Three Simple Words

By No Name

Published on Sep 26, 2013


Ok, first off, I'm really sorry for the delay on this chapter. During the three weeks of summer I had left, one was already gone due to jet lag., and the other two were just eh... I've been experiencing writer's block for this chapter; I was debating whether or not if I should go ahead with this chapter or not.

After much thinking, I realized that I'm in that awkward part of lacking information. If I don't write this chapter, we won't know just how does Carrie, or Brandy, or any of the princesses win. But if it's just that tiny section, it'd be rather (and by rather, I mean really) short.

So... this chapter contains mostly fluff, but it does explain what's been going on during the week. I hope you guys enjoy it. The next chapter will be better, I can promise you that. (Especially if you love our little hero, Chris).

As always, don't read this if you can't (although who am I to stop you), don't plagiarize (seriously... just ask...), and DONATE if you can.

Ok, enough of my rambling, onto the story!


Chapter 17 "And So It Begins..."

"Is everything ready?" I ask the ASB crew.

"Yeah, just test the mike," one of them replies. I blow into it and give it a couple of taps. "Alright, we're good to go!"

"Cue music," I tell ASB. Once the music starts, I step onto the stage walk and cough into the microphone. "Ahem! Hello everyone! Come gather around the quad for our annual Homecoming Queen Catwalk! Woo!... Come gather around everyone!"

Did I ever mention how much I hate doing this?... Sigh... at least my popularity has some uses as a bunch of people swarmed over just to look at me.

"Today, with the help of our amazing ASB, we've managed to put up this little show to help promote Homecoming! And to help with everyone's procrastinating, you can vote immediately afterwards by going to one of the tables located to my left-your right." I bend down a little and gesture to my left with my hand to the ASB group waving back at us.

"In any case, let's start with our lovely Mandy Ellington!" I announce and step back while clapping my hands. Mandy comes up to the podium and does a snazzy walk up to the audience. She blows a kiss to her hubby and sways her hips back into ASB's office.

"That was Mandy Ellington everyone, the amazing Mandy Ellington." I speak into the mike. "Up next, is none other than, the gorgeous Gloria Fenn!"

Immediately after I announce her name, Gloria, a brunette with long, silky hair walks up the cat aisle. At the end, she twirls around a couple of times, showing off her glittery dress before walking back and into the office.

"Isn't she lovely? That Gloria," I chuckle, "Up next... is (Brandy Parr)"

The crowd gives me a questioning look. You see, the mike "shut down" on itself. And by shut down, I mean I "accidentally" flipped the switch off. Oops, sorry Brandy. To make myself look innocent, I tap on the speaker a couple of times and blow into it. Still with no sound, I exasperate a dramatic sigh and project my sound into the crowd. But with the music blasting through me, I don't think my voice will project much.

"As I was saying!" I shout out towards the crowd, "Up next is Brandy Parr! Come on out you shy dog!"

As Brandy walks pass me, she gives me a dirty look. I just shrug my shoulders and act all innocent-like. But as soon as her back is facing me, I sneak in a smirk and scoff a little. Brandy walks up to the end of the black podium and flicks her hair, like the crazy bitch she is. Without much left to do, she turns around and walks back with one hand on her hips.

Meanwhile, I'm still configuring with the mike, trying to get it "fixed." I announce without the mike that that was Brandy and continue to play around with the mike. Just as Brandy disappears into the office, I switch the mike back on and tap it, producing the booming sound from the speakers.

"Sorry about that folks, I guess the school needs to get newer mikes hehe," I apologize to the audience. "Anyways, up next is the angelic Alice Eve!"

Alice, dressed up in her silver-like dress walks up the catwalk timidly. She bows when she reaches the end and scurries back into the office. Poor Alice... If memory serves me correctly, rumor has it that her friends trolled her by getting the signatures needed. Oh well, at least she's cute looking, for a girl anyway.

"That was Alice Eve everyone, Alice Eve... And finally. The moment you've all been waiting for! I present to you! The charming! The cute! The one and only! ASB president, Carrie Taylor!!!" I holler into the mike. The crowd in front of me claps and cheers. I tell the group the raise their volume by flick my palm upwards.

At the height of all the cheering, Carrie briskly stomps up the stairs and onto the catwalk. She steps one foot in front of the other as she walks, making her hips sway side to side. At the end of the walk, she flirts around like sticking her butt out, exposing her leg out little, biting on her lips, etc.

