Three Guys and No Girl

By moc.loa@noeNregoR

Published on Jun 7, 2000



The two men slept so soundly that they didn't hear the front door open or footsteps in the living room. They didn't hear the sound of a fire being built in the fireplace. They didn't hear Berg's voice calling "Pete?" and they didn't hear the bedroom door open.

They did hear Berg's loud voice demanding "what the fuck's going on here??"

Johnny's eyes shot open and he stared up at Berg, terrified. His first urge was to run, but he remembered he wasn't wearing anything before he tried. He also felt Pete's arm holding him more firmly, though he could easily have overpowered Pete if he had wanted to.

"Berg," Johnny began, "please don't tell Sharon... I don't know what happened here..."

However, Berg's attention was now on Pete. "I've known you all these years and you never told me you liked guys??" he demanded.

Pete was far less upset than Johnny, and he answered in a matter of fact voice "I've just been waiting until the right time to tell you, Berg. Maybe this is it."

Johnny's fears were calmed somewhat when he realized that Berg's voice was more one of curiosity and surprise than condemnation or anger. He also noticed that Berg's crotch seemed to be swelling under his hospital "blues." Almost without thinking, he reached up to feel the bulge leading from Berg's crotch to his left leg. There was definitely a cock under the fabric, it definitely was not soft, and it definitely was big.

Pete saw what was happening and said "Berg, I think you might like to join us."

"No...." Berg answered very weakly and very unconvincingly.

Pete threw back the comforter, and the sight of the two naked men in the bed caused Berg's cock to go completely rigid in Johnny's hand. Pete reached out and slid his hand under the back of Berg's baggy hospital pants. He felt the smooth, round asscheek and started to slide the pants down. Berg was enjoying the attention to his cock and ass more than he could believe, but he still protested "guys, I'm a mess. I just got off a 12-hour shift, and I'm sure I smell like it."

"I don't think that's really a problem, Berg" Pete answered as he stepped out of bed and started to raise the taller man's shirt. Without being prompted Berg raised his arms over his head and pulled his top completely off. At the same time, Johnny untied the drawstring of his hospital "blues," and they slid down into a heap at his ankles. Berg had dressed so quickly in the morning that he wasn't wearing any underwear, and his cock bounced free.

Berg's cock was easily the biggest of the three-- eight or nine inches long, curving upward, with a big mushroom head. His pubic hair was very light blonde, but there was more of it than could be seen easily. He had some light hair on the calves of his legs, but other than that and under his arms, his body was smooth.

Staring at Berg's cock, Johnny said "no wonder Ashley was so pissed off when you broke up with her!" Berg blushed, but was surprised at how good it felt to receive a compliment from another man.

Both Johnny and Pete were out of the bed by now. Pete put his hand on Berg's shoulder and gently guided him towards the door, saying "come on big guy, it's the shower for you."

Berg's cock stayed hard as the three men walked towards the bathroom, Pete gently but firmly guiding him as they went.

In the bathroom, Pete pulled the shower curtain back, and Johnny, still not quite believing what was happening, turned on the water and waited for it to warm up. As Johnny leaned forward, his almost-perfectly shaped ass came into full view, and Pete copped a feel of it, letting his fingers slide down the crack lined with soft blonde hair. Until this point, Johnny had stayed soft, this was all it took to get him rock hard. With the water now hot, he stepped into the tub, and turned to face Pete and Berg with the stream from the showerhead passing in front of him. He had a few seconds to reflect on contrasts in male beauty-- Berg, tall, slender, and smooth; Pete, short, stocky, and hairy. So very different, but both so incredibly sexy and hot.

Berg seemed to hesitate a moment, but Pete cupped one of his asscheeks and firmly pushed him forward. "In you go, guy," he said.

Berg stepped into the tub and stood in the stream of warm water. Pete followed immediately, and Berg felt Pete's hairy body brushing against him as he pulled the shower curtain closed. Johnny was in the right corner of the tub, closest to the shower head, Berg was in the middle, and Pete was at the far end.

"He says he needs a shower," Pete said to Johnny, "think you can get him started?"

