Tiberius and Anik

By Nifty Boy

Published on Aug 4, 2016


Tiberius and Anik

by Nifty Boy (niftyboy01@gmail.com)

Part II: Entering the Academy

Tiberius and Anik put their arms around each other as they walked up a wide hill that dominated the small island.

Tiberius started to like Greece more and more. It was wild and many parts seemed to be untouched by any humans. This was very different from Rome, where it was impossible to flee from humanity. The island was small but dominated by a wide hill which they climbed now. There was not even a trail and they walked over dry grass dotted with boulders and rocks. Everywhere he looked there was a variety of trees - mostly pines but also olive trees and others that Tiberius did not recognize - as well as many brushes and flowers. There weren't many animals, but he saw a few scrawny goats and sheep.

The view became more and more glorious the higher they were. Agistri was small and looked somewhat tear-shaped from what Tiberius could see. Its length was not much more than one league and it could not take not much more than a few hours to completely walk around the island.

"Can we stop for a while?" Tiberius asked, sweaty and already out of breath.

Anik stopped, even though he was not even breathing hard. Tiberius admired the stamina of the boy and hoped that after a while at the academy he could be as lean and vigorous as him.

They sat down on a boulder. To the east Tiberius could make out the ruins of a small temple. While they have not seen a soul since they left the harbor, it seemed that the island has been inhabited since very long. Tiberius pointed to the ruins and asked Anik if he knew about the temple.

"Yes, people say it goes back many millennia, to the time when we fought together with Achilles against Troy" Anik replied proudly.

Tiberius nodded, even though he took the story with a grain of salt.

"The legend is that this temple was dedicated to Eros, our God of love" Anik commented and glanced at Tiberius.

Tiberius blushed and looked more carefully at the ruin. There was not much to see any more of the temple, with all the pillars broken and lying on the ground and nearly covered by moss and grass. Among the fallen pillars was a slab of marble that was curiously free of vegetation. It seemed that it was cleaned regularly. The marble was slightly chipped but otherwise the surface was shiny and smooth and slightly longer than a tall man.

"Lovers still come here to celebrate their union" Anik commented.

"I visit the temple too from time to time, early in the morning, when nobody is here. Alone..." Anik added wistfully and glanced shyly at Tiberius.

Tiberius blushed again, not sure what he should reply. They both sat there for a while without saying a word. Then the moment passed and Anik pointed down to the harbor, his old cheerful self again.

"Look, below us is the village of Milos where we arrived."

"And over there you can see Kyra, the island there to the North. I have been there a few times with my boat. It is beautiful. That is where they say the pirates sometimes meet."

"And there, more to the left, can you see it? There is the island of Dorusa. It is mainly rock and bushes but has wonderful beaches" Anik pointed to the West towards a tiny island close to Agistri.

The two youths chatted and joked for a while, then they got up and continued their ascent until finally they reached the top of the hill. They were on a wide and flat plane that was covered with grass and bushes and trees. A bit farther away were a number of buildings. Most were quite large and low. Set somewhat apart was a temple built with white marble.

"This is the academy" Anik said and began pointing out the different buildings.

"There is the dormitory, and there the house where students meet and eat, and over there is the house where they hold classes when it rains" Anik explained.

"You know the academy very well. Have you often been here?" Tiberius asked.

"Yes, I come here every few days to sell my catch. The head master, Lacydes, loves eating fish. He loves food, but you will notice that when you meet him" Anik grinned.

As they approached the academy, the saw students walking towards the dining hall. A few glanced at them, but it seemed their appetite was bigger than their curiosity.

One older man however waved and hurried towards them.

"Aniketos, whom are you bringing us?" he shouted as he waddled towards them. He was quite old and very portly with a very impressive beard and kind eyes.

"I brought you a big fish this time" Anik grinned.

Lacydes laughed and tousled Anik's hair.

"You must be Tiberius. We have been expecting you" Lacydes addressed Tiberius.

"I am Celsus Tiberius" Tiberius bowed his head respectfully.

"You are lucky. You are just in time for dinner" Lacydes said, for whom the thought of food was never far away.

Just then an elderly women approached and smiled motherly at Anik.

"Aniketos, how are you? I haven't seen you since days" she smiled at the boys.

"Demetria" Anik laughed and ran towards her and fell around her neck.

The woman pressed the youth against here and gently patted his back.

