Three Bears Kings Bang

By ozzalone65

Published on Aug 13, 2022


This is a story based of a story I had written sometime ago. 'three bear kings'. I pondered what if red riding hood met up with the hot hairs bears. So I am writing this new tale to mesh the two classic tales together. It is fantasy and GB sex all in one

Hope you enjoy it

Three Bear Kings (Redd & the 3 Bears (5)

... I seemed a long walk back to the bears cabin. So much longer than the run where I was caught. The big bear held my hands in his one. Pushing me along as we followed the other two bears. The really big one that was obviously the leader of this brood. He and the smaller bear continued to chat up something I could not quite hear as we returned to their home. I could only surmise it was a conversation in his to do away with me. But the big bear mentioned a punishment. And as I did not know what he was thinking about it as a punishment, I was to only assume that they may not kill me. But what kind of punishment would these wild beasts give me? We were soon back at the cabin. Then the big one told the one that held me to take me to the bedroom. That bear wondered what was going on, as he was not sure what the big bear wanted to do with me. The smaller one cocked his eye brows at his brother. It was a strange look he gave him, but then the bear with me looked back at me and then back at his brother.

"Ohh. I see" he then answered to no question "Get in here human"

Then he pulled me into the bedroom. I was then tossed to the closest bed. I landed on it and near hit the wall behind hard. Then he stood there near the bed. I did not know what was going to happen. What they were planning for me. That was until the huge bear reach down and grabbed at his crotch area. There under his big hand was a very large bulge. He was growing there between the legs. The beasts looked like he was excited. Rubbing at his big bulge as he glared at me

"Ohh my God!" I then chirped out

I then knew what was my punishment. I now knew what the huge bear had planned for me. I was about to be raped by these bear. These three huge bears.

"Noo" I then shouted out "No. You cannot" "Silence thief" he growled "You come into our home and take what is not yours" "To eat out food" "This is a crime" "And you shall be punished for it"

That was when he pulled at the straps of his loin cloth. Unwrapping it and the dropping it to the floor. Out fell the bears rather large penis. It was not hard yet but was bigger than any normal man's penis. That was certain. I feared how large the thing would grow were he fully erect. I gulped in my astonishment as the stood there before me holding his penis out Then one of the other bears came in to the room. The smaller one. He smiled almost wickedly at me. Then he reached for his own bulge now. Groping and tugging at himself.

"Yes. I grand punishment it will be" he said "And some good long needed pleasure"

He then started to undo his straps. He would soon be without the loin cloth on his midsection as well. Then I was sitting there on that bed, my eyes agape at the two bears before me. But with their rods out. Both starting to become more and more rigid as they stood there. I did not see the biggest bear and was glad for that. He would surely be more frightening down their than these two already were. But even as I knew what was about to happen to me. Even though the fear if what was going to happen to me floated about my head, there was also an air and hunger for it. These larger than life bears with their oversized rods were also exciting me. I was almost hungry for them as I sat there gazing at the middle ones growing rod. It inches itself beyond 9 inches as it grew. And as he hardened more and more by his stroking hand I knew it would get bigger. And thicker

"Heavens" I finally blurted out "You are monstrous" "Thank you flesh" he growled at me "Now move over here and take this"

I could not help but to lick at my hungry lips as I stared at the thing pushing out from the beasts hairy midsection. It had to be as thick as my wrist. Or then even moreso. So I reached for the beasts huge rod. Tried to wrap my fingers around the thick shaft as he offered it to me. And I could not. So I knew that this was easily the largest penis I had ever been near. And it felt warm in my palm too. So I was in awe of the beasts rod.

"Go human. Suck" he growled at me

I leaned in and pressed my tongue to the tip of the bears penis. Tasting the end that had traces of warm saltiness on it. A bit unpleasant taste at that. So I opened my mouth and did as the bear wanted. I pulled my mouth over his head and moved down the first few inches. It quickly filled my mouth do to it's girth. My mouth wider than normal as I tried to suck in the bears rod.

"Hmm. That is nice" he sighed "Your mouth feels ever so nice"

I sucked on him. Now hungrily moving up and down what I could take in my mouth. The beast just moaned in delight as I slobbered up and down his penis. Taking as much as I could for his pleasure and my hunger. As I did this I felt the smaller bear at my backside. His big hands on my bottom. Feeling it and squeezing at it. I knew what he was wanting. And then he suggested it

"We should get him out of his garments" he said "I wish to see his buttocks" "Yes" said the one I was sucking "Yes. Let's" "I wish to see that human hole as well"

The middle bear pushed me from his penis. Telling me to do as they wanted. So I sat back and removed my shirt. The smaller bear then pulled at my trousers as I stood.

"Yess" he said "Off with these flesh"

I was not told to crawl on the bed. To get there in all fours for the bears to have what they wished if me. I moved up on the bed as instructed. The. The middle bear came to the one side of it and once again offered me his rod. It was still large and imposing. I grabbed it and returned to my task. The smaller bear came up behind me on the other side of the bed. His hands were on my bare butt now. Rubbing and spanking at it several times. Saying what a lovely butt it was.and that he was going to enjoy it very much when he took it'.

"Yes a great hole too" he added as his fingers moved closer to the target. "This I surely a great hole" "Open him up brother" the bigger bear then said to him "Open up that hole for our rods"

And that was when he thrust a finger in to me....

More to come

Next: Chapter 22: Redd and the Three Bears 6

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