Tiberius and Anik

By Nifty Boy

Published on Sep 30, 2016


Tiberius and Anik

By Niftyboy (niftyboy01@gmail.com)

Chapter 8: Sex Slaves at the Court of Marcellus

Tiberius and Anik stared at Marcellus and still did not understand why he hated them so much.

"You thought you could mock me by taking away my sure victory at the very end of the race? Did you really think that I would not revenge?" Marcellus continued.

He did not raise his voice but continued in a soft monotone which made was much more frightening than if he had screamed.

"My father expected me to win and when I came home empty-handed without a laurel, he dared slapping me. But quite unfortunately he met a sudden and gruesome end." Marcellus' grin widened and he looked slyly at a burly soldier next to him.

"Now I am the ruler of Crete, the representative of the Emperor and a God like him."

He slowly stepped towards them, his movement deliberate like a snake's.

The boys tensed and tried to lean back when Marcellus examined them with cruel eyes. He walked slowly around them but did not touch them.

"You are both extraordinarily gorgeous. It is a pity that I am not into boys?or girls, for that matter" he commented and pinched Anik's buttock playfully.

Anik cried out but did not move and was frozen in terror. There was something very strange and deranged emanating from Marcellus and both Anik and Tiberius were coated in cold sweat.

"But forgive my manners, my slaves will wash and prepare you. Your end will be a long-drawn out one and there are still preparations that I have to make. But I am sure the boys and girls will tell you" he whispered and moved his arm to indicate the trembling girls and boys who stared down at their feet.

Marcellus clapped and two slaves, a boy and a girl ran forward.

"Clean and feed them and let them relax. I want them ready for the party tomorrow" he ordered curtly.

"Please come with us" the girl whispered and led them out of the throne room and through a sequence of room.

They arrived in a large room, also made of marble but without furniture. In the middle of the room was a cage. Beside the cage was a small fountain and facilities to wash and relieve oneself. There were more doors leading to further rooms. Anik and Tiberius were led to the wash basin. The slaves started to wipe them with wet sponges. They were very through and carefully cleaned every part of their bodies, from the soles of their feet to their faces. At the end they washed and cut their hair.

"Our master is very particular, he likes everything to be very clean" the boy explained.

He left and soon appeared with bread and water and fruits. Despite their fear, their hunger was more powerful and Anik and Tiberius wolfed everything down.

"Now you have to sleep, please enter the cage" the girl ordered them with an embarrassed smile.

Anik and Tiberius sighed but complied and entered the cage. It was clean and had a mat on the floor to lie on. The girl locked the cage and then she left with the boy, leaving Anik and Tiberius alone.

They leaned against the bars of the cage and whispered and tried to give each other courage. The uncertainty about what would happen to them was worst, but at least they could console themselves that their end would not come tomorrow. And as long as they were alive there was still hope.

There was no window and the only light came through the open doors. With the approach of the night, the light became dimmer and soon they were in absolute darkness. They reclined and clung to each other and despite their despair they both fell asleep.

Suddenly Anik sat up, his body covered in cold sweat. He was wide awake and his heart hammered in his chest. He had no clue why he had woken up. But soon he heard a faint moan. It must have come from a room close to theirs. It was the voice of a boy and he seemed hoarse and desperate.

He moaned again, then Anik could hear him starting to plead.

"Please?Kleio?I beg you?please stop?" the boy moaned.

Then there was desperate sobbing from the girl.

"I cannot, my love?you don't know what he would do to you and our families?" she sobbed.

Then the moaning of the boy resumed and became louder and louder.

Anik felt Tiberius sitting up next to him and putting his arm around him.

"What is that?? What is she doing to him?" he whispered nervously.

"I do not know, but it cannot be good" Anik replied softly.

After what seemed like an eternity the boy shrieked and then they heard only ragged breathing and the sobbing of the girl. It was impossible for Anik and Tiberius to go back to sleep and they huddled together and listened to the labored breathing of the boy. After what seemed like hours the boy recover slowly and his breathing became more even. But then light started to illuminate the room and the morning arrived.

Later a boy arrived and let them out of the cage so that they could relief and wash themselves. After this they were locked into the cage again. The boy left them alone until what must have been early afternoon.

He opened the cage and led them out.

"You will now be prepared for the party. Please do not be afraid, nothing will happen to you" he said and smiled sadly.

"We heard a boy moaning during the night?.can you tell me who that was and what was done to him?" Tiberius asked.

"It is better that you do not know?please believe me?" the boy said sadly and they saw a tear running down his cheek.

Despite many further questions and begging, the boy did not budge and remained silent.

They were led into a room with a large pool. They stepped into the cool water and splashed around and swam, grateful for the opportunity to move and work out. After about an hour the boy urged them to come out and they were led to a large table where they reclined while the boy expertly waxed them. At the end, both boys were completely hairless and after an extensive and very pleasant massage, the slave rubbed sweetly scenting oil into their skin. Despite their fear, both boys got hard and excited and their members jutted out when they were told to get up.

