Three Simple Words

By No Name

Published on Jan 5, 2014


I dedicate this story to a recent responder. Of course I'm not stupid enough to enclose your info or anything on this, but I just want you to know that you are not alone in this. No, he's not suicidal guys... he's... having family troubles right now. I wish you the best of luck, and may your parents realize what a stupid mistake they've made and make amends.

Funny thing is, it's almost perfect timing too for the story lol. So, I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and please do everything you can to stop hate crimes. Whether it's race, sexual orientation, religion- speak up, let your voice be heard. And finally, tell you're (future) lover just how much you love him; I challenge you all to make that one of your New Year's resolution.

Don't steal from me, I condemn you if you're under 18 and here (I can't really do much, now can I?), copyrighted, donate, etc. etc.

And to L, thanks for the random ideas lol; they helped sparked some completely unrelated ideas for me.


Chapter 24 "New Boundarys, New Promises"

And just like that, Winter Break was coming to a close... Man, two weeks is never enough... Ah well, at least I'm looking forward seeing Brandy. No, I didn't suddenly fall in love with her (Chris is far better); I want to ask her how was her winter break. I bet she hated it with all that community service she had to do.

Anyways, a "quick" recap of what happened during the break after Christmas. As we all know, Chris fucked the shit out of me; I loved every moment of it. In fact, I loved it so much, I've become versatile for the time frame. Let's just say, we had a lot of catching up to do. Chris was torn up on my decision... He wanted to fuck me, but at the same time, he wanted to be fucked.

So... we came up with a system, created by yours truly. See, while I enjoy being fucked by Chris's thick cock, I didn't like the idea of a dildo up my ass, too unsanitary. But Chris didn't mind, so we'd push the dildo into him and then let him invade my ass. After two rounds of that, Chris decided to use the new butt plug I got him; he enjoyed that more. Eh, whatever works... And if I didn't cum already, we'd switch places with me pounding his love tunnel to relieve myself.

As for New Years, Chris stayed over at my house, with the approval of our parents way beforehand. I swear, the four have been hanging out almost every other day now that Chris and I have become friends. And I swear, they talk about me and Chris behind our backs. Those sneaky bastards... parents... am I right?

So where are we now? Well... it's Sunday night, after dinner to be exact. Despite the plan, Chris's parents want some personal family time for the weekend. So... it's almost been three days since I've last seen my beautiful boy. It hurts man... It hurts... I just hope that I can see him soon... Until then, I'll be counting the seconds, and using all my willpower to not call him and-

"Dylan?" my mom calls out, knocking on my door.

"Yeah?" I answer back. She opens the door and sits down on my bed. I turn a 180 on my chair to face her. "Need something?"

She looks around and fidgets with her hands. She takes in a deep breath, "...Dylan... I think... it's time you told me..."

"Tell you about what?" Oh dear god, what is she going on about.

She sighs, "About you and Chris- Look, Dylan... any mother can tell when her child is in love."

Oh shit! Shit, shit, shit! "...What do you mean?" I ask cautiously.

"I mean... it's clear as day that you and Chris are together now... Oh close your mouth Dylan. It's pretty obvious to me by now..."

"...Are you mad?" I ask, looking down.

"Of course not, I would've confronted you already about this if I were mad," she smiles to herself. "No... the question isn't if I'm mad or not, the question is, are you ok with this? Do you really love him?"

How do I answer this?! Should I answer truthfully or should I play it off? Oh my god is this awkward as hell...

"...Mom?..." I speak up.

"Yes?" she replies calmly.

"...This is going to be hard to say..." I whisper to myself. "I... Do you remember that camp you sent me to a couple years back?"

"You mean the one where you begged me to pay for?" she jokes.

"Yeah, that one... It was the first time I met Chris. Well, if you count stalking him as meeting him that is..." I scoff at myself, "This is going to sound cheesy, but... it was as if Cupid shot his arrow straight at my heart the moment I saw him..."

