Three Weeks Sober

By brittany martinez

Published on Jan 20, 2007


This story is completely fictional. Any similarities to any person or events past or present are purely coincidental. This story is rated M for drug use, violence, relationship between two young men and self harm. If this material is offensive to you, or it is not legal for you to be reading this type of material please don't read any further. Comments are more than welcomed that way I know what needs to be changed or altered.

Three Weeks Sober

Chapter One

Fear of Falling

"You will never know true happiness until you have truly loved,

and you will never understand what pain really is until you have

Lost it." ~ By Anonymous

February 12,

I press my forehead against the cold bus window and watch the scenery flash by in a mix of different colors. I let out a heavy sigh which ends up fogging up the window. Today is suppose to be the first day of my so-called "new life" four weeks ago my parents forced me to move with them to Silverplum, Arizona population; 467. I lean back in my seat as the bus comes to a stop, I roll my eyes out of habit I guess and look down at my hands as I start fidgeting with my fingerless gloves. I wasn't too thrilled when my parents told me that we were moving and I'm still not to happy now that we're here. Even though I'm eighteen now I still can't move out until I graduate high school ^Ö they made that rule when I got held back my freshmen year but whatever, I can last three more months in this hell hole. The bus starts moving again but I'm too lost in my thoughts and the music coming from my headphones to notice anything around me.

"I know what runs through your blood You do this all in vain Because of you my mind is always racing And it gets under my skin To see you giving it And now your trip begins but It's all over for you."

I let out another sigh and glance back out the window. I miss California; I miss the warm weather and just^Å my old town. I was born in Hollister; I grew up there and have lived there my whole life. All my friends are there. Now I'm in a different environment ^Ö something I'm not used to. Suddenly I feel a light tap on my shoulder, I turn to find a girl with long blonde hair holding her books up against her chest standing at the edge of the seat. I pull one of the earphones out of my ear and look at her. She laughs softly and then smiles.

"Mind if I sit next to you?" I move my backpack out of the way but don't answer her. I'm not in a talking mood right now. She sits beside me and places her books on her lap and turns to talk to a red haired girl beside her. I hear them both giggle which only makes me roll my eyes to myself. Then the blonde girl looks at me again. "I'm Angie."

I look at her and let out another sigh. "Jamie." I lean my head back and close my eyes briefly.

"Did you just move here?" she asks which is now starting to irritate me.

"Yeah, a few weeks ago." I answer trying not to let my annoyance show in my voice.

"Where from?"


"Oh my god that is so cool!" She turns to look at her red haired friend beside her and they both start giggling again. Girls like that really annoy me, I'm in a bad mood as it is and they just make it worse. Finally the bus stops again but this time we're in front of Chatfield Senor High. "If you need help finding anything, just ask k?" Angie says as she stands up and smiles again.

I nod my head just to get her to go away, which works because as soon as I do she turns and walks off the bus. I roll my eyes as I get off the bus and step on to the campus. Already I don't want to be here. I throw my messenger bag over my left shoulder and bit down on my bottom lip; feeling my lip ring against my tongue. I walk up to the main building, a small brown colored building with the words administration over the door. I open the glass door and walk in. Inside its much warmer and the smell of coffee fills the office. I walk slowly over to the front desk where a middle aged woman with strawberry blonde hair and a slim green vest in typing rapidly at her computer. "Can I help you?" she says to me without looking up from the computer.

"Um^Å yeah. I'm here to see Mrs. Peterson?" I answer looking down at the desk.

"Go right in, her office is the second door to the left."

I nod my head and walk in the direction the woman told me to, when I get to a door that says Andrea Peterson on it, I knock softly. "Come in" says a soft woman's voice. I open the door and walk in; Mrs. Peterson is sitting behind her desk talking on the phone. "Well^Å we'll just have to cancel the meeting now wont we? Yeah^Å Well^Å Mr. Lawson, I have to go, I have a student here. Okay, bye." She hangs up the phone, takes a deep breath and looks at me with a smile. "Hello, I'm Mrs. Peterson, you must be Jake."

"James." I correct her.

"James, right." She motions for me to take a seat in on of the chairs in front of her desks. I do. She types my name into the computer and my transcripts pop up. "Lets see here^Å so you're a senior?"


"Okay." She looks at the computer for a few moments then back at me. "if you don't mind me asking, why did your parents decide to move in the middle of your senior year? That must have been hard for you."

I take a deep breath and try not to feel so uneasy. "I just^Å had a lot of problems at my previous school." I tell her.

"As in, school problems? Were you getting in trouble?" she asks, her voice takes on a serious tone.

"N-no, nothing like that. Depression problems. Personal stuff." I say hoping she wont try to pry herself into my personal life anymore than she already has.

"Okay^Å it looks like we can get you in everything you need and you'll be all ready to graduate in June." She says tapping a pencil against her lips. "But um^Å it says that you missed a month of school before you moved here, what for? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." She says holding out my schedule.

I stand up and take the paper from her hand. "I choose not to." I say as I walk out of her office. So what if I missed a month of school, that's nobody's business but my own. Besides, it's just that happened in the past that I don't wish to bring up anytime soon. I walk down the hall to my first class, remembering what would happen if I was still in California if nothing had changed. I walk into the classroom and my English teacher assigns me an empty desk in the back by a window. All through class I'm pretty much spacing out not paying attention to the grammar packet I'm suppose to be doing. Suddenly the teacher tells us to put it away and take out our copies of Hamlet, which I haven't gotten yet. While he's talking about the play I think back a year ago when I had to read Hamlet my junior year^Å


"So wait, it's a requirement to read a play about some crazy guy who keeps seeing his father's ghost?" Preiston says as he walks over to me dribbling a basketball. I look at him and smile.

"Yup, that's what I have to read. Don't you remember reading it?" I ask him.

"Nope, I don't think I showed up when we did anything involving Shakespeare ." he sits beside me and runs his hand through his dark brown hair making me smile.

"I should have figured." I say laughing softly.

"What? You know I'm not the reading type."

"I know." I look back down at the book and start reading to myself.

"Give me that." He says pulling the book out of my hand. "Do not, as some ungracious pastors do, Show me the steep and thorny way to heaven; Whiles, like a puff'd and reckless libertine, Himself the primrose path of dalliance treads, And recks not his own rede." He read from the book as he stood up.

"Gimme my book." I say standing up as well and holding out my hand for it.

"Tell me one thing and be honest." He says tossing the book aside and grabbing my arm. "Does that book mean more to you than me?"

I look into those emerald green eyes of his and smile. "Nothing means more to me than you."

He smiles. "Good answer." I feel his arms wrap around my waist as he kisses me softly. "I love you Jamie, promise me we'll always be together."

"I promise."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The sound of a book hitting hard against my desk snapped me back to reality. I look up to find Mr. Morris standing over my desk looking down at me. "Well Mr. Diaz, do you feel like joining the class now?" The whole class starts laughing as he turns to walk back towards the front of the classroom saying something about how only ignorant people daydream in class. I lay my head down on the desk and close my eyes. Why can't things just be as they were before?

A/N- Well that's it for now. Tell me what you guys think okay? More feedback equals faster updates because then I know what exactly I need to do to improve the story. So please feel free to send feedback.

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When The People We Love Are Taken From Us, The Way To Have Them Live On Is To Never Stop Loving Them... Buildings Burn, People Die... But Real Love Is Forever... -The Crow

Next: Chapter 2

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