"You have to go to the party soon but you have time to quickly masturbate" the boy told them with a smile.

Anik and Tiberius nodded and then reached out and started stroking each other. They came soon and their semen dripped on the ground.

The boy quickly cleaned their sticky cockheads and then led them out towards the throne room.

Once they arrived there, they saw dozens of slaves preparing the room for a party. Big plates were being covered with fruits and fish, musicians practiced and dancers stretched to relax their muscles. Marcellus sat on his throne and watched everything, seemingly unconcerned.

But he looked up when he saw Anik and Tiberius being led in. He got up and smiled and walked towards them.

"Ah, Anik and Tiberius, did you sleep well? I hope that your sleep was not disturbed" he asked, seemingly friendly and concerned for their wellbeing but the boys were not fooled.

They nodded and remained mute and stood before Marcellus, holding each other's hands tightly.

"For today you will have it easy. You merely have to play being statues."

Marcellus pointed to two pedestals in the middle of the room.

"Even I have not managed to acquire a statue by Phidias. But now I have something much better. Even the statue of Zeus cannot compare with your beauty" he added.

"And my slaves have prepared you very well" he said as he walked around them and even spread their buttocks to examine their cracks.

"Now get prepared and then up you go, my guests will soon arrive" he grinned.

"We better do what he tells us, we need to have time to find out how to escape" Tiberius whispered to Anik who nodded.

A slave girl appeared and sprinkled fine gold dust over the boys and spread it over their skin. Marcellus stood by and watched while the girl spread it along their legs and backs and chests. At the end she rubbed it onto their members which stiffened quickly, especially when she rubbed the gold dust gently onto their sensitive glans.

Then the boys stepped onto the pedestal and stood there, both with raging erections.

"I don't know what you represent, Ganymede or Pan, but you look good anyway" Marcellus commented with a grin and then walked out to greet the arriving guests.

But on the way he stopped and turned back to the youths.

"Oh?I forgot to mention?do not move during the party?if you do I will flog the girl here..." Marcellus said as if it was an afterthought and the girl paled.

The two youths looked at each other nervously and nodded. They smiled at the girl and tried to take her fear away. The boys began breathing deeply and their cocks slowly softened as they prepared mentally for the hours ahead.

Soon the guests began arriving. The music started playing and more and more visitors trickled in. The throne room was filled with laughter and the sound of animated talking and the guests ambled around to sample from the food, to watch the dancers and to stare at Tiberius and Anik. Marcellus proudly explained that he had been able to acquire the most beautiful boys of the Roman Empire and encouraged the visitors to examine them closely.

It did not take long until guests were crowding around the youths and hands were gliding along their calves and thighs while people oohed and aahed and marveled about the smoothness of the boys' skin. Quite a few reached out and touched and tugged at their cocks and balls. The boys soon became stiff and erect. There was a lot of giggling and laughing when they hardened and the guests made it a point to not let them become soft. Whenever they saw that their cocks softened, somebody went to them and rubbed them hard again.

They were soon whimpering and squirming on their pedestals and their cockheads glistened with precum. One visitor in particular - a middle-aged man in an expensive toga - was enamored by the boys and wrapped his hand around Tiberius' erection and began stroking him roughly.

Tiberius gasped but remained motionless since he was desperate not to cause the flogging of the girl. Soon he shuddered and his penis pumped in the man's hand. The guests who were watching shrieked in glee and others laughed when his seed splattered on the toga of the man stroking him.

The man laughed too and then watched as a woman grabbed Anik's cock and began stroking him too. The Greek boy soon ejaculated too, his cum hitting the woman to the enjoyment of all the spectators.

And so it went the entire evening and the boys were forced to ejaculate again and again. After a while their testicles did not keep up with producing semen and the seed they expelled was a clear liquid. But still guests came and rubbed and stroked them. Both boys were in despair and intensely hoped that the guests would stop masturbating them and it became more and more difficult not to move. But the depravity of Marcellus infected the guests and he went around and encouraged them to finger and stroke the boys.

The muscles of the boys ached and both started trembling and shaking. But finally the guests departed and eventually the girl stepped forward to help Tiberius down from the pedestal. The floor below was slick with his semen and he did not have the strength to stand and collapsed in the puddle of cum, groaning weakly.

Anik was equally unable to stand and collapsed too, all his muscles burning.

Marcellus walked over to them and looked down on the trembling boys.

"You did well, I have to admit and I will not flog the girl" he commented, somewhat reluctantly.

"Bring them back to their cage and tomorrow prepare them for the feast" he commanded curtly and then walked away.

A slave boy came forward and helped the two lovers up and led them to their cage. They collapsed at once and clung to each other. It was already deep into the night and despite their desperation they fell asleep quickly.

