Thursday Night

By moc.loa@lebborWC

Published on Nov 2, 2007



"Just another Thursday night" By Charlene

It started out as just another Thursday night. Working all week, I always liked to cheat the weekend by getting hammered on Thursday night, after all Friday's were just a formality. I sat at work and between phone calls, when my boss was elsewhere I dialed up buddies trying to find a running mate for tonight. Finally after sever lame turn downs, my buddy Ramon said "Hell yeah, let's go get it on." I flew out of work at five and went home and showered and prepped myself in case we met the right girls tonight. Since I initiated the night out, Ramon asked me to drive, that way he could get fucked up! "As he put it.

I arrived at his apartment on time and we headed out to a favorite Irish bar on Diversey for dinner and beers. We were out of luck in the lady department, there were slim pickens, so we ate our bar food and made small talk with the crowd. After a couple pitchers, we were full and bored and decided on a blues bar up near Belmont. If we didn't get laid, at least the music would sayt us and the lyrics would be something we could relate to. After scouting parking places for a half hour we found someone pulling out a few blocks from the club. "Chicago, ya gotta love it!"

This was a very cool blues club; in fact it had gotten me through a tough period when I first moved to Chicago. They had very good up coming and classic Chicago blues acts and only passed the hat to cover the cost. I used to sit at the bar and nurse a couple Walters Beers, then suddenly have to pee when the band took a break and passed the hat. Hey I know it was cheap but, I was on a budget and after all if blues guys didn't get it, who would?

We walked up to the door and there was a very tall woman in an evening gown taking in a cover charge. Ramon and I shot each other a look but reached in and shelled out the five bucks apiece.

We were just starting to discuss the new cover and how things change when the disco music hit us like a brick. Questionly we glanced at each other and came around the corner into the club. This we were not ready for, the place was full of men and women dancing to a complete disco scene, the lights low, and the dance floor full. We froze for a moment, shocked by the change. I glanced around and noticed an inordinate ratio of women to men. Ramon leaned into my ear and said" Let's blow this place." I took another look and I don't to this day know why but I said" Let's stay for a drink and see what it's all about." Ramon wrinkled his nose and said, "Nah, I am just a few blocks away, If you want to stay, I will get home."

"You sure I yelled?"

"No sweat, Te veo amigo!" He yelled back. I just figured his buzz from the last bar had worn off and he was shot and ready for bed.

I worked my way to the bar in the dim lights and ordered a beer and bourbon. The bartender had a low cut black lycra top and said" Sure Hon!" Her voice seemed husky but I figured that yelling every night with this noise left her raspy. Soon my drinks came and I turned to watch the meat market. Again the lights were low and the strobe light and disco ball just gave me glimpses of the crowd on the floor. As is my way, I poured the bourbon into the beer and took a long pull. A woman in a red skirt and black top leaned into me while she was waiting to catch the bartender's attention and said, "Trying to get there in a hurry sweetie?"

I smiled and said it's my Polish heritage; a boilermaker is our way of drinking like the rest of the world.

She giggled, because I had to lean in real close to her ear to say this. I was overpowered by her perfume. Suddenly I was thinking romance and she had my attention.

She leaned back and said "I don't recognize you, are new here?"

"Nah, I have come here for years for the Blues, I was surprised the club had changed hands."

"Your cute, dance with me!"

Well you didn't have to ask me twice, she grabbed my hand and cut through the crowd to the dance floor. I am not a great dancer but I was trying to imitate the moves some of the other guys were making on the dance floor and trying to stay close and work in a wry comment once in a while. She leaned in almost against my ear and said "I am Rocky."

"Leaned in to her and said" Steve"

We smiled and danced for awhile longer. I was uncomfortable at the end of the song, until "A whiter shade of pale came on and I knew I had to slow dance with her.

We moved in close and could hear each other for the first time, so we exchanged small talk and drew each other in closer, her body felt fantastic against mine and her scent was sweeping me away. And just like that a skinny red headed guy leaned in and in a real gay voice said, "Rocky's got a boyfriend!"

I felt her tense up and was kind of pissed at the guy for breaking up the moment. During the slow dance, the strobe lights had stopped and the dance floor was more lit up or at least stabilized. I took a look around for the red head and suddenly realized that most the men were gays, then the big reality hit, the women were men. I took a careful look at Rocky and realized I was dancing with a man!

A mixture of confusion and panic set in, I was straight for Christ sake, but I was so turned on by this sweet woman. My head swooned and I must have released her, him somewhat because Rocky asked if something was wrong?

I was too traumatized to answer; I just kept dancing, sort of. "Oh my God! Rocky exclaimed. "You're straight!" "Honey, I am so sorry, I thought you knew where you were."

Still dazed I looked to Rocky as my only ally in the place and leaned in and said, "I'm sorry, it just hit me, I mean I didn't know, I mean, Oh man!"

"She pulled close to me and whispered, "You are among friends here, and no one cares, if you are uncomfortable, I will walk you out."

I kept dancing with my head spinning, the thoughts raced from this is soo wrong to, what a drag (no pun intended) I thought she was hot."

Suddenly the lights went back down and the music kicked up. Rocky kept hold of my hand and looked me in the eyes. "No one is going to hurt you here, and we are all your friends, you can be as comfortable as you want to be."

I kept moving to the music, half heartedly. Still flipping back and forth between training and desire.

"Rocky, I like you, I wish we could go somewhere and talk, and I am a little out of my element."

She smiled like an old friend and took me by the hand and led me toward the door.

