Three Simple Words

By No Name

Published on Jun 17, 2013


Again, sorry for the delay. My finals...well, at least it's over. Hello summer! That being said, the postings will definitely be more sporadic and unstable since I have a summer to enjoy. That doesn't mean I won't write though! So don't worry about that lol.

Note- While I was reading my submitted chapters, I realized that I made a tiny fluke in my story. Caleb apparently has two last names; I didn't realize I already gave him a last name lol... So just to be clear and to (hopefully) stay consistent from now on, his last name is Young.

As always, donate guys! Nifty's a wonderful site, and I'd be sad to see it shut down because of lack of funds. :[

And send me emails! I enjoy the company. :o

*Note again, My word documents are being very evil to me and not letting me format things into notepad correctly. That being said, I have to literally reformat everything in a notepad browser. So, please excuse any horrible formatting...I'll figure something out. (Hopefully).


Chapter 9 "Coming Out, Carnivals, and More C's"

"Everyone, I have an announcement to make," Caleb states. Everyone at the lunch table quiets down and faces in his direction. "Ok...I've been holding this back from some of you, but...I'm gay...and Matt's now my boyfriend." He looks over in my direction for encouragement and continues, "It wasn't an easy decision. Matt and I had a long discussion about this for the past five days, and we've finally came to an agreement to let you guys know. You areour friends after all."As soon as he finishes, Matt grabs Caleb's hands for support, waiting for a comment of somesort.

Bryan speaks first, "Well, first of all, congratulations. You two do seem to be compatible with each other, so it'll definitely work out."

Joey takes over. "What Bryan said. And plus, it's not easy for someone to come out like this. Just know that you have our full support."

I roll my eyes at the two. Trying to act all innocent from all this? News flash! I know what you two did with Caleb! Thanks for filling me in the dark! Some friends you are!

"That's sweet Joey," Heather praises Joey and gives him a peck on the cheek.

I catch Chris mimicking my last gesture. He glances over at me and we both shake our heads in disbelief.

Joey catches us on the act. "What's with you two? You guys don't agree with what I just said?" he accuses.

"No, we agree completely. In fact, we were the first ones to know about their relationship," I said.

"Yeah, we're just shaking our heads at your cheesy comments," Chris adds.

"Psh, whatever. You agree with me right babe?" Joey pouts.

"Sure...whatever you say Joey," Heather flatly states.

"Wow...what happened to the 'that's sweet'?..." Joey sulks.

"Anyways...Chris and I also have an announcement to make," I said to the group. "Ready Chris?"

"Let's just get this over with..." He looks around for any signs of potential threats. Sensing nothing serious, he lifts our hands onto the table, interlocking each of his fingers between mine. He then leans forward and kisses me on the lips. We depart and look at the gang. Everyone's eyes at the table except Caleb and Matt grow so wide, I thought they were going to pop out.

"" Bryan stutters, "...We were right for once..."

"" Joey then turns to Caleb. "Thanks for letting us know bastard."

"What?" Caleb says in defense, "They made me promise not to tell, and I had the unfortunate experience of Dylan's noogie when I accidentally slipped it to Matt."

"Oh my god Joey, just drop it. You don't have to know everything; that's Dylan's job," Heather scolds Joey.

"But I was curious about Dylan!" Joey whines, "Bryan, Caleb, and I had a huge discussion about this before."

"You guys had a conversation about this? When?" Heather asks.

"Hmm...Bryan? Were you talking smack about your friends behind their backs?" Carrie joins in.

"What? No! Of course not!" Bryan says defensively, "We were just having a intellectual conversation between guys. Listen, I'll explain everything later ok?"

"How many times have I heard that before," Carrie scoffs.

"One too many," Heather joins in. The whole table starts rumbling from all the bickering the four are doing.

"Ahem..." I cough loudly to bring the attention back to us. The four stop arguing and look at me. " objections?"

" objections...right guys?" Bryan asks the group.

"Nope. None here. I'm good. Congratulations. I'm happy for you guys," Everyone at the table relays one at a time.

"Good, 'cause Chris has another announcement to make, take it away Chris."

"Thanks Dylan." Chris says. He then pulls out a flyer from his backpack. "Everyone, take a look at this! The carnivals in town! We should all go!" he gleefully shouts.

"Huh? It's that time of year already...the Harvest Hoedown or something like that right?" Bryan asks as he gives the flyer a glance. "It says it's here from September 21st to the 24th... starts today!"

"Mhm," Chris agrees smiling, "And, if you guys want, you're all invited to my house to hang before we can get ready to go. I've already talked to my mom about it. She said it's fine as long as you guys keep yourselves clean."

Joey leans over Bryan's shoulder. " starts at 5:30...shit! I have practice today until 4:30!" he exclaims.

"Yeah...and I have practice until 4:00 today..." Bryan sulks. "I can definitely make it, but we won't be able to go to Chris's house..."

"That's fine, I was hoping that we could all go together," Chris states.

"Oh yeah, we can definitely do that!" Joey says. "I just have to shower fast and get my shit together."

"5:30 doesn't sound so bad, right Heather?" Carrie asks.

"It looks like a good time. We can probably move our schedule around and finish some things tomorrow instead of today for ASB. Plus, who said we had to be there on time?" Heather states. "What about you two?"

"I have nothing to do for the rest of today. I just need to finish my homework, but that can be done during study hall. What about you Matt?" Caleb asks.

"Same here. Just a paper to write for AP Lit., but that's due next week, so I can do that during the weekend. We can definitely go to Chris's house," Matt says.

"Ok then, it's settled. Matt, Caleb, and I will stay Chris's house with him. At 5:30, we'll all meet up at the entrance of the carnival. Sound like a plan?" I organize.

"Sounds like a plan," Bryan says, "Just don't forget to tell your parents sometime today. Wouldn't want them to worry about you."

"And bring money!" I scorn, "Or else you'll be watching everyone else having fun."

"Oh, then I'll need to go back home to get some money," Caleb realizes, "I guess I can tell my parents to give me a ride to Chris's house."

"Yeah, me too. I need money from my folks," Matt says.

"Ok. Here, lemme write down my address for the two of you." Chris pulls out a piece of paper and a pen. He tears the paper in half, scribbles down his address, and hands both of them to Matt and Caleb. "Here."

"Thanks," the two reply.

"Ok, I think that's it," Chris then states.

Everyone nods their heads and then goes back to talking among themselves. Matt and Caleb are talking about their relationship, Bryan, Joey, Heather, and Carrie are planning their plans for later today regarding carpools. I look at Chris to see him looking at me. He gives me a smile and scoots closer to me.

"This is a secret, but I've never been to the carnival..." he says quietly so that only I can hear.

I wrap my shoulders around him. "The first time's always the best."

" you..." he whispers.

"Love you too," I return. He snuggles closer to me and I squeeze him slightly tighter. We stay like that for a mere second before a bunch of human-figure shadows cast over us. "Oh no..." I think to myself, "It can only be no one other than-"

"What are you doing Dylan? Stop hugging him!" the annoying voice nags at me. Everyone at the table stops talking and look in my direction. Carrie's face immediately twists and gives a death glare at the person behind me.

I sigh and flip around, resting my arms and back on the table. "Sup Brandy."

"Don't 'sup' me...rumor has it that 'he's' been clinging to you like starfish," she says, pointing at Chris.

"Ok...first of all 'he' has a name, Chris. Remember it; it just might save your ass. Second, what he does with me is our business and our business alone. We don't need someone like you to be snooping around us," I said rather annoyed at her. Strange, ever since getting together with Chris and that incident last week, I've developed a foreign hatred of Brandy. It's as she's trying to do something to sabotage our relationship or something. But the thing is, besides Betty and my friends who I just confessed to, no one else knows about this.

" makes it look like that he's gay or something," Brandy glares at Chris, who still has his back facing Brandy.

I glance over and see Chris being a bit scared; my blood starts to boil inside of me. "So what? You don't know his back story! And so what if he's gay! I'd rather prefer him over you any day!" I said, sitting up.