But again they were woken up by the sounds of frantic moaning. Both boys were sitting up and listened. The moaning was desperate and the boy begged again and again for the girl to cease what she was doing. They heard the sound of the boy trashing around, followed by a loud moan and then labored breathing. The breathing slowed and after a while they could only hear the sobbing of the girl.

Then they could make out the soft voice of Marcellus.

"This one made it for two days, which is not enough. With the next one try to change how you stimulate him from time to time." Marcellus said.

After this there was silence except for the soft sobbing and the sounds of a body being dragged along the floor.

"What are they doing..?" Anik whispered and sobbed, his head on the shoulder of Tiberius.

Tiberius shook his head and embraced Anik and caressed his back to comfort him.

This time they did not manage to fall asleep until late in the morning. The slave boy had to wake them and fed them. After eating they were led to the pool where they were allowed to swim. After that they were massaged and oiled. Then they were led to the throne room and made to lie on their back on large tables with cuffs attached to each corner. The slave boy clamped the cuffs around the wrists and ankles of the youths so that they were lying spread-eagled and unable to move.

Anik lifted his head to watch what was happening. He saw Marcellus directing the slaves to bring the food. He walked over to them and checked the cuffs to ensure that the boys were tied securely. Then slaves came forward with fruits and flowers which they spread on the bodies of the boys. Soon they were completely covered with exotic fruits and flowers. Oranges, apples, peaches and grapes, cherries, different kind of berries, figs, nuts, and many more types of exotic fruit were placed on their bodies or draped over their ears and noses and toes.

Marcellus nodded satisfied when he came to examine the two tables. The fruits and flowers were positions so expertly that it was impossible to make out the two boys under them.

Anik and Tiberius could not see anything but soon they heard the guest arriving. After a while they listened to animated chatting around their table and felt people starting to sample from the fruits.

It took a while but then somebody took away grapes that were draped over Anik's toe. After a short pause a women shrieked gleefully and start playing with Anik's now exposed toe. Guests approached the table and finally realized that two bodies were hiding under all the food. They laughed and soon the two boys were half exposed and hands moved all over them. Their naked skin was sticky with the juices of fruits. Some guests started playing with their bodies by rubbing grapes over their balls and by squashing soft peaches on their cockheads so that the sticky juice oozed down along their shafts.

As the day before, soon guests started stroking and masturbating them and the juice of fruits mingled with their semen. One cruel and playful girl squeezed the fine stem of a grape into the piss hole of Tiberius. He whimpered but soon the stem was inside and the attached grape dangled over his erect penis.

Marcellus encouraged the guests to play with the boys and again they were rubbed and masturbated and caressed all evening. The boys moaned and whimpered, but that only seemed to encourage the guests who began licking off the juices from the body of the boys.

The youths stopped counting how many times they were forced to ejaculate. Being tied and helpless, they could not resist and just moaned and sobbed. But their suffering merely encouraged some of the guests and so they were stroked and caressed and made to cum until deep into the night. At the end both boys were half delirious.

At last the party came to an end and the boys were left alone tied to the table. Their crotches and stomachs were thickly coated with their semen and they were whimpering and twitching.

They felt soft hands taking off the cuffs and then being carried back to their cage. Both youths were too exhausted to care about anything anymore and were already sleeping when they were being carried through the palace.

Again, as during the two nights before they were woken by moans. They embraced each other while they listened to the desperate groaning and whimpering. This time the voice was different and they feared the worst for the boy they heard during the preceding nights.

They heard Marcellus giving orders in his soft, dispassionate voice. They did not really understand what was happening, but that made it even worse for them.

"Now stop and rub his inside ?" they thought Marcellus said, after which the moans became louder.

After a long time, when the moaning became increasingly hoarse and labored, Marcellus ordered somebody to cease what she was doing and to caress the glans of the boy.

In early morning the moaning finally ceased when Marcellus said softly to stop.

"Let's give him a break for now, I think he is not able to take it anymore" Marcellus said.

They listened as the boy was dragged away, likely to recover in a cage like theirs.

Later Anik and Tiberius were fed again and they were allowed their daily swim and received their massage.

"I have such a bad feeling" Anik whispered to Tiberius while the slave oiled their body.

"I know?I feel like a chicken that is being fattened before the slaughter" Tiberius replied.

The boy oiling them became tense and Tiberius tried again to extract some information from him.

"Please?tell us?what is this moaning during the night? And what happened to the boy during the night before?" Tiberius asked.

"I really should not tell you?Marcellus must not know?" the boy looked deep into the eyes of Tiberius.

"We promise, we will not tell anybody?" the two youths confirmed.

Reluctantly, the boy nodded.

"Marcellus wants you to die by ejaculating again and again. But he want it to last as long as possible. That is why he is experimenting with boys during the night. The boy that died was made to climax for two days, then it was too much for his body."

Anik and Tiberius stared at the boy, refusing to belief it at first.