"You should come more often. Lacydes is always eager for the fish you bring" she said and glanced at her husband's ample belly.

Tiberius already felt at home. Both the headmaster and his wife seemed gentle and kind. He had some trepidations about the life at the academy. He feared that it would be in the style of the Spartans. And all the stories that he read about Spartans were very much not to his liking, with all their whippings and worse.

"Now Aniketos, go get something to eat from the kitchen and then be gone. We cannot have you stay around this evening. A few of our boys get too distracted when you are around", Demetria grinned.

Tiberius blushed, knowing that he was one of those boys just mentioned.

Anik laughed and nodded. Then he smiled at Tiberius and stepped towards him. Tiberius was tense and held his hand out. He was not sure how Lacydes and Demetria would react if they were to suspect what he felt for Anik. They seemed to know the boy since long and behaved like parents to him.

"Thank you for bringing me here. I hope to see you again" he said stiffly.

Anik looked a bit taken aback, but then he shook Tiberius' hand and said farewell to him.

"I am sure we will meet again" he said and held his hand longer than was usual.

Tiberius swallowed and smiled uncomfortably, screaming silently at himself for having been so rude. Anik smiled mysteriously at him, then walked quickly towards the dining hall to get his food. Tiberius watch him walking away, desperately hoping to meet him soon again.

"Now, Tiberius, come. Let us get you cleaned up and dressed and then you have to eat" Lacydes insisted.

He led him to the bath located next to a small river while Demetria fetched him a fresh tunic and loincloth. Since everybody was already in the dining hall, Tiberius was alone in the bath. He was glad that nobody could see the traces of semen which he quickly washed off. He soon stepped out of the cool water and dried himself and dressed.

The evening went by in a flurry. The dining hall was big and filled with the noise of at least fifty youths who were eating and talking animatedly. Their ages ranged from slightly younger than him to a few years older. Despite his shyness he soon felt at home. The fact that he came from Rome made it easier. While Romans were not everywhere welcomed in Greece, everybody heard of and admired Rome. The youths did not stop asking questions about the gladiatorial games, the Colosseum, the newest rumors about the Emperor and much more. Soon Tiberius was at ease and he convinced himself that he might really enjoy the time at the academy.

After dinner the students stayed around for a while and chatted and laughed until it was time to go to bed. They went to the big dormitory and Tiberius was assigned a cot in between the cot of a youth from Athens and another from Crete. Tiberius took off his tunic and covered himself with a blanket.

They continued chatting for a while, but then Tiberius yawned. He was too tired to keep his eyes open and he soon fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.

It seemed as if he had just closed his eyes when he felt something brushing along his back. He heard some of the boys laughing and talking as they walked out of the dormitory. But Tiberius had never been a morning person and he kept his eyes closed, hoping to catch another few minutes of sleep.

He pulled the blanket over his head, resolutely determined not to get up before absolutely necessary. Then he felt the slight brush along his side, light and ticklish. He groaned and tried to swat the offending fly away, but after a few seconds the tickling resumed. He tried to hit it again and again. Finally he gave up and slowly opened his eyes to a slit.

That was when he saw Anik squatting next to his cot with a feather in his hand.

"Anik...you....?" He groaned sleepily while he tried unsuccessfully to open his eyes.

A few youths who were as lazy as him and still in bed watched and grinned.

Anik smiled mischievously and let the feather glide along the side of Tiberius.

"Nooooo....stop...." Tiberius started to giggle and tried to turn away.

Anik laughed, not deterred at all. He moved the feather lightly along Tiberius' chest and then to his arm pit. This was too much for Tiberius and he grabbed his tormentor and pulled him up to his cot where they started to wrestle playfully. First Anik was on top, then Tiberius managed to turn the tables and pinned him down. Anik laughed and twisted under him, then he wrapped his slender legs around Tiberius and pressed him close. Anik was clearly excited and Tiberius felt the youth's hard phallus poking against him. Anik started to thrust up rhythmically, his erection rubbing and grinding against Tiberius' loincloth and stomach.

Suddenly Tiberius became aware that they were not alone and sat up, Anik's hard cock hidden under his buttocks. He glanced around and saw that the few youths in the room were watching them with wide eyes. One boy especially looked at him and Anik mournfully, his blanket bunched over his crotch, likely to hide his erection. Tiberius glanced down and saw that he was hard too, the outline of his hard member very visible through the thin material of his loincloth.

