Tiberius and Anik

By Nifty Boy

Published on Oct 14, 2019


Tiberius and Anik

By Niftyboy (niftyboy01@gmail.com)

Chapter 17: Back at the academy

Tiberius and Anik slept deeply through the afternoon and night and woke up refreshed early in the morning. They sat up and yawned and rubbed their eyes after having slept for more than half a day. Anik's stomach growled and Tiberius smiled.

"I am hungry too. We have eaten mostly fruits since many days, and I cannot wait to have a proper meal" he commented. "Yes, I was dreaming of the cooking by Demetria. I am sure if we go now to the academy, there will be some leftovers from the morning meal" Anik said longingly.

Just thinking about the food of Demetria made Tiberius salivate. The two boys got up and stretched and waded into the water to wash themselves. Once they were clean, they dried themselves in the sun and Anik went to the hut to get an amphora with scented oil to rub on their skin. The two giggled and laughed while they touched each other everywhere when they spread the oil all over their smooth bodies. But their hunger was too urgent and for once they did not engage in their usual morning sex. Tiberius went looking for his tunic and found it in the hut and put it on. It felt weird to be clothed again after having been naked since weeks.

"You look strange like this" Anik said and smiled when Tiberius stepped out of the hut wearing the slightly ratty and not too clean tunic.

Tiberius smiled sheepishly and nodded. Then they started their walk up the hill to the academy. Tiberius marveled how easy the ascent felt. He remembered how he had struggled when he had just arrived on the island and that he had needed to take regular breaks. Now he was barely sweating, and the two youths laughed and chatted and joked while they climbed up the steep hill. Soon they saw the academy before them and started running. The students were already sitting outside on the grass in groups with teachers. The two boys were too hungry to stop and merely waved and ran towards the kitchen.

Just then Demetria walked out of the kitchen. She stopped and froze, then she cried out happily and could barely keep her balance when Anik fell around her neck.

"Baby, you are back, I am so happy" she said again and again and pressed the naked boy against her ample bosom.

Anik sobbed and clung to the kind woman who was like a mother to him. At last they managed to calm down slightly and Demetria let go of the boy to have a look at him.

"Look at you, you have grown again" Demetria commented while she turned Anik slowly around to have a good look at him.

"Soon you will be taller than me`," she added and gave Anik a clap on his buttock.

"And you too, I cannot believe how much you have changed," she said to Tiberius.

"You look so strong now and lean" she added when she noted the muscles that Tiberius had developed.

"We heard of your adventures, from your parents. We were so glad that everything came out well."

"But this you cannot wear anymore," she said gently and tugged at the dirty tunic of Tiberius.

"Do you want to wear a Roman tunic or a light Greek attire," she asked him.

"I am in Greece. I want to do as the Greeks do," Tiberius replied, and Demetria chuckled. She led Tiberius to a storage room to find some suitable piece of clothing.

Tiberius soon appeared wearing two simple pieces of linen, one covering the front and one the back and connected with two small chains and held closer to the body with a cord around his waist. Anik smiled and licked his lips when he saw that only the front and back of Tiberius were covered and that he could enjoy the view of his hips and thighs and sides.

Demetria led the boys to the kitchen where they were fed and had to tell in great detail their adventures. They were joined by Lacydes, Demetria's husband and headmaster of the academy. The telling of the adventures took hours and they were interrupted again and again by Demetria and Lacydes who could barely believe what had happened to the boys.

At last they came to the end of their story and Lacydes suddenly remembered that he had students waiting.

"Oh, by Zeus" he cried out and grabbed Tiberius by the hand and hurried outside to the field of grass where students had been waiting since long.

The students jumped up when they saw Tiberius being dragged along by their teacher. Tiberius was embraced and squeezed enthusiastically. They all had heard of the exploits of Anik at the Olympic games and also the rumors of what had occurred on Crete and that they might even had met the Emperor. There was no thought of normal school and Tiberius had to tell the story again.

Anik meanwhile was still sitting in the kitchen and snuggled against Demetria who fed him grapes and fruits and sweets. He enjoyed the softness and warmth of the rather ample woman who looked after him like a mother. He was on his back on the bench with his head on her lap. They talked for hours and relaxed and enjoyed each other's company. Anik stayed at the academy all day and Tiberius was happy to see his lover waiting for him when he walked back with his fellow students from the lectures.

