This Is a Bad Idea

By Gene McEnnis

Published on Jul 21, 2006



This story will contain erotic depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males. Do not read this work if its illegal for you to do so where you are. The author takes NO responsibility for whomsoever reads this work. By reading this story you are assuming all responsibility and liability for your actions. This is a work of fiction and is not intended to portray anyone alive or dead. As such, any likeness to people alive or dead is purely coincidental and is not intended to suggest anything regarding their character or preferences.

Now that that's over, on with the story :D.

Sorry for the delay guys, I hope that I don't mess up the continuity because of it.

As always, feedback is much appreciated. If you don't like it please drop me a line and tell me why.



The day was mostly clear with gray tinge to the sky as Nathan drove. Jason's directions were hazy at best and he feared that he would end up hopelessly lost, doomed to wander these old rural roads for the rest of his days.

East of West 49th, Nathan took the right at the intersection and was soon speeding along the side road next to a field of dead water reeds that grew up just this past spring. Nathan wondered if they died because of the summer heat or out of boredom.

It was early Saturday. Class on Friday had passed without incident mainly because Jason wasn't there. As Nathan sat in the archaeology class and listened to professor Murdoc regale the class with stories from her younger days in the the Yukitan peninsula he could feel the jealous and vengeful eyes of his classmates boring into his head nonetheless. Only a sense of isolation sat with him seeing as both Colten and Jason strangely missing that day.

When he had returned to his apartment that night it was only after he had put away his coat that he noticed the answering machine and the sound of that familiar annoying beep.

As he passed, Nathan hit the button before he went into the now dimly lit kitchen. With a few clicks the answering machine sprang to life.

"Hey Nate it's Brendan," his friend's voice always sounded odd on the machine, "I need some help with some dry walling I have to do bro. This Saturday, you do the dry walling and I'll help eat the pizza," Brendan laughed, "Give me a call."

Nathan sighed and remembered his summer job dry walling for his Uncle up north. After a slight pause the clunky old machine sputtered another time before it sprang to life again...

"This message is for Nathan," a strangely garbled voice said from the machine, "It's Colten Lewis calling, from your Archaeology class." It took Nathan a second to remember giving Colten his phone number the other day. "I wanted to know if I could get the class notes off of you for this Friday." He paused, "Have a good weekend Nathan, I owe yah."

Nathan smirked at that comment and poured himself some water.

After a few more clicks, the machine started a third time. "Well now Archy boi," the unmistakable voice resounded in his small apartment, "I must say that you sound even sexier on the phone." Nathan could hear a soft laugh that made his knees weak, "I need some of your notes from Friday it seems now doesn't it? I'll have to use my wiles to pry them from you this weekend." Nathan put down his glass a little too fast, "I look forward to the challenge," he laughed again, "See you soon," he purred.

Nathan felt himself smile as he drove.

The place wasn't too hard to find but getting through the perimeter proved more difficult than he had expected.

"We have to work on a stupid project," Nathan told one of the two men standing watch at the gate.

The older man turned to the other, "I'd be rich right now if all of his fans bribed their way inside," both men laughed.

"We'd both be rich if his fans had jobs much less money hey?" they both laughed.

Nathan's eyes lit up suddenly.

Turning to both men he said, "I'll bet you twenty bucks that you're about to let me inside," he smirked.

He thought for a moment, "I'll take that bet," the younger man said, his chin nearly touching Nathan's nose.

"Nick... Bruce..." both men turned to see Jason Neilson walking forward. The hat was gone but the dark glasses remained, "Don't just stand there," he smiled, "Let the man in."

Nathan smiled at both men as he passed.

"What took you so long," Jason asked, "I was starting to worry."

"Well, I have to make a dramatic entrance," Nathan smiled as he took off his coat and slung it over one shoulder, "now don't I?"

"My little Archy boi," Jason walked close by.

"You must be rubbing off on me," Nathan laughed.

"Rubbing off on you.." he considered that for a second, "I like the sounds of that."

Nathan sighed as Jason put his arm around the smaller man's shoulder, "let's just work on the project shall we?"

"I am so sick of this," Nathan sighed as he pushed the chair away from the makeshift table. "A first year filler class shouldn't be this much pain." They were sitting in a small room that was being used as a kind of makeshift multipurpose room.

Jason smirked from his perch over the laptop, "I know something that we could do to get our minds off of this," he let his voice trail off along with Nathan's thoughts.

"Here it comes," Nathan laughed and rubbed his eyes.

"No, no," Jason smiled, "we'll come later," he winked.

"You're a perv..." Nathan tried to finish the last word only to find himself cut off by the softest lips imaginable. After the initial shock wore off Nathan settled back into the kiss.

"Here you are," a familiar voice said as Colten's face came into view moments later.

"Gaah," Nathan reeled over backwards and toppled out of his chair.