I glance around and see some front guys blushing and setting up some tents down below. I silently giggle at them and motion Carrie to get back before things get too heated up. I have to say though, she did impress me with a lot of people with her dress. It's a simple blue one piece dress that goes down to her calves. At the bottom, there's an opening up to her thighs, giving her some leg movement.

"That was the amazing, Carrie Taylor!" The crowd of maybe 800 now cheers wildly. "Now don't forget to vote for your favorite if you haven't done so! ASB's set up tables for people to sign into the school website and vote! Thank you and have a good day!"

I turn off the mike and run back into the office where the five people are behind changing blinds.

"Carrie! I'm going ahead ok?" I ask her with the blinds separating us.

"Alright! I'll meet up with you shortly." Phase One complete. Now onto Phase Two.

I rush out the ASB office and towards one of the tables where the rest of my guy friends are. I spot Chris and rush up to him, giving him a squeeze.

"Did you miss me?" I smile.

"Oh you have no idea," Chris complains, which gets everyone around us to laugh.

"Anyways, you got the things ready?" I ask.

"Yep," Bryan says. "Here's the megaphone, and the first stash."

"Alright. You guys are in charge of handing those out. Caleb, you're on megaphone duty."

"Aww... do I have too?" he whines.

"Yes, unless you want to be on passing out duties."


"Chris, you're sticking here and making sure people vote for Carrie."

"Mmk," he replies.

"Joey, you're stuck with me then, stamping people's faces."

"Sure..." Joey responds, unsure of himself.

Before he can protest, I stand on the chair and look around a potential victim. I spot a duo of freshman boys walking by. Perfect...

"Hey kid!" I speak into the megaphone. "Yeah, you in the blue shirt pointing at yourself. Come over here! I wanna speak with you... And drag your friend over too!"

"...Y-yeah?" the kid asks when he walks up to the table.

"Have you voted yet?" I ask as I plop my ass down on the table.

The two look at each other and reply, "No..."

"Well, if you vote right now, I'll give you a sticker saying that you voted."


"Wait, there's more!" I squeeze in. "If you vote for Carrie, I'll stamp your face with my stamp saying 'Dylan Approves.'"

"Why would I do that?" the kid asks.

"Dude! Don't you know who he is? That's Dylan Wolfe!" his friend hushes in.

"Yeah so?"

"Dude... Think about how our reputation will skyrocket up..."

The guy gives it some thought and shrugs his shoulder. "Sure, why not."

"Great!" "Free stickers to whoever votes at this table!" I shout into the megaphone and then hand it to Caleb.

The two buddies quickly sign into their accounts and vote for Carrie; Chris confirms the votes and nods at me.

Bryan rips off a "I voted" sticker and slaps it on the boy's chest; Matt does the same to the other guy.

"Alright, where do you want the stamp?" I ask the freshman.

"Anywhere's fine."

"Ohhh?... In that case..." I stamp his forehead, both cheeks, and chin with my specially made 'Dylan Approves' stamp. "Your turn," I grin at his friend. I repeat the process and cover the guy's face with my mark. "There... now go show it off to everybody. Like you said, all your friends are going to be jealous of you."

The two guys, both now smiling, scurry off into the crowd... for maybe about two steps. A girl points out their faces and drags the two over to her.. After the two boys finish explaining, the girl shouts to her friends and points in our direction.

Soon, our table's moshed by everyone trying to get a sticker and stamp. Woo, talk about busy... Everyone's working to the max: Matt and Bryan constantly passing out stickers, Caleb announcing everyone to come over and shouting at the crowd to be patient, Chris checking the laptop screen, and me pressing the stamp onto people's faces, arms, stomach... ew!

The best part though? Some people decided to get out their phones and vote on them before shoving it in front of Chris's face. Man was it hilarious watching Chris spin his head around from phone to phone.

Halfway through lunch, Carrie and Heather come back with lunches from off-campus. Ah, the blessing known as upperclassmen status... We let the girls eat first and the two take Bryan and Matt's place. The two guys then wolf down their food and switch with Caleb and Chris. Finally, Chris and Caleb take my and Joey's place. I go behind the table and grab my share of the food. Well... "mine" in quotes.

"Chris! Did you steal my fries?!"

"Guilty!" he shouts back giggling while stamping people's faces.

"You're lucky I love you..." I grunt under my breath. "And did you steal half of my drink too?!"

"Guilty again!"