"And he forces their boyfriends or girlfriends to stimulate them for hours and hours. Otherwise he promised to sell their families into slavery."

"He already told us that he will force you to stimulate each other?so that?that?you will have to pleasure each other to death?" the boy whispered.

Then it was too much for him and he started sobbing loudly.

Tiberius and Anik got up and embraced the boy and tried to calm him.

"Please, do not worry about us?and thank you so much for telling us, now everything has become clear" Anik said softly.

After a while the boy calmed down and sniffed and found his composure.

"Today there is another party, but do not worry. Marcellus is still experimenting and you are still safe" the boy said and then led them to the throne room.

Anik and Tiberius felt terrible, not because they were afraid of what would happen to them during the coming party, but because already at least one boy had died because of them. They glared at Marcellus, but he was completely unconcerned and merely grinned when he spotted them.

"Ah, you have been quite the attraction for my guest" Marcellus greeted them.

He stepped closer to Anik and patted his cheek gently. Anik flinched back and felt soiled by the touch of Marcellus.

"You are a feisty one?" Marcellus grinned and reached around the boy and squeezed his buttock.

"Let him go?" Tiberius said threateningly and stared in Marcellus' eyes.

"Why should I?" Marcellus asked innocently and pressed the naked boy against him.

He reached down and grabbed Anik's balls roughly and squeezed them hard. Anik cried out and folded and desperately tried to pull away.

This was too much for Tiberius and with a roar he attacked Marcellus. Marcellus stepped back surprised and let Anik go. The boy collapsed and was lying on his side and cupped his hurting balls. Tiberius saw red and attacked Marcellus but before he could tackle him, strong arms pulled him back. He was in the iron grip of one of the soldiers which guarded the Roman. He screamed and kicked hysterically but the guard held him easily.

Marcellus stepped closer to Tiberius.

"See, see, there is some spunk in you after all. But once I am through with you, your mind will be gone?" Marcellus hissed and ordered the soldiers to tie the wrists of the boys behind their backs.

They were led to the center of the room and a slave girl holding a rope walked towards Anik.

"Do not be afraid?and please?do not anger Marcellus anymore?" she whispered.

She began draping the rope around Anik's upper body and crossed it over his chest. Then she wound it around the root of his cock and around his balls and then along his crack to his back where she made a knot.

She reached up for another rope that was dangling from the ceiling and tied it to the one around Anik's body.

"What are you doing?" Anik asked confused.

"It is fine, it will not hurt you..." she said soothingly and waved to a slave at the corner of the room.

The slave pulled at the rope and Anik was slowly being hoisted up. Soon he was dangling horizontally, his chest facing the ceiling and about waist-high. The girl gently crossed his ankles and tied them securely, then she did the same with his wrists. Anik was swaying slowly, every part of his body accessible and exposed. The boy was obviously excited by his helplessness and his slender penis was semi erect already.

The girl repeated the procedure and soon Tiberius was in the same position, a few paces away from his lover.

Marcellus stepped closer and clapped with his hands.

"Very well, Eumelia, you have deserved a treat now. Make them hard before the guest arrive?"

The girl nodded and smiled embarrassedly at Tiberius and started to stroke him gently. His phallus quickly stiffened in her warm hand, then she went to Anik and made him fully erect too.

Both boys slowly rotated and once in a while they managed to touch each other with their toes or to look into their eyes. They prepared for a long stay like this and tried to relax and let their arms and legs dangle down.

The guest started to arrive and exclaimed when they saw the two naked boys slowly swaying with their wrists and ankles tied and their thighs spread. Some walked over to them at once and couldn't wait to fondle them. One women began stroking Tiberius while a man curiously rubbed his finger against Anik's ring before pressing it in. It did not take long before both youths ejaculated all over their chests and abs. The women scooped some of their seed up and fed it to Tiberius, then she went away to get food for herself. But somebody else took her place at once and so it went for hours. After a while the heads of the two boys were lolling and their bodies twitched and shuddered when they were forced to ejaculate again and again.

This had been the plan by Marcellus all along. Most Greeks or Romans would not have treated even slaves the way they were behaving towards Anik and Tiberius. But by gradually allowing the guests to use and play with the boys, the inhibitions they might have felt at the beginning were slowly being eroded away. Marcellus stood at the side and watched with a cold smile. He observed amused as a slightly bored looking girl fumbled with the flaccid penis of Anik and was not able to elicit any reaction anymore. But rather than stopping she started tugging at his balls and then squeezed them. She must have been quite rough since Anik moaned and his body started to swing at the rope and the girl had to steady him. She continued squeezing and rolling his testicles with her fingers before she walked away.

The guests became bored when Anik and Tiberius both ceased reacting. But then one drunk young man stepped towards Anik. He nearly fell and grabbed Anik's shoulder to steady himself. This pushed the head of the boy down until it was on the height of the man's crotch. Marcellus watched the man staring down at Anik's face. He grinned and reached down with one hand and pulled his cock out of his loincloth. He hitched his tunic up and stroked his penis until he was hard. Marcellus was astonished when he saw the size of the man's erection. The length and thickness of the veiny shaft was quite extraordinary.

