Through Anothers Eyes

By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on May 6, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know the BSB.

Part 3: "Sometimes It is good to forget It then makes life New."


Nick's eyes opened to the golden rays of the sun. He looked over to the sleeping form of Brian on the couch. He looked like an angel. A cold angel, he told himself as he watched Brian shiver. He grabbed a blanket and gently placed it over the sleeping man.

"Oh Brian, I wish I can remember stuff about you and everyone else." He reached out and smoothed his hair. "I really wish." he whispered. Something flashed.

~Flash~ They were lying under the stars, watching from the Bleeding Banana. "Do you think we'll be famous?" he asked.

"Of course!" Brian replied with a smile. "We'll be super-famous! Just like New Kids!"

He laughed and snuggled closer to the older man. "I really wish." he whispered. ~Flash~

He drew his hand back. It was like a shock.

Brian's blue eyes slowly opened. "Mornin, Nick."

"Uh? Morning." He sat on the floor, confused at his actions.

He felt Brian sit up and pat his back and wrap an arm around him. "Feeling ok?"

"I guess." Nick shrugged. "So, what's gonna be happening today?" he asked.

"I'm guessing rehearsals. We have a show tonight." He squeezed his friend's shoulder. "Feel up to it?" he asked.

Nick nodded. "Yeah, sure. Can't be too hard, can it?"

Brian chuckled nervously. "Obviously, you've forgotten Fatima too, huh? You'll meet her in a few hours." There was a knock on the door as Nick jumped up to get it.

"Hi, Kevin." Nick smiled.

"Hey, I came in to check on my cousin. He's doing alright?" he asked. "I should be asking if YOU'RE feeling alright."

"I'm fine, Kevin." He assured the older man.

Someone knocked on his door and it swung open. Someone with dark hair and red streaks and dark eyes poked their head in the room and smiled. "Breakfast in 5 minutes."

"Who was that?" asked Nick.

"That's Aaron. AJ's boyfriend." Brian smiled.

"Oh." They got up and went to breakfast. Polite conversation was made during breakfast. "Brian, I'm gonna go back for a while. I still feel a little tired."

"Is it ok, Kev?" asked Brian.

"Sure. We're leaving at 1:00 anyway."

~The Stadium~ "Ok Nick, I heard about your little accident. All you have is amnesia so I'm going to re-teach you the steps, capice?" asked Fatima.

"I gather you're Fatima, right?" he asked. "Ok, show me the steps." Fatima grinned as the hours slipped by. Nick plopped down panting. "That wasn't so hard." He took a large gulp of water.

"I just can't figure it out. Before all this, he could barely do Larger Than Life without getting tired and now he just finished a few dance numbers and he's just barely tired." Fatima sighed.

"Are we gonna learn more?" asked Nick.

"No way. You've learned everything you know for the concert." Fatima smiled. "Now all you have to do is learn the words."

"We'll leave it to you, B-rok. See ya." AJ ran. Howie followed. Kevin just smirked and left too.

"Ok, let's get started." Brian turned to Nick. They spent hours memorizing old and new songs.

"Ok, so let me get this straight: our group co-wrote 7 songs on 'Black and Blue'?" asked Nick.


"Did we write any songs on the second album?"

"Yeah, Kevin wrote 'Back to Your Heart'. I co-wrote 'The One' and wrote 'The Perfect Fan'." Brian smiled.

"Sounds like a wonderful life." Nick smiled. He then grimaced and held his head.

"Nick, what's wrong?" asked a worried Brian.

Hot flashes.

~Inside Nick's Head~ "Brian!" he called out. "Brian! Can you hear me?! Can anyone hear me?!" he shouted at the top of his lungs. "Anybody!" He looked at his surroundings, which seemed to darken by the second. "It's getting dark. It's getting cold too." What I would give for Brian to hold me. He hugged himself to stay warm.

He was lost. He didn't know where. He wanted to go home. But he was lost. He knew that he was awake. Except it wasn't him. It was so confusing. It was him but wasn't him at the same time. Like he was a new person.

Tears pricked his storm-grey eyes. "I want to go home." Nick whispered like a small child.

~Outside~ Brian stared at Nick's convulsing body and blank, storm-grey eyes. "Nick? Nick?! Talk to me!" he shouted to the blonde. The blonde started to shake.

Brian rubbed his back. "Brian?" came a timid voice. He could tell the young's breathing was quite shallow. "Something bad happened to me before...a long time ago...before the group, didn't it?" he asked.

"Uh..." Brian wasn't sure if he should tell of Nick's horrible past.

"Tell me. Tell me why I haven't seen my family." Nick whispered.

Brian sat down next to his blonde friend. "Well, when money got tight around the age of 10, your mother started you out." Brian put it as gently as he could.

"S-sell me out?" he stuttered.

"They...ah...disowned you just last year." Brian sadly added.

"Disowned me?"

"But we had some really good times. We're known as Frick and Frack. We run around, playing jokes on people. One time, you shitted in a sock and put it in the drums and made the stage stink so bad!" he smiled at the memory. "It looked like Tommy was gonna kick your ass to Pluto or something."

Nick smiled too. He spotted the Nintendo. "Whose is that?"

"Yours. You basically lug that thing around everywhere. Wanna play Zelda?"

"Which ones do we have?"

"I dunno. It's been a while since I've checked." Brian chuckled as Nick raced for the equipment. He followed but tripped over some wires and fell on Nick as he turned around; landing on the confused blonde. When Nick got his wind back, he stared into Brian's eyes. So blue...He leaned up to kiss him as Brian leaned down.

"Too close!" shouted a video game character. Brian got off; his heart racing. Nick turned; flushed.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I hate threatening. You hate threatening. But I have absolutely NO feedback. And so I must say:

If I get at LEAST 3-5 emails, I will continue. If not...I'll go on Hiatus for a while.

Next: Chapter 4

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