He was still sitting on Anik's crotch, who looked up at him and smile impishly.

Anik reached to the side of the cot to grab Tiberius' tunic and held it up to him.

"I think you should put it on" Anik whispered and glanced at Tiberius' bulge.

Tiberius smile embarrassedly and quickly pulled the tunic over his head. Then he got up and pulled Anik up too. Anik was still breathing heavy, his erection slowly subsiding.

"I went out early to fish and brought my catch to Lacydes. He told me that you were still sleeping and that I should wake you so that you will be on time for classes" Anik explained.

"I am sorry, I love staying in bed" Tiberius smiled sheepishly.

"That was obvious. I had to tickle you forever before you woke up" Anik laughed.

"Lacydes also told me that there are no classes this afternoon. Do you want to come to the beach with me?" Anik asked.

Tiberius looked astonished, very aware that the youths in the room were listening to every word.

"S...sure...I would love that" he replied and smile happily, a warm feeling spreading through his body, now that he felt more and more sure that Anik was interested in him too.

"That's wonderful. I will be here to get you." Anik said exuberantly.

"But now you have to hurry, else you will be late for your classes already on your first day" Anik smiled and patted Tiberius' buttock and then left.

The classes were interesting but nevertheless time seemed to crawl. Tiberius' thoughts went back again and again to Anik. And he was also aware that the students around him whispered and glanced at him all the time. The story of him wrestling with the naked fisher boy in the dormitory had spread like a wildfire and was the main topic at the academy among the pupils. Tiberius felt strangely about this. On the one hand he was very shy and never liked when he was in the focus of interest. On the other hand he was immensely proud that quite a few of the students seemed very jealous of him.

He fidgeted as he sat on the dry grass with the other students and tried to concentrate on the lectures. He watched the sun slowly rising. But finally the classes were over for the day. He got up with the other students and looked around to see if Anik was already around.

He did not have to look for long. Anik came running towards him, his soft cock bouncing. This time Tiberius could not restrain himself and ran towards Anik too. They both slid to a halt and hugged each other.

Lacydes walked by and smiled at them tolerantly.

"Anik, be careful when you two go swimming. And you Tiberius, do not forget that classes start tomorrow morning after sunrise. Please be back then" Lacydes advised them.

Tiberius blushed when he realized that Lacydes just allowed him to stay overnight with Anik.

"I will be careful. And I have food for dinner and Tiberius can sleep on my cot" Anik smiled.

"And do not worry, I will wake him early enough so that he will be on time back for classes" he added.

Lacydes nodded and smiled as he watched the two youths depart. It took only a few paces before

Anik snuggled against Tiberius and for the Roman boy to put his hand around his waist to pull him even closer. Lacydes eyesight was not good enough anymore to notice how Anik's cock started to stiffen, but quite a few of the students saw Anik's cock rising quickly in excitement.

But the two boys did not think about anything but about each other. Tiberius glanced again and again at Anik and Anik did the same. Both were too nervous to talk much and were content to have their arms around each other. They soon arrived at a beautiful beach with a small hut that was built a few arm's length above the water line.

"I live here" Anik said and smiled shyly.

"It is not much, but..." he trailed off, clearly nervous about Tiberius' reaction.

Anik knew that Tiberius came from a well-off family and had been afraid that he would laugh and turn away when he saw his small hut. But Tiberius did none of that but hugged Anik even closer to him.

"I love it. It is so romantic" he said, and Anik smiled relieved.

Anik drew a curtain away so that Tiberius could enter the hut. Tiberius bent down to take off his sandals and stepped it. It was small, just long and wide enough to lie down. There wasn't a cot but Anik had spread out a mat to sleep on that was wide enough for two. Apart from a few amphorae with water and sun oil and few utensils for eating there was not much inside. But it was spotlessly clean. Tiberius did not know, but Anik had cleaned the hut all morning to give the best impression that he could.

"It is very nice, and so cozy" Tiberius commented and really meant it.

With the curtain drawn there was a beautiful view out to the beach and the sea and it looked actually more comfortable than his room back in Rome, not to speak of the dormitory at the academy.

"I am glad that you like it" Anik said and smiled.

"Do you want to take a swim before we eat something?" Anik asked.

