This Is a Bad Idea

By Gene McEnnis

Published on Sep 20, 2006



This story will contain erotic depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males. Do not read this work if its illegal for you to do so where you are. The author takes NO responsibility for whomsoever reads this work. By reading this story you are assuming all responsibility and liability for your actions. This is a work of fiction and is not intended to portray anyone alive or dead. As such, any likeness to people alive or dead is purely coincidental and is not intended to suggest anything regarding their character or preferences.

Now that that's over, on with the story :D.



The rain continued to fall on that little street corner in the middle of nowhere as two figures struggled across the pavement. Nathan was nearly dragging the larger man but his hands were getting wet and his movements more erratic as the sounds of the mob rang closer every second. His heart was racing as he began to panic.

"Jason," he nearly sobbed, "Jason we have to keep moving."

The bigger man merely grunted as Nathan tried to move them faster in the fading light. He could now hear the sounds of many feet hitting and slapping through the water soaked pavement behind them. His heart surged in his chest and somehow found the strength to push forward.

Suddenly he was at the front of a door; it's outside light streaming through the rain. He pulled with his free hand, desperate in his vain hope.

The door swung open faster than it should but he didn't have time to question his good luck. "Come on Jay," he strained to move the man through the door and close it quickly. Jason tumbled through the door just as the crowd reached them. Men and women strained forward if only to touch the star if only to tear a piece out of him to keep.

"Move your damn hands!" Nathan screamed, shoving the door closed on outstretched hands of the first few people. He heard yelps of pain and howls of disappointment but Nathan didn't relent until he heard the latch of the door close. His mind didn't have time to understand that the door had been slightly ajar when they had reached it only that they were very very fortunate.

As he wiped the rain from his eyes Nathan had enough sense to notice the individual mailboxes beside them built into the wall. "Jason," he panted bending down. "Come on luv." After much struggle they managed to climb the small set of stairs above them to the second floor of the little housing complex. Nathan was still gulping for air when he noticed that Jason was trying to hold back. "What is it?" he rasped but then he saw something that caught his eye; over behind the stairs stood a small door slightly ajar. It was blended so nicely into the cheap paint that he realized that he missed it the first time.

In the distance Nathan could hear people rustling in their rooms and a particular phone that made his blood and breath pause for a second. The phone rang twice in rapid succession. His heart sank.

It took only moments for him to decide to stow away inside that small electrical room.

It took slightly longer to get Jason inside.

As he eased the door closed behind them Nathan heard the echoing sounds of many footsteps climbing the stairs quickly. Nathan' pulse was hammering in his chest as he collapsed back into the room. Any second now, they would turn and see the room...

"Now this is more comfy isn't it?" a sultry voice whispered behind him.

Nathan jumped but strong arms encircled him fast. He tried to struggle, his mind was scream and his heart was hammering. Eventually though, he came back to earth and panic was soon replaced with red-hot anger.

"You asshole!" he hissed, "You weren't drunk were..."

Jason pressed their lips together and cut him off. "You catch on quick Archy boi," Nathan could feel the smirk even in the darkness and he hated the man once more.

"We could have been killed," he fumed.

"I would never let that happen to you," Jason said sweetly.

All the anger in the world welled up inside of him, but in that moment standing there so close in that closet it vanished as quickly as it had came. He sighed and rested his head of Jason's expansive chest. "Why didn't you try to talk to me after what happened?" he said so quietly it felt like he only though it.

It was now Jason's turn to sigh, "I needed to know," he said warmly. Nathan tried to find his eyes in the darkness. The mob outside had all but vanished from his mind.

"What did you need to know?"

After a long pause Jason finally said, "Being who I am I needed to know who you were falling for," his voice faltered. "Me or the idea of me."


"I needed to know," he said.

"If you love something let it go?"

"Heh, something like that," he voice chocked.

"I wouldn't care if you were a garbage man," Nathan sniffled, he wrapped his arms around his lover's neck, "So long as you're mine." Nathan didn't need light at that point to see Jason's broken smile. "So, this whole thing was staged by you and Colten...?" he asked.

"To get into your pants," Jason finished with a slight laughed.

"You're an ass," Nathan swallowed hard, "But you're my ass."

"I like the sounds of that," he replied. Jason paused, "That thing you saw between me and Travis... I..."

Nathan sighed, "I know," he said, "We'll have to have a three-way..."

"Oh god..." Jason tried not to laugh and die simultaneously. "You two talked?"

"He found someone el..."

A noise sounded in the hallway.

It was near the door.

Nathan could feel his heart stop. He tried to push Jason behind him in the electrical room as he heard people outside coming closer but Jason wouldn't move.