Brandy ignores me and calls to Chris, "Hey Chris! Yeah, turn around." Chris hesitantly does. "You better lay off of Dylan, or so help me I'll-"

"You'll what?!" Carrie blurts, slamming her hands on the table.

I turn around and give Bryan and Carrie that 'I'll handle this' look. Bryan nods and hugs Carrie, tight. Carrie just rolls her eyes and looks away.

I flip about around, "As Carrie said, you'll do what?" I threaten.

"You know what powers I'm capable of having. Let's just say, a certain whisper might catch wind at this school regarding Chris being gay," Brandy sneers at Chris. He shies away and cringes at Brandy's sight.

" Brandy, let me help you with that then." I lean towards Chris and give him a kiss on the cheek. At contact, Chris snaps back into reality and pushes me away due to reflex. I let him push me back and give Brandy a smug look. "There, you have your proof that he's gay. Now go spread the rumors..."

Brandy opens her mouth to speak at first, but stops herself. "...Mark my words Chris, this isn't the last of it..." She then turns around and storms off, with her followers following her close behind.

Making sure that they're gone, I turn my attention to Chris. "You alright?"

"...Yeah...but why did you kiss me?" Chris whispers, since he just lost most of his voice due to fear.

"Yeah Dylan, why did you kiss Chris? Isn't Brandy going to spread the rumors now?" Caleb asks.

"She won't do anything," I wave it off as I shuffle my feet back under the table.

"What do you mean?" Caleb asks.

"I mean, I made an indirect threat to her."

"Please explain," Matt requests.

I sigh, "Ok...she claims that she'll spread rumors about Chris being gay right? Well, that threat was actually used to threaten me more instead of Chris. However, by kissing Chris, it shows that I don't give a fuck if she spreads the rumor."

" kind of like showing her up," Bryan states.

"Yeah, but there's more," I continue. "She can't physically spread the rumors because 'I' kissed Chris."

"What do you mean?" Heather asks.

"I mean, this whole time, she's been trying to get me to be with her, or something along the lines of that. But, how can she spread a rumor about me kissing another guy? That would make her the laughingstock of the entire school, going after a gay guy for the past five years."

"But what if she just leaves out the part of you kissing me?" Chris asks, with a hint of fear underneath his voice.

"I can just so happen to be kissing you and just so happens, someone sees us in the act," I grin at him.

"Then..." Caleb begins.

"...Brandy would be raging every day," Joey finishes for Caleb.

"...That's Dylan for you...only you would be able to something as crazy as this..." Matt praises, shaking his head.

"Well, you have to hand it to him, he was able to think of this in a matter of seconds," Heather adds.

"Aw, stop it you guys. You're embarrassing me in front of my boyfriend," I said. "Anyways, you feeling ok Chris?"

"...Yeah...sorry I pushed you away earlier Dylan...Brandy's hog-face looked extremely scary," Chris says.

The comment gets the whole table to snicker. I mess with Chris's hair and give him another kiss on the cheek.

"Apology accepted." I then lean towards his ear and whisper, "Although some make up sex wouldn't be bad."

Chris giggles a little and whispers back. "Maybe later when we get back home."

"But Caleb and Matt are coming over."

"...You'll have to be fast then," Chris teases back loudly. Everyone stops talking and looks at Chris. Feeling awkward, he looks at me for help.

"Haa!...This is what you get for talking so loudly!" I blurt at him and poke at his ribs.

"Hey! You said you'd stop doing that!" Chris shouts as he backs away.

The group laughs at us and goes back to conversing with each other. Sensing that everyone's forgot about us. I stop poking at Chris and grab him in for a hug.

"Your welcome," I whisper at I squeeze his skinny frame.

"Hmm...can I sit on your lap?" he mumbles.

"If you don't mind people staring." I let go of Chris and he climbs onto my lap. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him in. I catch a waft of his scent, strawberries, with a hint of as hell. I bury my nose in his hair and take another deep breath.

Chris giggles at my touch. "Stop it Dylan, it tickles..."

"Oh...sorry," I apologize. We sit there for a few more minutes before the dreadful bell rings.

"Already?" Caleb whines.

Standing up and grabbing my backpack, I take hold of Chris's hand and start getting ready to head to class. "Don't forget about money and phone call to parents! Meet in front of the entrance at around 5:30!" I shout and drag Chris away.

We arrive at the entrance of our cells-I mean classes-and I reluctantly let go of Chris's silky hands. A small pain runs through my heart...

"...See you soon Dylan," Chris smiles and heads into his room.

"Yeah...see ya..." I go in the other direction and enter the room. I plop in my chair and the final bell rings.

"Welcome back class. Just one more day after this until the weekend. Finish strong everyone," my teacher says. Boring!...

"That's it for today class. Don't forget about homework, and test next Wednesday!" my teacher shouts as the class gets ready to leave.

I quickly shove everything in my backpack and head out the door. Upon exiting, I see Chris in front, waiting for me.

"You're out fast today," I remark as he comes up for a hug.

"Mhm, Der Lehrer frhzeitig beendet," he says.

"What? Wait, lemme guess...the teacher let you out early?" I guessed.

"Close, she finished early," Chris says grinning.

"So close..." I said as I pet the back of his head. "Anyways, let's go. We have a horny bastard to control." We snicker at my comment and head to study hall.

We get there in no time and enter the classroom.

"Hey guys," Caleb greets as Chris and I walk towards him.

"Hey yourself," I tease back and sit down. "So...what do you have to do today?"

"Nothing much, I have an essay to peer edit and that's about it."

"Well then, might as well get busy and finish it now so we don't stress over this later," I said.

"Yeah, guess you're right." Caleb then goes through his backpack to find the essay.

I then feel Chris poking my shoulder. I turn to him, "Yes?" I ask in a dreamy voice.

"I don't get math homework...Mrs. Powell just blasted through the lesson and I have no idea how to do the homework..." Chris says, slightly embarrassed.

"Well I'm here for a reason right?" I smile at him.

"'s just so embarrassing asking for help...I feel like Caleb," he pouts.

"Hey! I heard that!" Caleb shouts as he pulls out his essay.

"You were suppose to smart ass, or dumb in this case," Chris smugly says.

"Oh haha, just you wait. Karma's gonna bite you in the ass."

"Oh yeah? How?" Chris asks.

"I don't know, that's the beauty of karma; it gets you when you least expect it."

While the two are bickering away like old women, a random girl walks over to our table. I sense her presence and turn around to face her.

"'re the tutor for this class right?" she asks timidly.

"Yeah, what's up?" I reply.

"Well...I need help with math homework...think you can help me?"

"Sure, just bring it over here and I'll see what I can do."

She nods and hastily walks away, as if she's afraid I'll hit her or something.

"Who's that?" Chris asks.

"His potential girlfriend, duh!" Caleb remarks smartly.

"Neh," Chris sticks his tongue at Caleb, "Dylan's all mine, remember? So who is she Dylan?"

"Just someone who needs help on math homework. I am the tutor for this class. You know... The 'entire' class," I said, stressing 'entire' heavily.

"Karma bitch!" Caleb teases.

"How is that karma?" Chris argues.

Oh boy, here we go again...I roll my eyes and stand up to get away from them. Funny thing is, the two are so into their argument, Chris didn't even see me leave. I walk up to the girl and tap on her shoulder. She jumps and squeals a little. I couldn't help but snicker a little. She turns around and sees me.

"Hey," I greet her, "Let's work here, seeing as my table's a lost cause." I look back at my original table, still arguing...

"Oh...ok...umm, here, you can sit here." She moves away her stuff from the seat next to her.

"Alright...what do we got?" I ask as I sit down.

"Well..." she starts off timidly, "it's about three-variable equations. I have no idea what to do since my teacher didn't even bother explaining it in class today..."

"Did he just skip it entirely or what?" I asked for clarification.

"He said he'd go over it tomorrow, but the homework that he assigned is also due tomorrow..."

"Huh...strange...ok. I'll give you the 10 minute crash course ok? Then we can try a problem together to see if you get it."

"...Ok..." she looks down and whispers.

