Three Bears Kings Bang

By ozzalone65

Published on May 8, 2023


This is a story based of a story I had written sometime ago. 'three bear kings'. I pondered what if red riding hood met up with the hot hairs bears. So I am writing this new tale to mesh the two classic tales together. It is fantasy and GB sex all in one

Hope you enjoy it

Three Bear Kings (Redd & the 3 Bears (10)

... I had just woken from a dire dream. A dream that showed a bear army taking my old home. Slaughtering everyone in the village. Leaving only me alive. Now I was certainly not on best of terms with almost anyone in that village. So for the most part their kids was nut a heavy one to me. I just was not sure about such loss of life. But thankfully it had only been a dream. A dark one. But the dream pulled be back to reality as I felt the one medium bear that had taken me assault me in the dreamworld again. This jolting me back from it and to the room there in the bears home. And that same bear was standing near me again. Holding his huge rod up at me. Stroking it some as he glared down at me.

"I need more fill, flesh" he growled "Come. Feats in me once more"

He waved his big bear cock at me. The big swollen stem moving about before him. Looking as menacing as ever. I was going to have to service this bear once more. I looked up at him with groggy eyes. The sleep I had had was short but left me drained. Just as the sex had before. The bear came in closer and grabbed my hand. Pulling it up to his huge stem. Instinct made me wrap my fingers around what I could of the shaft. It felt big, oh so big. And this warmth and lovely feeling thing I held drew excitement from my weary self. I knew the damage his rod had caused, but I found myself desiring it again this time. Wanting his rod. So I sat up now. Then leaned in to his cock and slipped the hard into my mouth again. The bug bear groaned as he felt my lips surrounding his thick rod. Then i moved on his penis. Up the length as far as I could go, then pulling back off him to get some air. As it was needed to be able to keep trying to consume his huge member.

"Yes not. Yess!" The bear moaned "It is so good to feel that mouth in me again" "Take my rod. Take it all"

The bear grabbed at my head and did force me down his length. Down most of his length. And I gagged from the sheer size of his huge rod pushing into my throat again. And I had to push back at him to get him to let me go. For if he did not I would easily choke to death in his huge penis.

"Ughnn" ohh my" he bellowed as I came off him "That mouth is a wonder. Such a wonder"

He grabbed his rod and slapped it across my face. Again ordering me to continue his worship. That he wanted to be ever so rigid for my body again. That he would be taking my anus again.

"Suck human. Suck!" He growled

I had little choice. I had to. So I opened my mouth again and he pushed his rod back into it. Giving me his penis again. I slurped and sucked on him as best as I could. Pulling my face down as much penis as I could without choking on him. He pushed at my head when he could as well. Knowing I was having difficulty with him as before. And seeming to be less rough than he had been the last time

"Eat. Eat!" He did growl "Take me in that mouth. Ughn"

The bear continued to feed me his big rod for some time. Letting me worship him with as much desire as I wished. Then saying that he would give me his penis soon. That I would be utterly filled with him again. And this thought actually excited me now. Even though I was in dire pain the last time he had taken me. I was now hungry for this bears big rod. Wanting to feel him in my body once more. So I continued to give him worship. Slurping and slobbering over his huge penis. Getting um as bug and hard as this beast would grow. Then pulling from him rod and begging him to have me once more

"Go on sir!" I begged him now "My body is yours now master" "Take it as you wish"

I then quickly turned in the bed and presented the bear my rear end. Pushing my butt back at him. Telling him again to have at me The bug bear grinned in delight as to my wanton desire for his rod again. He then moved in behind me. But before he shoved his monstrous rod into my hole the bear pushed his face to it. Then he licked at my buttocks and anus hole. Giving me a new pleasure. His ling wet tongue found itself inside me as he lapped at my bottom. Licking and pushing his tongue to me to get my body ready for his huge penis. Making me squirm under his assault in my hole.

"Yes master. Yess!" I squealed "That is Soo. Ughnn. Please!"

I begged on and on as he penetrated my hole with his tongue. Wetting me down with his saliva at my now very needy hole. Then the bug bear pulled his mouth from me. The bug bear then moved in behind me again. Preparing to give me his huge cock again. Aiming it at my hole and pressing the big blunt head of his rod to the entrance of my body.

"Yes. Going to be another great taking" he stated

And then the bug bear thrust his mammoth rod into my body again. I felt pressure building around my head and ears. Pressure at my hole that he was forcing himself into once more. And I screamed again as the pain overcame me. Screamed as his thick rod pried my hole opened again. Screamed as he plunged most of what he possessed I to my poor body....

To be continued

Next: Chapter 27: Redd and the Three Bears 11

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