Three Simple Words

By No Name

Published on Apr 12, 2013


Usual copyright issues. This is my story. Go make your own! >:o So story, ask before posting, etc.

Don't read if your under 18 (umm...sorry, no loophole for this yet), hate these types of stories (seriously, why are you here then...), or if you can't read this because of where you live (drive to a place where you can read it).

Stars are awesome :)

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And best for last! Thanks to all who sent me emails. I really appreciate your support.

Anyways, Chapter 2's ending and chapter 3 :D


Where we left off...

"Can you also be my big brother?" he blushes after saying it. I couldn't help myself. I lift his chin up and lock our lips together again. It felt like that I died and entered heaven again.

I part my lips from his and we both smile. "Weellll..." I toy with him, "I've always wanted a little brother...Sure, I'll be your big brother."

"Yay! I feel like I'm on top of the world!" he gleefully pipes out with a ginormous smile on his face.

"I know Chris, I know." I reply smiling as I pull his body into me and touch his lips with mine once more. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Three Simple Words Chapter 3 "Time to Teach"

Man was that last kiss amazing! Let's just say my soldier stood at attention for Colonel Chris. I guess I can't blame it since my hands were squeezing and groping Chris's bubble butt the entire time. Ok don't be grossed out, but Chris's butt is amazing! It's so round! And squeezable! Not mushy soft, but just the right amount of firmness. Like a stress ball, but sexier and bigger.

Anyways, here we are, making out like crazy. I'm below Chris and my hands are invading his entire back half: his hair, neck, shoulders, back, butt, anything my hands can reach. But Chris just hugs me awkwardly. He seems tense and nervous. I part from his mouth and look into his eyes.

"You seem nervous Chris."

"Oh..." He shies away from my gaze.

"Oh come on Chris. If you want me to be your big brother, you have to tell me what's wrong so that I can fix it." I put on my puppy eyes.

Chris looks at me and snickers.

"Oh, so you think I'm funny huh?" I turn him 180 degrees so that he's sitting on my lap and poke his ribs. He starts giggling and tries to push my hands away.

"Stop it Dylan."

I start tickling him furiously and relentlessly. Let's just say that he won't be feeling his sides for the next few days.Chris gives in and laughs uncontrollably. "DYLAN!! STOP, PLEASE! I'M BEGGING YOU" Chris screams in between laughs. He's squirming around trying to get away from my hands. Needless to say, my little soldier couldn't stand the constant rubbing of Chris's butt.

"Sure, I'll stop...after you tell me why," I say to him while squeezing at his sides. Being horny again, I look down at his crotch area. Sure enough, I see a decent-looking bulge under there. Maybe that's why he was so nervous.

I come back to the real world and hear Chris begging out, "DYLAN! PLEASE! I'LL TALK IF YOU STOP!! I'M GOING TO PEE!" He goes back to laughing.

I break from my trance and realize that I'm still jabbing his sides. I immediately stop by pulling my hands away. Chris takes a few deep breathes and rubs his sides with his hands.

"Alright Chris, start talking," I say as I wrap my hands around his body, just for threatening insurance. Chris droops his head down slightly and blushes.

"If you're not going to talk, my hands might just slip and start...again..." I taunt Chris by wiggling my fingers on his sides. Chris tenses up, but still remains silent. I sigh. If he's not going to say anything, then I might as well start questioning, but I'm pretty sure why he's asking so tense.

"Fine Chris. I guess we'll have to play the guessing game. Question one. Does it have something to do with his?" I plunge my right hand down to his bulge and give it a couple of squeezes. Sure enough, it was as hard as a rock. Chris jumps a little and quips a high squeak out. He then blushes profoundly into a tomato.

"Well, is it Chris?" I start massaging his balls. He tilts his head back and lets out a soft moan. I stop fondling his crotch area. Can't let his have all the fun just yet.

Chris realizes that my hands left his special spot and shoots his eyes wide open. He sits up (still on my lap) and blushes again. Slowly, he nods his head.

I scruff his hair. "Hey, it's ok Chris. Boners will always happen. I mean come on, even I have one right now." Chris looks up at me, and I flash him a smile. "Well, I don't know about you, but I think I need to let one go. And considering your growing problem down there, I think you should too." Chris looks down at his crotch and blushes.

"So, do you want to do it together, or do you want some privacy? I don't wanna force you into anything your not comfortable with." I tell him. Chris looks at his bulge, then looks up at me, confused. I see his eyes puffing up.

"Oh my god! Your parents never gave you the talk , did they Chris?" Tears start stream down his eyes. He shakes his head no again.

With water flowing out of his eyes like a broken faucet, Chris starts bawling like a baby. "I'M SORRY DYLAN! YOU MUST THINK THAT I'M A FREAK."

I rock both our bodies back and forth. "Shhh...Why would I think that Chris?"

"IT'S JUST THAT...I DON'T DESERVE YOU!" he continues crying.

"Of course you deserve me. Don't forget, I love you. No matter what, I'll always be there for you," I whisper into his ear.

Chris calms down a little, "(sniffle) Do you mean that? (hiccup)"

I plant one on his cheek, tasting the salty tears. "Of course I mean that, I'm your big brother now, aren't I?" Chris turns before I can react to it and gives me a massage bear hug. I inhale sharply due to the unexpected embrace. After a split second, I exhale and return the embrace while reclining into the sofa. Chris's bawling settled down into whimpers and sniffling again.

"Thanks Dylan...for everything." he whispers out, but then he totally ruins the moment by hiccupping right after. I stare at him, and we both start giggling.

"Anything for my baby brother," I said as I stroke his hair lazily.

Five minutes pass before I sit up. "So Chris, your parents never gave you the talk huh?"

Chris separates from my chest and sits up, still facing me. "Um...What's the talk?" he asks.

"Wow Chris!... You don't even though what the talk is and you still cried?"

"Sorry Dylan...I just cry a lot..."

I sigh, "It's ok Chris, but promise me this. If you ever have anything questions. Anything at all, no matter how embarrassing, just ask me ok?" I say stressing the anything part.

"Ok...So what's the talk Dylan?"

" know...the talk about...down there." I point down at our area.

