Gazza, what the fuck is going on here...who has porn mags anymore?" Jordy laughed, as he grabbed both the folder and the books, pulling them up. Dropping the four magazines onto the nearby bed, the red-shirted young man was about to turn his attention back to the notes when the title of one periodical caught his eye.

"Fuck!" he exclaimed loudly, before he could check himself. He quickly looked over his shoulder to see whether his friend had heard him. After a few seconds Jordy turned his attention back to the magazine. The banner on the top read "Jocks and Cocks." Underneath it was a picture of a well-developed, clearly a lean sports man wearing only a pair of cut-off jeans.

Flipping through the pages of the book, Jordy saw that it was filled with similar pictures of men. Only they weren't wearing any jeans. They weren't wearing anything else, for that matter.

"Damn," he whispered to himself, ever conscious of his friend's presence in the outer room. Jordy quickly picked up the second book. It was called "Top Deck" Unlike the first magazine, this one had much more than nude shots. The men in this book were black and white and they were engaged in various sexual activities. He stopped on one page in particular that showed a young white teen, who couldn't be more than fifteen years old, kneeling in front of a muscular black man in his forties. The young man had his mouth wrapped firmly around the older man's cock.

Fueled by curiosity, he turned to another publication called "Love or Lust." Unlike the other two books, this had no articles. It was filled, instead, with glossy pictures of teenaged boys having sex with each other. All of the boys in the book looked to be about his and Gazza's age. In fact, there was a picture of a young man taking a cock up his ass that Jordy thought looked a little like him. So much, in fact, that the picture, following all the others, had given him a hard-on.

He was about to see what the last book was about when he heard steps behind him.

"You still in here, buddy?" Gazza asked as he stepped into the room, drying his face with a small towel. "Got it all ready to..."

The tall, dark-haired athlete stopped in mid-word as he looked at his friend sitting on the bed and spotted the magazine spread open to a two-page centerfold. The picture was of two guys in a tight embrace, sharing a hard kiss while at the same time playing with each other's cock.

"Where the hell did you get those...?" Gazza asked in a slow, hesitant voice.

"I found them behind the dresser," Jordy explained, a little ashamed to have been found looking at them. "One of the folders fell behind there and I had to move it to pick it up."

The sheer color seemed to fade from Gazza's face, despite the tan he had been working on since the beginning of the Summer. The look on his face was one few people had ever seen, one of utter devastation. In one brief catastrophic moment, his entire aura of self-confidence was gone.

"I suppose you're wondering what I'm doing with magazines like that?" he asked in a defeated voice. "Bet you wanna leave now aswell."

"What you're doing with it...?" Jordy repeated. "You mean, these are yours?"

"Whose did you think they were?" Gazza asked in return, cursing himself for not thinking. He might've be able to explain them away if he hadn't said anything.

"Ohhh mother fucker...well you can leave now. I know you want to," Gazza muttered as he realized that Jordy hadn't made what he thought was the obvious connection -- that the books were his.

"Are you really into stuff like this?" Jordy finally asked.

Gazza took a few deep breaths. Deep down, he knew that some day it might come out. But not, he had hoped, for a long, long time. How were people going to react when they found out that Gazza Jackson, high school jock, rumored to have screwed half the girls on the cheerleader squad, was instead a cock-sucking faggot?

"Jordy, I don't really know how to explain this," he began. "I guess maybe I should've told you, but I ..."

Gazza." His younger friend cut him off.

"It's okay."

Gazza just looked at him in confusion.

"Hey pal, you're my friend," Jordy said with a smile.

"Nothing's going to change that."

"Shit, Jordy. You don't know how glad it makes me feel to hear you say that!" the taller teen said.

"Have you ever really done any of this stuff?" Jordy asked as he motioned to the magazines spread out on the bed.

"Some," Gazza said, the relief in his voice now more evident. "I've been with a few guys."

He paused for a moment and added, "You know what's strange? It was harder to admit that just now than it was to actually get the nerve to do it in the first place."

"You know, I can understand that," Jordy replied, as he flipped through a few pages of the glossy book. "Even though we've been friends like forever, this isn't something you've really told anyone, is it?"

"No, it's not," Gazza said, realizing just how lucky he was to have a friend like Jordy.

"You ever done anything like this?" Jordy asked as he stopped at one large full-page picture.

Gazza leaned over to look and saw that it was the photo that had so interested Jordy earlier -- the one in which the guy that was being fucked resembled Jordy a little.

"I've... I've fucked two guys," he answered, again hesitantly. "Two of the dudes on the tennis team. But it was just sex. Just getting off. Seriously, its not like..."