They kissed. "I will see you soon," Jason half sobbed. "Wait for me?" he asked.

"Wait," Nathan said, "What do you mean?" but it was too late. Jason gave his hand a final squeeze and, as light streamed into the room, he bolted out into the second floor.

Nathan' breath caught as he watched Jason vault over the railing and jump down the stairs. The crowd was shocked dumb for a split second before the star struck people scrambled over themselves to just be near the star, the image.

"Jason," one woman cried.

"We love you!" another person screamed.

It was some time later that Nathan slumped back against his door, cool rainwater still dripped from the sides of his face over the hard wood below. His breath and his heart would not slow down for a long, long. The whole night seemed like nothing more than a dream.

The party.

Colten, Tanessa, Travis.... The rush to get there.


Something abruptly pulled Nathan from his reverie. A rapid and strong knock sounded at the door. He jumped.

Without thinking, without question Nathan turned and unbolted the door.

"Miss me?" a very wet Jason asked while leaning into the doorframe. His smile was crooked and spoke volumes.

Instantly, without thought, Nathan embraced the man so hard and fast that they nearly fell over.

"Easy tiger," he said after the two men stumbled back into the hallway and against the far wall.

"You're hurt?" Nathan asked as he peeled himself away from the skin tight and very wet dark shirt that Jason was wearing.

"Nah," he replied.

"Well, umm," he hesitated. "I..." Nathan shook his head. "Let's get you out of those wet clothes first," Nathan said, leading the way back inside the small apartment.

Jason's eyes did that twinkling thing once more even in the dim light of the hall.

"How," Nathan blushed, "How did you know where I live anyway?" Both men stood just inside the main room, their wet clothes seemed warmer now than they had only moments before.

"I..." Jason looked down. His hair was mussed and his clothes looked haggard and slightly torn from his escape earlier that night.

"Let's save it for another night," Nathan sighed. He turned, "I'll go find you a towel so you can have a shower and warm up," he walked off intent on his task until a strong arm stopped him. He turned.

"That can wait till later can't it?" Jason's nose touched the other man's and slipped one warm drop of rain between the two men. "I know what I'd rather have," his voice trailed off.

Nathan laughed and reached up to itch his nose after the droplet but something stopped him. Jason's eyes reflected something that Nathan had never seen before something that he longed to feel. Something that had never been there with the others...

Nathan pulled his lover close and ran his hands through Jason's wet hair. He could feel a heat coming from Jason's body that singed his chest as the two of them touched. His heart was racing and his senses sang with each touch of Jason's strong hands.

Clothes were removed piece by sultry piece as each glided over smooth, young skin. Nathan's couch seemed more comfortable to him now for more uses than just sitting and watching television. Nathan sunk into it under Jason's weight.

He could hear the thunderous beat of his heart and could not seem to press himself too close to the other man despite his best efforts. His lips tasted so sweet and intoxicating.

Jason's eyes now seemed to sparkle from some internal light source and Nathan had a hard time looking away. The dimmed lights from the kitchen track lighting added more to the magic that night.

Jason stood up and moved back. Slowly and effortlessly Jason started to peal back his slacks in one slow and toturtingly intoxicating motion.

First the belt. The clasp and then the long pull.

Next the zipper, in a slow tugging motion taking each connection of metal one at a time.

The smaller man sat up and pulled Jason back onto the couch, tripping all the way. With his pants finally gone, Nathan ran his hands down the expanse of Jason's back and dived lightly under his tight, white briefs to the rapture beyond.

Jason not only moaned his approval but Nathan could also feel it hard against his own. His heart beat even faster in response.

In a flurry of motion that left him speeches, Jason broke off their kiss and stepped back, removing Nathan's pants and everything beyond in one fluid motion, leaving him open and erect.

Jason grinned, his eyes drawn to Nathan's exposed penis. He paused.

"Now this hardly seems fair," Nathan purred from his vantage point on the couch.

Jason wigged his eyebrows and with practices motions, he tugged the lower fringe of his briefs lightly, tantalizingly.

"You've done this before haven't you?"

Jason only winked and pushed the briefs beyond his knees. He stood there, tall and proudly outstretched. His thick cock was perfectly proportioned and glistening.

Nathan felt as though he had drank more that night that he had. "Well..." he smiled, "Are you planning on standing there all night or putting all that to good use?" he smirked.

Jason didn't reply in words so much as diving back onto the couch with a resounding phwump of the cushions.

"Ugh," Nathan coughed, "that hurt you bastard."

That smile again, "I'll make it up to you," he paused to consider his words, "...somehow." Jason looked down at his catch. "My little Archy boi," he added.