She retrieved a coat from somewhere and turned around to have me help her slip it on.

I got a quick kiss on the cheek and she said, let's go to my apartment and I'll make you coffee, no hanky panky, I swear."

This helped me relax so we slipped out the door to a few smirks and illegal smiles.

Outside I said, I am driving, should we go in my car or should I follow you?"

I took the bus; let's go in your car."

We walked side by side back to my car and in silence, except for a couple awkward pleasantries.

Just before we reached the car she slipped her arm in mine and whispered, "Don't worry Steve I don't bite, in fact I am harmless."

This made me smile and release a little tension.

Twelve minutes later we were parking in her neighborhood. When we walked down the block I felt very self conscious as if everyone thought I was gay and this was my very gay boyfriend.

Sensing my tension, Rocky slipped her arm in mine again and leaned into my shoulder.

Again a feeling of relaxation fell over me.

Upstairs, we entered her nicely appointed apartment, and when the door closed and locked, I suddenly felt safe.

Roxy smiled and passed me on the way to the kitchen and said, "Coffee, tea, or maybe a brandy?"

I looked into her eyes and realized I was smitten and said "What the hell, Brandy!"

She smiled back and disappeared.

While I waited, I looked around and realized I was in the apartment of a very tasteful woman.

She retuned and handed me a glass, and we ching chinged to "New friends."

I sat on the couch and she sat at the other end and sipped her brandy, before saying anything.

Uncomfortable, I asked, "Do you live alone?"

She smiled and said, "Steve as the type of woman I am I had to find a roommate who is the same, so many people don't understand us, so we teamed up, you know safety in numbers."

"I have to admit that I had no idea that that was a gay bar when I walked in, my buddy went home right away but something drew me in."

"Well I'm glad you stayed, I feel like I have a new ally in the city." She smiled and made me melt a little.

"I am a babe in the woods in your world Rocky; can I ask a stupid question?"

She sipped her brandy and leaned toward me and said," Ask me anything, the worst I could do is not answer."

I took a long plug of the brandy, then asked," I have seen some tv shows on transsexuals, I guess, I mean, are you a normal guy or part woman, Oh God, that came out wrong!"

Once again her reassuring smile disarmed me and I felt something inside stir.

"Steve, I am transvestite, at least for now, I enjoy dressing as a woman, I think of my self as a woman 90% of the time but I am unsure if I want to start hormones and change who I am. Does that answer your question?"

"Are you gay?"

"Well by definition, at least the worlds, I guess I am but I think of myself as a woman and men as the opposite sex.

"I am as you probably figured out by now, confused. I find you very attractive and yet I think of myself as straight as an arrow."

"Honey, I was there once but my real desires got the most of me and I am being who I am. No one is putting any pressure on you, I find you equally attractive but that doesn't mean we have to do anything about it."

"You are too cool" I said. "I just feel more and more comfortable with you."

"I am thrilled she said and grabbed my glass to refill it.

I sat in mellow bliss while she was gone, thinking seriously about how screwed up my upbringing had made me, here I was sitting with a very attractive person, who felt the same about me and I was too well trained to have anything to do with her.

Rocky retuned and sat down closer handing me the brandy. We sat in silence taking a long sip and taking each other in.

I did notice that she had on fresh lipstick and I have to admit her lips were inviting.

"Rocky, can I kiss you?

She smiled, placed her drink on the coffee table and fluffed her hair, gave me a shallow laugh and leaned into me and kissed me lightly on the lips.

I found myself moving in closer and embarrassing her and going for a longer deeper kiss.

We entwined our tongues for a few moments until she got up and turned down the lights.

"Do you mind if I get into something more comfortable?"

"Please" was all I managed.

A few minutes later she came out in a mint green silky robe covering a matching set of bra and panties.

I found myself hard as a rock and acting like I normally did with a sexy woman.

We took a sip of our drinks before she moved in close and kissed me again, this time deeply.

We kissed for a long time, our hands begging to wander, she finally let her hand light on my penis, which by now was as rack hard as it gets. Slowly she stroked and massaged it and I concentrated on probing her body.

"Roxy, can we move into the bedroom, in case your roommate comes home?"

She took my hand and I followed her in, feeling as horny as I have ever felt.

My normal next move would be to kiss my way down from her breast across her stomach and give her clit a good work out.

I Lay down on top of her and started my old routine, and when I reached her breast, I realized she was not only flat, but very flat. For a couple seconds I was back to my old self, until I felt her nipples harden and respond. Her body quivered and we went back to deep kissing for a few moments until I realized that I wanted to finish my routine.

Her scent drove me wild and the lower on her body I got, the stronger it got.

I worked her panties down slowly; kissing all around the edges and suddenly was met by a throbbing penis in front of my face.

I looked up at Roxy and she smiled a sexy come hither smile and I just went for it.

First I licked the head slowly and was surprised how soft and sexy it was, then I slowly lowered my mouth around the shaft and worried if I might be doing it wrong. Roxy moaned and I decided I might be right on track.

"Oh baby, turn around and let me suck you!" Roxy moaned

"Not yet, I muttered around her cock, I was very into it, I was surprised that after I crossed that forbidden barrier, how fun and sexy this was. I kissed and sucked and listened to Roxy moan in ecstasy. Finally when I least expected it, she came in my mouth in giant spirt's, one on top of another. I was so overwhelmed because I figured the cum would taste horrible, but instead I found it delicious and very edible. I swallowed and looked up and smiled at her and she pulled me up for a long deep kiss. The fresh taste of cum passing between us.

The End

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