The man shouted to a friend of his who grinned and walked over to him and opened Anik's mouth. The drunk youth pressed his phallus into the mouth of Anik. The man put his hands around Anik's sides and pulled the boy towards him. His cockhead hit the boy's tonsils and Anik gagged and retched. But the man was undeterred and pulled Anik closer. The thick phallus started expanding Anik's throat and the boy struggled and retched desperately. The boy trashed around frantically and tried to breathe but the man used Anik's body like a doll and swung him back and forth.

His friend went over to Tiberius and began doing the same, watched by guests who encouraged them and yelled and laughed. Both boys gagged and trashed around for a while before their movements became spastic and they drifted off into unconsciousness.

Marcellus was just about to intervene since he did not want the two boys to be damaged before he had his way with them. He wanted them to be in the best shape possible before he started with his slow and terrible revenge. But suddenly both men bellowed and pressed the heads of the boys against their crotches. They grunted and groaned and then stepped aside and adjusted their tunics. The guest laughed hysterically while the two boys hung limp at the ropes, their backs arched and their heads tilted back and semen oozing out of their open mouths.

A concerned slave girl hurried over to them to check on them. She was relieved when they were merely unconscious and were breathing normally.

Fortunately for the two youths the party came to an end. They were carried away back to their cage. As in every night before, they were woken by the sounds of screaming and moaning. They sat up and listened helplessly. They had not been cleaned and they realized that their crotches and abs and chests were thickly coated with their cum. But they were not concerned by this and listened to the noises of the boy shrieking and trashing around. Again they heard the soft voice of Marcellus directing and giving orders to a girl. It was already early morning when Marcellus finally told the girl to stop.

"Stop now, I think he cannot take anything anymore. Let him recuperate and we continue tomorrow night" Marcellus told the girl.

The girls sobbed and stayed for a while, whispering and consoling the boy.

At last, Anik and Tiberius were able to fell back into an uneasy sleep.

They were woken and fed during mid-day and given more time in the pool to swim. This time they were led out into the garden and ordered to run to relax and tone their muscles. They were both glad for the opportunity to exercise and they ran around for hours.

Once they could not run anymore they collapsed on the grass to catch their breath. The girl walked over to them and looked around. Once she was sure that they were unobserved she crouched down beside them.

"Tonight will be difficult for you but do not worry, you will not be hurt. But if you want some time for yourself, you can go behind the bushes now before I will have to bring you to be cleaned and prepared" she told them and smiled apologetically.

Anik and Tiberius thanked her for her kindness. They quickly hid behind the bushes and at first just sat there, facing each other with their legs wrapped around each other and kissed gently. They realized that even though they had been forced to climax for at least a hundred times, they had never made love with each other since they had set foot into the palace of Marcellus. After caressing each other for a while, Tiberius reclined on his back and Anik went on all fours over him. They began sucking each other's cocks and tried to make it last as long as possible. But all too soon the girl told them to hurry. They sucked harder and quickly ejaculated into each other's mouth.

They got up and wiped their lips and then followed the girl to the pool where they cleaned each other and then were massaged and oiled. Once their naked bodies were glistening with scented oil, they were led to the throne room. This time the tables with food were positioned along the walls which left a large area of the room free.

Marcellus watched but did not approach the two youths. After the surprising attack by Tiberius the day before, he preferred to watch the preparations from a distance.

Anik and Tiberius were told to kneel. A slave girl gently pushed them down and then tied their wrists behind their backs with ropes. She crossed their ankles and tied them too and put a leather collar around their necks. The two boys were left kneeling for a long time. They watched but nobody talked to them and they became increasingly anxious. Anik shuffled closer to Tiberius until their shoulders touched. Tiberius tried to smile encouragingly and kissed Anik deeply. They both closed their eyes to savor this moment. Their played with their tongues and Anik sucked at the lower lip of Tiberius. Soon both sported raging erections and their kissing became increasingly heated and frantic.

Marcellus watched amused but did not order yet to pull them apart. It was quite useful that the boys were in heat when the guests arrived. Only when the two lovers started to press against each other and tried to rub themselves to an orgasm did he snip with a finger and a slave boy hurried to the two lovers and pulled them apart.

Marcellus walked towards them and looked down on them. They were both panting and Tiberius had nearly climaxed. He glanced down at the Roman boy's swollen glans and saw that a thin tickle of semen was oozing from its slit. Obviously, they had been pulled apart just in the nick of time. Marcellus bent down and sniffed and noted with satisfaction that both boys exuded a strong odor of sex, a heady mix of precum and sweat with a whiff of semen. The two boys were tense and trembled slightly while he remained looming over them. A shiver of nearly sexual satisfaction went through him and he could barely await to start experimenting with the boys.

