Three Weeks Sober

By brittany martinez

Published on Feb 3, 2007


Hey guys, I love the responses I'm getting from this story! Thank you all, you guys rock! Well anyways, this chapter has a bit of steamingness in it, not too much, but a lot of making out lol. Enjoy!

Three Weeks sober

Chapter Five

True Love Never Dies

I'm lying in the grass in front of the school waiting for someone to come pick me up since I missed the stupid bus. I let out a heavy sigh as I stare up at the light grey sky. I remember when Preiston and I use to hang out in front of my house staring up at the sky and talking about our future ^Ö something I won't ever have, not with him anyways. I cover my eyes with my hands and try desperately not to cry. Suddenly I hear a car horn honk; I slowly sit up to see my dad's car a few yards away from me.

I roll my eyes as I pull myself on to my feet and walk over to the car. "Hey Jay." He says with a smile as I get in the car.

"Don't call me that." I snap harshly.

He looks at me puzzled, and then pulls away from the school parking lot. "Sorry Jamie, I know you're upset with me for not being around ^Å but I've been so busy around work lately." He says looking down at the steering wheel.

"Whatever." I answer twirling a strand of my dark hair between my fingers.

"What's bothering you? You're so closed up ^Ö you don't talk to your mother like you use to." He asks as he looks at me.

"I don't want to talk about it." I say rolling my eyes. He finally has time for his family and he thinks I'm going to just open up to him?


"Just drop it." I say cutting him off.

He lets out a heavy sigh as we pull into the parking lot of the apartment complex. "I know you're not too happy about living here, but Jamie, we're doing this for you. You were a mess after Preiston -"

"Stop it! Okay, just stop." I say angrily as I storm out of the car and slam the door shut behind me. My father has tendency to push me into talking when he senses something's wrong which then pisses me off because it's none of his damn business.

"Hey queer." Jennay says as I walk into the apartment. She's lying on the couch reading a magazine which just pisses me off even more ^Ö doesn't she have a life? I clench my fist but don't react. I'm in no mood to fight with her right now. I slam my bedroom door shut and lay down on my bed grabbing the picture of Preiston and me off the bedside dresser and for the first time since we moved, I start crying. I can't handle it anymore ^Ö I can't hold back, so I cry.

                      • "I cannot believe I let you talk me into this." Kevin says as he sits down on the couch in Preiston's apartment.

I look at him and smile. "Shut up, I want you to get to know him better."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." He answers smiling back.

Preiston it's on the floor in front of me. "What's up Kev?" he asks.

"Not much, just fighting with your boyfriend here." Kevin answers hitting me lightly in the shoulder. I look at Preiston as I slowly start running my fingers through his hair.

"Come here." Preiston says as he grabs my arm and pulls me down on to the floor. He catches me off guard and I land right beside him.

"You okay Jamie?" Kevin asks trying not to laugh.

I look at Preiston and glare at him. "Yes, I'm fine."

Preiston places his hand on the side of my waist and pulls me up into his. He looks into my eyes and I feel like I'm paralyzed where I am. He pressed his lips softly against mine as his hands move down to my hips. My heart starts pounding hard against my chest as I kiss him back.

"Oh god, will you two get a room?" Kevin asks crossing his arms over his chest. Preiston slowly pulls away from me and gives Kevin the finger. "I hope that's not an offer, you have a boyfriend." He says with a smile.

I smile against Preiston's lips as his hands move to the back of my neck. He continues kissing me, but this time his kisses are more frequent. I place my hand against his chest and feel his heart beating against his chest as he runs his tongue along my bottom lip. Without thinking I open my mouth, letting his tongue massage against mine. I moan softly into his mouth as I feel his warm hands on my chest as he starts to slowly suck on my tongue. I take one of his hands and place it back on my left hip as I lean more into the kiss.

Finally we pull away; I lean my forehead against his and try to catch my breath. Preiston cups my chin and makes me look deep into his lust filled eyes. "You guys don't have to stop." Kevin says leaning back against the couch.

"You'd like that now wouldn't you?" Preiston answers as he kisses me again softly. I can't help but kiss him back.

"I'm just sayin', you two can continue." Kevin answers shrugging.

I look at my boyfriend, biting my bottom lip nervously as I rub my hands gently against his chest. He pulls me closer, his hands tightening on my waist as he kisses me again. A drop of sweat runs down the side of my face as I slowly start grinding my hips against Preiston's, feeling him begin to get hard.

"Stop." Preiston whispers in my ear,

I smile innocently at him. "Why?"

He presses down on my hips as he kisses the side of my face. "You know why." He says as he glances over his shoulder at Kevin. "Are you enjoying this?"

Kevin smiles slyly. "Yes actually I am." He says running his fingers through his hair. I smile and start tugging on Preiston's belt, I cannot believe I'm doing all of this in front of my best friend. Once Preiston's belt was unfastened, I slide my hand down my boyfriend's pants. I bit my lip as he moans softly, I don't want to stop, but I know I have to. I pull myself on to my feet and sit back down on the couch. "Aww^Å don't stop now, that was getting hot." Kevin says pouting. "You were getting really into it Jamie."

"Sorry Kev, that's as far as we're going while you're here." I answer looking at Preiston who flashes me a suggestive smile.

"Whatever, be that way." Kevin says as he looks at me and smiles.

I look at him and smile as I wrap my arms around Preiston's neck and kiss his cheek. "I love you^Å" I whisper holding him close.

"I love you too Jamie." He answers looking up into my eyes.

I roll over on to my side and reach for my cell phone and call Kevin, it rings three times before he answers. "Hey J-man. What's up?"

"Crying." I answer pulling one of my pillows close to my chest.

"Aww what's wrong Jamie?"

"I miss Preiston, Arizona sucks."

"I know."

"He swore he'd never leave me^Å" I say wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.

"Preiston loved you okay Jamie? Don't ever for a moment think he didn't. When's your next break?" he asks.

"Um^Å March 15, for a week." I answer sitting up and wiping my eyes again.

"Come down, I'm sure your dad wont mind."

"Maybe, I'll ask." I answer as I hear my phone make a beeping sound. "Shit, my phone's dying. I'll call you later okay?"

"You better." Kevin says laughing.

"Bye Kev."


I hang up the phone, plugging it into the wall and lying back down in bed. I could feel my body shaking as I lay there and try to stop crying^Å but right now that just seems impossible.

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When The People We Love Are Taken From Us, The Way To Have Them Live On Is To Never Stop Loving Them... Buildings Burn, People Die... But Real Love Is Forever... -The Crow

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