My best friend is Jim I'm Jay. We lived next door to each other our hole lives. So many people think were brothers because we look so much alike. I have to wander if there was'nt some wife swapping going on during some late night party. We were born 3 days apart with him being older.I'll never hear the end of that,him being older then me. We lived in a small town on the banks of the Mississippi river in Wisconsin. So as soon as we were out of diapers we fished and swam every day in the muddy waters. We were the only two children in the neighborhood and our parents worked hard but partied even harder so this left Jim and I to find our own entertainment. As the years progressed we were allowed to take a small boat out on the river. The fish don't bite everyday but we had tans our mothers envied. We were'nt the smartest kids in school but we were in the upper half of our class which is'nt saying much because there was only 40 of us. We could have done better but when it was nice out and fishing was good we skipped. Normally it was Jims idea and being he/s older I went. Our parents din'd mind because we caught lots of fish, and we'd race to clean the fish. We were very good at it. As long as we kept our grades acceptable they gave us a very long rope. At age 14 we started developing other interest. Our bodies were growing but I was always a half inch shorter. The parents set up a weight room in a room they never used and we worked out every day. By the age of 16 we were pretty buff every girl in school wanted us. At this point we never had seen each other naked since we were kids. We would hit on girls and take them to movies but I found the fishing and swimming with Jim more fun. We were out on the river one day and my dad was just screaming at us. "Shit I said were supposed to go to the races with them tonight." We got to the dock and dad said you 2 get up there and shower now we are leaving in 10 minutes.When dad is mad you do what your told.. We scrabbled up the dock falling down in the water and mud on the way up. Jim said dude I've never seen your dad so mad.We both stripped and jumped into the shower something we never have done before. I saw his mud caked calves and his dirty back.
Whats a friend supposed to do If you like more you'll have to wait I know what happened