"Huh?" Chris tilts his head to the side, "I don't get it..."

"You just want me to be blunt don't you" I reply in a grumpy way as I poke his sides again.

"Hey!" Chris squirms away from my hands, "Stop it!"

I stop and sigh. "Ok Chris, don't blame me if you blush...Have your parents given you the talk about sex yet?"

Chris shrinks away and blushes again. I laugh at his reaction. "So, have they?"


"Well this is awkward...I know what we're doing over the weekend Chris."

"And what's that?"

"I'm giving you the sex talk 101."

Chris's face turns into a strawberry. "Yeah you're right, this is awkward..."

"Anyways, we have three years worth of material to catch up on for you. Do you want to learn it here, or do you prefer your room."

"Um...What do you prefer Dylan?" he asks with his beautiful blue eyes sparkling at me.

"I'd say to go to your room. More private and plus, you have a bed there."

"Ok, lets go up to my room then. Um...follow me."

"I have a better idea." I sweep him up and carry him towards the stairs.

"Hey!" Chris exclaims out.

"Don't hey me. Just enjoy me spoiling you," I nag at him, "Now, which way is it to your room?"

"Fine!" Chris jokingly moans out. "It's up the stairs and the second door on the right."

I follow his directions and enter his room. Once we get there, I throw him onto his bed and I plop my body on top of his.

"Ok Chris, the sex talk." I begin, "I'm going to give you a special lesson because you're a very special boy." I say in a baby voice.

Chris giggles at my acting. "So what's the special lesson?"

"Oh you'll love the special perks I added. Instead of just telling you what to do, I'm going to show you."

"Ok...How are you going to do that?" Chris asks innocently.

I smile wickedly at him, "'ll have to promise me that you'll do whatever I say, and that whatever I tell you, you have to keep quiet. At least until you feel comfortable telling others about it. Ok?"

"Um...ok, sure. I guess." I show him my pinky. Chris smiles and interlocks his pinky with mine.

"Ok Chris. This is going to be extremely awkward for the both of us, but um...can I take off your clothes?" Now it's my turn to blush.

"Oh! Um...why?" Chris, too, is blushing.

" order to show you how to do certain things, you have to be naked. Plus," I pause and whisper into his ear, "I was always curious what sexy body lies underneath those clothes."

Chris blushes even redder. "Ok...but you have to get naked with me then."

"Ok, I'll get naked with you, but after I teach you ok?"

"Ok...But I'm doing this because I trust you," Chris adds.

I slowly move my hands to his collar and start stripping him. I gently tug the collar of his shirt and sweater over his head and remove the pieces of clothing. I give him a smile as his head reemerges. He smiles back at me. I throw the articles of clothing somewhere and I roam both my palms down his chest. His skin's a bit pale, but it's so smooth and firm. I stop briefly at his quarter-sized nipples and give them a gentle squeeze. Chris moans slightly and I see his bulge re-growing. I slide down his delicate sides and towards the zipper of his jeans. Slowly, I unbutton the button and unzip his fly. I push the flaps aside and notice his blue boxer briefs.

"Lift your butt," I whisper in his ear. He lifts them up slightly and I quickly pull his jeans down. Once those were out of the way, I lift his left leg and pull off his ankle socks. I repeat the process with his right foot.

I look at him, with nothing on except a pair of boxers. I take a good look at him. So damn sexy. Oh my god, I just wanna eat him up now. He's so cute, sexy, adorable, and gorgeous!

I trace my eyes down to his blue boxer briefs; they really suit him. What make's them even sexier is the stick sticking straight up making a tent with his boxers. Chris notices me staring and covers his area up by instinct.

I smile at him and lean forward to kiss him. I rest my right knee in between his legs, lean on my right arm, and hold his head with my left hand as I make out with him. As usual, Chris tenses up at first, but then goes limp as our tongues slap against each other.

I part his lips. "Did anyone ever tell you how sexy you are?" I nuzzle into his neck.

Chris blushes. "Stop it Dylan, I'm not sexy."

"Oh yes you are. Not only that, you're also cute, adorable, and drop dead gorgeous." I counter back at him as my hands tease his nipples. Chris giggles. God he's cute. I'm using a lot of willpower to stop my mouth from licking them.

"Dylan! Stop, that tickles!"

"Oh, sorry." I reluctantly depart my hands from his ripe, now hardened, buds. "So Chris, let's see what you've got under these sexy briefs." I grin at him.


"No buts, unless it's your butt." In one quick motion, I pull down his last piece of clothing to reveal my prize. As soon as I see them, my eyes grow wide.

"Holy shit Chris! Your's so hung!" I'm at a loss of words. He's only fifteen, and his dick's almost as big as mine! His cock is uncircumcised with a beautiful mushroom for it's tip. The balls are smooth and hairless, but he has a small pubic mound of gold at the base. I continue staring at his magnificent manhood with an open mouth.

I look up at Chris. ""

"Dylan?" Chris nudges me. "What's wrong?" I snap out of my trance and look at Chris, still with my jaws dropped. "I'm a freak aren't I Dylan..."

"What? No Chris! What makes you say that?"

Chris look down and sniffling again. I lift his chin to meet his eyes. "Chris, listen to me. You are anything but a freak ok? I was just surprised at your size down there. I mean come on! It's freaking huge!"

Chris rubs his eyes with his arm. "But that's bad...isn't it?"

I stare at him; then I start laughing. Chris gives me a confused look.

"I'm sorry Chris! But you're just too much! Woo..." I settle down and gain control of my breathing. "Chris, your size is anything but bad. Most guys would kill for a size as huge as yours!"


"Trust me. You have nothing to worry about down there. You're only fifteen too; it'll probably keep growing."

"Ok...if you say so." Chris still looked unsure.

"Jeeze Chris. Sporting a nice package down there and you still can't seem to have confidence. You have nothing to worry about k?" Chris nods his head. "Good, now to actually teaching to you the basics." I give him some space and we both sit cross-legged.

"Ok. Being at the tender age of fifteen, you should've noticed some changes in your body. Like hair growing near your penis and armpits, your dick getting bigger, and sudden growth spurts out of nowhere. Everything your body is doing right now has a reason behind it. There's a lot to cover, so do you have any general questions before I start explaining in detail?"