He lifted Anik's chin with his finger and stared into the eyes of the frightened boy. He did not talk and after what seemed like an eternity to Anik, he gently patted his cheek and walked away.

The guest started arriving soon afterwards and many were already excited by the expectation of playing with the boys.

The guest were directed to the food and they began eating and drinking and talking animatedly while Anik and Tiberius were kneeling in the middle of the room. After waiting anxiously, the two boys were desperate to be close to each other and began kissing, not caring that they were being watched by the guests. It was as if they were trying to flee into their own private world, far away from the depravities and horrors of the palace of Marcellus.

All too soon they felt a tugging at their neck collars and they were being pulled apart. Two slaves carrying an amphora stepped forward. They tilted the amphora and oil began oozing down onto the boys. They were coated all over in the oil and they were kneeling in a large puddle of the gooey substance.

Marcellus walked over to them and stopped at the edge of the puddle of oil. He began talking in a low voice so that only the boys could hear him.

"Today you will have it easy. I only demand of you that you spill your seed into each other, which is what you seem to do anyway most of the time. But there is a twist. I expect you to do it at least a dozen times. If you do it only eleven times, I will flog one slave, if you perform only ten times, two slaves will be flogged and so on. And my soldiers will keep track carefully."

"Please? not twelve times?please?not the slaves?" Anik began begging, but Marcellus turned and walked away.

"Anik and Tiberius have just promised me that they will perform at least a dozen times for you, my dear friends" Marcellus addressed his guests.

"Please eat and watch them. I am sure that once you are sated, they will be grateful if you will join them. But first, eat and enjoy?" he added and the guests began shouting exuberantly.

Tiberius sighed and glanced at the nervous slaves who were watching apprehensively.

"We have to do it?we can't have Marcellus flog the slaves" he whispered to Anik.

Anik took a deep breath, then he bent down, his face in the slippery oil and raised his hips up and offered his anus to Tiberius.

Tiberius shuffled closer and managed to rub his cock against Anik's buttock and he soon became hard. His cock was slick with the oil and when he pressed against the boy's ring, it easily slid in. But as soon as his member was in his lover's anus, Anik slithered away on the slippery floor and Tiberius's penis plopped out. Now the boys realized why they had been tied and covered with oil. The guests laughed while Marcellus merely smiled coldly.

"Try again?slowly?" Anik whispered and lifted his hips again.

This time Tiberius pressed lightly and then managed to squeeze his cock in. But when he tried to move his cock back and forth, Anik slid away again and his phallus slid out.

The guests roared with laughter and Tiberius nearly screamed in frustration.

"Try putting in only your knob. I will do the rest then?" Anik said softly and resumed his position.

With a quick jab Tiberius inserted his cockhead into the boy. He remained kneeling and did not dare to move to not make Anik slide away again.

Then he felt his cockhead being squeezed rhythmically. Anik contracted and relaxed his sphincter and the taut muscle began stimulating Tiberius. The guests watched curiously and wondered why the boys did not move. After a while they could see the chest of Tiberius rising and falling quicker. Tiberius closed his eyes and leaned his head back to fully concentrated on the feeling of the muscle around his glans. Then an orgasm approached and he moaned loudly and pumped his semen into Anik. He slowly pulled his cock out and Anik turned his buttocks towards the watching guests. He pressed and a glob of semen flowed out of his quivering hole.

The guests cheered and laughed and then watched Anik reclining on his back. Tiberius bent over him and began sucking Anik, his head bobbing. Soon Anik shuddered and moaned and ejaculated too. Tiberius sat up and opened his mouth wide to show the guest Anik's cum.

Tiberius bent down again and fed Anik his seed, knowing that this would make the boy hot and help keeping him hard and excited.

"Now you lie down?" Anik told Tiberius.

Tiberius reclined and Anik slithered towards him and tried to sit on his chest. It was nearly impossible with both his hands and feet tied, but after many frustrating attempts he finally managed to sit on the chest of his lover. His feet were on the face of Tiberius who began licking Anik's soles. The boy moaned happily, then bent his upper body forward and pushed back. It took many attempts again but at the end, Anik managed to impale himself on Tiberius' phallus. He began clenching and unclenching his buttocks. Tiberius felt the anal muscles of Anik sliding and pressing against his shaft. It was a very different kind of making love than how they did it usually. Tiberius until now always pounded into Anik, especially once he felt getting close. This time they had to do it unhurriedly and could barely move. His climax built up much slower but when he erupted, it was more intense and satisfying. Tiberius watched Anik grinding against him, his taut buttocks flexing while he stimulated the boy by sucking his toes. After a while Tiberius began clenching his buttocks too, adding to the movement of Anik. He felt a wave of lust flowing all through his body and he screamed loudly and ejaculated.

Once he was spent, Anik bent forward until the cock plopped out of him and semen bubbled from his hole.

