Three On One

Published on Nov 29, 2005



Marc got back to his college dorm room still thinking about the night before and the kindess of the man sitting next to him.

He knew he loved it when another guy played with him, be it Danny or that stranger. And he knew he wanted more. There were rumors about the basement of the gym late at night. One of the doors that led to the bathrooms was always open and Marc heard stories of what went on in the bathroom or the dark hallways you could wander.

Opening the door to the room, he was surprised by seeing three guys sitting on the floor watching TV. One of them was his roommate.

"Hey look who's back" Tom said scrambling to pull on his boxer shorts. But the two others didn't scramble at all and Marc could see they were both naked.

"Here" Tom stuck out a joint and Marc took it breathing in.

"Guys let's help my rooomie relax" Marc could tell Tom was stoned.

Tom reached for his backpack and Marc let him while he was breathing in the pot smoke.

The other two stood and moved closer too. One of them pulled out Marc's te shirtand peeled it over his head while the other one began to unbutton his pants.

"Just relax and go with it" Tom said taking the joint back and toking on it.

Marc was being stripped by the two naked guys. He thought he recognized one of them from some classes.

He stepped out of his jeans and shorts and felt their hands move over his now naked body.

"Uh this is Clyde and Tony" Tom swallowed the smoke and gave Marc the joint again. As Marc breathed in more smoke, Tom pulled his boxers off. His cock was rock hard and Marc put his hand on it.

"Nice" Tom said smiling, obviously happy Marc seemed to be game for what was happening.

Marc felt lips on his cock and he gasped letting the smoke go further then he had planned and he chocked.

"Let's get him over here" tome said and Marc felt the guys moving him to the center of the floor where pillows and blankets had been piled up and obviously used.

"OK?" Tom let Marc drinks some water.

"Yea, what's goin on?" Marc asked knowing the answer.

"We're celebrating, got back early and been fucking ever since." Tom said taking the joint and passing it on to one of the other guys.

"Met these guys and ...we'll" Tom didn't finesh his sentence as hge lowered his head and lifted Marc's legs.

Marc fell backward on the pile of pillows and gasped as he felt Toms tongue on his butthole.

One of the other guys was soon kissing Marc and the other was tonguing his cock.

Marc wondered if this counted as an orgy or not...but he just did what Tom said and let it all happen.

The first cock that moved inside his ass wasn't Tom's it was one of the other guys. Marc heard Tom say "Naw let the smaller one go first then we build up to yours"

Marc saw Tom straddle him and aim his cock at his lips. He licked, kissed and was soon gagging as Tom fucked his throat.

"I knew you'd like this" Tom said as he leaned back. His smooth torso and erect nipples above Marc.

Marc moved his hands across theboys belly and reached for his nipples. Pinching each ot them he felt Tom jab his throat harder.

"Next" Marc heard and Tom moved to where the other boy had been and slid inside Marc's ass. It hurt but Marc let it happen and soon was rock hard again watching Tom below him fucking his ass.

The boy whohad been fucking him began to suck Marc and he felt the strong back and buttocks. It felt good to his sensative fingers feeling and exploring as he was bing sucked and fucked.

It seemed like only a short time till Marc heard "NEXT" pronounced again and felt Tom pull out of him.

"OK now you just have to relax and breath normally," Tom advised while he played with Marc's nipples.

And Marc felt the thick cock begin to push into him. The pain was nearly unberable.

"Ok now push down like you're taking a crap" Tom said. Marc did whathe was told and felt the thick cock move past his sphinter and into him. He sighed.

"WOW he took it better then I thought" Tom said and the thick cock slowly moved into him like a fat snake.

Marc felt it move and that was such a turn on he thought he'd cum. Turning his head he saw the other guy fucking Tom who was on hishands and knees now. Tom moved so he could suck Marc.

And Marc lay back and closed his eyes feeling his ass beign expandeda nd fucked while his cock was being sucked.

He had returned to campus and knew he was going to learn much much more this half of the year then the first.

What Danny and the stranger on the bus had begun to teach him, Marc was about to learn all the rest that night.

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