"That always gets the best of us..." my mom interjects, "but you didn't answer my question."

"Mhm..." I nod, "I'm getting to that... See, what people don't tell you is that Cupid's arrow doesn't just disappear. Instead, it blackens, and it slowly sinks into your heart, causing excruciating and unbearable pain..." I look over at her, no sudden movement... That's good...

"Anyways..." I continue on, "I tried forgetting about him. You know the whole junk about being confused, hormones, yadda-yadda. That all applies to me, and it wasn't until Junior year where I accepted it, or rather, ignored it. I tried my best to suppress that pain as best I could. Consequentially, I forced my other emotions into oblivion as well...

"Oh honey... why didn't you tell us about this?" my mom asks.

"Because I was scared for once... and I didn't know how to deal with it..." I answer honestly. "Anyways... after what seemed like forever, Chris finally entered into my life. He, alone, was able to pull out the arrow of despair and mend my heart back into health... Every day, just seeing him smile brings my feelings up. I don't know... I feel... complete whenever he's near me... It'd shatter my heart if I see him sad... I'd die to protect him Mom..."

The room stays silent for all of eternity. Even though it was only about five minutes in reality. The clock continues clicking ever so constantly. I begin shifting my body from being nervous about the outcome. I mean, shit! I just came out to my mom!

"...My little boy is growing up..." she eventually says, tearing up a little.

"You ok Mom?"

"Yeah... I fine..." she replies, rubbing her eyes, "It's just... your story... it just screams how much you love Chris..."

"So you're ok with it?"

"Of course honey... of course..." she sniffles.

I get up and give her a hug. "Does Dad know yet?"

"No... you know how stupid he can at times," my mom scoffs humorously. "But just know that you will always have my back ok?"

"Thanks Mom... that means a lot... I mean it."

"So, do you want me to tell your father or do you want to do it?" she asks, "If I know him, he's not going to take it well at first. But he'll come around."

"I'll tell him... it's my problem anyways."

"Dylan. It is anything but a problem. I can tell from the way you act around each other that this isn't some simple high school crush."

"Ok? Thanks... I guess," I respond back, if that's what I think it meant. "Oh yeah Mom. How did you know? If you don't mind me asking that is."

"I knew because of the sparkle in your eyes, that sparkle which no one can hide," she explains. "There's also Chris's body movement whenever he's near you."

"Oh..." what body movement?

"And!... let's just say it was cute hearing you tell Chris to keep quiet while you guys are alone in the room."

My eyes grow really wide and my face turns as red as an apple. I thought we were quiet!

"Oh don't be embarrassed Dylan. From now on, you can be as loud as you want and I won't judge," my mom teases. "There's a reason why I let you stay over at his house for Christmas you know."

I open my mouth, but nothing comes out of it. Shit... now that she mentioned it, it did seem weird she let me stay over at Chris's house...

"Anyways... last piece of advice Dylan. Be careful..."

"I know Mom... I know..."

She smiles at me again and leaves my room. As soon as she's out of site, I fall back onto my bed. I stare at the ceiling with one arm on my forehead. Well that was an interesting way of coming out to your parents... Having them confront you...

Well, I guess it's time for the hard part... I get up and take in a really deep breath. Who know? Hopefully, my dad will accept me just as well as my mom did. I mean, 50% is a very good start, right?

"Dad? Can I speak with you for a minute?" I ask after wandering into the living room.

"Sure son, what do you need?" he turns off the T.V. How do I do this... Do I just be straightforward? Or what?

"...Ok, I'm just going to blurt this out... I'm gay," I wince at those words, "and Chris is my boyfriend."

Here we go with the silence again... The atmosphere in the room-nay, the entire house intensifies. It's as if a black hole suddenly appeared and is condensing all matter in the house to one singularity. My dad eventually shows some movement though. God this is torture...

He sighs heavily, stands in front of me, and rests both hands on my shoulder. "I'm sorry," he simply states.