"Um...Oh! Why do we grow hair down here?" Chris asks while stroking his pubic mound.

"The hairs, or pubes as most people call it, are there to protect your groin area from rubbing too much when you walk. It's also there to keep your precious cargo warm incase it gets exposed to something cold." I squeeze his balls gently and Chris yelps in surprise. "Anything else Chris? Come on, don't be shy."

Chris does a thinking pose for a while. "Um..." he starts, "there is this one thing...It's only happened twice, but it's strange and hard to say what it is."

"Can you describe it Chris?"

"Um...this past year, I wet my bed twice. But both times, it wasn't pee. The... stuff was white and sticky. Plus, before the white stuff comes out, I have these weird dreams and I catch myself grinding on my bed."

"Aw, my little brother already had his first dreams," I tease out. "What you had is called a wet dream. Long story short for now, your balls produce this stuff called sperm. This stuff is used to make babies. However, you're balls will constantly create them and they have to let some of it out to make room for new ones. That's why you wetted your bed per say. Don't worry Chris, it shouldn't happen again after what I teach you. Anything else?"

Chris shakes his head. "Ok Chris, then let's start with baby making. Because you're going to be my boyfriend for life, I'm not gonna worry too much about a girl's body. Just know that they have bigger breasts and instead of something dangling out in the groin area, they have a hole called a vagina, pussy, cunt, and numerous other names. Now, to create a baby, a guy basically sticks his boner-a hardened penis-into the vagina and shoots the sperm into her. This is called sexual intercourse, or sex for short. These millions of tiny tadpoles will then go insides her, but only one will fertilize an egg inside the girl. After that, a complicated process ensues and in about six months later, a baby comes out. Simple so far, right?"

"Wait. So how does the sperm come out? Are you suppose to pee in the vagina or something?" Chris asks.

"No Chris," I giggle at his question, "but I'm glad you asked. Cause that leads me to the next part, how to make sperm come out. Ok, turn around and sit against me." After some moving around, Chris crawls up to me and nests himself between my legs.

"Now Chris. As a boy, you have four main parts that can make your penis grow hard when you stimulate them: your lips, nipples, butt, and of course, the dick itself. You've already experienced how kissing can turn you on. Now lemme show you what happens when I do this to your nipples."

I immediately plunge my hands onto his nipples. I start massaging his cute, brown, and hairless rosebuds. Chris seems to be enjoying it since he leaned further back into me with his eyes closed. He moans softly and lets out a whimper.

I then adjust my hands to cup his lower rib cages and tenderly stroke in circular motions with my thumbs on his bare nubs. I rotate four times going inwards, then reverse my thumbs' directions (think of two gears mashed together). With each passing stroke, I can feel Chris's velvet peaks getting harder and swollen. His moans are getting louder and longer in duration too.

After another cycle of stroking, I decided to switch positions again. I remove my hands from his rib cage and start rubbing the tips with my index and thumb. This caused Chris to inhale sharply and let out a loud, sexy groan.

"Oh...Dylan...more..." he said softly.

"Shh..." I mumble into his ear. "Just relax and enjoy it," I finish my sentence and nibble on his right earlobe. I'm rewarded with another moan from Chris. By now, my cock's throbbing and longing for some relief, but I refused to give it any attention. I want Chris to enjoy this special moment since it's his first time and all.

After about two minutes of pinching his now stiff crests, I shift my hands again to tease them and whisper into Chris's ear, "How's it feel? Good?" I get a light moan for a response. "Ok, now I'm going to stop and teach you how to please that pulsing cock of yours ok?"

I reluctantly stop my hands from his chest. Chris lets out a whimper. He looks up to me, wanting more attention on his sensitive area.

I flash a grin at him and scruff his hair. "Ok, now to teach you something even better." I reach for his right wrist and guide his hands on his now throbbing shaft. I tell him, "Wrap your fingers around the shaft and make a loose fist... Good, now start sliding your hand up and down... Yeah you're doing great, now keep going that, and whatever you do, don't stop stroking if you feel an itch. Just stroke faster and try to resist that itch for as long as possible k?"

Chris nods and continues stroking. I go back to giving his aching peaks, giving it more attention. As I'm playing with his chest, I murmur into his ear, "Did anyone ever tell you sexy you are?"

"Hmm..." Chris jerks his body upward.

"'re very sexy. Grab your cock harder now, and stroke faster. I want to see you cum Chris. That'd be so hot." I speak into his ear seductively.


"Come on Chris, cum for me. I wanna see you spray your cum all over."

"Uh...uh...argh.hmm...ohh..." Chris moans out with his body humping his hand like crazy. I start pinching and twisting his nipples to bring his sexual height to its climax.

"Come on Chris. You're almost there..." I nibble his ear again.

"Uh...ah, ah, hmm! Oh! Dylan!!" With one final jerk, Chris's entire body spasms about six times and his shaft shoots out five heavy loads of white cream. The first shot lands right in between my hands and on his chest. The second and third right below his sternum, and the last two on his stomach.

Chris continues to stoke his cock. His body shudders once more, and his dick oozes out one more drop of cum. Then, his entire body goes limp. Chris keeps his eyes closed and breathes deeply and heavily. Even his body is glistening from all the sweat he produced.

After few minutes, Chris's breathing becomes more controlled and he opens his eyes. "Wow... That was...amazing Dylan!" He tries to sit up.

"Whoa there little guy." I stop him from sitting up, "You shouldn't move until you've cleaned up yourself." I point at his mess.

"Whoa! Did I make this?" I traces his fingers around middle patch of jizz. He picks up some with his thumb and index finger and sniffs it. "What is this stuff?"

I giggle at his actions. "This stuff is the sperm used to make babies. But no one calls it that. Most people call it cum, jizz, cream, or anything resembling it."

"Oh... I wonder..." Chris traces off. He then opens his mouth and sucks his fingers. He smacks his lips. "It tastes weird."

"Really? What's it taste like?" I ask.

"You try it!"

I wipe off the bit off his tip. He giggles from his now sensitive boy bits. I bring my index finger to my mouth and lick it up. It did taste weird. I've never tried my own, so I don't what to expect, but his was sweet, yet there was a hint of a salty texture to it.

