Three Bears Kings Bang

By ozzalone65

Published on Aug 31, 2018


This is a fictional story in the vane of 'Goldlocks and the three bears'. Only this is with a young guy (Me) in a fairytale land with three hybrid humanoids. Half bear, half man. This is a sexual tale of man and man beast. If it bothers you. please move on Otherwise do enjoy.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Three Bears-Kings Bang (chapter 12... A house of Bears)

...... I stood there in the forest, lost. Not knowing which was I was to go. With all that had happened in the last day, I had no Idea where I was. Being dragged to the wolfens den and then escaping to find myself near that lake. That and the lack of food had me utterly disoriented. I had no idea which way was home. Then I pondered whether my mother was worried of where I was. She must be. I thought to myself. And I knew I wished to get home again. A young man as myself could never survive out here. My father didn't and I certainly couldn't either. And I was still hungry. I grabbed the piece of bread I had still in my pouch. The last piece of bread. And I ate it. The morsel was so small that id did little for my hunger.

"The lake" I then said to myself THe house on the other side of the lake"

I remembered it as I walked along the shore side. Someone had to live there. it was my only hope. So I made my way back towards the lake. Luckily where I was left after the ramgards were here was not far from the shore. I headed back in the direction I did remember. Then after 20 minutes, I found the shore again. I sighed as relief hit me. Then I cast my gaze out across the water and towards the falls in the distance. There it was. The house. It would be my refuge. I hoped there were friendly people there. someone who could aide me and give me some food. Then maybe lead me back towards my village. I couldn't be too far away from it.

"Please" I said as I looked up to the sky

Hoping the gods had heard me. So I made my way along the shore again. I had to follow it to find the route around the lake. The house soon disappeared from sight as the lake curved and thinned to a large river to the right. I assumed I was going east. But was not completely sure. I looked along the rivers edges to see if there was a way to cross. But nothing, and the passage was too wide to wade across. I was too tired and hungry for that. So I followed down stream some more and where the river thinned out even more. That's where I saw a bridge. It was probably a quarter mile down. So I moved down towards it. It took me half an hour to reach it. But I was now there. Passed some large boulders on the rovers edge, there it was. A natural bridge. It was a huge fallen tree that lead from one side to the other.

Then as I reached the edge to cross I heard foot falls from the other side. Footfalls and then voices. I quickly rushed behind one of the large boulders along the lower edge and crawled behind it. I ducked down low as not to be seen. Then I heard as whomever it was was crossing the bridge. I could here the thong creak as the weight of the passerby's crossed over it. I then glanced up as the passed me. Thankfully they could not see me there as I was crouched low. It was the bear kings. I remembered them from the attack on the wolfen. Big hairy beasts they were. For their words, they were on a hunt. I wished it not to be me.

"Go, beasts" I said softly "Go!"

When they crossed and headed into the forest I glanced up from behind the boulder. I climbed out from behind to see if they were gone. I did not see them and then waited a few more moments to make sure they were not coming back. Then I climbed up and I myself moved over the bridge. My stomach grumbled again. I really needed food. I thanked the gods that it hadn't growled when the bear kings passed me. I would have been doomed for sure. I then made my way back up the shoreline on the other side of the river. Heading back towards the house. Then I had to drop down to the ground as I glanced over and saw the bear kings on the other side. They had made there way back to the shoreline. It had been no more than a few hundred yards from the bridge. But I watched as one of them reached down to the water. He filled up a vessel with water. He was an imposing beast as he crouched there. As he did, his loin coverings fell open and his large member fell out below. It was a heavy and large looking thing, even at this distance. Then I remembered the screams of the wolfen from before. The bear king was hurting him with a large weapon such as this. I felt instinct kick in and I licked at my lips. And then I felt a throb in my loins.

"Go!" I said again as my stomach growled once more "Go!"