"Smooth Archy boi," Jason's eyebrows danced as he glanced at the smaller man now flat on the floor, "very smooth."

Nathan just blushed.

"Sorry," Colten stammered, "sorry, I didn't realize that." He was blushing too, "I'll go and."

"What's up Colt?" Jason asked.

"Well," Colten turned back as Nathan managed to right himself on the chair again.

"No worries Colten," Nathan said rubbing the back of his head and feeling like a truck had hit him.

"I heard from the other guys that you were busy working on your project for the uni so I figured that Nath would be here too." Colten blushed again, "and well I wanted to drop in but."

"I didn't know that you worked together?" Nathan looked at the one first and then the other.

"Apparently I didn't know a lot of things about you two."

Jason seemed to take this all in stride, "I know I'd like to get to know Nathan here better," his bedroom eyes sparkled.

"Oh yeah!" Nathan grabbed his notebook, "You guys wanted a copy of my notes didn't you?"

"Sure," Colten replied, "That'd be great, I think that there's a copy machine close by."

"Well," said Nathan as the two men walked outside some time later, "I think that we got a lot of work done on this shitty project."

"Not the kind of work that I had in mind," Jason replied, "but yeah."

The other man paused, "I'm sorry I can't stay and I really hope I didn't keep you from your real work."

Jason tipped his head forward, "I didn't mean the movie big boi."

Nathan just smiled, maybe he thought, maybe he was getting used to Jason's balls out manner. Jason just draped his arm over Nathan's slim shoulders. Then again, Nathan thought as a sensual shiver raced down his spine once more.

"Listen, Nate," Jason began, "we'll be having a movie wrap up party in a few weeks out here and..." he trailed off.

"And you'll need class notes?"

"What?" Jason sounded genuinely shocked. "Class? Oh hell no," he beamed, "I want you to go with me."

"Will I have to wear something leather and a push up bra?" Nathan asked.

Nathan thought the larger man would choke to death from laughing too hard, "Only if you want to babe," he finally settled down, "I can see I'm having a bad effect on you," his eyebrows danced that in his typical sensual way.

"I'll be there," Nathan finally said.

"Great!" Jason smiled as the two men reached the gate guards. Nathan coughed once and held out his hand. The guard on the left sighed and slipped him some cash before they continued on. Nathan winked at the two men and waved.

"I am impressed Archy boi," the movie star mused.

"Why's that?"

"Most people have to bribe them to get in," he leaned in close, "They had to bribe you."

Before Nathan could think of something sexy to say, Jason leaned in close and pressed his cherry red, plush lips against Nathan's for the second time that day. He felt warm all over; his head was spinning. He felt Jason's strong arms reach around and pull him close, their crotches bumping into the other in a primal sort of passing.

"I'll let you know when and where it is."


"The wrap up party," Jason winked.

"y...yeah," was all that Nathan could stammer.

"I'll see you in class there boi," and with that Jason turned and walked back past the guards turning around once to flash Nathan with that characteristic smirk. Apparently, The guards didn't seem to notice or even care at this very public display.

The sky was getting dark and all Nathan could do was watch that fantastic ass disappear back into the far building.

"Well, well," Brendan smirked, "you little slut."

"Shut the hell up," Nathan punched his friend hard in the shoulder.

He yelped, "You ass," he swore.

"It's nothing," Nathan said before he took another swig of his beer, "I bet he does this to all his tricks he brings back to the set."

"Meh, what do you care if he does or doesn't?" Brennan shrugged, "How many people can say that they banged a movies star hey?"

"It's not exactly high up on my list of things to do you know. And besides which nothing that exciting has happened."

"Meh, he sounds more like a keeper to me man," Brendan said, "and I'm not even gay so how the hell should I know," he laughed to himself. "You should give him some credit."

Nathan didn't seem to hear, "And now with this after production party thing..."

"You're one crazy guy man, I tell yah," Brennan looked around at his living room still filled with boxes.

"So when's this big party of yours?" Nathan asked suddenly. "Gotta have it soon I figure."

"It should be next week," his friend replied. He paused for a second, "Thanks again for the help with the repair dry walling. I don't know crap about mudding"

Nathan laughed, "Help with it?" he got up and made his way to the bathroom, "You were there for moral support only man."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Aww," Nathan said before he closed the door, "but you make such a sexy cheerleader."

"Bite me," Brendan called.

Once Nathan was safely in the bathroom, quickly and ever so quietly, Brendan got up and opened Nathan's backpack that was sitting in the foyer. He opened the front zipper and started rummaging through the bits and tatters of paper inside as though he knew exactly what he was looking for.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Now what could Brendan be up to I wonder? Will Travis ever find out about this after production party? Find out soon (I hope ;) ) in the next installment of "This is a bad idea".



Next: Chapter 7

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