"Hmm, not bad." I said. I take a second helping.

"Eww...Dylan, you're gross!"

"You ate some yourself!" I shot back.

"Yeah, but you're eating it again," he giggles out.

"Hey! It tastes fine to me! Plus, it's healthy!"

"How is it healthy?" he gives those puppy eyes again.

"Well..." I said, "Not only do I get a healthy dose of Chris now, his jizz is also high in protein, which is good for your body."

" if I were to eat mine everyday..."

"No Chris," I cut him, "I don't think it works that way. I mean, it is your own."

"Yeah...I guess you're right..."

I reach to his night table stand and get a couple of tissues to wipe off the rest. Of course, I pay extra attention to the tip. Chris giggles again since it's still really sensitive.

Finishing up, I say, "Ok Chris, what you just did is called masturbation, but again, barely anyone says that. Instead, we use jacking off, beating off, stroking, and if you're in Europe, wanking. So now you know one way to stop having accidents on your bed if you do this everyday." Chris moves off me and sits cross legged, facing me again.

"I have to do this everyday?"

"Well not everyday," I stress," but I'm 99% percent sure that you'll do it everyday now."

"And how do you know," he sticks his tongue out at me.

"Because you are now addicted to playing with your toy down there."

A few minutes pass, and Chris leans forward and asks me, "You said one way, are there more ways to play with it?"

I grin and scruff his hair again. "Another day Chris, another day."

"Aww! Come on Dylan! Tell me!" Chris whines out, nudging my arms.

"Oh god! What have I created?" I laugh out. "No Chris. And besides, your dick needs to rest. You don't want to make feel sore in the morning now do you?"

"Fine...but at least tell me this, does the other ways involve my butt?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" I question him.

"You mentioned before that there are four main parts of my body. My mouth, lips, umm... down here, and my butt." He says as he point down at his area. He's still shy about stuff like this... And I just witnessed his first jack off session. Poor, poor Chris.

" you were paying attention. You just might succeed in learning my gift." I point out.

"Stop trying to change the subject Dylan. Just tell me!"

I couldn't help but laugh at his sudden increase in confidence. Just one jacking off session and he's already asking for more. "Ok Chris, my answer is a definite maybe." I roll backwards and laugh like crazy.

Chris gives me a pouting look, "Fine, don't tell me you big meaning." He folds his hands.

I stop laughing and sit up, "Oh come on Chris, I have an entire weekend teach you."

He turns 180 degrees around. "Hmmm," he grunts out.

I move towards him and drape my arms over his shoulders. I whisper into his ear, "You know...I'm still fully clothed with an aching boner that's wanting some attention." I kiss his cheek. Chris's face lights up and he looks over his shoulder. I move back. "Tell you what Chris. I have a proposition for you if you turn around."

Without a second thought, Chris turns around. "What kind of proposition?" he asks, trying not to sound too excited.

I snicker at his fail attempt to remain cool. "My deal is, if you can strip me of my cloths, I'll let you play with my dick for as long as you want to k?"

"Ok!" he says without a moment to think. He starts closing in on me with his hands, but I grab them.

"Wait! There's a twist!" I smile slyly at him, "You can't use your hands to take off my cloths."

"Then what am I suppose to use?" Chris asks. I let go of his hands and giggle at my dirty mind. Chris looks annoyed and confused. I just open my mouth, stick my tongue out, and rapidly flick it up and down. "Oh! You want me to use my mouth!"

"Bingo Chris! Good luck!" I smile goofily at him, "Just be careful at certain places, and start with the shirt."

I raise my arms up, and Chris stands on all fours and leans towards me. He bites the collar of my shirt, and lifts it up. Without him noticing, I help him along the way by putting my arms into my sleeves and raise up the shirt. I set my arms down and Chris tugs my shirt off my arms.

He then crawls towards my jeans and tugs on the buttons. I lean back and rest on my upper body on my locked arms. After numerous attempts, Chris finally manages to pull the button free. He moves his head and bites the zipper. Ever so slowly, he unzips my jeans. As Chris moves down my zip- line, I feel every molecule of his hot breath blowing through my boxers. It was simply erotic.. I lift my butt slightly so that Chris can pull the jeans from under my ass. He forcefully drags my jeans down to my knees. He then lowers his head to bite the leggings above my right (his left) ankle. He tugs the opening through my feet and repeats the process on the other side.

After my pants were removed, I sit up. Chris gives me a questioning look and I just smile at him. "Since you've been doing such a great job, I've decided to give you a freebie." I take off both my socks. No way I'm letting his precious lips touch something so disgusting. I lie back against the wall.

"Oh yeah Chris, be careful with my boxers...teeth hurts, if you know what I mean," I bring up.

"Hmm," Chris gives me the thumbs up sigh. Being ever so gentle, Chris grabs the band of my boxers with his teeth. He tugs down and down my dick goes with the boxers. With a final tug, my dick frees itself and slaps back against my stomach, and Chris quickly removes my boxers. There I am now, with an erected piece of iron, completely naked next to my boyfriend.

I look at Chris, and there he is, smiling like an idiot. "I guess I win huh?"

"You should do should do. But first, come closer." He does, and I grab him in for a kiss. I let my hands explore his body again, but particularly his manhood. It is the first time I've seen them, let alone grope them. Chris moans through our kiss and melts into goo again. I part his trembling and wet lips. Chris gives off his cute whimper again, but nonetheless, sits up and looks at me.

"It's all yours Chris, just be gentle." I smile at him.

Chris just nods and eagerly grabs hold of my seven inch manhood. He then starts touching it and feeling the texture of it. As for me, I'm in complete ecstasy. Cloud nine, here I come.

"Hey Dylan. Why is there slimy clear stuff coming out? Am I hurting you."

I hear him asking and struggle to leave my cloud nine. I manage to come back to the real world. "No, you're doing nothing wrong, that's just precum. It's basically a natural substance that makes the penis slippery. That way, it won't hurt as much when entering a vagina."

"Oh, I thought I was doing something wrong."

"No, I'll tell you if it hurts."

"Ok. What's it taste like?" Again with the taste. I guess it's a good thing, right?