Johnny said nothing but grabbed a bar of soap and began to lather Berg's chest and stomach. He worked farther down and completely soaped Berg's still hard cock, balls and crotch. Berg closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Johnny stroking his dick with soap as a lubricant. He rested one hand on Johnny's shoulder to steady himself and began a series of small thrusts.

Berg emitted a small gasp as he felt a warm tongue under his left shoulder blade and the head of Pete's dick brushing against his ass. Pete's arm encircled Berg's torso and he gasped again as fingers slid over his soapy body and found his right nipple. The hand withdrew, and next Berg felt his back being lathered. Pete's hands worked from top down, paying special attention to Berg's crack and area just behind his balls. Berg's heart was racing and he couldn't remember a time when he had ever been so turned on. The attention to his body from his best friend was like nothing experienced before, and he was a little disappointed when the soapy hands withdrew and Pete's voice said "rinse off now."

Berg turned around in the stream of warm water, rinsing himself thoroughly and feeling Pete slip past him. When Berg opened his eyes he saw Pete and Johnny in a tight embrace, kissing long and hard. Again Berg was surprised, this time at how erotic it was to watch two men making out. He involuntarily found his own dick and began to stroke.

Pete broke his embrace with Johnny and said "it's your turn now." Johnny stepped towards the middle of the tub and willingly submitted to being lathered himself. Unwilling to stand passively however, he took every opportunity to touch any part of Pete's body that came into reach. When he had finished Johnny's front side, Pete passed the soap to Berg, who then lathered Johnny's back. He worked downward and felt Johnny's asscheeks almost involuntarily quiver as he soaped them and the inside of his thighs. When Berg looked up, the two other men were again making out as the warm water flowed over them.

Berg took the initiative this time and told Johnny "rinse off now." He stepped back slightly and turned around to rinse himself the same way Berg had. "Come on, Pete," he continued, "time for you now."

Pete and Johnny traded places, but Berg made sure Pete was facing him this time. He still had the soap, and began to work his way down Pete's furry chest, the soap forming more bubbles among the hairs which also still carried traces of cum from the huge load he had shot earlier. Pete closed his eyes, enjoying the attention, but when he felt Berg's hand on his soapy dick, he reached out himself for Berg's cock. They enjoyed mutual masturbation for a few moments, then Berg passed the soap to Johnny, who then started to wash Pete's back.

Berg's chance finally arrived, and he leaned down to plant a kiss on Pete's lips. Pete's arms pulled him closer, and they started kissing hard, with tongues exploring mouths. Warm, wet bodies pressed together and hard cocks rubbed, then moved apart. Berg slid his hands down to Pete's hairy ass and pulled him forcefully closer. Berg's hand momentarily grazed something else, which turned out to be Johnny's cock. Without breaking his embrace with Pete, Berg started stroking Johnny's cock. Johnny moved closer until Pete was sandwiched between him and Johnny.

Pete turned his head to kiss Johnny, who reached around to find the other two men's hard cocks to stroke together. Berg's right hand moved up to Johnny's shoulders, and Berg pulled all three of them into a tight formation of hot, wet bodies. They traded kisses, gropes, and caresses for several minutes, but finally had to shut the water off and climb out of the tub.

Drying off was a struggle in the small bathroom, but the three men managed to accomplish it. When they emerged into the living room, the fire Berg had started was burning well, radiating soft warmth and flickering light. "That fire's too nice to waste," Pete remarked, "come over here." He indicated a couch near the fireplace, and as Berg and Johnny approached it, Pete switched off the lights and secured the seldom-used lock on the outer door to which Sharon did not have a key.

Berg and Johnny were seated on the couch, rather shyly exploring each other's bodies. Pete dropped to his knees, spread Berg's legs apart, and began kissing and licking up the inside of his left thigh. He worked himself upward, then gently took first one, then two of Berg's balls in his mouth. As he was doing this, his right hand slid up the inside of Johnny's thigh, and when his fingers found Johnny's rigid cock, he began to jack it slowly. His mouth released Berg's balls, and he slid his wet lips up the length of Berg's dick. Once at the tip, his lips wrapped around the head, and the sensation caused Berg to jump slightly. Pete's warm mouth took more and more of the big dick in, resulting in the best blowjob Berg had ever experienced and he involuntarily started to thrust his hips.

