Three Guys and No Girl

By moc.loa@noeNregoR

Published on Jul 21, 2000



The two friends slept soundly, exhausted by the day and their sexual performance. When Pete awoke in the morning he carefully slipped out of Berg's bed. He knew that Berg was facing another 12-hour shift at the hospital, and would need all the rest he could get. As quickly and quietly as he could, he showered, dressed, and headed out for work.

As he closed the apartment door he saw Johnny coming down the stairs. Johnny blushed, but that didn't stop his cock from twitching in his pants as he spotted Pete. Pete had a similar reaction but did his best to control it. "'morning," was all he said.

Johnny answered "good morning to YOU." The was a slight pause, then both guys moved at once to hug and kiss. It had to be brief because of the location and the fact that they were both on their way to work, but it still felt good. As they drew apart, Johnny asked "will you be home tonight?"

"Yeah I will, Pete answered," and with a pat on Johnny's ass he was out the door.

A major mental barrier had been knocked down for Johnny, and he spent the day amazed at how many attractive, sexy men there seemed to be in the world. Numerous times the sight of a handsome man, combined with memories of the previous day's events, made his dick go rigid in his pants.

On his way to work, Pete stopped at his favorite coffee bar, hoping his favorite barista was there. He looked around hopefully until he spotted the cute, curly-haired guy he had noticed numerous times before. The barista smiled and came over to take Pete's order. They exchanged a few pleasantries, and just as he was about to leave with his coffee Pete said "I've been coming in here for quite a while now. My name's Pete. What's yours, so I don't have to say `hey, you?'"

The barista smiled and extended his hand. "I'm Hammond. Nice to meet you officially, Pete."

"You too, Hammond," Pete answered as he shook hands. "I need go get going at the moment, but I'll hopefully see you again tomorrow."

"Like clockwork," Hammond answered, again smiling. Pete smiled back and turned to leave. Was it his imagination, or did he see something more than a sparkle in Hammond's eyes? At any rate, it would be interesting to find out, and the thought caused his cock to stir slightly as he walked.

Some time later, Berg awoke with a raging hardon. He instinctively reached for it and started to stroke. For him also the memory of yesterday got him very hot, but after he shot a big wad, he told himself that it was a "one-only" time, never to be repeated. He'd been caught in a weak moment, that was all. Even as he told himself this, another voice in his head asked "then why did you ask Pete to share your bed last night?" Berg didn't want to answer the question, and he got ready to go to the hospital.

All three guys went through their normal daily routines, though not without thinking frequently of their joint activities. Berg saw Ashley's new boyfriend drop her off at the hospital, and only later did it dawn on him that he had observed this without feeling the slightest trace of resentment or jealousy.

Johnny was the first one to return to the building. He had a pretty good idea of when Pete would be home, so he used his passkey to get into the apartment. He unscrewed the light overhead light bulb in Pete's room, then stripped and stretched out on the bed. In less than 15 minutes he heard Pete come into the apartment, then go to the bathroom. He pushed the half-closed bedroom door open, but got no results when he flipped the light switch. The room was dark, so he reached for the bedside lamp. When it came on he was startled to see Johnny stretched out on the bed, totally naked, with a very stiff dick.

"Geez, you really surprised me there," he said, looking down at his handsome and very sexy neighbor.

"Do you really mind?" Johnny asked.

"No, not at all, really," Pete answered, as he felt Johnny's hand massaging the already hardening bulge in his slacks.

For a moment, he enjoyed the massage. The sight of Johnny naked alone got him half-hard, and the cock massage was quickly taking him to full hard. With one hand still working Pete's cock, Johnny's other had pulled his shirt tail out of his pants, the slid over the hairy stomach and chest it found. When he reached Pete's right nipple, he squeezed it, causing Pete to moan in pleasure.

Johnny withdrew his hands and sat up on the bed, his face very close to Pete's crotch. Working quickly, he got Pete's belt undone and his pants open. As he slid the pants and boxers under them down, Pete's rigid cock slapped his face softly. In an instant he had his lips wrapped around the head, sliding his tongue around it and through the slit.