"I don't know, why don't you try it?" I said jokingly.

Chris takes it the wrong way and literally licks the tip of my cock. A chill runs down my spine and a load moan escapes from my mouth.

"Oh god Chris! Please don't do anything too hasty yet!" I struggle out while squirming.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

I wince due to the unfamiliar touch my dick just received. "Just...use your hands ok? I don't want you to do anything you might regret later."

Chris gives me a devilish smile, "Oh you mean that I shouldn't do this?" He plunges down and licks my shaft. Oh my god did it feel amazing, but part of me keeps telling me to push Chris away and stop.

"Uh...Chris..." I manage to say out, "Please...stop..." I squirm and lithe around like a snake on sand. Chris ignores me and continues licking up and down. After a few more licks, Chris swirls his tongue around the slit and jacks me off furiously. By then, my body's given in and responding to Chris's touch only.

"Hmm! Umph! Oh! Uh!! Chris... I'm...I'm gonna...I'm gonna cum!" I spew my load onto Chris's unexpected tongue. Chris moves away, but the second and third rope shoots out and hits him right on the face. The last few strings dribble out and rest on my stomach next to my pubes.

"Eww, Dylan! Your sperm hit my face!"

I breathe heavily and open my eyes. What an amazing sight to see. Chris, receiving a facial from me. The two ropes of cum just so happen to land on his forehead and nose. It's even starting to drip down his face.

"It' get..." I speak out in between breathes.

"What for?" he pouts out.

"For...not listening to me..." I say after calming down, "Now come over here so I can clean you up."

He leans forward towards me and I lick my cum off his face. I then kiss him and feed him some of my cum. Chris just melts again. I part from him and grab some tissues to wipe off my cum. But Chris had other plans.

"Wait Dylan." He goes back down and mops up the white goo with his tongue. "Hmm...I like yours better. It takes...sweeter," he announces after smacking his lips. He then comes up to me kisses me, mimicking what I just did to him. He removes his lips and rests his face on my chest.

"Chris," I say while rubbing his hair, "are you sure you've never done this sort of stuff before?"

"Nu-uh...You're the only person who's ever been my friend, let alone being my knight in shining armor..." he said sadly.

I give his body a squeeze. "Well then, it's their loss for missing out on being with such a wonderful sexy boy. But seriously, what made you have the impulse to lick my dick? Shouldn't it gross you out?"

"Well it did at first, but then I was curious what it tastes like. It didn't taste bad to be honest; I kinda liked the taste of"

"Oh come on Chris. You need to be comfortable saying these words. Don't worry, no one's to judge. And if they do, tell them to back off."

"Ok fine," Chris groans out, "I like the taste of your um...dick..." He blushes after saying the word.

"Oo, you said a bwad word Chwis. I'm twelling on wu." I baby talk and point at him.

"Shut up." Chris gives me a shove. We both end up laughing.

"Now was that so hard to say?"

" feels weird though..."

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it soon enough. Now then, you said you like the taste of it?"

"Oh yeah. I did. I thought of your cock," Chris giggles at the word, "as a lollipop, so I kept licking it. Are you mad at me?" He gives me his puppy eyes.

"I'm not mad...just surprised Chris. I mean, I was suppose to teach you this some other time. Who knew you had it in you?"

"So using your mouth is part of sex too?"

"Kinda. It's called oral sex, but when giving it to guys, it's called a blowjob. What you were doing isn't it, but it still felt good regardless."

"So what's the correct way to do it?"

"There's a time and place for everything. Don't worry, I'll tell you soon enough."

"But Dylan! How soon is soon?!" Chris protested like a five year old.

"Tomorrow if you stop putting that cute pouting face every time you get mad," I laugh at him.

"Deal!" he grins out.

"Ok, now I think we both need a shower. We both were sweating from out sexual encounter."

We both hop off the bed and Chris leads the way to the bathroom. The bathroom is consists of two sinks with a big mirror in front. There then is another door that leads to the toilet and a bathtub with shower curtains.

"Wow rich are your parents again?"

"Pretty wealthy..." Chris looks down.

"But they never have time for you right?" I finish for him. He nods. I walk up to him and give him a massive bear hug. "Well, they don't know what they're missing."

Chris sniffles and returns the embrace. "Thanks Dylan. You know what, let's go use my parents' restroom. They have a small hot tub." Chris lets go and runs out the bathroom and down the hall. I shake my head and follow suit. A hot tub...really? I'd kill for a hot tub. I reach the much larger bathroom with the tub being filled half way with hot water.

"Come on Dylan!" Chris says as he tugs on my arm acting just like a little kid with a new toy. As the tub's getting filled up, Chris goes to one of the drawers and pulls out two bottles.

"Which flavor do you like more? Bubble gum or strawberry?" Chris puts the two bottles in front of my face with a cheerful smile.

I grab the bubble gum flavor bottle and pop open the cap. I give it a whiff and then repeat the process with the other bottle. "Definitely strawberry."

He smiles again and puts the bubble gum flavor back into the drawer. He then pours the strawberry scented content into the now filled up tub. I step into the tub and sit where a jet was. Chris puts the bottle away and joins me. After getting used to the temperature, we both sigh deeply.

"Chris," I look over to him, "what did you pour in here?"

"Oh, it's a type of bath oil. It's suppose to be good for your skin, but I use it for the smell." Sure enough, the entire place soon smelled of strawberries.

"Well then, I guess I'll relax then and enjoy the water." I sink my head lower into the tub and enjoy the jets massaging my pain away and loosening my body.

Not maybe a minute passes and I feel a body sit on top of me. My instincts take over and immediately hug the small figure.


"Yes my cute sexy beast?"

He snuggles deeper into me. "Today's been the best day of my life. Thanks." he sighs out and joins with me in relaxing.

"No problem, it's what are big brothers for."

We stayed in the hot tub in the same position for quite some time. Maybe about twenty minutes, I decided to get up and start preparing dinner for my special boy. I get up, but right when I get out the tub, "Oh shit!"

"Hmm? What's wrong Dylan?"

"Well this is embarrassing. I left my duffle bag of cloths in my car. Huh, that usually doesn't happen."