I secretly role my eyes at her. Probably another secret admirer who's extremely shy to say so. Oh well, at least Brandy hasn't gotten to her yet. Not to be cocky, but I've been through it all: asking me to homecoming, winter formal, prom...sending me flowers, chocolate, cards...shoving love notes in my locker...Oh! My favorite one, putting sticky notes on my car...Yeah...if you ever tried to remove 200 sticky notes from your car...NOT FUN! Over time though, each and every one who's attempted to hit on me either gave up, or most likely got absorbed into Brandy's group due to desperation or Brandy's cunning deceptions. But yeah...I'm gay for Christ's sake! It's not like I'm going to show any interest in girls! Oh well, what they don't know won't hurt them.

"Alright," I start, "well first of all, to do these sorts of problems, you need at least two equations. But for the most part, you'll need three. You following so far?"


"Ok, so do this, you need to first remove everything and find one variable first. Do you remember substitution and elimination from pre-Algebra?"

She nods her head slightly.

"Ok, it's the exact same thing, only it requires more steps, and a ton more sheets of paper. So let's take this problem for example." I point at the first problem on her book. "I don't which method you prefer, so just somehow isolate one of the variables: x, y, or z."

" if I do this..." She starts scribbling some random numbers down and works through the problem. "...I got 6 for x. Now what?"

"Ok, now that you have one variable, you can plug that in to every x you see and then solve for another variable. Then, you repeat the process again with both variables this time and you get the last variable. Sounds tedious right?" I remark.

" does sound gruesome and boring..." she smiles a little. She then starts working diligently on the problem.

Heh...her smiles a little cute, but not as cute as Chris's smile. Hmm, Chris...I wonder what he's doing right now...I turn my head a little and use the corner of my eye to peek on Chris. Well, I guess I didn't need to do that, 'cause I see Chris sitting on the chair backwards, glaring at the girl next to me. I look at him and couldn't help but giggle silently at him. This only makes him madder as he puffs his cheeks and slump his chin onto the chair.

"I'll be right back," I mouth at him.

"You better!" he mouths back, rather angrily. I shake my head and turn back to the girl.

"...Ok, I got 4 for y and 10 for z..." she says.

"Ok, now let's check the back of the book for answers since it's an odd-numbered problem."

She flips her textbook to the Selected Answers sections and finds the problem number. "...Hmm...Oh! I got it right! Thanks Dylan!" She realizes something and scrunches into a ball, blushing a little.

"What's wrong?" I ask, rather curious about her current condition.

"It's's just..." she trails off.

I smile at her. Time to be blunt... "You have a crush on me don't you?"

Boom! Right in the heart! It's written all over her face! She starts blushing profoundly and looks down at the floor. "...How'd you know?..."

"Because you aren't the first person to have one. You're a smart girl, I'm sure you've heard from somewhere that I have a big fan group who idolizes me."

"Yeah...I was thinking about somehow get in contact with the group for some pointers..." she says.

"Ok...rule number one. Do not go anywhere near that group ok?" I state.

"...Why?" she asks curiously.

I sigh and sit back on my chair. "I prefer if you don't tell anyone about this, especially towards Brandy. I personally wouldn't care, but it's more for your own safety..."

"...I'm not following..."

"I hate that group; all they do is follow me around and annoy me to the max. But...the real reason why I despise them is their ring leader, Brandy."

"Why?" she asks.

"I won't go into details, cause that's private, but lets just say, we had some really bad history between the two of us."

" why shouldn't I join the group?"

"Because...if you do end up in the group, you will see not even a glimpse of hope of even being a friend of mine."


I sigh again and sit up. "Brandy will ensure that she's the only one who'll be with me. At least that's what I think. Her group will eat you up and push you into the back of the line, having no shot at asking me, just like everyone else in the group. yourself before you even consider doing something as stupid as having any connection with them. Does this make sense?"

"...Then...will you go out with me?" she asks, with a sparkle in her eyes. blunt... "I'm not looking into dating anyone at the moment. Don't get me wrong, you seem nice, but the issue with Brandy...I don't want you, or anyone, to have the constant pressure of Brandy constantly watching. It might seem like only a nuisance in your eyes right now, but trust me, someone who's been through it every day. It's not fun..."

"...I thought as much..." she sighs.

"I suggest moving on and looking for someone else. I'm sorry..."

"'s ok...thanks for being honest with me..." she says.

I stand up, pat her on the shoulder, and walk back to where Chris is. As soon as I sit down, Chris pounces on me and hugs me tight, pressing his cheek on my chest.

"What did you talk about?" he gargles out.

"Nothing, I gave her a crash course in math, and that's about it."

He removes himself from me and pouts, "Then what's with the quiet, tense segment during the second half?

"Oh that...she was trying to steal me away from you," I grinned at him.

He leans forward and whispers, "But you said no right?"

I shake my head and whisper back, "Oh course I did silly. I chose you remember?"

"That's a relief..." he sighs out. I scuff his hair and return my attention back to Caleb.

"How's the essay going?"

"Almost done..." Caleb says, scratching his head with his pen.

"Alright, might as well finish my homework too still need help Chris?"

" the hell do you do this?" He points at his worksheet.

"Oh that's easy...first you do..." And with that, we use up the remaining 20 minutes of class to try and desperately finish our homework.

"See you later Caleb! Don't forget to visit my house!" Chris shouts as Caleb sprints to where his mom is.

"I'll be there in about 10 minutes!" Caleb yells back and gets in the car.

I roll my eyes and drag Chris to the parking lot. We quickly get in my car and head towards Chris's house. In about ten minutes, we arrive at the Tanner's driveway. I pull in and turn off the engine. Chris quickly grabs his backpack and squints to his door, with me following close behind.

"I'm home!" Chris greets as he takes off his shoes inside.

"Notify me earlier next time before you decided to get a ride from someone Chris!" Betty scorns from the kitchen.

Chris throws his backpack aside and dashes to where his mom is. I shake my head at his childlike personality right now and head towards the kitchen too.

"Sorry Mom, I'll try to next time," Chris apologizes as he pours two cups of juice.

"Ah, Dylan, I'm glad that you came today," Betty says.

"Why's that?" I ask as I sit down near the countertop; Chris places a cup in front of me and sits down next to me, sipping his cup like a happy boy he is.

"I was going to give it to you tomorrow, but seeing as you are here today and you going to the carnival, it's as great as a time as any." She hands me a sealed envelope.

"What's this?" I ask as I tear open the white covering. "Hmm...It's a check..."

"Your first payment for the past two weeks of taking such good care of Chris."

"Oh, thank youuu...holy crap!" I swear when I looked at the check in full detail. "I can't accept this Betty." I hand her back the check.

"Nonsense, you've earned it!" she says, pushing my hands away.

"But it's too much!" I protest.

"Considering all that you've done to help Chris and I, this is nothing. Please, accept it," Betty argues back.

"How much is it anyways Dylan?" Chris asks.

"...$630..." I said, admitting defeat.

"That's not so bad..." Chris nonchalantly and gulps down the rest of his juice.

"Not a lot?! That's..." I pause to do some calculating in my head, "...15 bucks an hour!"

"Anyways..." Betty says to intervene my conversation, "there's one more thing I wanted to give you." She opens one of the drawers and pulls out two pieces of plastic.

"Oh no...there's no way I'm accepting that Betty," I start to protest, refusing to take the card she presents in front of me.

"Oh my god, just accept it Dylan. It makes no sense for you to spend your hard-earned money on Chris," Betty exclaims, "I can tell that you're a responsible young man. You won't go out and abuse these sort of things." She grabs hold my hand and places the card on my palms.

I sigh, "There's really no way out of this is there..."

"Of course not, and need I remind you about our little chat last weekend?" Betty raises. I raise my brows in question.

"What chat?" Chris asks out of curiosity.

"Oh that's right, before I you go Chris. Now that you're growing up, I think it's time that you had your own credit card too." She hands Chris an identical card to mine. "The rule is, you are allowed to use it, but only if you're making sure that Dylan's holding up his end of the bargain. If not, you are to secretly pay for him with the card ok?"