"Wait, I'm not done," he butts in, "Dylan, I'm sorry, but I'm going to need some time to get use to this... I know this is going to sound extremely weird, but I'm going to leave for a few days, just for a few days to get my mind sorted around this..."

"What do you mean?" I ask, startled at his response.

He sighs deeply again. "I mean, right now, I can't grasp hold of this... this idea. And I know some parents might blame it on the kid, but I know that it is I who has to change, not the other way around... I at least know that much..."

I just stare at him. I don't know why, but tears start streaming down my eyes. Damn it! Why won't they stop?

"Hey now... no tears... It's not like I'm going to disappear. I'll probably just go to a motel or something nearby."

"Why can't you stay here then?!" I cry out, "If you want, I can leave and go to Chris's house or something!"

"No-no... like I said, this isn't your problem, it's mine..."

He gives my shoulders a tight squeeze and leaves me alone in the living room. Fuck! This wasn't suppose to happen! He's my dad for Christ's sake! My father! My role model! My... my...

The silent tears turn into weeping as I shudder uncontrollably. With all the willpower I can muster, I force myself back into my room. I slam the door behind me and crawl into the little corner known as my bed.

"I promise I'll be back in like three days," I hear my dad talk outside. "I just need a few days alone to figure this out."

"Well, why can't you figure it out here?" my mom hushes out with force.


"Because what?!"

"Look... I don't want to pressure Dylan into doing anything stupid, like change and become miserable for the rest of his life. And I certainly as hell don't want to be labeled as the dad who failed to see to his son. If I'm to be a better parent for all of us, I'm going to need a few days to myself."

I can hear my mom sighing. "Alright... but at least keep your cell phone on. And you said three days, no more than that."

"I'll see what I can do... I love you... and tell Dylan that for me please? I don't think he plans on seeing me any time soon."

He was partially correct; I didn't want to see him right now, but only because of the mess on my face. I wanted to rush out and force him to stay, but I couldn't... Part of me is telling to let him go. I guess it's doing what that old saying said, "If you truly love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours to keep, and if not, it was never meant to be."

The front shuts and a car starts up. Even though he said it's only for a three days, I feel like it's already been an entity plus some. My mom knocks on my door, asking me if I wanted to talk. I just lay there like a log, not having a will to move... not being able to go on...

She eventually gives up and leaves. I guess she's going to tell my little sisters the news. Do I care if they know? I don't even fucking know anymore... I thought about calling Chris, but like I said, no will to move. Instead, I just turn over and hug my pillow tightly, sobbing silently until I fall into deep slumber from exhaustion.

"Dylan! Time to get up!" my mom pounds at my door yet again.

I groggily open my eyes and try to pull myself up. No dice, my arms fail me and I fall back down onto the bed. My mom manages to open the door (it wasn't locked from last night) and sits down on my bed.

"Mmm..." I didn't feel like talking about it, and I certainly didn't feel like leaving my bed.

"Come on, I know it's hard, but your dad called. He's doing fine and said he'll be back in a few days. Now get up!"

Fine... I'll get up... even if I am extremely depressed about this. Maybe Chris'll cheer me up. I force myself up again and sit Indian style while yawning and stretching.

"Mom... unless you want me to flash you..."

"Got it," she smiles and leaves, not before closing the door behind her.

I flip the blanket aside, exposing my seven inches of glory to the cold, winter air. Not wanting to freeze my jewels off, I quickly put on some clothes. I don a jacket over me and sluggishly drag myself towards the bathroom. I painstakingly do my morning business, grab a quick bite to eat, and head off to school.

I try to keep myself upbeat, but I'm just too depressed... Today's going to be a long day... I park my car in the student parking lot and slump inside the school perimeter.

"Hey Dylan!" Chris cheerfully greets me at the back gate. He tackles me with a massive bear hug and puts something in my back pocket. "Have fun!~" he smiles at me and runs off before I can say anything.