Again the guests cheered and then watched as Anik slid forward over the oily body of his lover until his erection entered the mouth of his lover. Anik was lying flat on Tiberius, with his crotch covering his face and nearly smothering him. Tiberius sucked him and caressed his cock with his tongue. It did not take long until Anik whimpered and then exploded. The spectators cheered again when they saw white cum flowing down the cheek of Tiberius.

Anik slid off Tiberius and the two boys were lying on their side and caught their breath.

"It?it is not easy?I...don't know if we can do it a dozen times?" Anik whispered.

"We have to?we have no choice?" Tiberius replied softly.

Anik nodded and after a while turned on his back. He pushed his legs and hips up and then back until his feet rested behind his head. Tiberius kneeled and looked first at the sticky hole of Anik, then down into his eyes.

"You have to make me hard first?" he whispered and moved closer until his balls and flaccid penis were resting on Anik's face. The boy began sucking at his balls, then his tongue slid along his phallus. Eventually Tiberius was sufficiently hard again. He lifted his hips and nearly stood up, and let himself drop onto the boy. Tiberius was bent and covered Anik like a roof. Anik grunted but now Tiberius pressed down with his weight and the boy did not slide away. Tiberius squirmed and twisted until he felt his cockhead pressing against Anik's hole. With a push he pressed in and then began grinding against his lover. This time it took a long time until he came, but finally he screamed in triumph when he felt his semen shooting into the boy.

Tiberius cock softened and plopped out and he collapsed on the floor.

"It...is so hard?" he gasped while Anik kneeled beside him and kissed him gently.

"Do you want me to breed you??" Anik whispered and gazed into the eyes of his lover.

Tiberius swallowed and smiled nervously, but then he nodded. Without further words he groaned and sat up and bent down and offered his clenched ring to Anik.

Anik wiggled closer and began sliding his tongue along the tight ring. Tiberius was nervous and tense and it took a long while before Anik felt the muscle relaxing slightly. He puckered his lips and sucked at it and soon he was rewarded when Tiberius started moaning lustfully. Anik continued sucking at the ring until the sphincter relaxed sufficiently to push his tongue in. Tiberius moaned even louder while Anik flicked his tongue in and out.

Anik sat up again and shuffled closer and began rubbing his erection against the crack of Tiberius.

"It will hurt a bit, but my penis is not thick" Anik said soothingly.

Tiberius turned his head and smiled.

Anik began pressing but felt his lover clenching his ring again.

"Breathe deeply and try pressing it out" Anik advised.

This time the tip of Anik's cockhead slid in. Anik took a deep breath, then he pushed in with a quick, hard jab. Tiberius shrieked in shock when he felt being penetrated. He slithered away from the force of Anik's thrust but his sphincter was clamped so tightly around the ridge of his cockhead that Anik was actually dragged along and remained inside his lover.

"Shhhhh?shhhhhh?.everything is fine?I am inside you?" Anik said soothingly and gently caressed Tiberius' back.

Slowly his lover calmed down and then began clenching his buttocks. Anik closed his eyes, savoring the feeling of being inside Tiberius and of the strong muscle clenching and spasming around his glans. He twisted and jabbed his cock in all direction, careful to remain inside. At long last he felt an orgasm approaching and erupted and bred Tiberius.

He whimpered and then slowly pulled back and his semi-erect penis slid out. Tiberius was too exhausted to lift his hips to show the spectators that Anik had seeded him, but everyone could see a string of semen oozing down his crack and then dangle from his balls.

The guest shouted and laughed and became increasingly excited. Watching the two boys perform and seeing their glistening bodies sliding and convulsing aroused most of the guests and the powerful odor of semen added to their excitement. Soon a few of the horniest men and women took off their sandals and stepped forward and into the puddle of oil. They hitched up their togas and tunics and kneeled next to the boys. One woman wrapped her hand around the limp penis of Anik and began stroking him. He whimpered since his cock was still sensitive but the woman did not care. A man held Anik down and immobile while the woman rubbed him. She laughed gleefully when she felt the penis finally stiffening and stroked even harder. A man grabbed Tiberius's head by his hairs and dragged him over so that his mouth was over Anik's hard cock. The woman stroked Anik quickly and at last Anik moaned weakly and expelled a trickle of semen. The man pressed Tiberius' head down and let him swallow.

The woman had a reputation for cruelty and depravity, and it surprised nobody who knew her that she continued stroking the boy. Anik trashed around wildly but was held securely by her companion. Anik began shrieking loudly and the woman finally let go of his cock.

"I want you to arouse me with your tongue until I squirt?if you don't, I will continue stroking you till you faint?" she told the shaking boy.