Tiberius nodded and pulled his tunic over his head and dropped it. He hesitated at the loincloth, then he took a deep breath and reached down to take it off too and stood naked before Anik.

He blushed since he knew that his body could not compare with the beauty of Anik's. He was not flabby at all but rather lean. He had a small patch of pubic hair that he trimmed every few weeks. Tiberius trembled slightly as he stood before Anik, who let his eyes slowly wander from Tiberius' feet to his head.

"You are very beautiful" Anik finally said softly.

They both looked into each other's eyes, then Anik broke the spell and took Tiberius' hand and led him out of the hut towards the sea. Tiberius felt the hot sand under his bare feet. He sighed with relief when they stepped into the cool water. Anik let go of his hand and whooped and dove into the water. Tiberius laughed and dived after him. The water felt wonderfully refreshing and the two youths swam and laughed and soon started to fool around. Anik grabbed Tiberius' ankle to pull him under water, who then started to wrestle playfully with him. Both boys were hard and could feel each other's erections rubbing and sliding against their bodies as they wrestled under water. Finally they had enough and walked out onto the beach and towards the hut.

It was the first time that Tiberius had let anybody see his erection. It felt strange and he glanced nervously at Anik, wondering how he would react.

"This time it is I wo will help you to spill your seed" Anik simply remarked and looked into his eyes.

Tiberius nearly fainted and only managed to nod. He expected that Anik would play with him in the hut, but the boy simply went down on his knees before him. Tiberius whimpered when he felt Anik's hot breath on his erect cock. In contrast to Anik's penis, his did not stand up when he was hard but pointed out and slightly up. So his glans pointed straight towards Anik who reached out and grabbed his cock at it base.

Tiberius moaned loudly and feared that he would ejaculate right then. Anik leaned in, his thumb carefully rubbing the vein at the underside of his cock. Tiberius whimpered and squirmed and started to ooze precum.

Anik looked up at him and smiled, then he leaned in even closer and tenderly kissed the tip of his cockhead.

Tiberius eyes widened, not quite believing what was happening. Anik pulled back slightly and Tiberius could see a string of pre-cum connecting the boy's lips with the slit of his cock. But Anik leaned in again and began suckling eagerly at his slit. Tiberius began breathing harder and harder, then he felt a wave of heat rushing through his body.

"Please...be careful..." he managed to moan and Anik looked up questioningly, his hand still wrapped around his shaft. Then Tiberius convulsed and exploded, a thick string of cum splashing on Anik's face. Anik flinched back in surprise while Tiberius' legs buckled and he ejaculated rope after rope of semen. Anik opened his mouth and managed to catch a glob of cum before Tiberius finally sighed and his climax subsided.

He glanced down and blushed furiously. His semen was all over Anik's face. A long string of cum was even in his hair. But Anik just smiled and licked his lips.

"You taste very nicely" he commented while Tiberius watched him.

"I could not hold back...it came so quickly..." Tiberius stammered.

"Perhaps it takes longer the second time?" Anik asked, then Tiberius felts his warm lips wrapping greedily around his cockhead.

Tiberius shuddered with excitement and reached down to stroke Anik's hair. He felt the boy's warm and wet mouth around his glans and his soft tongue wiggling and sliding and stroking him. Anik's hand roamed along his thighs and abs and chest. Anik's eyes sparkled when he looked up at Tiberius and it was evident how excited he was too.

Anik tried to take Tiberius' cock deeper in, then his cockhead brushed against Anik's tonsils and the boy started to gag. He pulled back to catch his breath.

"Ahhh...you are really big...and so thick..." he gasped.

Tiberius smiled embarrassedly and nodded.

"It is my first time" Anik explained sheepishly.

"For me too" Tiberius said and gently stroked Anik's hair.

Anik took a deep breath and took Tiberius cock in again. He pressed his lips tightly around the shaft and took it in deeper and deeper. He struggled and gagged and retched but he did not give up. Soon Tiberius felt his cockhead pressing into Anik's tight throat. The boy's throat contracted every time he had to gag and retch, stimulating Tiberius' cock. Tiberius moaned and squirmed. Anik clamped his hands around the Roman youth's buttocks and stared up at him. His eyes were moist and a string of drool dangled from his lips. But he still did not relent and finally Tiberius' penis was all in. Tiberius whimpered when he felt the boy's throat contracting and relaxing again and again. Anik started to move his head slightly back and forth, his lips tightly pressing around the shaft.