"Blackmailing now are we?" I ask.

"Call it what you will," Betty smugs.

" very own credit card...Thanks mom!" Chris gleefully shouts.

"You're welcome. Now run along upstairs and put it in your wallet. Wouldn't want it getting lost now would we?" Betty instructs. Chris hops up the stairs to put his precious card away.

" were saying something about a chat?" I ask, fully aware of Betty's incentive of pushing Chris away.

"Remember about your situation with Chris? The next step?" Betty brings up.

My cheeks flush up and burn a little. "Oh...that...yeah, what about it?"

"Isn't it obvious? You have at your disposal a credit card, giving you the power to order certain items online...catching on?" Betty discretely mentions.

" you won't mind?"

"I wouldn't be giving you the card otherwise right?"

"...Fair enough...thanks Betty..."

"...Any good mother can tell just how much you love Chris. No matter how hard any one can try, the bond you two share is impenetrable and impossible to break. Do what I couldn't do all these years; I was too busy with work that I forgot to see what was in front of me, give some attention to my own son ...That's your job to complete now..."

Betty sighs. I join in with her. "Anyways...just use the card on Amazon or something. I'll know what it's for and not say a word." She winks.

"Alright...although..." I start, "I'll use the card for Chris, but only for Chris. Otherwise, I'm using my own cash. It's already bad enough you're paying me so much money."

"That's all I ask. Now run along. You have friends coming over right?" she asks.

"Yeah...Chris and his big mouth sometimes...wouldn't have it any other way I guess." I swig down my cup of juice and head up the stairs.

"Dylan look! My very own credit card!" Chris says raising the card high in the air.

"Yeah, yeah...just don't abuse it or else your mom might confiscate it," I said, annoyed with anything to do with plastic cards and money.

"Yeah, you're right..." he plops off his bed and shoves the card in his wallet on the desk. "So...I believe I owe you some make up sex," he flirts at me, grinning.

"Hmm..." I hum as I lay on his bed.

He lays on top of me and kisses me. " do you want to do this?..." he trails off and reaches under my shirt, doing the finger walk up my stomach towards my nipples.

" decide..." I croak out with a lower voice than usual.

Chris smirks and leans forward presses his lips gently against mine. His body falls on top of mine and I immediately start groping him. With his hand still under my shirt, he pinches my right bud and drives his tongue down my throat.

"Hmm!..." I moan against his lips and reach down his pants, giving his cute nut sack a few erotic squeezes.

"Phmm!" Chris groans in pleasure in response. His right hand then ventures down my pants and grabs my fleshy tube. "I want you so bad Dylan..."

"Have you been a good boy and jacking off everyday?" I tease.

He kisses me again. "Twice everyday...but it's still not enough..." he pouts as he strokes my cock a few times.

"Uh..." I sigh. Using my free hand, I grab hair from the back and push his lips towards my own again for another passionate kiss. As soon as our lips meet, I let go of his soft, silky hair and scruff it up. He always did look sexier that way...Anyways, my hand ventures down his spine and tugs his waistband down slightly, exposing his plump, tight ass.

I guess he couldn't hold it any longer. He frees his hands and rips his pants off himself along with his underwear, exposing his lower half completely. He wiggles his butt a little, pushing the shorts down to his ankles. He resets his hand back on my nipples, gently rubbing them with the shirt in between. Not once did we separate our lips. I lose control of my hands as they automatically glide down to his round cheeks, squeezing them affectionately.

"...I want you Chris..." I whisper out when we break for air.

"...Me too..." Chris lusts.

Just then, the door swings open. The two us jump and out of reflex, I immediately flip us around, so that I'm blocking Chris's exposed body parts.

"Hey guys! Wow...nice room you've got here," a voice praises.

"Who is it?" I whisper in Chris's ear.


"Oh...ok, quickly pull up your pants while he's distracted," I instruct.

"Oh my god Caleb! I shouted at you to wait for me! But did you listen...Noo...!" another voice joins in, presumably Matt's. "...And don't you ever knock? I mean, just look at Dylan and Chris, what if they were doing something private huh?"

By now, Chris has already pulled up his pants. Mission accomplished. I swear, I'm going to kill Caleb for intruding on my sexy time with Chris...

"What?" Caleb whines, "it's not like they were doing anything, right Dylan?"

Making sure that Chris is covered up, I remove myself from him and join in the conversation, "No...we were just resting and reflecting on our relationship so far. And we were doing great too, until you came and messed it up!"

"See Matt? They weren't doing anything!" Caleb brags since he's right.

Matt rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "Anyways...what time is it Dylan?"

"Hey! Don't change the subject!" Caleb shouts. While Chris and I roll our eyes, Matt and Caleb start bickering. Man, what is it with Caleb and getting into fights?

"Ahem!" I cough audibly. The two stop and look at me. "Can you stop nagging at others for five minutes Caleb? Sheesh..."

" know that I'm right," Caleb glowers as he folds his arms.

I sigh and look over at Matt. "And it's 3:30ish Matt."

"That means we have about two hours to kill...what should we do?" Matt ponders.

"We can play with my PS2," Chris suggests, "Just find a game and plop it in."

"Alright." Matt motions Caleb towards the T.V. and looks through the games.

Meanwhile, I walk up to the window and open them to circulate the air. After flinging them fully open, I grab hold of Chris's laptop and plop my butt back down next to him.

"Whatcha doing?" Chris asks.

"Looking up directions to the place. You still have that paper?" I ask while waiting for the computer to start up.

"Nah, I have the website saved on a sticky note. Just copy paste the address."

"Alright, password's still the same right?" I ask softly this time.

"...Yeah," Chris giggles silently.

I quickly type in the password and click on the sticky note containing the address. I click on Google Chrome and paste in the website onto the address bar.

"Hmm...that place seems pretty far..." I said as I punch in the site's address into Google Maps. "Ah ok, about a 20 minute drive there. We'll have to avoid this part of the freeway though... traffic's a bitch there."

"What's that?" Caleb asks as he turns on the game consol.

"Nothing, just looking up directions."

"Ah, well time for you die again Dylan. Here, think fast," he smirks and tosses a game controller at me and Chris.

I catch it and 'toss' aside the laptop. "What game is it?"

"FIFA 12," Matt says as he jumps onto the bed.

"Really? Of all games, you had to pick this one?" I ask.

"PS2 isn't made for multi-players, remember?" Matt replies as he flies through the options.

"Fair, teams?" I ask.

"Of course! No fun in playing against a computer right?" Caleb asks.

"Ok...just so you know, Dylan and I make the perfect team," Chris mocks.

"We'll see about that!" Caleb challenges back. I roll my eyes and shake my head. If it's a challenge they want, it's a challenge they're going to get.

"Oh my god! Cheap shot!" Caleb screams as he leans with his controller, trying desperately to get the ball back.

"That's what you get for blocking me in the last round!" Chris shouts back as he leans to the right. Matt and I both laugh at our little wonders and their energy.

"Were we like this ever Dylan?"

"I don't think so," I reply to Matt.

He sighs, "Well, we need to get going soon. So...last goal wins?"

"In your dreams! Chris and I are totally owing your asses right now!" I shout as I steal the ball back from Caleb.

"Argh! Come on Matt!" Caleb yells in frustration. "Wait wait wait! No!!!!"

"Woo! Goal!" Chris shouts as he hugs me.

"Looks like we win," I said with a smug.

Caleb throws his back onto the bed. "Agh...why can't I ever win against Dylan..." he sighs.

"Because you suck, duh!" Chris sticks a tongue at him.

"You're no better!" he shoots back.

"Says the guy who lost!" The two start bickering at each other again.

But before things got too heated, Matt and I look at each other and nod. The two of us lean down and plant a big kiss on our boyfriend's lips. Let's just say, our spit has a calming effect on our boyfriends. Chris and Caleb both loosen up and start giggling like girls when we depart from them. Chris lets loose a hiccup, which Matt and I giggle to.

"Jeeze, I hope you can teach him a thing or two Matt..." I sigh.