I wanted to chase after him, tell him how I've been feeling, but the little voice inside me told me otherwise. I didn't want to worry him about me. So instead, curious as to what he put inside my pocket, I pull out the item. It was a remote control. Huh... why did he put... Oh that dirty little bastard! Getting naughty now are we Chris?

I sigh and nod disapprovingly at his actions... I'll admit, it did brighten my day a little. Now it's time to make that little imp pay, or more like deliver. Oh you're in for it now my little, devious Chris.

"You little fucker!" Chris growls at me while punching me playfully in the arm.

"What? You did upon yourself," I tell him back, trying my best to cover up the sadness on my face.

"Yeah, but I didn't expect it to off for that long!" he whines, "I had to struggle answering a question my teacher asked me."

"Ok, I won't do it anymore until lunch time, " I promise him... Not! I'm going to enjoy this as much as possible.

"You promised," he reminds me as we step into 5th period, the one class we have together. Really? I promised? Since when?

Anyways, the final bell rings and the announcements go off. Yeah-yeah... first homecoming, now Winter Formal... Come on ASB! It's not for another two months!...

"Welcome back class, I hope you've all had a wonderful break," Mr. Fledging announces to the entire class. "Did you take attendance yet Dylan?"

"Waiting for the comp to open..." I reply while waiting for it to open.

"Anyways, today, we're starting a new book. My personal favorite, House on Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros."

I couldn't help but stifle out a snicker. Oh god! That book was horrible! Oh shit, people are looking. I regain composure and go back to the computer screen.

"So everyone, let's go over to the library to check out the book," the teacher instructs.

Oh! Time to be evil! I pull out little remote and press the button just as Chris stands up.

"Mmm!..." he moans silently as he tenses up. He struggles to open his eyes and shoots me a dirty look. I merely smirk back at him and shoo him away. Can't have him slacking off now can we?

I decide to get up and follow behind him, continuously pressing the button, sending waves of pleasure up his body.

"Mmm..." he moans as he fights off the vibrations, trying to walk as normal as possible.

We eventually head back, and I stop torturing Chris for just a moment. Hey, a boy needs his rest right? Well anyways, Mr. Fledging returns back to his buzzing about the book for the rest of class. Whenever he calls of people though, I make sure to press the remote for however long the student's talked. I even got lucky once when Mr. Fledging called on Chris. Man, Chris's face was priceless when he tried answering the question.

"Dylan!... You promised!" Chris whines as we walk towards lunch.

"Really? I did? I remember saying not doing it anymore, but not promising anything," I tease back.

"Gah!" he groans in frustration. He adjusts the big bulge in his pants, grumbling to himself, "I'm so horny from all this..."

"Hey, you did this upon yourself."

"Yeah, but..."

"It'll all be worth it in the end, right?" I finish for him.

"I hope so..."

"Hey... don't feel down about it, if anything, I should be sad right now..." I hint, but didn't want to make it too obvious.

"What do you mean?"

I smile and kiss him on the cheek. "I'm not the one having waves of pleasure going up my ass. I'm jealous."

Chris looks into my eyes for a second and his face changes. "Hmm..." he hums to himself. Shit, did he catch on?

"Anyways... lunch beckons," I play it off. "And I won't torture you so much during lunch."

"Does that mean no button pressing or..."

"I'll keep it to a minimum... but only if you do me a favor."

"Ok, what do you need?"

"I'll tell you later, now come on. Bet you're hungry." I grab his hands and lead him to where the rest of our friends are.

Bryan greets us when we reach the table, but for some reason, he also makes a weird face at me. He looks at Chris and they both nod. What the heck! Are they keeping a secret from me? As soon as I sit down, Chris squeezes in and rests his butt on top of my lap. I immediately wrap my arms around him and pull him in.

"This is what you wanted right?" he whispers.

"Something like it," I mumble back and hold him tighter. Oh how I wanted to cry, but I knew there'd be a time for that later.