"I'll go get it for you." Chris offers. "Where did you put it?"

"It's in the trunk. Let's get you dressed first, then you can go down and get it ok?"

"Sure." Chris joins me. I stop the jets and pull the plug to drain out the water. Meanwhile, Chris walks to the closet and pulls out a towel. He hands one to me and I wrap it around his head.

"Hey!" Chris shouts and tries to get away.

"Oh stop moving and lemme dry your hair. Sheesh." He stops moving and I rub his hair to get the water out. I then lower the towel around his neck, showing his face. "Oh there's my beautiful boy." I kiss his on forehead. Chris giggles in return. I pat dry his body, paying extra attention to his cheeky butt and groin area. By the time I finished him, Chris is sporting a semi. I take the same towel and quickly dry myself off. I see the hamper by the corner and I drop it in there.

"Ok Chris, to your room."

"But...wait!" Chris shouts out. "I'm naked," he whispers.

I turn around. "This is your lesson in confidence," I tell him. "What better way to boost your confidence than to show off your proud-looking junk?" Chris blushes and shies away. "Oh come on Chris, there's no one around, and besides, you can put on clothes once we reach your room. Now come on, let's go!"

I leave the restroom and Chris quickly follows behind. We both end up back in his room.

"Now was that so hard Chris?"

"...Not felt exciting and naughty," he blushes again.

"Oh boy, what have I created?" I joke, "Now, where are your cloths?"

He points at his closet and I walk towards it. I open it and start rummaging through his clothes. I wanted to pick out an outfit that'll bring out his sexiness. In the end, I settle with a black D.C. shirt with really dark blue basket ball shorts. As for his undergarments, I picked a sexy green boxer briefs that'll hug his ass tightly.

"Here Chris." I throw the clothes to him. He puts them on, and I whistle. I sure can impress myself in clothes picking. "Wow Chris. As if you couldn't be any more sexier."

"Stop it Dylan, you're embarrassing me." he blushes out.

"Hey, that's also part of my big brother job." I grin at him.

"Now go help me get my clothes or else no dinner for you!"

"Ok!" He quickly dashes out of his room and down the stairs. I just lie down on his bed and let my thoughts go wild for the meantime. More specifically, how am I going to get his parents to stop working so much. It's clear that his parents care about Chris, otherwise, they would've sent him to boarding school or hired a maid to take care of him and not worry. And bringing in the worrying, his mom made a big deal about me coming over. I'm pretty sure she's afraid of something happening to Chris. I let out a big sigh and sit up as I hear the front door opening. I'll worry about this later.

A few moments later, Chris comes up with a duffle bag and Jansport backpack. "Is this the right bag? And I also brought up your backpack."

I take the bags from him. "Thanks Chris," surprise forehead kiss, "you're the best!"

He blushes again. " problem." I quickly put on a T-shirt, boxers, and the other pair of jeans I had on earlier.

"How does pasta sound for dinner?"

"Can I help?" Chris cheers excitedly while jumping up and down.

"Sure, of course you can."

"Yay!" he pipes out.

We both walk downstairs into the kitchen. Once there, I go into the cabinets and fridge looking for the ingredients. Mrs. Tanner did not disappoint; the place is crammed with stuff. I pull out a pan, a pot, and all the other stuff I'm going to need. I set the stuff on the countertop and fill the pot with water. Once that was filled up, I set it on the stove and turn the knob for fire.

Turning around, I ask Chris, "So, have you ever cooked before?"

" parents never taught me anything, and they don't trust me with fire. They usually just leave money for me to order pizza or something." I make a mental note to avoid pizza whenever I'm over here.

"Ok Chris. Today will also be your first cooking lesson. I'm gonna teach you how to make pasta with Alfredo sauce."

"That sounds yummy..."

"It better be Chris. I'm making it special just for you. Ok, first, we wait for the water to boil. When it starts shooting bubbles, set the noodles in ok?" He responds with a nod and I turn around to get the other stuff ready.

I get out the mushrooms and start wiping them one by one. Right when I finish, Chris yells for me, "Dylan! The bubbles are here!"

I set down paper towel and walk towards him. "Ok Chris. Grab that bag of pasta and tear it open." He pulls apart an opening. "Good, now just dump the noodles in. Now keep an eye on the water. When suds start forming, call me," I set the lid on and get a cup of water. Sure enough, by the time I walk back from the sink, Chris calls me saying the suds are forming. I open the lid and sprinkle the cup of water into the pot.

"Ok last step, when it forms suds again, open the lid and close the fire." I tell Chris. I go back to the cabinets and find a drainer. I turn on the cold running water and set the drainer under it. I turn around and see Chris turning off the fire. I walk over to him, carry the pot over to the sink, and dump the contents into the drainer. After a few minutes, I turn off the water and take out the drainer to set it aside.

"Ok, the noodles are done. Now to make the sauce. Do you know how to cut stuff with a knife Chris?" He shakes his head no. "Ok, it's easy." I pull out a knife and cutting board and walk over to the mushrooms.

"This is what you do." I sliced a tiny bit of the head, then flipped it upside down so it doesn't move. I then chopped it into pieces.

Chris looks at my skills with wonder. "Oh! I wanna try!"

I hand him the knife, "Just be careful ok? Take it slowly." I watch him for a few minutes just in case. After he finishes his third mushroom, I go and get another set of cutting equipment. I grab a bunch of garlic and start dicing those up. Have more experience, I finish first and put the tiny pieces of garlic into a little dish. I then put oil into the pan and turn on the fire for it.

"Dylan! I'm done!"

"Ok!, I'm coming." I walk over to him. "Let's see how you did." I inspect his handiwork. "Hmm, not bad for your first time Chris." He beams out his pride and gives a goofy smile. I scruff his hair, "Don't get too cocky."

I walk back to the pan to see if the oil's heated up. Sure enough, it is. I quickly sizzle some bacon and put them on a paper towel to remove the excess oil. I apply more oil into the pan and bring back the best food in the world and quickly chop them into pieces.

"Get two bowls Chris." He brings back to bowls. I set the mushroom and bacon into their respective cups. I walk back to the fire.