"Hopefully...anyways, we should get going."

I glance over at the alarm clock. "Oh, you're right! Come on guys, get your stuff ready; we've got to get going. Chris, grab a jacket while you're at it. It's probably going to cold tonight," I instructed as I grab my stuff off Chris's desk.

"Huh?" Chris says in a dreamy state. I sigh and squeeze his balls a couple times. He jumps a little and squeals. "Hey! What was that for?"

"To get you out of your kissing trance. Now come on! We've got to get going."

He pouts a little, but scoots his cute little butt off his bed and to his closet. He pulls out a light jacket and pulls it over him.

"Everyone ready?" Matt asks as he heads out the room and down the stairs.

"Hey! Wait up Matt," Caleb shouts as he follows him.

I quickly close the window, grab Chris's hand, and also head down the stairs to the front door.

"Don't stay out too late you guys!" Betty shouts from the living room.

"We won't Mom!"

"And don't forget a jacket Chris! It's going to be cold tonight"

"I know Mom! I already got one!" Chris shouts again as he pulls up his shoes. "Bye Mom!" Before Betty could answer, Chris shuts the door behind him and dashes to my car. "Shotgun!"

Caleb rolls his eyes. "I prefer to be with Matt anyways."

"Ok!" Chris cheers as I unlock the car. We all hop in and I drive out of Chris's driveway and onto the road.

"Hurray we're here!" Chris gleefully perks like a twelve year-old boy.

"How the hell is he so bouncy and happy? It's like as if he's a twelve year-old," Caleb remarks.

"Hey! I'll have you know, Dylan likes the cute side of me," Chris beams.

"Whatever..." Caleb rolls his eyes.

I chuckle a little on the inside as I park the car in our designated spot. "Well, here we are, the carnival."

Everyone gets off the car and Chris dashes to the entrance, with Caleb and Matt following close behind. I quickly lock the doors and head to where they were.

"Do you see them anywhere?" Matt asks while looking around for the others.

"Nope. Why don't we try calling them?" Caleb suggests.

"Good idea Caleb, "Matt praises as he pulls out his phone.

While Matt's punching the buttons, Caleb sneers at Chris with the 'Ha! Beat that!' face. Chris rolls his eyes at him and hugs me.

"You love me regardless right?" he asks.

"Of course I love you, when have I not?"

"I don't know," he shrugs.

"Oh ok. Well, we're by the entrance, so just look for us. Kay, bye," Matt hangs up his phone. "They'll be here shortly. 'Traffic,'" he gestures with air quotes.

"Well, might as well find a place to sit..." I said looking around. "There!"

The four of us make a dash for the bench. Caleb gets to it first and plops his ass on the left side. The order of seating then proceeds as Matt, Chris, and finally, me.

"So...what should we do while we wait for them?" Matt asks.

"The picnic game," I suggest, "I'll start, 'I went for a picnic on Saturday and I brought an apple.' Your turn Caleb."

"I went for a picnic on Saturday and I brought an apple and a...banana. Your turn Matt."

"I went for a picnic on Saturday and I brought an apple, a banana, and a...canteen. Go Chris," Matt calls out.

"Um...I went for a picnic on Saturday and I brought an apple, a banana, a canteen, and um... a dog. Your turn Dylan."

"Ok...I went for a picnic on Saturday..."

We managed to get to X before I hear someone call my name. I turn to look and see Bryan, Joey, Carrie, and Heather walking in our direction.

"Jeeze, what took you guys so long?" Caleb whines.

"Didn't Matt tell you? Traffic," Heather replies.

"Are you sure it wasn't something else?" Matt taunts as he puckers his lips and makes smooching sounds. Caleb joins in with him and the quartet retract a little and blush.

"Shu...Shut up Caleb..." Carrie timidly states.

"So you were!" Matt exclaims and starts laughing along with Caleb.

"Agh! Bryan! Do something about them!" Carrie shouts.

"I wish I could...I mean, what can I do? They already know," Bryan declares with a sly grin.

"Oh my god, you're with them too," Carrie scoffs and playfully slaps Bryan's arm. Everyone, except Carrie and Heather, cracks up and starts to laugh uncontrollably.

"Oh my god. This is gold!" Chris wheezes in between laughs. Carrie looks at Heather; she replies with a shrug and smiles. Bryan manages to stop laughing and hugs Carrie.

"Oh come on babe, it's not the end of the world if they know. I mean come on, name one couple who doesn't make out on a daily basis," Bryan asks.

"...Fine..." Carrie gives in, "But stop laughing! Sheesh..."

"Alright guys..." I pant in between breaths, "We should stop...for Carrie's sake..."

"Thank you Dylan," Carrie compliments.

Everyone starts calming down one after another. With Caleb being the last one to finally breathe normally, the prior group (my group) stands up and follows the latter group towards the entrance.

"Welcome to the Harvest Hoedown," the guy in the booth announces in a monotone voice, "What will it be?"

I make my way to the front."Hi, how do the tickets work?" I ask.

He man sighs and begins his lecture. "You have three options: flat entrance fee of $10, game card fee of $30, or the deluxe fee of $40. The flat entrance fee only allows you to go in the fair; everything will cost you money depending on what you want. The game card fee ensures you 25 rounds at a game. This includes all rollercoasters and booths...The deluxe package includes 40 rounds and a $15 credit for food. However, you can only use the card inside of the fair. And two deluxe, get one free..."

"Ok, give us a minute," I said back to the guy. "So guys...we have eight people. If we buy the deluxe pack, that's $160 bucks, with one extra card to share. That's...$20 from each person. Think it's worth it?"

"Well, it's either that or we each pay $10 bucks for the entrance fee with nothing else. I'd say to go with the deluxe pack," Matt suggests, "And the second options out of the question...$240 bucks? Might as well get the deluxe."

"Yeah, let's go with the deluxe," Joey seconds as he pulls out a Jackson.

I turn back to the guy, "We'll have four deluxe packages please."

Without saying a word, the man punches some buttons on his screen and prints out nine cards. "That'll be $160..."

Everyone, except Chris since I'm paying for him, hands me the money. I slap my $40 in with stack and slip it under the glass.

"Thank you...come again...and here's some maps of the carnival..." the guy drones again.

"Thanks," I reply and take the cards and pamphlet. "Alright, do we want to split up or stick together?" I ask as I hand out a card and map to everyone.

"Let's split up and then congregate together later at a point," Caleb suggests.

"Sounds good to me," Heather says. She studies the map a little. "Let's meet at...the dining center at 9?"

I open my map and find the area she's talking about. "Sure. Now about the extra card..."

"Eh, you hold onto it," Bryan states as he talks away with Carrie, "If anything, use it on Chris; it is his first time right?"

"How'd you know?" Chris asks.

"I still remember my first time at a carnival. Your expression is the exact same as mine back then," Bryan says back.

"Am I that obvious?" Chris pouts a little. Everyone chuckles and we all go in our separate directions: Bryan with Carrie, Caleb with Matt, Joey with Heather, and lastly, Chris and me.

"So...what do you want to do first?" I ask Chris.

"I don't know...Oo! Let's go on this one!" he glees while pointing at a ride on his map.

"Sure, that doesn't seem too far from here. Come on, let's go!" I take his hand and start dodging people left and right to get to out destination.

After wandering around the area for a bit, we finally managed to find the ride Chris wanted to go on. The line flies through and in about two minutes, we're up next. I hand the operator one of the cards, telling him to scan it twice for Chris and I. We then jump on one of the carts and I pull down the safety bar.

"Try not to squish me too much," I tease at Chris.

"No promises," he grins back.

The guy running the ride quickly went around to check everyone's bar before heading back to the machine. He announces the usual stuff quickly and then presses the start button. The ride starts drawing circles within circles as an increasing rate. Soon, I feel my body being pulled and swayed around due to the centrifugal force.

"Stop squishing me Chris!" I shout over his cheers.

"Whee!" Chris screams without a care, ignoring me in the process. I mentally shake my head at him. Might as well enjoy myself...