"So Dylan... what happened?" Bryan asks.

"Am I that easy to read?..." I sigh.

"No... Chris looked at me and nodded. Come on Dylan, what kind of best friend and boyfriend would we be if we can't even see that you're sad."

I sigh deeply and gently rub Chris's sides. I don't know, it calms me so. "They know about us Chris..." I say to no one in particular.

"Who?" Carrie asks.

"...My parents..." I choke out. "My mom's ok with it, but my dad... it's complicated..."

"Now I feel bad..." Chris mutters, "I didn't realize it until now... and I even went through all the trouble of- Mmm!..."

He jolts a little when I press the remote in my pocket. There's no way everyone's going to find out what he did today. That's our dirty little secret.

"No Chris... I'm just stubborn and hard to read," I smile apathetically at him while the plug is still vibrating in his ass. Man, why is it so hard to fake a smile? It's like, your entire body is forcing you do something you can't do... "And besides, what you did today actually made me feel better, so don't you dare put yourself down."

"Ok..." he manages out and I turn off the vibrator in his ass. Subtly, I place my hand over his crotch to his hide his bulge. Thank god he's wearing jeans.

"Anyways... my dad's supposedly 'reflecting on life' or something like that... So he's out of town, trying to find a way to accept this."

"...Did he throw a tantrum?" Matt asks, completely engrossed in my story.

"That's just it. He said something about how he needed to change and then he just left."

"...And your mom is ok with all this?"

"Actually... she's the one who started it all..."

"Interesting..." Matt trails off.

"And to think, you should be happy with the new year and your birthday coming soon..." Bryans adds.

"Shhh!" I hush at him, but it was too late.

"Birthday?" Chris asks, "When?!"

"Great!... No one tell him!"

"January 23rd," Bryan smirks.

"Fuck! Why?!" I groan at him.

"What's so bad about your birthday?" Chris asks.

"He doesn't celebrate his birthday," Bryan explains, "So all the more interesting for you to know."

"Fuck you Bryan."

"What? Your boyfriend deserves to know when your birthday is," he grins.

"No it's not that, it's the fact that-"

"Ohh!... 123," Chris realizes. "Hehe, that's funny."

"Shit... he figured it out..." I sigh. "Don't do anything rash Chris... My birthday isn't something worth celebrating."

"Well I think it is," Chris scoffs, "I mean, if you weren't born, where would I be today?"

"He's got a point," Joey fortifies the idea.

"Ok-ok... but like I said, nothing too crazy..." Finger's crossed, please!

"We'll see," Chris grins, to which I turn on the butt plug again, making him jolt and moan softly as I quietly fondle his balls underneath the table.

"Can you stay over tonight Dylan?" Chris asks as we drive down the road. "It was horrible not having you by me for the past three days..."

"I'll have to ask my mom, you know... with all the coming out thing, but it should be fine," I answer on my mom's behalf as I pull onto the driveway.

"Ok... and we have some catching up to do," he grins, jumping out of the car and rushing towards the house.

By the time I arrive there, he unlocks the door and opens the door carefully. Once halfway open, a little blur of white and black dashes towards us, barking like madman.

"Hi Shadow!" Chris greets as he picks him up. "Look who I brought back."

Shadow looks at me and struggles free from Chris's grasp. He puts him down and Shadow immediately bounces onto me, standing on his hind legs and scratching the bottom of my jeans.

"Ok Shadow ok... Down boy. Sheesh, as if one little puppy isn't enough..."

"Hey! I know how much you love your puppy love!" Chris shouts across the hallway. "Now come on! I'm thirsty!"

Oh if only he knew how thirsty I was... I put Shadow down and he runs off to see where Chris was. Well... running might not be the right word to use. Shadow was running, but the floor was slippery, so he was just slowly sliding towards his destination with the clicking sounds of his paws hitting the ground. I walk into the kitchen, only to have Chris pull my hands and lead me up the stairs.