Anik waved and ran towards Tiberius and fell around his neck. The Greek boy put his arm around Tiberius' neck and wrapped his legs around his waist and kissed him passionately. The boys had been separated only for a few hours, but it seemed to both of them like an eternity. The students grinned when they caught a glimpse of Anik's member being stiff and pressing against the front of Tiberius. The excitement of Tiberius was even more obvious. He was not wearing a loincloth and his erect member had pushed up the piece of fabric that he was wearing over his front and his penis pointed straight out, visible to all. Tiberius smiled shyly and then carried his lover away behind some nearby bushes. The students laughed and then went to the dining hall to give the two boys some privacy. Anik and Tiberius had quick and frantic sex and then joined the other students to eat. There was a lot of good-natured joking and teasing. The students prodded the boys to tell them some of the more salacious stories that they had experienced.

They went outside and the two boys regaled their friends with a few of their more erotic adventures. The students stayed outside till deep into the night and listened attentively. Finally, Lacydes came out and chased the students into the sleeping hall. They went reluctantly and quite few could sleep quickly. There was the sound of masturbating from youths who needed a release before they could sleep. Anik was allowed to stay with Tiberius and squeezed himself next to his lover on the narrow bunk. They rubbed slowly against each other until they ejaculated and then snuggled and slowly fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning Lacydes made an exception and let the students sleep until close to midday. The youths woke up late and many smiled sheepishly when they quickly put on their loincloths to hide the traces of semen on them.

Anik kissed Tiberius deeply and then ran to the kitchen to get some food before walking down to his hut and then go out with his small boat to fish. Anik found it strange to be away from his lover and longed all day to be reunited with him. Tiberius felt the same and during the lectures his thoughts went back to Anik again and again. Lacydes realized what the problem with Tiberius was. He did not reprimand him since he knew that this was useless. He discussed with Demetria and they both agreed that they should allow Anik to stay at the academy. Usually it was strictly forbidden to bring lovers - male or female - to the academy. But in in the case of Anik and Tiberius, their bond was so strong that to separate them was too cruel. They had a slave carry an additional cot into the sleeping hall. They placed it at the other end of the room from the cot of Tiberius to keep the boys apart and retain a modicum of modesty.

When Anik arrived in the evening after having been out on the sea, Lacydes and Demetria called him and Tiberius and told them of their decision. The lovers were jubilant and hugged and embraced the kind couple. From then on, Anik stayed overnight about half of the time and Tiberius slept in Anik's hut the other nights. They were inseparable and the studies of Tiberius progressed well. There was not one day where they did not make love and they got to know each other's bodies better than their own.

After some time, Lacydes walked over to the youths who were sitting outside on the grass.

"Tiberius, your studies go well, and you have become one of my best students. I would like to send you to Crete, where Leonidas has an academy. Leonidas is a friend of mine and agreed to take you in during the summer. Leonidas is a hard taskmaster, but I am sure he will give you some days off from time to time. The academy is close to Knossos and you can enjoy the city life there."

Anik looked crestfallen and was thinking that he would have to spend all summer alone without Tiberius. But Lacydes saw the sad look of Anik and quickly continued, turning towards the Greek boy.

"Leonidas also agreed that you can accompany Tiberius. There is even a small fishing boat owned by the academy that you can use during the day when Tiberius has to study," he added.

Both boys whooped and fell around each other's neck. They were both overjoyed to go again on a journey together. During the following days they prepared for the travel to Crete. Lacydes organized passage for the boys on a merchant boat that was soon departing to Crete. Tiberius finished some of the studies and packed his belongings. Anik did not have to pack much but prepared his hut and fishing boat for the extended absence.

Soon they said farewell to their friends at the academy and headed for the harbor and were on the way. The journey was uneventful for once and after a few days they saw the large island slowly emerge at the horizon. Crete was a large island, with craggy hills and high mountains and it was said that Zeus was born in a cave high up Mount Ida. Crete had a long history and was dotted with ruins and old temples by the Minoans.

The boat arrived at the harbor of Knossos and the boys disembarked and went looking for the place to stay before going to the academy of Leonidas in a few days. They had nearly a week before they had to go to the academy, and they wanted to explore the city and all the famous sights.