He nodded weakly and the woman fixed him with a steely glare. Then she squatted over him and with one quick movement threw off her tunic. Her companion lifted Anik's head until he could reach her with his tongue. He stared up at her vagina, not sure where to lick her. He flicked his tongue out and slid it against her clitoris. The woman moaned and lowered herself even more. Anik pushed his tongue inside her vagina, desperately trying to find a spot that excited her so that it would end soon. He found the spot and was rewarded with the sounds of the woman moaning and shivering. Anik pressed and rubbed his tongue against the spot and quite soon he saw her getting tense and then without warning she expelled fluid all over Anik's face. Anik cried out in shock while the woman squirted and gushed all over his face.

She got up and stepped away and her companion dropped Anik's head and followed her. Quickly he felt somebody else grabbing his hair and lifting his head so that he could watch Tiberius being stroked. It took a long while but then he was erect. He was on his back with one man holding his hard cock at its base so that it pointed straight up. Anik was lifted up and pushed roughly onto the phallus of Tiberius. It happened so quickly that he had no time to prepare himself and he cried out in pain. This merely encouraged his tormentors. They held him under his arms and he felt himself being bounced up and down. He screamed while Tiberius' hard cock moved quickly back and forth inside his rectum. It came as a relief when Tiberius eventually buckled under him and climaxed.

He was lifted off and thrown to the side and he heard how Tiberius screamed while somebody stroked him and tried to make him hard again. It seemed like an eternity but they were eventually successful and Anik was lifted up again. This time he was placed on his back on top of Tiberius. A man pushed him down while another held Tiberius' stiff phallus and Anik felt himself being impaled again. He turned his heard and saw Tiberius face under him, his eyes wild and desperate. Anik kissed his lover deeply while he felt the hard phallus of Tiberius pressing up against his wall. His position was not very comfortable with his wrists tied behind his back, but it was bearable and he enjoyed feeling the hot body of his lover under him.

But then he felt something pressing against his ring. He lifted his head and saw in shock a naked youth kneeling with his hand around his erection. The youth seemed to be beside himself with lust and he began pressing again and tried to enter Anik.

"Please?stop?please?" Anik pleaded.

But a woman kneeling behind them and holding them encouraged him to try again and the youth resumed his wild jabbing. Anik groaned and felt his ring stretching. It hurt more and more and he screamed desperately. The youth sweated and pressed and finally managed to push the tip of his glans in. Fortunately he was so excited that this was sufficient for him to ejaculate. He spilled his semen over Tiberius' cock and slowly calmed down. By this time Anik was lying limp and barely conscious on top of Tiberius.

Tiberius lifted his head and whispered into Anik's ear, trying to comfort him. Then another guest grabbed Anik around the waist and began sliding him up and down, trying to make Tiberius cum. It took a long time before Tiberius was climaxing and when he did he expelled only a few drops of semen.

The boys sobbed silently and the rest of the night went by without them comprehending much. The party became a kaleidoscope of disjointed pictures and sensations. Guests groped them and some penetrated them and used their bodies like dolls to make them cum.

Once they were too exhausted and spent, the guest became bored with them and they were left alone. They could remember that the woman who had squirted over Anik slapped their faces to wake them.

Two slaves hurried over and helped them to sit up.

They looked around and noticed that most guests were naked and had obviously engaged in a wild orgy.

One of the few who had not participated in the orgy was Marcellus who was still immaculately dressed.

"My friends, the party is over?but before you go home, let's hear how the boys have performed" he said and looked questioningly at a pair of soldiers.

"Anik had expelled seed fourteen times and Tiberius thirteen times?even though at the end it was just a few drops" one soldier proclaimed.

"Ah?so the slaves got lucky" Marcellus commented.

"Bring them back to the cage and let them recover" he said ominously.

Then he bent over them and whispered softly into their ears.

"Do not worry, the parties are over. Enjoy the coming weeks. I want you to be as strong as possible so that your death will be a slow one. And you will not die of pain, but of sexual frenzy"

Anik and Tiberius began crying, more from the relief that no slave would be flogged than from pain. They were dragged out and locked into their cage where they collapsed at once. The night was blissfully quiet and nothing woke them from their deep slumber. It was close to midday when they woke up. Their bodies still hurt and they were covered in a gooey mix of oil and semen and other bodily juices. A slave must have watched them since soon a girl arrived and unlocked the cage. She sniffed when she came close to the boys who smiled embarrassedly. They were led to the pool where they washed the grime off their bodies and then swam to loosen their limbs. After a massage they were served a meal of fish and bread and fruits which they wolfed down.

Once they were sated the girl led them out to the garden.

"Marcellus has given you complete freedom to do what you want as long as you exercise and work out. He has me tell you that you are free to roam the palace but that you will be watched at all times by his soldiers."

The boys nodded and despite their freedom, as limited as it was, they felt a chill go through their body. They realized that if not for a miracle, their death was only weeks away.

But they were young and resilient and resolved to use the time as good as they could. Not caring if anybody was watching, they began kissing each other and then made frantic love to each other. Afterwards they were lying in the grass and promised each other to use every moment they had remaining to make love and to experience it to its fullest.

Next: Chapter 9

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