"You stay down here Shadow, Dylan and I have some business to attend to."

I'm assuming both his parents are out doing something. There's no way Chris would be this loud and proud if his parents are home. We reach into his room, and he closes the door, locking it for safety I guess. He then turns around and pushes me onto the bed, kissing me hard on the lips.

"Mmm! How I missed you!" he cries.


"Do you still have the remote with you?" he asks. I pull it out my pocket and turn it on. "Uh!... Mmm!..." he moans, "it was so hot having you do that to me today..."

"Well somebody had to punish you naughty boy..." I breath out while kissing him again.

"Dylan... I think you need a Chris special," he grins toothily at me.

"Wait... wasn't the butt plug a Chris special?" I smirk at him.

"No silly, that was part one... part two starts now," he flirts back, "I need you to sit at the edge of the bed over there."

He gets off of me and I scoot over to his side of the bed. He tugs off his shirt and bends over on my lap with his arms dangling, struggling to open the drawer in front of him. He manages to open it eventually and pulls out the small paddle I bought for him for Christmas.

"The Chris special requires you to spank me with your new paddle while probing my ass with the butt plug in this position."

"Wow... when did you become so kinky?" I ask, astonished at his fantasies.

"Well... ever since Brandy sent me those pictures, I've grown really curious. So I've searched around the internet... Some were disturbing, but for the most part, I found most of the things I found a turn on. Like, the fact that I know you wouldn't hurt me makes it so appealing I guess."

"...Is that why you like me spanking you so much?" I pry while gliding the paddle softly across his ass cheeks.

"I think so... I don't know, it's something I can't explain. But whatever, spank me now! I've been a naughty boy today," he giggles, wiggling his butt at me.

"Ok-ok... but from now on, I get to decide what the rest of the Chris special is, ok?"

"Sure, now- Fuck!" he swears as the first strike impacts on his left cheek.

"Hmm... I think you need to lose the pants Chris... those jeans are rather thick..." I lean back a little, flip him around to unbutton his jeans, and force them down, exposing his boxers with part of it buried in his crack. With his first line of defense off, I grab the paddle again and give both his cheeks some stingy attention.

Slap, slap, slap...

"Mmm..." Slap. "Harder Dylan..." Slap. "Spank me good..." Slap.

After about twenty in total, I rip off his boxers down to his ankles and spread his cheeks apart. The only word I can to describe his ass is hot... It's red like a cherry, and it has a stem barely sticking out otherwise known as the butt plug he kept in all day. I slap center of his cracks and turn on the vibrations to full blast.

"Ah!..." he hisses and moves his hands towards the vibrator. However, I grab that hand and lock it behind his back and use my free hand to play with his ass for a bit.

I grab the outside of the butt plug and wiggle it in circles, driving Chris nuts. He jolts and arches his back. I pull it out a little and ram it back into his love hole, causing him to yelp and moan like a bitch in heat.

"Ah!... Oh fuck! Sss!"

I probe his hot tunnel a few more times before placing it back into its original position, deep within Chris. I then grab the paddle again and tan his ass a few more times, but with a twist this time.

"Try to hold still Chris," I whisper into his ear. He nods with his eyes closed, guess he's too deep into his own little fantasy-world.

I free his hand and using one hand, and reclaim the butt plug again. I pull it out so that only the tip is barely hanging onto his sphincter muscles. Curious, I bend over and see that the muscles are working overtime, desperately working to squeeze the last bit out. I slowly push it in just a little bit. There was a little resistance, but that's what I wanted. While that's going on, I whack his butt hard, five on each cheek. Chris, not expecting the spanks, howls and squirms around.

"Too hard?" I stop what I'm doing and ask.

"A little..." he grimaces, "but keep going, it was just... unexpected..."

"Well I think you've had enough of a spanking."

"What? Why?!" he whines.