Pete moaned softly and began a series of gentle thrusts. He frantically undid his tie and the rest of his shirt buttons, then threw both aside. He steadied himself by resting his hands on Johnny's shoulders, but after a few moments, pulled his cock out of Johnny's mouth. He took his pants the rest of the way off, then bent down to kiss Johnny.

As their lips locked, Johnny wrapped his arms around Pete and fell backwards, bringing Pete down on top of him. Pete's hairy body against his was even more exciting than their first encounter, and Johnny grabbed Pete even tighter, feeling their hard cocks rub together. They continued their makeout session for several minutes. As they rolled over the bed, Pete noticed that he got a definite reaction when his dickhead rubbed the spot just behind Johnny's balls. He raised up slightly, then used one hand rub his dick harder on the same spot, and Johnny almost shuddered.

Pete moved back between Johnny's legs slightly and leaned down to swallow his hard dick. He took it almost all the way down, then slowly drew up, expertly working his tongue around the head. He continued sucking for a moment, then pulled off and ran the middle finger of his right hand in and out of his mouth several times. When it was nice and wet, he resumed the blowjob, but started to gently work his wet finger up into Johnny's crack.

Johnny's asscheeks started to clamp down on the finger, but Pete stopped sucking long enough to softly say "relax, guy. I won't hurt you."

The tension released, and with his mouth still on Johnny's cock, Pete's finger continued its slow progress. When it reached the pucker of Johnny's ass, it met with more resistance, but with a little persistence it gradually made its way in. Johnny's thighs began to buck as he thrust his cock into Pete's mouth, and the finger found pressed against Johnny's prostate. Pete felt the ass muscles repeatedly clench, then release his finger, and during one of the relaxed moments he managed to slip another finger in.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH" Johnny moaned so loudly that Pete released Johnny's cock and looked up to make sure everything was alright. A second later, Pete's fingers were squeezed hard, Johnny's back arched, and Pete felt something warm and wet hit the under side of his chin. He lifted his head a little farther, and three more huge streams of cum jetted out of Johnny's dick, drenching his stomach and much of his chest. Pete had never seen such a spectacular cum shot and was silently amazed. Johnny fell back and lay gasping for breath.

Pete gently withdrew his fingers and Johnny said "sorry, Pete. I'm not sure what just happened, but it was absolutely incredible." Pete's cock had started to go soft, but seeing this display made him hard again. He moved forward between Johnny's legs on his knees and started stroking his own cock.

Johnny saw what was happening and said "come on Pete... stroke for me... I want to see you shoot! Come on, shoot for me, Babe!"

Pete stroked harder and faster, excited by Johnny's enthusiasm. He felt his load building, but stopped stroking before he blew. Two more times he brought himself to the brink and stopped just in time. By now Johnny was practically begging, and Pete couldn't hold back any longer. Finally his own huge load erupted in several waves, mixing with Johnny's spunk where it landed. Completely spent, Pete collapsed on Johnny, not caring that the sticky mess of cum matted into his hairy chest.

Johnny hugged him close and softly kissed his cheek. The afterglow of sex lasted for some time, but eventually the warm cum became cold and a little uncomfortable. Johnny gently slipped out from under Pete and retrieved a warm washcloth from the bathroom. He first cleaned Pete up, though wasn't able to get all the cum out of his chest hair. Then he rinsed the washcloth and cleaned himself up.

"I'd love to stay for a shower, but I really can't," he told Pete. I'm already a little late.

"That's ok," Pete answered as he got up to give Johnny a kiss and a bear hug. Gradually Johnny found his clothes and put them on. In a few minutes he was dressed and heading for the door. He stopped for just a moment to give Pete a quick kiss and enjoy a grope of his still-naked, hairy ass.

"Bye, guy. See ya soon."

"Bye. Take care." In another moment Johnny was gone, and Pete went to the shower to clean himself up properly.


Next: Chapter 4

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