Rawr! My food!... Oh he's gonna get it today... I grab my burger and what was left of my fries and drink. I gobble everything down and go back to work.

"Great work today guys," I sigh as we're cleaning up our area. Well, there goes sixth period.

"How many votes do you think we've got?" Heather asks.

"Well how many stickers are left?" I ask.

"They're all gone..." Matt sighs. "Those savages... they just kept coming and coming..."

"Oh quit being so dramatic Matt," Carrie scoffs. "So how many votes then Dylan?... Dylan?"

I stand there, blanked out. I had no idea that this would happen...

"Dylan? Hello? Earth to Dylan," Caleb waves his hand in front of me.

"Huh?" I jolt. "Oh sorry... I was just thinking is all..."

"About?" Carrie asks.

"About your reaction when you win this," I grin. "I ordered 1500 stickers, and since we have 2000 students..."

Everyone's eyes light up and the two girls start jumping up and down. "Oh my god oh my god OH MY GOD!" Carrie shrieks with Heather.

Bryan and Joey walk over to calm them down. I mean, it is class time, and it's pretty obvious who's causing the commotion when we're the only one's out here. Meanwhile, Caleb and Matt come over to me.

"So... 1500 votes huh?" Chris asks.

"No... probably more. The Cross Country and Track team voted for Carrie without taking anything remember?"

"Yeah, and the aquatics team didn't either," Matt points out.

"Let's not forget the Quantum Physics Club and Math Club," Caleb pipes in. Matt glances over at Caleb and leaves with a table in hand. Weird... something's not quite right with him today...

But before I can ponder on my thoughts, Carrie runs up to me and ensnares me in a death grip. "Oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!"

"Hm... You're welcome Carrie... but um... can you let go of me now?" I grunt. "I think Chris is getting jealous."

Carrie lets go of me. "Sorry Chris," she smile, but attacks me with another hug.

"Oof... I don't know how you do this Bryan..." I wince at Carrie's strong arms. He shrugs his shoulders in response and picks up the chairs.

We finish cleaning up the area with about ten minutes to spare. Since there isn't a reason to go to class anymore, we all decide to hang in the ASB office until time was up. Luckily, the staff inside don't care.

"So Carrie, have you guys finished preparing the props for the game?" I ask.

"Almost, Andrew just needs to fit together the pieces and we'll be good to go for rehearsal," she replies. "Oh and by the way. Do you want to announce who wins or no?"

"Hmm... what's in it for me?"

"You get to be the first to see Brandy's pissed off face," she sings, hoping that I'd say yes.

"Hmm..." I dramatically hum, "Fine. But! Only if we can bring everyone here onto the field."

"I'll see what I can do." She then walks over to the counter and discuss with one of the adults.

You see, the school doesn't allow people to intrude into the football field unless you have a good reason to. Carrie's personally asked me to replace her for ASB crew since she's running for queen, so I'm allowed in. Bryan is also allowed in since he's her date. But as for everyone else, they don't have an alibi. So all in all, only teachers, staff, ASB, band, chorus, choreograph, and our school's filming club are allowed in.

"Ok, you're all in," Carrie replies grinning a few moments later. "All I need you guys to do is sign this paper, stating that you'll follow ASB's guidelines and listen to Dylan."

"Why me?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Because I signed everyone up as your assistants."

"So you've already signed me up for a job huh?"

"Guilty as charged," Carrie admits. "But I know you couldn't say no to watching Brandy's face cringe in disgust."

"You got me there..." I chuckle. That last statement is somewhat true. Ever since that day, I've developed this sense of hatred for Brandy. I mean, she's gone too far by manipulating someone to hurt Chris. Bitch, confront me yourself instead of pulling the strings.

"In any case..." Carrie continues, "Your job as honorable ASB president is to make sure that everything's running as smooth as possible. You're the director basically."

"But that's so much work..." I whine playfully.

"And that's why you have assistants to help you," she grins back.

"Do I get to boss Caleb around?" I ask.

"Of course!" Heather answers for Carrie, "Make him do all the work while you're at it."

"Hey!" Caleb protests.

"Alright deal. I'll do it since I get to boss Caleb around," I reply while ignoring Caleb's protesting. Everyone, excluding Bryan, Heather, and I, signs the papers and Carrie rushes them back to the counter. Hearing the bell ring, we all reach for our backpacks and head out to class or home: Bryan and Joey to practice, Caleb, Chris, and I to study hall, and Carrie, Heather, and Matt to the parking lot.