Soon Tiberius felt another orgasm approaching, but this time he did not fight it. He moaned loudly, then he let go and ejaculated. His semen shot down the boy's throat and then filled his mouth. He watched as Anik gagged and swallowed, with cum oozing out between his lips.

Finally Tiberius was spent and Anik pulled back and gasped for air. He tilted his head back and opened his mouth wide to show Tiberius the amount of seed that he had ejaculated. Tiberius reached down and wiped off some of the cum on the boy's lips and face and fed it to him. Anik gulped down greedily and finally got up.

Tiberius gently stroked Anik's cheek, then he glanced down at the boy's engorged member. He squatted before Anik and gently wrapped his hand around his cock. Anik moaned loudly and thrust eagerly against his hand. Tiberius felt that the boy was close to climax already and did not wait. He quickly clenched his lips around the boy's shaft. Anik moaned lustfully and Tiberius tasted the salty scent of the boy's pre-cum. More and more pre-cum gushed on Tiberius' tongue, then he felt the cock in his mouth swelling even more and without warning Anik exploded. Tiberius felt the youth's cock twitching inside his mouth. Each witch was followed by another rope of semen that spurted from Anik's member and soon Tiberius did not manage to swallow quickly enough anymore. The boy's seed flowed out between his lips while Anik moaned and shuddered. Finally Anik was spent, his entire body trembling.

Tiberius continued sucking for a while, then he got up and licked his lips too. The taste of Anik's semen was wonderful, an erotic mix of sweet and salty.

"That felt so good" Anik smiled lovingly at Tiberius.

Anik took Tiberius' hand and they walked to the hut, both still flushed and panting. The rest of the day they sat outside the hut and fed each other fruits and pieces of bread while they talked and talked until the sun was setting.

When it was finally pitch dark, the two youths stopped talking and went into the hut. They laid down on the mat, their legs entwined. Soon they were hard again and started to jerk each other. Both quickly came and splattered their cum over each other. They rubbed against each other for a while, then they finally slept, both dead tired.

It seemed like seconds when the rising sun began to shine into the hut. The boys got up and walked out into the sea to wash each other. Their hands were all over each other, but then they realized that they did not have time for more since it was already late and Tiberius had to go back to the Academy.

Reluctantly the let go of each other and went back to the hut. Tiberius quickly put on his loincloth and tunic.

Tiberius stepped out of the hut and Anik followed him shortly afterwards with a necklace in his hand. Anik look nervously at Tiberius and held the necklace out to Tiberius.

"Will you accept my gift?" he asked shyly.

Tiberius wondered why Anik was looking so anxiously at him. He took the necklace and examined it. It was a simple, just a cord on which numerous black shells have been stringed onto.

"Have you fashioned it yourself?" he asked.

Anik simply nodded.

"I love it. It must have taken you a long time to find these beautiful shells."

Anik smiled, then Tiberius put it around his neck. Anik stepped behind him and fastened the cord. "Thank you so much for taking my gift" Anik whispered.

Tiberius smiled and gently stroked the boy's cheek. Then they departed for the academy, holding their hands tightly. Both were silent as they walked towards the academy, so much at ease with each other that they did not need to talk. All too soon they arrived at the academy and had to part. Tiberius was nearly too late for classes and had to hurry, while Anik ran towards the kitchen to grab some food.

While sitting outside and trying to concentrate on the lecture, Tiberius noticed that the pupils and lecturers often stared at his necklace. He loved the present by Anik but did not understand the interest everybody showed in it. He was by far not the only one wearing a necklace. A majority of the pupils was wearing necklaces and bracelets, anklets and other kinds of jewelry.

In the evening Lacydes took Tiberius aside.

"Come, walk with me" he told him gently.

Tiberius followed him and they started walking slowly around the academy.

"Do you know about the necklace?" Lacydes asked after a while.

"It is a gift from Anik" Tiberius replied proudly.

"I know, but do you know what it means?" Lacydes asked again.

"What do you mean? It is a present" Tiberius replied, this time confused.

"It is much more than that" Lacydes sighed.

"There is this tradition here on this island. Usually when a girl likes a boy, she fashions a necklace made of black shells and presents it to the boy. She asks him by this if he wants to claim her for himself. If he wants to and truly loves her, he will fashion a necklace made of white shells and give it to her. Then they consummate their love and everybody knows that she is his." Lacydes explained.