Eventually, the ride stops and the safety bars unlock. I pull it up and the two of us hop off. As soon as we get off the platform, Chris tugs at my hand.

"Oo! This one next Dylan!" he shouts and drags me to the line before I can protest.

As we wait in line, I glance over at Chris; his expression can be best described as a five year-old on Christmas morning.

He sees me staring at him and smiles back, "What?"

"Just looking at how happy you are," I grin.

"Oh. Well, we're next."

We were? Wow, the line moved by fast...Wonder what ride it's the house of mirrors. No wonder the line was pretty much nonexistent. Anyways, I hand over the card to the old lady.

"Alright," she instructs, "hands out in front of you so you don't bruise your nose. Otherwise, pick a slot and have fun."

"Race ya Chris!" I challenge him.

"You're on!"

We pick two slots right next to each other. I count down from three and the two of us dash into the house of mirrors. Well..."mirrors" in quotes. It's actually a combination of mirrors, windows, and screens. Therefore, I could sometimes see Chris wandering around. He seemed so cute feeling lost...

But I have a challenge to win! I continue going through the maze, trying my best to find the way to the stairs. After moving around aimlessly, I eventually make my way to the stairs. I hastily climb it and push my way through the bean pillars to the slide. With one final shove, I flip my legs around and slide down the loopy slide. I glance around and don't see Chris anywhere; I guess I win. Seconds later, someone else hits my back.

"Ouch...sorry," the kid replies.

"It's ok-" I turn around to see who it was. Of all people...

The boy opens his eyes and grins at me. "Hi Dylan, guess you win."

"I guess I did...Anyways, what next?"

"Um...oh! Let's go on that one!" We untangle ourselves and he grabs my hand again, dragging me to towards the next ride's line.

All in all, Chris and I used up 60 trials worth of rides before making our way to the food area. However, along the way, Chris catches something with his eye. He stops dead in his tracks and stares at a particular booth.

"What is it Chris?" I ask him.

"...That's one of the biggest teddy bear I've ever seen," he drools at it in awe.

"You're impossible..." I retort.

"Aw come on Dylan! Let's go see!" he takes my hand runs towards the booth before I can say anything against him.

"Welcome, welcome! Step right up folks!" the carny projects. "Oh hi there fine gentlemen, would you like to try winning some fabulous prizes?"

"Yes!" Chris hastily answers with a sparkle in his eyes.

"Well then, you came to the right place! The game is simple, I give you three balls, all you have to do is knock down all six cans," the carny says.

"Sounds easy," I reply.

"But!" he intervenes, "Knock all six down in one shot results in the grand prize. Knock them down in two shots and you get the medium prize. And finally, if you use all three, you get the tiny, consolation prize."

"Can I try Dylan?" Chris asks.

"If you want." I hand the guy the game card. He scans it once and hands three tennis balls to Chris. I glance over at the carny; I can't quite put it on my tongue, but I could have sworn he said 'sucker' or something like that under his breath. Probably just my imagination.

Chris takes aim and throws his first ball at the pyramid. He manages to knock down four of the six pins in one go. I look at him and see a sense of defeat in him. He throws his second ball to knock down the remaining two pins.

"Congratulations! You win the bottom shelf prize!" The carny hands Chris a 'medium' sized prize. Psh, total rip off! The medium prize is a small, 4 by 4 frisbee with the carnival's logo on it.

I look at Chris stare at it in defeat...As much as I wanted to leave, Chris's expression gives me unbearable pain. "I'll have a go!" I said as I hand the carny my card.

He happily takes it and scans it once again. "Here you go kid," he jeers with a smug look.

I take the three balls and look at the six pins he set up again. "So, as long as I knock off all six pins in one go right?"

"As long as you're behind the line, yes," he sings, taunting me.

"Hmm...ok...let's try this then." I walk to the other edge of the booth and aim at the original stack of cans. I aim for the bottom right can and throw my first ball at it, hard. Upon contact, the ball bounces off the can, causing everything to slide off the stand. "There we go."

I look back at the guy; his faces is in shock. " did you?...That's impossible..."

"What's impossible?" I ask as I walk back to the left side.

"...I've never seen anyone win the grand prize..."

"Well I just did. One gigantic teddy bear please."

"...Here you go kid..." the guy says, not being too happy about giving me the big prize.

"For you Chris." I hand him the bear.

"Oh my god! Thank you Dylan!" Chris takes it and hugs me in public.

"Oof...Chris...we're still in public..." I whisper.

"...You're the best..." he sighs and lets go of me. The two of us then continue our way towards the food stands.

"We need a name for him." Chris points at the bear.

"Him? Why not her?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I like boy bears better," he proclaims. (Major pedobear moment)

"Ok, whatever you about...Zack?" I suggest.

"No...I want a cute name for it...something simple, not too flashy."

"Oh, and Zack isn't a cute, simple name?" I tease.

"I don't like that name though," he playfully whines.

"Oh I see how it is," I pout back at him. "How about...Snowflake?"

"Snowflake? Hmm...yeah, that might work...Snowflake," Chris says smiling. He then giggles, "Snowflake...I'm gonna hug you to sleep every day from now on."

"Ah jeeze...I have competition now..." I sulk as I sit down at a table.

"Aww..." Chris realizes, "I'm sorry Dylan. I'll only sleep with him when you're not here." A lightbulb clicks in his head. "Oh I know what to do! Here Dylan!" He pushes Snowflake onto me and rubs him all over me. "I want your smell on him so I can think of you in my sleep."

"Oh my god Chris! Stop that!" I scold while trying to push the bear away from me. "At least wash it first before you do something like that!"

"Fine..." he rolls his eyes and hugs the teddy bear.

"Anyways...what do you want to eat? I'll go get it for you." I ask him.

"A hot dog from there, a pumpkin pie from there, and...oo, lemonade!" he says while pointing at the various stands.

"Alright, I'll be right back. Don't move from this spot," I instruct and dash towards the food stands.

"Ok!" Chris shouts back and goes back to hugging his bear.

After making a quick judgment, I decide to go to lemonade stand first since that line's the shortest and moving the fastest. In about three minutes, I get to the front of the line and order two large lemonade drinks. I hand the cashier my card and carry the drinks back to where Chris is.

I then wait in line for the pie that Chris so desperately wanted. Note to self, bake him a pie someday... Anyways, this line took a while cause the workers there had to actually freshly bake the pies. I quickly place my order for a pumpkin pie and a blueberry pie and then hover over to the hot dog stand.

Well, this stand went by rather quickly. Before I know it, I'm at the front of line. I use up the last of the money in out two cards and order four hot dogs. (Hey, we're growing teenage boys here! Don't judge...) Unfortunately, I have no idea what Chris wants on his, so I just took a dare and deluged his food with ketchup, mustard, and relish. I cursorily wrap them up and head back to grab my pies. I somehow managed to carry everything without dropping anything and make my way back to where Chris is.

"Still hugging it I see," I note as I sit down next to Chris.

"But it's so fluffy...and cute!" he responds while giving the bear another big hug.

I roll my eyes and pass him his two hot dogs. "I didn't know what you wanted on it, so I just doused it with everything they had."

"That's fine, as long as you didn't put onions, I'm ok with anything," he replies as he sets down the teddy bear. (Finally...) He unwraps the foil and devours one of the hot dogs in four bites. But as we all know what happens when you eat too fast, you start choking.

"Shit Chris, slow down...No one's stealing it from you." I hand him his lemonade.

After taking a sip, "Thanks..." he says embarrassed.

"Take your time," I remind him, "We still have a whole night to get through."

No response as he opens his second hot dog and slides it in his mouth. I look in his direction and feel something stir in my pants.

Chris looks at me and tilts his head a little. "What's wrong?" he asks after swallowing his bite.

"Nothing..." I answer in a soft voice and look away.

After a moment of awkward silence, Chris's lightbulb, once again, lights up. "Ohhh!!...I know what's wrong..." he giggles. "Hey Dylan!"

I cautiously venture my head towards his direction. Big mistake...the image involves Chris sucking on his hot dog. If any of you watch anime, my face can be best described as a character whose face's upper-half is black.