"Chris, hand me the garlic and the mushrooms." He brings both, one in each hand. "Ok Chris, careful. Garlic likes to pop when set on oil."

Tzaaa went the garlic as I throw it into the pan. I grab the spatula and move the garlic around. After they settle, I throw in the mushrooms and hand the spatula to Chris.

"Just keep moving them around." I grab the salt container and throw some salt in. "Keep tossing them until the water dries up." I go to the stash of ingredients and grab the heavy whip cream, milk, and a few eggs. I crack the eggs into a bowl and throw away the yolk. I then pour half a quart of the cream, and a cup of milk into the bowl. Just as I finish stirring the mixture, Chris calls me over.

I bring the mixture, bacon, and pepper over and dump the bacon and mixture into the pan. I set the fire on medium and sprinkle some black pepper. A couple of stirs and I put the lid on it.

I look over to Chris and tell him, "And now we wait for fifteen minutes. Help me set the table." Chris runs along and brings the utensils to the table.

Before I know it, fifteen minutes have passed and I close the fire. Chris was smart and put the two bowls and a container on the countertop. I divide the noodles into two parts and throw them into the bowls. I then dump half a bowl of the white gooey mess into each bowl and put the rest into the container.

Grabbing both bowls, I walk towards the tables. There, I see Chris sitting there and waiting patiently for the food. I place a bowl in front of him and I sit next to him.

Chris takes a bite and his eyes grow big and starts devouring the bowl. Taking in too much at once, he chokes and tries to swallow. I laugh at him and pat his back.

"Slow down Chris! Sheesh, no one's gonna steal from you."

He manages to suppress noodles. "Sorry, but it's delicious!"

I chuckle, "Well, I did have a helper today to make it easier. But thank you."

I look over at him and he's at it again, taking too much in one go. I shake my head in disapproval and pat his back again. I proceed to eat my own, and I have to say, it did taste good.

We finish the food, and we recline into our chairs. Chris lets out a burp.

"Excuse me," he says and blushes.

I just laugh at him. "Way to kill the moment." I look over at him and see the white remains of the sauce covering the corners of his lips. I snicker at him.

"What wrong Dylan?"

I stop snickering. "Oh nothing, just your lips remind me of what you did this afternoon." I crack up.

"What do you mean?" he looks confused.

"Wow, you really are innocent aren't you? Ok, next lesson in growing up, getting innuendos."

"What are innuendos?"

"Phrases that have more than one meaning, usually a hidden dirty meaning. For example, you. There's white gooey stuff on the your lips." Chris's face turns red and he quickly wipe the stuff of his mouth.

I laugh like crazy. "Congratulations on completing the lesson Chris!"

"Shut up" he punches me on the arm slightly.

"Wow Chris...I make you dinner and this the thanks I get?" I pout out.

"It's what you get," he grunts out. I giggle at him. He's still at that twelve year-old stage.

"Ok Chris. I'm sorry, but bare this in mind, every teenage boy will think of ways to twist your words like what I just did. It's part of our nature."

"Ok...apology accepted. But only cause you've been so nice to me."

I hug him and kiss him on the forehead. "How about a movie? Do you have any?"


We clean up the table, throw the dishes into the dishwasher, and talk towards the living room. Chris goes into the shelf and I follow close behind.

"What to see..." I scan the shelf. Most movies seemed boring, so I let Chris decide. Chris walks up to the shelf, closes his eyes, and pulls out a random movie, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

"Is this one ok?" he asks.

"Sure, I don't see why not."

I walk to the love seat, and he puts the CD in and presses play. After doing so, Chris walks over and sits right on my lap. I wrap my arms around him and take in a deep waft of his hair again. It still smelled like strawberries from the hot tub.

"So Chris, when did you get so bold and have the guts to sit on me?" I said jokingly.

"Oh...I'll get off if you want me to..." He starts shifting his weight.

"What? No!" I quickly recuperate and quickly pull him back in, "I'm just wondering. Before this day, you've been awfully quiet. But now, you're acting so bright and bubbly."

"I don't know...I guess it's because I like you."

"Well I like you too," I reply.

Then, silence. Just awkward silence between the two of us. Sure the movie's going on, but that's not important.

Finally, Chris breaks the tension, "Dylan..."

"I know Chris...I know..." I soothe him by rubbing his lean stomach.

"Well I still want to say it...I love you," he softly mumbles out.

Those words strike me and throw me off my seat (figuratively). Three words that were music to my ears: I love you. I've only dreamed of Chris saying it to me. Three simple words that I've longed and ached to hear. And I've finally discovered them. Those phrase sounded like bells chiming through my ears and leaving a lasting image in my mind. I hug Chris tightly as tears of happiness flow down my eye sockets.

"I love you too Chris...I've always have," I manage to whisper out softly. I feel like the luckiest man in this universe right now. If I were to die right now, I'd be satisfied with my life. But then again, heaven doesn't include Chris, so I'll stick around for a bit longer.

Chris hands me some tissues and comments, "It feels weird saying it and hearing you say it..."

Clearing my nose and cleaning my eyes with the tissues Chris hands me, I reply, "Well better get used to it, cause I'm gonna keep saying it until you get sick of those words. Then I'll probably say it another million times for good measures."

Chris giggles and we both sit back and enjoy the rest of the movie, but more of enjoying the other's presence.

By the time the movie ended, the clock read 11:00. Chris and I both rub our eyes and get up to stretch. Chris walks over to the screen and cleans up the area. Right after he puts the case back into the shelf, I sweep him off the floor.

"Hey!" he giggles out.

"Come on you, you need a quick shower, and so do I." I start walking towards the stairs.

"Aww, but why? We've already cleaned ourselves today," he protests.

"Yeah, but you were helping me in the kitchen today. All that grime and oil are probably stuck in your hair and skin right now."

I arrive at the bathroom's doorway and let Chris down. "Now make it fast, I have to shower too."

Chris goes in and closes the door. A few moments afterwards, I hear the water running. I turn around to his room and get my stuff ready.

"I wonder what he wears to bed," I say to myself. "I'll find out soon enough." I fall onto his bed and stare at the ceiling fan.