"Oh yeah. I forgot to mention this before Dylan, but this is my last week in study hall as a student," Chris brings out as we sit down in our usual seats.

"Has it been six weeks already?"

"Yeah... time sure does fly huh?..." (Note, the first two full weeks of school don't count since a lot of students' schedules move around).

"Well, what do you plan on doing now?" Caleb asks. "Oh, I have nothing for you today Dylan."

"Mmk," I respond.

"Well, I've already got a-okay to be a tutor, but the problem is-"

"You don't know if you'll be in this class, right?" I finish for him.


"Well then, I guess we'll need to talk with the counselor's sometime," I say more to myself than towards them. A boy, I think his name was Michael, comes up to me.

"Hey, can you help me?" he asks.

"Sure, that's what I'm here for. Let's go over to your table."

While I'm away, Caleb nudges closer to Chris and asks, "Can I ask you a question Chris?"

"Um sure. What is it?" he replies innocently.

"Ok um... it's not really a question, more like, I need advice..."

"Alright, shoot."

Caleb shifts his eyes down, and nudges his two index fingers against each other. He breathes in deeply and speaks, "I don't know what's been going on, but Matt's been acting kinda strange lately..."

"How so?" Chris asks innocently.

"It all started with this weekend... You see, Matt's... not the quite the same," Caleb explains, "He's been... avoiding me."

"Really," Chris replies, more as a statement than a question.

"Mhm, he stayed at my house for the weekends. Since he's the one who brought it up, I thought he wanted to... you know..." Caleb trails off while subtly sticking his index finger inside a circle's he made with the other.

"Oh..." Chris realizes and blushes profoundly, "So what's the big deal then?"

Caleb sighs in respond. "Like I said, he's been avoiding me. For the past three days, he'd just go to bed facing away from me. The first day was fine I guess since I thought he was tired. But I knew he's been avoiding me by Saturday when I asked him if he wanted to do anything."

"What happened next?" Chris asks eagerly, as he's completely engrossed by the story.

"That's just it, nothing happened. He just turned to his side and wave me off. And when I asked him what was wrong, he just sighed heavily and shrug."

"Hmm..." Chris mumbles loudly as he goes deep into thought. He scratches his head and burrows his brows. "Did you piss him off or anything?"

"What do you think?" Caleb responds, a little louder than usual. Some kids next to him shush at him; he gives them the glare and continues softly, "I love him to death. I just don't know what's going on with him. Can you think of any reason why?"

"Hmm..." Chris mutters while tilting his head down. "I... can't think of anything. Want me to ask Dylan and see if he knows anything?"

"That'd be nice..." He then chuckles. "It'd be embarrassing having to ask Dylan about this..."

"Why's that?" Chris asks while blinking his eyes at him.

"I see Dylan more as a friend while you see him more as a big brother. It's a completely different relationship," Caleb describes.

"Ah... I see..."

Caleb sighs again. "In any case, you'll ask him for me right?"

"Yeah sure. I'll ask him today when we get home. After having some fun that is," Chris smiles wickedly.

"That's gross," Caleb grimaces, but then leans forward. "I'm curious though, what have you guys done so far though?"

"That's a secret," Chris giggles, "Although I will tell you that Dylan took something special from me on Friday."

"No..." Caleb gasps. "You mean..."

"Maybe, maybe not," Chris taunts. "I'm not telling you any more."

"Fine, be that way..." Caleb pouts. "But thanks Chris. You know..."

"Yeah sure. No problem."

The two sit in silence for about five minutes before I sit back down in my usual spot. "So, what'd I miss?"

"Nothing much, just trying to figure out what to do for the next half hour," Chris groans. "Ugh I'm so bored!"

"Well then maybe you're not cut out for this tutoring kind of stuff huh?" I tease.

"Maybe... I secretly want to be with my boyfriend 24/7," he whispers.

"Maybe... but maybe not." I reply. Chris giggles at my words. Not sure why he's laughing, I ask, "What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing," he shrugs off. "Just thought of something funny when you said that."

"Oh?" I study the two for a bit. I see a spark in Chris's eye, telling me that something's going on, but I decide to wait until later. I mean, if it were urgent, he would've told me... right? I slump my shoulders since my back is hurting from all that arching I did earlier while helping Michael.

