Three Bears Kings Bang

By ozzalone65

Published on Apr 11, 2022


This is a story based of a story I had written sometime ago. 'three bear kings'. I pondered what if red riding hood met up with the hot hairs bears. So I am writing this new tale to mesh the two classic tales together. It is fantasy and GB sex all in one

Hope you enjoy it

Three Bear Kings (Redd & the 3 Bears (4)

... "Oh my God" Redd's head screamed at him "You are doomed. Dead!"

He was in there, in this cabin. Redd was in this beasts cabin there in the middle of the forest. A cabin that appeared as a lonely little place for some hermit. A place for someone to be away from everyone as he was trying to do. Some one else's place of solitude. Away from judging eyes. But this place was not a human dwelling. This place was the home of some bear kings. Bear kings were the largest beasts in the forests. Stories have them killing simple men just for sport. Not food mind you, but just because they could. And Redd had stumbled into their home. Intruded and ate if their food. So he was sure to be killed if found.

"I have to escape" he said to himself "I need to get to that window to the right"

Yes. He looked over to the window near the middle bed if three he was wanting to rush for it and jump out of it. To get outside and run. To take his things and run. But then he realized he did not have his things either.

"Ohh no!" He huffed silently

He had left them in the other room. He had left his bag by the table. And these beasts would find it and know he was still there. Panic washed over him. A full frightful panic that said if he did not get out now he would indeed be dead. So he took a breath when he saw they were not looking in his direction. Then he rushed for the window. Crawling out from under the bed to do so.

"Look!" One of the bears said "A small bag"

The bears looked at one another just as Redd crawled out from under the bed. One turned and saw him just as they stated that their thief was still about.

"Look. There!" The middle bear huffed "The other room" "Go!" The biggest bear growled

Then the one rushed towards the bedroom. Redd pulled himself to the window and leap out. Landing on his feet well. Then he looked back as he started to run. There at the window was the bear king. He growled at him. Shouting he was behind the house. Then Redd saw around the corner one of the other bears come around. He saw Redd and rushed towards him. The huge beast coming at him. Redd ran, boy did he run. Racing through the forest beyond the house. Running through tightly spaced trees and brush to make his escape. Thinking these very large creatures would not be able to follow. But as he heard the roar of the bear behind him and the splintering if things. It was assured that his path chosen was not going to stop the savage beasts. Had had to try and outrun them somehow. But it was as he believed he was getting away from the beasts that he tripped and fell. Jumping through some bushes and then stepping badly on a large broken tree branch that had been laying in the forest floor. And when he fell, he fall hard. Landing in his shoulder in the fall. And as the pain stopped his actions for several moments, the bears reached him.

"Noo!" He cried out as the huge bear king stopped 15 feet away. "There you are" he growled

The beast was barking his teeth and looked about ready to strike. And if he did, it would be his end. But the huge bear king stopped and then turned slightly to call for his family.

"Here" he shouted back

It was then that Redd tried to move. But he the lunged at him. Grabbing him there and holding me down just with his one huge hand. I looked up in fear at the massive beast. He looked angry for sure, but his body certainly was something else to behold entirely. And that was where I kept my eyes. Mostly so I did not see the probably hatred he had if me. The look of my incoming death at his and his family's hands. But his body was a truly stunning looking thing. Big, beefy and hairy. The chest massive and broad. The arm that held me had biceps that were seemingly thicker than Redd's thighs. And beyond his bear figured face it was the most incredible form he had ever seen. Then the other two bears showed up moments later. The largest one looking even bigger that the one holding me. Then there was the third one. This was the one I saw at the window. He seemed to be the smallest of the three. But still a large beast in his own.

"What shall we do with this little thief?" the smallest bear questioned. "I say kill him" the one holding me said "It's what is done to a thief. No?"

Then the biggest one grumbled a moment. Clearing his throat as he stood there. He crossed his arms over his chest. Then he glared down at me.

"What should we do with you human?" He said

So I had to to ask, to oke for my life. I tried to explain why I had been there. Why I trespassed on their property and hime. Why I took their food. And as I told my tale I blubbered like a baby. Not wanting this to be my last moments. I begged for them to leave me and I would go. I promised I would go and they would never see me again. Then I looked to see the smallest one had reached down and scratched himself at his crotch. There where the bears had covering over their penises. And when he did I saw a sizeable bulge beneath his hand. My eyes widened as I saw it. And for the tiniest moment I pondered his equipment. What did he have and how big it was? And as I looked back at the biggest one. He looked over at the smallest bear and then back at me. Then he bellowed out to the one holding me.

"Bring him" he growled "We will take him back and devise a proper punishment for this thief" "Well enough" the middle one said as he grabbed me. "Get up scum"

I was pulled up and then lead by them back towards their cabin. I looked ahead as the two in front of me talked. The smaller one turned back to look at me. He smiled and almost wicked smile. And the said that 'it sounded delicious' and the bears continued the journey back to their cabin. With me in tow....

More to cum

Next: Chapter 21: Redd and the Three Bears 5

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