"Of course, sometimes also a boy gives a necklace to a boy, or a girl to a girl" Lacydes added and tousled Tiberius' hair.

"I...I did not know that" Tiberius stammered.

Finally he understood why Anik had been so anxious when he had offered the necklace to him.

"I know that a number of men and quite a lot of our pupils here have put their eyes on Anik. But until now he has declined all advances" Lacydes continued.

"You know, both my wife and I know Anik since he was a small child and we feel like parents towards him. We often looked after him and always enjoy when he visits us. He told us since a while how he yearns to find a boy who will claim him but that he had not found the right one yet. It is very important to Demetria and myself that Anik will find the right one."

"Anik is a good boy. He is flirty and bubbly and easily excitable, but deep down he is very serious. Since he spills his seed and is longing after boys he is pondering who will claim him."

Lacydes made a pause and stopped walking. He looked deep into the eyes of Tiberius.

"So I ask you...are you the right one?"

Tiberius blushed and fidgeted and did not know what to say. His heart was beating quickly and he was fighting with conflicting emotions.

"Will you collect the white shells and offer the necklace to him?" Lacydes asked again.

"Think carefully before you answer. With some boys, putting your seed into them does not mean much. But for Anik this will mean the world. I do not want you to mount him and then cast him aside a short while later."

This time Tiberius blushed furiously as Lacydes talked so openly about what he was supposed to do with Anik. But then all confusion fell off him and he realized that he deeply loved Anik.

"I will collect the white shells. And I will never cast Anik aside" he finally replied.

Lacydes stared at him for a long while, then he smiled and hugged Tiberius.

"I thought so. I felt the bond between you and Anik already when you arrived together. And it is fine when you leave the academy after classes to collect your shells"

Lacydes grinned and patted Tiberius on the back.

"Now off with you to bed."

The next afternoon, as soon as classes ended, Tiberius left and climbed down the hill to go to beach to look for shells. He chose a different beach than the one where Anik lived since he wanted to surprise the boy. The climb down was quick and he soon arrived at a rocky beach. He found many shells, but most were broken and few were white. Tiberius wanted to use only the most beautiful shells for the necklace and so he managed to collect only a handful when he noticed that the sun already kissed the horizon. He sighed and reluctantly made his way back with only a dozen shells.

The ascent took longer but Tiberius managed to arrive just in time to catch a quick bite. He went to the small temple where a candle was burning. He sat down beside the candle and started drilling small holes into the shells. He cursed as only a Roman could when he shattered the first few shells, but finally he got the hang. Soon he had eight shells with small holes through which he pulled a string. It was not much yet, but it was definitely a beginning.

He got up and stretched and went to the dormitory. It was late and most of the students were already sleeping. He went in on tiptoes and hid the shells under his cot and stretched out. His muscles were aching from the climb but despite that he soon fell asleep.

The next day during classes he saw Anik. They waved at each other but Anik went to kitchen to visit Demetria. After classes ended Tiberius went looking for him, but Anik had already left. In the evening, Tiberius left again for the beach to find shells and managed to add a dozen white shells to the necklace.

After two more visits to the beach the necklace was finally finished. It consisted of shining white shells, each carefully selected by Tiberius. He hid the necklace again under his cot, but this time sleep did not come quickly. He imagined the next day, when he intended to go to Anik's hut to surprise him with his necklace. He tossed and turned, his cock hard and straining his loincloth. He listened to the regular sounds of breathing of the sleeping youths next to his cot. Once he was sure that they were soundly asleep, he reached down and took off his loincloth and masturbated quickly.

He soon came and ejaculated into his loincloth. He hid it under his cot too and then covered his naked body with the blanket. Finally, he managed to sleep but with the first rays of the sun he woke up.

This time he sat up at once and pulled the tunic over his head and grabbed the necklace. He went to the dining hall where he already could smell the food, a number of slaves already hard at work in the adjoining kitchen.

He went to the kitchen and as he expected Demetria and Lacydes were already there. He approached them nervously, the necklace in his hand.

"Hello Tiberius. For once you are the first to rise" Demetria smiled at him.

"Yes, I woke up early. I wanted to ask if I could...." Tiberius trailed off, blushing.