"What the heck Chris?!" I blurt out at him.

Chris bursts up laughing swallows down the last of his hot dog. I swipe my arm over his neck and pull him in for a noogie.

"Ow!" he chortles, "I'm sorry!"

"Yeah right you are," I said in a sardonic tone. Eventually though, I let go of him. Can't have him getting a headache now can we?

"Ouch...jeeze Dylan, I'm going to have a headache now...I liked it better when you tickled me..." he mumbles the last part, thinking that I wouldn't hear.

"Oh, so you do like the tickling," I tease as I wiggle my fingers closer to him.

"Nooo!!...I said I liked it better, doesn't mean I like it..."

"Ok, I'll forgive you just this once because you're so cute," I said in a baby voice.

"Whatever...are you going to eat that?" he asks, pointing at my second hot dog.

"Of course," I said, 'shocked,' "Why wouldn't I want it?"

"I don't know...anyways, PIE!" he cheers as he digs in pumpkin pie.

I roll my eyes and quickly gulf down my share of the food. After a few sips of lemonade, I turn my attention to my blueberry pie. I scoop up a side and taste it. Not bad. Could use a bit more tart though...oh well, pie is still pie. I look at Chris; he's already done and rubbing his stomach.

"Ah...that was nice good..." he contently sighs. He then lets out a burp.

"Nice," I compliment as I finish the last bite of my food.


"Anyways...what now?" I ask him.

"I don't know. What time is it?" he asks.

I pull out my cell phone. "8:30. We have 30 minutes before we have to meet up here again."

"Let's go check out the booths and see what else we can win," Chris suggests.

"Fine by me. We have to use up all our card's money anyways."

We throw away our trash and head back towards the stands to see if there's anything interesting.

We basically wandered around and checked the dozens of booths. Some fo them were game related, but most of them were sponsors who helped make the carnival possible. Eh...most of them were boring crap, like cell phone promos, music companies, etc. Chris and I strolled around for 20 minutes before deciding to call it quits. I mean, it's fun and all to see new things come out,, but a carnival isn't suppose to be about promoting new products; it should be about having fun and playing games. Oh well...we did manage to participate in some of the booths that actually had games like shoot the balloon, climb the ladder without the usage of knees and elbows, etc.

We arrive back at the food court and I spot Joey and Heather behind a tent, making out. I nudge at Chris and point a the lovebirds' direction.

"Wanna mess with them?" I grin maliciously at Chris.

He smiles evilly back at me, "What should we do?"

"Follow my lead," I instruct.

We 'silently' dash over to the tent and hide at one of corners. I cautiously peer over and see the two still getting some tongue action going.

"Oh Joey..." Heather moans.

"" Joey groans back before going back to kissing. Alright, I got the perfect plan for this. I motion Chris over and tell him.

"Got it?" I whisper after telling him what to do.

"Yep," he giggles back.

"Ok, then in 3, 2, 1, go!" I hiss and then run forward, flailing my arms around like an idiot. "Joey! How could you do this to me?!" I scream as I pull him away from his girlfriend for a hug.

As soon as I ply his hands open and drag him away, Chris attacks Heather by clinging onto her. "Heather! How could you cheat on me?!" Chris bawls.

"Wait! What?" Joey snaps to the group while trying to free himself from my arms. "Oh my god Dylan! Let go!"

"Why did you do this?! I thought what we had was special!" I cry out at him while clutching onto Joey even harder.

"Why Heather?! Why?!" Chris bellows at the same time.

"What the fuck are you guys talking about?" Joey and Heather both mutter, struggling to free themselves. They finally do, and Chris and I fall to the floor laughing.

"Oh my god! We got you good!" I said in between laughs.

"...I'm so confused..." Heather states while rubbing her head.

Chris and I manage to settle enough to stare at each other for a few moments before busting up laughing again.

"Can someone please explain to me what's going on?" Joey asks, slightly irritated.

Chris and I stand upright again. "Ready for phase 2?" I ask Chris; he nods. "Ok, commence embarrassing Joey moment!" Chris and I face Joey and Heather and make exaggerated smooching noises.

"Oh Joey," Chris mimics Heather. Upon hearing this, Heather immediately blushes.

"Mmm baby!" I pant to symbolize Joey.

"What were spying on us!" Joey accuses. Chris and I revert back to our giggling ways.

"Spying's such a harsh word...I prefer the phrase, 'stumbling upon two friends who were making out in public,'" I said.

"And besides...if we saw it, guess who else can see?" Chris adds.

"Well...I don't care," Joey responds, at a loss of words.

"Whatever. Anyways, I'm gonna cock-block you. Help me find the others," I said walking away.

"You already were..." Joey mutters under his breathe, taking Heather's hand and following Chris and I. We emerge back into the light and I spot Matt and Caleb heading towards us.

"Hey Matt! Caleb!" I shout above the voices around us. "Over here!"

Caleb detects us first between the two and waves back. The two groups begin emerging into one.

"Hey," Matt greets, "We were just about to look for you."

"Yeah," Caleb adjoins, "you guys are early."

I study the two for a bit. It could be just me, but I think those two have been doing some naughty things somewhere. Matt's looking a bit weak and flushed, not to mention his posture is a Caleb on the other hand is covered in a film of sweat; you can tell from the reflection the lights giving off him. Sweating at night where there's no sun...not something that'll happen naturally. His breathing's also off too. But I guess I'll bite my tongue; I've already caught a pair in the act. No need to embarrass all of my friends.

"Have any of you guys seen Bryan and Carrie?" I ask the group.

"You mean us?" a guy voice calls out from behind me.

"Speak of the devil," Heather says.

"Speak for yourself," Carrie replies back.

"Anyways...anyone have money left in their cards? Now's the time to use it," I remind everyone.

"Don't we still have food money in the last card?" Chris tugs me arm.

"Yeah, that's why I'm asking," I answer back.

"Yeah, we have about 5 dollars left in our card," Matt says.

"I think we have 7? Or something like that," Bryan adds, "What you two?"

"3 I think," Joey states.

"Ok, so putting everything together, we have...25 dollars in total. I think we can each share a bag of kettle corn and cotton candy with someone from that stand over there," I propose.

"Sounds like a plan," Matt agrees. "Onward! To Excalibur!"

"What will it be?" the old lady, probably around 50, in the stand asks us.

"Four cotton candy and four bags of kettle corn please," Caleb requests.

"That'll be 26 dollars," she holds out her hand. Everyone hands her their cards.

"I hope it's enough," Heather whispers in the crowd.

"If it isn't, I'll put my charming face to use," Caleb reassures everyone. Little does he know, we all rolled our eyes at his silly comment.

"Guys," the woman calls on us, "You're short a dollar."

"Oh ok," Bryan says as he pulls out his wallet.

"I'm sorry sir, but this stand doesn't accept cash. Cards only."

Caleb then interferes and talks to her. " seem like a nice lady," he woos, "Can you find it in your heart to let us go just this once? I mean, it's only one, measly dollar. I'm sure no one will notice."

"I'm sorry, but rules are rules. You'll have to take off one order. What will it be, the popcorn or candy?" she asks.

"Oh come on, please?" Caleb whines. "We're all students here, it's not like we have the time or money to go all the way back to refill our money."

"I'm sorry young man, but I can't just give you a freebie. If I did, then I'll have to give everyone one. So guys, what will I knock off the list?"

Caleb then reveals his true nature. "Excuse me miss, but I'm not a 'young man,'" using air quotes.

Oh boy, here we go...He's going to pick a fight with someone he doesn't even know! Before I can act though, he's already arguing with the stand attendant. I step forward, but Bryan and Joey were one step ahead of me. They each grab one of Caleb's shoulders and drag him again.

"Hey! What are you guys doing! Let me go!" he screams while flailing around. After he's out of the way, I walk up to the stand.