"Because, I'm fucking horny right now, and I need some cock down my throat. Now lay on the bed with your legs spread apart."

"Ok fine..." he complains, but I know deep down, he's been longing for some attention. With some help, he manages to kick off the rest of his clothes and lie down on the bed in so position.

"Wow... you can drown a city with that amount of precum Chris..." I coquet at him while licking up the sweet nectar.

"Well when you have a dildo up your ass the entire day, it gets like thaaaaaat-Ah!" he screams in surprise when I engulf his cock entirely. "Oh shit!... What did I say about warning me?"

"Sorry, but I like it when you're surprised," I grin at him, "You have a cute face like that."

"Well stop it-Sss!" he moans again before he can finish his sentence. Yep, I'm going to ignore his whims and do what I want.

While I'm milking out his protein shake, one of my hands glides down to his little marbles while the other finds its way back to the butt plug. With one hand fondling his sexy, nearly hairless balls, the other toys with his tight little pucker by wiggling the vibrating stick of joy.

"Ahh... Oh Dylan!" Chris squeals in delight, "This is... too intense for me!... I'm not... I'm not gonna last long!"

That didn't stop me; instead, I bobbed my head faster, sucking harder even by pressing my lips even closer together. Whenever I get the chance, my tongue would flick pass his foreskin, causing my little angel to buck his hips upward.

"Mmph! Oh shit! It's coming Dylan!... Oh... Oh shit! Fuck!" Chris cries in pure pleasure, "Holy fuck!"

His dick pulsates sporadically as ropes of hot, sticky cum bombards the back of my throat. Oh how I missed his boy juice... that sweet and salty taste... that ammonia-like smell, that... beautiful piece of meat that produces the sweet nectar.

"Mmm... hehehe... that was awesome..." Chris sighs out as he's slowly falling back down from the clouds.

Ever so gently, I twist out the still vibrating plug and turn it off. I flip Chris around so that he's on his back and I pull him closer to the edge by the legs. I rip off all my clothes in one go and mount him.

"Ready for part four?" I growl into his ear. (Part three was the blowjob, if anyone was wondering).

"Fuck me big boy..." he rasps out, barely above a mumble.

I waste no time in shoving my raging boner down his slippery, loose hole and begin pounding the living shit out of him.

"Uh! Oh fuck! Harder Dylan! Hmm!... Fucking give it to me!" Chris grits.

"Naughty boy... you just loved being used by me don't you?"

"Ah!... What are you... talking about? Ah... If anything... you're the one being used... bitch," he pants at me.

"Oh really?..." I challenge. With unnatural willpower, I slow down tremendously and stop for a few seconds once I push all the way in. I then gradually pull out until only my mushroom tip is in his love tunnel, prolonging him from reaching pleasure. "Who's the bitch again?"

"Ah... oh please Dylan!..." he begs.

"Please what?" I sneer at his ear while painstakingly pushing my dick back in.

"Ugh!..." he arches his back again. "Please fuck me!... I'm sorry I called you a bitch!"

"And?" I blow into his ear.

"...I'm your bitch..."

"That's right, and bitches love getting their boy pussy fucked right?"

"Mhm!" he eagerly agrees, "now fuck me god damn it!.... Oh fuck yeah..." he sighs once I start humping him again. "Mmm... oh fuck me Dylan! Fuck my pussy hard..."

"Oh fuck yeah..." I knew I wasn't going to last long anyways. I mean, I didn't relieve myself last night, and we all know what that does to you when you're a horny teenager. "Shit! I'm gonna cum Chris!"

"Plant it deep then," he instructs.

"Oh fuck!" I swoop my arms underneath him and hug him tight. I dig my nails into his sides as I pummel his butt like a engine pump. Then, it happened; that point of no return. "Fuck! I'm cumming Chris!" I scream at the top of my lungs as I spew my load and, as Chris requested, plant it deep in between his two round buns.