Lacydes glanced up from his food and then noticed the necklace in Tiberius' hand.

"Ah...you wanted to take a day off and visit Anik, I assume?" Lacydes asked kindly.

Tiberius nodded, his heart beating quickly.

"I think that we can allow that. But do not forget what we discussed a few days ago." Lacydes added, looking into his eyes.

"I will never forget it and I will be worthy of Anik" Tiberius replied.

"I know you will be. Come, take a piece of bread before you go" Lacydes added and Demetria bought him bread, still hot from the oven.

"Thank you so much" Tiberius bowed his head, then quickly left and began his way down towards Anik's hut.

He soon arrived at the hut, but Anik had already left to go fishing. Far out on the sea Tiberius could make out a small boat that he imagined must be Anik's.

Tiberius sat down on the beach and prepared for a long wait. Despite having slept so little during the night, he was too nervous to doze. He got up again and again to look out to the sea and along the beach, eagerly awaiting Anik.

Finally close to noon his wait was over. He spotted a golden brown figure walking along the beach towards him. Tiberius half ran towards him, then slowed down, hiding the necklace behind his back. He stopped and watched Anik approaching him.

Anik came to a stop a few paces away from Tiberius. He smiled anxiously, obviously as nervous as Tiberius.

"Hello Tiberius..." he greeted him, then trailed off.

"Hello Anik...how are you?" he asked nervously.

"F..fine..." Anik replied, his naked body tense.

Tiberius took a deep breath.

"I have something for you...please turn around"

Anik looked at him quizzically, then obliged him and turned his back towards Tiberius.

Tiberius stepped closer towards Anik and then put the necklace around the boy's neck.

"What...?" Anik gasped and reached up to touch the shells of the necklace.

"Please hold still" Tiberius whispered while he tied the string closed.

Then Tiberius put his flat hand on the boy's smooth chest. He was surprised that he could feel Anik's heart hammering quickly.

"Will you accept me claiming you...?" Tiberius whispered into Anik's ear.

Anik whimpered and nodded, unable to speak. His body started to tremble and he began to sob silently. Tiberius reached to Anik's check and wiped his tears away.

"Shhhhh...Shhhhh..." he murmured while he caressed the boy's cheek.

Tiberius let his palm slowly glide along the youth's smooth chest and abs. Then he felt his hand brush against the boy's glans. He leaned in and glance down over Anik's shoulder. The boy was rock hard, his member stiff and rigid. He moved his hand further down and let it rest lightly on the boy's throbbing cock.

Anik moaned excitedly and turned his head and parted his lips. Tiberius nearly drowned in the boy's eyes. Tiberius moved closer till their lips touched lightly. They remained like this for long minutes, their lips tenderly touching while they stared into each other's eyes. First the tips of their tongues touched each other, then they became more bold, thrusting their tongues in and began to explore.

Tiberius felt Anik's penis under his palm, rhythmically pulsing and moistening his hand with precum. Anik pressed back and Tiberius felt the boy's firm buttocks clamping around his bulge. Finally they broke their kiss.

"Will you allow me to mount you?" Tiberius whispered.

Anik smiled and nodded.

"I waited every day for you to come. I did not dare to hope...but I was dreaming every minute of you mounting me" Anik said softly.

Anik reached up and played with his necklace while Tiberius gently rubbed his throbbing cock. Anik began breathing harder and pressed back against his lover. Tiberius sensed that the boy would soon climax and wrapped his other arm around his chest to steady him. Soon Anik began shuddering. Anik whimpered and then his cock started to pump. The boy was shaking while he squirted his semen into Tiberius' hand. His climax did not seem to end and whenever Tiberius thought that the boy was finally spent, he another gush of semen came spurting. It oozed out between the fingers of his hand covering the boy's knob and down Anik's legs.

With a last shudder he expelled his last glob of cum and was finally spent.

Tiberius lifted his hand off the boy's cock and glanced down at his palm. It was completely filled with white semen. He pulled it up to his lips and eagerly lapped the boy's cum up and swallowed. As he drank the semen he glanced down and was shocked to see that Anik was still rock hard.

"I want you to mount me at the Temple of Eros" Anik whispered, still shaking from his orgasm. Anik stepped away and stood before Tiberius, naked and hard and his lust and eagerness seemed to ooze from his every pore.

Next: Chapter 3

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