Nathan wondered if the reason for Jay's popularity was the fact that his touch was so damn intoxicating. He knew exactly what to do to make Nathan's body sing. His lips knew exactly the right pressure to apply to each and every part of Nathan's body to make him beg for more. Nathan tried to reciprocate but inside he knew that he could not compare to Jason's skill, not that Jason seemed to mind. In fact Jason was more of a giving lover than Nathan had thought was possible.

Jason spread him out on the couch, and with the help of the proper accessories entered him slowly and tenderly. Nathan thrilled at the feeling of Jason inside of him, massaging all the right places all at once it seemed that thoughts of the outside world melted away; Nathan lived to feel Jason surge once more into his body. With each thrust Nathan could hear the man almost purr.

Soon though, their motions became more frantic and animalistic, each one pushing and sweating against the other. Jason reached down and locked their lips together as best he could. He twisted their hands together and held Nathan tighter to him protectively, possessively. He kept moving, pushing, pumping into Nathan.




Nathan cried out as his turgid penis erupted between their two wet bodies in an explosion of flying white cream. All too soon Nathan could feel the condom expand as Jason too groaned loudly, gasping for air.

Jason stood breathless for a moment as both men collapsed onto the couch, neither able to speak. Nathan ran his hands through Jason's matted blond locks tenderly his eyes were feeling heavy. He smiled at his lover.

Jason though managed to lift his head and place one final tender kiss on his spent partner. "Nate," he whispered tenderly before his head sank deeply into the pillow each covered in a mixture of sweat and glistening semen.

Nathan couldn't tell what time it was, only that it was dark save for the city lights below and in the distance.

He sat naked on the windowsill and looked out over the city in quiet contemplation. The condo was dark, and Jason was snoring softly on the couch, tucked away in a soft lavender blanket that Nathan had taken from the nearby linen closet only moments before.

A tender smile crossed his lips as Nathan recalled his night with Jason. It had occurred to him many times that Jason had planned the whole thing and expressly gotten drunk. Well, he most likely didn't plan for the angry crowd.

Far in the distance, through the partly cracked window, he could hear the sound of an ambulance siren speeding along in the night. Nathan looked back over to Jason's sleeping form. He had one arm now sprawled above his head. Damn, even his armpit looked sexy.

That night, despite everything, Nathan found himself remembering something his Uncle had told him many years ago. Nathan remembered Uncle Mark's words after one of his coworkers died, "We all have many loves in life Nathan. Many of them you won't get to keep." He had sat chocking back his tears, "but kiddo," he paused, "try your best to hold onto that special one with all of your might for the time that you've got. Don't let anyone tell you different."

Being only eight, Nathan hadn't understood his words at the time. He remembered asking his Uncle, "Is that Auntie Lori?". His Uncle had just laughed through his tears and smiled.

Nathan marveled at how perfect Jason looked in the moonlight. The night was now perfectly clear, the clouds had blown off, and the light seemed to accent the room just for him. Nathan looked back to the city below. It was only years later that his Mother told him Uncle Mark's story of love and loss. He hadn't dared to ask his Uncle about something so obviously painful directly.

"I wonder how long I'll be able to keep you," Nathan whispered to Jason as he was walked over to the couch. With his hand, he traced the side of Jason's jaw. He didn't even wake when Nathan slipped back under the cover on the expansive couch. It still smelled slightly of semen.

Before Nathan let sleep overtake him, his mind still tormented him with the idea that this elusive social idol was the love of his life. A dull ache sounded in his chest at the very thought that he had fallen for someone so sought after, so hard to hold. No, he told himself, his Jason was different from the one that people saw on the screen.

This Jason was his alone.

He made a silent vow that night. He would not chase this movie star if he chose to leave he would hang onto the man behind the image instead. "Thank you Uncle Mark," he said before the heavy weight of sleep claimed his eyes.

Outside the ambulance noise died away suddenly, as if on queue and the night was still. The room itself was framed in silver light as if just for the two figures within the apartment that night.

Even despite appearances, despite the setbacks stopping at the park that day had been... a good idea after all...

________________________________________________________________________ Author's Note

Again sorry for the delay; it's not a great time of year for this sort of thing for me. Although I do hope though to get a good start on the next story, I have no clue when I will be able to get it off the ground. As a side not I might do an epilogue for this one if the mood strikes me but it would be very short and a long time coming. Either way I just wanted to thank all of the people who encouraged me to continue writing this and offered amazing feedback and ideas for this story. Thank you guys for reading this story, I do hope that you enjoyed it. I know that I enjoyed writing it for you.

I'm not sure that I like this ending (I had another one all written out but scrapped part of it and rewrote it in the last few days) but there you have it :).

Best regards,



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