One, two, three... I lost count, but I think I shot five good ropes of steamy, pasty semen. My wonder orgasm finishes and I fall down on top of Chris in exhaustion. With both of us panting and covered in sweat, we managed to roll onto our side and me pulling my extremely sensitive cock out.

"Feel better?" Chris asks in between breaths.

"Yeah... much better..." I reply.

"That's good... you should've called me yesterday..."

"I didn't want you to worry," I sigh, stroking his tummy nonchalantly. He stays quiet, as if not being able to find the right words to say.

Well, he didn't need to say anything, because I hear Shadow climbing up the stairs. The clicking sounds of his paws come signify him coming closer, eventually stopping at our door. He whines a little and scratches the door, wanting to come in.

"I'll get it..." I offer as I pull myself off the bed. I open the door and Shadow squeezes through, jumps onto the bed, and sits there, looking at me.

"Looks like he misses you," Chris grins, "He's been like that ever since you left last Thursday."

"Really Shadow? You missed me?" I ask the little puppy while rubbing his head. "But you're Chris's dog."

"Text message Dylan," Chris tells me as he hands me my phone.

"Thanks babe."

"Your dad just texted me. He's currently fishing by the beach."

A smile creeps onto my face when I finish reading the text. Fishing is his little reward for accomplishing something. He wouldn't admit, even after all these years, but I know... This must mean he's found a way to accept me and Chris being together.

"What? Who was it?" Chris asks.

"It's nothing... my dad's finally accepted me," I smile, more for myself than anybody else.

"Really? That's good."

"Yeah... It is..."

The phone beeps off again and I flip it open. "I'm assuming you're staying over tonight." I quickly reply a quick yes and crawl back to snuggle with Chris.

"I'm really lucky to have you Chris..." I whisper at him while combing his hair with my fingers.

"Nah... it's the other way around... I doubt anyone else would enjoy spanking me."

"Oh I wouldn't say that... by the way, does it hurt?"

"A little... but I like it," he grins at me, "but..."

"But what?"

"If you want, can you rub some lotion on it? There's some in the bottom drawer."

"...Sure," I scoff quietly to myself in the process. Chris rolls onto his stomach again and I pull out the bottle of lotion. "So why do you have lotion?" I ask him while massaging his butt.

"Lube is precious for sex, lotion is cheap for jacking off," Chris tells me.

"Ah, of course..."

"So about your birthday Dylan... Ow! Hey!" he protests when I swatted his cheek.

"Please don't do anything..."

"Why though?" Chris pries.

"Because," I explain as my fingers work their way up to his back, "I don't like having to owe people something."

"But it's me where talking about. In fact, I think I owe you for all that you've done for me," Chris refutes.

"It's not you, it's everyone else Chris..."

"...What do you mean?"

"I mean, my sexy little Snuggle Bug, if you plan something with our friends, they'll have to come up with presents, meaning I'll have to pay them back somehow with presents on their birthday. Christmas was different, because we've agreed to exchange gifts, but you know how long it took to decide on which presents to buy. Now to add onto birthdays... it's gonna be not only hard, but also a hassle trying to find the right gift or whatever."

"Hmm..." Chris hums while I work on his legs. Heh... I go from a simple butt lotion process to a full on massage... The things I do for you Chris...

"Tell you what Dylan, I won't do anything too crazy, but I'm still gonna plan something, ok?" he proposes. "Please?"

"...Fine!..." I give into his puppy eyes, "but nothing too crazy!"

"Sure... and I know just the thing," he grins mischievous at me.

"Oh boy..." I roll my eyes and see Shadow tilt his head at Chris's random giggling. "Now turn around so I get your stomach."


Now before anyone asks. No, that is not my birthday, so don't go saying happy birthday to me or anything lol.

As some of you know, school's starting for me, so the chapter's might be coming slower than usual. Sorry!

And as always, remember to donate! And send me emails if you're bored/voice your opinions. (No flaming!)

Next: Chapter 26

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