The harbor was huge, even though of course it could not compare with the one of Rome. But Crete had always been and still was an important trading place. There were several long piers where cargo boats moored. In the distance, they could see a slightly smaller harbor that was used exclusively by warships.

It was a strange feeling for the boys to be back again in Crete, after what they had experienced with Marcellus, the former governor of the island, who had kept them as sex slaves. But he had been deposed and it was said that the new governor was very good and fair.

The kids walked around the harbor and then went to look for an inn to stay for the coming nights. They found a cheap place in a somewhat unsavory part of the city. It was frequented mainly by sailors and thieves and poor traders. Anik and Tiberius entered the inn and walked towards the stair leading up to the rooms. Quite a number of guests looked up from their wine cups and stared after the two boys. Even in this seedy joint, the sight of a naked boy was not common, and many looked hungrily at Anik.

The two boys just grinned when some of the guests whistled and walked up the stairs. They arrived at the upper floor and found their small room. It contained only a sleeping mat on the floor and a chamber pot, but at least it was reasonably clean. And it also had a small wooden balcony that overlooked the interior courtyard of the house. They put their bags down and sat down on the sleeping mat and relaxed.

Their back was against the thin wooden wall separating their room from the next. The wall was so thin that they could understand every word that two boys were talking in the room next to theirs. They heard loud kissing noises and giggling and soft talking. It did not take long before the sounds of kissing transformed to moans and slapping noises and soon into an orgiastic scream, followed by a content sigh.

The noises of wild love-making went on and on, and finally Anik and Tiberius went outside to wander the streets. The city had been rebuilt and rebuilt again, having been destroyed frequently by fires, earthquakes and invaders. High up on a hill they could see the ruins of a formerly gargantuan palace that was said to contain a thousand rooms and where the legend was that many people had entered and died when they tried to find a way out in vain. The boys sampled from the local cuisine and went back to their room when it already started to get dark.

They lighted a torch inside the room and sat outside on the balcony. The kids in the next room were still going at it. Anik and Tiberius grinned when they listened to the sounds of wild lovemaking and the boys talking dirty to each other.

"I wonder if they will continue all through the night," Tiberius wondered.

"It doesn't matter, because I want you to do me all night too," Anik replied and grinned.

Without any further word, the boy slid from his chair and kneeled between the thighs of his lover. He pushed up the tunic of Tiberius and pulled his loincloth off and started sucking him eagerly. Tiberius was slightly nervous since they were out in the open on the balcony. But the feeling was too wonderful to resist, and he spread his thighs wide and caressed Anik's hair. The head of the Greek boy bobbed up and down and his soft lips were tight around his stiff shaft. Tiberius leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

Neither Anik nor Tiberius noticed that it had become finally quiet in the room next to theirs. Only when they heard a surprised gasp did both boys look up. Their balcony was connected to the one of the neighboring rooms and only divided by a big pot containing a small palm. They looked over and noticed two boys on the balcony. One was wearing a short tunic in the Greek style, the other was naked. They were slightly older than Anik and Tiberius and both slender and lean.

The taller boy wearing a tunic smiled nervously.

"Hello, I am Theron, and my boy is called Gaios," he introduced themselves, somewhat tense and formal.

"Hello, this is Tiberius and I am Anik," the Greek boy replied cheerfully, still kneeling between the thighs of his lover.

"We heard that you had fun," he added and winked.

Theron blushed, while Gaios grinned and winked too.

"I am sorry," Theron said sheepishly and stood even straighter.

"Don't be sorry. I am sure we will soon be very loud too," Tiberius added with a smile.

"Can we offer you some food and drink for the inconvenience we have caused you?" Theron asked stiffly.

"It was not inconvenient at all, but we would love to have dinner with you," Anik replied.

The kids pushed the pot aside and spread a piece of cloth on the floor of the balcony. Gaios brought cheese and bread and an amphora with weak wine. The fours sat down cross-legged around the food and began eating. Theron remained tense and formal, and while Gaios was friendly, he did not volunteer any information.

But slowly, as they were talking and taking swigs from the amphora, Theron relaxed. Tiberius told them of their adventures and Theron and Gaios had wide eyes when he regaled them with the slightly embellished story of their capture by the former governor of Crete.