After several minutes, Pete sensed that Berg's load was growing dangerously. He pulled his mouth off Berg's dick, and transferred his attention to Johnny's. Pete's efforts were equally arousing to Johnny, and as he turned his face toward Berg he experienced the sensation of kissing while his cock was being sucked at the same time. Berg's hands were bolder now, exploring Johnny's chest, tweaking his nipples. Pete now sensed that Johnny was also approaching climax, so he slowed his efforts. He sat back slightly, a dick in each hand, watching the other two men make out.

Pete finally spoke to Berg. "Trade places with me."

Now on his knees, Berg faced not one, but two cocks. He decided to begin with his best friend's, and tentatively flicked his tongue on Pete's dickhead. Pete seemed to enjoy it, so Berg opened his mouth wide and swallowed as much of the hard cock as he could. Following the treatment he had received himself, he started to suck and stroke at the same time. Pete's soft groans of pleasure told him that working the head caused the most pleasure. Not forgetting Johnny, he reached out to stroke his cock as Pete had done. With his other hand, he stroked Pete's hairy thigh, excited at how it felt to him. He was brought back to the matter at hand when he heard Pete say "slow it down, Berg." Again following Pete's example, he began to work on Johnny's cock, and was shortly warned again to slow down. Now Berg enjoyed the erotic spectacle of two men making out for a few minutes.

Without being asked, Johnny got up and Berg took his place on the couch. Johnny repeated the process the other two men had performed, marveling at how fast he seemed to be learning to suck cock, and also how much he enjoyed it. However, he varied the routine by first sucking one, then the other several times. He sensed also when to slow down and stop.

"Come back up here," Pete urged him. Johnny moved onto the couch, putting Pete between himself and Pete. Pete put an arm around each man and pulled them as close as he could. He alternated kissing the other guys as they felt his hairy body up.

Finally Berg could stand it no longer and started to stroke his own big cock. The other two men followed suit, and the three of them sat together on the couch stroking their hard cocks in the flickering firelight. This continued for several minutes, but as aroused as they all were, it couldn't last long. First Berg began to breath harder and stroke faster. This seemed to compel the other two men, and shortly they were also breathing hard.

Berg shot first, his wad flying at least two feet in the air. A couple seconds later Pete shot a big load, some of which again landed on his hairy stomach, and seconds after that, Johnny's cock discharged, the first wave reaching several inches in the air, and the succeeding ones pouring down his dick like a miniature waterfall.

The three men slumped back on the couch, exhausted. After about ten minutes, Berg went to the bathroom and returned with the damp towels they had used earlier. He handed them around, and they all wiped off as much of their cum as they could. Johnny looked at the clock and realized Sharon would be home soon. He reluctantly went to Pete's room and collected his clothes scattered around the room.

Shortly, he was dressed, and he faced the other two men, who had put on robes. Without really thinking, Johnny kissed each of them and said "thanks, guys. It's been an amazing day." With that he headed toward the door, but not without Pete and Berg each groping his now-clothed ass as he went. The door closed, leaving the two other men standing in the middle of the living room.

There was a brief, awkward silence. Berg finally broke it by saying "Pete, I'm really bushed. After a 12-hour shift at the hospital and now this, I think I could sleep for a week!"

Pete smiled, put his hand on Berg's arm, and said "get some sleep, guy. You've really earned some rest!"

He turned towards his own room when he heard Berg say "Pete?"


"Do you think you could do me a big favor?"

"If I can. What is it?"

"Sleep with me tonight. I'd really like you to."

"OK sure," Pete answered as he walked with Berg towards the bedroom door.

They slipped into Berg's bed, turned off the lights, and shared a long "goodnight" kiss. Berg then rolled on his right side and snuggled backwards toward Pete. He found the sensation of his smooth back against Pete's hairy body very pleasant as he drifted off to sleep.

To be continued......

Next: Chapter 3

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