Then I saw as he rose up, reach down to adjust himself and then they beasts headed back into the forest. I sighed as I was glad they hadn't seen me there. But I had to get to that house. So I got up again a headed back up the shore line again. It took me another 40 minutes before I reached it via the shoreline. Some of the terrain was very rocky. But then I turned around a small heavily brushy area and I saw it. It was maybe 30 or 40 yards away. I paused and crouched down first. Unsure if I should go forward. 'Who lived there' I thought. And why did they live so far from civilization. But them my stomach growled again. It needed food, desperately. So I got up and moved in towards the house, slowly. I didn't want to interrupt or upset the home owners. But I just knew I had to eat.

"Seems much bigger up close" I said as I came in closer

It did. The house seemed bigger than it had from across the lake. And then when I came upon the door, I noticed that it was indeed bigger. The door was wider and taller than my mothers home. I moved to the window near it. I then peered inside. I looked around as saw a table with four chairs and three place setting. But then I saw fruit and bread on it. My stomach grumbled again and I licked my lips.

"Hello!" I finally called through the window.

I then wrapped on it to see if anyone came. But no one did. Were they not home? I looked around the vicinity, then back inside to the edible items inside. I had to have them. So I moved to the door and the rather large knob. I grasped it and turned it. The door opened with a loud creak.

"Hello!" I called out again "Is anyone home" "Hello!'

Still no one. So I surmised whomever lived here was not home. So I stepped into the house. I figured I would take a few items, then leave before they came back. It was not in my nature to steal, but I was famished. And I surmised they would not miss a few slices of bread and fruit. So I moved to the tall table and reached onto it and grabbed a few items. I pushed them into my bag and then took a bite out of an apple. I rejoiced in the taste. feeling the bite as I chewed it and swallowed it into my needy belly. But then the smell caught me. It was a rich delicious aroma. I looked to right of the table and to the fire pit. There in the pit was a large pot. There was a small fire under it. and the smell was coming from the pot. Something was simmering in there. And it smelled incredible. I again licked at my lips.

"I wonder what the wife or mother is cooking in there" I said "It smells glorious" "Shall I see what she is making?"

I felt my stomach grumble again. Then I knew I had to see what she was cooking in that pot. Smelled like rabbit. 'Oh yes' I said to myself. To have some delicious rabbit thigh. I licked at my lips again. I moved over to the pot as I had to see. I had to know. I took another bite of the apple I had started to eat. then I reached for the heavy lid. it was hot to touch, and I pulled back.

"Hmmf" I huffed "Where is the pot guard"

I looked around and then saw it hanging just to the left on a nail. There was also a large spoon. I placed my bag down for a moment and then grabbed the pot guard. I placed it to the lid of the pot and pulled it up. It took a bit of strength to lift the heavy lid. But I managed to do so. Then the smoke and smell struck me. I almost fainted from the deliciousness of that smell. Some type of wonderful stew was simmering in the pot.

"Oh my God. that smells wondrous" I said "I must try some" "Just a tiny bit. That's all" "No one will know"

So I grabbed a large bowl I found and proceeded to plop a few spoonful's of the rich stew into it. I then replaced the lid and went over to the table to eat some. With some bread and this wonderful stew I was finally getting some food to eat. And it was soo good too. I quickly finished the bowl, before deciding to have more. So I took some more stew from the put. After a second helping of the meal of stew and bread I had, I thought it best I get ready to leave. And that's when I heard someone outside. It was the home owners. They had returned. I didn't want them to find me. so I quickly tried to find a place to hide. But it was just a large room. Then I saw an opening to another room beyond the main one. I rushed into it to find two large beds. I then heard the door open. So I hid behind the doorway so as not to be seen. Someone came in and immediately saw that I had been there. I forgot about the bowl.

"Who is here" A manly voice called out "I will find you"

There was a window to the left of the larger bed. I ran towards it to get myself outside. I climbed up and out. But that's when I saw the large form come into the room. He saw me whomever he was as I heard him shout

"You. Get back here" He yelled out "The back. Out the back!" he then shouted

I lunged outside and then as I hit the ground, I quickly got up. Grabbing my bag I began to run. But that's when I saw him. He turned around the other side of the house and saw me. Fear exploded in me as the large thing came at me. Then his big hairy hand reached for me as he quickly over took me. Then he grabbed hold of my bag and pulled me down to the ground. I looked up only to see one of the large 'bear kings'.............. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

To be continued

Next: Chapter 13

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