I hear the water turn off and the bathroom door open. After the stomping sounds Chris's feet make, I see him walk into the room in the buff. He sees me and instantly covers his boy parts, only after turning into a radish again. It's nice to see him being more confident.

I just walk pass him with my towel and scruff his hair without saying a word. I enter the bathroom, set my stuff on the sink, and turn on the water. I strip down to nothing and enter the shower to let the hot water loosen my joints. It's been a long and hard day (pun intended!). I lather myself up and clean myself in five minutes flat. I turn off the water and brush my teeth. After that, I quickly use the hairdryer and let out all the moisture in my hair. I put on a pair of boxers, basketball shorts, and a plain T-shirt. I enter Chris's room and I see him fully clothed, lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling.

"So Chris, where do I sleep?" I ask him.

"Um...if you don't mind, can you sleep with me?" he asks ever so softly.

I walk over and sit on the edge of the bed. "Sure I'll sleep with you, but on two condition."

"...What are they?"

"One, you have to ask me in a louder voice. I can barely hear you half the time. You have nothing to be ashamed of Chris. Just be bold and ask; I won't judge...most of the time."

"Ok..." He then struggles out the question again. "Dylan, can you sleep with me?" he says a bit louder.

"What was that? I can't hear you," I tease him.

"Will you sleep with me tonight?!" Chris half shouts out, but then immediately shrinks in size.

"Of course I'll sleep with you. Now was that so hard?"

Chris slowly shakes his head.

"Jeeze Chris, where did all that confidence in the living room go to? "

He just shrugs his shoulders, but gives his breathtaking smile.

"So what's the second condition?" he asks.

I give him an impish smile. "We have to sleep naked." Chris's face turns scarlet red. I snicker at him and move my hands closer to his pants. Without a second thought, I rip off both his briefs and shorts. He's sporting a semi, but it's growing harder by the second. I look up to him and smile.

"I'll fix that later," I whisper in him ear as I grab off his shirt and toss all his clothing aside. I then quickly strip off my clothes.

"Lay down Chris, I want your sexy body tonight," I seductively whisper out.

Chris lies down on his bed. I move his hands above his head and spread his legs apart to give me full access. I sandwich both my legs on one of his, making sure my knees are just barely touching his cute ball sack. I feel the heat from his groin area radiating onto my legs. I grab hold of both his wrists and I proceed to go down and kiss his sweet lips furiously and roughly.

About five minutes of furious tongue work, I leave his mouth. He lifts his face up, not wanting me to depart, but he's out of reach due to my hands holding his down. He whimpers, but gasps sharply as I roam my tongue around his quarter-sized nipples. I start with the right one and swirl a few, slow circles around it with my tongue. I then drag my tongue across his chests and onto the left one. I repeat the process, giving his right (my left) nipple the same amount of attention. Chris moans like never before and is trying to hump my leg.

"Don't move your hands Chris," I say in a husky voice. I let go, and he keeps his hands away from his body. I grasp his dick with my right hand and start pumping it rapidly. Chris lets out a loud moan and bucks his hips.

"Uh...Oh...Umph! Agh! Dylan!...Uh! Huh! Oh...Dylan...I'm...I'm...I'm cumming!" True to his words, he shoots out four ropes of steaming-hot cum. The first one lands on his left nipple, while the rest never make it pass his stomach.

I give him a few extra strokes, and he spasms one more time and rewards me one more droplet of white cream. I wipe that bit off with my finger and put it in my mouth. I then proceed to suck up his seed and clean him up.

I finish and kiss him, feeding him some of his cum. Chris rests his hand on my back and pulls me in deeper. Our bodies are now right next to each other, with my boner poking his leg.

I lift myself off him. "Ok, my turn!" I lie down and spread my legs. Chris quickly gets up and grabs hold of my dick with both his hands. Using both hands, he strokes my piece of iron with both his hands. I let loose my mouth and let all the moans and groans escape my mouth.

"Hmm...Chris...your hands are so hot...stroke faster!" My mind flashes images of me doing some very naughty stuff with my sexy boy. Then, the image of me accidentally giving Chris the facial drives me over the edge.

"Oh!...Chris...I'm cumming!" I shout out as I buck my hips forward and loosen my aching balls. Ten spasms I count, but only five actually had something come out. Most of the cum on my chest. My breathing becomes heavy, and I enter cloud nine again. I then feel a soft, wet object touch my chest. I open my eyes and see Chris mopping up my cum. He finishes and sets his body on mine. I lower my hands and wrap it around his skinny frame. We stay like that for a few minutes.

What seemed like forever passes, and I pat Chris's butt, motioning him to get off. He rolls over, and I get up to close the lights. After closing the lights, lie on his bed and pull the covers over up. I face Chris, and he scoots slightly closer to me, but stops just before he enters the spooning area. I give him a disapproving sigh. I grab his sides and pull him into me. He gets scared for a moment, but then relaxes.

"Remember what I said about confidence Chris?" I whisper in his ear.

"Sorry, I'll keep trying. I promise..." he responds. "I love you."

I lean over and kiss his forehead. "I love you too. Now, let's get some sleep."

I hug him tightly, with my right arm over his stomach, and my left over his chest. It's like I'm protecting him from harm. I smile at the thought of finally having Chris as my boyfriend, and slowly drift off into sleep. I couldn't see, but Chris too, is smiling contently as he scoots his butt closer into me. I squeeze him tighter and we both slowly drift off into dream world. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

End of chapter 3.

Well, now you kinda know why I chose the title. If you didn't, it means you didn't read it completely! Go back and find it! Rawr! (This chapter is roughly 21 pages, so good luck lol).

For those who did read it, just in case anyone's wondering about the dish, unfortunately, I don't remember the exact details. If you want to make it, google/bing/yahoo/facebook search for the recipe. Or better yet, play with the recipe. :D

Note Apparently, my college is being mean and assigned a research paper. So that means I'll have to write another 10 pages on some part of history for the next 10 weeks. While it doesn't seem hard, I have to do a lot of research and crap. So bare with me if I don't post something once every week. I will absolutely try to post something every so often, but don't hold your breath.*

Well that's all for now. Email me to say hi! I've met some great people through email. Thanks for me so supportive! (>^.^)> <(^.^<)

Next: Chapter 5

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