"You are the two boys?" Theron exclaimed.

The tale of two boys having been captured by Marcellus and who in the end successfully freed themselves was well known in Crete. But the story was so outrageous that many assumed that it was merely a tall tale. Theron and even Gaios asked many questions and could not get enough of the story. Tiberius was glad to comply and talked and was often interrupted by Anik with very graphic, interjections and elaborations.

It was already late evening when Theron took a deep breath and started talking about the story of Gaios and him.

"I am the son of a noble family, and we own many slaves," he started and glanced at Gaios.

"And while Gaios is our property, as is his family since many generation, he is also more to me," he continued.

"We were born only days apart and grew up together. We played together as toddlers and I suckled at his mother's tits. And later we ran through the forests of our properties and swam in the sea together. And it was with him that I spilled my seed for the first time," he said and smiled lovingly at Gaios.

"And it was with you that I spilled first my seed," Gaios said and snuggled against the taller youth.

"We became lovers instead of only friends, and we both want to stay together," Theron said and gently stroked the back of Gaios.

"But my family does not approve. They have already selected a wife for me, and expect me to sire children with her," Theron explained.

"They have forbidden me to keep Gaios in my room during the night, or even to talk to him," he sighed, close to tears.

"I was not allowed to see him for weeks and he was kept away from me," he continued.

"When I could not bear anymore to be without Gaios, I went looking for him. Then I found out that he was to be sold, so that we were unable to meet anymore," Theron explained.

"I found him working in the fields and took him as he was and we eloped," he said.

Gaios and Anik were both on their back, with their heads in the lap of their lovers and Theron and Tiberius were fingering their stiff boycocks .

"Now we have to leave Crete forever. Gaios would be killed as an escaped slave and I will be shunned by my family since I have brought disgrace upon them."

The armor of the pretended detachment of Theron started to crack. His eyes became moist and a tear flowed down his cheek. Gaios made cooing noises and reached up to wipe the tear away. Theron bent down and the two lovers kissed deeply, both shaking and sobbing silently. Tiberius leaned over and gently patted Theron's back. After a while the two boys regained their composure.

Theron sat up and sniffed and wiped his nose.

"I am sorry," Theron said and was clearly embarrassed.

"It is fine, we have been in a similar situation. It all seemed hopeless, but in the end, everything was well," Tiberius said soothingly.

Theron nodded, then he spread his thighs slightly wider. Gaios had shifted slightly and buried his face in Theron's crotch. His head was hidden by Theron's tunic, but the wet, slurping noises from the boy made it clear that he was suckling at his lover's cock. The slave boy had turned and showed his back towards his new friends. Anik reached out to rub and caress his buttocks. He let his finger glide along the boy's crack and grinned. The crack was sticky with a thick film of dried and gooey precum and semen. It was clear that the two boys had been very busy. Anik rubbed and poked against Gaios' pucker. The boy reacted at one and lifted one leg to give Anik better access while he continued to suck eagerly. Anik rubbed and caressed the clenched sphincter, then suddenly the anal muscle started to spasm. Creamy semen and anal fluids gushed out, then more dribbled and squirted out as the sphincter spasmed.

Anik and Tiberius both were astonished by the amount of cum that the boy expelled from his chute and anus.

"How long did you make love?" Tiberius asked curiously.

"A day...two...?" Theron moaned.

The kids grinned, while Theron began breathing harder and stroked the black hair of Gaios. Then he pressed the face of his slave boy down and thrust up and moaned loudly.

The sounds that Gaios made transformed from sucking noises to a wet gargling and gagging and gulping as the seed of Theron flooded his mouth and throat. The noble boy grabbed Gaios by his hair and fucked his face while he ejaculated. Once his orgasm had subsided, he pulled his slave of his cock and bent down and kissed him passionately.