"Is it bothering you that I'm asking these questions?" Jordy asked. "Should I just shut the fuck up?"

By this time, Gazza was sitting on a stool only a foot away from Jordy. He thought about the question and said, "You know, it's still a little hard to answer questions like that. But, it feels better to have finally told someone. A chance to be honest for a change."

Jordy suddenly turned away from Gazza and got up from the bed. He stared at the bed for a few seconds, lost in thought. Gazza took his move to be a sudden reconsideration of Jordy's acceptance of what he'd told him.

"Jordy..?" he asked. "You okay?"

Jordy took a few more moments before he turned around. Then he looked at Gazza with a shamed look on his face.

"Jordy? Look, I'm still me, I haven't had a sex change or anything!" Gazza repeated desperately.

"I'm all right," Jordy answered. "I was just thinking about what you said, about being able to be honest for a change."

"I don't understand," Gazza said.

"I was thinking that I should be as honest with you as you've been with me the last ten minutes."

"I still don't understand," Gazza repeated.

"Well, let's just say that if we were in my house instead of here and using my laptop instead of yours," Jordy began, "you'd find about one hundred pictures on the hard drive that were a lot like the ones in that book."

Now it was Gazza Jackson that stood dumbfounded. It took a few seconds for him to realize what his friend had just told him.

"Jordy? You're gay?" he finally asked.

"I don't know," Jordy answered, quickly. "I mean, I've never done anything... But I've been thinking about it for years. I've always been attracted to guys."

The two friends just looked at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Then, almost simultaneously, they began talking. For the next hour they compared notes, about feelings they had felt growing up and the frustration they'd encountered in being unable to share those emotions with anyone.

Jordy listened in fascination as Gazza told him about his own voyage of discovery and how it had culminated on a trip to Bloemfontein over Easter weekend. He'd had another experience with one of the players on the visitor's team during the all-state championships.

"I think the worst part of it all was gym class, especially the showers," Jordy said as he took another drink from the can of Coke that Gazza had produced from the refrigerator during their talk. "All those naked bodies and all. I kept worrying that I was going to get a hard-on and someone would notice."

"Yeah, I sometimes thought that way, too," Gazza agreed as he took a swig of his own cola.

"Even so," Jordy went on. "I still liked to sneak a look at the other guys when I could. It was the only chance I got to really see someone else's cock."

Gazza nodded his head, acknowledging that he'd grabbed his own share of shower glances.

"You know what's funny?" Jordy said as he finished off the soft drink. "I think I snuck more looks at you than anyone else in any of my classes."

Gazza smiled at the admission and took the time to finish off his own Coke. He still didn't say anything as he stood up and deposited both Coke cans into the small blue recycling bin in the kitchenette.

"You know, I usually take a shower after a workout," Gazza said, his back to Jordy. And then in just mire than a slight whisper... "You're welcome to join me if you want to get more than just a peek," as he turned around.

The offer took Jordy by surprise. As many times as he had stolen looks at Gazza, as many times as he had masturbated to erotic fantasies involving him, Jordy never imaged that any of those flights of fancy could ever become real.

"So? What do you think?" Gazza asked again.

Jordy wasn't thinking. He was acting on instinct. He crossed the gap between him and Gazza in a heartbeat and before the significance of what he was doing could really sink in, he kissed his long-time friend.

The feel of Gazza's lips against his own brought on a sense of euphoria, coupled with a rising passion. He felt an electric spark when Gazza's tongue pressed against his lips and he opened to receive it. If this was going to be his first time, he couldn't have imagined a better partner than Gazza.

"Oh my god. Oh wow. I take it that's a yes?" Gazza grinned.

It didn't take the two friends long to get undressed. All Gazza had been wearing anyway was his shorts and a jock. Jordy hadn't much more, just his own shorts and a matching T-shirt. It would be a tight fit in the small tin shower, but neither of them seemed to mind. In fact, they seemed to enjoy the fact that it was so cramped.

Experience showed as Gazza's hands explored every part of Jordy's body. He stroked the firm flesh, marking each touch with a gentle kiss. What Jordy lacked in practice he made up in enthusiasm as he duplicated Gazza's motions.

A thin layer of soap soon covered each of them, which, coupled with the steady flow of hot water, washed away the grime of Gazza's earlier exertions. The firm touch of his friend's hands felt good to Jordy as the powerful fingers massaged his neck and shoulders. He felt Gazza playfully slide his hands down the length of Jordy's back and onto his backside.