The rest of class, or there lack of, went by quickly as usual. The bell rings and we briskly dash out the doors. I don't know about you guys, but I'm already sick of school. I cannot wait to get out the fuck out of here. Chris and I say our goodbyes to Caleb. He nods back at Chris, and Chris returns the gesture. Hmm... what's going on?... We turn a 180 and head towards my car. We pile our stuff in once we get to the parking lot and I press the pedal and off to home.

Once at the home, we quickly grab our backpacks and sprint towards the front door. I notice a thin and long brown box by the doorway. I point it out to Chris and smiles.

"Hurray! It's finally here!" he gleefully jumps with the box in hand.

"What's in the box?" I ask as I unlock the door. We step inside and I lock it tightly.

"Let's make a bet," he grins, "You win against me today, and I'll show you."

"You sure?" I taunt. "I've won every round for the past few days."

"We'll see about that."

"Alright... same as yesterday?" I ask to clarify.


"Ok. Then in three... two... one, go."

As quickly as we can, we toss our backpacks to the grounds and begin stripping off all our clothes. See, Chris had this bright idea of having these little games, like dares, raffles, etc. Winner gets to do whatever he wants with the loser, wherever he wants, and for how long. As I said before, every single time we've played, I won each and every one of them. And every time I win, I chose a different spot to fuck my boyfriend's tight ass. Boy did it feel amazing. Although I did feel bad about it a little afterwards... just a little.

I pull down my last piece of clothing and hold out my underwear in front of Chris's face. "I win," I smugly smirk.

He pouts a little at first, but then grins back impishly. "Where do you want to do it?"

"There," I reply, pointing at the couches in the living room. We pull off the remaining clothes on my delicious boyfriend and carry him over. I toss a giggling Chris onto the couch and straddle on top of him. Chris playfully struggles a little, giving me some hassle, and giggles like a madman.

I gaze deeply into his eyes and lean down, but not to kiss him. Chris thinks that it's for one though as he leans his head up slightly with his eyes closed. Ever so gently and quietly, I withdraw and stifle a laugh at Chris's look. He peeks open an eye and sees that he's been played. I let loose my laugh and Chris pouts.


"Hey, it's what you get for losing," I grin. "Now let's see... I seem to remember a certain bad boy stealing my food earlier today."

"Hmm... what are you going to do about it?" Chris asks, knowing full well that he's going to get what he loves.

"I think you need a spanking," I scold playfully.

"Oh Dylan? If you can, can you use what's in the box then?"

"Oh...? What's in the box?"

"Just go and see for yourself," he snickers back.

"Fine... stay right here." I get off him and rapidly walk down the hallway. I bring the box back and see Chris flipped over with his head cradled in his arms and legs spread apart.

He looks at me and smiles. "I'm waiting," he sings while jiggling his butt playfully.

I tear open the box and pull out a thin, black stick woven tightly out of plastic strands. The grip is fabricated out of a rubber-like material for better handling, and other end holds a small, rectangular shaped piece of leather.

"Wow... when did you buy this?" I ask Chris while twisting it around for a full view.

"Online," he yawns. "Now come on, I've been itching for you to use it on me."

"You sure?" I ask, "It might hurt a bit, judging from the materials it's made out of."

"But I've been a very bad boy," he baby talks.

I chortle at his acting and slap him once on the ass. "Alright, you got me there... now let's see... I think 30 is good enough punishment for you... Yeah... two for every fry to stole from me."

"You counted- ow!" he yelps as I tap his right cheek with the paddle.

"Of course I counted," I whisper in his ear and nibble on it as I continue spanking his bubble butt.

"Uh... Hmm! Ohhhh harder Dylan!" Chris begs.

As I tan his ass, I witness his ass turning bright red. At spank number sixteen, I toss the stick aside and use my own hands. I sit on top of his back and straddle his arms next to his sides with my legs. I raise my hands up high and press them down hard onto his burning cheeks.

"Hmm! Oh Dylan! Spank me! Uh!" Chris grunts in pleasurable pain.

By now, my dick is standing straight up at its full size, throbbing for some attention. As soon as I finish the thirtieth slap, I turn around and lay on Chris.

"You lubed yourself this morning right?" I grunt in his ear.

"Mmm. Fuck me Dylan... I need this!" Chris pleas.

I waste no time as I pull Chris down a little so that he can rest his head on the sofa and not on the arm rest and grip both his wrists next to his head. I spread my legs around his and slowly force my way into his tight ass.