Anik want down and reclined on the floor and raised and spread his legs. Tiberius could not even waste the time to take off his tunic. He kneeled and tugged it up and pulled off his loincloth. He grabbed Anik's ankles and pressed into the boy in one fluids motion, burying his penis inside Anik's anus. He started to thrust urgently, both boys moaning and whimpering lustfully. Tiberius looked into Theron's eyes as if he wanted to say that Anik was his. He thrust and shoved, wild and energetic. Anik moaned loudly as his lover rammed and shoved his penis as deep into him as he could. Anik's boycock was rock hard and twitched every time Tiberius slammed his cock all in. Soon Tiberius yelled loudly and arched his back and climaxed. Anik clamped his anal muscles to milk his lover and ejaculated over his tunny. Tiberius moaned and shoved, then he slid out the boy and leaned over Anik and pushed his legs back and folded the boy. He moved up until Anik could lift his head and lick the sticky penis of Tiberius.

The four boys realized that it was late in the evening, and the boys yawned and stretched.

"Do you want to bed with us," Theron asked.

"Our room is bigger and we would be honored if you were to share our sleeping mat," he continued, somewhat formally.

Tiberius and Anik smiled happily and got up. Anik tugged at the tunic of Tiberius who glanced at him, then he shrugged it off and was naked as his lover. His boycock was semi-erect and stiffened quickly. Anik and Gaios were already unclothed, and Theron smiled and somewhat self-consciously took of his expensive tunic. His boycock was quite impressive. It was sleek and hairless and long. His foreskin was pulled back and his cockhead was exposed and engorged and flared out. His glans was quite substantially wider than his shaft and Anik wondered if it would hurt if he were to mount him.

The four boys entered the larger room of Theron and Gaios. It contained two sleeping mats, one of which was covered with semen and bodily fluids and had obviously been used by Theron and Gaios during many hours. Gaios went on all fours on the cummy mat. Theron kneeled behind him and stroked and caressed his sides. He started to thrust lightly against the pucker of Gaios. Anik and Tiberius watched the flared cockhead of Theron flatten itself against the clenched pucker.

"Relax, my baby," Theron said softly and began to twist and rotate his hips. He wrapped a hand around his shaft and tried to screw his cockhead through the sphincter of the boy.

"My boy is very tight," Theron gasped and looked up at Tiberius and Anik.

"Yes, and your glans is quite wide," Tiberius added.

Theron slowly but surely managed to press his cockhead in. The anal muscle of Gaios was being pulled out by the corkscrew movements of Theron's penis. Finally, the slave boy cried out and Thereon managed to push the ridge of his cockhead in. Theron moaned lustfully and reached under the boy to finger the stiff penis. Anik smiled at Tiberius and reclined on the sticky mat under Gaios. He lifted his head and clamped his lips around the rigid boycock of the slave boy.

Thereon started to thrust and rock backwards and forwards. His penis slowly squeezed in deeper and widened the slippery wall of the boy. Gaios had drunken quite a lot of water and whimpered when the wide cockhead of Theron pressed against his full bladder. Anik felt a drop of pee gush out of Gaios' slit and into his mouth.

"Just let go," Anik mumbled with the boycock in his mouth.

Theron grinned and twisted his hips and made his penis tap against the boy's bladder. This was too much and Gaios moaned loudly and let go. Anik clenched his lips tight around the slender penis of Gaios and felt a hot jet of pee shoot down his throat into his stomach. He gulped and swallowed while the boy emptied his bladder.

Anik felt his legs being lifted by Tiberius, followed by a short, intense feeling of pain as the Roman boy stabbed into him. He cried out, then he moaned lustfully when the feeling of pain transformed in ecstasy. Tiberius and Theron both fucked their boys and kissed each other wildly and swapped spit. Everyone was in heat and soon they climaxed and moaned loudly and boyishly.

Tiberius kept his boycock inside Anik and gently pressed against his tummy. He felt it being slightly distended from all the pee that he had swallowed from Gaios. Theron meanwhile pulled out of his lover and reclined. Gaios sat on his face and reached down to spread his buttocks. He twisted and slid and rubbed his pucker all over Theron's face, leaving a trail of cum and anal fluids.

Anik crawled away from Tiberius and went on all fours and raised his hips, to tell his lover that he should lick his pucker too. The Roman boy grinned and buried his face against the boy's buttocks and sucked and slurped and began eating Anik's chute out. After a while Anik and Gaios moved and went on all fours beside each and kissed each other wildly and raised their hips. Tiberius and Theron smiled excitedly and squatted behind the two boys, Tiberius behind Gaios and Theron behind Anik.