A moan escaped Jordy's lips as he felt his friend's hands slide up under his balls and close around his already hard-cock. It was the first time another guy had held his cock since his tennis buddy Dave Richards and Jordy himself had jerked each other off in the seventh grade.

"Relax and just enjoy it," Gazza whispered into his ear as he playfully jerked Jordy's cock back and forth.

Enjoy it Jordy did as the shorter teen closed his eyes and leaned back against his friend. A broad smile came to his lips as he felt the hardness of Gazza's cock pressed up against the cheeks of his ass.

Jordy knew that if Gazza kept this up much longer, he'd shoot his load all over the shower wall. He didn't want this new experience to end so soon. He reluctantly pulled Gazza's hand away from his cock.

Turning around, with Gazza's arms still around him, he kissed his first-time lover once more. Then he began to work his way downward, his kisses tracing Gazza's smooth, well-defined chest as he bent lower and lower. When he reached his goal his face was only inches from his friend's erect manhood. He took a few moments to study what he quickly decided was a classic example of male perfection.

Jordy reached out and stoked the underside of Gazza's balls, working his fingers up to the base of his cock. Almost reverently, he extended two fingers and ran them up and down the full seven-inch length. He leaned forward and replaced the touch of his fingers with that of his lips as he kissed his way up and down his prize.

Jordy closed his eyes as he opened his mouth and took in Gazza's hardness. He wanted to enjoy every nuance of the sensations he was feeling. Jordy could feel his heart racing as the hot flesh slid in and out of his mouth. The salty taste of Gazza's pre-cum on his tongue added a further excitement. Now it was Gazza's turn to lean back against the cool tin walls and close his eyes. He'd had better blow jobs, but none had ever meant more to him. It wasn't hard for him to lose himself quickly in the pleasure Jordy's mouth was bringing him.

For someone who had never done this before, except in his dreams, the guy was damn good. It wasn't long before he was on the verge of an orgasm.

"I think I'm going to come..." he said as he closed his eyes even tighter.

That was music to Jordy's ears. He doubled his efforts. Back in senior year, on one of his few dates with girls in his class, Rachel Reed had given him a blow job. Even though he felt it had been missing something, he had to admit she knew what she was doing. Now, on his knees, with his best friend's cock buried between his cheeks, he tried to remember everything she'd done.

Jordy clamped his fingers around the base of Gazza's cock, preventing him from ejaculating. Every lick of his tongue, every time he mouthed him whole, caused Gazza to feel like he was going to explode. But that feeling paled next to the one that filled Jordy at this moment.

Jordy's own cock was rock-hard between his legs. He let one hand drop down so that he could play with it. He let it slide between his fingers in a gentle motion, giving it just enough attention to bring him some relief from its hardness, but not enough to distract him from the task at hand.

Deciding that he had held Gazza back as long as he could, Jordy released his hold on his ball sac and felt the rush of hot cum erupt - a second before it began to shoot into his mouth and throat. He deep-throated Gazza's cock one more time, catching every spurt of salty cum. He savored both the taste and the knowledge that this was the first blow job he'd ever given.

"Oh God, that was fan-fuckin-tastic!" Gazza exclaimed as he reached down and lifted his friend up from the floor of the shower. "It's a fucking crime that we never did this a long time ago." Jordy couldn't help but agree as he rested his head against his lover's chest. What would the last few years have been like if they'd only known the feelings they shared? But neither wasted time in regretting what the past might have been like. They both knew it was better to see what they could make of the future.

Stepping out of the shower, the two young men quickly dried each other off. Neither really said anything, but it was all either of them could do to keep from giggling. It was like a great weight had been lifted from their shoulders.

"I guess we should get dressed before your family gets home," Jordy said, a little disappointedly, as he picked up his shorts and underwear and glanced at the clock on the wall.

"We don't have to worry about that," Gazza replied with a smile. "They went over to Goodwood to visit my grandmother. They're not coming home until tomorrow afternoon."

"Really?" Jordy asked, a rising note of joy in his voice.

"In fact, just so I don't have to spend the night in this big empty house alone, why don't you call your mom and see if you can stay over and keep me company?" Gazza suggested.

"I think she'd go along with that," Jordy said and smiled.

He slowly reached out his hand and touched Gazza's shoulder. In turn, Gazza sighed and pulled Jordy close. He placed both his hands around his best friend's neck and leaned forward. He kiss the boy in his forehead and he saw Jordy smile.

Both knew this wasn't gonna be a one time thing. Their hearts knew it too. Neither said it.

They just knew.


Any comments?? I'd love to hear from you guys. Please email me at if you like :)

Love, Ryan

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