"Fuck Chris! Your hole is so hot and tight!" I grunt as I continue to invade his hole. Soon, my cock is completely snuggled inside Chris's love tunnel and I slowly start to pump my hips.

"Ugh! Hmm! Uh... pound my ass Dylan!..." Chris dirty talks to me.

"As you wish..." I tighten my grip on his wrists and scoot my knees up a little. I hover my body up just a little and suddenly pick up the pace.

"Ohhhh... Oh god yes! Fuck me hard Dylan! Uh!" he moans.

"Uh... Oh yeah Chris... I'm gonna fuck you until your ass hurts." And did I fuck him. It's amazing how much endurance I have. Not just from all the times I've fucked Chris, but even the very first time when Chris let me take his cherry. We've gotta time me one day and see exactly how long I can last before I end Chris's pleasure.

"Hmm! Fuck! Ahh! Harder!... Deeper Dylan!" Chris importunes.

I switch from pounding his ass repetitively to a slower form. For the next couple of thrusts, I first slowly pull my dick out until only my mushroom as being squeezed by his sphincter muscles. Then, I forcibly push my hips down, causing my dick to penetrate Chris's ass.

"Ah!... Sss... Ahh! Ooo more Dylan! Oh god ah!..."

Soon, I feel that tingly feeling coming up, telling me that I'm reaching my limit. I return to the first variant and pound Chris's hole like never before. Every hip thrust's interval was less than the previous one.

"Oh!.. Ah!.. Oh yes... fuck yes Dylan! You're going to cum right? Oh yeah!... Cum in my ass! I want you deep in me!" Chris hoarsely rasps out.

"Hmm!" I groan in response. "Hmm! Uh!... Ah... Shit! I'm gonna cum Chris!... I'm gonna fucking ah!..." I didn't even get to finish the sentence as I thrust my dick all the way into Chris's tunnel and spew my load. "Oh shit!" I grimace as my dick pulsates uncontrollably. Oh god each time we do this, it gets more intense than the last. Shit! His hole is so fucking hot! I arch my back one last time, squeezing out that last drop of cum, and fall down on top of Chris.

"That... was... intense..." Chris pants.

"Yeah... give me... a minute here..." I groan.

Carefully, I pull my semi-hard cock out of my boyfriend's love tunnel and snuggle it in between his ass cheeks. Even though I'm completely worn out, my body still continues to hump Chris's body. The sensation causes my hormones to shoot up again. My dick starts getting hard again from all the rubbing, my nipples tighten a little, my heart's thumping harder than usual again, I... I...

I wanted more...

I sit up on my knees, forcibly flip Chris around, pin his arms again, and kiss him hard on the lips. He tenses up at first and struggles to get away.

"What are you-" he breathes before I cut him off by jabbing my tongue back into his hot mouth. Again, he tenses up, but this time, his fingers loosen and his body goes limp again. I slowly glide my hands down and pinch those delicate nubs of his.

I feel his body shiver and wince at the pleasure I'm giving him. He leave his mouth and move down to his throbbing member. Now that I realize it, he hasn't cum yet. I kiss the tip and slowly lick his pee slit, causing him to squirm. I slap his dick against my lower lips a few times and then lick around the foreskin that's been tightly pulled back by his raging hormones. Finally, after some teasing and toying around, I engulf his dick and swallow the whole thing down.

"Ah... Mmmm..." Chris purrs. "Dylan... I'm not... gonna last long... Uh!..."

He squirms around again, causing me to mess up my rhythm. So I push his body down with my hands to keep him in place and picked up the pace.

"Ooo! Ah! Nnn! Oh god! Dylan!... I'm gonna... Uh!.. It's gonna... Ah!... I'm gonna cum!" He breaks free from my hold and pumps his shaft all the way down my throat. Thank god I'm already used to that. Otherwise, I think I would've choked to death from that monster cock of his.

In any case, Chris shoves his cock deep into my mouth and feeds me with his delicious cum. Ah his sweet nectar... I can never get enough of it. I happily swallow everything without missing a drop. Chris finishes firing his load (six shots in total) and enters cloud nine.

"Ah... that felt good..." he sighs contently.

I clean up his dick of spit and go up to give him our traditional cum kiss. He happily opens his mouth and sticks his tongue into mine, sucking up whatever I might've left behind. He withdraws soon after and we shift our bodies around so that I'm spooning his with my back up against the sofa.

I wrap my arms around him and I kiss him on the nape of his neck. "That was interesting."