But then, Chris gets in front of me. "Umm..." he starts in a shy voice, "I know this is a lot to ask, but um ...this is my first time ever at a carnival. My parents were always busy and never had any time for me. I'm only here because my friend actually spent their own time and money just so that I could be happy for once. So please, can you please just let this go once?" Chris seals the deal by showing her his beady, sparkly eyes and his puppy face while squeezing his teddy bear.

"...All alright..." the old woman in the stand says, "I'll say that it was mistake in the system or something ...but only because you're so cute." She then yells to the back, "Hey! I need more bags of kettle corn! We just ran out!" Turning back, she gives Chris a wink.

"Thank you miss," Chris timidly says and rushes back to give me a hug. "And that's how you do it," he smugs. Everyone looks at him in amazement and then compliments him.

"Well, I helped loosened her up first," Caleb says in defense, trying to maintain his cool.

"Shh..." Chris shushes at Caleb, "You'll ruin my acting."

"Here you go young man," the old lady hold out our stuff, "and here's a little extra for your first time."

"Thank you so much Miss," Chris sheepishly replies.

"Enjoy the rest of your night. You have some great friends you know, sacrificing their time for you."

"I know...Thanks again!" Chris hops back to the group and hands each pair two items each.

"Thanks Chris, who knew you had it in you," Matt compliments.

"Hey! What about me?" Caleb protests.

"What about you?" Matt asks.

"Wow...even my own boyfriend..." Caleb pouts back; we all laugh.

"Relax Caleb, I picked you right?" Matt assures Caleb, "But then again...Chris was already taken at the time..."

"Wow!...Thanks a lot..." Caleb frowns.

"Ok...we need to get going. We still have school you know," Bryan says to break up the conversation. "So, who's riding with who?"

"Who lives closest to each other?" I bring up as we walk towards the parking lot.

"Heather and I within two blocks," Carrie contributes her piece of info to the group.

"Matt and I live fairly close to you Bryan," Joey adds.

"Ok. So I'll bring Heather, Carrie, Matt, and Joey home while Dylan brings Caleb and Chris home. Deal?" Bryan states.

"Wait, I'm getting separated from Matt?" Caleb protests.

"I guess I can spend the night with Caleb. We can figure something for me to wear tomorrow," Matt suggests.

"Alright, so I'll take Matt home too...Huh, we're already at the entrance guys." I point out.

"Whoa you're right. We walk way to fast guys..." Carrie said.

"Where'd you guys park?" Joey asks me.

"Over to the right, you guys?" I reply.

"Left," Bryan responds.

"Alright then, I guess we'll see each other tomorrow then," Matt states.

We all say our good byes and split back into our two original groups. Caleb, Matt, Chris, and I all hop into my car and head onto the road and eventually, the freeway. Eventually, I exit at our stop and turn onto Caleb's house's road. I drop Caleb and Matt at their destination and rush back to Chris's house. I still have to get home too you know. By the time we get back to Chris's house, it's already 9:30. I park my car in the driveway and enter Chris's house.

"We're home!" Chris announces.

"Did you have fun?" Betty asks in the living room, watching the news.

"Look what Dylan won for me!" Chris beams while pridefully presenting his gigantic teddy bear.

"That's huge..." Betty remarks.

" I gotta throw it in the washer. Who knows where that things been," I add.

"You're right Dylan. Throw it in the washer Chris," Betty instructs.

"Ok! You're staying the night right Dylan?" Chris asks.

"Oh I don't know Chris. We still have school tomorrow, and I don't have clothes to wear," I respond, scratching my head.

"Aww! Please!" he whines, "You can throw your clothes in the washer while I'm washing Snowflake."

"Well, only if your mom says it's ok."

"Mom!" he gripes, "Can he?"

"Sure, I don't see why not," Betty nonchalantly states.

"Yay!" Chris then dashes off to the laundry machine. As soon as he tosses his teddy bear into the washer, he sprints back, takes my hand, and pulls me up the stairs.

"Oh by the way Chris!" Betty calls out, "Your dad's coming home next weekend!"

Chris stops head in his tracks on the second floor and lets go of my hand. He looks down and sulks a little.

"What's wrong Chris?" I ask, concerned with his sudden shift in mood.

"...No, it's nothing. Come on Dylan! We have school tomorrow," Chris re-grabs my hand and enters the bathroom. He turns on the water to get it warm and tells me to strip. "I'll throw them in the washer while we're showering. I'll tell my mom to put them in the dryer so you can have them by tomorrow morning."

I comply to his wishes and quickly toss off my clothes. I hand them to Chris and he scampers off to his room (pocket stuff) and then downstairs. While he's doing that, I step into the shower, feeling the scalding water cleansing away the day's worth of sweat and turmoil. I grab the shampoo bottle and lather my hair up. As I'm doing that, I hear the door open and a lithe body come up behind me. I stop what I'm doing and stay still.

"...I love you Dylan..." Chris mumbles while hugging me.

I rest my hands down. "Love you too."

We stay like that for the next few minutes, as if time itself froze the two of us. All you can hear is the sound of the water hitting the ceramic tiles of the shower. Finally, Chris speaks to break the silence.


"...Yes snuggle bug?" I coo.

"...Nevermind...It's nothing...Hand me the shampoo body please," he says to change the subject. I hand him the shampoo bottle and we finish cleaning ourselves.

In about five minutes, I turn the nozzle to close the water and step out to dry ourselves with towels. We then quickly brush our teeth and blow-dry our hair. By the time we enter Chris's (or should I say our) room, it was already 9:45. Chris walks onto his side of the bed while I grab my wallet, cell phone, and his laptop.

"Whatcha doing?" Chris wonders as I get comfy on my side of the bed.

"I'm ordering some stuff online for us," I respond.

"Oh." He then turns on the T.V.

While he's doing that, I punch in the password to his laptop and make a phone call to my mom. "Hey mom...Yeah, I had fun...Mhm...Listen, I'm staying over at Chris's house...Yeah, he begged me into staying."

Chris gives me a dirty look; I smile and mess with his hair.

"Mhm, yeah. I'll grab some clothes tomorrow at lunch I guess. Ok, love you too, bye." I hang up my cell phone and enter the website I wanted on Chris's laptop. I then search around the website for the stuff I wanted. You know... stuff like lube, enemas, etc. After getting the items I wanted, I proceed to the checkout.

"Shit," I utter under my breath.

"Hmm? What's wrong Dylan?" Chris peers over.

"$95 is a bit much, don't you think?"

"Nah, that's nothing compared to what my mom buys for her makeup kit," Chris states. "Go ahead and order; she won't mind."

"Ok...If you say so..." I do need these items if I want our first time to be safe and clean. Thanks Betty, I owe you one. After confirming my purchases, I close the window and close the laptop. "So Chris...I seem to recall Caleb cock blocking us earlier today," I allured.

"Oh...if it isn't too much to ask, can we not do anything today? I'm not really in the mood..." Chris trails off.

Strange...he was all perky and happy when we got back. After his mom mention his dad's return, he's had a sudden change of mood.

But before I can ask him anything, he forces out a yawn and rubs his eyes. "I'm tired...can we go to bed Dylan?"

"But it's only 10:30," I said, glancing over at his alarm clock.

"I know...but I had a long day, and we still have school tomorrow," he persuades.

"...If you say so..." I reach over and shut off the lights. "Good night then," I said, feeling a bit down that I couldn't do anything frisky with him today. Chris molds his body into my body's shape and scoots his butt against my groin.

"Good night Dylan..." he sighs.

"Night...I love you..." I reply as I drape my arms over his sexy body.


Sorry for the delay, but you know...finals and all... I hope you enjoyed this chapter though! I know I've been saying that certain things are going to happen. Just bare with me; it takes A LOT of time to form my thoughts down into words. It might not be easy, but nonetheless, it's a lot of fun at times (if you don't count the frustrating moments lol).

With that being said, I do enjoy reading people's feedback and comments. I want to know what my readers are thinking in regards to my story. So please, send them emails! Please!

And lastly, DONATE YOU CHEAP BASTARDS (you are excused if you can't). I mean really, I'm a college student going to have at around 30k in debt, and I even still donate! What was your excuse again?

Next: Chapter 11

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