They plunged into the boys and started jabbing and hammering into them. Theron had some problems to press his bulbous cockhead into Anik but after some pushing and shoving, he managed to punch into the boy. Anik and Gaios whimpered and squealed and continued kissing each other. Tiberius and Theron thrusted slowly and deeply and kissed each other too. They paced each other so that they climaxed simultaneously. They moaned and bred the boys and then both collapsed, tired and happy.

All four kids were so tired that they were asleep even before the cocks had slipped out of the boys under them. They woke up shortly before lunch. They were all a mess and covered with sticky juices. Fortunately, there was an amphora with water in the room which they used to wipe each other clean.

Theron and Tunic put on their tunics while Anik and Gaios remained stark naked. They went out of the room and walked down the stairs. Gaios and Anik walked ahead, holding hands. The people drinking and having breakfast in the inn stared as the naked boys walked down. Their bodies were both golden brown, Anik slightly darker. Their muscles flexed gracefully as they stepped down the steep, rickety stairs. Theron and Tiberius walked behind them and smiled proudly and nearly burst from pride when they saw the envious stares of the crowd in the inn.

Even in Crete in summer it was rare to see boys that walked around outside completely unclothed. If a boy did, he was usually a slave working in the fields or a sex slave. Since they were in the city, the crowd assumed that the two naked boys were sex slaves of the youths wearing tunics. Theron did nothing to dispel them of their notion. Once they arrived on the ground floor, he clamped his hand possessively around one of the taut buttocks of Gaios. They walked over to an empty table and sat down.

While on the surface, the two couples look and seemed quite similar, in reality their relationships were quite different. Tiberius and Anik were very equal. And even though Tiberius was taller and a Roman boy, it was often Anik who gave the direction and who often dominated. Tiberius sometimes was not even aware of it, but often actually enjoyed it and gladly followed the direction that Anik gave. In contrast, Theron never let Gaios forgot who the master was and who was the slave. Once they sat down at the table, he sent him to the innkeeper to bring food and drinks. And when Gaios came back to the table, he took out a few golden chains and put them on the boy to adorn him. It was clear that the jewelry was not the possession of Gaios but belonged to Theron and was put on the boy when his master felt like it. There was no sense that Theron behaved in a malicious way, but merely that he was the master and that the boy belonged to him. He put a fine chain around the waist of the boy, and then one around the base of the slender penis of Gaios. He rubbed the penis until it engorged and became semi-erect. Then he tugged at the chain to tighten it so that it kept the member of the boy in a tumescent state. He smiled and rubbed the flat tummy and chest of the boy and then told him to sit down beside him on the bench.

The four boys ate and drank, and it was after midday when they got up. Anik's and Gaios' tummies were slightly distended from all the bread and fruits and grapejuice they had gulped down. The two naked boys grinned and rubbed their bellies and then walked in front of Theron and Tiberius.

"Let's go to the old palace of Knossos," Theron proposed.

"Many think it is haunted and there are few people there. We can't be seen and captured, else I will have to leave Crete and the boy will be executed," he explained.

Tiberius nodded, and the kids walked up a steep hill. As Theron predicted, there were few people here, mostly just beggars. The two naked boys in front of them chatted and giggled and soon they were glistening with sweat.

They arrived on top of the hill and the gargantuan palace was before them. It had been abandoned many hundreds of years before and the frequent earthquakes had brought many walls tumbling down. And many of the stones and bricks had been used to build new houses and temples.

"It is said that there are over a thousand rooms, and many more down below in the cellars," Theron explained.

"And somewhere is a Minotaur, hiding and waiting and eating anyone who is lost within the maze of rooms," he added.

"Oh, really?" Tiberius asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, he seems to like especially boys, but not only. It happens quite often that street kids enter the palace and look for treasures, and never return," Theron said and was not quite able to hide his own fear from his voice.

The kids sat down outside the ruins under a wide olive tree and chatted. Tiberius and Anik were wondering what was hidden inside and especially below in the cellars and catacombs. As most boys, they were intensely curious and could not resist the challenge to enter the maze.

They both talked and argued with Theron, who was reluctant but did not want to show his fear. Finally, he relented and agreed. They got up and entered the ruins.


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