"Mhm..." he whispers, "I didn't know you could be so rough though... I kinda liked it."

"Naughty boy," I scold, but couldn't help in joining Chris and his giggling. We calm ourselves down and sigh. Like always, no words were needed to be exchanged; we're both happy with the fact that the other is in our presence.

"Dylan? Can I talk to you about something?" Chris asks out of the blue, breaking the ten minutes worth of silence between us.

"You know the answer to that," I reply and tilt my head up to kiss his forehead. "What do you need?"

"Hmm... can we go outside and finish our tanning first?"

"Sure." I give him a quick squeeze and let go of him. We get off the sofa and head out the glass sliding door into the backyard.

Chris decided to take use his parents' absence to even our tans out a bit. I guess he really hates that white spot in the middle of his body. So what he did was open up a large sleeping bag and set it down on the grassy lawn. We then tied two white bed sheets onto four pegs each and shove them down onto the ground, leaving the middle part open for the sun to shine down on our butts. However, we had to take it down every day since the sun might destroy the fiber on the sheets. But the makeshift thing is easy to set up, so that didn't really bother us.

In about five minutes, we finish fabricating our makeshift tent. I quickly apply some sunscreen onto our areas and Chris dives in first, followed by me. I crawl on top of him and kiss him on both cheeks and forehead. He giggles at the touch and we resume our cuddling from before, only this time, we're outside, trying to tan our butts to the same color as the rest of our body.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I ask.

"It's about Caleb. Well, I guess it's about Matt and Caleb."

I'm not following... "Huh?" I ask.

"Caleb asked me to ask you for help since he says that Matt isn't paying any attention to him," Chris 'explains.'

"Caleb asked you to ask me because Matt isn't- Oh ok! Got it," I repeat to myself since his explanation was confusing. "So uh, what's up with Matt?"

"From what Caleb told me, he had Matt over at his place. You know... to do some stuff," Chris blushes at his choice of words.

"Ok, then what?"

"That's just it, Matt didn't do anything. Caleb thought it was because Matt was tired at first, but by Sunday or something, Caleb knew for sure that Matt's been avoiding Caleb like the plague."

"Hmm... that'd explain what happened during 6th period," I mumble under my breath.

"What was that?" Chris asks.

"Nothing. So uh, Caleb wants me to find out what's been going on?"

"You know us so well... It's almost like, you can read minds or something," Chris snickers.

"Oh yeah, and my mind reading powers is also telling me that you're being very naughty again," I taunt back. Before Chris and escape, I grab him in and jab his ribs a couple of times.

"No!!!! Please stop Dylan!" he begs at the top of his lungs while I continue to invade his body. Eventually, I stop his torment and pull him back in to cuddle.

"I'll see what I can Chris..."

"Ok," he grins back. "Now about homecoming..."

"What about it?"

"I don't know," he replies nonchalantly. "Do you want to go?"

Is he hinting at something? Hmm... "Sure, I kinda want to anyways since I want to see Brandy's face when she loses."

"Oh... ok..." Chris sulks.

"Ok, what's wrong?" I ask. I knew he wanted something.

"It's nothing..." he replies sadly.

Oh ok... I think I know what he wants. "Chris... if you want me to ask you out on homecoming, all you have to do is say so."

He turns around and looks at me. "...Mind reading powers?"

"Mind reading powers," I reply with a giggle.

"Yeah... I want you to ask me, but that would mean coming out to everyone... I think I'm ready for that, but are you?" Chris asks with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Well, if you want me to expose my true colors, it gonna be one hell of a show."

"How so?"

"That'll be a special surprise for you then, now won't it?" I grin.

"Fine. Don't tell me," he pouts and turns around to face away from me. I scoot up behind him and pull him in.

"Where's the fun in that?" I whisper in his ear and kiss on of the cheek. "Just don't worry about it. I've decided to go out with a bang, much like a fireworks show."

Chris dramatically sighs. "Ok..." he flaunts. "I'll forgive you this time... like always..."

"That's all I need to hear. Now come on, we have a tan to perfect, not to mention dinner to make afterwards."

"What you in the mood for?"


Again, I'm really sorry for the delay. Between packing up for college, unpacking once I got there, to having a writer's block, I had very little time in progressing through the story. Hence why this chapter is a tad shorter than the rest. But, it's only this chapter that's been giving me trouble; I can't wait to get onto the next chapter since I have the perfect idea for it. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.

Next: Chapter 19

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